▲ Humble ISD students build tiny homes for veterans through the Big Heroes, Tiny Homes program.
Big heroes, tiny homes by Bobby Hawthorne
County: Harris ESC region: 4 Superintendent: Dr. Elizabeth Fagen 2020 enrollment: 44,952 Number of schools: 46
avid Anderson sleeps safe and sound these days because Al Segura couldn’t sleep one night.
“I was having a restless night,” says Segura, then an assistant principal in Humble ISD. “So, I got up and started scanning through Facebook. I saw that veterans in St. Louis were building tiny homes for homeless veterans, and I thought, ‘Why can’t our students do that?’” The next morning, Segura ran the idea past a fellow administrator, then called a teacher he
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thought might be interested. Four years later, Anderson — a U.S. Navy veteran who spent 25 months on a combat logistics ship in the Persian Gulf during Desert Storm and returned home with PTSD — was handed the key to the front door of a 240-square-foot house he could call his own. Today, Segura leads “Students Helping Veterans: Big Heroes, Tiny Homes,” which has expanded to three of Humble ISD’s six high school campuses. With help from Operation Finally Home, which provides funds via the Lowe’s Foundation, HISD