Free Verse Poem: A Space to Dream Big By Dr. Amy Sharp, NBCT, Assistant Principal, Lake Travis ISD I am in the land of dreaming big at TCSWE. “What a happy land,” I think. I pinch myself. Yes, I am here. I have arrived. This is real. You see, I envision myself doing these HUGE things, and I put voice and vision to these big things here in this space. Then, I am brought back down to earth. But, that’s how dreaming big works, right?
This is real.
I envision it so clearly that I can actually feel it… like a big goosebumps experience with a tear you choke back. Only to snap out of it once you step back to your hotel room, get in your car, and take that drive back to your real responsibility. “Keep at the work, girl,” you hear your inner voice say in the #knowing and quiet of the everyday after space. And, so, what do you do? You reflect. You breathe. You work. You strive. You follow-up. You connect. You thrive. You hope. You dream. You believe. #myoneword You serve. Nothing I heard in this space said that I should wait and keep those big ideas in my head. “Know who you are…
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