2015 Texas Assessment Conference Program

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29th Annual

Texas Assessment Conference 26th Annual

Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel Conference


Sunday, February 15—Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Hilton Austin Hotel and Austin Convention Center

Conference Sponsors: Texas Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (TAACE) Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel (TACTP) Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) Texas Statewide Network of Assessment Professionals (TSNAP)

2015 Conference Planning Committee Conference Chair *Cari Wieland Independent Consultant Texas Assessment Association (TAA) Michael Strozeski Strozeski Enterprises Texas Statewide Network of Assessment Professionals (TSNAP) *Laura Witte Director of Testing North East ISD Emily Lorenz TSNAP President Director, Curriculum & Assessment San Antonio ISD Cindy Blair TSNAP Vice-President Director of Testing San Antonio ISD Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel (TACTP) *Wendy Gruver Director, College Readiness Texas A&M University-Commerce

Texas Education Agency (TEA) *Lisa Cottle Director Student Assessment Division Texas Education Agency Gloria Zyskowski Division Director Student Assessment Division Texas Education Agency Glenn Kirchner Manager Student Assessment Division Texas Education Agency Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) Paul Whitton, Jr. Associate Executive Director Pat Johnston Director of Special Services Maria Cruz Administrative Assistant

Save the Date

Marisa Pierce TACTP President El Paso Community College Carita Webster TACTP President-Elect San Jacinto College Central Texas Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (TAACE) *Carolyn Greer Education Consultant Joy Chandler TAACE President Counselor, Alvord ISD John Crawford TAACE President-Elect

* Steering Committee Member 2

2016 Texas Assessment Conference February 14–17, 2016

Continuing Education Credits 1. LPC Credit

Many of the sessions are approved for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) continuing education credit according to the rules of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors (TSBEPC). If you wish to receive LPC credit for a session, a sign-up sheet will be available in each room. Attendees are responsible for submitting your forms to TSBEPC as per its rules.Verification of attendance must be obtained at the time of a session. No verification will be issued at a later time.

2. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) for Superintendents

Effective September 1, 1999, individuals who have not completed all requirements for the Lifetime Superintendent Certificate are issued the Standard Certificate, which must be renewed every five years. Current holders of the Lifetime Superintendent Certificate are not required to participate in the renewal process but may voluntarily choose to do so. The renewal process for superintendents, principals, and assistant principals includes obtaining 200 hours of CPE credit every five years. The local school board will be notified at the end of a five-year period of any employed superintendent in the renewal process, as required or voluntarily, who has not met renewal requirements. The following are standards that are required for the superintendent certificate as stated in Texas Administrative Code ยง242.

Professional Standards for the Superintendency Learner-centered 1. Values and Ethics of Leadership

Special Thanks to our 2015 Sponsors: Evaluation System Group of Pearson Education Testing Services (ETS) The College Board Pearson

Special Acknowledgment The planning committee for the Texas Assessment Conference extends thanks to the Texas Education Agency for extraordinary assistance in planning conference content and presenting timely information.

2. Leadership and District Culture 3. Human Resources Leadership and Management 4. Policy and Governance 5. Communications and Community Relations 6. Organizational Leadership and Management 7. Curriculum Planning and Development 8. Instructional Leadership and Management Certificate renewal standards adopted by SBEC for principals and assistant principals, with the omission of the policy and governance standard, are similar to the superintendent standards; however, the numbering of the standards is slightly different. All sessions are also approved for Counselor Certification Renewal, even though the titles of the standard are different. Complete information, including certificate renewal requirements for teachers, counselors, principals, and assistant principals, can be found at www.sbec.state.tx.us, or by calling 888-863-5880. (If you feel you will need verification for your school district, please complete the Verification of Contact Clock Hours on back cover.)


Texas Assessment Conference Agenda Sunday, February 15 Registration .............................................................................3–7 p.m...............................................Hilton Governor’s Ballroom Foyer TSNAP Board Meeting.............................................................4–6 p.m...................................................................................Hilton 404 TACTP Board Meeting.............................................................4:30–6 p.m..............................................................................Hilton 402 TACTP President’s Reception...................................................6–8 p.m.................................................. Uncle Julio’s (301 Brazos Street) Sponsor: Evaluation Systems Group of Pearson TSNAP Board Dinner...............................................................6–8 p.m.................................................Fogo de Chao (309 E. 3rd Street) Sponsor: Renaissance Learning

Monday, February 16 Registration..............................................................................7:30 a.m.–5 p.m...................................Hilton Governor’s Ballroom Foyer Exhibit Viewing.........................................................................7:30 a.m.–5 p.m........................................................... Hilton Salons A–E Preconference Workshops..........................................................8:30–11:30 a.m...........................................................In rooms scheduled Refreshment Break....................................................................9:45–10:15 a.m............................................................ Hilton Salons A–E Lunch on Your Own (*)............................................................11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. TACTP Business Meeting and Luncheon..................................11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.....................................................................Hilton 406 Sponsor: Educational Testing Services (ETS) Opening General Session...........................................................1:30–2:30 p.m......................................Convention Center Exhibit Hall 5 Speaker: Bertice Berry, Author, Sociologist and Educator Concurrent Sessions..................................................................2:45–4 p.m.................................................................In rooms scheduled Concurrent Sessions..................................................................4:15–5:30 p.m.............................................................In rooms scheduled TAACE Board Meeting.............................................................5:45–7 p.m.......................................................................................TBD

Tuesday, February 17 Registration..............................................................................7:30 a.m.–5 p.m...................................Hilton Governor’s Ballroom Foyer Exhibit Viewing.........................................................................7:30 a.m.–2:45 p.m................................................................. Salons A–E Concurrent Sessions..................................................................8:30–9:45 a.m.............................................................In rooms scheduled Refreshment Break....................................................................9:45–10:15 a.m. .......................................................... Hilton Salons A–E Concurrent Session...................................................................10:15–11:15 a.m.........................................................In rooms scheduled Lunch on Your Own (*)............................................................11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. TSNAP Session/Luncheon........................................................11:30 a.m.–2:15 p.m............................Convention Center Exhibit Hall 5 Austin Convention Center (Ticket Required) Speaker: Pascal (Pat) D. Forgione, Jr., K-12 Center, ETS Concurrent Sessions..................................................................1–2:15 p.m.................................................................In rooms scheduled Refreshment Break....................................................................2:15–2:45 p.m......................................................................... Salons A–E Concurrent Sessions..................................................................2:45–4 p.m.................................................................In rooms scheduled Concurrent Sessions..................................................................4:15–5:30 p.m.............................................................In rooms scheduled TACTP Open Forum................................................................4:15–5:30 p.m.................................................................. Hilton 400/402 Sponsor: The College Board Social Hour: (all conference attendees).......................................6–8 p.m............................................................................Hilton Salon H Host: Pearson (*) See Registration packet for lunch options

Wednesday, February 18 Registration .............................................................................7:30–11 a.m.........................................Hilton Governor’s Ballroom Foyer Concurrent Sessions..................................................................8–9:15 a.m.................................................................In rooms scheduled TSNAP Officers/Board Meeting ..............................................8–9:15 a.m..............................................................................Hilton 404 Concurrent Sessions .................................................................9:30–10:45 a.m...........................................................In rooms scheduled Closing General Session.............................................................11 a.m.–noon ...........................................Hilton Austin Grand Ballroom Speaker: Clint Swindall, President & CEO,Verbalocity


Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel Conference The 26th Annual Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel Conference starts Sunday evening, February 15. The registration fee for Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel grants access to all TACTP and Annual Texas Assessment Conference events. In this join conference, there are four events that either are for TACTP members specifically or are being sponsored by TACTP with assistance from event sponsors: 1) Sunday TACTP President’s Reception 2) Monday TACTP Preconference Session 3) Monday TACTP Business Meeting and Luncheon 4) Tuesday TACTP Open Forum Additionally, TACTP members may attend all of the functions normally offered at the Annual Texas Assessment Conference.

TACTP Agenda Sunday, February 15


3–7 p.m.

Board Meeting

4:30–6 p.m.

Governor’s Ballroom Foyer Hilton 402

(Officers, committee chairs, past presidents, and interested members) President’s Reception

6–8 p.m.

TACTP Event Sponsors: Educational Testing Service (ETS) Evaluation Systems Group of Pearson The College Board

Uncle Julio’s (301 Brazos Street)

Monday, February 16

Preconference Workshop

8:30–11:30 a.m.

Hilton 400

Security, Politics, and Practices: Ways to Achieve Student Success

Presenters: Armando Gomez, Assistant Director of Testing Services, El Paso Community College This session will inform attendees on test security techniques and latest technology innovations being used for cheating on class and certification exams. Politics of testing will include a panel discussion on how testing is always put in the middle of situations (Institution & Student or Test Company & Student). Where are the institutional allies and support? Leaders of Testing will be divided into groups to discuss issues they are experiencing and share best practices. TACTP Business Meeting & Luncheon

11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.

Hilton 406

Annual business meeting and recognition of TACTP members Tuesday, February 17

TACTP Open Forum

4:15–5:30 p.m.

Hilton 406

Presenter: Marisa Pierce, TACTP President This session is a time for TACTP members to openly discuss current issues and concerns related to assessment changes and trends in the Texas higher education system. Please bring your questions or concerns for discussion.


Special Events TSNAP Session/Luncheon

Tuesday, February 17

Convention Center, Exhibit Hall 5

11:30 a.m.–2:15 p.m.

Challenges and Opportunities in Next Generation Assessment Systems: The Consortia and Beyond

Presenter: Pascal (Pat) D. Forgione, Jr., K-12 Center, ETS Moderator: Emily Lorenz, President, TSNAP and Director, Curriculum and Assessment, San Antonio ISD This session will explore the economic and educational factors that drove the recent development of next generation assessment systems in K-12 education across the country, and the assessment design features of such systems. The PARCC and Smarter Balanced assessment system designs will be described, their key attributes contrasted, and the rigor of their items contrasted with released state assessment items of the early 2000s.


Preconference Workshops Monday, February 16, 8:30–11:30 a.m. Security, Politics, and Practices: Ways to Achieve Student Success – Hilton 400

Armando Gomez, Assistant Director of Testing Services, El Paso Community College This preconference informs attendees on test security techniques and the latest technology innovations being used for cheating on class and certification exams. Politics of testing include a panel discussion on how testing is put in the middle of situations (institution and student or test company and student). Where are the institutional allies and support? Leaders of Testing are divided into groups to discuss issues they are experiencing and share best practices. After STAAR and before TEA: SPSS and Student Data Files for Accountability – Hilton 408

Warren Roane, Director of Accountability, Humble ISD Marla Meriano, Coordinator of Assessment, Humble ISD SPSS can help you analyze the STAAR testing data in great detail. We review how to convert raw data files into information useful to testing coordinators and researchers. Participants receive computer syntax files that can be used with SPSS to predict 2015 Accountability using STAAR data files from Pearson. Data clean-up and detection of testing irregularities are discussed. A free trial version of SPSS from IBM should be installed on a laptop prior to TAC. Using FileMaker Pro to Build Your Testing Database – Hilton 410

Jamie Hicks, Director, Student Assessment and Accountability, Galena Park ISD Christina Trotter, Coordinator of Student Assessment, Humble ISD This hands-on workshop introduces campus and district testing coordinators to the power of databases. Through the use of Filemaker Pro, you can create a database that will track your accommodations, testing history for EOC, special provisions for ELL students, as well as create seating charts, accommodation spreadsheets, testing rosters, and so much more. A free trial of Filemaker Pro is available from filemaker.com. Each participant is encouraged to bring a laptop.

