MAN2MAN - Issue 1

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Choosing The right G.P Mental Health Week


Time to



What better time to come on board the MAN2MAN team than right now. The program has been totally rebranded and is heading in new and exciting directions. If you are passionate about issues affecting men in2 men and keen to contribute then we would love to hear from you. Maybe you’d like to write some articles for MAN2MAN, source interviews, take some scene pics or modeling shots? Alternatively, you may want to volunteer to come onboard the MAN2MAN Online team providing health related information and advice on the popular Gaydar and Manhunt chat sites. Your interest and input will be valued and certainly assist the MAN2MAN Program to expand its reach and diversify its skill base – to provide an even better service to the community in Tassie. Remember, it doesn’t matter where you reside in Tassie so don’t let that hold you back. For more details on how to volunteer contact the MAN2MAN Coordinator on Tel 03 6234 1242 or email


Editorial Hi there and thanks for picking up a copy of the very first edition of MAN2MAN, a health & lifestyle resource for men in2 men. In the exciting times ahead MAN2MAN hopes that you will enjoy reading this mag and get heaps of useful information, news & practical lifestyle tips out of reading it. MAN2MAN aims to keep men of all ages who are in2 men well informed about relevant health & lifestyle issues. We hope to cover a variety of topics that should be of interest to you in your everyday life but in a casual informative but fun way. All guys are different and have differing needs and at differing ages so we will attempt to be as inclusive as we can in this regard. Remember, it’s your magazine so don’t hesitate to give us your feedback as to areas we should be covering or areas we are doing well in – this only helps us deliver a higher quality and more useful magazine for you. The content is predominantly health related but will also cover important lifestyle issues faced by us guys in this modern world. Participation and involvement with guys like you will be greatly appreciated and encouraged – so don’t be afraid to offer us useful advice with regards to article topics, topical issues, events, key people and, importantly, your advice with regards to distributing MAN2MAN state wide. Do you know of venues or gay friendly cafes, businesses or places where we could possibly distribute this publication? Plus feel free to volunteer to write an article about an area you may be involved in or to submit some much needed scene pics that

we could use, or even pose as a model for the mag if you dare! If you run a business or know of any that may wish to advertise in MAN2MAN here’s your chance to get your message out to the rest of us in the community. At this stage we plan to distribute MAN2MAN on a quarterly basis and will be available in hard copy at numerous locations state wide. It is also available online in pdf downloadable format on our website au. If you would like to be on the mailing list or email distribution list then contact the editor of MAN2MAN at TasCAHRD on tel 03 62341242 or email m2m@ or write to us at Editor MAN2MAN, TasCAHRD, GPO Box 595, Hobart. Tasmania 7001 Happy reading for now and see you again in the next edition of MAN2MAN!

MAN2MAN is a publication produced by the MAN2MAN Program at TasCAHRD


“Coming out”, or being open to friends and family about an individual’s homosexuality, can be a challenging and difficult experience for many men. In particular, men who have sex with men (MSM) who identify as being heterosexual during periods in their adult life can find the “coming out process” particularly challenging. This experience of coming to terms with a homosexual or bisexual orientation is unique and different to each individual.

1 Men who are homosexually active and who are geographically isolated from large gay centres.

The challenges of “coming out” and their consequent potential impact on gay men’s health and well-being have long been recognized by workers in the GLBTI sector, not to mention gay men and lesbians themselves.

1 Coming out – what’s involved? 1 What it’s like to be gay in our society 1 Where can I meet other guys? 1 Sex and gay men 1 Health risks and sex – looking after yourself 1 Who can help?

“Out Late: A Guide for Older Men Coming Out”, is a print resource that specifically targets: 1 Men who are becoming aware of their own sexual identity. 1 Men who are seeking contact with other gay men. 1 Men who are beginning to participate or seeking to participate in gay communities.

