2017 TCWSE Annual Conference Program

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33rd Annual Conference 2017 Conference Committee

2016 Executive Board

Conference Coordinator


Stacey McGraw, Teacher, Allen ISD, 10

Tina Seaman, Assistant Principal, Katy ISD


Tina L. Seaman, Associate Principal, Katy ISD, 4

Committee Members

Vice President

Sharon D. Ross, Superintendent, Mexia ISD, 12

Hope Appel, Vernon ISD


Karla Moyer, President/Consultant, Kareer Koaching, 13

Alice Clayton, Livingston ISD


Lisa Fay Meysembourg, Superintendent, Schulenburg ISD, 13

LaTonya Goffney, Lufkin ISD

Past President

LaTonya M. Goffney, Superintendent, Lufkin ISD, 7

Lupita Hinojosa, Spring ISD Stacey McGraw, Allen ISD

Executive Secretary/ Treasurer Ann M. Halstead, Assistant Executive Director, Services and Systems Administration, TASA, 13

Sonerka Mouton, Katy ISD

Legal Counsel


Ranesia Edwards, Katy ISD

Deann Lee, Millsap ISD

Sharon Ross, Mexia ISD

Laura Sanders Fowler and Susan Morrison, Attorneys, The Fowler Law Firm, P.C., 13

Karen Saunders, Ranger ISD Nancy Vaughan, NKV Consulting

Regional Advisory Committee

Delores Warnell, Bloomington ISD

Tina Herrington, Superintendent, Wharton ISD, 3

Kathryn Washington, Goodrich ISD Linda Wheeler, Katy ISD Sharon Young, Mexia ISD

Lindsey Pollock, Principal, Houston ISD, 4 Aspen Todd, Teacher, Lamar CISD, 4


Silvia Martinez, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, West Orange-Cove CISD, 5

TCWSE Past Presidents

Stacey Edmonson, Dean, College of Education, Sam Houston State University, 6

Focus Session Facilitators TCWSE Regional Representatives Kelly Brown, Assistant Professor, Prairie View A&M University Alice Clayton, Principal, Livingston ISD Deann Lee, Superintendent, Millsap ISD Jennifer Oliver, Principal, Grand Prairie ISD

Jennifer Smith Jones, Assistant Professor, University of Texas–Tyler, 7 Denise Kornegay, State/Federal Programs Director, Paris ISD, 8 Hope M. Appel, Assistant Superintendent, Vernon ISD, 9 Lizzy Asbury, Director, Administrative Services, ESC Region 10, 10 Danna M. Beaty, Associate Professor, Tarleton State University, 11 Sharon Young, Assistant Superintendent, Mexia ISD, 12 Karen Saunders, Principal, Ranger ISD, 14

Yanira Oliveras-Ortiz, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Texas–Tyler

Rhonda Dillard, Executive Director of Human Resources, Frenship ISD, 17

Karen Saunders, Principal, Ranger ISD

Sylvia Hopp, Superintendent, San Elizario ISD, 19

Meredith Watassek, Director of Career and Technical Education, Fort Bend ISD

Patricia Ann Welter, Assistant Principal, San Antonio ISD, 20


Cynthia Bayuk-Bishop, Associate Executive Director, ESC Region 18, 18

Review Committee of Past Presidents (active) Margret A. Montgomery Sheffield, Consultant, Montgomery Consultant Services, Inc. (1984–1985) Yvonne Katz, Superintendent (Retired)/Trustee, Alamo Community College District (1986–1987) Janiece T. Campbell, Retired Professor (1987–1988) Virginia L. Collier, Retired Superintendent/Professor (1990–1991) Genevieve Brown, Retired Dean (1993–1994) Jackie Jenkins, Consultant, Jackie Jenkins Ph.D. Consulting (1994–1995) Juneria P. Berges, Consultant, Juneria P. Berges Consultant (1995–1996) Beverly J. Irby, Professor and Chair, K-12 Educational Administration Programs, Texas A&M University (1996–1997) Barbara A. Sultis, Retired Superintendent/Educational Consultant (1997–1998) Dianne Hess, Consultant, Dianne Hess Consulting (1998–1999) Judi Jones Benestante, Consultant, The Benestante Group (1999–2000) Anita M. Pankake, Retired Professor (2000–2001) Elizabeth A. Clark, Associate Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction, Birdville ISD (2001–2002) Shirley M. Coleman, Retired Superintendent/Consultant (2002–2003) Vicki Miller, Retired Educator (2004–2005) Nancy K. Vaughan, Retired Superintendent/Consultant, NKV Consulting (2005–2006) Jennifer S. Blaine, Associate Superintendent, Administration and Operations, Spring Branch ISD (2006–2007) Viviana Lopez, Director, Education Initiatives, Texas Education Agency (2007–2008) Priscilla White, Retired Consultant/Consultant (2008–2009) Diane Stegall, Retired Superintendent/Financial Advisor, Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial (2009–2010) Lu Stephens, Retired Professor/Consultant, (2010-2012) Denise Daniels, Assistant Principal, Katy ISD (2012) Jean Bahney, Executive Director, Special Education, Austin ISD (2013) Patricia L. Ramirez, Principal, San Antonio ISD (2014)


