Get Rid of Acne Make way for a Clear Skin
Acne Treatment The majority of acne facials claim to reduce acne symptoms by washing the skin and removing pollutants, debris, and excess oil. Exfoliation, or the removal of dead skin cells, is used to unclog pores. Skin irritation and oil production are reduced. decreasing irritability
Chemical Peel A chemical peel is a type of skin rejuvenation technique that involves applying a chemical solution to the skin and peeling away the top layers. After a chemical peel, the skin that grows back is smoother and younger appearing. Chemical peels are primarily performed on the face to remove wrinkles, skin discolouration, and scars. A chemical peel can be used on its own or in conjunction with other cosmetic treatments.
Skin Biopsy A skin biopsy is a process that involves removing cells or skin samples from your body for testing in the lab. A skin biopsy is used to diagnose skin diseases and remove abnormal tissue by a doctor.
There are 3 types of biopsy been done Shave Biopsy Punch Biopsy Excisional Biopsy
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