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2022–2023 TCBA President

Fall is traditionally a time of ramping back up, transition, and planning for the coming months. Dependent on your stage in life, you are either sending children or grandchildren back to school or college to start a new school year, adjusting to the new fall sports schedule and trying to figure out how not to schedule out-of-town depositions on game days so you may be able to make at least some of your child’s volleyball games, or realizing you have to start leaving home earlier again because of the traffic created by everyone else dropping their children at school in the morning.

During fall, the TCBA also is preparing for a full season of activities in which its members can participate over the approaching months. The Brown Bag/CLE Committee is scheduling many CLEs for the upcoming year to provide very reasonably priced CLE to TCBA members, primarily taught by our wonderful Tarrant County lawyers. The Holiday Party Committee is in full swing planning the annual TCBA holiday party for December, not to mention the many other TCBA committees, along with the TCBA staff, already hard at work ensuring that all of our regular events (e.g., Docket Calls, luncheons, etc.) come off without noticeable hitches. The Tarrant County Bar Foundation also has its Justice for All Gala on November 4, 2022. This is an event that should not be missed that raises resources to further the mission of the TCBF in funding important community service projects.

In all the melee that is fall, it is hard to not let anything slip through the cracks. However, if you have not already, now is the time to remember to renew, and then actually renew, your TCBA membership to take advantage of all of the TCBA CLEs and other member events available. You can easily renew your membership (and the membership of all the other attorneys in your office) at tarrantbar.org by clicking on the “Explore Membership” tab at the top of the website and then selecting the “Renew Your Membership” option.

You also can join a variety of TCBA committees to contribute your talents to serving other TCBA members and the community. If you have just binge-watched all four seasons of Stranger Things (like my twelve-year-old has over the past several weeks with my husband) and are now just biding time until the next season of Stranger Things comes out, you have some time to join a TCBA committee. My twelve-year-old has advised that the next and final season of Stranger Things is not expected to come out until late 2023. So, you have an entire TCBA bar year of time to spend a couple hours here and there working on a TCBA committee and contributing to a TCBA event or recurring need while you await finding out how Stranger Things ends. If you are interested in serving on a TCBA committee, please feel free to contact me at karen.denney@haynesboone.com or TCBA’s Executive Director Kayla Dailey at kayla@tarrantbar.org to learn which TCBA committees are lean and could use some assistance.

For those of you who are so swamped that finding an hour here or there would provide you with much-needed sleep and do not have the capacity to serve on a TCBA committee, we hope you will find the time to at least attend one or more TCBA events. Upcoming TCBA events can be viewed at tarrantbar.org by clicking on the “Events and Education” tab at the top of the website and then selecting the “Calendar of Events” option. TCBA upcoming events information also is contained in the Monday email that the TCBA sends to its members.

Whether you are in the category of people who have extra time this fall or are within the group who are not sure how everything will get done this fall without extra hours being added to each day, the coming months, including the holidays, will be here more quickly than any of us expect. My pastor recently preached on Colossians 1:9-13, which focuses on, among other things, being thankful. As I sat in the service, trying not to think of the five work projects I should get done that afternoon so the following week was a little less hectic, his words and the passage sank in. He stated words to the effect of, while we do not have to be thankful for all circumstances, we need to be thankful in all circumstances. Thanksgiving isn’t here yet, but, as the long to-do list continues to grow longer, as do the work hours, being thankful for the small things that occur is important. For example, getting a case resolved that was set on a four-week trial docket that encompassed your children’s spring break is an outcome about which to be thankful.

We definitely can be continuously thankful throughout the year for small and big things. We all can be thankful for the abilities we have been given, the wonderful legal community in which we practice, and how we can serve our clients and the general community around us through our legal or other talents. Always remembering to be thankful for these gifts helps us during times of transition, like the fall, keep everything in proper perspective. g

Tarrant County Bar Association

817.338.4092 ▪ Fax 817.335.9238 website: www.tarrantbar.org email: tcba@tarrantbar.org

2022–2023 Officers

Directors Term Ends 2022

Term Ends 2023

Tarrant County Young Lawyers Association

President.........................................Karen Denney President-Elect.........................................Lu Pham Vice President...................................Scott Lindsey Secretary-Treasurer.................Marvina Robinson

Director.........................................John Brookman Director..................................................Cheryl Leb Director.......................................Michael McBride

Director..............................................Bryan Bruner Director..........................................Lyndsay Newell Director..............................................Angel Williams 2022–2023 Appointed Directors

Appointed Director............................Christy Jack Appointed Director...........................Aleed Rivera

Fall 2022 President.....................Aulstin Gardiner Fall 2023 President....................Elizabeth Haslam

Immediate Past President..........Kimberly Naylor Executive Director.............................Kayla Dailey

Ex-Officio Members State Bar of Texas Director..................................................Jeff Cochran

Bar Bulletin Graphics/Production...................Elizabeth Banda



9Tarrant County Bar Foundation Receives 2022 Deborah G. Hankinson Award

12 Tarrant County Bar Foundation Justice for All Gala

21 Tarrant County Bar Association and Tarrant County Family Law Bar Association’s Boo at the Bar 23 The Eldon B. Mahon Inn of Court: Who We Are and What We Do


1 President’s Page 3 YLA Snapshot 4 100 Club 6 Membership Report 9 Tarrant County Volunteer Attorney Services 10 LegalLine 18 Snippets 20 Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans 26 Lawyers on the Move & in the News 28 A Word From Our Sections

The Tarrant County Bar Bulletin is a bi-monthly publication of the Tarrant County Bar Association. Articles, photos, suggestions or comments should be directed to: elizabeth@tarrantbar.org 1315 Calhoun Street ▪ Fort Worth, TX 76102-6504

Deadline for submission:

December 1........................................January/February February 1...................................................March/April April 1...............................................................May/June June 1.............................................................July/August August 1..........................................September/October October 1.....................................November/December

Articles published in the Bar Bulletin do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Tarrant County Bar Association, its officers or the Board of Directors. Advertisements and feature articles should not be considered an endorsement of any service, product, program, seminar or event.

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