2017 Awards & Recognitions 2017 TCWSE Awards & Recognitions Margret Montgomery Leadership Award Given to an outstanding Texas educator who has demonstrated exemplary leadership and supported professionalism for women in education and who exemplifies the mission of TCWSE. The recipient of the Margret Montgomery Leadership Award must be a member of TCWSE.

2017 Conference Sponsors President’s Circle

Friend Awards

Creating & Managing Wealth, LLC

Given to individuals who have made a significant contribution to TCWSE.

Gold Imagine Learning, Inc. Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson, LLP Stantec

Silver Live Oak Public Finance Powell & Leon, LP

Bravo Awards Presented to exemplary practitioners, innovative programs, and initiatives that promote community and parental involvement.

Pat Shell Scholarship Special thanks to Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD for donating the LCD projectors used in our classrooms!

Named in honor of Pat Shell, an outstanding Texas education leader and mentor to both men and women educators.

Résumé Reviews (Room 401)

Coordinator: Tina Seaman, Assistant Principal, Katy ISD Sign up when you arrive at the conference for this opportunity to gain a fresh understanding of how to put your best foot forward and make your résumé rise above the crowd. This year TCWSE offers Résumé Reviews for both Aspiring Leaders and Systems Leaders. This is a must-do session for administrators heading up the career ladder. You must bring a copy of your résumé to sign up for a one-on-one review session. (Please Note: Résumé Review sessions are conducted on Saturday only during Focus Session time periods.)

Hilton Austin Hotel Fourth Floor



Joan Arciero Executive Vice President

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TCWSE 2017 Conference Agenda* Friday, January 27 3–6:30 p.m.


4–6 p.m.

TCWSE Executive Board Meeting

Salon D Foyer 406

Saturday, January 28 7 a.m.–6 p.m.


Salon D. Foyer

7:30-8:15 a.m.

Newcomer Session

8:15-9:30 a.m.

Continental Breakfast/1st General Session Susan Simpson Hull

9:45-10:45 a.m.

Focus Session #1

In Rooms Assigned

11 a.m.-Noon

Focus Session #2

In Rooms Assigned

Noon-2 p.m.

Luncheon/2nd General Session Kathy Hurley

2:15-3:15 p.m.

Focus Session #3

In Rooms Assigned

3:30-4:30 p.m.

Career Panels

In Rooms Assigned

4:30-6 p.m.

Huddle Up! Coaches Roundtables

412 Salon DE

Salon DE

Salon DE

Sunday, January 29 (All sessions in Salon D) 7:30-8:15 a.m.

Mentoring & Continental Breakfast

8:15-8:30 a.m.

Greetings from TASA President Kevin Brown

8:30-9:30 a.m.

President’s Address and Installation of 2017 Officers

9:30-10 a.m.

Networking & Break

10-11 a.m.

3rd General Session/Door Prizes Kimberly Mcleod

*See page 7 for the Female Superintendents’ Summit Agenda. All summit activities take place in Room 404.


Female Superintendents’ Summit Saturday January 28 This summit will give female superintendents the rare opportunity to collaborate in a professional learning community. The goal is for us to leverage the knowledge, skills, abilities, and experiences of colleagues to increase our effectiveness as leaders. In essence, we will use this as an opportunity for current and former superintendents to sharpen our saws and strengthen our networks. 7:30–8:15 a.m.

Celebrating New Superintendents

Crystal Dockery, Hunt ISD

8:15–9:30 a.m.

Continental Breakfast / 1st General Session (Salon DE)

9:45–10:45 a.m.

