2017 Texas Assessment Conference

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2017 Conference Planning Committee Conference Chair *Paul Whitton, Jr. Associate Executive Director, TASA Texas Statewide Network of Assessment Professionals (TSNAP) Shannon Kuhrt TSNAP President Director of Assessment, Wichita Falls ISD Tracy McDaniel TSNAP Vice President Director of Testing Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Chris Cordell Immediate Past President Director of Systemwide Testing, Austin ISD

Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) *Paul Whitton, Jr. Associate Executive Director, Administrative Services Maria Cruz Event Coordinator, Administrative Services Jennifer Garrido Director, Event & Corporate Partner Services Faye Alexis Executive Assistant, Governmental Relations Consultants (non-voting members) Lauren Hebert Sr. Director, ETS K12 Assessment Division Amanda Pepmiller Program Manager, Pearson

Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel (TACTP) John Harrell TACTP, President Houston Community College-Central Testing Services Stephanie Perkins TACTP, President-Elect Temple College *Carita Webster Coordinator of Assessment Services San Jacinto College Central Texas Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (TAACE) *Carolyn Greer Education Consultant Joy Chandler TAACE Past-President John Crawford TAACE President Texas Education Agency (TEA) Kim Ackermann Program Specialist Student Assessment Division Texas Education Agency Sandi Cowes Director of Test Administration Texas Education Agency

Special Thanks to Our 2017 Sponsors ETS Moak, Casey & Associates TestHound Pearson

Special Acknowledgment The planning committee for the Texas Assessment Conference thanks the Texas Education Agency for extraordinary assistance in planning conference content and presenting timely information.

SAVE THE DATE Texas Assessment Conference November 11–14, 2018

* Steering Committee Member 2

The 29th Annual Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel Conference starts Sunday evening, November 5. The registration fee for TACTP members and other collegiate personnel grants access to all TACTP and Texas Assessment Conference events. This joint conference includes five events that are either for TACTP members specifically or are being sponsored by TACTP with assistance from event sponsors: 1) Monday TACTP Preconference Workshop 2) Monday TACTP Business Meeting and Luncheon

TACTP Conference

Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel Conference

3) Monday TACTP President’s Reception 4) Tuesday TACTP Open Forum Additionally, TACTP members may attend all of the functions offered at the Texas Assessment Conference.

TACTP Conference Agenda Sunday, November 5 Registration

3–7 p.m.

Board Meeting

4:30–6 p.m.

Austin Convention Center-4th Floor Hilton 602

(Officers, committee chairs, past presidents, and interested members) Monday, November 6 TACTP Business Meeting and Luncheon

11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.

Hilton Salon G

Annual Business Meeting and Recognition of TACTP Members President’s Reception

6–8 p.m.

Uncle Julio’s

Tuesday, November 7 TACTP Open Forum

2:45–4 p.m.

Hilton 602

Presenter: Stephanie Perkins, Testing Director, Temple College This session is a time for TACTP members to openly discuss current issues and concerns related to assessment changes and trends in the Texas higher education system. Please bring your questions or concerns for discussion.

Event Sponsors ETS


Texas Statewide Network of Assessment Professionals Welcome, TSNAP members, and thank you for making the Texas Assessment Conference one of your leadership development activities this year! Our November conference offers over 100 sessions covering nearly every aspect of Texas assessment. Members can find up-to-theminute information on sessions, speakers, and exhibits with the conference mobile app. Don't forget to stop by the TSNAP booth to pick up your member gift! I look forward to collaborating and sharing with you this week as we gather new ideas and knowledge to take home that will benefit our districts and the students we serve. Shannon Kuhrt, TSNAP President

TSNAP Conference Agenda Sunday, November 5 Registration

TSNAP Board Meeting

3–7 p.m.

Austin Convention Center-4th Floor

4:30–6 p.m.

Hilton 615AB

(Officers, Regional Directors, Past Presidents, Committee Chairs) Monday, November 6 TSNAP Officer's Preconference Session (Ticket Required)



Tuesday, November 7 TSNAP Luncheon (Ticket Required) TSNAP Open Q&A

11:30 a.m.-1p.m.

Hilton – Salon H

4:15-5:30 p.m.


8-9:15 a.m.

Hilton – 617

Wednesday, November 8 TSNAP Board Meeting

(Officers, Regional Directors, Past Presidents, Committee Chairs)

Event Sponsors ACT Eduphoria ETS Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Kriegerations Lead4ward Moak, Casey Associates NWEA Pearson


Renaissance Scantron SchoolCity STAAR Test Maker Tango Software TestHound T-Mobile

Continuing Education Credits 1. LPC Credit Many of the sessions are approved for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) continuing education credit according to the rules of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors (TSBEPC). There will be a sign-in sheet available at the registration booth. Those seeking LPC credit must sign in to receive credit.You are responsible for submitting your forms to TSBEPC as per its rules.

2. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) for Superintendents Effective September 1, 1999, individuals who have not completed all requirements for the Lifetime Superintendent Certificate are issued the Standard Certificate, which must be renewed every five years. Current holders of the Lifetime Superintendent Certificate are not required to participate in the renewal process but may voluntarily choose to do so. The renewal process for superintendents, principals, and assistant principals includes obtaining 200 hours of CPE credit every five years. The local school board will be notified at the end of a five-year period of any employed superintendent in the renewal process, as required or voluntarily, who has not met renewal requirements. The following are standards that are required for the superintendent certificate as stated in Texas Administrative Code ยง242.

Professional Standards for the Superintendency Learner-centered 1. Values and Ethics of Leadership 2. Leadership and District Culture 3. Human Resources Leadership and Management 4. Policy and Governance 5. Communications and Community Relations 6. Organizational Leadership and Management 7. Curriculum Planning and Development 8. Instructional Leadership and Management Certificate renewal standards adopted by SBEC for principals and assistant principals, with the omission of the policy and governance standard, are very similar to the superintendent standards; however, the numbering of the standards is slightly different. All sessions are also approved for Counselor Certification Renewal, even though the titles of the standard are different. Complete information, including certificate renewal requirements for teachers, counselors, principals, and assistant principals, can be found at http://tea.texas.gov/Texas_Educators/ Certification/ or by calling 888-863-5880. (If you need verification for your school district, please complete the Verification of Contact Clock Hours on back cover.)


Texas Assessment Conference

Agenda Sunday, November 5 Registration............................................................... 3–7 p.m.................................................................ACC 4th Floor TSNAP Board Meeting............................................. 4:30–6 p.m.............................................................. Hilton 615AB TACTP Board Meeting............................................. 4:30–6 p.m....................................................................Hilton 602 TSNAP Board Dinner............................................... 6–8 p.m.......................................................................Moonshine Sponsor: Renaissance Learning

Monday, November 6 Registration............................................................... 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m.....................................................ACC 4th Floor Exhibit Viewing......................................................... 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m................................................. ACC Ballroom D Preconference Workshops.......................................... 8:30–11:30 a.m............................................................. See page 8 Refreshment Break.................................................... 9:45–10:15 a.m................................................... ACC Ballroon D Bronze Sponsor: Moak, Casey & Associates

Lunch on Your Own (*)............................................ 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. TACTP Business Meeting and Luncheon.................. 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m...................................................Hilton Salon G Sponsor: ETS

Opening General Session........................................... 1:30–2:30 p.m.........................Convention Center Ballrooms EFG Speaker: Patrick Briggs, AVID

Concurrent Sessions.................................................. 2:45–4 p.m........................................................... See pages 12–14 Concurrent Sessions.................................................. 4:15–5:30 p.m...................................................... See pages 14–15 TAACE Board Meeting............................................. 5:45–7 p.m............................................................................ TBD TACTP President’s Reception................................... 6–8 p.m..................................................................... Uncle Julio’s Tuesday, November 7 Registration............................................................... 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m.....................................................ACC 4th Floor Exhibit Viewing......................................................... 7:30 a.m.–2:45 p.m..................................................ACC Salon D Mini Session.............................................................. 8:30–9 a.m....................................................................Hilton 617 Concurrent Sessions.................................................. 8:30–9:45 a.m...................................................... See pages 15–17 Refreshment Break.................................................... 9:45–10:15 a.m. ......................................................ACC Salon D Concurrent Sessions.................................................. 10:15–11:30 a.m.................................................. See pages 17–18 Lunch on Your Own (*)............................................ 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. TSNAP Luncheon/Speaker Mtg. (ticket required)..... 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m...................................................Hilton Salon H Concurrent Sessions.................................................. 1–2:15 p.m........................................................... See pages 18–20 Refreshment Break.................................................... 2:15–2:45 p.m..........................................................ACC Salon D TACTP Open Forum................................................ 2:45-4 p.m.......................................................... Hilton Salon 602 Concurrent Sessions.................................................. 2:45–4 p.m........................................................... See pages 20–21 Concurrent Sessions.................................................. 4:15–5:30 p.m...................................................... See pages 21–23 Social Hour (all conference attendees)....................... 6–8 p.m.................................................................Hilton Salon H Host: ETS

Wednesday, November 8 Concurrent Sessions.................................................. 8–9:15 a.m.................................................................. See page 23 TSNAP Officers/Board Meeting .............................. 8–9:15 a.m....................................................................Hilton 617 Closing General Session............................................. 10–11 a.m. .....................................Hilton Austin Grand Ballroom Speakers: Dr. Penny Schwinn & Director Jamie Crowe (*) See registration packet for lunch options


STAAR Assessment Management System Computer Lab (ETS)

ACC 15

STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS (Pearson)

ACC 14

Computer Labs

Texas Assessment Program Computer Labs

Assessment Management System Computer Lab

Monday, November 6

2:45 - 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday, November 7

8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

The Computer Labs will be available at the times listed above for attendees to stop by and become familiar with updates to the Assessment Management System, have an opportunity for hands-on practice, and get assistance with questions.