This resource aims to provide men who are coming out later in life with basic information about gay community dynamics, sexual identity, HIV transmission, safe sex, as well as broader health promotion messages about STI’s and drug use. Topics covered in resource include:



A full list of contact details for services clients may wish to access is also included. To receive a copy of this resource contact the MAN2MAN Program Coordinator at TasCAHRD on Tel 62341242 or email at or you can access a pdf version of the resource on the TasCAHRD website

Well Tassie’s not gonna know what hit it – there’s yet another GLBTI nightclub opening soon in Hobart. Amazing, but true, apparently! That’s the latest gossip around town. Les Girls (formerly Diva) is the brand new venue and it’s hosting its opening night on Friday 7th November during the TasPride Festival celebrations – so don’t miss it. Located in the very heart of Hobart at 101 Harrington Street (formerly Mangoes Bar) Hobart’s newest GLBTI nightspot will open every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. With drag shows promised every weekend this looks as if it’s gonna be something not to be missed! Watch Les Girls myspace page for performer profiles and dates. Les Girls looks forward to seeing you and your friends at their new venue soon. For more details regarding Les Girls check out their myspace page at http://www.myspace. com/lesgirlshobart or be added to Les Girls Facebook page by emailing lesgirls101@


Choosing The right G.P Choosing a doctor can be a difficult process but very important in the long run. What’s even more difficult, however, is finding a GP or medical centre that is cool about sexual diversity. Here are a few general things to take into consideration when looking for a GP, followed by a few pointers with regards finding a GLBTI friendly GP or practice. Good luck! PAGE 4

Some general things to look out for:

for you, don’t be afraid to ask before you choose a doc.

Once you’ve narrowed down your list of possible doctors, visit their practices and consider some of the following:

Sex of your GP

Location You may want a GP close to your work rather than close to home – weigh up what’s important for you and go for it.

Opening hours Medical centres tend to have longer opening hours often because they have more staff available than smaller GP practices. Often in a larger medical centre you won’t get to see the same doctor each time. Toss up what’s more important to you – longer opening hours or seeing the same doctor each time If you do visit another medical centre from time to time remember continuity of care is important – so make sure your normal doctor knows about the visit and any medications that may have been given to you.

The surgery Are the staff pleasant and friendly? Printed health materials in the waiting room usually show the practice cares about public health education.

Billing Ask how you’ll be billed when you make an appointment. You may be able to get a discount if you pay upfront, or the practice may bulk-bill. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Home visits Some medical centres and doctors still do home visits these days. So, if this may be important

This may be of importance and there’s no point not feeling at ease or comfortable with your GP – so don’t be afraid to ask about this before you choose a medical practice

Being rushed

confidentiality is protected and your privacy respected? Because concerns about confidentiality can inhibit disclosure about sexual behaviour and/or identity. 1 Have staff had training to identify & address basic health issues that may particularly affect GLBTI clients?

Ask whether you are able to make longer appointments if you feel you need more time for those with more complex problems or those times when you need a bit of TLC. Most medical practices are more than happy to book long consultations as long as they have enough advanced warning.

1 Does the practice have a written antidiscrimination policy with specific reference to sexual orientation & gender identity?


1 Does the practice use gender-neutral questions to ask about relationships & sexual behaviour?

Some doctors have extra qualifications in areas that may be of benefit to you – ask if you are not sure (eg. what is their knowledge in the area of sexual health.)

Accreditation Some agencies rate the quality of general practices and award accreditation to those practices that meet a quality standard. Ask the practice if it’s accredited or look for an accreditation certificate or logo on display. Things to look out for that may show your GP practice is GLBTI friendly: 1 Displaying pamphlets or posters including positive images of people of diverse sexualities. 1 Staff use language not excluding GLBTI people e.g use partner rather than husband or wife. 1 Intake form includes gender neutral options such as “domestic partner” or “same sex partner” 1 Is it clear that your

1 Does the service have links to other agencies that can provide services and support to GLBTI clients?

1 Is the client’s same sex partner acknowledged or included in the same way a heterosexual partner is? 1 Is the practice able to refer GLBTI clients to appropriate GLBTI-friendly specialist services? Working It Out, TasCAHRD and Hobart Women’s Health Centre – have adapted the GLHV “Sexual Diversity Health Services Audit” for use in sexuality & gender diversity training to be delivered to medical practices (doctors, practice managers & medical centre staff) as well as to other health service organisations. If you know of medical centres or GP’s that are gay friendly you may want to let us at MAN2MAN know, or if your medical centre would like some sexuality & gender diversity training this can be arranged with the abovementioned group. Contact the editor for more information.