Avoid a “Train” Wreck – Hilton 412

Nicole Taguinod, Assistant Director of Testing, San Antonio ISD Daniel Pacheco, Testing Data Analyst, San Antonio ISD This preconference workshop looks at multiple methods to help you engage your audience and to have active engagement from test coordinators. Tips, activities, and methods are discussed. Participants are provided with a CD and link to resources and already built PowerPoints for the spring. Come and learn or refresh your ability to provide highly engaging learning for your district or campus. Putting the Pieces Together! Tips & Strategies for Solving the Testing Puzzle – Hilton 415

Natalie Hierholzer, CTC & Lead Counselor, North East ISD Suzanne Wendorf, CTC & Lead Counselor, North East ISD Cynthia Silgergo-Gaytan, CTC & Counselor, North East ISD Come and learn how to solve the testing puzzle from experienced elementary, middle, and high school campus test coordinators! Participants are given proven strategies, tips, and best practices for planning flawless state testing at each level. Participants are seated at round tables and encouraged to share ideas with their tables as well as the group as they create campus test plans. This session has new ideas for all and is aimed at both new and experienced campus test coordinators.

Assessment and Accountability: Making the Connection – Hilton Salon F

Cheri Hendrick, Accountability and Assessment Specialist, ESC Region 20 Join us as we walk through the connection of your state assessments to the multiple accountability systems that your campus(es) and districts are evaluated on. We walk through multiple systems including the indexes to assist you and your staff in understanding the report as well as the methodology with each area so that you are prepared to present this information to your schools, community, and other stakeholders. This and That: Testing Tips for Experienced Test Coordinators – Hilton Salon G

Keith Haffey, Executive Director, Accountability and Research, Spring Branch ISD Stacy Daugherty, Executive Director of Testing and Accountability, Friendswood ISD Back for the 9th consecutive year, this session promises active learning, networking, and sharing for experienced DTCs—but all are welcome. As the first STAAR graduating class approaches, change continues, and leadership is essential! Topics include tracking EOC for graduation, training and managing materials, increased online testing, changes in special populations’ testing, accountability, TSI, budgeting and planning, and more. Leave with some good ideas, useful tools, and new contacts. Bootcamp for New District Testing Coordinator – Hilton Salon H

If Any (or all) of the Following Categories Apply to YOU – Hilton 416AB

Emily Lorenz, Director of Curriculum & Assessment, Gregory-Portland ISD

Michael Strozeski, CEO, Strozeski Consulting

Cindy Blair, Director of Testing, San Antonio ISD

YOU have been given the job of INTERPRETING the results of all the 2014-15 State Assessments (STAAR, EOC, TELPAS, etc). YOU don’t know where to begin. YOU want to look good to your bosses and superintendent. YOU don’t want to spend every evening and weekends trying to organize, decipher, and analyze tons of printouts and almost unreadable assessment data files. YOU want/need to explain the assessment results to the newspaper (or to other educators). YOU need to attend this session!!!

Shannon Kuhrt, Coordinator of Student Testing, Channelview ISD Courtney Witherell, Accountability Coordinator, Comal ISD Get quick results now! This session is designed to build stamina and fortitude for tackling the Texas Assessment System. Designed for the novice, experienced test coordinators and TSNAP members help you build up the muscle needed to survive the spring. Attendees work through exercises to find effective and efficient ways to combat the trials of testing facing new DTCs.


General Sessions Opening General Session

Monday, February 16, 1:30–2:30 p.m.

ACC, Exhibit Hall 5

Renew, Re-energize, Re-engage

Presenter: Bertice Berry, Author, Sociologist and Educator Sociologist, educator, and best selling author, Bertice Berry, PhD. presents and outlines tools for increasing morale and promoting an energized workforce that is equipped to do more with less during these times of economic downturn and uncertainty. Recognizing the demands on both the professional and personal lives of career professionals and the people they serve, Dr. Berry provides information for creating work/life harmony, personal wellness, and effective ways to be re-energized in your career (i.e., realignment and commitment of the values and purpose of the individual to those of the company they serve).

Closing General Session

Wednesday, February 18, 11 a.m.-noon

Hilton Austin Grand Ballroom

Tell Me Somthin’ Good!

Presenter: Clint Swindall, President & CEO, Verbalocity These are tough times for many people. The global economic crisis has created anxiety for friends, family, and co-workers who have been affected directly or indirectly. Even the most positive person can be impacted by the barrage of negative information. The negativity around us is real and isn’t going away, even after the current onslaught of pessimistic information is gone. The question is how we live an inspired life despite all the negativity. The answer involves us challenging ourselves and those around us to search out and stay focused on the good stuff. We each have a responsibility to help build a culture around us that gets others focused on the good in life. That’s what Tell Me Somethin’ Good! is all about. In this humorous, high-energy session, you’ll identify ways to refocus on the good stuff.

Concurrent Sessions Legend Texas Education Agency Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel Mini Sesion Vendor Session


Reminders for Presenters TAC is once again partnering with PSAV to manage the electronic presentation materials for the conference. Through the Presentation Management Service, speakers must submit their electronic presentation in advance or on-site in the Speaker Ready Room (Hilton, Room 414). All presenters, whether or not they use an electronic presentation, must use the Presentation Management System to access the continuing education credit (CEC) training number. Detailed instructions are available in the Speaker Ready Room. If you did not upload your presentation prior to arriving at the conference, you may submit it in the Speaker Ready Room. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to upload your presentation and make any last-minute changes.Your presentation can be modified up to an hour prior to the start of your session, and changes will be transferred to your meeting room. Technicians are available in the Speaker Ready Room to assist you.

Speaker Tips: n

Pick up name badge at registration


Check in at the Speaker Ready Room


Review pre-submitted presentation and modify or submit new presentation in the Speaker Ready Room


Access presentation from the computer in your meeting room


Access the CEC training number from the computer in your meeting room (DO NOT MAKE UP A NUMBER!)

Speaker Ready Room: Hilton Room 414 Hours of Operation 2–6 p.m.

Monday, February 16

8 a.m.–6 p.m.

Tuesday, February 17

8 a.m.–6 p.m.

Wednesday, February 18

7:30–11 a.m.

Sunday, February 15





Texas Assessment Management System – Sending Data Files – Hilton Salon K

Michael Marin, Associate Product Trainer, Customer Training Services, Pearson Sara Snuggs, Director, Training and Documentation Services, Pearson This session covers sending student data in the Texas Assessment Management System, including validation and directory-only uploads; information about the student directory; and sending roster data to create rostered groups for the teacher portal. 10:55–11:25 a.m. MINI

Assessment Decisions for Students with Disabilities – Hilton Salon J

Catherine Stapleton, Program Specialist, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency This session outlines the state assessment options for students with disabilities, including general education students with disabilities as well as students receiving Section 504 and special education services. MINI

Texas Assessment Management System – Precoding – Hilton Salon K

Sara Snuggs, Director, Training and Documentation Services, Pearson Michael Marin, Associate Product Trainer, Customer Training Services, Pearson This session covers selecting precode options within the Texas Assessment Management System, as well as how to manage participation counts for initial distribution of materials, and how to order additional materials when needed. 2:45-3:15 p.m. MINI

Texas Assessment Management System – Sending Data Files – Hilton Salon K

Michael Marin, Associate Product Trainer, Customer Training Services, Pearson Sara Snuggs, Director, Training and Documentation Services, Pearson This session covers sending student data in the Texas Assessment Management System, including validation and directory-only uploads; information about the student directory; and sending roster data to create rostered groups for the teacher portal.

TEA STAAR Science Update – ACC 17

Julie Guthrie, Director of Mathematics and Science Assessments, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Luis Salinas, Manager of Science Assessments, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency This session provides the latest and most up-to-date information on the STAAR science assessments. TEA science presenters discuss aspects of the STAAR program including recent policy changes. Attendees are given the opportunity to ask questions. TEA

Accommodations for Use within the Texas Assessment Program – ACC Ballroom D

Justin Porter, Director, Assessments for Special Populations, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Kim Brannan, Manager, Special Education Assessments, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Cristina Vazquez, Manager, Language Accessibility and Proficiency Measurement, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Participants receive an update regarding policies and procedures as they relate to both general accommodations for students with disabilities and linguistic accommodations for English language learners. TEA


10:15–10:45 AM

2:45–4 p.m.

Concurrent Sessions

Monday, February 16

STAAR English I and II: Creating Meaningful Connections – ACC 18

Victoria Young, Director of Reading, Writing, and Social Studies Assessments, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency This session focuses on the most up-to-date information about the STAAR English I and II assessments. The presenter uses the 2014 released tests, scoring guides, and sample student responses to discuss the level of reading and writing performance required for success on STAAR. The presenter shares what students’ English I and II performance revealed about the coherence of our instructional programs. SECURITY—It Does Testing Good! – Hilton 400/402

Julia Amponsah-Gilder, Director/District Testing Coordinator, Houston ISD Sharon Bauknight, Test Materials Logistics Manager, Houston ISD Alicia Lacy-Castille, Assessment Program Manager, Houston ISD The following topics are covered as they pertain to Houston ISD: materials distribution process, check-in of secured test materials, our unique incident reporting system, our district monitoring program, campus secured storage location certification process, district test security supplement and test security training for campus test coordinators, principals, and district monitors.


Concurrent Sessions


TACTP TSI Assessment – One Year Later… – Hilton 404

Jesus Garcia, Testing Specialist, South Texas College

Chasing Your Tail Testing? Track Better with TestHound – Hilton 602

Gloria Palos, Program Assistant, El Paso Community College

Jeremiah Crow, CEO, Education Advanced, Inc.

Presenters provide an overview on how their colleges overcame challenges and instituted new guidelines through collaboration with K-12 partners to ensure every high school became its own TSI Testing site. Procedures, guidelines, confidentiality agreement, pre-assessment activity and training documents are presented.

