Prodigy SCADA Applications

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Prodigy Applications Jet Engine Test System Batch Materials Preparation Down Time Monitoring Food Processing Waste Water Treatment Plant Monitoring Site Services Monitoring Automated Wort Boiling Control Weighbridge Remote Control Autoclave Control and Process Monitoring Gold Coating Chamber Control Polisher Machine Control Cleanroom Monitoring Effluent Pump Control Wet End Process Control and Monitoring Diesel Engine Development Test Cells Engine Testing - Product Engineering Tank Farm Monitoring - Telemetry High Speed Axle Test System Power Station Clutch Testing PVC Coating Line Monitoring Laser Micrometer Wire Monitoring Gearbox Durability Test System Effluent Plant Monitoring Glost Kiln Monitoring Shear Optimisation Suet Process Monitoring Wool Scouring Line Control Paint Finish SPC End of Line Testing Forge Production Monitoring Dryer Process Monitoring Retort Control Systems Roller Hearth Furnace Control Galvanising Line Monitoring Extrusion Monitoring and Control Pump Monitoring Automatic Retort Control Evaporator Monitoring and Control Grain Germination Kiln Control

Key Benefits

Customised interactive operator displays High accuracy reporting of test results Flexible test sequence data recording

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary Testing of aircraft jet engines after maintenance and prior to refitting is vital for reliable and safe operation. Each engine test requires a log report providing details of the engine, all relevant test parameters and the engineers who supervised the test. For each test the engine is run through a test sequence. Dependent upon the resulting data it may be necessary to rerun steps in the sequence in any order. Three engineers conduct each test acting as Operator, Recorder and Controller. Each engineer has a monitor screen for monitoring the test data and any alarm conditions to occur. Data is displayed using a combination of dials and trend graphs with the Operator having a different screen configuration to the other test engineers. 41 different parameters are measured including thrust, temperatures, pressures, flows, speeds, vibrations, frequencies and fluid levels. From this data other ‘corrected values’ are automatically derived by the system, normalised to standard day sea level conditions. Datalogger units are used to acquire most data parameters. Thrust data is collected using a specially configured load cell and display with serial communications. Data such as engine type, serial number and test engineer names are entered manually into the system Test reports are generated after each engine test to verify satisfactory running.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows 2000

Status Instruments MEDACS data acquisition units London Electronics Display

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Jet Engine Test System

Automatic report generation

Key Benefits Low cost direct PC control Easy operator interface Unlimited recipes Online plant maintenance information Stock usage reports Link to plant wide DCS Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary In order to improve the consistency of the product, a control system was required to perform accurate mixing of the required solids and water. The PC controls all valves, pumps, agitators and conveyors. It also monitors the load cells, level transmitters and flow meters. This allows the mixing of the solids and water to be controlled according to a user selected recipe which defines the solid weight limits, the ratio of solids to water and the mixing times. By monitoring the water and solids in each batch, accurate stock reports can be produced based on the raw materials used, on a per shift or per formula basis. Trend graphs also allow the calculated consistency to be monitored over time. Alarm monitoring is performed through limit switches on all valve and pumps, and, in the event of a problem, will cause the batch to be held until it is resolved. Alarms are recorded into a history database so that troublesome valves and pumps can be easily identified. Motor currents on all pumps and agitators are also monitored to allow preventative maintenance to be carried out based on real, under load, running times.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4 Light Pen Operator Interface

PC Plug-in Cards 2 x PCL-818L 8 Ch A/I 1 x PCL-733 32 Ch D/I 1 x PCL-734 32 Ch D/O 1 x PCL-836 6 Ch Pulse/I

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Batch Materials Preparation

Improved product consistency

More accurate down time reasons Better understanding of down time Better understanding of machine capability Better understanding of product specific manufacturing problems

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to provide management with an accurate assessment of down time reasons for 11 welding machines. Previously, the customer had adopted a manual paper based method of collecting down time reasons but this had proved to be inaccurate; Down time periods were not timed accurately, reasons were only assigned at the end of a shift and errors were made reading the paper forms. In addition, a great deal of time was wasted transferring the data from paper into a computer database. The system monitors for the running / stopped state of each machine. This is determined by counting each weld and calculating a running speed. If a machine stops, a short period of time is allowed and then a hardwire interlock is asserted. This prevents the operator from restarting the machine until a valid down time code has been entered. Multiple codes may be used to indicate different reasons during any one down time event and the system logs all events into a daily batch database. Every Monday morning, a report on the pervious weeks operations is generated by the system and sent to the senior management. Currently this is paper based but it is soon to be automated by electronically transferring the data directly into the company’s EIS.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4

11 x ADAM 4012 1 Ch A/I, 1 Ch Pulse/D/I, 2 Ch D/O 11 x TM170 Remote Operator Keypads

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Down Time Monitoring

Key Benefits

Key Benefits Provision of “Proof of Process” data Allowed Due Diligence to be demonstrated Enabled Lawcred and EFFSYS to be attained

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary As part of its design, the system allowed the customer to computerise its quality control record system. This led to the attainment of Lawcred and EFFSIS accreditation which is a key requirement of the large supermarket chains. In addition to providing an easy to use interface for the operators, the system gives an instant overview of production status to the factory management. The system is also accessed remotely by the Engineering department to investigate problems and to determine if changes that have been made have had a positive or detrimental effect. By incorporating a long term data storage facility, past production runs can be easily analysed using the historic trending package, making it easier to work towards process improvements. Alarm monitoring was incorporated to highlight any signal straying outside its allowed limits. Alarm conditions appear on the permanent alarm banner and the specific area of the mimic display changes colour to draw attention to the potential problem. Prodigy’s Alarm Scheduler was also used to prevent nuisance alarms during cleaning cycles and shutdown periods.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4 Intelligent Multi-port Serial Interface

4 x ADAM 4011 1 Ch T/C A/I, 1 Ch D/I, 2 Ch D/O 1 x ADAM 4060 4 Ch Relay O/P

32 x West 4100/4170 Controllers

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Food Processing

Continuous quality monitoring

Key Benefits

Direct link to existing PLCs Ability to modify the plant mimic as the process is altered Provision of online maintenance to build a knowledge store from their expert staff