STATEWIDE Bi-Tasmania is a social and support group for bisexual Tasmanians – contact 0401 054 003 Coming Out Proud Program (COPP) – established by the League of Gentlemen, COPP is centred on providing strategies that will enable GLBTI people in each region of the State to “come out with pride” and live in their community with dignity as fully respected and participating members. For the State Steering Committee contact Julian Punch at Country Network – an Australia wide organisation offering hospitality and friendship among gay and lesbian people living in rural Australia to assist and overcome their social isolation. Phone Dave Arnold on 03 6228 4166 or online at or GALTA is Australia’s gay & lesbian tourism organisation found online at Gay Info Line is a 24hr five minute recorded message service funded by GLC Centre at 03 6234 8179 League of Gentlefellows is a state wide informal grouping of GLBTI people and their friends who meet in a social setting on a regular basis to celebrate their lives and enjoy one another’s company. The League of Gentlefellows unites two discreet organisations League of Gentlemen and League of Gentlewomen. Check out for more information or contact Julian Punch on 03 6239 6606 or MAN2MAN Online – Internet outreach service provided by the MAN2MAN Program at TasCAHRD with information regarding sexual health, HIV and sexuality issues provided to Gaydar Tasmanian chat room users online at www.gaydar. com Hours of service Mondays 5-9pm and Thursday 1-5pm PFLAG – Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. Contact Els on 03 6234 2372 or Gail


on 03 6440 7140 or email pflagtas@ or online at www. QueerTas – Tasmania’s GLBTI Yahoo internet group. Subscribe at Relationships Tasmania online explains everything about the deed of relationships at www. S.A.F.E – Spirituality and Faith Exploration meet fortnightly for LGBTI people who wish to explore their spirituality. Contact safetas@gmail. com Same Sex Travel is a directory of same sex operated accommodation properties throughout Australia and New Zealand, with many listings in Tasmania at Sexual Health Service offers counselling, support, referrals and STI & HIV testing. Phone Hobart on 03 6233 3557, Devonport on 03 6421 7759, Burnie on 03 6434 6315 or Launceston on 03 6336 2216 or Freecall number 1800 675 859 or email TasCAHRD – Tasmanian Council on AIDS, Hepatitis & Related Diseases including the MAN2MAN Program (formerly Gay Men’s Health Program) can be contacted on 03 6234 1242 or Freecall 1800 005 900 from 9am to 5pm or email or online at Tasmania Police GLBTI Liaison Officer’s – Hobart 03 6230 2111, Launceston 03 6336 7000 and North West 03 6434 5211 or online community-policing/lgbt_liaison_ officers Working It Out is Tasmania’s peak support body for the LGBTI communities providing information, support and referral for people of all ages who are coming out or exploring their sexuality and gender. In the South phone 03 6231 1200, in the North phone 03 6334 4013, in the North West phone 03 6432 3643. Email Yahoo Tasmanian GLBTI Groups (Queertas, gayhobart, tassiecasualfun, womenupnorth,

TASMANIAN GLBTI SER bitasmania, Allsortsqueeryouth, qsoc_tasmania, gaytassieguys, triplegtas, Tasgayguys, GayTasmania, taswomen2women) See http://

SOUTHERN TASMANIA Antidiscrimination Commission – The Antidiscrimination Commission can assist in pursuing claims of discrimination on grounds of sexuality, gender identity etc. Office at Level 1, 54 Victoria Street, Hobart. Contact on 03 6233 4841 or 1300 305 062 or email AntiDiscrimination@ or online at www. Borderlines is Hobart’s queer radio show every Wednesday at 2pm on Edge Radio 99.3FM Flamingos Dance Bar is Tasmania’s weekly club committed to providing a tolerant, safe, informative and fun environment for people of alternative sexualities and their friends to be able to enjoy themselves and socialize in a non-threatening environment. Online at and www. Gay and Lesbian Community Centre Inc (GLC Centre) Newly branded as TasPride, is Tasmania’s GLBTI social and community development group. A member-based organisation, GLC Centre produces the TasPride Festival, hosts regular events, provides the Gay Information Line, and publishes a regular newsletter. Contact on or online at Lalaland is a very special monthly dance party and has become a legendary fixture on Hobart’s dance music scene. First Saturday of every month at Halo Night Club, Purdy’s Mart, Hobart. Check out www. for information on the next party Les Girls (formerly Diva) – Hobart’s newest GLBTI night club located at 101 Harrington Street, Hobart (formerly Mangoes Bar). With drag shows every weekend. Open every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday night. For more information