Debi Crawford, Assistant Superintendent, Hawkins ISD

Utilizing Technology and Color for a Stress-Free Test Administration – Hilton 408

Mary Ann Scott, Head Counselor/ Testing Coordinator, Jarrell ISD Whether you are a first-time testing coordinator or a veteran of the assessment world, effective organizational strategies are always needed to pull off a stress free/ violation free assessment. This session provides ideas and strategies that have been polished and changed to keep up with the changing test world of STAAR. The use of color, Excel, PDF forms, a PPT for training staff, and much more are discussed. A disk for each of the first 100 participants is provided. Using OnPoint® to Break down Your Data – Hilton 410

Jamie Hicks, Director, Student Assessment & Accountability, Galena Park ISD OnPoint® is a data warehouse that aggregates data from multiple educational data sources and presents them in the form of detailed reports, interactive dashboards, and other visualization tools using a powerful analytics software. Data can be used to measure the progress of each student, school and district against various district, state, and federal performance criteria. Data demands on a district can be a daunting task. OnPoint® gives you the power to create and share custom reports. Color-Coding and Technology Tips for a Smooth Assessment Season – Hilton 415

Elda Garcia, Director of Testing, Corpus Christi ISD Do you feel like you’re chasing your tail coordinating and tracking tests? TestHound is your new test-friend. TestHound is a web-based system designed to streamline test coordination from the district to the campus and back. TestHound includes materials scanning and tracking, SIS integration, accommodation tracking, student test scheduling, and automated reporting. TestHound is the most comprehensive test coordination tool available for both district and campus personnel. TEA

2015—A Springboard for a Digital NAEP – Hilton 616

Kim Ackermann, Texas State NAEP Coordinator, Texas Education Agency NAEP has gone paperless, from preparation to the actual assessment. Learn how NAEP prepares to make this transition to a new generation of digital assessments. The ELPS Linguistic Instructional Alignment Guide – Hilton Salons F/G

Diana Madrid, Curriculum Support Coordinator, ESC Region 20 Participants explore the ELPS Linguistic Instructional Alignment Guide and learn how it is designed to support content area teachers in identifying the essential components for providing instruction commensurate with ELL students’ linguistic needs. This session provides a discussion of the connections between English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS), ELPS-TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs), College Career Readiness Standards (CCRS), and Linguistic Accommodations. What’s Up Doc? – Hilton Salon H

Melanie Conway, School Counselor, Brenham ISD

Cindy Blair, Assistant Director of Testing, San Antonio ISD

This session is designed to help CTCs become more effective this spring.You learn how to use Excel, mail merge, and scanner to create various lists, rosters, and labels. Use Excel to sort your testing locations, administrators, special populations, and accommodations! Learn how to use certain products to keep your testing materials in order. With an established color-coding scheme, your entire campus will be organized as well! Easy-to-modify documents are shared with attendees.

Nicole Taguinod, Assistant Director of Testing, San Antonio ISD

High School Student Engagement and Effect on College Enrollment and Persistence – Hilton 416AB

College enrollment, persistence, and graduation within sixyears of high school completion are measures that demonstrate college preparedness. This session will discuss how a large suburban school district uses National Student Clearinghouse data to study the impact of high school engagement in fine arts, athletics, and CTE courses have in college enrollment patterns, freshman to sophomore persistence, and graduation rates while controlling for core academic readiness and financial factors.



This session covers the numerous pre-made documents used by a large district to cover all aspects of testing. Presenters provide on-line access to download documents and training covered, as well as address the methods used to maintain documents in order to ensure that all areas of testing are documented.

A Well-Trained TestHound Is a DTC’s Best Friend – Hilton 400/402

Glenn Kirchner, Manager, Online Testing, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

Max Gregory, Coordinator of State Assessments, Tyler ISD

Laura Jennings, Portfolio Manager, Online & Technology Services, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services

Tyler ISD has been using TestHound to coordinate testing since it was invented. In fact, TestHound got its start with us. Along the way we developed a comprehensive approach to using the system including an annual calendar, integration with other systems and processes, and training for new and veteran staff. Whether you are just getting started with TestHound, or you’ve used it for a year or two, come learn how your district can get the most out of your TestHound implementation.

This session presents updates to the Texas Assessment Management System and online testing for 2015. Best practices and tips for online session creation and online testing management and monitoring are presented. STAAR A and the standardized oral administration (SOA) interface also are demonstrated in this session. A hands-on session related to this presentation is available for participants immediately following this session: “Introduction to the Texas Assessment Management System (Part II of II: Monday – 4:15 p.m.).” 3:30-4 p.m. MINI

Texas Assessment Management System – Precoding – Hilton Salon K

Michael Marin, Associate Product Trainer, Customer Training Services, Pearson Sara Snuggs, Director, Training and Documentation Services, Pearson This session covers selecting precode options within the Texas Assessment Management System, as well as how to manage participation counts for initial distribution of materials, and how to order additional materials when needed. 4:15–5:30 p.m. TEA

STAAR Social Studies: Assessment, Instruction, and Student Success – ACC 17

Lynn Franzen, Lead Social Studies Content Specialist, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency This session focuses on the most up-to-date information about the STAAR grade 8 social studies and U.S. history assessments. The presenter uses the 2014 released tests to discuss the level of performance that is required for success on STAAR as well as the instructional practices that lead to high student achievement. TEA Test Security Policies and Procedures – BRs EFG

Lisa Cottle, Director of Test Administration, Texas Education Agency Eric Moore, Manager, Test Security Team, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Presenters focus on security policies and procedures associated with the Texas student assessment program and discuss security issues observed during recent administrations. Attendees participate in exercises that demonstrate how to discern between different kinds of testing incidents; conduct effective investigations; submit precise testing irregularity reports, including a Plan of Action; and make accurate determinations about the events relating to testing incidents.

Jeremiah Crow, CEO, Education Advanced, Inc.


TSI Assessment Administration Changes and Enhancements – Hilton 404

Chantel Reynolds, Senior Director of ACCUPLACER State & Policy Initiatives, The College Board Wendy Gruver, Director of Assessment and College Readiness, Texas A&M University – Commerce Join your testing colleagues to review test administration enhancements as of June 2014 and preview upcoming changes to the testing platform in 2015. Participants learn new options to streamline and simplify TSI Assessment administration in both the K12 and Higher Education environment. This session is intended for the actual test administrator and is not intended to cover the TSI Assessment in its entirety. I’m New to This: Please HELP! – Hilton 406


Introduction to the Texas Assessment Management System (Part I of II) – Hilton Salon J

Concurrent Sessions


Sarah Callihan, District Assessment Coordinator/ Data Manager, Pleasanton ISD Are you new to this? Do you wear many different hats and wonder how it will all get done? Do you need help organizing, maintaining, and keeping your sanity? Is your district conducting the hybrid computer/ paper testing nightmare? This session contains helpful Excel tips, organization methods, and tricks to ensure that your testing year runs smoothly. Sink or Swim—Testing in a Small District – Hilton 408

Kathy Conring, District Testing Coordinator, Cisco ISD Are you sinking with so many different responsibilities in a small district. This session keeps you “swimming” all year long.You leave with some great ideas for testing themes, managing security, organizing your testing space, and organizing all those accommodations and user -friendly forms. Bring your jump drive and take home some of my favorite forms! Local Monitoring for Program Improvement – Hilton 410

Linda Reid, District Testing Coordinator, Rockwall ISD A local test monitoring procedure can support districts and campuses as they continually work to have error-free test administrations. With each administration, valuable information such as additional training needs is identified. This session focuses on a local monitoring system used for continuous improvement in test security and integrity.


Concurrent Sessions


I Don’t Have Time for All This “Stuff” and I Would Like to Have a LIFE! – Hilton 412

The Heart of Testing: Appropriate Accommodation and Assessment Selection – Hilton Salon H

Michael Strozeski, CEO, Strozeski Consulting

Cindy Carosone, District Testing Coordinator, Denton ISD

Amanda Barrios-Harris, Director, Research and Assessment, Keller ISD

All are welcome to join an experienced DTC as she shares how one district keeps up with the demands of addressing the needs of special population students in our ever-changing world of testing. Topics include: district and campus training components; selecting appropriate STAAR assessments and accommodations; parent and student involvement; benefits and limitations of SOA and STAAR A; and how to keep a student-centered, caring approach while following TEA guidelines.

Jennifer Price, District Testing Coordinator, Keller ISD In addition to having all the duties of a principal, counselor, testing coordinator, assistant principal, curriculum director, teacher, or testing guru, I’m now supposed to interpret and explain all this to everyone–RIGHT NOW! This session shows you how to quickly, efficiently, and accurately decipher all the data and answer questions as they relate to assessment and accountability.You can save time and actually have a LIFE!

Introduction to the Texas Assessment Management System (Part II of II) – Hilton Salon K

Organizing the Secondary Testing Environment – Hilton 415

Glenn Kirchner, Manager, Online Testing, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

Laurie Wheeler, Counselor, Azle ISD

Laura Jennings, Portfolio Manager, Online & Technology Services, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services

Secondary teachers don’t (always) pay attention to training for STAAR EOC tests. Here are some time-tested ideas for helping secondary teachers get it right on test days. Participants receive templates for planning testing rooms, monitors, test-day procedures, and a list of must-haves for a bag of necessary items teachers can rely upon to answer most questions.

This hands-on session provides participants an opportunity to perform tasks demonstrated in “Introduction to the Assessment Management System (Part I of II: Monday - 2:45 p.m.)”. Personnel from TEA and Pearson are available to assist and respond to any additional questions.

Get Students Involved in Index 2 – Hilton 416AB

Tuesday, February 17

Judy Bolen, Assessment and Accountability Manager, Wylie ISD (ESC 10)

8:30–9:45 a.m.

Kerry Gain, Director of Curriculum, Wylie ISD (ESC 10)

TEA An Overview of STAAR A – ACC Ballroom D

We discuss how Wylie ISD is using Index 2 student data to help students target performance on 2015 STAAR tests to meet and exceed growth. We also look at some tools to get students involved in tracking their own progress.

Justin Porter, Director, Assessments for Special Populations, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

Testing Q & A: Day 1 – Hilton 602

Participants are given an overview of STAAR A, the newly developed accommodated form of STAAR that will be administered online to eligible students with disabilities for the first time in 2015.

Crystal Glover, District Test Coordinator, Amarillo ISD Experienced district testing coordinators from small, medium, and large districts are on hand for an open mic Q & A session. All testing questions are welcome. Presenting Accountability in a Digestible Way without Causing Heartburn – Hilton 615

Gordon Butler, Director of Program Evaluation, McKinney ISD Leighann Johnson, District Assessment Coordinator, McKinney ISD This session is geared for central office accountability personnel and provides tips, hints, and pitfalls to avoid when presenting accountability in a way that meets the needs of all stakeholders including superintendents, boards, curriculum and instruction, principals, parents, and students.



Kim Brannan, Manager, Special Education Assessments, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency


STAAR Writing at Grades 4 and 7: Creating Meaningful Connections – ACC 18

Victoria Young, Director of Reading, Writing, and Social Studies Assessments, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency This session focuses on the most up-to-date information about the STAAR writing assessments at grades 4 and 7. The presenter uses the 2014 released tests, scoring guides, and sample student responses to discuss the level of performance required for success on STAAR. The presenter shares what students’ 2014 writing performance revealed about the coherence of our elementary and middle school instructional programs.


Spotlight on Success: Texas Districts Make Huge Gains on STARR EOCs – Hilton 410

Karen Barclay, Sales Director Readiness and Retention, Pearson

Jason Mitchell, Strategic Partnerships, Apex Learning

Marjorie McEntire, Implementation Specialist, Pearson

Jarrett Jachade, Principal, Kerrville ISD

Chantel Reynolds, Senior Director of ACCUPLACER State & Policy Initiatives, The College Board

Innovation in educational technology helps educate students who have struggled with school as well as the more rigorous STAAR standards. In this session, we explore technology tools from the perspective of administrators, teachers, and students. First, learn how teachers use tutorials to enable differentiated instruction. Next, learn how prescriptive assessment technology is used to personalize learning. Finally, learn how administrators built a vision for technology and got results!