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary Plant disturbances on a waste water treatment plant which discharges to a river can have disastrous consequences and, therefore, it is imperative that the monitoring system warn of significant changes as early as possible. In addition, the plant runs unmanned for long periods of time and in the event of an alarm condition, unfamiliar staff need to be quickly directed to take corrective actions. Using Prodigy’s online maintenance facility, alarm conditions linked to the appearance of maintenance icons provide the user with access to the knowledge store. This included: Word documents detailing normal preventative actions, standard procedures and parts lists; PDF files of Plant schematics and wiring diagrams; and annotated digital photographs of the relevant valves, pumps etc. Automatic measurements, such as the amount of water discharged and recycled, were combined with manual entries of, for example, the quantity of solids removed to provide weekly reports to all key staff

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4 21� Colour Graphics Monitor Additional Prodigy Complete Development System for Off-line Training and Development

1 x Allen Bradley 1770-KF3 DH485 Network Interface 3 x Allen Bradley SLC-50x PLCs (Existing Equipment) 1 x CRL 460 Controller (Existing Equipment)

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Waste Water Treatment Plant Monitoring

Replacement of ageing chart recorders and out of date plant mimic panels

Key Benefits Reduction in fuel costs and the ability to claim rebates from the Climate Change Levy Ability to expand the system to target key areas found Provision of online maintenance to build a knowledge store from their expert staff Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary With an ultimate aim of reducing fuel costs for a food processing plant, the energy used, in terms of both electricity and steam, was to be monitored. This began with the monitoring of the supply voltage and currents on 10 three phase supplies and will be expanded by the end user to cover steam usage at a later date. Continuous recalculations of power used on each phase of each supply were made by the system and shown on a site mimic display. The minimum, mean and maximums of each of these were then calculated on a daily basis and stored into an Access database for weekly reporting. The energy used was also derived on a daily basis to provide a comparison with the electricity supplier’s meters. Armed with this information relating to their current usage of energy, the company will then be able to show the efficiencies that they have made and, thus, gain rebates under the Climate Change Levy. A variety of manually made meter readings are also taken from around the site. Initially these were to be entered through Prodigy’s Xform facility and then automated at a later date.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4

ADAM 5000 containing 4 x ADAM 5017 8 Ch A/I

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Site Services Monitoring

Better understanding of energy usage

Key Benefits Reduction in steam usage (10 to 20%) Optimised boil time to increase throughput Unlimited brew quality recipes

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to take automatic control of the wort boiling process so that an increase in consistency could be achieved and savings could be made in steam usage. Brew quality recipes were created which were based on a change in specific gravity over a defined boil time period. They included acceptable underboil tolerances and, when insufficient steam had been available, reboil time periods. For any batch run, the operator could select and view the required recipe, and enter the gyle number for the batch. The system would then control the boiling process according to the recipe using a pair of linked software PID controllers, one for temperature and one for energy. At the end of the process, the results were stored into an Access database under the gyle name for later review by the management. The system also had a facility for reminding the operator when to make hops, finings and caramel additions to the copper.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4 Uninterruptible Power Supply SCSI DAT Drive for archiving

1 x ADAM 4017 8 Ch A/I 1 x ADAM 4021 1 Ch A/O 1 x ADAM 4052 8 Ch D/I 2 x ADAM 4060 4 Ch D/O

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Automated Wort Boiling Control

Improvement in product consistency

Better utilisation of existing manpower Automatic reports to planning Permanent log of wire size, quality and weight received from each supplier Improved accuracy of data through the use of bar codes on incoming deliveries

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary An overhead crane is used to transfer wire from lorries on the weighbridge into a storage area. As it is unloaded, the size, quality and weight of the load is checked against the delivery note. Previously this activity had required two employees: one in the crane cab (~40ft up) unloading the lorry; and one taking the weight measurements and checking the delivery notes. The system was designed to give full control to the crane operator by providing access to the weight measurements, print and zero actions, and the traffic control system. Two industrially sealed TM8500 terminals and two TM90 slip printers were provided to give access points at both the crane cab and in the weighbridge office. Collected data was stored in daily files which could be used to produce weekly reports in the weighbridge office and could also be accessed directly in the planning office.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC 2 x TM8500 Remote Operator Terminal with Bar Code Reader

Mettler Toledo 1980 Tally Roll Printer 8142 Digital Indicator (Existing Euipment) Mettler Toledo Remote Indicator

2 x TM90 Slip Printer

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Weighbridge Remote Control

Key Benefits

Automated control cycle Versatile, unlimited recipes Easy operator interface Unmanned operation Detailed process reports Reduced cycle time

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to perform automatic temperature and pressure control cycles for two large autoclaves. It provided a sequence of idle, ramp, dwell, cooling, depressurisation and purge stages. The exact ramp and dwell part of the sequence is determined by a recipe which allows up to 6 temperature / pressure ramps and the following timed dwells to be defined. Any number of the recipes can be configured in the system and then selected when the process is to be started. Continuous monitoring of the process was performed to provide detailed process reports at the end of each batch and to allow signals to be checked against alarm levels. In the event of an alarm condition, both warning and emergency shutdown conditions were handled to provide appropriate responses. As with any control system, low level alarm functions were provided to allow for unmanned running.

Equipment Used CRL Series 1000 PLC containing 2 x 16 Ch T/C A/I 2 x 8 Ch A/I 2 x 4 Ch A/O 1 x 16 Ch D/I 2 x 16 Ch D/O

2 x CRL 210 Indicators

2 x CRL 452 Controllers

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Autoclave Control and Process Monitoring

Key Benefits

Cost effective upgrade of existing equipment Improved quality control & reduced scrap Process data available for analysis Automated Proof of Process reports

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system provides upgraded control for a gold coating chamber used for applying protective coatings to aircraft canopies. The coating process vaporises gold in the chamber under high vacuum with the system monitoring and controlling each stage in the process cycle. The system runs on an industrial PC. Custom operator screens give a pictorial display of the chamber and associated equipment for each stage of process, with process values shown in numerical and dial formats. Displays are interactive with on screen buttons giving operators direct access to commonly used functions. System alarms caused by abnormal conditions trigger both an on screen alarm banner and flashing alarm beacon. Chamber vacuum measurements required for cycle control are performed by Leybold instruments that provide Pirani and Penning measurements with the instruments connected to the PC using dedicated RS232 links. Prodigy automatically creates new process records for each coating run, uniquely identified by works order number and start date and time and continuously records all process data. Portable radio barcode scanners allow the system to track each product. Pre set graphs and reports enable detailed analysis of individual runs or comparison of any selected runs. Prodigy’s Proof of Process reports provide a concise single page report for each coating run.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows 2000 Datalogic Cordless Barcode Scanner & Base Unit