RVICES AND GROUPS check lesgirlshobart or be added to Les Girls Facebook page by emailing QSOC is the Queer Uni Students Society in Hobart and contact can be made via email at queerep@yahoo. QSOC South – UTAS Queer Students on Campus. Contact on qsoc_south@ Soak@Kaos – café and lounge bar at 237 Elizabeth Street, Hobart. Visit online at Tasmania University Union (TUU) Sexuality Officer – contact UTAS TUU on 03 6226 2495 Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group (TGLRG) is a communitybased organisation campaigning for LGBTI human rights in Tasmania. Contactable on 03 6224 3556 or email or online at or www. or at their stall at Salamanca Market on Saturday The Male Factory @ The Duke Hotel, Hobart meet every Sunday afternoon 2pm till late Wellington Wanderers is a GLBTI activity group which run a yearround program of events and can be contacted on 0418 590 262 or 03 6234 2946 or write to GPO Box 1872, Hobart TAS 7001 or email

NORTHERN TASMANIA Allsorts are a queer youth group that meets regularly in Launceston & Burnie through Working It Out North – contact or 03 6334 4013 Fruity Bits – Launceston based email newsgroup. Contact Working It Out North on 03 6334 4013 or email Northern Tasmanian Men’s Meetup – Launceston based discreet social group of gay and bisexual men and their friends who meet regularly for meals, BBQ’s, drinks and other

events. Contact northern.meetup@ or or postal Launceston Meetup, PO Box 7666, Launceston TAS 7250 Tas Unity is an ecumenical support and study group for LGBTI people, their friends, families and supporters. Phone Pat on 03 6344 2357 for more information Transisters – community based social and support group for transgender women in Tasmania, meeting once a month in Launceston. Contact at group/transisters/

NORTH WEST TASMANIA Allsorts are a queer youth group that meets regularly in Launceston & Burnie through Working It Out North West – contact northwest@ or 03 6432 3643 Emesete Restaurant - GLBTI friendly functions held at Emesete Restaurant at 8 Alexander Street, Burnie. Contact Alison at Emesete Restaurant on 03 6434 4322 or au for more details North West GLBTI-Friendly Youth Group for under 25’s meets fortnightly in Burnie. Contact Sharon at Working It Out, North West on 03 6432 3643 or 0419 361 128 or email North West Same Sex Attracted Men’s Group for over 18’s meets monthly in Burnie. Contact Sharon at Working It Out, North West on 03 6432 3643 or 0419 361 128 or northwest@ or contact Layne at

EAST COAST ECQLS East Coast Queer Life Support is a support association being established in the North-East to coordinate and provide services and social activities for GLBTI people of all ages in the region. Email or check out Indeed is supporting Tasmania’s relationship registry. Contact Peter Power & Ian Lawrence at or online at www.relationshipstasmania.

TasPride Reborn If any festival in Tasmania has personality, it’s this one! The 2008 TasPride festival, presented by the Gay and Lesbian Community Centre, mirrors the depth and diversity of the wider GLBTI community, its friends and supporters as it hosts a myriad of events across the state. The Halloween Party, on November 1, kicked off two weeks of festival fabulousness. Other events, such as the TasPride Film Festival, Lalaland (featuring Australia’s #1 female DJ as the special guest DJ joSH), and Tokyo’s punk rockabilly trio, Ikochi, ensure the festival’s diversity and colour. Along with cultural events, Queer Desires in Medieval Music, a walk with PRIDE on Tasmania’s beautiful Mount Wellington, Queer Quiz Night and Drag Bingo, visitors will be left with a sense of community and pride as the festival winds up on Sunday 16th November with the TasPride Festival Family Picnic Day (with a free sausage sizzle!) The TasPride Festival takes place from November 1 – 16 2008. Head to the TasPride website, www. for more info. Article submitted by Madi Peattie, TasPride Festival Coordinator


What do you feel Mental Health Week should be all about? There has been a lot of focus on breaking down the stigma attached to depression. However, with regard to other illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder – there seems to be a lack of awareness about what these diagnoses actually mean. It’s important as MHW plays a role in informing the general community that mental illness is like a physical illness such as diabetes; people do not choose these conditions, and with proper support and treatment they can thrive and contribute in their communities.