Lynda Webb, Dean of Adult and Developmental Education, Midland College All Texas students must pass The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) placement test in order to demonstrate college readiness. TSI/MyFoundationsLab (MFL) provides students with individualized pathways, based on their performance on the TSI. TSI/MFL identifies areas of strengths and weaknesses and creates a personalized “Learning Path” for each student, based on the student’s level of proficiency. The student then works through the learning path resources. TACTP TSI Remote Voucher – Hilton 404

Carita Webster, Assessment Coordinator, San Jacinto College District Jeff Wylin, Assessment Coordinator, San Jacinto College District We would like to show others how to set up a student for the remote voucher through the Accuplacer website. Students are requesting to take the TSI exam locally although they are attending college elsewhere. We can show you how to set up your test center as a remote testing location. Also, we can show you how to set up a student to test at another campus location that administers Accuplacer or TSI.

Elia Flores, Migrant Coordinator, Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD


ACT Aspire and the Predictive Road to College Readiness – Hilton 412

Robert Dyson, Measurement Specialist, Pearson Educational Assessments Andrew Jopling, Regional Director, ACT Aspire Is college readiness one of your district’s goals? Would you like to transform college readiness into a predictable path instead of a summative indicator? From the collaboration between ACT and Pearson, ACT Aspire was launched in spring 2014. As the successor of ACT Plan, ACT Explore, and the Stanford Achievement Test, this longitudinal assessment system will provide students from grades 3 to 10 with a connective and predictive assessment system leading to college readiness. Systems for Success – Hilton 415

Building Your Testing Coordinator Tool Box – Hilton 406

Melodye Pieniazek, Director of Assessment, East Central ISD

Jamie Hicks, Director, Student Assessment & Accountability, Galena Park ISD

Grace Ferguson, Academic Dean, East Central ISD

Christina Trotter, Coordinator of Student Assessment, Humble ISD

Kelly Mendoza, Counselor, East Central ISD

Campus and district testing coordinators have an overwhelming task on their hands. We are going to share some tips and tools that have helped make the job more manageable. We share important communication and organization tools that every coordinator should have in his/her toolbox before the spring testing arrives. Where in the World Is? A Primer on TAMS from a CTC/DTC Point of View – Hilton 408

Victoria Ratliff, Testing Specialist, Red Oak ISD Nancy Toney, Director of State/Federal Programs, Red Oak ISD In this session we provide detailed instructions on using the Texas Management System (TAMS) from both a CTC and DTC’s point of view. Participants leave knowing what is hidden under each tab and how to use those applications to make their testing experience less stressful and more efficient. Uploading data files, searching for students, creating test groups, adding/changing/removing tests, figuring out where to enter accommodations—we try to address it all!


Customize Individualize Student Pathways to Pass the TSI with TSI/MyFoundation – Hilton 400/402

Concurrent Sessions


Karen Robbins, Counselor & CTC, East Central ISD Are you challenged by the training needs of new principals, new CTCs, and new campus personnel each year? Join a mid-sized district’s DTC and two CTCs as they share systems for induction, communication and training. Participants leave with 10 tried-and-true ideas to put in place for a successful year of testing. Mixing Testing and C&I to Achieve Success – Hilton 416AB

Shannon Kuhrt, Coordinator of Student Testing, Channelview ISD Don Beck, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction, Channelview ISD Don’t let your testing and C&I departments be a mixture that can be easily separated. Join us to find out ideas for the perfect solution! In this session, we cover best practices and tools about how our departments share data, manage curriculum and testing, and work together. With great chemistry, we can achieve student success!


Concurrent Sessions


Students with Static Student Engagement…What It Is and What We Can Do about It! – Hilton 602

ELL Accommodations: Instructional vs. Assessment – Hilton Salon H

Tami Wiethorn, District Assessment Coordinator, Waco ISD

Claudia Vargas-Ramirez, Educational Specialist, ESC Region 20

Engaging students is emerging as one of the top factors to ensure student success in education whether in the classroom or during assessment. Studies have shown that people are driven by four essential goals, each of which satisfies a particular human need. Come join in the lively conversation and investigate the four essential goals that drive people. Rethink motivation and engagement as it pertains to your students when they test and throughout schooling. Transitioning from Paper to Online Testing – Hilton 615

Participants discuss meeting the affective, cognitive, and linguistic needs of ELLs in both instruction and assessment. More specifically, participants compare and contrast the use of linguistic accommodations in instruction versus those permissible in the state assessments. The documentation and implementation of these are discussed, along with the importance of the LPAC role. The ELL Instructional Accommodations checklist is used as a resource in this presentation. Technology—Preparing for Online Testing (Part I of II) – Hilton Salon J

Brian Kroeger, Director of Assessment and Human Resources, Splendora ISD


Rick Kershner, Assistant Superintendent of Academic Services and Human Resources, Splendora ISD

Glenn Kirchner, Manager, Online Testing, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

Troy Reynolds, Director of Curriculum and Federal Programs, Splendora ISD

Laura Jennings, Portfolio Manager, Online & Technology Services, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services

The goal of this session is to show districts how to implement an electronic learning initiative that begins with daily classroom instruction and ends with districts making the switch to an all online testing environment. We cover hardware, software, and security. We know that making the switch makes some districts nervous, but with a few properly planned initiatives the goal is within reach much faster than what many districts feel is possible.

Brian Martens, Senior Implementation Manager, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services

Testing Is Over … Now What? – Hilton 616

In this session, attendees learn how to prepare for online testing. Presenters provide updates on minimum system requirements and demonstrate how to proctor cache, configure TestNav, and use the System Check tool to ensure systems are ready for successful online testing. A hands-on session related to this presentation is available for participants immediately following this session: Technology–Preparing for Online Testing (Part II of II), Tuesday, 10:15 a.m.

Max Gregory, Coordinator of State Assessments, Tyler ISD Johnita Martin, Director of Research and Accountability, Tyler ISD Has anyone ever called to ask when the results will be in? Tyler ISD is developing a process for distributing protocols regarding the receipt and distribution of test results upon completion of an administration. So, now that everyone has been made aware of when the results will be in, what do you do when the results arrive? Our district also has developed several data templates that are used to provide information to district personnel as well as the media. V

Praxis and Hubris in Assessment and Accountability – Hilton Salons F/G

Maria Whitsett, Associate, Moak, Casey & Associates Curtis Culwell, Associate, Moak, Casey & Associates Legislative interest in assessment and accountability remains high. Both those who believe public education is broken and those who believe it works look to accountability for evidence of their varying perspectives. This presentation summarizes interim activity in the areas of assessment and accountability, including the latest ratings; relevant bills filed to date; and the tone set by new state leadership for the 84th Texas Legislature.


Printed and Online Resources for the Texas Student Assessment Program – Hilton Salon K

Eric Estlund, Manager of Administration Materials, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Eli Cadena, Systems Analyst, Analysis and Reporting, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Jonathan Maziarz, Program Manager, Texas Administration Materials, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services TEA has various channels to convey vital information to school districts and the public about the Texas student assessment program. This session reviews the contents of printed materials and online resources that support district and campus testing coordinators and other testing personnel, as well as parents. Bring your own device to follow along with live demonstrations of resources available online. 10:15–11:30 a.m. TEA

Test Security Policies and Procedures – ACC BRs EFG

Lisa Cottle, Director of Test Administration, Texas Education Agency Eric Moore, Manager, Test Security Team, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Presenters focus on security policies and procedures associated with the Texas student assessment program and discuss security issues observed during recent administrations. Attendees participate in exercises that demonstrate how to discern between different kinds of testing incidents; conduct


STAAR Answer Documents—What’s New – ACC Ballroom D

Mariana Vassileva, Director of Analysis and Reporting, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Paul Matzen, Program Director, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services This session provides updated information about the STAAR answer documents. Presenters explain various data fields and how the information collected on the answer documents affects reports. Other processes such as precoding, record changes, and student alerts are discussed. A question-and-answer session follows the presentation. Testing Incidents 101 – Hilton 400/402

Nicole Taguinod, Assistant Director of Testing, San Antonio ISD Cindy Blair, Director of Testing, San Antonio ISD Come learn or refresh your own knowledge about testing incidents. Join a discussion on the effective methods to investigate, document, interview, and maintain all documents dealing with an incident. The session also addresses how to establish a standardized action plan for the district/campus. TACTP

EPCC GED Testing Second Largest Testing Center in the Nation – Hilton 404

Armando Gomez, Assistant Director of Testing Services, El Paso Community College Learn how we have been able to adapt to the new Pearson VUE GED Testing and still be recognized as one of the largest testing centers in the nation, giving the most tests in 2014. How Do I Check in “ALL” These Materials? – Hilton 406

Traci Leineweber, District Testing Coordinator, Schertz-CiboloUniversal City ISD Susan Salinas, Counselor, Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD Brandi Aguirre, Counselor, Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD This session presents one district’s way of dealing with the check-in process when the testing staff consists of only the DTC! Yikes, what can one do? Come and find out how check-in can be done well with very limited staff. Create, Collaborate, Communicate – Hilton 408

Beverly Lebherz, Testing Analyst, North East ISD This session provides information on how North East ISD’s Testing Department uses innovative measures to communicate districtwide testing activities, dates, and trainings to the 72 campuses it serves. Participants are led through the tasks the NEISD Testing Department embarks on each year to help make assessment duties and roles assigned to our campus test coordinators a learning and rewarding experience.

Elizabeth Perrin, National Education Advisor, Renaissance Learning, Inc. Jesus Alfaro, Research and Evaluation, Harlingen CISD STAAR assessments accelerate learning, energize classrooms, and help you achieve your educational goals. Providing valid and reliable formative data and supported by extensive research, STAAR assessments include immediate access to skill-specific, actionable data to target instruction, interventions, and practice, and forecast STAAR performance and estimated mastery of the TEKS. Learn how Harlingen CISD is maximizing the power of the data to respond to the instructional needs of its students. Program Evaluations—Who, What, When, Why, and How? – Hilton 415

Robert Bayard, Director of Assessment and Evaluation, Clear Creek ISD Is your district only measuring student achievement and fiscal responsibility through STAAR or state accountability? Districts have many programs to engage students in school, but how do you know if these programs are effective? Come learn how Clear Creek ISD has evaluated 16 districtwide programs in less than five years. We share how the evaluation process will help your district assess strengths and weaknesses that result in improvements in, revisions to, or discontinuation of evaluated programs, and how program evaluations could serve as an indicator to a more comprehensive approach to accountability than the current system. V



Bridging Formative Assessment to Texas Accountability – Hilton 412

Concurrent Sessions

effective investigations; submit precise testing irregularity reports, including a Plan of Action; and make accurate determinations about the events relating to testing incidents.