ADAM 5000 containing 2 x ADAM 5017 8 Ch A/I 1 x ADAM 5024 4 Ch A/O 3 x ADAM 5052 8 Ch D/I 2 x ADAM 5056 16 Ch D/O

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Gold Coating Chamber Control

Key Benefits

Radio telemetry enables installation without disturbance View real time conditions Automated door sequence control secures clean environment Provides verifiable data for audits

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The requirement was to monitor temperature, relative humidity and pressure across 15 areas within a clean room facility and supervise access control (interlocking) of 17 roller doors that interconnect rooms within the facility. The system uses an industrial PC running Prodigy software. Compact radio telemetry data logging modules send temperature, relative humidity and pressure to a base radio station connected to the PC, which continuously records the data. An operator screen provides an overview display of the clean room with colour coded temperature, humidity and pressure indicators showing normal and alarm states. Clicking on the overview switches to a detailed display of the chosen area that shows current measurements, a real time and historic trend of that areas data and allows local alarm settings to be changed. The system also handles the complex sequence of door interlocks required. Several of the doors are required to remain closed if one or more doors are open or if they have been closed for less than a pre-set time period. The system ensures that the door sequence combinations are met otherwise triggering an alarm if any door is opened when it should not be. Door status is recorded for display on trend graphs for analysis as required.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows 2000

Signatrol SL400 Base Station 15 x SL412-1 transmitters 15 x SL419 transmitters

ADAM 5000 containing 4 x ADAM 5018 7 Ch T/I 1 x ADAM 5052 8 Ch D/I 1 x ADAM 5068 8 Ch R/O MSL SOLO 11x Relay output D/I module

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Clean Room Monitoring

Key Benefits

Key Benefits

Improved product quality control Reduced scrap and reworking of product SPC analysis on demand

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The requirement was for upgraded control and monitoring of a industrial polishing machine used for optical quality polishing of acrylic plastic billets. The process uses a polishing arm/head assembly reciprocating across the 2 metre square billets, which are rotated on a vacuum table. Key monitoring and control parameters include polisher head and table speeds and load, arm speed, load and positioning, water and slurry flows and vacuum level. The Prodigy based system provides machine control, batch tracking, SPC analysis, process records and condition monitoring. A touch screen PC forms an operator interface with on-screen display representing the polisher with all measured signals shown next to their appropriate location on the machine. Summary information of current production run and on-screen buttons allow operators to interact with the polisher sequence. Buttons also allow access to realtime and historic trend facilities for key process measurements. Remote users on the network can view the process in real time. Statistical process control allows comprehensive analysis of any monitored signal on demand and the system can automatically determine if the process is in statistical control, check for out of spec data as well as run pattern rule violations. Condition monitoring is provided by monitoring motor run times and the accumulated polishing time of the polishing heads. This makes it possible to monitor the polisher head performance and to determine if degradation of the polisher head is responsible for reduction in product quality. Alarm levels can warn when the usage time limit is approached or exceeded.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC touch screen panel using Microsoft Windows NT

ADAM 5000 containing 1 x ADAM 5017 8 Ch A/I 1 x ADAM 5052 8 Ch D/I 1 x ADAM 5080 4 Ch C/F 1 x ADAM 5068 8 Ch R/O 1 x ADAM 5024 4 Ch A/O

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Polisher Machine Control

Cost effective upgrade of machine control extends machine life and ROI

Key Benefits Improved filter bed efficiency Automatic pump duty cycling Detailed trend graphing Alarm monitoring

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary One of the main problems facing the effluent plant was the inability to deal effectively with large changes in the incoming effluent flow rates. Despite the use of buffering tanks in their reception area, if the increased volume was not promptly passed on to the neutraliser, the tanks could overflow. The existing system performed this control by turning on and off three large kestner pumps. This simple control mechanism, however, had the effect of creating problems in the neutralisation and filtering processes as the volume passing through would change radically as each pump was started and stopped. The answer was to provide finer control of the three pumps through an invertor and logic to control which pumps were running and the required variable speed of one of the pumps. The logic also allowed for the pre-emptive priming of the pumps and recovery actions in the event of a pump failure. The end result was a much smoother flow through to the neutraliser which led to an improvement in the filter bed efficiency. The Prodigy system also monitors a number of Allen Bradley PLCs which allows the effluent pump data to be viewed in conjunction with the rest of the Effluent Plant and to provide more comprehensive alarming facilities.

Equipment Used CRL 460 Controller

3 x Allen Bradley SLC-50x PLCs (Existing Equipment)

Brush Invertor Drive

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Effluent Pump Control

Reduction in flow disturbances

Key Benefits Reduced wastage Increased output Automated line startups Automatic formula changes Central data capture and production reporting Better understanding of the process Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The plant had traditionally suffered from consistency problems because each operator worked slightly differently, both in terms of normal running and in response to fault conditions. As a result, the product varied from shift to shift. In order to determine the automatic control algorithm to use, all of the controllers and a set of key variables were monitored. This allowed a better understanding of the process to be gained and the best control algorithm to be determined. As an initial check on the algorithm, the operators were provided with suggested setpoints for the controllers which could be altered as required. As confidence grew in the system, this stage was removed and the setpoints were sent directly to the controllers at the appropriate stages in the control sequence. The system has been further modified to monitor the flow rates for reductions, automatically altering the control parameters of the other flows to compensate and producing alarms on fault conditions.