Having a mental health condition can be devastating to the affected individual, partners, family and friends. The recognition, awareness and understanding of mental health has come a long way in the last few years and hopefully still more to come in the future. Mental Health Week (MHW) 2008 was launched at a Mental Health & Wellbeing Expo in the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens on 7th October this year. The Expo brought together 38 service providers from across the mental health sector to promote health & wellbeing through activities, displays, entertainment and speakers. MAN2MAN wanted to know more about how issues relating to our sexuality could impact on our mental health condition and sought an interview with a young Tasmanian with a mental health issue. This is what we found: PAGE 8

From whom do you feel you have gained the most support from? At the moment I am linked with a psychiatrist, psychologist and GP. It took some time to find a supportive ‘mental health team’. My psychologist is my greatest support. The best thing about her is she has never judged me. This is crucial as I feel I can fully trust and confide in her. I feel that she is a portal to take my problems to, hence I don’t feel alone. My friends and supportive family have also been great.However, it can be too stressful for them if I take all my problems to them, and it’s important to respect their boundaries. Do you have any practical advice to offer others in a similar situation? Finding a good psychologist or counsellor is very important. Being picky or choosy as to who you see, especially with respect to your sexuality. Don’t take on board homophobic attitudes and be prepared to find the right person. Be aware of the new mental health scheme through your GP whereby you can access psychologists

through the Medicare rebate which entitles you to up to 12 sessions per calendar year. Find a supportive friend or family member with whom you can be open about mental health and life issues – someone who sees through the stigma. Had you been heterosexual do you think your experiences would have been any different? The whole issue of homophobia & discrimination makes it more difficult in accessing help. If this was not present it would make it easier to find supportive professionals and therefore less frightening to access help. Generally a few negative experiences can color your perception of being able to get help and not being judged. How do you feel your sexuality has had an impact on your mental health & wellbeing? Speaking for myself, judgment and stigma based on being gay has had an adverse impact on my self-esteem and therefore my mental health. More generally for our community, it can be difficult for GLBTI individuals to seek help for fear of discrimination or lack of understanding. I believe mental health issues can be heightened in the GLBTI community due to experiences of homophobia and related violence and discrimination, lack of family contact, lack of support after relationship breakdowns etc. What take home messages can you offer young adolescents that may find themselves in a similar situation? It’s hard dealing with these issues when you are young due to bullying, bitchiness & homophobia at school. It can lead to depression and even suicidal feelings when you feel like you don’t belong. Finding

a supportive friend and/or counsellor is very important; someone you can talk with honestly. If the first counsellor or psychologist you see doesn’t meet your needs, keep searching until you find someone you can trust and be open with. Remember there are others going through similar things and school does come to an end. You are not alone. Most importantly , don’t keep your feelings bottled up – if you can find a outlet, whether it’s writing in your diary or ‘blogging’, doing art, music or dance, whatever helps you to feel connected to yourself and the world and lets your feelings out. If you have the Internet, look for online GLBTI groups or mental health forums that meet your needs. Keep searching until you find the right support and connections. What features would you look for in an organisation that would make you feel more comfortable in accessing their service? I would want to know that I wouldn’t be judged based on my sexuality. Mentioning sexuality and gender as issues that a service (e.g. psychologists) deals with on their pamphlets or brochures would enable me to feel comfortable. In regard to attitudes about sexuality how would you rate health care professionals and how do you feel that they could improve in this regard? Overall, with respect to health services, in my opinion I would say nursing staff were best, followed by psychologists then GP’s and lastly psychiatrists. As far as improving, I think they should undergo sexuality & gender diversity training if they don’t understand the issues. Secondly a non-judgmental attitude is very important

How important is it for an organisation to be GLBTI friendly in managing mental health issues in GLBTI individuals? Very important. When you are dealing with a mental health issue you feel pretty vulnerable, and you need to know you are not going to be judged about your sexuality or gender identity. Have you had any experiences of homophobia that may have worsened your mental health condition? Yes, I certainly have. One nurse from Sydney private hospital, who was very religious, said that all my mental health issues related to being gay, and that if I straightened my act up this would improve my mental health. This comment affected my self esteem & acceptance of my sexuality because at the time, I was very vulnerable.