Preconference Workshops Monday, November 6 Testing and the Adolescent Brain

8:30–11:30 a.m. ACC – Room 12A

Robert Forti, Assistant Director of Testing, San Antonio ISD

Presenters will discuss how studies in adolescent brain development have opened new pathways into understanding how the adolescent brain works and how it handles the anxiety that can come with testing. Also discussed will be the best practices tools that will help students train their brains to better handle the anxieties of testing as well as other life and school stressors. The presentation will include newer brain imaging data that was used to create a more targeted approach for reducing testing anxiety. [TACTP] Texas Testing Updates & Best Practices ACC – Room 12B John Harrell, Testing Associate, Houston Community College Suzanne Morales-Vale, Director, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Kathie Montognese, Senior Assessment Manager, College Board

This preconference session will include updates from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the College Board, and a presentation on best practices for a test center administering the TSI assessment. Huddle with Us to Tackle Testing!

ACC – Room 16A

Shannon Kuhrt, Director of Assessment, Wichita Falls ISD Chris Cordell, Director - Systemwide Testing, Austin ISD Tracy McDaniel, Director of Testing, Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Thomas Negri, Coordinator of State Assessments, Fort Bend ISD

Designed for the novice district testing coordinator, this session, presented by the officers of TSNAP, will help you develop your game plan for the testing year! Come huddle with us to learn our best plays to ensure you are victorious in all your testing endeavors! We will train you how to avoid fumbles so you can tackle testing. You will leave ready coach your district to a winning season! This and That: Testing Tips for Experienced Test Coordinators ACC – Room 17A Keith Haffey, Executive Director for Assessment and Compliance, Spring Branch ISD Stacy Daugherty, Executive Director of Student Operations, Friendswood ISD

Back for the 11th year, this active and engaging session addresses Texas assessment and accountability. Legislation and public input continue to bring change, and preparation


is key. Topics include changes in TELPAS, increased online testing, training, security, and materials management; special populations and features, supports, and PNPs; accountability this year and beyond; substitute assessments; and more. Leave with useful tools, new contacts, new ideas, and new insights. Join us! Data Magic

ACC – Room 18B

Joseph Orr, Data Specialist, Northside ISD (ESC 20) Ron Stephens, PEIMS Specialist, Northside ISD (ESC 20)

Participants will be guided through a process using templates to load their state data file into Excel. Presenters ask that participants bring their own district laptops fully charged along with one of their state data files. Computers should have Microsoft Excel version 2007 or later installed to avoid complications. Presenters will provide you with an opportunity to load template files from a USB drive. Templates will be updated in spring 2018. Making the Grade: A-F Estimates with SPSS and Other Tools ACC – Room 18C Warren Roane, Director of Accountability, Humble ISD Marla L. Meriano, Coordinator of Assessment, Humble ISD Mary Kay Gianoutsos, Director of Evaluation, Humble ISD

A-F grades for campuses and districts will be based on test scores and graduation rates as well as on community and student engagement. SPSS can help you analyze test data in detail. Participants will receive computer syntax files that can be used with SPSS to predict 2018 accountability grades using raw STAAR data files. Presenters will also demonstrate Decision Ed, a data warehouse that combines student data from many sources for progress monitoring. Tableau will be used for data visualization of district dashboard information. STAARWorld Through the Looking Glass: A Test Plan Framework ACC – Room 19B Laura Witte, Director of Testing Services, North East ISD Sarah Howell, Testing Specialist, North East ISD Beverly Lebherz, Testing Analyst, North East ISD

Ever feel like you don't know which way is up with state testing? Come and make sense of things that seem nonsensical and embark on a testing adventure with three veteran testing professionals. The target audience includes testing professionals who are new or experienced. Participants will be given a Test Plan framework and walked through the strategic decisions required for seamless testing. Participants are encouraged to bring their charged laptops in order to create a Word test plan.

Speaker Ready Room Austin Convention Center Level 3 Show Office 12 Hours of Operation Sunday, November 5

2–6 p.m.

Monday, November 6

7:30 a.m.–6 p.m.

Tuesday, November 7

7:30 a.m.–6 p.m.

Wednesday, November 8

7–10 a.m.

Austin Convention Center Level 3 Show Offices


Reminders for Presenters The Texas Assessment Conference is once again partnering with PSAV to manage the electronic presentation materials. Through the Presentation Management System, speakers must submit their electronic presentations in advance or on-site in the Speaker Ready Room (ACC Showroom 12). All presenters, whether or not they use an electronic presentation, must use the Presentation Management System to access the continuing education credit (CEC) training number. Detailed instructions are available in the Speaker Ready Room. If you did not upload your presentation prior to arriving at the conference, you may submit it in the Speaker Ready Room. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to upload your presentation and make any last-minute changes.Your presentation can be modified up to an hour prior to the start of your session, and changes will be transferred to your meeting room. Technicians are available in the Speaker Ready Room to assist you.

Presenter Tips:



Pick up name badge at registration


Check in at the Speaker Ready Room


Review pre-submitted presentation and modify or submit new presentation in the Speaker Ready Room


Access presentation from the computer in your meeting room


Access the CEC training number from the computer in your meeting room (DO NOT MAKE UP A NUMBER!)

General Sessions Opening General Session Monday, November 6, 1:30–2:30 p.m.

ACC Ballroom EFG

All Means All: Bridging the Achievement Gap Presenter: Patrick Briggs, State Director (AR, OK & TX), AVID

Patrick Briggs is a thought-provoking and motivational speaker. He will encourage you to examine your mindset and practice when considering if “all means all” in regard to educating students. His high-energy presentations will move listeners to positive action, both in and out of the classroom.

Closing General Session Wednesday, November 8, 10–11 a.m.

Hilton Austin Grand Ballroom

TEA Update Presenter: Dr. Penny Schwinn, Deputy Commissioner for Academics; and Jamie Crowe, Director, Performance and Reporting

Deputy Commissioner Penny Schwinn and Director Jamie Crowe will give an agency overview of the latest information pertinent to state assessment and accountability. Topics will include the A-F rating system, State-Developed Interim and Formative Assessments, Parent STAAR Report Cards, and other current agency projects.


Concurrent Sessions


Monday, November 6

Concurrent Sessions Legend

2:45–4 p.m. DTC: Procedures 201 (Still Basic and Simple)

TEA Texas Education Agency session ACC – Room 11A

James R. Rambo, Director for Student Assessment, Irving ISD

One DTC’s refined simplistic approach to state testing for a district of 34,000-plus students with 32,000-plus students taking TELPAS and 24,000-plus taking STAAR will be presented. Few district forms related to testing are required to be filled out and used by campuses. This DTC’s guiding principle after more than seven years as a high school CTC and 10 as a DTC continues to be “ Why write testing guidelines when they have been written/provided for you? ” Auditing your CIA (Collaboration, Information, and Accessibility)

ACC – Room 12A

Melissa Haney, Coordinator of Accountability and Assessment, Hutto ISD Michele Simcik, Special Education Facilitator, Hutto ISD

MINI Mini session Symphony or Cacophony? How ESSA and New State Laws are Shaping Accountability ACC – Room 16B Curtis Culwell, Sr. Associate, Moak, Casey & Associates Dee Carney, Associate, Moak, Casey & Associates Terry Faucheux, Associate, Moak, Casey & Associates

This session describes Texas current interpretation of: 1) the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA); and 2) relevant new laws passed by the 85th Texas Legislature, as implementation proceeds at both state and local levels. Participants will learn about critical changes to take into consideration to support strategic planning at the local level. Become an App-Kickin' DTC

As TEA expands the accessibility of accommodations, the need increases for clear, consistent communication between EL, SpEd, 504, RtI, and Assessment personnel. In Hutto ISD, we focus on working collaboratively at the district level to ensure that all stakeholders are fully informed of the accessibility of accommodations. Come and see how we work collaboratively to streamline the flow of information through annual training, interdepartmental meetings, and in ongoing Google Communities.

Christina Trotter, Coordinator of Student Assessment, Humble ISD

TACTP TSI & Accuplacer Updates

ACC – Room 12B

Kathie Montognese, Senior Assessment Manager, College Board

Attend this session for updates related to the Texas Success Initiative Assessment and the ACCUPLACER platform. A Fresh Take on Progress Monitoring: A Recipe for Success

ACC – Room 16A

Beth L. Libby, Coordinator Student Assessment, Brownsville ISD San Juanita Ramirez, Coordinator for Assessment and Planning, Brownsville ISD

Do you need a recipe for monitoring student progress? If so, this session is for you! You will learn how to create a TELPAS Progress Monitoring system and spice up your local assessments utilizing Eduphoria Aware.You can add the following to your Eduphoria Skill Set: 1) a formula to create a TELPAS Progress Monitoring Inventory; 2) the makings for building a digestible district assessment system; and 3) a shopping list that will make your data palatable for stakeholders.