Equipment Used Motorola based machine

2 x Field 1000 Modules with 8 Ch A/I Card 8 Ch A/O Card 8 Ch D/I Card 8 Ch D/O Card

16 x ABB Controllers (Existing Equipment) 2 x KTRON Weigh Feeders

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Wet End Process Control and Monitoring

Improved product consistency

Key Benefits Central storage of all schedules, test data etc. Automatic control of smoke meters and emissions carts Continual monitoring for alarm conditions Transient data capture modes Batching of schedules to increase unmanned running Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary Each computer system was designed to run a diesel engine in a development test cell according a user defined schedule. Automatic control of the throttle actuator and dynamometer, in a variety of modes, were used to achieve the required engine conditions. Central servers were employed to provide storage of all test schedules, test log data etc. and also to act as an arbitrator when access to one of the Emissions Carts was required by a test cell. Auxiliary parameters such as intake manifold temperature were also controlled through communications with a series of Omega controllers. A variety of smoke meters and fuel measurement devices were also controlled and synchronised with the test sequences. Safety monitoring for alarm conditions was continually undertaken and in the event of a failure, controlled and emergency shutdown routines are employed to safely stop the engine. Following such an incident, crash or shutdown logs are made available for the last 2 minutes of running so that an engineer may determine the exact nature of the failure.

Equipment Used 12 x Motorola based machines 50 x Omega CN76000 Controllers (Existing Equipment) 2 x Horiba MEXA 9000 Emissions Carts (Existing Equipment)

Plug in cards included 20 x BVME250 16 Ch A/I 20 x VADI-3 16 Ch T/C A/I 10 x PBDAC3 4 Ch A/O 10 x PBDIN3 16 Ch D/I 20 x PBREL 8 Ch D/O

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Diesel Engine Development Test Cells

Automatic control sequences

Automatic control sequences Central storage of all schedules, test data etc. Batching of schedules for increased unmanned running Continual monitoring for alarm conditions

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary In-depth checks on engines from the production line or returned by customers are undertaken in four test cells, each of which has a cell computer to control a throttle actuator and dynamometer. A supervisory machine is also used to act as a central file server and an arbitrator for an Emissions Cart. Automatic tests are run according to pre-defined schedules which contain the required speeds and torque, auxiliary parameters such as fuel temperature, and details of phase specific alarm conditions. Series of test schedules are then run in sequence on an engine, without the need for human interaction. Key signals are monitored for alarms, based on the current engine conditions. In the event of a fault, a controlled or emergency shutdown routine is run to stop the engine safely and at the same time, a shutdown log is produced to show all signals during the last two minutes. On completion, test data is transferred from the cell computer to the server where it is available to engineers’ office based PCs.

Equipment Used 5 x Motorola based machines 6 x Eurotherm 94C Controllers (Existing Equipment) Horiba MEXA 9000 Emissions Cart (Existing Equipment)

Plug in cards included 8 x BVME250 16 Ch A/I 4 x VADI-3 16 Ch T/C A/I 4 x VADI-3 16 Ch RTD 1 x PBDAC3 4 Ch A/O 1 x PBDIN3 16 Ch D/I 2 x PBREL 8 Ch D/O

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Engine Testing - Product Engineering

Key Benefits

Key Benefits Low cost installation Dual redundancy of receiving nodes Continuous recording for historic trending Easily expandable

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system monitors 12 oil and chemical tanks, and various field instruments which are located at a distance of up to 1 km from the central generating hall at a nuclear power station. As a means of minimising the cable runs required, radio telemetry interface units were selected. This also had the advantage of simplifying the requirement for dual redundancy of the monitoring PCs because two receiver units could be used and transparently switched between master and slave control in the event of a failure. By using low power radio transmitters, with directional antennae, possible interference effects with other equipment was avoided and the installation and commissioning tasks became very straightforward. A site plan was created in the mimic package, which allowed the user to click on the tank of interest and then view the relevant data. The signal data was also recorded to the hard disk and made available on a set of trend displays, so that changes over any period of time could be easily viewed. The tank levels were also monitored so that if the levels became low, a summary report is produced which is faxed to Purchasing to prompt for a new delivery of oil or chemicals.

Equipment Used 2 x Intel based Pentium PCs using Microsoft Windows NT 4 2 x RX7100 XNET Receivers with communications interface

7 x TX7100 XNET Transmitters with Analogue and Digital Expansion Modules

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Tank Farm Monitoring

Easy to use, informative and intuitive interface

Key Benefits Unlimited number of spreadsheet style test schedules, test data etc. Increased unmanned running Continual monitoring for alarm conditions Automatic calibration tracking

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to automate the running of a high speed axle test rig so that unmanned endurance tests of the axle differential could be carried out safely. Controlled and emergency shutdown routines were implemented so that in the event of a failure of the axle or differential, the rig can be properly stopped and a shutdown history log is created for later analysis. An unlimited number of spreadsheet style test schedules can be defined in the system. They are broken down into a number of phases, each of a defined length or number of rotations of the axle, and for each phase the required input speed, input torque, output differential, logging requirements, alarm limits, and any braking to be applied, is defined. In addition, differential cooling parameters are also passed to three Prodigy software controllers. All signals were recorded so that tests could be reviewed in the trending facility or in the form of printed reports. As the test data is also held in an Access database format, it can also be copied over the network link to individual engineer’s desktop PCs for further analysis.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4 Light Pen Operator Interface 2 x TA Dynamometer Controllers

Plug in cards included 4 x PCL-818HG 8 Ch A/I, 1 Ch A/O, 16 Ch D/I, 16 Ch D/O 1 x PCL-833 3 Ch Quad/I

1 x ABB Torque Controller

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - High Speed Axle Test System

Automatic control sequences

Replacement of ageing equipment Central storage of all schedules, test data etc. Easy switching between multiple rig configurations Continual monitoring for alarm conditions Dual screen interface Remote office access Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary Each computer system was designed to be housed in a mobile console which could be connected to one of six clutch test rigs. The system would then monitor the test and log a line of data whenever the operator pressed a push button. Each system was fitted with two displays, one which acts as the operator control interface and one which is used to allow end customers to view the clutch parameters as the tests progress. During a test, specific alarm schedules can be loaded to alter the tolerances allowed for any of the signals monitored. In the event of a signal straying outside of its allowed limits, a beacon flashes and details of the alarm are shown on the permanent alarm banner. Details of alarms occurring during a test are also logged alongside the test data to provide a complete history of each test run. Remote access was provided using Prodigy Remote Workstation to allow tests to be viewed and the data accessed from an office based MAC network.

