Smart Metering the Clouds

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Smart Metering the Clouds A vision paper with Open Extensible Architecture Tarry Singh, Cloud Technologist Pavan Yara, Cloud Technologist/Reseach Scholar IIT Madras

Groningen, 29th June 2009

Atos, Atos and fish symbol, Atos Origin and fish symbol, Atos Consulting, and the fish itself are registered trademarks of Atos Origin SA. August 2006 Š 2006 Atos Origin. Confidential information owned by Atos Origin, to be used by the recipient only. This document or any part of it, may not be reproduced, copied, circulated and/or distributed nor quoted without prior written approval from Atos Origin.


»Participant Introductions »The challenge »The proposal : Open Extensible Architecture »Next Steps


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Internet Scale Computing has finally arrived

» “ If computers of the kind I have advocated become the computers of the future, then computing may someday be organized as a public utility just as the telephone system is a public utility... The computer utility could become the basis of a new and important industry. „ —John McCarthy, MIT Centennial in 1961 » “As of now, computer networks are still in their infancy, but as they grow up and become sophisticated, we will probably see the spread of ‘computer utilities’, which, like present electric and telephone utilities, will service individual homes and offices across the country. „ —Leonard Kleinrock,1969 3

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But limiting factors do exist

» Time took for world to consume first trillion barrels of oil = 140, next = 30! » 2/3rd energy is consumed in cities with 50% population, soon that figure to grow to 70% » 15% of fuel is used to move a vehicle, rest of it is lost » Same problem exists in the data centers » 1.3 Billion humans on the internet, more coming soon... 4

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Who should we blame?



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Why we still think Clouds will grow massivelyFew examples


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Cloud Data Center costs


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Focus maybe on capital costs but what about energy and “other� hidden costs?


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Tell me more...

» Emergence of Cloud and Cloud based Services » Data Center Energy Consumption, Costs and Efficiency » Environmental implications » Next: What we need at this point is some new Architectural Decision Points!


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A Layered Cloud Architecture and Service Offerings Possible

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Connecting the dots

This range of cloud services coupled with the sky rocketing data center energy consumption costs needs a smarter way of monitoring, measuring and controlling in the true cloud computing spirit

*Open discussion here possible

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Our LCO* contructs– Smart Grid and Smart Metering

» Smart Grid – How is it different from Regular dumb grid? » Smart Metering – NGUM devices with real-time sensors, power outage management and power quality monitoring

*Low Cost Operatorship 12 Custom presentation- or document control name

Our vision – Applying smart metering to Clouds

» Information of energy costs as they are incurred and how to curb/manage them » Codes and standards for new applications, appliances (both hw and sw), data center superstructures and industrial processes » Enabling/consolidating technologies that control costs in real-time by unifying all measurement appliances such as circuit meters, plug meters etc 13 Custom presentation- or document control name

Our vision – Applying smart metering to Clouds – contd.

» Rebates and financing for adoption of smart enduse of applications/technologies » Smarter rate design - such as inclining block rates/dynamic pricing rates

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Open Extensible Architecture

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A “True Cloud” Marketplace – Clouds of Clouds, lots of choice!

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Pricing Model – what are the challenges

» Differentiated Pricing Structures needed but energy firms must take an active role » Inflexible pricing » Single provider, flat rate - Not dynamic enough for a elastic and aspirational consumer » Proprietary and vendor lock-in – Easy to get in, hard to get out 17 Custom presentation- or document control name

Next Steps

» Initiate and build Data Centers with Smart Metering in mind » Fuel economic recovery while not hurting the environment » Release yourself from the clutches of rock-oil, gas and coal » Just start working smarter, please [You don’t want your tax dollars to go to when those legacy Data Centers will scream for stimulus by 2020] 18 Custom presentation- or document control name

Green Stimulus Package: Key factors for a combo-recovery

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Oh yeah..also reduce our footprint Datacenters are huge CO2 factories •

1 full rack of blade servers = 20-25 kW = peak demand of 30 homes

Every virtualized workload saves… •

4 tons of CO2 emissions

Equivalent to 1.5 cars off road

Un-utilized server capacity in the industry equates to: $140 billion, 3 year supply, more than 20 million servers (IDC) 80 million tons of CO2 per year, more than half of ALL countries in South America produce

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Future: Abengoa Combo Grid Central?

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...and Power Nanny at the consumer end?

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My shameless plug – help me get that kid out of war!

Blog: Google Groups Cloud Computing email: tarry.singh@gmail.c om, Join Linkedin Group: http://www /groupRegistration? gid=45655

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Thank you!

Future work – “True Cloud Computing” book in writing by both authors 24 Custom presentation- or document control name

For more information please contact:

Tarry Singh t +31 (0) 30617633 Atos Origin (Country and legal form) Papendorpsweg Utrecht Atos, Atos and fish symbol, Atos Origin and fish symbol, Atos Consulting, and the fish itself are registered trademarks of Atos Origin SA. August 2006 Š 2006 Atos Origin. Confidential information owned by Atos Origin, to be used by the recipient only. This document or any part of it, may not be reproduced, copied, circulated and/or distributed nor quoted without prior written approval from Atos Origin.

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