TACTP Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel session

Anna Moreno, Bilingual/ESL Specialist, Hutto ISD

Carita Webster, Assessment Coordinator, San Jacinto College District


ACC – Room 17A

Jamie Hicks, Director, Student Assessment & Accountability, Crosby ISD

We love Google apps! Are you ready to find more effective ways of training, communicating, and coordinating testing activities? Join us to see how we use Google, apps, and technology to engage testing coordinators in training, organize the job of test coordination, collect data, and effectively communicate.You will walk away with apps and technology that you can implement and use today! A Year in the Life of a DTC

ACC – Room 17B

Cynthia Borden, Director of Federal & State Accountability, Seguin ISD Laura Lugo, Director of Federal Programs, Student Services, and Assessments, San Marcos CISD

Don’t get caught by surprise! Designed for the new DTC, this session will prepare you for the major duties and day-today tasks that fall under the responsibility of the DTC. We will review monthly to-do lists with specific items required by TEA, ETS, and Pearson, all of which can be overwhelming for a new DTC.You will walk away with tips for staying organized, meeting deadlines, managing your time, and more. ABCs of Testing: Put Our Checklist to the Test!

ACC – Room 18A

Rosalinda M. Sabedra, EISD Testing Specialist, Edgewood ISD (ESC 20) Jim Street, District Test Coordinator, Edgewood ISD (ESC 20)

So much to do, so little time! How are we going to remember everything that needs to be ready prior to testing? Let us share this comprehensive and updated checklist that we continue to develop in our work at CTC meetings and campus visits. DTCs statewide provided input as well. CTCs find the list to be helpful while preparing for test administrations. Campus and district-level staff use it to ensure procedures and protocols are in place.You will receive an electronic version of the checklist.

Let DMAC Do the Work for You!

ACC – Room 18B

Jamie Parker, District Testing Coordinator, SETTS (TSNAP)

MONDAY AY Region 5 Director, Silsbee ISD

How to Be the Chaos Coordinator of STAAR Testing

ACC – Room 18C

Debbie Willows, Campus Testing Coordinator, Crosby ISD Sarah Crawford, Testing Coordinator, Humble ISD Audra Boney, Testing Coordinator, Humble ISD

It's a BIRD ... It's a PLANE ... It's PAN! Navigating in Pearson Access Next

Hilton – Room 602

Jana Lawrence, Director of Assessment and Guidance, New Caney ISD

So I'm the new DTC. ... NOW WHAT? Learn to use the Pearson Access Next system like a superhero! The online assessment system can be extremely confusing, especially for a brand-new district testing coordinator. This session will focus on functions that will need to be performed to get your district and PAN users ready for assessment. Presenters will discuss TELPAS, STAAR-Alt 2, and TAKS processes.

Rochelle Hobbs, Testing Coordinator, Humble ISD

So You Think You Have Heard It All Hilton – Room Salon F

We will tell you what to include in your testing buckets so that anyone can properly administer a test, how to use colored folders and forms to keep everyone on the same page, and what to share with staff to ensure that everyone knows where to be on testing day. We will also share tips and tricks for how to communicate accommodations to testing administrators. Templates and resources will be provided, including a checklist, signage, types of rosters, book labels, and passes.

Pam Brown, Director of Counseling & Assessment, LubbockCooper ISD

GEAR UP: Gather Everyone's Assessments and Reports to Understand the Potential ACC – Room 18D Rebecca Wisnoski, High School Math Teacher, Anderson-Shiro CISD

ACC – Room 19A

Karen Mayton, District Assessment Coordinator, Midway ISD (ESC 12) Cindy Poynter, Assessment Assistant, Midway ISD (ESC 12)

It’s what you do before the season starts that makes a champion. Come learn some strategies to help you and your team hit it out of the park this testing season. Our 10-campus district uses these procedures for a variety of testing administrations. You will walk away with ideas on how to implement these at your campus or district. A Walk Through the Testing Year

This workshop will explore different testing incidents that coordinators have encountered. Come learn how seasoned DTCs have handled a myriad of unusual testing irregularities. You might even win the coveted Golden Tylenol for the most unusual testing irregularity story. One District's Roadmap to a Successful SAT School Day

Hilton – Room 614

Ivette Bruno, Coordinator, Northside ISD (ESC 20) Jamie Ford, Program Evaluator, Northside ISD (ESC 20)

In this session, assessments created in Aware aligned to the Algebra I EOC will be used to collect data and run quintile reports over the course of the school year to show how to predict the success students will have on the EOC. Differentiating between scores on the Aware assessments and the scoring of the exam for the actual class will be examined. Also, how student-owned progress charts can be used in the classroom throughout the year will be addressed. Make It the Best Season Ever!

Crystal Glover, District Test Coordinator, Amarillo ISD


Concurrent Sessions

Let us share how we use DMAC in Silsbee ISD! The webbased applications provided by DMAC exist to supply Texas educators with state-of-the-art tools and services necessary to develop and improve the quality of education provided to students. We will focus on how we use the reports and applications, State Assessment and TEKScore, for all state and local assessments.

sessions to get the most bang for your buck, materials handling processes, what to do with those pesky incident reports, and how to build a network of colleagues so that you have the best support during the stressful times.

ACC – Room 19B

Rebecca Trotter, Coordinator of Testing & Federal Programs, Azle ISD Monica Uphoff, Coordinator, Birdville ISD Janet L. Helmcamp, Director of Assessment , Cleburne ISD

A panel of veteran DTCs will offer ideas and tips to help new coordinators prepare for the state assessment and all of its many moving parts. The panelists will discuss participation counts and registration uploads, how to break up training

In recent years, some districts and state agencies have offered or required universal college entrance exams for all high school students. Prior to this, SAT/ACT testing was generally discretionary, both initiated and paid for by students who anticipated attending post-secondary education. Northside ISD has implemented SAT School Day for three years. Follow the roadmap leading to a successful SAT School Day. The journey will take you through planning, implementing, and interpreting results. Shaping Up Shipping

Hilton – Room 615 A

Lauren Hebert, Senior Director, Program Operations, ETS Tracy McDaniel, Director of Testing, Cypress-Fairbanks ISD

Nothing can derail the test administration process like shipping problems. Luckily, there are ways to minimize risk and help ensure successful sending and receiving of necessary materials and information. Hear from ETS about common mistakes and best practices to help your pre- and postadministration processes go smoothly. Attendees will also learn about efforts to take the Answer Document Packing List (ADPL) online. Testing Wisdom: Essential Techniques and Recipes from a Lifetime of Testing Hilton – Room 615 B Kyle Sanchez, Testing Facilitator, Katy ISD

Learn how to cook, try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless and above all have fun. With that advice from Julia Child in mind, this session, geared toward new CTCs and those looking to spice things up, will provide an appealing recipe for testing success. Our mise en place


Concurrent Sessions


(preparations) will ensure appetizing results. And who knows? You may even leave with a tasty treat!

The Data Deluge

Give Them Just a Piece, Not the Whole Pie!

Lauren Brisbin, Director of English Language Arts, Belton ISD

Hilton – Room 616 A

Shannon Kuhrt, Director of Assessment, Wichita Falls ISD Michael S. Kuhrt, Superintendent, Wichita Falls ISD

Do you struggle with how much assessment information you need to share with the school board? What’s too much? What's not enough? What's important? What’s not? Join us to see how one district prioritizes and delivers the information without sharing the whole pie! Do Administrators Need to Know About the STAAR Tests?

Hilton – Room 616 B

Andrew Roberts, President, Sirius Education Solutions

Is rich TEKS-based instruction sufficient preparation for the STAAR tests? What is the proper role of STAAR test prep? Do you have a STAAR preparation plan? If so, what are its goals? What do the STAAR tests really measure, and what instructional practices are likely to improve student scores? How can we support individual student needs for annual yearly progress, as well as long-term district/campus improvement? We will share specific strategies, but a onesize-fits-all approach will be discouraged. A Well-trained TestHound is a Test Coordinator's Best Friend: Best Practices Hilton – Room Salon K Jeremiah Eli Crow, CEO, Education Advanced, Inc. Erin Todd, Account Representative, Education Advanced , Inc. Elda Garcia, Director of Assessment and Accountability, Corpus Christi ISD Lori Hart, District Testing Coordinator, Denton ISD

Has your district implemented TestHound, or are you thinking about joining this exciting project? This session follows the paths of several school districts that have maximized their use of the product and developed a set of best practices in accurate inventory management, summer school testing, retesting, make-up testing, maintaining accommodations, and more. We’ll also be sharing the latest TestHound updates. Come learn how your district can get the most out of your TestHound implementation. Monday, November 6 4:15–5:30 p.m. TACTP Best Practices in a High-Volume Testing Center

ACC – Room 11A

Vickie Dean, Director of Interventions and Testing, Belton ISD


Data brings huge benefits but also big headaches. How do you get the most of your data to drive instruction? See how one district has developed a process to help campuses drive instruction from the district level down to the teacher level. Coaching Assessment Literacy and Empowering Practitioner Validity in Local Testing ACC – Room 16B Ed Cunningham, School Improvement Specialist, eduphoria! Allison E. Matney, Executive Director of Research, Assessment and Accountability, Katy ISD

How can we challenge the mindsets we sometimes face regarding assessment? Many of us did not learn about assessment literacy in school and struggle in the climate of high-stakes testing to maintain a progressive approach to measurement of student learning. This session will focus on considerations for coaching the building of a valid assessment program for campuses and districts. TEA Survey Says ... STAAR!