Equipment Used 3 x Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4 Light Pen Operator Interface Dual Display Graphics Card IQS603 Vibration transducers UVV693 Proximity and vibration processors UVH678 Accelerometer processors

Plug in cards included 9 x PCL-818L 8 Ch A/I, 1 Ch A/O, 16 Ch D/I, 16 Ch D/O 6 x PCL-818HG 8 Ch A/I, 1 Ch A/O, 16 Ch D/I, 16 Ch D/O 3 x PCL-836 6 Ch Pulse/I

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Power Station Clutch Testing

Key Benefits

Better understanding of process Increased throughput Increased profits Machine utilisation reports

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to monitor 3 wire frame coating lines. Primarily this was aimed at determining accurate reasons for any stoppage periods. Having collected a few weeks of down time information, the management were in a position to perform a Pareto analysis on the data and then target specific reasons to improve the productivity of each of the lines. An interlock mechanism was employed to force the operators to enter the reason for any down time of over 5 minutes. This data was then recorded into shift based batch files for later analysis. Detailed reports of all stoppages and product throughput, covering everything from a single shift through to several months of running, were then available to the management. The system was also set up to monitor a series of furnace temperatures. These were recorded to provide detailed historic trend graphs so that the performance of the furnace could be monitored under different conditions. As a result of this, the required warm up times for the furnace were found to be several hours less than had been assumed for many years.

Equipment Used Motorola based machine

1 x Field 1000 Unit with 8 Ch A/I, 16 Ch D/I

ROBO Welding Computer Link 2 x TM170 Remote Operator Keypads

1 x Field 1000 Unit with 8 Ch D/I, 8 Ch D/O 13 x Eurotherm 808 Controllers

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - PVC Coating Line Monitoring

Key Benefits

Continuous process records Automatic online SPC analysis Batch tracking Continuous alarm monitoring

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to monitor the production of rectangular wire against defined specification limits. The computer is linked to a Zumbach Laser Gauging Head on each of 4 production lines and continuously monitors the returned x, y measurements. The detailed specifications for the product are entered by the operators prior to starting the production run. This includes: initial unlogged length; nominal width; top limit tolerance; top pre-alarm tolerance; bottom limit tolerance; bottom pre-alarm tolerance; nominal thickness; top limit; top pre-alarm; bottom limit; and bottom pre-alarm. Once the run has started, the measured x and y dimensions and the derived max, min, mean and standard deviations are checked against the entered specification. Any alarm conditions resulting are logged by the system and are highlighted to the operator through the permanent alarm banner and on an alarm printer. All production run data is also stored into batch files against an entered reference number and a customer identity, and is then available for later analysis on trend graphs and printed reports. All signal values are available in both imperial and metric units on the system’s mimic and trend displays. In addition to viewing these on the main computer, engineers also have access to the displays from a remote PC.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC

4 x Zumbach Laser Gauging Heads

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Laser Micrometer Wire Monitoring

Key Benefits

Automatic control sequences Unlimited number of spreadsheet style test schedules, test data etc. Increased unmanned running Continual monitoring for alarm conditions Automatic calibration tracking

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to automate the running of a gearbox durability test rig so that unmanned endurance tests could be carried out safely. Signals being monitored include vibration, speeds, torques, and temperatures at various locations around the test bed. In the event of a failure in the gearbox the system will shut the rig down in a controlled manner. The exact nature of the shutdown will depend upon the type of failure and the speed at which the rig needs to be stopped to minimise damage. The last few minutes of running are also made available in the form of a shutdown log so that an engineer can analyse the exact nature of the failure. Spreadsheet style test schedules are used to defined the test profile. Each contains a number of phases, with a defined length or number of revolutions. For each phase the required input speed, input torque, gear number, gear ratios, logging requirements, and alarm limits to be applied, are defined. In addition, the required box temperatures are controlled by two software controllers.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4 Light Pen Operator Interface 1 x ABB Torque Controller

Plug in cards included 4 x PCL-818HG 8 Ch A/I, 1 Ch A/O, 16 Ch D/I, 16 Ch D/O 1 x PCL-833 3 Ch Quad/I

1 x ABB Speed Controller

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Gearbox Durability Test System

Key Benefits

Key Benefits Increased information to the gatehouse Increased visibility of data to engineers Continuous recording for historic trending Easy to use, informative and intuitive interface

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system monitors an effluent plant comprising of a surface water tank, surface water lagoon and emergency lagoon. Measurements were made of: dissolved O2; heavy metal content; levels; pump states; and aerators. As the signal transducers needed to be distributed throughout the plant, the best way to deliver the measurements to Prodigy was to make use of radio telemetry interface units. This also allowed the data to be transmitted to both a local Prodigy system and a second system ž mile away. Using Prodigy Remote Workstation over the customer’s world wide network, the data was also made available to 6 remote engineers, the Health and Safety department, and to the local security officers in the gatehouse. All users were given access to a set of mimic displays to allow them to visually see the levels in the tanks and lagoons, and the states of the various pumps, aerators etc. The signal data was also recorded to the hard disk and made available on a set of trend displays, so that changes over any period of time could be easily viewed.

Equipment Used 2 x Intel based Pentium PCs using Microsoft Windows NT 4 2 x RX8100 XNET Receivers with communications interface

1 x TX8100 XNET Transmitter with Analogue and Digital Expansion Modules

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Effluent Plant Monitoring

Remote Monitoring

Key Benefits Batch reporting of daily figures Easy to use operator interface Long term data storage Automatic ramp control

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to control and monitor a continuously operating Glost tunnel kiln used for the firing of pottery. The kiln is split into eight temperature controlled zones, each of which is controlled by a discrete PID controller. The controllers are all then networked back to the supervisory computer. Any number of recipes can be entered into the system, each containing: the controller setpoints; a ramp rate; and an indication of typical use for the recipe. The operator can then select from the defined recipes for different product runs. The system will then automatically ramp to the required temperatures at the defined ramp rates. Also available are standard recipes to accommodate startups, run downs and normal operations. During firing, signals are continuously checked against their allowed limits and any resulting alarms are logged. Alarms are also indicated on the permanent alarm banner and through an alarm beacon. A facility is also available to allow the operator to enter details about the cars entering the kiln, such as total weight. Using knowledge of the empty weights of each car, the system calculates other values such as fuel usage for the car.