Advocating for Public Education

Mary Ann Whiteker, Hudson ISD

11 a.m.–Noon

Mentoring and Coaching for Effective District Leadership

Diane Frost, Corsicana ISD

Noon–2 p.m.

Celebration Luncheon / 2nd General Session (Salon DE)

2:15–3:15 p.m.

Leading and Learning with a Team of 8

Robin Perez, Nederland ISD

3:30–4:30 p.m.

Finishing Strong

Sharon Ross, Retired, Mexia ISD, and Terri Watson, Retired, Lamarque ISD

General and Concurrent Sessions Saturday, January 28 7:30–8:15 a.m.

Newcomer Session 412 It’s Your Time to be Coached for Greatness! If you’re new to TCWSE and this is your first year to attend, you’ll want to join this session for a quick overview of the history of TCWSE and how the organization can help you and your colleagues become the best you can be throughout your educational career. Grab your breakfast and join us to get INSPIRED by Coaching for Greatness!

8:15–9:30 a.m.

Continental Breakfast / 1st General Session


Stacey McGraw, Teacher, Allen ISD, and 2016 TCWSE President


Johnny L. Veselka, Executive Director, TASA


Susan Simpson Hull, Superintendent, Grand Prairie ISD

Salon D

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble! – Leading Innovation in Times of Educational Turbulence Join Dr. Susan Hull to learn about the unique journey Grand Prairie ISD has embarked upon to create a Portfolio Model School district that will meet the needs of its students and community. As we share our journey, you will hear about developing brand loyalty, marketing, taking risks to fail forward and more. The impact on student achievement is certain. The impact on community pride in its public school system is one we will share as well. Participants will gain knowledge about ways to make school choice, charter schools, and more work for your district.


Saturday, January 28

9:45–10:45 a.m.

Focus Session #1

Anchor’s Away–Navigating Leadership through Coaching


“A coach is someone who always makes you do what you don’t want to do, so you can be who you’ve always wanted to be.” Three principals will share their journey with a leadership coach who has been a captain, a mentor, and a guide. The importance of leader-centered coaching will be explained through the metaphor of navigating a ship. Like sailing, the principal’ship’ requires knowledge and skills to lead through the waves of change. Coaching provides an anchor for focusing on results.


Shannon Mills, Principal, Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD Lisa Newman, Principal, Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD Geri Pope, Principal, Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD Betty Burks, Consultant, BBurks Consulting, LLC

Relationships Through the 3 Pillars of TCWSE


The Region IV Chapter of TCWSE works hard to fulfill the TCWSE mission. Our focus will be on the ways we lean in together as an executive board to mentor, renew, and support career advancement within our chapter. An overview regarding the structure and organization of TCWSE will also be given as well as ideas about ways a member can maximize their membership as a part of this powerful organization. Renew your commitment today!


Lindsey Pollock, Principal, Houston ISD Veronica Williams, Assistant Principal, Lamar CISD Lorena Zertuche, Principal, Katy ISD Tracy Weeden, President & CEO, Neuhaus Education Center

We’ve Got SPIRIT! Setting a Game Plan for Greatness!


Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant once said, “No coach has ever won a game by what he knows; it’s what his players know that counts.” Do your “players” know your district’s game plan? Do they have the confidence to execute the plays that TTESS demands? Research shows that empowered teachers are effective teachers. Lampasas ISD has drafted a winning plan for teacher growth and involvement. Leading teachers toward a growth mindset will inspire them to get off the bench and into the game!


Sherrie Berry, Elementary Curriculum Specialist, Lampasas ISD Shelley Kozma, Curriculum Instructional Technologist, Lampasas ISD Nancy Yeary, Assistant Superintendent, Lampasas ISD

It Starts with ME! I AM the Principal!


A culture of excellence and collaboration begins with you, the leader! In this session, you will learn fundamental elements necessary for success, whether you have a campus of new teachers or veterans, whether it is your first year or you have joined a new campus. Specific proven strategies for leaders will assist you in creating a culture of excellence and collaboration. Remember, kids come to school for relationships, not algebra! It is up to YOU!


Elizabeth Walter, Principal, Lufkin ISD

11 a.m.–Noon

Focus Session #2

The Coaches’ Playbook on Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with Difficult People


As educators, we deal with irrational and difficult people every day whether it is parents, coworkers, students, administrators, or teachers. This session will arm you with the tools to transform difficult encounters into productive conversations and forge workable, even warm, relationships with people who once drove you nuts.