ACC – Room 17A

Ray Gross, Client Management Lead, ETS Roy Ellis, Business Technology Lead, ETS Lauren Hebert, Senior Director, Program Operations, ETS Glenn Kirchner, Director, Texas Education Agency

ETS recently conducted a survey of school district testing personnel about the state of the Texas Assessment Program and their technical readiness for online testing. Join a panel of ETS experts to discuss the findings and the potential impact to the program’s future. The Three C's of formative Assessment Data: Create, Curate, Collate

ACC – Room 18A

Raluca Bidulescu, Education & Cyber Security Strategy Officer, Houston ISD Christinia Wehde-Roddiger, Formative Assessment Manager, Houston ISD

Join Houston ISD to learn how we create, curate, and collate assessment data to help our students, teachers, and administrators inform learning. Our new platform, OnTrack powered by SchoolCity, helps us aggregate data (online and scanned) to provide timely, granular SE reporting. We create standard-aligned formative assessment libraries, aggregate formative and summative assessments, and create a cohesive, live view of student progression. We also reduce testing by utilizing the data in various formats.

Connie Williams, Manager, Highland Testing Center, Austin Community College

Innovative Approaches to Coordinating State Testing

Loreah Johnson, Austin Community College

Angel Castro-Diaz, Director of State Assessment, Responsive Education Solutions

Handling a high volume of students who walk in to take tests can be daunting to staff. If the right processes are not in place, you will see chaos. Presenters will share best practices in a testing center for efficiently processing students who walk in for service as well as for a reservation-only service.


ACC – Room 13A

ACC – Room 19B

Managing an assessment program can be challenging for a new or experienced campus testing coordinator. From training to completing the required five-year storage documentation, this presentation details innovative and practical organizational tips, including virtual check-in procedures. Participants will learn best practices in sharing testing-related data, along with advice from experienced

practitioners on how to maintain the integrity of confidential testing materials.


Tuesday, November 7


8:30–9 a.m.

TEA Printed and Online Resources for the Texas Student Assessment Program Hilton – Room 408

MINI TEA STAAR Spanish Update

Eric Estlund, Manager of Administration Materials, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

Joseph Cisneros, Manager of Spanish Language, Texas Education Agency

Eli J Cadena, Systems Analyst, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

Javier Torres, Program Specialist, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

This session reviews the content of printed materials and online resources that support district and campus testing coordinators and other testing personnel, as well as parents. Bring your own device to follow along with live demonstrations of resources available online.

Judith Agraz, Program Specialist, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

Jill Morris, Director of Accountability, Research, Evaluation, and Assessment, Bryan ISD Barbara A. Ybarra, Associate Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, Bryan ISD

We will explore data through different lenses to improve teaching and learning. Student-level data can be used to design individualized or small-group plans for learning. Teacher-level data will help leaders when designing professional development plans and providing just-in-time support for teachers throughout the year. Subject-area data analysis will aid in curriculum development, lesson planning, and designing teaching strategies. Sample templates for data monitoring will be shared. So Little Time and So Much to Do! How to Focus on What is Really Important Hilton – Room 613 Carolyn Denny, National Academic Advisor, Renaissance Learning Pam Fite, Field Account Executive, Renaissance Learning

Conversations about personalized learning in education are rampant.Yet, there is shocking little agreement on a definition. What is personalized learning and how do I tackle this monumental task? Join this session to learn how Star assessments identify the focus skills in the TEKS and the steps needed to master these skills. We will also discuss personalizing a learning path for students and progress monitoring growth on a regular basis to assess if they are on target for end-of-year success. TEA State Accountability Update Hilton – Room Salon H Christopher Lucas, Director of Policy and Communications, Texas Education Agency Heather Smalley, Accountability Policy Coordinator, Texas Education Agency

This session will provide the latest information on the 2018 A–F state accountability system and the requirements of federal accountability.

Presenters will provide general information about the grades 3-5 STAAR Spanish program. Tuesday, November 7 8:30–9:45 a.m. Data Digs: Getting Messy with Data

ACC – Room 11B

Emily Lorenz, Curriculum and Instructional Support, Calallen ISD

To find the instructional gold in our data, we have to be willing to dig a little deeper and get a little messy! Learn how to use data to help teachers be more effective and efficient. Figure out the best pieces of data to use, and what key questions to ask to get the most out of your time. TEA Update on Texas Writing Pilot (HB 1164)

Concurrent Sessions

Leading Data Analysis of Student Performance Data Using Multiple Lenses Hilton – Room 602

Hilton – Room 617

ACC – Room 12A

Rachel Griffin, Program Coordinator, Texas Education Agency Deb Sauberer, Executive Director, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

This session will provide participants with an overview of the Texas Writing Pilot for grades 4, 7, and ENG I/II as it moves into year two. The purpose of the pilot program is to examine alternative methods of assessing writing in Texas public schools. This session will outline the design of the pilot and provide a summary of year-one findings. Organize and Color-Code Your Way to a Smooth Assessment Season ACC – Room 12B Melanie Conway Kocian, School Counselor, Brenham ISD

This session is designed to help CTCs become more organized and effective this spring.You will learn how to use Excel, mail merge, and a scanner to create various lists, rosters, and labels. Use Excel to sort your testing locations, administrators, special pops, and accommodations.You’ll also hear how to use different products and processes to keep your testing materials in order. With an established color-coding scheme, your entire campus will be organized as well! TACTP Student & Instructional Services Programs Driven by Testing Data ACC – Room 13A John Harrell, Testing Associate, Houston Community College

Gaining access to the right data at the right time is key to the success of many programs in student and instructional services at colleges and universities. This session will give participants an overview of how Testing Services at the Central College of the Houston Community College System has partnered with departments in Instructional Services and Student Services to produce ACCUPLACER data reports that support programs in both areas.


Surviving TELPAS

Concurrent Sessions


ACC – Room 16B

Jamie Hicks, Director, Student Assessment & Accountability, Crosby ISD Christina Michelle Trotter, Coordinator of Student Assessment, Humble ISD

What? Listening and speaking are going to be on the computer? Did we know about this? How do we plan for this? Headphones? Lab space? Oh my! We will go into our planning process for the entire TELPAS administration. We will share tips and best practices to help you not only survive TELPAS but thrive in TELPAS. Organize All Things Testing with Livebinders

ACC – Room 18B

Sarah Chupp, Assistant Testing Coordinator, Bryan ISD Barbara Gentry, District Assessment Coordinator, Bryan ISD

In this session, the audience will get a quick overview of how to use and create a Livebinder and will be able to review a district’s complete testing Livebinder. Participants will see how a Livebinder connects to websites, Google, calendars, and more. Why have your testing personnel search through emails, websites, and documents to find what they need? Use a Livebinder! TEA


High School Equivalency Testing ACC – Room 18C

Cindee Tonnesen, Testing Center Manager, Texas Education Agency Melonie Bonner, Testing Center Manager, Kilgore College

This session will be an update on the TxCHSE program statistics from the last three years and the implementation of three vendors providing high school equivalency testing. We will have representatives from all three tests (GED, HiSET, and TASC), who will provide information on their programs and answer your questions. Beg, Borrow, and Steal

ACC – Room 18D

Debbie Matthys, District Testing Coordinator, Taylor ISD Chelsey Ellison, Assistant Principal, Taylor ISD

This session offers tips and techniques for juggling the testing season and all of its duties at the district and campus levels. Come learn how to beg, borrow, and steal from other testing coordinators who have already invented the testing wheel. We will share how the use of Google Drive, TestHound, ESPED, spreadsheets, calendars, etc., have saved time and prevented irregularities. The Essence & Essentials for CTCs

ACC – Room 19A

Julia Amponsah-Gilder, Director of Student Assessment, Houston ISD Canetra Wilson, Student Assessment Specialist, Houston ISD Alicia Lacy-Castille, Assessment Program Manager, Houston ISD David Guetzow, Assessment Specialist, Houston ISD

DTCs will learn how the largest school district in Texas provides the following for our CTCs: (1) Customized Keys to Success, (2) Test Security Tips, (3) Simplified Collection and Submission of Security Documentation, and (4) Specialized Test Administration Workshops. This will be one session you will not want to miss!



