Women & Equity: “The Visibly Invisible” School and Workplace Issues of Women and Girls Dr. Danita Bailey-Samples, Texas Southern University Dr. Christian Stevenson Winn, Spring Independent School District Abstract This article will engage readers in exploring the historical disparities that have disproportionately affected Black women for centuries and continue to permeate the workplace and society as a whole. Additionally, readers will further understand the inequities in educational policies, practices, and programs that exist in our schools and limit student success, particularly that of Black girls. The authors will also prompt readers to reflect on their personal biases, and their impact on one's perspective and professional practice. This article cites related research and promotes research-based recommendations for policy and practice.
Introduction This article began as a conference seminar presentation, which we were planning to facilitate, in a virtual setting. Upon seeing the call for submissions and viewing our work essential to “living the dream,” our minds became fixated with publishing this work to extend our reach and broaden the messaging about issues that confront other women and girls who look like us. While the topic is not new, by any means, our aim is to surface and confront issues that disproportionately affect women and girls in one of the most common environments in which we exist on a daily basis our workplaces and schools. To fully uncover the issues, history cannot be ignored. We seek to examine the past and the ills rooted within those years to make meaningful connections and sharpen perspectives. Similarly, this work serves as a conversation-starter, which we hope causes the reader to pause, reflect, and brace oneself to face the honest truth about past experiences, and personal biases and prejudices against those who are like us, as well as toward those who are different. Lastly, recommendations for 66 | J O U R N A L O F T E X A S S C H O O L W O M E N E X E C U T I V E S