Assessment Solutions for Special Populations – Hilton 416AB

Lupina Vela, Senior Assessment Account Executive, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt-Riverside Shara Contreras, Testing Specialist, San Antonio ISD This session focuses on the use of the Woodcock Johnson IV, Woodcock Munoz, Iowa Assessments, Logramos, and CogAT—all assessments available for use with special populations. The use of these assessments include assessing for oral language proficiency; gifted and talented identification; annual assessment; program placement; and identification, entry, or exiting bilingual/ESL programs. Yes, Virginia, There Is Life Beyond Testing – Hilton 602

Mark Billingsley, Education Specialist, State Assessment, ESC Region 13 Most educators can retire early enough to consider starting an entirely new career upon retirement. Until that time, there are ways to battle stress in the crazy world of assessment. Come learn steps this retired testing director took to discover life after retirement. And until retirement comes, identify your seven vital needs and make a plan to meet those needs every day.


Concurrent Sessions


STAAR-Struck Campus Testing Coordinators – Hilton 615

Rachel Walters, Assistant District Testing Coordinator, Richardson ISD Katherine Milton, Director of Assessment, Richardson ISD Learn some tips and tools to help your CTCs adjust to the evolving Texas Assessment Program. This year we include our strategies for TELPAS and how we have adjusted for STAAR-A and STAAR Alternate 2. We share our timelines, spreadsheets, and documents. Also included are organization tips for security, training, data validation documentation, and test management—the must-have tips and tools for every successful CTC. ELLs and Accountability – Hilton Salon H

Claudia Vargas-Ramirez, Educational Specialist, ESC Region 20 Cheri Hendrick, Accountability and Assessment Specialist, ESC Region 20 Join us as we look at how your English language learners are included in accountability. We discuss the ELL connection to the four indices, system safeguards, PBM, and AMAOs. In addition, we review the ELL Progress Measure and how it fits in accountability. Technology—Preparing for Online Testing (Part II TEA of II) – Hilton Salon K

Glenn Kirchner, Manager, Online Testing, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Laura Jennings, Portfolio Manager, Online & Technology Services, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services Brian Martens, Senior Implementation Manager, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services Designed for those who participated in Technology—Preparing for Online Testing (Part I of II, Tuesday, 8:30 a.m.), this session is a hands-on opportunity where participants are able to perform tasks previously presented. Personnel from TEA and Pearson are available to assist and respond to any additional questions. 1–1:30 p.m. MINI

Technology Set-up: Technology Guidelines – Hilton Salon K

Brian Martens, Senior Implementation Manager, Online Implementation Services, Pearson Laura Jennings, Portfolio Manager, Online & Technology Services, Pearson This mini session covers technical set-up processes including configuring firewalls, content and spam filters, java updates, wireless networks, preparing student computers, the TestNav Early Warning System, and emerging technologies with virtualization and Chromebooks.


1–2:15 p.m. TEA

Update to Graduation and Dropout Rate Reporting – ACC 18

Linda Roska, Director, Division of Research and Analysis, Texas Education Agency Updates to definitions and uses for graduation and dropout rates are presented, as well as updates to uses of rates in the state accountability and performance-based monitoring systems. TEA

STAAR Alternate 2, An Overview – ACC Ballroom D

Justin Porter, Director, Assessment for Special Populations, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency This session provides an overview of both test development and administration procedures for the newly redesigned STAAR Alternate 2. Increase Your “App-titude” – Hilton 400/402

Courtney Clearfield, Districtwide Testing Coordinator, Garland ISD Eboney Forte, Assessment Support Manager, Garland ISD Brooks Knight, District Technology Coordinator, Garland ISD In today’s high tech world, educators are required to be highly productive while being highly mobile. The iPad has become the preferred device for many districts. This session helps you use your device to its fullest potential to support your dynamic job responsibilities as they relate to test coordination, training, and more! You walk away from this session “app-solutely” prepared to take full advantage of these iPad applications and “app-laud” your increased productivity. TACTP

Proctoring Services for Distance Education Courses – Hilton 404

Melonie Bonner, Testing Center Manager, Kilgore College This session is designed to inform participants of current procedures and guidelines for eLearning course exams proctored at Kilgore College. Additionally, participants learn about behaviors to watch for and how to juggle eLearning course exams along with several other standardized examination programs in a small testing center. Deconstructing the STAAR Progress Measure – Hilton 406

Dash Weerasinghe, Executive Director of Assessment and Accountability, Plano ISD Paul Dabbs, Assistant Director, Research and Campus Support, Plano ISD John Tedford, Secondary Achievement Specialist, Plano ISD Plano ISD uses prior year STAAR results to group students by achievement level (Level I, Level II Phase-in 1, Level II Final, Level III), and then they analyze the STAAR progress levels in the current year STAAR results for each group. This analysis enables district and campus leaders to identify how well each group progressed. Further analysis identifies student expectations that may need evaluation to increase rigor for each group. Examples of district and campus reports are shown.

Facilitating School Change on Focused Areas of Need through Quarterly Reviews – Hilton 416AB

Sandy Snow, Consultant, Snow, Vance and Associates

Melissa Duarte, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction, Goose Creek CISD

Trampas Bass, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Brownsboro ISD

Nancy Fitzgerald, Area Executive Director, Goose Creek CISD Marie Flynn, Area Executive Director, Goose Creek CISD

You’ve got to “move it, move it” when assessing FOR learning in order to know where students are in their learning to determine next steps in instruction. Learn the why, how, and what of checking for understanding through a highly interactive and engaging professional learning session. Experience how formative assessment blends engagement, collaboration, and ownership for learning. Leave the session with simple, time-efficient, formative assessment tools that ensure student success.

Raul Moreno, Area Executive Director, Goose Creek CISD

Understanding Emotional Barriers to Student Assessment Performance – Hilton 410

Tanja Dutton, Campus Testing Coordinator, Richardson ISD

Karen Vance, Consultant, Snow, Vance and Associates

Jeffrey Sullivan, Assistant Professor of Counselor Education, Sam Houston State University Hayley Stulmaker, Assistant Professor of Counselor Education, Sam Houston State University Standardized assessments are a mainstay in public school districts, yet factors may influence student assessment performance that have little to do with knowledge and aptitude. The emotional health of the student may greatly influence how that student performs on assessments. This presentation reviews current literature addressing emotional health and assessment performance, reviews screening tools to identify emotional barriers, and discusses strategies for helping students overcome such barriers. SURVIVOR: STAAR Out-Smart, Out-Plan, and Out-Live – Hilton 412

Judith Ries, Campus Testing Coordinator & RtI Support Specialist, Eagle Mt.-Saginaw ISD Connie Lumsden, Watson HS Assessment Coordinator, Eagle Mt.-Saginaw ISD Come laugh with us and learn how to have a successful year as a STAAR testing coordinator. Presenters will give ideas and some helpful “tricks of the trade” to survive the testing season at your school. Participants will also learn some vital concepts about the testing process that happens at your District Alternative Education Program (DAEP) and how to be helpful in that process. Come be a STAAR SURVIVOR with us. Data eBinder – Hilton 415

Lyneille Meza, Data & Assessment, Denton ISD Create a data binder for district and campus administrators to assist them in analyzing their data. Using your preferred method of data collection (ours is Aware), download to Excel, manipulate it, and turn it into some very attractive graphs. Once everything is made, create a PDF portfolio and save in a secure location. The data binders are used by superintendents, curriculum coordinators, principals, and teachers.

By organizing curriculum quarterly review committees focused on ELL student progress and writing initiatives, GCCISD district and campus leadership teams join together to develop, monitor, and evaluate specific goals for student achievement. This process establishes protocols for continuous improvement. Keep Calm ... and Test On! – Hilton 615

Are you frantic because testing is near? Well Keep Calm ... and Test On! In this session, participants learn how to have an optimal testing experience with good preparation and organizational skills to reduce stress and remain calm. Additionally, the participants receive a Testing Survival Kit. They also receive best practices as they relate to organizing, preparing, and day-of-testing procedures. A Q&A session will wrap up the presentation. Ins and Outs of Conducting Investigations – Hilton 616

Elda Garcia, Interim Executive Director, Office of Assessment and Accountability, Corpus Christi ISD


You’ve Got to “Move It, Move It” When Assessing FOR Learning – Hilton 408

Concurrent Sessions


Sue Thompson, Director, Assessment, Research, Evaluation, and Accountability,Ysleta ISD Despite our best efforts, people will make mistakes during testing. When they do, it is imperative that we take immediate steps to report these events timely and correctly. This session provides the ins and outs of conducting investigations of procedural and serious testing violations. Presenters share tips for conducting systematic investigations, including the process of planning, conducting, reporting, and preventing testing irregularities. TEA

The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing (Part I of II) – Hilton Salon J

Glenn Kirchner, Manager, Online Testing, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Alison Ayala, Senior Project Manager, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services This session presents updates to the Texas Assessment Management System and online testing for 2015. Best practices and tips for online session creation and online testing management and monitoring are presented. STAAR A and the standardized oral administration (SOA) interface also are demonstrated in this session. A hands-on session to this presentation is available for participants immediately following this session (The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing, (Part II of II, Tuesday, 2:45 p.m.).


Concurrent Sessions


1:40–2:10 p.m. MINI Analytic Reporting – Hilton Salon K

Paul Matzen, Program Director, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services Analytic reporting, delivered through the Texas Assessment Management System, is discussed, with a brief demonstration and time for questions. Analytic reporting is available for STAAR, TELPAS and TAKS.


Train High School Personnel to Administer TSI – Hilton 404

Lela Morris, Director of Testing, Weatherford College 2:45–4 p.m. TEA TELPAS Writing Connections – ACC 17

Cristina Vazquez, Manager, Languange Accessibility and Proficiency Measurement, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency This session focuses on how districts can successfully gather writing samples taken from authentic classroom activities to be used as part of the TELPAS writing collection. ELPS and TELPAS connection for grades 2-12 writing in addition to tips for teachers to make a smooth transition from what occurs during instruction and what is gathered during the TELPAS assessment window also are discussed. TEA STAAR Mathematics Update – ACC 18

Julie Guthrie, Director of Mathematics and Science Assessments, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Larry Duncan, Manager of Mathematics Assessments, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency This session provides the latest and most up-to-date information on the STAAR mathematics assessments. TEA mathematics presenters discuss aspects of the STAAR program including recent policy changes and the transition to the new mathematics curriculum. Attendees are given the opportunity to ask questions. TEA STAAR Scoring and Reporting – ACC Ballroom D

Mariana Vassileva, Director of Analysis and Reporting, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Paul Matzen, Program Director, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services This session provides an overview of the STAAR scoring and reporting system. Presenters explain changes and share sample reports. A question and answer session follows the presentation.