Overview of the STAAR Assessment Management System and Online Testing ACC – Room 19B

Glenn Kirchner, Manager, Online Testing, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency


Janet Hensley, Program Director, Educational Testing Service

This session provides an overview of the STAAR Assessment Management System and will cover the steps needed to prepare for online testing. New Campus Test Coordinators: Onboarding Practices for Success in Year One and Beyond Hilton – Room 408 Keith Haffey, Executive Director for Assessment and Compliance, Spring Branch ISD Jennifer Marie Tracy, Coordinator of State Assessment Programs, Katy ISD Jennifer Nicole Jansky, Director of Student Evaluation and Assessment , Spring Branch ISD Tracy McDaniel, Director of Testing, Cypress-Fairbanks ISD

How well are you meeting the needs of someone new to the role of campus test coordinator? Nothing contributes more to successful test administrations than an effective CTC. Is your new CTC also a new AP or counselor? New to the campus? New to Texas?! Testing leaders from four districts share on-boarding practices. Talking points include building relationships, determining the needs of the new CTC, fostering communication, including timely support in training calendar, mentoring, and more. Data Magic: Excel Import, Pivot Tables, and Flat Text Data Files Hilton – Room 614 Brian Krieger, Managing Partner, Kriegerations LLC Kirk Manley, Coordinator of Assessments, Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD

You received your data files on April 18 at 9 a.m. At 9:10 a.m., district colleagues want to know some general information. What do you do? Flat test results files can be large and unwieldy. Turning that text-only data into a usable repository can be extremely useful and will set you up for data success. During this session, we will cover importing flat data files into Excel, and creating and leveraging pivot tables to manipulate that data. How Do You Assess Reading Comprehension Reliably and with Validity in 20 Minutes? Hilton – Room 616 A Dr. Howard Berrent, RALLY Education Dr. Roger Farr, RALLY Education

Dr. Roger Farr and Dr. Howard I. Berrent will share information about the connection between reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge. They will provide an analysis of the data revealed in the assessment of thousands of students in kindergarten through eighth grade in relation to reading comprehension and then the correlations to reading understanding in general and the STAAR reading test in particular. Who? What? Where? Off-Campus Testers and STAAR/EOC

Hilton – Room 616 B

Melissa Stadtfeld, Coordinator of Assessment, Spring Branch ISD

Coordinating state testing for students assigned to an alternate placement can be challenging. See how one district


STAAR AccessibilityPolicy and Resources Hilton – Room Salons F/G

Kim Brannan, Director of Assessments for Special Populations, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Araceli Gaona, Program Specialist, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Catherine Stapleton, Program Specialist, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Jose Rios, Manager, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

This session will cover 2018 STAAR accessibility policy, including guidelines for using technology-based accommodations. Presenters will also provide an overview of the accommodation request process for designated supports requiring TEA approval. The presentation will end with an overview of accessibility resources available on the TEA website and audience questions.

ACC – Room 13A

Stephanie Perkins, Director, Testing Center, Temple College


Chasity Wright, Assessment Consultant, DRC/CTB

In this session, you will learn about the TASC exam (one of the new high school equivalency exams in Texas).You will hear from a representative from Data Recognition Corporation, along with an individual in the testing field. If you have questions about how a testing center can become certified to give the TASC, the computer/technology requirements, and how testing candidates has gone so far, this session is for you! Knowledge is POWER! The Connection Among Accountability, Assessment, and Data ACC – Room 16B Sherry Clark, Accountability/Assessment Specialist, ESC Region 16

This session will provide participants with a detailed understanding of accountability, assessment, and local data disaggregation strategies to make powerful instructional decisions. The session is designed to help administrators and teacher-leaders build a collaborative, data-driven culture in their districts. TEA TELPAS Updates

Tuesday, November 7

ACC – Room 17A

Esmeralda Cavazos, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

10:15–11:30 a.m. Telescope Testing: What Campus? Which Student? ... Are you STAAR Glazed? ACC – Room 11B Jennifer Phelan, Testing Coordinator, Bridgeland High School, Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Tracy McDaniel, Director of Testing, Cypress-Fairbanks ISD

Whether your allocations range from a few students to hundreds, we are sharing our testing blueprint and forms that support any number of children, accommodations or schools. The scope and focus are refined to support a smooth transition for all involved. Time is also incorporated for you to collaborate and personalize. If you consider yourself a testing novice, veteran, or somewhere in between, prepare for a fun, engaging session that will support you well beyond wishing upon a _ _ _ _ _. TELPAS-Mission Possible!

TACTP Overview of TASC

Concurrent Sessions

has refined the process for identifying off-campus testers, their testing requirements and accommodations, the transfer AY UESDAYof secure materials, and documentation of all transactions between the home campus and alternate testing location. Sample templates will be shared.

ACC – Room 12B

San Juanita Ramirez, Coordinator for Assessment and Planning, Brownsville ISD Cynthia Vela, Testing Coordinator, Brownsville ISD Jodi Pafford, Assessment Coordinator, Northwest ISD

Are you working on establishing a new TELPAS strategy? Are you considering improving your TELPAS game plan? If yes, then join us in our mission to share our best TELPAS practices! We will share tips on how to streamline your planning and communication, share forms, and a tracking process you can use to ensure the correct testing of all ELL students.You will leave our session with all the necessary intel that will aid you in the developing of a seamless TELPAS testing operation.

Vanessa Gallardo, Program Specialist, Texas Education Agency Amanda Pepmiller, Program Manager, Client Services, Pearson, Texas Assessment Program

This session will provide participants with information on updates to the TELPAS program beginning with the 2018 administration. Participants will also receive the most current information about the spring 2018 TELPAS Listening and Speaking administration. Participants will have time to ask questions at the end of the presentation. Online Testing: Life is Better Here

ACC – Room 18A

Janet Hensley, Strategic Advisor, ETS Laura Witte, District Testing Coordinator, North East ISD Jamie Hicks, District Testing Coordinator, Galena Park ISD

More than 800,000 online tests were delivered during the spring 2017 administrations, almost three times as many as the previous year. The reason is because the STAAR online testing platform offers an array of tools and features that not only enhance the test taking experience, but simplify and improve many of the tasks that can make life hard for a testing coordinator.Yet, some districts and campuses are reluctant to make the change. This session will provide an opportunity to explore all the benefits. STAAR Scores are in, Now What?

ACC – Room 18D

Joyce Baysinger, Campus Assessment Coordinator, Fort Bend ISD Becky White, Campus Assessment Coordinator, Fort Bend ISD

This session shares a plethora of data analysis tools designed to allow participants to clearly see where their students are academically and provide additional ways to aid in campus planning for greater success. We will explore reports to see how easily we can view data holistically and through detailed views. We will seamlessly connect Lead4ward with Eduphoria


to meet a multitude of needs as a stepping stone into a powerful new year.

Concurrent Sessions


When You are the STAAR in Your District! ACC – Room 19B Kathy Conring, District Testing Coordinator, Cisco ISD

This session is for that small school coordinator who more than likely has a wide range of responsibilities. This session will cover organization, technology, counseling activities, training ideas, and much more. We will look at Kahoot!, Padlet, S’more, notebook ideas, Google, and other programs. TEA

Student Assessment Program Overview

ACC – Room Ballroom E

Deb Sauberer, Executive Director, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

This session will provide an overview of the student assessment program. Come learn more about the goals and objectives of the Texas assessment program and hear about the future direction of student assessments in Texas. The Power of Focused Writing in Student Achievement

Hilton – Room 408

National Assessment of Educational Progress 2018 Overview and Update Hilton - Room 617

TU Kim Ackermann, Texas State NAEP Coordinator, Texas EducationTUESDA Agency This presentation will reflect on the 2017 administration of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), as well as provide information on the 2018 assessment. Attendees will receive an overview of NAEP’s transition to an all-digital environment and be updated on future NAEP assessments. Successful Administration of Credit By Exam

Hilton – Room Salon F

Beverly Kim Lee, District Assessment Coordinator, Somerset ISD

Attendees will be provided information needed to develop a successful district policy and procedures for the efficient and successful administration of credit by exam. The procedures include a student application that gives all stakeholders an opportunity to collaborate and determine a student’s qualifications for the purpose of the exam. The database keeps records needed to avoid duplication of ordered exams.

Randy Wuensche, Coordinator of Assessment , Brazosport ISD

TestHound User Updates

In an era in which the cellphone has markedly changed the way we communicate, the importance of focused academic writing across grade levels is often under-appreciated or devalued. In this session, participants will learn how to create focused, powerful writing activities aligned with state standards that can significantly impact student growth in not just writing, but in other core subject areas as well.

Jeremiah Eli Crow, CEO, Education Advanced, Inc.

Providing Assessment Support for Students Attending Alternative Schools Hilton – Room 602 Charlenta Govan, Coordinator, Dallas ISD

There are growing numbers of students assigned to alternative schools. Dallas ISD has creative ways to reach every student. Information will be shared on the Dallas ISD support model that has brought success to thousands of youth across the city. The nuts and bolts of this leading model include: teacher training, assignment of services, and best practices documentation. Using Excel to Determine Local Cut Scores for Assessments

Hilton – Room 613

David Osman, Director, Research & Evaluation, Round Rock ISD Cathy Malerba, Executive Director of Assessment and Evaluation, Round Rock ISD

This session outlines two techniques for establishing assessment cut scores. Cut scores help staff know when students are performing adequately or not. Using examples from our work, we will explain techniques we used in Excel to establish cut scores for STAAR-like assessments and K-5 literacy performance on the Benchmark Assessment System (BAS). These techniques could be used to set cut scores on most assessments. Locally established cut scores give staff confidence in assessment precision.