Melissa Kates, Special Assistant to the Superintendent, Duncanville ISD Sandra McCoy-Jackson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction, Duncanville ISD

Satuzrday, January 28

Embracing Change Redefining Success The New Generation of Leadership


Change is essential to one’s personal and professional growth. When contemplating change, especially in education, it is met with uncertainty and quite often rejection. The development and growth of an institution, however, can be described by the ability of change agents to help accept, embrace, and maintain positive changes in the environment. This session will focus on current issues leaders need to address and how to do this with fidelity to improve education overall for teachers and students.


Kelly Brown, Assistant Professor, Prairie View A&M University

Exit Strategies: Planning Your Income in Retirement


You have worked hard and long and now are looking at the next stage of life—After Retirement. This presentation will address those nagging questions that many people are asking: How much income will I need to have a secure retirement? Where will that income come from? There will be several techniques presented to answer all these questions and develop a financial plan that will carry you through the next stage of your life.


Joan Arciero, Executive Vice President, Creating & Managing Wealth, LLC

Tech Academy Integration


The Tech Academy program was created in the 2014-2015 school year and has now completed 2 school years. This is also a mentoring program designed for the Tech Academy participants to become more fluent with the technology used in their classrooms, so the integration of technology throughout the district can be supported by these teachers as well; especially since the technology department only consists of two staff members. This program has been very successful at Schulenburg ISD.


Kristi McBride, Instructional Technologist, Schulenburg ISD Lisa Fay Meysembourg, Superintendent, Schulenburg ISD Carrie Schulz, First-Grade Teacher, Schulenburg ISD Kristen Graeter, Teacher, Schulenburg ISD Callene Zapalac, Teacher, Schulenburg ISD

Noon–2 p.m.

Celebration Luncheon / 2nd General Session


Stacey McGraw, Teacher, Allen ISD, and 2016 TCWSE President


Kathy Hurley, CEO, Girls Thinking Global

Salon D

Fostering Women in Educational Leadership Kathy Hurley, co-editor of Real Women, Real Leaders: Surviving and Thriving in the Business World, will discuss the importance of fostering women in leadership roles within the world of education. She will specifically address the key competencies needed to excel as a leader and how to nurture those competences. She will also give specific examples of women in educational leadership roles, how they succeeded and why their stories should be shared. 2:15–3:15 p.m.

Focus Session #3

Keys to Celebrating the Win


“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” -- Michael Jordan, basketball icon Celebrating the small steps is critical to being able to celebrate the big achievements. We often get so busy in the day-to-day operations that we forget to celebrate our progress with staff. As leaders, we must build celebrations into the calendar. There’s a party goin’ on in this session!


Stacey McGraw, Teacher, Allen ISD Tammy McKee, Co-Owner, Learning Keys Debbie Payne, Senior Consultant, Learning Keys Sharon Ross, Retired Superintendent


The Executive Search: Maneuvering Through the Maze of the Application Process 408 Do you feel lost in the maze when it comes to the application process of going through a professional search team? Does your resume disappear in the dark abyss of other applications? If you answered yes, then this session is for you. This interactive session will help you learn more about how to get past the hedges in the maze of the principal or superintendent search. Topics will include: resume blunders, how to make sure your application stands out, and how to seal the deal in the interview.


Jennifer Jones, Assistant Professor, University of Texas-Tyler Margret Montgomery Sheffield, President, Montgomery Consultant Services, Inc. Yanira Oliveras-Ortiz, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Texas-Tyler Marian Strauss, Senior Consultant, Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)

Skill v Will: Coaching to Influence Transformation


An overview of the Six Sources of Influence will be examined and participants will identify sentence stems and phrases as personal, professional, or social and if they are based in motivation or ability. As leaders, we need to know how to respond to each of these types of influence in order to move the team to the next level. This session will provide the language to guide conversations of influence.


Hope Appel, Assistant Superintendent, Vernon ISD

It Takes Three ... Strategies to Develop Your Personal Leadership Style


This session will include three key points to developing and maintaining an effective leadership style. Attendees will share information from experiences, learn characteristics of different types of leadership styles, and reflect on their current leadership style. Several engaging activities will speak to each individual learning style: auditory, kinesthetic, and visual.


Kelly Ford, Primary Principal, Lufkin ISD

3:30–4:30 p.m.

Career Panels In our popular Career Panels—geared toward different levels of administration—panelists talk about their pathways and how they arrived in their positions, what networking strategies they used, their “game plan” to get there, and if that game plan changed. There will be time for Q&A with the audience.