Thanks heaps for those useful comments and thoughts from your personal experience. I am sure they will help others who find themselves in a similar situation, and hopefully also help professionals and organisations to think about ways in which they can be more accommodating towards GLBTI people. Good luck and thanks For more details on the GP Mental Health Care Plan check out:




MAN2MAN’s most frequent information request is what social groups are available statewide for gay and bisexual men. As you will see from our “Services & Groups” listing there are a variety of such groups to choose from statewide. Who said Tassie didn’t have much to offer socially? In this edition we focus on a group that’s gaining a lot of momentum and a lot of interest – the Launceston based Northern Tasmanian Men’s Meetup. MAN2MAN discovered the following on the Northern Tasmanian Men’s Meetup Group: “Gay or bisexual? Coming to Northern Tasmania? Living in the North? Want to meet new people socially? Get in touch with us. Contact is strictly confidential. Northern Tasmania Men’s Meetup was formed in 2005. The aim was to have a discreet social group of gay and bisexual men and their friends, meeting regularly each month for meals, BBQ’s, quiet drinks and other events. We aim to provide a social outlet and network for gay men and their friends living in, or visiting Northern Tasmania. We meet monthly each fourth Thursday evening for a meal, and also on Sundays once a month for dinner or a BBQ at a private house of one of the group members.” If that tickles your fancy why not explore it further? Contact Northern Tasmanian Men’s Meetup via email: northern. or info@ or by mail at Launceston Meetup, PO Box 7666, Launceston. Tasmania 7250. By the sounds of things I’m sure you’ll have an enjoyable time.


MAN2MAN ONLINE I’m sure that some of you guys already use Gaydar but for those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, Gaydar is an online live chat site for same sex attracted men where guys from all over the world can chat to each other, meet up and more - the rest is for you to find out! But I’m sure most of you Gaydar chatters may not know too much about the MAN2MAN Online Project. The MAN2MAN Online Project is the Tasmanian component of a nationwide project allowing you the opportunity to confidentially & anonymously chat with professionally trained outreach workers online to ask them any questions you may have regarding your health & wellbeing, sexuality, sexual health or anything else for that matter. Our MAN2MAN online worker sits in the Tasmanian chat room two days a week (Monday 5-9pm & Thursday 1-5pm) specifically for that reason. So start firing away those curly questions you’ve always wanted to know the answer to. For more details on Gaydar the web address is : or contact the MAN2MAN Coordinator at TasCAHRD on 03 6234 1242 or Plus remember that the MAN2MAN Program at TasCAHRD is always on the look out to recruit keen and enthusiastic guys like you as volunteer workers to assist in the MAN2MAN Program including working online– give us a call if you are keen.

What is stress? Stress is part of everyday life and we’ve all at some stage had our fair share. Stress refers to the demands or pressures applied to us. It also involves how we see threats from different events.

Is it anxiety or stress? Stress is usually a response to known pressures, whereas anxiety, which can look similar, is a response to perceived threats or dangers.

What causes stress? Stress can come from both positive and negative events in our life. However, major life changes are the commonest causes of stress for most people as they require the greatest demand for coping. Stressful events include major life changes (such as new relationships or separations, new jobs, lifestyle changes, or grief). Others include outside pressures (deadlines, competition, money worries, and demands). Last but not least don’t forget our thoughts (negative thinking patterns)

Time to De-stress!