Jennifer Shifflett, Campus Test Coordinator, Weatherford ISD This session provides background information on going from Compass to TSI placement testing and covers a training session agenda. Copies of all the forms created to partner with the high schools are provided, and survey results are shared after this first year of testing. First-hand experience from a high school testing coordinator addresses the differences between testing in a high school environment and a college testing center. The Secret Life of a First-Year District Testing Coordinator – Hilton 406

Kelly Bertholf, Assistant Director of Accountability & Assessment, Pflugerville ISD Shelley Rena, District Coordinator of Assessment & Accountability, Crosby ISD Come find out how the presenter lived to tell about managing deadlines (even during ice storms!), a dead server on a test day, incident investigations, and even helping out Pearson and TEA when requested. I’ll tell you about the important friends I made who helped me along the way and how I used Google docs to manage materials. Samples forms, calendars, and checklists that received positive feedback from campus coordinators are shared. Digging for Gold Using Testing Data – Hilton 408

Emily Lorenz, Director of Curriculum & Assessment, GregoryPortland ISD Courtney Witherell, District Testing Coordinator, Comal ISD In order to find the instructional gold in our data, we really do need to dig a little deeper! Learn how two different districts use their data and their time to try and crack the code of STAAR and move instruction forward. Figure out what questions to ask, what key pieces of data can help your staff the most, and the best way to help your teachers understand STAAR.

Data Day—One District’s Way to Focus on Data for Educational Excellence – Hilton 400/402

Online Systems that Make DTC Life Easier! – Hilton 410

Jamie Ford, Program Evaluator, Northside ISD (ESC 20)

Learn about some online systems that can make some DTC tasks easier to manage. Systems covered include: an online ordering system for additional test material; an online inventory confirmation system to confirm that all materials in shipments are complete; and a secure data portal that allows dissemination of confidential test results and student data to campuses and other stakeholders in a quick, efficient manner, guaranteed to turn district officials and principals into your biggest fans!

Susan Wright, Program Evaluator, Northside ISD (ESC 20) Donald Schmidt, Assistant Superintendent for Student, Family and Community Services, Northside ISD (ESC 20) Brenda Ward, Director of Testing & Evaluation, Northside ISD (ESC 20) No matter what size district—small, medium, large—all districts benefit from focusing on strong assessment data


analysis. Northside ISD’s Testing and Evaluation Department sponsors Data Day, a major district strategy for campus leadership to use data-driven decision-making techniques in School Improvement Plan development. Now in its 10th year, Data Day provides an in-depth look at long-term trends that illustrate where the district and campuses have been and where they need to go now.

Brenda Booth, Director of Assessment, El Paso ISD

Susannah O’Bara, Principal, Denton ISD Campus administrators gather tools for guiding teachers through development of their assessment literacy. Leaders are provided examples of tools and processes used to support teachers as they began to use assessment strategies routinely in instruction. Strategies implemented are based on a variety of resources such as “Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning,” “Embedded Formative Assessment,” and “Assessment for Learning: An Action Guide for School Leaders.” Fostering a Data Culture – Hilton 416AB

Dawn Oliver, Manager, Office of Information Analysis and Utilization, Houston ISD Matthew Lang, Senior Manager, Office of Information Analysis and Utilization, Houston ISD District-level personnel present their findings about the impact of face-to-face and technology-based interactions with campuses during the 2014-2015 school year. Selected elementary, middle, and high school campuses receive intensive support and customized A4E Dashboard training throughout the year meant to engage the staff in meaningful discussions and thoughtful decision-making, ultimately leading to increased student performance as measured by local, state, and norm-referenced exams. It’s All Greek To Me! Accountability for Beginners – Hilton 615

Kim Gilson, Senior Consultant, Data and Accountability, ESC Region 10 We are in our second year of the new accountability system, and looking toward the third. Each year brings myriad changes and challenges. Those new to accountability or assessment positions may feel overwhelmed when veterans talk about the system. Participants in this workshop begin at the ground level of understanding accountability. Terminology, processes, and various reports are presented in layman’s terms! Gyms Aren’t Just for Basketball – Hilton 616

Kristen Ascencao, District Testing Coordinator, Alamo Heights ISD Terri Duncan, Academic Dean, Alamo Heights ISD No room in the inn? How many of us have searched high and low for extra locations for end-of-course testing, only to discover that we have to displace yet another classroom? Or, have pulled numerous teachers from their actual classes to cover EOC testing as a proctor? Join us as we discuss one district’s solution to keeping non-testers in their classrooms with their actual teachers, while conducting mass end-ofcourse testing online in a practice gym.

Glenn Kirchner, Manager, Online Testing, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Alison Ayala, Senior Project Manager, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services This session presents updates to the Texas Assessment Management System and online testing for 2015. Best practices and tips for online session creation and online testing management and monitoring are presented. STAAR A and the standardized oral administration (SOA) interface also are demonstrated in this session. A hands-on session to this presentation is available for participants immediately following this session (The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing, (Part II of II, Tuesday, 4:15 p.m.). TEA

The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing (Part II of II) – Hilton Salon K

Glenn Kirchner, Manager, Online Testing, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Alison Ayala, Senior Project Manager, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services This is a hands-on session where participants will perform tasks demonstrated in an earlier session, The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing (Part I of II, Tuesday, 1 p.m.). Personnel from TEA and Pearson are available to assist and respond to any additional questions. 4:15–5:30 p.m.


Leading for Assessment Literacy – Hilton 415

The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing (Part I of II) – Hilton Salon J

Concurrent Sessions


TEA State Accountability Update – ACC Ballroom D

Shannon Housson, Director, Performance Reporting Division, Texas Education Agency Ester Regalado, Director, Performance Reporting Division, Texas Education Agency This session provides the latest information available on the 2015 state accountability ratings and distinction designations that will be assigned to Texas public schools in August 2015. Will the Real Students Who Need to Take an EOC Test Please Stand Up! – Hilton 400/402

Tami Wiethorn, District Assessment Coordinator, Waco ISD Are you lost in a jungle of list-making with EOC tests? With the presence of students moving in from out of state, accredited parochial schools, and accredited home schools, tracking the lists of students who truly need to be taking the EOC test has become the Call of the Wild to keep track! Come join the discussion and take away some tried and tested ways to keep track of your students who need to take specific EOC subject tests. Discussion includes remediation tracking.


Concurrent Sessions


TACTP Open Forum – Hilton 404

Marisa Pierce, Director of Testing Services, El Paso Community College This session is a time for TACTP members to openly discuss current issues and concerns related to assessment changes and trends in the Texas higher education system. Please bring your questions or concerns for discussion. Trying to Stay out of the Doghouse with Accommodations and Getting Organized – Hilton 406

Jamie Brown, District Testing Coordinator, Judson ISD Keeping up with testing accommodations can be overwhelming for CTCs. Devising a district initiative to ensure accommodations are tracked so each student receives the appropriate accommodation on testing day can be taxing. With the use of a new district testing policy, calendar of expectations, follow-through documentation from the CTC, the use of an online testing program (TestHound©), and an extensive look at Evidence of Effectiveness, we share what we have learned to lower test incidences. TSNAP Open Q&A Session – Hilton 602

Stacy Daugherty, Executive Director of Testing, Accountability and Research, Friendswood ISD Laurel O’Donnell, Director of Assessment, Evaluation & Compliance, Dickinson ISD Join experienced TSNAP members to ask your questions— ANY questions you may have—in a relaxed and open format where the facilitators represent different-sized districts and the variety of ‘hats’ you may wear! Ask questions, share experiences and make a connection in the company of your TSNAP friends!

The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing (Part II of II) – Hilton Salon K

Glenn Kirchner, Manager, Online Testing, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Alison Ayala, Senior Project Manager, Pearson, Educational Measurement, State Services This is a hands-on session where participants will perform tasks demonstrated in an earlier session, The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing (Part I of II, Tuesday, 2:45 p.m.). Personnel from TEA and Pearson are available to assist and respond to any additional questions. Wednesday, February 18

8–9:15 a.m. Using Data to Boost Student Achievement and Growth and Build Curriculum Maps – Hilton 406

Jane Silvey, Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Lindale ISD The curriculum department at Lindale ISD uses web-based tools that help with progress monitoring, student achievement, interventions, creating curriculum maps, local assessments and more. These tools increase efficiency and allow for more time on instruction and less on paperwork. Lindale shares which strategies worked best when implementing these tools along with best practices for using state and local assessment data to drive measurable growth for all students. Accommodations Watchwords: Appropriate and Allowable – Hilton 410

Andrea Reynolds, Testing Coordinator, Northside ISD (ESC 20)

Making It Work: Organizational Skills to Help Keep You on Track – Hilton 615

Debbie Scales, Special Ed Instructional Support Teacher, Northside ISD (ESC 20)

Amy Ellis, Assistant Principal, Carroll ISD

Anna Draker, 504 District Coordinator, Northside ISD (ESC 20)

Walk away from this session with a link to a Dropbox full of assessment tools that have been used across the state by district and campus testing coordinators alike. This session walks you through the spring testing season and pinpoints specific areas to plan for before, during, and after testing. From effective communication strategies and training ideas to tips on how to be an effective testing coordinator, this session is ideal for campus and district testing coordinators. Don’t Laminate Your Credit-by-Exam Policy – Hilton 616

Brenda Ward, Director of Testing & Evaluation, Northside ISD (ESC 20) I didn’t understand that education is constantly changing. Recently the law changed for our credit-by-exam testing. This session uncovers how one district interprets the law to make the appropriate changes and reveals how they organize and track credit-by-exam testing in a large district. A group discussion ends the session to allow sharing of best practices for credit-by-exam.



Whether needs are documented by Special Ed or 504 committees, accommodations are in demand! Guide your campus staff toward appropriate accommodations that are allowable on state testing and be prepared to help with options to support actual needs. We look at tools to quickly know what’s allowed for whom and include examples of those more unique cases that requires knowledgeable skill to understand the unique disability. Predictable is Preventable – Hilton 616

Patricia Parker, Director of Assessment & Accountability, Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD ir • reg • u • lar • I • ty (noun): incidents resulting in a deviation from documented testing procedures. With so many students, versions of STAAR, and staff members involved, testing irregularities are bound to occur. Training is critical. But reporting, documentation, and determining corrective action take organization, diplomacy, and established protocols. This session covers how to plan and respond to serious and procedural irregularities when things don’t go exactly as stated in the manual.