Aspiring Superintendents Moderator:

Sharon Ross, Retired Superintendent


Ann Dixon, Retired Superintendent Denicia Hohenberger, Superintendent, Cooper ISD Karla Moyer, Retired Superintendent and President/Consultant Kareer Koaching Shelly Lee Slaughter, Superintendent, Cumby ISD

Principals/Aspiring Leadership Moderator:

Karen Saunders, Principal, Ranger ISD


Tammy Addison, Principal, Millsap ISD Doreen Martinez, Principal, Pasadena ISD Linda Wheeler, Assistant Principal, Katy ISD Lorena Zertuche, Principal, Katy ISD

Human Relations






Sharon Young, Assistant Superintendent, Mexia ISD


Dessynie Edwards, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A & M University–Corpus Christi Kristi Honore, Senior Recruiter, Teacher Recruitment and Selection, Houston ISD Shelli Killingsworth, Director of District Services, Mexia ISD Helena Mosely, Assistant Superintendent, Early Childhood and Achievement, Lancaster ISD

Higher Education Panel Moderator:

Nancy K. Vaughan, Consultant, NKV Consulting


Jean Bahney, Executive Director, Special Education, Austin ISD Betty Burks, Consultant, BBurks Consulting, LLC Elizabeth Clark, Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Birdville ISD Sandra Stewart, Associate Dean of Teacher Education Sam Houston State University Barbara Sultis, Retired Superintendent and Consulant

4:30–6 p.m.

Huddle Up! Coaches Roundtables


Sunday, January 29

TCWSE Conference attendees, presenters, sponsors, and guests come together at our reception for relaxation and networking. It’s a great opportunity to unwind after the day’s activities and to get to know any folks you haven’t yet met.

7:30–8:15 a.m.

Mentoring and Continental Breakfast

8:15–8:30 a.m.

Greetings From TASA President

Kevin Brown, Superintendent, Alamo Heights ISD

8:30–9:30 a.m.

President’s Address and Installation of 2017 Officers


Stacey McGraw, Teacher, Allen ISD, and 2016 TCWSE President

9:30–10:00 a.m.

Networking and Break

10:00–11:00 a.m.

3rd General Session


Tina Seaman, Assistant Principal, Katy ISD, and 2017 TCWSE President


Kimberly McLeod, Academic Dean, Texas Southern University

Salon D

Coaching a Cultural Consciousness Have you ever questioned yourself? Compared yourself to someone else or asked yourself, why am I not where I want to be? Have you ever had a feeling, deep in your gut that made you feel like something was growing inside of you? Something great, powerful yet you’ve never been able to give birth to this incredible vision. You haven’t been able to create the space where dreams and reality co-exist at the same time. You can feel that the positive transformative energy is there, but it always feels like it is just out of reach and you’re not clear on how to obtain it. Everything that you are and everything that you have been and will be is a learned behavior influenced by culture. Some have been coached in a way that has created a cultural consciousness, and some of have been coached in a way that has suppressed culture into a level of unconsciousness. Dr. Kimberly McLeod will lead a discussion of discovery that embraces a coaching model that speaks to the untapped and undiscovered greatness that an unconscious reality prevents from obtaining and sharing. Participants will experience a Cultural Wake UP!

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2017 Conference Sponsors President’s Circle Creating & Managing Wealth, LLC Joan Arciero Executive Vice President 620 N. Carroll Ave., Ste. 150 Southlake, TX 76092 817.502.9822 joan@cmwfinancial.com

Gold Imagine Learning, Inc. Clayton Renfroe Area Partnership Manager 191 River Park Drive Provo, UT 84604 817.504.6220 clayton.renfroe@imaginelearning.com Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson, LLP James Guest Attorney 1316 South John Redditt Dr., #A Lufkin, TX 75904 936.639.5040 james.guest@lgbs.com Stantec Scott Milder Senior Associate 5717 Legacy Drive, Suite 250 Plano, TX 75024 214.473.2400 scott.milder@stantec.com

Silver Live Oak Public Finance Brynne West Director of Operations 11 Carolina Drive Greenville, TX 75402 512.726.5547 bwest@liveoakpubfin.com Powell & Leon, LP Pam Waggoner Client Relations Director 115 Wild Basin Rd, #106 Austin, TX 78746 512.494.1177 pwaggoner@powell-leon.com LCD Projector Donation Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD Karla Burkholder, Director of Technology

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