How can I de-stress? The key to destressing is to crank down the level of your body’s stress response by increasing your ability to manage stress and to predict that you will have some control over stressful events. Many things that lead to stress can of course be changed, eliminated or minimised. Here are some things you can try in order to de-stress yourself – give them a go: • Become aware of your own reactions to stress (work out what your sources of stress are; know and accept your limits; and remember everyone deals with stress levels differently – so don’t be too tough on yourself) • Learn to use your time wisely (anticipate and plan for busy periods; set yourself realistic goals; cut down time wasting; plan your day or week in advance and try to stick to it) • Focus on your good qualities and accomplishments – there will be plenty, be assured

• Practice thinking and talking more positively • Cut down unnecessary worrying or self criticism • Be more assertive and especially learn to say “no” more often • Find a hobby that’s relaxing and Exercising regularly • Eat a balanced diet daily and avoid overindulging in coffee and alcohol • Learn and practice relaxation techniques - such as breathing exercises to calm you down; relaxing muscle tension by contracting then relaxing muscles; and lastly meditation

• Try de-stressing at work by working in short blocks; having frequent breaks; and trying to keep a balance between work and leisure Places to try that may help you de-stress • Counselling services • Joining a gym, walking group or relaxation classes • See your GP if things aren’t improving or if it appears you may be suffering from anxiety


UPCOMING TASMANIAN GLBTI EVENTS Saturday 1st to Sunday 16th November TASPRIDE FESTIVAL For more details on events being held during TasPride check out the program guide at

Saturday 1st November TASPRIDE FESTIVAL HALLOWEEN PARTY AT SOHO BAR 124 Davey Street, Hobart. Bookings from SOHO, Kaos Café/Soak, The Alley Cat Bar & TGLRG Stall at Salamanca Market.

Sunday 2nd November HALLOWEEN PARTY RECOVERY Breakfast at Kaos Café, 237 Elizabeth Street, Hobart

Friday 7th November LES GIRLS (FORMERLY DIVA) Opening Night. Come to the opening night of Hobart’s newest GLBTI night club located at 101 Harrington Street, Hobart (formerly Mangoes Bar) For more details checkout lesgirlshobart or be added to Les Girls Facebook page by emailing

Saturday 8th November WORKING IT OUT 10TH BIRTHDAY LUNCH AT FARM GATE CAFÉ AND PROVIDORE 2936 Channel Highway, Kettering. Contact Susan Ditter on 6231 1200 for more details

LALALAND The Seventh Deadly Sin at Halo Nightclub, Purdy’s Mart, Hobart. For SMS e-ticket register on

Sunday 9th November TASPRIDE FESTIVAL WALK & BBQ with Wellington Wanderers. The Springs to Waterworks Reserve. Call Richard on 6223 2690 or 0447 225 682 or email wellingtonwanderers@yahoo. for more details

HAWAIIAN TROPICAL BRUNCH Held by Northern Tasmania Men’s Meetup Group – for more details contact northern.meetup@ or Launceston Meetup, PO Box 7666, Launceston Tasmania 7250

Tuesday 11th November QUEER DESIRES IN MEDIEVAL MUSIC AT SOAK 237 Elizabeth Street, Hobart.

Saturday 15th November TAMAR ISLAND BBQ Working It Out 10th Birthday Celebration at Tamar Island, Launceston. RSVP to north@

Saturday 22nd November WHALE WATCHING At Tasman Island, Tasman National Park with Wellington Wanderers. Contact Michael D on 6234 2946 to reserve your spot

Monday 24th November

Thursday 27th November WELLINGTON WANDERERS PLANNING MEETING for the upcoming summer program. Contact Michael D on 6234 2946 for venue location and more details

Monday 1st December WORLD AIDS DAY Contact Amanda Walker at TasCAHRD on 6234 1242 for more details

Saturday 6th December LEAGUE OF GENTLEFELLOWS ANNUAL DINNER & ADDRESS To make reservations contact Julian Punch on 6239 6606 or

Sunday 7th December TUMBLEDOWN POINT WALK Tasman National Park with Wellington Wanderers. Contact Michael D on 6234 2946 for more details

Saturday 13th December CLASSICAL MUSIC RECITAL With Wellington Wanderers Contact Robert on 6234 5058 for more details and venue location

Saturday 20th December WELLINGTON WANDERERS XMAS BBQ At Waterworks Reserve Contact Michael R on 6223 2690 for more details.

AIDS AWARENESS WEEK Contact Amanda Walker at TasCAHRD on 6234 1242 for more details

Wednesdays: Borderlines Queer Radio - 2-3pm (Hobart’s sexuality & gender issues radio show on Edge Radio 99.3 FM)

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