STAAR Spanish Test Development – Hilton Salon A

Silvia Alvarado-Bolek, Manager, STAAR Spanish, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency The STAAR Spanish mathematics and science transadaptation process is discussed. The presenter also talks about the item development process for STAAR Spanish reading and writing assessments. Test results for the last two years are reviewed. 9:30–10:45 a.m. Lead by Instruction, Powered by Technology – Hilton 400/402

Shannon Leisure, District Educational Technology Coordinator , Palestine ISD Summer Alcauter, Technology Integration Specialist, Palestine ISD Districts struggle with technology all over the world. Learn how one district started with building digital curriculum in all core areas, revamped the professional development model and then added technology to build a foundation of equity to all students to create a blended learning environment giving students access to their learning 24/7. Discover how educational technology that is led by instruction can revitalize instruction, engage students, and improve district educational goals. V

Personalized Learning Impacts Students’ STAAR Scores and Classroom Performance – Hilton 406

Ronnie Wolfe, Vice President, Business Development, Educate Online

Pam Brown, Coordinator of Guidance & Assessment, LubbockCooper ISD Join the representatives of the regional groups in TSNAP for a fun and furious tip-sharing session. This session offers all new tips to help you manage every aspect of the assessment circus whether you are a 1A or 6A school district.You walk out of this session with printed tip sheets in hand that you can take home and use immediately. Last year’s fair was fun and very well received. Please join us again! Gateway Crashers! Correlating K-6 Data to STAAR Performance and Progress – Hilton 615

Wendy Oliver, Specialist, Pasadena ISD Learn how Texas K-6 campuses are utilizing a remarkable process to motivate teachers and students to exceed the state’s expectations in performance and progress. Through the correlation of data, students in Kindergarten through 6th grade are achieving higher levels of success. TEA

STAAR Reading: Assessment, Instruction, and Student Success – Hilton Salon B

Susan Robertson, Manager of Reading Assessments Grades 3-8, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency This session focuses on the STAAR reading assessments at grades 3-8. The presenter shares what the first three years of STAAR results reveal about students’ reading achievement and progress. The presenter also uses the 2014 released tests to discuss the level of performance required for student success on STAAR reading as well as the instructional practices that can contribute to higher achievement in reading. TEA ELL Assessments Update – Hilton Salon C

Beau Sanchez, Principal, Cesar Chavez PDS Middle School, Waco ISD

Justin Porter, Director, Assessments for Special Populations, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Cristina Vazquez, Manager, Language Accessibility and Proficiency Measurement, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

Mariana Herrera, Migrant Recruiter, Flatonia ISD

Lois Neumeyer, Program Specialist, Texas Education Agency

Waco and Flatonia ISDs implemented Educate Online’s personalized competency-based learning programs and both saw students improve their classroom performance as well as boost their STAAR scores. Student populations included both ELL and special-needs students and these students experienced growth as well. Panelists discuss their experiences with program implementation and their opinions about personalized learning and its impact on their students, as well as their plans for the future.

This session provides participants with updates regarding TELPAS, STAAR L, and LPAC decisions regarding state assessment.

Angela Reiher, Dean of Academies, A.J. Moore Academies, Waco ISD

Data Discovery to Action: Transforming PLC Work Using Local Assessments – Hilton 408

Megan Evans, Coordinator-Accountability and School Improvement, Katy ISD



Tricks of the Trade, Round 2 (All New Tips!) – Hilton 415

Concurrent Sessions

8:40–9:10 a.m.

10–10:30 a.m. MINI

Assessment Decisions for Students with Disabilities – Hilton Salon J

Catherine Stapleton, Program Specialist, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency This session outlines the state assessment options for students with disabilities, including general education students with disabilities as well as students receiving Section 504 and special education services.

Calling all campus leaders! Do you have high-functioning PLCs on your campus? Join us to learn how Katy ISD uses eduphoria:Aware to guide PLCs through data discovery while transforming the data into immediate action. WARNING: Student growth is inevitable!




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Exhibitor Lounge





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(Ceiling Height 20'-0")

Service Desk


Food & Beverage

Exhibit Hall


(Ceiling Height 20'-0") FIRE EXIT







Academic Core Group, Inc–211 Katie Schmitz katie@academiccoregroup. com Academic Core Group, Inc. is the producer and distributor of TEKS Mastery Cards, display cards for instructional alignment to TEA mandated skills.

ACT Aspire–115 Andrew Jopling andrew.jopling@actaspire. org ACT Aspire is a college and career readiness assessment system with Summative, Interim and Classroom assessments

DynaStudy, Inc.–309 Ellen Harris eharris@dynastudy.com DynaNotes digital subscriptions and printed scaffolding (grades 3-12/core subjects) plus intervention programs and stations E

Education Advanced, Inc.–403 Eli Crow info@educationadvanced. com TestHound, a web-based standardized test management system

ALL in Learning–203


Darren Ward darren@allinlearning.com Daily assessment platform for immediate feedback and Rtl, PLCs and ongoing analysis

Michelle Weeks sales@ eduphoria.net SchoolObjects:aware - data analysis, SchoolObjects:pdas - appraisals, SchoolObjects:workshop - pd, SchoolObjects:helpdesk - tickets, SchoolObjects:formspace - forms, SchoolObjects:facilities&events -projects, SchoolObjects:forethought -curriculum

Alpine Achievement Systems–315 Sarah Schepman sarah@alpineachievement. com An internet-based achievement data management system designed and developed for K-12 districts

Apex Learning–608 Laurie Carmon Laurie.Carmon@ apexlearning.com Apex Learning is the leading provider of blended and virtual learning solutions to the nation’s schools. C

Conditions 4 Learning powered by Tetra Analytix–210 Robin Ficklin rficklin@ conditions4learning.com Delivers innovative data collection and reporting technologies for schools and educators



eInstruction by Turning Technologies–614 Kim Brewer sales@turningtechnologies. com eInstruction’s solutions include complete classroom instruction systems

Ellevation, LLC—317 Teddy Rice teddy@ellevationeducation. com The only web-based software platform specifically designed for ELL educators and the English Learners they serve. Our tools enhance instruction, improve collaboration and increase productivity

esped.com, Inc.–100 Rebecca Nodia sales@esped.com Web-based applications that streamline the time consuming tasks associated with managing special population programs

ETS–111 Rick Cullors rcullors@ets.org Products that specifically address Teacher effectiveness, Teacher Leadership, and/or Data Management. F

Firelight Books LLC–514 Nancy Nichols kelley@firelightbooks.com Supplier of educational materials for special needs, at-risk students, ELL and general education students. Preview our NEW Elements of English Language Arts! Our products are proudly MADE IN THE USA

First Investors–304 Katherine Reifurth katherine.reifurth@ firstinvestors.com Retirement readiness, 403b setup, mutual funds, social security planning H



KAMICO Instructional Media, Inc.–109 Kathy Michael kmichael@kamico.com STAAR CONNECTION K-EOC in English and in Spanish. TEKS-based board games, enrichment activities and assessments

Kindle Publishing LLC–602 Sindy Webb sindywebb@aol.com Kindle Publishing - The makers of HeartBeeps Science Question-of-the-Day and Kindle Item Factory L

Learning A-Z–410 Lori Todd lori.todd@learninga-z.com Learning A-Z’s student resources fill the gaps left by many Reading, Writing, and Science education programs

Let’s Go Learn–117 Scott Griego scott@letsgolearn.com (1) Computer Adaptive Diagnostic Assessment in Reading and Mathematics (2) Online Instruction M

McKenna DeMelo mckenna.demelo@ heinemann.com A publisher of professional resources and a provider of educational services for K-12 educators, including ELL and dual language/bilingual

Mach B Technologies Inc–209

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - Riverside–103

Mentoring Minds–511

Tony Castilleja tony.castilleja@hmhco.com Riverside Publishing offers superior print and digital assessment tools for the education and clinical market.

Alf Nizam alf.nizam@machbtech.com Fully fledged Assessment, Curriculum, RTI, 6 Year Plan, Lpac, 504, PDAS and Parent Portal system. Stephan Rudolph stephan@mentoringminds. com K-12 print and online resources that integrate best practices for instruction, assessment, and learning for students.

Kari Ruehman kruehman@moakcasey.com Texas School Finance & Accountability Experts N

Northwest Evaluation Association–402 Tim Blaine tim.blaine@nwea.org NWEA provides quality assessment products and services, including computerized adaptive assessments — Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). O

OnDataSuite–503 Paul Polasek kim@ondatasuite.com OnDataSuite P

PEARSON–305 Debra Guzman debra.guzman@pearson.com Educational publishing, assessment, student information and services.

Peoples Education–303 Diane Miller dimiller@peoplesed.com New print and online products for the STAAR.

Progress Testing/STAAR Test Maker–205 Laura Bresko lbresko@progresstesting.com STAAR Test Maker allows educators to quickly and easily create a nearly infinite amount of reliable and rigorous STAARaligned tests by combining userfriendly software with an item bank of over 60,000 items.


Region 7 ESC- DMAC Solutions–308 Anita Luff aluff@esc7.net Web-Based software enhances STAAR data analysis, local assessments, progress monitoring, improvement plans, appraisals and more.

Region One Education Service Center–601 Elaine Sellhorn scamacho@esc1.net STAAR One™ Texas STAARAligned Item Bank is used to develop rigorous STAAR®aligned benchmark assessment.

Renaissance Learning—416 Pam Fite Pam.Fite@renaissance.com A leader in K12 assessment, teaching, and learning S

Scantron–311 Jorge Quintanna tom.selvidge@scantron.com Scantron provides intelligent assessment and analytic solutions that help transform your approach to student growth

ScribeSense–302 Paul Abumov paula@quaest.org Save teachers’ time, keep parents in the know and give students online portfolios - grade your paper tests with ScribeSense.

Strozeski Enterprises–505 Michael Strozeski mystro@strozeski.com Software and Consulting for Data Disaggregation and State Accountability Estimation



Tango Software–409

Velazquez Press–217

Susan Skaggs susan@libertysource.com Electronic assessment - STAARaligned benchmarks, TEKS Mastery data analysis and reporting, TPRI/Tejas LEE, CPALLS

Jonathan Ruiz jruiz@ academiclearningcompany. com Bilingual Dictionaries in 100 languages for ELL STAAR Accommodations and Academic Vocabulary Tools

TEKSbank–215 Jim Newhouse jim.newhouse@region10.org An online bank of test questions aligned to the Texas STAAR Student Expectations


Moak, Casey & Associates–509

Texas Education Agency–415 Lynn Franzen lynn.franzen@tea.state.tx.us Assessment specialists to answer questions, ancillary products, and bulletin board materials

Thinking Maps, Inc.–316 Gail Keene kristie@thinkingmaps.com Thinking Maps transforms schools and increase student performance with specific visual patterns for limitless learning

Tri-Lin Integrated Services Inc–508 R.C. Rodriguez rrodriguez@tri-lin.com TEKS Based Assessment Item Bank; Translations; Spanish Instructional resources

TSNAP–Hilton 4th Floor Foyer Bill Renton brenton11@juno.com Membership information and services for SNAP, the ONLY statewide organization representing assessment professionals in Texas


Conference Planning Scheduler Sunday, February 15

11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.

3–7 p.m.

TACTP Business Meeting and Luncheon (Hilton 406)

Registration (Hilton Governor’s Ballroom Foyer)

1:30–2:30 p.m.

4–6 p.m.

Opening General Session: Renew, Re-energize, Re-engage (ACC Exhibit Hall 5)

TSNAP Board Meeting (Hilton 404) 4:30–6 p.m. TACTP Board Meeting (Hilton 402)

2:45–3:15 p.m. MINI Texas Assessment Management System – Sending Data Files (Hilton Salon K)

6–8 p.m. TACTP President’s Reception (Uncle Julio’s)

Monday, February 16 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Registration (Hilton Governor’s Ballroom Foyer) Exhibit Viewing (Hilton Salons A-E) 8:30–11:30 a.m. Preconference Workshops

2:45–4 p.m. TEA STAAR Science Update (ACC 17) TEA Accommodations for Use within the Texas Assessment Program (ACC Ballroom D) TEA STAAR English I and II: Creating Meaningful Connections (ACC 18) SECURITY—It Does Testing Good! (Hilton 400/402) TACTP TSI Assessment – One Year Later… (Hilton 404)

I’m New to This: Please HELP! (Hilton 406) Sink or Swim—Testing in a Small District (Hilton 408) Local Monitoring for Program Improvement (Hilton 410) I Don’t Have Time for All This “Stuff” and I Would Like to Have a LIFE! (Hilton 412) Organizing the Secondary Testing Environment (Hilton 415) Get Students Involved in Index 2 (Hilton 416AB) Testing Q & A: Day 1 (Hilton 602) Presenting Accountability in a Digestible Way without Causing Heartburn (Hilton 615) The Heart of Testing: Appropriate Accommodation and Assessment Selection (Hilton Salon H) TEA Introduction to the Texas Assessment Management System (Part II of II) (Hilton Salon K) 5:45–7 p.m. TAACE Board Meeting (TBD)

Tuesday, February 17

Security, Politics, and Practices: Ways to Achieve Student Success (Hilton 400)

Utilizing Technology and Color for a Stress-Free Test Administration (Hilton 408)

7:30 a.m.–5 p.m.