Hilton – Room Salon K

Lori Hart, District Testing Coordinator, Denton ISD

TestHound is excited to announce that the Annual User Update Conference is now part of the TAC program. Are you a user who wants to get updates on this year’s exciting new features? Are you thinking about getting TestHound and want the inside scoop? This session is for you! Attendees will get a live view into everything new and exciting with TestHound, the chance to interact with the team, and participate in our feedback discussion as we look toward an exciting future! Don't miss out! Tuesday, November 7 1–2:15 p.m. Assessing with a Growth Mindset

ACC – Room 12A

Gina Ortiz, Director of Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, San Benito CISD Cristina Sandoval, Student Assessment Coordinator, Brownsville ISD Joanna Villarreal, Evaluator, Brownsville ISD Omar Martinez, Student Assessment Coordinator, Brownsville ISD

This session will use Eduphoria Aware and Excel to project the STAAR growth measure for individual students. Participants will be provided the steps to calculate the student progress measure when a STAAR-released test is administered. The session will also provide information on how assessment forms can be streamlined using FormSpace. The presenters will provide insight on how these tools have supported to the campus testing coordinators, administrators, and teachers in their districts.

Useful Data Drives Results, Impacts Student Performance

ACC – Room 12B

AY UESDAYJane Silvey, Director of Curriculum, Lindale ISD

TEA Update on STAAR TEA Mathematics and Science

ACC – Room 16A

Luis Salinas, Director of Science, Texas Education Agency Jo Ann Bilderback, Director of Mathematics, Texas Education Agency

This session will provide the latest and most up-to-date information on the STAAR mathematics and science programs. TEA student assessment presenters will discuss the state and federal requirements and recent policy changes regarding mathematics and science. Attendees will be given the opportunity to ask questions. Don't let TOMS be your KRYPTONITE!

ACC – Room 17B

Jana Lawrence, Director of Assessment and Guidance, New Caney ISD

Don't let the TOMS online system be your kryptonite! Earn your superhero cape by attending this session and learn how to perform essential functions in the TOMS system. This session will focus on the ETS section of the Texas Assessment Management System in order to get your district, users, and students ready for STAAR testing. This session is intended for new or fairly new DTCs. Data, Data Everywhere: Best Practices for Management and Reporting

ACC – Room 18A

TACTP Marketing Your Center

ACC – Room 18C

Melonie Bonner, Testing Center Manager, Kilgore College

Testing centers are often overlooked and unrecognized for all of the various tasks performed on a daily basis. Whether your testing center is self-funded or institution-funded, marketing your center can be an asset to your institution. In this session, we will explore the responsibilities of a college testing center and discuss strategies and practices for marketing your center to the community and on your college campus. Overview of the TELPAS and STAAR Alternate 2 TEA Assessment Management System and Online Testing ACC – Room 18D Glenn Kirchner, Manager, Online Testing, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Michael Marin, Product Trainer, Pearson, Texas Assessment Program Jeramy Dichiera, Evaluator, Pearson, Texas Assessment Program

This session provides an overview of the TELPAS and STAAR Alternate 2 Assessment Management System and will cover the steps needed to prepare for online testing.


Concurrent Sessions

Data can seem overwhelming, but it certainly doesn’t have to be. Lindale ISD is excited to share how they stumbled on a district-wide area of concern in ELAR that would not have been discovered without implementing powerful web-based data disaggregation software designed by DMAC Solutions. Using a single SE Performance report, Lindale realized that students were consistently struggling with expository text on STAAR tests across most of their campuses. With just one report and subsequent text analysis, they were able to address the problem.

different ways to use the new portal to enhance your work and improve student learning.

Ensure Qualified Students Receive Effective Accommodations on Assessment Day ACC – Room 19A Beverly Kim Lee, District Assessment Coordinator, Somerset ISD

Attendees will gain knowledge of procedures designed to help district and campus administrators/testing coordinators develop smooth transitions within the communication path from a special pop committee ending with the use of accommodations designed for success on test day. The procedures include collaboration between stakeholders, meaning committee members, campus administrator, testing coordinator, and the teacher, who provide effective accommodations on test day. Show Me the Data!

ACC – Room 19B

Lyneille Meza, Data & Assessment, Denton ISD

Nancy Webster, Director, Klein ISD

Administrators are swamped with data, and it’s your job to make sure they get it. Come to this session and see one Join us to understand how one large district determines methods for reporting that are designed to impact instruction. way to organize and present assessment data so it is easily understood by all. We will also review how we communicate assessment results with district and campus leaders. Plan to walk away with a High School and College TSI few new tools to help you discuss your data and inspect your TACTP Testing Collaboration Hilton - Room 602 data for potential problem areas, as well as for how to match Carita Webster, Assessment Coordinator, San Jacinto College data from two separate sources for a deeper analysis. Tammy Spangler, Data and Assessment Specialist, Klein ISD


A Trip Around the Student TEA Data Portal

Carey Driskell, Assistant Principal, Deer Park ISD

ACC – Room 18B

Lauren Chiuminatto, Client Manager, eMetric Tina Hawkins, Client Manager, ETS Mariana Vassileva, Director, Performance Reporting, Texas Education Agency Pam Brown, District Testing Coordinator, Lubbock-Cooper ISD

The Texas Assessment Program student data portal has been redesigned to help provide families more useful information that helps students grow. Hear directly from the portal architects, as well as from experts from TEA and ETS, about

Presenters will discuss the collaboration between San Jacinto College and Deer Park High School during the past two years to successfully administer more than 1,500 TSI tests to juniors on the high school campus. Systems for coordinating the logistics of who will be testing, when and where, and the setup of pre-registration and vouchers in the Accuplacer system will be shared.


Eduphoria Aware

Concurrent Sessions


Hilton – Room 616 A

Kathy Conring, District Testing Coordinator, Cisco ISD

This session will cover the basics of Eduphoria Aware, ranging from the adminstrator uses to the teacher uses. It will cover forms, assessments, and reports.

41 Campuses and Endless Possibilities: Turn Distinctions into Accessible Data

ACC – Room 17A

Melissa DeSimone, Director of Research, Accountability and Assessment, Northwest ISD Jodi Pafford, Assessment Coordinator, Northwest ISD

We get Academic Achievement Distinction Designation data each year, but what are we really doing to make valuable use of the data? Come join us, as we help you tell your campus/ 2:45–4 p.m. district story. In this workshop, participants will learn how one district leverages that data to impact campus and district Using LiveBinder and Google to Help Manage the CTC Juggling Act ACC – Room 12B decisions and creates meaningful data visualizations to explain that data.You will leave this session having created your own Melissa Haney, Coordinator of Accountability and Assessment, reports based on this process, using expert data graphics. Hutto ISD Tuesday, November 7

Ryan Marshall, Assistant Principal, Hutto ISD

Tip Your CAP for Student Success

Amy Wolfe, Instructional Coach, Hutto ISD Kandra Flores, Assistant Principal, Hutto ISD

Lisa Nixon, Director of Testing & Program Evaluation, Pearland ISD

The work of a campus testing coordinator is never-ending, and often resembles the juggling act in a circus! Keeping them up-to-date on information and training is vital to their success. In Hutto ISD, we have found great success in using a combination of LiveBinders and Google resources to help them manage all the moving parts. We streamline the flow of information, stay up-to-date as changes come down the pipeline, and maintain training, documentation, and records in one central location.

Let Pearland ISD introduce you to our Campus Accountability Plan (CAP), a collaborative approach to campus improvement planning. The CAP process includes a meeting with each principal and district administrative staff to review the documented plan and provide additional support for the campus. The CAP serves as a campus needs assessment that informs the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP), but goes beyond the CIP by identifying two to three crucial goals that will serve as the campus focus for the year.

TACTP Overview of HiSET

How Can My Service Center Make My Testing World Less Stressful?

ACC – Room 13A

Stephanie Perkins, Director, Testing Center, Temple College Jonna McDonough, Director, ETS HiSET Program, ETS HiSET

In this session, you will learn about the HiSET exam (one of the new high school equivalency exams in Texas).You will hear from a representative from Educational Testing Services, along with an individual in the testing field. If you have questions about how a testing center can become certified to give the HiSET, the computer/technology requirements, and how testing candidates has gone so far, this session is for you! Test Security Best Practices for Ensuring Fairness and Validity of Assessments Sally Valenzuela, Vice President, Caveon

ACC – Room 17B

ACC – Room 18A

Mark Billingsley, Education Specialist: State Assessment, ESC Region 13 Cheri Hendrick, Accountability and Assessment Specialist, ESC Region 20 Melissa Shaw, Regional Testing Coordinator, ESC Region 10 Dana Carol Ladd, Regional Testing Coordinator, ESC Region 8

A panel of regional testing coordinators representing four regional service centers will share what support they offer district testing coordinators. Time will be provided for participants to ask questions and provide feedback about ACC – Room 16B services that districts would like to see from service centers and needs that service centers can meet.

Brenda Ward, Director of Testing & Evaluation, Northside ISD (ESC 20)

Test Security Policies and Procedures

Chris Cordell, Director - Systemwide Testing, Austin ISD

Eric Moore, Test Security Manager, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

Jim Street, District Test Coordinator, Edgewood ISD (ESC 20)

Maintaining the security and validity of local and state assessment results is critical to support state accountability requirements. This session will focus on best practices to ensure that assessment data is fair and valid. Presenters will discuss how to review test security policies and procedures, plan and implement on-site monitoring, review anomalous test results, and manage incident reports. Presenters will discuss the implementation of test security procedures in their districts.