Equipment Used Motorola based machine 8 x CT 452 Controllers 1 x CT 408 Over-temperature trip

1 x TCS T100 containing 2 x T112 8 Ch T/C A/I Module 1 x T122 8 Ch A/I Module 1 x T150 1 Ch A/O Module 4 x T140 8 Ch D/I Module 1 x T180 8 Ch D/O Module

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Glost Kiln Monitoring

Unlimited recipes

Key Benefits Reduced scrap Reduced manning levels Improved throughput

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to cut steel billets into shorter lengths, using a cold shear, before the steel is pushed into a furnace and then on to the main rolling mill. By accurately cutting the steel into the “best” lengths, more finished products could be made and the overall cost per product reduced. Despite the fact that the raw billets were of a defined specification, the tolerances used were sufficiently wide that accurate measurement of the incoming billets was essential to determine the “best” cut lengths. The harsh nature of the environment and the deviations in shape of the raw billets meant that the reliability of the equipment to produce accurate measurements was paramount. Weight measurements were determined by the existing load cells but the length measurements were made using a laser device, engineered to scan over a defined path until the end of the billet was detected. Using the weight and length data in conjunction with information provided by the operator about the nature of the final product, allowed calculations to be made to determine the “best” lengths to automatically set the cold shear to.

Equipment Used Motorola based machine

1 x Field 1000 Unit with 8 Ch D/I, 8 Ch D/O

Avery L116 Weight Indicator (Existing Equipment)

IBEO PS30 Laser Sensor Geotronics TCS4000

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Shear Optimisation

Optimised billet length measurement

Key Benefits Replacement for ageing chart recorders Provision of tracking of individual batches from manufacture through to packaging Provision of online maintenance to build a knowledge store from their expert staff

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary In order to gain a better understanding of both the process and the equipment being used in the manufacturing process, a wide range of analogue and digital measurements were monitored by Prodigy using 3 ADAM 5000 units. In addition, 7 Eurotherm temperature controllers were also monitored to provide a trend history of the process in relation to ambient conditions. The system was also designed to allow the knowledge gained to be added to that of the expert staff to form a database of information which would enable the process to be run more consistently and problems to be resolved more quickly. Individual batches were monitored to allow tracking of suet production from manufacture through to discharge onto a packaging line and, to improve planning, included a database of suet currently held in a cold store.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4 Light Pen Operator Interface

ADAM 5000 containing 1 x ADAM 5017 8 Ch A/I 1 x ADAM 5051 16 Ch D/I

2 x TM10P Remote Operator Keypads

ADAM 5000 containing 2 x ADAM 5017 8 Ch A/I 2 x ADAM 5013 3 Ch RTD

7 x Eurotherm 815 Controllers (Existing Equipment)

ADAM 5000 containing 1 x ADAM 5013 3 Ch RTD 3 x ADAM 5051 16 Ch D/I

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Suet Process Monitoring

Better understanding of the process

Key Benefits Reduced wastage Increased output Better understanding of the process

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system controls a pair of wool scouring lines, used to clean wool before it is dyed and sold for the manufacture of clothes and carpets. Twenty different control profiles were determined, containing a description of their use, the seven temperature controller setpoints and the regain settings. Operators can then select the required profile for the next lot and enter other parameters, such as the customer’s name, before starting. The system will take automatic control of the chosen line, adjusting setpoints for temperature, fan speed and damper position to achieve precise control of the measured regain at the dryer exit. The lines are monitored at different points to check the humidity, temperature, transfer rates, steam flows and the state of the fans. All signals are checked against a set of four predefined alarm limits. Any signal deviating into an alarm region will be logged by the system and it will be highlighted to the operator through the permanent alarm banner and on an alarm printer. Details of each lot run are stored into batch files for later analysis. They can be output either as printed tabular logs, or as graph plots which combine analogue traces with header information such as the lot number and the wool type.

Equipment Used Motorola based machine

1 x Field 1000 Unit with 16 Ch A/I, 8 Ch D/I

HP A3 Flat Bed Plotter

1 x Field 1000 Unit with 24 Ch D/O

7 x CRL 452 Controllers

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Wool Scouring Line Control

Improved product consistency

Key Benefits Improved consistency Increased profit Automatic machine utilisation reports

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to monitor the paint coating applied to wire products such as baskets and shelves. Hand held thickness and colour meters were installed with serial communications back to the supervisory computer. Each time a measurement is taken, it is logged by the system and made available for subsequent analysis. In addition, the control elements of the process, such as temperatures, pressures and track speeds were also monitored and controlled. Through this monitoring, the various elements of the process have become clearer and this has allowed the customer to experiment to improve the consistency and quality of the end products. Reductions have been made in gas usage as the heater control has been improved. Significant savings were also made in paint costs by accurately controlling the quantity sprayed onto the products and by turning off sprayers not in use. The provision of detailed production reports has also allowed the customer to gain a better understanding of process faults and has led to a quicker response to plant disturbances.

Equipment Used Motorola based machine

2 x Field 1000 Unit with 8 Ch A/I, 8 Ch Pulse/I, 8 Ch D/O

HP A4 Flat Bed Plotter Elcometer 300 Thickness Meter Minolta CR231 Colour Meter

3 x TM170 Remote Operator Keypad

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Paint Finish SPC

Reduced paint usage

Key Benefits Reduced localised thermal effects Increased throughput Better reporting Automatic profile control Unlimited recipes

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary Traditionally the thermostats produced by the production lines were manually tested. This involved loading 240 thermostats into one of 9 tanks which was then heated and cooled by an operator who noted the temperature at which each thermostat operated or reset. After investigation, the tanks were found to suffer from thermal effects which meant that different positions in the tanks were exposed to slightly different temperatures. The system was, therefore, designed to monitor not only the states of all 240 thermostats but also 24 temperature measurements, in each tank. It controls the heating and cooling by downloading setpoints to controllers, according to the selected recipe of ramps and dwells. The system also automatically monitors all temperature probes for abnormal readings and indicates possible problems through an alarm beacon. In addition, thermostats which “flash� repeatedly from one state to the other are indicated on a post test report. After each test, the system also automatically produces reports detailing which thermostats failed the test, the operating and resetting temperatures, and a series of SPC charts showing, for example, histograms of passes and fails at different temperatures.