After STAAR and before TEA: SPSS and Student Data Files for Accountability (Hilton 408)

Using OnPoint® to Break down Your Data (Hilton 410)

Registration (Hilton Governor’s Ballroom Foyer)

Using FileMaker Pro to Build Your Testing Database (Hilton 410)

Color-Coding and Technology Tips for a Smooth Assessment Season (Hilton 415)

Exhibit Viewing (Hilton Salons A-E)

Avoid a “Train” Wreck (Hilton 412) Putting the Pieces Together! Tips & Strategies for Solving the Testing Puzzle (Hilton 415)

High School Student Engagement and Effect on College Enrollment and Persistence (Hilton 416AB)

If Any (or all) of the Following Categories Apply to YOU (Hilton 416AB)

V Chasing Your Tail Testing? Track Better with TestHound (Hilton 602)

Assessment and Accountability: Making the Connection (Hilton Salon F)

TEA 2015—A Springboard for a Digital NAEP (Hilton 616)

8:30–9:45 a.m. TEA An Overview of STAAR A (ACC Ballroom D) TEA STAAR Writing at Grades 4 and 7: Creating Meaningful Connections (ACC 18)

This and That: Testing Tips for Experienced Test Coordinators (Hilton Salon G)

The ELPS Linguistic Instructional Alignment Guide (Hilton Salons F/G)

TACTP Customize Individualize Student Pathways to Pass the TSI with TSI/ MyFoundation (Hilton 400/402)

Bootcamp for New District Testing Coordinator (Hilton Salon H)

What’s Up Doc? (Hilton Salon H)

TACTP TSI Remote Voucher (Hilton 404)

9:45–10:15 a.m.

TEA Introduction to the Texas Assessment Management System (Part I of II) (Hilton Salon J)

Refreshment Break (Hilton Salons A-E) 10:15–10:45 a.m. MINI Texas Assessment Management System – Sending Data Files (Hilton Salon K) 10:55–11:25 a.m. MINI Assessment Decisions for Students with Disabilities (Hilton Salon J) MINI Texas Assessment Management System – Precoding (Hilton Salon K) 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Lunch on Your Own


3:30–4 p.m. MINI

Texas Assessment Management System – Precoding (Hilton Salon K) 4:15–5:30 p.m.

Building Your Testing Coordinator Tool Box (Hilton 406) Where in the World Is? A Primer on TAMS from a CTC/DTC Point of View (Hilton 408) V Spotlight on Success: Texas Districts Make Huge Gains on STARR EOCs (Hilton 410) V ACT Aspire and the Predictive Road to College Readiness (Hilton 412)

TEA STAAR Social Studies: Assessment, Instruction, and Student Success (ACC 17)

Systems for Success (Hilton 415)

TEA Test Security Policies and Procedures (ACC BRs EFG)

Students with Static Student Engagement… What It Is and What We Can Do about It! (Hilton 602)

A Well-Trained TestHound is a DTC’s Best Friend (Hilton 400/402) TACTP TSI Assessment Administration Changes and Enhancements (Hilton 404)

Mixing Testing and C&I to Achieve Success (Hilton 416AB)

Transitioning from Paper to Online Testing (Hilton 615) Testing Is Over … Now What? (Hilton 616)

Conference Planning Scheduler—Tuesday/Wednesday V Praxis and Hubris in Assessment and Accountability (Hilton Salons F/G) ELL Accommodations: Instructional vs. Assessment (Hilton Salon H)

V You’ve Got to “Move It, Move It” When Assessing FOR Learning (Hilton 408) Understanding Emotional Barriers to Student Assessment Performance (Hilton 410)

TEA Technology—Preparing for Online Testing (Part I of II) (Hilton Salon J)

SURVIVOR: STAAR Out-Smart, Out-Plan, and Out-Live (Hilton 412)

TEA Printed and Online Resources for the Texas Student Assessment Program (Hilton Salon K)

Data eBinder (Hilton 415)

10:15–11:30 a.m. TEA Test Security Policies and Procedures (ACC BRs EFG) TEA STAAR Answer Documents—What’s New (ACC Ballroom D) Testing Incidents 101 (Hilton 400/402) TACTP EPCC GED Testing Second Largest Testing Center in the Nation (Hilton 404) How Do I Check in “ALL” These Materials? (Hilton 406) Create, Collaborate, Communicate (Hilton 408) Bridging Formative Assessment to Texas Accountability (Hilton 412) Program Evaluations—Who, What, When, Why, and How? (Hilton 415) V Assessment Solutions for Special Populations (Hilton 416AB) Yes, Virginia, There Is Life Beyond Testing (Hilton 602) STAAR-Struck Campus Testing Coordinators (Hilton 615) ELLs and Accountability (Hilton Salon H) TEA Technology—Preparing for Online Testing (Part II of II) (Hilton Salon K)

Facilitating School Change on Focused Areas of Need through Quarterly Reviews (Hilton 416AB) Keep Calm ... and Test On! (Hilton 615) Ins and Outs of Conducting Investigations (Hilton 616) TEA The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing (Part I of II – Hilton Salon J) 1:40–2:10 p.m. MINI Analytic Reporting (Hilton Salon K) 2:15–2:45 p.m.

1–2:15 p.m. TEA Update to Graduation and Dropout Rate Reporting (ACC 18) TEA STAAR Alternate 2, An Overview (ACC Ballroom D) Increase Your “App-titude” (Hilton 400/402) TACTP Proctoring Services for Distance Education Courses (Hilton 404) Deconstructing the STAAR Progress Measure (Hilton 406)

6 –8 p.m. Social Hour (Hilton Salon H)

Wednesday, February 18 7:30–11 a.m. Registration (Hilton Governor’s Ballroom Foyer) 8–9:15 a.m. TSNAP Officers/Board Meeting (Hilton 404)

Accommodations Watchwords: Appropriate and Allowable (Hilton 410)

TEA TELPAS Writing Connections (ACC 17) TEA STAAR Mathematics Update (ACC 18) TEA STAAR Scoring and Reporting (ACC Ballroom D) Data Day—One District’s Way to Focus on Data for Educational Excellence (Hilton 400/402) TACTP Train High School Personnel to Administer TSI (Hilton 404) The Secret Life of a First-Year District Testing Coordinator (Hilton 406) Digging for Gold Using Testing Data (Hilton 408)

Leading for Assessment Literacy (Hilton 415)

MINI Technology Set-up: Technology Guidelines (Hilton Salon K)

TEA The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing (Part II of II) (Hilton Salon K)

2:45–4 p.m.

Lunch on Your Own

1–1:30 p.m.

Don’t Laminate Your Credit-by-Exam Policy (Hilton 616)

Using Data to Boost Student Achievement and Growth and Build Curriculum Maps (Hilton 406)

Online Systems that Make DTC Life Easier! (Hilton 410)

TSNAP Session/Luncheon: Challenges and Opportunities in Next Generation Assessment Systems (ACC Exhibit Hall 5)

Making It Work: Organizational Skills to Help Keep You on Track (Hilton 615)

Refreshment Break

11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.

11:30 a.m.–2:15 p.m.

TSNAP Open Q&A Session (Hilton 602)

Fostering a Data Culture (Hilton 416AB) It’s All Greek To Me! Accountability for Beginners (Hilton 615) Gyms Aren’t Just for Basketball (Hilton 616) TEA The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing (Part I of II) (Hilton Salon J) TEA The Texas Assessment Management System and Online Testing (Part II of II – Hilton Salon K) 4:15–5:30 p.m. TEA State Accountability Update (ACC Ballroom D) Will the Real Students Who Need to Take an EOC Test Please Stand Up? (Hilton 400/402) TACTP Open Forum (Hilton 404)

Predictable is Preventable (Hilton 616) 8:40–9:10 a.m. MINI STAAR Spanish Test Development (Hilton Salon A) 9:30–10:45 a.m. Lead by Instruction, Powered by Technology (Hilton 400/402) V Personalized Learning Impacts Students’ STAAR Scores and Classroom Performance (Hilton 406) Data Discovery to Action: Transforming PLC Work using Local Assessments (Hilton 408) Tricks of the Trade, Round 2 (All New Tips!) (Hilton 415) Gateway Crashers! Correlating K-6 Data to STAAR Performance and Progress (Hilton 615) TEA STAAR Reading: Assessment, Instruction, and Student Success (Hilton Salon B) TEA ELL Assessments Update (Hilton Salon C) 10–10:30 a.m. MINI Assessment Decisions for Students with Disabilities (Hilton Salon J) 11 a.m.–Noon Tell Me Somethin’ Good! (Hilton Grand Ballroom – 6th Floor)

Trying to Stay Out of the Doghouse with Accommodations and Getting Organized (Hilton 406)


Austin Hilton Hotel

4th Floor u Registration: Governor’s Ballroom Foyer Exhibits: Salons A–E


Meeting Rooms: 400, 402, 404, 406, 408, 410, 412

Mini-sessions: Meeting Room 408 

6th Floor u Austin Grand Ballroom (Salon H) Salons F–G Meeting Room 602 Salons J–K


Meeting Room 410

Austin Convention Center

Emergency Exit Corridor

Emergency Exit Corridor Emergency Exit Corridor


VERIFICATION OF CONTACT CLOCK HOURS Texas Assessment Conference and Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel Conference Austin, Texas February 15–18, 2015 List each session in which you participated. An attendance code must be recorded at the end of the session. For continuing education credit, follow the rules of the appropriate board or agency regarding the submitting of verification. NAME______________________________________________________ TELEPHONE______________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE SESSION TITLE NAME OF SPEAKER # HOURS


February 16 8:30–11:30 a.m. February 16 1:30–2:30 p.m.

Opening GS: Renew, Re-energize, Re-engage

Bertice Berry


Closing GS: Tell Me Somthin’ Good!

Clint Swindall


February 16 2:45–4 p.m. February 16 4:15–5:30 p.m. February 17 8:30–9:45 a.m. February 17 10:15–11:30 a.m. February 17 1–2:15 p.m. February 17 2:45–4 p.m. February 17 4:15–5:30 p.m. February 18 8–9:15 a.m. February 18 9:30–10:45 a.m. February 18 11 a.m.–noon

A maximum of 16 hours can be earned by participation in activities at the joint conference. TOTAL CONTACT HOURS: _________ LPC Credit is authorized by the Texas Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (TAACE), approved provider #334

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