ACC – Room 18B

This session will focus on current test security policies and procedures, as well as the most prevalent security issues observed during prior testing administrations. Attendees will learn how to discern between different kinds of testing incidents, conduct effective investigations, submit concise testing irregularity reports, and make accurate determinations about the events relating to testing incidents. From Numbers to Names: How Comal ISD Uses Data to Identify STAAR Players ACC – Room 18C Kerry Gain, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Academic Services, Comal ISD Courtney Witherell, Director of Assessment and Accountability, Comal ISD


The Comal ISD Curriculum and Academic Services department has developed and refined a data analysis process that goes beyond raw numbers. A data day in the


RSVP Now! How to Successfully Become a TSIA K-12 District Testing Site Hilton - Room 616AB Jennifer Marie Tracy, Coordinator of State Assessment Programs, Katy ISD Allison E. Matney, Executive Director of Research, Assessment and Accountability, Katy ISD

Help! My RtI Process is Too Complicated ACC – Room 18D Christy Gregory, Assessment Specialist, Katy ISD Carolyn Duke, Director of Special Programs, Harmony ISD Anita Luff, DMAC Director, ESC Region 7

Learn how a small, rural school district organized and simplified its RtI process for teachers and administrators by using the DMAC RtI and Formworks applications. We will walk participants through the DMAC RtI and Formworks applications to show how a small district can develop RTI forms and document progress monitoring data, and to develop intervention plans that seamlessly transfer from campus to campus year to year. Getting Organized with Eduphoria! Formspace

ACC – Room 19B

Are you ready to learn about TSI Assessment (TSIA) placement tests from a large school district’s perspective? Are you interested in understanding how TSIA cannot only support your district students, but support district goals? If so, accept this invitation to learn how to facilitate, coordinate, and implement the TSIA placement tests. The presentation will include a step-by-step process that explains not only how to start this adventure, but how to utilize the data. TEA

TELPAS Training Site Updates and Enhancements Hilton - Room Salon F

Michael Marin, Product Trainer, Texas Assessment Program, Pearson

Esmeralda Cavazos, Student Assessment Division, Texas Tara Wenglar, Coordinator for Student Achievement, Lamar CISD Education Agency Marlene Sine, Specialist for Student Assessment, Lamar CISD Jenny Strack, Training and Implementation Specialist, Eduphoria!

Learn how Lamar CISD organized its workflow by utilizing Formspace to help document items such as Absent & Other codes, additional materials requests, student records requests, incident reports, and observation reports. We will walk participants through the creation and implementation of Formspace e-forms that have saved the team countless hours. By converting to this electronic workflow process, your information can be accessed, organized, and reported quickly, thus saving paper, money, and time. TEA

STAAR Alternate 2 Update

ACC – Room Ballroom E

Angela Wilkins, Manager, Alternate Assessments, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

This session will provide updates on the spring 2018 administration and supervision of STAAR Alternate 2. In addition, information about the test development process and testing accommodations for STAAR Alternate 2 will be shared. Participants will have time to ask questions at the end of the session.

Answers to your most common questions about the TELPAS Training Site. Learn about updates and enhancements coming with 2018 testing. TEA

STAAR Scoring and Reporting

Crystal Glover, District Testing Coordinator, Amarillo ISD

Hilton - Room Salon K

Mariana Vassileva, Director, Performance Reporting, Texas Education Agency

This session provides an overview of the STAAR scoring and reporting system. Presenters will explain changes and share sample reports. A Q&A session will follow the presentation. Tuesday, November 7 4:15–5:30 p.m. TSNAP Open Q&A Session

ACC – Room 11A

Crystal Glover, District Test Coordinator, Amarillo ISD

Join experienced TSNAP members to ask your questions— ANY questions you may have—in a relaxed and open format in which the facilitators represent different-sized districts and the variety of hats you may wear! Ask questions, share experiences, and make a connection in the company of your TSNAP friends!

STAAR Assessment Management System: Essential Knowledge and Common Mistakes Hilton - Room 408 10 Things to Ponder Ray Gross, Client Management Lead, ETS


Concurrent Sessions

summer results in campus-specific goals. The C&A team then works all year using multiple data points to assist AY UESDAY campuses with student-specific progress monitoring and continuous reevaluation of goals. In this session, Comal ISD administrators will share the process, provide tools, and highlight the successes that we’ve experienced as a result.

ACC – Room 12A

Benjamin Estrada, Director of Assessment, Research and Evaluation, Los Fresnos CISD

So, you are a new district testing coordinator and your first directive is to establish your procedures. Procedures for what?! The STAAR Assessment Management System (aka TOMS) This session is designed for new district testing coordinators can be overwhelming to even an experienced testing who need guidance for that crucial first step or for district coordinator. This session features a panel of district testing testing coordinators with a few years of experience who still coordinators and the ETS product manager, who will provide have lingering questions. How do I modify a CSV file? If I tips and techniques to help clear the fog for all users. Walk win the lottery, who will do my job? Bring your questions! through loading your pre-code files, setting above-grade We will tackle as many as we can together! testers, downloading your district data file and reading it easily, and get other valuable tools and tips from the folks who know best. Dana Boyer, District Testing Coordinator, Conroe ISD


Checking In: Clean the Data Before You Send It

Concurrent Sessions


ACC – Room 16B

Katherine Milton, Director of Accountability and Assessment, Royce City ISD Rachel Walters, Assistant District Testing Coordinator, Richardson ISD Jill Michaelis, Campus Testing Coordinator, Richardson ISD Tanja Dutton, Campus Testing Coordinator, Richardson ISD

Richardson ISD has reduced the number of student resolutions to less than 10 for each administration by implementing several checks and balances. We will share with you what we have learned, what processes we implemented district-wide, and how we provide support to our campuses when preparing and checking their scorable materials at the end of each administration. Increasing College Access and Success through Partnership with the College Board ACC – Room 18A Jill Schott, Senior Director, State and District Partnership, College Board Nancy Webster, Director, Klein ISD

Is college readiness one of your district goals? How might you utilize College Board resources to help you achieve this goal? This session follows the path the College Board and Klein ISD took to refine the district’s approach to and use of College Readiness Assessment Data. Save Time with Digital LPAC Documentation

ACC – Room 18B

Beverly Martin, DMAC Training Coordinator, ESC Region 7

Preview new software specifically designed by DMAC Solutions for Texas educators to manage the documentation needed to follow the LPAC Framework. Schools will save time completing the forms with user-friendly features. All of your data is stored in one place and those who also utilize state assessment will have relevant state results (STAAR and TELPAS) auto populated directly into forms. Batch Operations allow users to update forms for more than one student at a time making it a breeze to follow.

ACC – Room 19A

Randy Wuensche, Coordinator of Assessment, Brazosport ISD

Are you looking for more tools to help make testing coordination, training, and communication easier and more efficient? In this updated session, participants will learn how to use the power of Google to create multiple meaningful tools for the test coordinator, such as one-stop-shopping training sites, Screencastify training videos, interactive newsletters, fully functional webpages, and more. We will also cover Google staples such as Google Drive, Forms, Docs, and Sheets. TELPAS, STAAR-ALT2, & Online Testing Strategies and Panel Discussion

ACC – Room 19B

David Mueller, Testing Coordinator, Northside ISD (ESC 20) Paul Bacak, Testing Coordinator, Northside ISD (ESC 20)

Learn how to effectively manage and plan for the TELPAS administration, along with the upcoming listening and speaking test added to the TELPAS window. This session will cover a range of related topics from calibration to collecting writing samples to entering data into Pearson Access Next, as well as how to complete all the data collection for TELPAS before the end of the testing window. Managing the STAAR-ALT2 test administration and data collection for STAAR-ALT2 testing will also be a focus, as will training and understanding of online testing with one-page reference sheets. TEA

State-Developed Interim Assessments ACC – Room Ballroom E

Deb Sauberer, Executive Director, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency Glenn Kirchner, Manager, Online Testing, Student Assessment Division, Texas Education Agency

This session will provide participants with information about the new state-developed interim assessments that are aligned to STAAR. These assessments will be available free of charge to all districts and public charter schools in Texas beginning in spring 2018.

The Communication Casserole: A Panel Discussion of Communication as a DTC ACC – Room 18D


Brenda Ward, Director of Testing & Evaluation, Northside ISD (ESC 20)

Lynn Franzen, Program Coordinator, Texas Education Agency

Lisa Bolte, Executive Director of Assessment, Accountability & Research, Southwest ISD

Chelaine Marion, Director of English Language Arts and Reading, Texas Education Agency

Nicole Taguinod, Director of Testing & Accountability, Judson ISD Dana Garza, Testing Coordinator, Schertz-Cibolo Universal City ISD

Representatives from small, medium, and large districts will host a panel discussion regarding effective ways to communicate with students, parents, and school staff as district test coordinators. This panel discussion may give you new ideas on protocol followed at other districts to deal with the data file when it comes in, how they communicate test scores that come in mid-June to parents, and ways to get reports to campuses as quickly and securely as possible.