Equipment Used 3 x Motorola based machine

9 x Field 1000 Modules with 24 Ch A/I

72 x TMTI01 with 30 Ch D/I

9 x CRL 452 Controllers (Existing Equipment)

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - End of Line Testing

Automatic testing capability

Early warning of possible damage Better understanding of normal forging conditions Better understanding of product based and forge based down time Maintenance cost savings

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to monitor the operations of 7 forges as they are used in the production of car parts. Incorrect setups or pressing steel that is too cold can cause serious damage to the forges which are very expensive to repair. It was, therefore, important to monitor the peak load applied during each pressing cycle and highlight possible problems as early as possible. As the clutch is operated on a press, the maximum load is determined and this measurement is then passed back to the computer. The system automatically checks the loads against a set of pre-defined alarm limits and highlights possible problems through the alarm banner and an audible annunciator. In addition, the temperature of the billets coming from each furnace to each press can also be checked through the use of infrared cameras. The system was also used to calculate the number of finished products made and to log the reasons for any down time periods that occurred. This data is then available online for analysis or in printed reports.

Equipment Used Motorola based machine

2 x TCS T100 Base Units with 3 x T112 8 Ch T/C A/I 1 x T140 8 Ch D/I 1 x T180 8 Ch D/O

HP A3 Flat Bed Plotter 2 x Field 2602 PLC with 1 x 2401 8 Ch Pulse/I, 8 Ch D/O 1 x 2101 4 Ch A/I

7 x Peak Load Monitors 7 x TM170B Remote Operator Keypads

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Forge Production Monitoring

Key Benefits

Key Benefits More efficient cascade control Improved product consistency

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary Following the installation of a new processing plant, inconsistent results were being produced which was narrowed down to a problem with the product dryers. A system was, therefore, designed to monitor various temperatures, product weights and dryer speeds, in order to determine the nature of the drying process so that better control could be exercised over the end product. The various measurements taken were used to calculate other process parameters and all values were recorded for later analysis. Trend graphs were used to quickly highlight the differences in drying performance in relation to the weight of the product and the speed at which the material was passed through the dryers. With this additional information, the engineers were then able to make changes to the product recipes so that consistently good product was made. The control mechanism adopted in the dryers was also analysed using the system and changes were tried, ultimately ending in a complex series of cascade controls. Having fulfilled its initial purpose, the system was then in a position to act as a supervisory system, monitoring for alarm conditions and providing production information.

Equipment Used Motorola based machine

4 x Eurotherm 818 Controllers

HP A3 Flat Bed Plotter

Field 1000 Module with 8 Ch T/C A/I, 8 Ch A/I

4 x Eurotherm 815 Controllers

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Dryer Process Monitoring

Better understanding of the process

Key Benefits Improved proof of process reports for QC Unlimited recipes Reduced retort cycle times

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to monitor and control 18 retorts used to cook tinned vegetables. In order to prove that the cooking cycle was performed correctly, the relevant temperatures, pressures etc. needed to be logged in detail throughout the process. This information was stored on a central computer under the unique batch name entered by the operator, along with the product code, customer name and manual check measurements. During the cooking cycles, the measured signals are checked against a set of predefined alarm limits. In the event of a signal straying into an alarm region, the operator will be informed through the alarm banner and using an audible annunciator. All alarm conditions are also logged by the system alongside the cook details in the batch file. This information will then be reviewed by the Quality Control Manager using a single page report detailing the batch name, product code, manual checks, any alarms and events, and a trend graph showing the cook cycle. The system was also designed with built in redundancy so that in the event of a failure, the cook information is not lost and the product can still be sold.

Equipment Used Motorola based machine HP A3 Flat Bed Plotter

2 x CRL Series 1000 PLC containing 2 x 16 Ch T/C A/I 2 x 8 Ch A/I 2 x 4 Ch A/O 1 x 16 Ch D/I 2 x 16 Ch D/O

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Retort Control Systems

Automatic retort control and record keeping

Replacement of ageing equipment Improved reports for QC Unlimited firing cycle recipes

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to replace ageing and unreliable equipment used to monitor and control a roller hearth glass furnace. The recipe mechanism adopted allowed the operators to simply select a firing cycle for the next production run. It also gave the engineers control over many different aspects of the process including: defining the temperatures for twelve zones; and the drive speeds. Four modes of operation were used: dormant; warm-up; select auto; and run auto. In dormant the system is set into a safe mode where all control outputs are turned to their off states and alarm checking is disabled. The warm-up cycle is used to allow the furnace to be heated up prior to running. Select auto allows the operator to chose the firing cycle recipe and a relevant set of alarm limits for the process. When the run auto stage is entered, the selected firing cycle recipe is used by the control routines to determine the temperature required in each zone. During all stages except dormant, the system checks the furnace drive speeds, temperatures, limit switches etc., against the defined limits and in the event of a problem will notify the operator through the alarm display and using three different audible annunciators.

Equipment Used Eurotherm PC3000 containing 4 x 4 Ch A/I 1 x 4 Ch A/O 2 x 14 Ch D/I 4 x 12 Ch D/O

Xycom Flat Panel VDU and Integral Keyboard

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Roller Hearth Furnace Control

Key Benefits

Better control of the process Remote access of all information Reduced wastage Central data capture and production reporting

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to monitor the wire galvanising process on seven production lines to ensure that the various baths and dryers were correctly heated and efficient control was being exercised. The status of two hundred and forty burners were checked to ensure they were on and the flames were lit when required. The fifty five temperature controllers used were monitored during production periods to ensure that the measured value and setpoint are within a defined tolerance. The time each controller spends above 98% power was checked to ensure good control was being maintained. The system also monitored the exhaust stack pressures to ensure the filters weren’t blocked and totalised the gas usage by each bath and dryer. The outflow from each acid bath was also monitored to ensure excessive quantities were not sent to the treatment plant. Remote access to all this information was also provided through a fibre optic link to the maintenance department ½ mile away.

