2 minute read
Autumn edition
Summer is over, and now it's time to start thinking about the cool months ahead. It will all be hot chocolates and a ton of coffee for me – no I am NOT self-medicating! (Yes, I am).
based lube $17 water
What does autumn look like for you? Maybe, just maybe, it could look just a liiiiiitle bit more queer with some help from our handy little fridge-door-calendar on the back page. Not to mention getting up close with the content from our awesome authors.
Now remember, as we head into these cold, blustery months, to take care of yourself – we are heading into seasonal depression season. I know I am feeling the lack of the sun already, and so, I'm getting my self-care on. You should too, here are some suggestions.
Proudly Supported By
• Meditation and breathing
• Exercise and sunlight
This publication is an initiative of the Health Promotion Program at the Tasmanian Council on AIDS, Hepatitis and Related Diseases, (TasCAHRD).
• Cuddling some furry friends – or a human
• Good food
• A spa day
Views expressed in Man2Man are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of TasCAHRD.
Phone: 03 6234 1242
So, I’ll see you all on the other side.
Matt Anning
Matteo Senesi
Sarah Lenehan
Y’all will be able to see me by moving your eyes about 10 centimeters up in a diagonal-left direction, now you know what I look like if you want to drop into TasCAHRD and say Hi. Or come and co-present a radio show with me!
Grant Blake
Matt Newell
Tracey Wing
Our colleagues at TasCAHRD
And no, I will not be taking boyfriend applications at this time. Thanks for asking.
Design & Layout:
Email: projects@tascahrd.org.au
Post: GPO Box 595 Hobart

• A phone call with a friend, or trusted family member, or even a call line, like lifeline on 13 11 14 Lifeline
Tasmania 7001 Web: tascahrd.org.au
Ede Magnussen
Printing courtesy of:
Xerox Hobart
The sun will come back, that is for sure, and we need to look after ourselves in the meantime.
Facebook: Man2ManTas
TasCAHRD receives funding from the Crown, through Department of Health and Human Services, to provide these services.
Would you like to see your business or service advertised in this mag? Contact TasCAHRD for rates – projects@tascahrd.org.au.
WARNING: some of the content of this magazine may be offensive to some readers.
TasCAHRD receives funding from the Crown, through the Department of Health, to provide these services.
Views expressed in Red thread are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of TasCAHRD. This publication is an initiative of the Health Promotion Program at the Tasmanian Council on AIDS, Hepatitis and Related Diseases (TasCAHRD).
Would you like to see your business or service advertised in this mag? Contact TasCAHRD for rates – projects@tascahrd.org.au
$30 TasCAHRD membership
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• Free copy of this magazine to your home
• Metallic red ribbon
• VIP invites to events and fundraisers
Email or call now to join TasCAHRD or renew your membership.
*all fees go directly towards providing material, emotional and social support to people living with HIV.
Email: mail@tascahrd.org.au or Phone: 03 6234 1242
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