Just Keep on Googlin': More Powerful Tools for the CTC Toolkit

Update on STAAR English Language Arts and Social Studies Assessments Hilton - Room 408

Rachel Griffin, Program Coordinator, Texas Education Agency

Jim Doris, Director of Social Studies, Arts and Languages, Texas Education Agency

This session will focus on the latest updates to STAAR testing. Information about English language arts and social studies assessments will be included. TACTP TACTP Open Forum

Hilton - Room 602

This session is a time for TACTP members to openly discuss current issues and concerns related to assessment changes and trends in the Texas higher education system. Please bring questions or concerns for discussion.


Designated Supports: Accommodations in Disguise

Hilton – Room 616AB

UESDAYLisa Molinar, Coordinator of State and District Assessments,

Who's Your Data? Impacting Student and Teacher Achievement

Hilton – Room 410

Ty G Jones, Coordinator of Instructional Management System, Grand Prairie ISD

Ty G Jones, Coordinator of Instructional Management System, Grand Prairie ISD

Lisa Molinar, Coordinator of State and District Assessments, Grand Prairie ISD

James Payne, Director of Reporting and Aanlysis, Grand Prairie ISD

James Payne, Director of Reporting and Aanlysis, Grand Prairie ISD

Melissa Rowe, Executive Director, Grand Prairie ISD

Is data guiding you to improve student achievement? Is the data causing you to alter your instruction? This session will provide processes, along with sample reports and analysis on Grand Prairie ISD’s use of data. Go over the three Rs: reading (familiarity with TEKS can impact student achievement and teacher development); relate (building relational capacity with students and teachers to foster growth); and reflection (review metrics to make informed decisions about instructional delivery, content sequence, and expected outcomes).

Designated supports can impact students and allow them to have opportunities that have not been available in the past. Accommodations or designated supports have always been around, but how have you tracked those and/or ensured that they have been effectively utilized in the classroom? We will focus on strategies and ways in which a district or campus can help teachers identify what designated supports are available, who is eligible to utilize them, and how we track and ensure student success. Managing the Madness: Tech Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Testing

Hilton – Room Salon K

Carie Barthelemess, Coordinator of Accountability and Assessment, Hallsville ISD

Is your email inbox overflowing, your desk so covered that your piles have piles, and your to-do list longer than the DCCM Table of Contents? Walk away from this session with tech tips and tricks that will make your life a little easier and your testing season more streamlined. See how this DTC incorporates S’more, a blog, Screencastify, Google Forms, and various apps and tools into training, organization, and communication.You will leave this session with ideas you can implement tomorrow!

Developing Our Greatest Resource: TACTP Demystifying Professional Growth & Performance

Room 614

John Harrell, Testing Associate, Houston Community College

Often test center managers receive little direction on how to foster the growth of the staff who work in their offices. Human resource management may be uncharted territory for many testing professionals, but this session is meant to give you insight into how to effectively lead a team, motivate staff, and manage professional growth and performance.


Concurrent Sessions

Grand Prairie ISD

Wednesday, November 8 8–9:15 a.m. Never Have I Ever ...

Hilton – Room 408

Chris Cordell, Director - Systemwide Testing, Austin ISD Kelly Bertholf, Assessment Coordinator, Pflugerville ISD Joy Philpott, Director, Hays CISD

Ever wondered if anyone else has had a crazy situation come up during a state assessment administration? Think you’re the only one who’s ever had a strange occurrence? What if aliens land in front of the school during STAAR, would you know what to do? Come hear some experienced DTCs talk about some of the craziest things they’ve had happen and what to do when you think things couldn’t get any stranger.



Exhibit Hall




2*2*4 Solutions Education Consulting Service Assessments for Kindergarten and First Grade (214) 454-2981



Academic Core Group, Inc. 415 TEKS Mastery Cards, Rapid Fire Flash Cards (877) 528-2504 ACT, Inc. Assessments and Services (512) 345-1949


ALL In Learning 104 Track and improve your Domain 1 score with daily and weekly data. (940) 484-5300 Audio Optical Systems of Austin Kurzweil 3000 text to speech software (512) 454-8672


Axiom Accountability 312 Analytics by ESC Region 10 Accountability research and predictions for districts and campuses (972) 348-1700 C

Classroom Products LLC Desktop & Computer Privacy Shields for testing (800) 315-0741


Curriculum Associates i-Ready, STAAR Ready (800) 225-0248


Eduphoria, Inc. Aware and Strive (866) 260-1732



eScholar 507 Personalized education starts at eScholar. (914) 989-2995


DynaStudy, Inc. 506 DynaNotes student course notes (print/ digital), TEKS programs, centers (Gr.3-12) (877) 361-0550

Liberty Source / Tango Software Assessment Software/Assessment Writing (512) 416-7774



ETS 101 K-12 Student assessments and teacher licensure (609) 683-2078

Mach B Technogies 500 Edugence Data warehouse, Analytics & Instruction Management system (214) 774-2661

ETS HiSET 100 HiSETÂŽ - an affordable, accessible testing option for Texas HSE Certificate (609) 759-5793

Mastery Education 406 Measuring Up: TEKS-based supplemental instruction product for print & digital (800) 822-1080


Forde Ferrier, STAAR Specialists STAAR Related Materials (512) 577-2781


Formative Loop Formative Loop Math (512) 994-9629


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Assessments products (210) 601-0567

Illuminate Education Provides a Data and Assessment Platform (425) 864-1403

Mentoring Minds 212 Supplemental Curriculum, Educator Resources, and Professional Development (800) 585-5258 Moak, Casey & Associates School Finance and Accountability Experts (512) 485-7878





DRC/CTB 512 LAS Links, Terra Nova, TABE, TASC (210) 861-7445





DMAC Solutions DMAC Solutions (903) 988-6700

Edugence ELL by Region 10 Simplify the LPAC process with the help of Edugence ELL & Region 10! (972) 348-1700

Kriegerations LLC 412 State Index Estimation and Test Result Disaggregation (714) 584-5537


Imagine Learning 102 Software: Language, Literacy, Math (801) 377-5071 K

KAMICO Instructional Media, Inc. 213 STAAR Preparation - TEKS based assessments, developmental activities, K-12 (254) 947-7283

Northwest Evaluation Association 207 (NWEA) Computer-adaptive assessments and professional development (503) 624-1951 O

OnDataSuite 320 OnDataSuite (800) 521-2563 P

Pearson 402 K12 assessments; Review360 behavior (210) 263-9749


RALLY! Education® PRINT and ONLINE Assessment, Instructional and Supplemental Materials (516) 671-9300


Renaissance 501 Renaissance® specializes in data-driven educational technology. (608) 664-3880 S

Scantron 112 Intelligent assessment, data management, and analytics solutions (800) 722-6876 SchoolCity, Inc. 513 Assessment Platform, Item Bank, Implementation, Training and other services (650) 934-6123 SchoolSpire, Inc. Instructional Management System (512) 917-8190


Sirius Education Solutions STAAR Test Preparation Material (512) 961-1238


STAAR-Alt Helper SpEd Curriculum, Communication Necklaces, Symbolstix Dictionary, Training (972) 935-3293


TEKSbank by Region 10 313 TEKSbank is an online bank of test questions developed for Texas STAAR SE's. (972) 348-1700


Progress Testing 407 STAAR Test Maker Item Bank - rigorous TEKS questions in the format of the STAAR

TestHound 200 TestHound (903) 858-4497 Texas Education Agency 209 Assessment specialists to answer your questions (512) 463-9437 Texas OnCourse Texas OnCourse Academy, Middle Galaxy, MapMyGrad (512) 471-7255



The University of Texas at Austin 215 Partner with UT to offer K-12 credit by exams and online high school courses for acceleration or recovery (512) 471-4652 V

Velazquez Press 408 The Preeminent Authority in Academic Language and Biliteracy (626) 434-0834


Tango Software Assessment Software/Assessment Writing (512) 416-7774



Austin Convention Center

Emergency Exit Corridor Emergency Exit Corridor Emergency Exit Corridor


Hilton Austin Hotel 4th Floor

6th Floor


VERIFICATION OF CONTACT CLOCK HOURS Texas Assessment Conference and Texas Association of Collegiate Testing Personnel Conference Austin, Texas November 5–8, 2017 List each session in which you participated. An attendance code must be recorded at the end of the session. For continuing education credit, follow the rules of the appropriate board or agency regarding the submitting of verification. NAME______________________________________________________ TELEPHONE______________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE SESSION TITLE NAME OF SPEAKER # HOURS


November 6 8:30–11:30 a.m.

November 6 1:30–2:30 p.m.

Opening GS: All means All: Bridging the achievement gap.

Patrick Briggs 1

November 6 2:45–4 p.m.

November 6 4:15–5:30 p.m.

November 7 8:30–9:45 a.m

November 7 10:15–11:30 a.m.

November 7 1–2:15 p.m.

November 7 2:45–4 p.m.

November 7 4:15–5:30 p.m.

November 8 8–9:15 a.m.

November 7 10:00–11:00 a.m

Closing GS: TEA Update on State Testing Program

Penny Schwinn Jamie Crow

A maximum of 16 hours can be earned by participation in activities at the joint conference. TOTAL CONTACT HOURS: _________ LPC Credit is authorized by the Texas Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (TAACE), approved provider #334.

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