Equipment Used Motorola based machine 55 x CRL 452 Controllers (Existing Equipment)

6 x TCS T100 each containing 3 x T112 8 Ch T/C A/I Module 6 x T122 8 Ch A/I Module 1 x T140 8 Ch D/I Module

1 x Field 1510 Unit with 24 Ch Pulse/I

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Galvanising Line Monitoring

Key Benefits

Key Benefits Automatic analysis of thermal image Complete process monitoring Improved quality of finished products

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The plant takes in large steel pipes, up to 82� in diameter and 6m in length, and applies a thick plastic coating. The pipes are then used for transporting oil overland between refineries and storage sites. The system was designed to monitor the complete plastic extrusion process and to apply supervisory control to the key elements. The steel pipes received at the plant are first passed through a water wash and then through a dryer before going on to a shot blasting stage. After the shot blasting, the pipe is inspected, chromated and then passed through a pair of temperature controlled induction coil ovens. It is then driven in a corkscrew fashion through to the extruder where it is coated, first with an adhesive layer and then with the plastic itself. The system has already proved its worth and is due to be expanded with further closed loop control and automatic monitoring of the pipe identities.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4

8 x West 8010 Indicators

27 x Eurotherm 2216 Controllers

6 x Raytek TX Temperature Measurement Devices 2 x Raytek Marathon Temperature Measurement Devices

2 x Dynisco 1290 Indicators

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Extrusion Monitoring and Control

Closed loop control of induction coils

Key Benefits Automatic alarming on high current levels Easy future expansion

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed as a replacement for an ageing control panel housing old ammeters and chart recorders which were used to monitor numerous pumps around the site. As the petroleum products are transferred between ships and the various tanks, or between tanks, the current drawn by each individual pump is monitored. All signals in the system are recorded to hard disk which enables a full trend history going back several years to be viewed by the operator. This pump history means that the scheduled preventative maintenance periods can be reviewed and the data analysed to determine if faults can be detected earlier. The currents drawn by the pumps are also monitored against a set of pre-defined alarm levels and in the event of a fault with a pump, a flashing annunciator is triggered to warn the maintenance staff. The system is fully configurable by the customer so that as their requirements change, they can expand the system to cover, for example, the tank levels.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT 4

ADAM 5000 containing 4 x ADAM 5017 8 Ch A/I ADAM 5000 containing 2 x ADAM 5018 7 Ch T/C A/I

ADAM 5000 containing 1 x ADAM 5017 8 Ch A/I 2 x ADAM 5068 8 Ch D/O

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Pump Monitoring

Recorded history of currents drawn

Key Benefits Recipe based control sequences Easy adjustment of the control parameters Real time calculation of F0 Single page report details for proof of process and due diligence

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The system was designed to automate the control of a small retort, used for teaching students and for research. The mechanisms employed were adapted from those used by commercial organisations for multiple retorts, with recipes to determine the cooking profile for different products. 20 different control parameters were also made available to allow the characteristics of the various stages in the process to be altered. The control sequences also made use of 7 in-can thermocouples during the flood and cooling stages, and used a software three term controller to accurately adjust the steam flow throughout. During the cook process, the F0 value is continually recalculated to allow the operator the ability to extend cooking times as required. On completion of a cook, a single page report can also be produced detailing the whole process as a trend graph and highlighting any alarm conditions that occurred.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows 2000

ADAM 5000E containing 1 x ADAM 5013 3 Ch PRT 1 x ADAM 5018 7 Ch T/C 1 x ADAM 5017 8 Ch A/I 1 x ADAM 5024 4 Ch A/O 1 x ADAM 5052 8 Ch D/I 1 x ADAM 5068 8 Ch D/O

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Automatic Retort Control

Automated control cycle

Extended asset life at low cost Improved process control Realtime and historic trend graphs allow detailed process analysis Automatic Proof of Process reports for each product cycle

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The requirement was for the upgrading of control and monitoring for two industrial evaporators utilising the existing Eurotherm controllers and Mitsubishi PLC. The Prodigy based system runs on two industrial PC’s, which not only provide an operator interface for each evaporator unit but also allow for future expansion. Each PC provides several detailed mimic screens per evaporator showing in P & I format the status of all valves, pumps, motors, levels etc. These interactive screens also allow for the operation of the valves, pumps, motors as well as control of set points, output power etc. The system continuously records all actuations of valves, motors, pumps and controller values to hard disk. These can be viewed on trend graphs in real time or historically over any period for detailed analysis. Similarly all alarm conditions are recorded alarm history reports produced for any period. An on-screen alarm banner shows alarms as they occur with an audible alarm siren triggered selectively for crucial alarms. Batching is used to identify each product cycle with an in screen form provided for operator input. A single page batch report combining batch information, trend graphs and alarms is automatically generated at the end of each cycle.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT

Eurotherm controllers Mitsubishi PLC

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Evaporator Monitoring & Control

Key Benefits

Low cost extension of asset life cycle Cost savings through improved energy efficiency Improved product consistency On line maintenance information

Eye to the future

Window on the world

Summary The client requirement was for cost effective upgrade and replacement of an obsolete control system for four grain germination kilns used for the production of malt. Kilning is a complex process, using variable combinations of heat and air flow under tight control, dependant upon the malt being made and its end use. The replacement system uses a single industrial PC to monitor and control the kiln operation. Each kiln cycle has thirteen phases with recipe handling used to define kiln programs. Any number of recipes can be easily created and stored using screen based forms. The system can automatically run any of the stored programs with operators having manual over-ride control of fans, motors etc. as required. As kilns are energy intensive the most efficient use of energy is vital. Energy reports are generated for each kiln cycle detailing the steam and electricity consumed. Kiln dampers which play an important part in energy conservation are also under system control. Continuous recording of all process variables allows detailed analysis of kiln cycles and fine tuning to improve operational efficiency. An interactive operator screen provides custom displays of each kiln and relevant information for each kiln phase as well as realtime and historic trend graphs of the process. Concise single page proof of process reports are automatically printed at the end of each run that show start and end times of the kiln cycle, the program used, process trend graphs and list of any alarms. The Prodigy On-line maintenance facility is used to store standard operating procedures and maintenance information so that it can be easily accessed via on screen icons when needed.

Equipment Used Intel based Pentium PC using Microsoft Windows NT

ADAM 5000 Series data acquisition modules West 6100 controllers

If you would like to find out more about this application, please contact the sales office who will put you in touch with the original Systems Integrator.

Tascomp Limited

Tel: +44 (0)1642 370666

Fax: +44 (0)1642 370012



Application Notes - Grain Germination Kiln Control

Key Benefits

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