2016-17 Tabor Academy Course Catalog

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Welcome to Tabor! At Tabor Academy, our greatest hope is that our students discover their passions and realize the boundlessness of their potential. Our range of classes across the academic disciplines encourages students to explore their interests and discover their unique strengths. Our commitment to small class size helps us create a lively and active classroom dynamic. We want our students to be active participants and partners in their own learning, rather than passive consumers. The hallmarks of Tabor’s academic program are breadth and challenge. With 19 honors and 23 Advanced Placement and Post AP offerings, students can seek additional intellectual challenge in just about any academic area. Every Tabor student crafts a “four year plan,� charting their academic course through the curriculum. Students and advisors revisit those plans together each year in the spring to help students select a suitably challenging and balanced course load. As you explore this course guide, I hope that you will find many opportunities that pique your interest and inspire you to dream big about all that you can learn and achieve while here at Tabor. Eileen Neville Marceau Dean of Studies

Table of Contents General Information Graduation Requirements Academic Information & Policies Total Index of Courses by Department

1-2 2-4 5

Course Descriptions English Language & Literature Mathematics Statistics Computer Science Sciences & Marine Sciences Full-year science courses Semester science courses Engineering Marine Sciences History & Social Sciences Full-Year Courses Semester Courses Economics Courses Modern & Classical Languages Modern Languages Classical Languages Nautical Sciences Performing Arts Instrumental Music Choral Music Music Composition and Theory Theatre Arts Visual & Digital Arts Art History Studio Art Ceramics Photography Digital Arts Required Seminars by Grade

6-7 8-11 10-11 11 12-16 12-14 14 15 15-16 17-20 18 19-20 20 21-25 21-24 24-25 26-27 28-30 28 28-29 29 30 31-34 31 31-32 32-33 33 33-34 35

Appendices Appendix A: Placement Qualifications Appendix B: Arts Units

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Graduation Requirements Each student earning a Tabor Academy diploma will have successfully completed a minimum of 17.5 academic credits in a series of required courses and electives, based on individual interests and needs. Full-year courses earn 1.0 academic credits and semester courses earn 0.5 academic credits. Though most students far exceed the minimum requirement, those 17.5 total credits must include the following: English Language & Literature 4.0 credits

History & Social Sciences 2.0 credits

Every student must be enrolled in an English course United States History is a required course. during every semester at Tabor. Mathematics 3.0 credits

Modern & Classical Languages Minimum of 2.0 credits

Students must complete at least two years of At a minimum, students must complete Geometry and consecutive study in the same language at the high the Algebra 2 sequence or its equivalent. school level, and complete through level 3 of a language. Alternatively, some students choose to do Sciences two consecutive years in two languages. Most 2.0 credits in Lab Sciences students complete three or more years of study. All ninth graders must complete Biology, and students new to Tabor after the 9th grade must fulfill the high Fine Arts school Biology requirement, though credit may 8 arts “units” transfer from another institution. An additional 1.0 Two arts units per year at Tabor. See Fine Arts credits in lab science is required. Requirement, below. FINE ARTS REQUIREMENT

Tabor’s graduation requirement in the fine and performing arts is fulfilled by accumulating "Arts Units." Students can earn arts units either by electing to take arts and music courses as part of their academic program of study or by participating in an arts-related co-curricular offering. The amount of required arts units is prorated for students who enter Tabor after the 9th grade. For a complete list of opportunities to earn Arts Units, please see Appendix B of this course guide. The total number of Art Units required for graduation is as follows:  For students who enter in 9th grade: 8 arts units  For students who enter in 10th grade: 6 arts units  For students who enter in 11th grade: 4 arts units  Post graduates and other one-year students: 2 arts units NAVAL HONOR CERTIFICATION

As a United States Navy-designated “Naval Honor School,” Tabor is authorized to award Naval Honor Certification to graduating students who have successfully completed necessary requirements within our Nautical Science curriculum, including final approval by Nautical Science department faculty with consideration to overall competence, experience, leadership and/or academic proficiency. Tabor Academy 2016-2017

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Naval Honor Certification requirements (1.5 or more of the following credits with a minimum overall average of 80):  Tabor Boy Officer (two seasons minimum) [0.5 credits]  Any half-year Nautical Science course [0.5 credits]  Celestial Navigation [1.0 credits]  Maritime History [0.5 credits]  Research & Environmental Education Focus (REEF, formerly Caribbean Studies) [0.5 credits]

Academic Information & Policies MINIMUM COURSE LOAD

In general, students in grades 9 and 10 are required to carry six courses each semester. Of these, five should be in core academic subjects (English, math, sciences, history & social studies, languages). With permission from the Dean of Studies, 11th graders may choose to carry five courses and forego a sixth elective course. Seniors must carry a minimum of five courses both semesters, with a minimum of four being in the academic core subjects. In certain circumstances, a student may be recommended for a reduced course load (though typically no fewer than five courses), and this occurs with the approval of the Dean of Studies. TYPICAL COURSE PROGRESSION

There are many paths through the Tabor curriculum, and we encourage students to explore different topics of study. Therefore, the following “typical” course loads should be taken only as examples. Grades 9 and 10 tend to follow a more prescribed array of courses, with options and choices expanding in grades 11 and 12. There is no one “right way” to navigate the Tabor curriculum. Students revisit their “four year plan” each year with their advisors and work with them to map out a selection of courses that is challenging but reasonable.

Grade 9       

English 1 / Honors English 1 Algebra 1 / Geometry Biology / Honors Biology Modern World History Language level 1 or 2 Arts / Other Elective Tabor Foundations/Study Hall

       

      

Grade 11

English 3 / AP Language & Composition Precalculus Physics/other science United States History (if not completed in 10th grade, or history electives) Language level 3 or 4 Optional other elective Junior College Seminar (spring only)

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Grade 10 English 2 / Honors English 2 Algebra 2 Chemistry United States History Language level 2 or 3 Arts / Other Elective Human Development

       

Grade 12

English 4 / AP English Literature & Composition Statistics or Calculus Elective or other science Elective history Language level 4 or AP Optional other elective Senior College Seminar (fall only)

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Students and advisors work together in April of each school year to determine a challenging but reasonable course load for each student for the following year. Honors and AP classes have certain qualifying requirements that must be met for entry. Students new to Tabor will be recommended for courses based on their performance in courses at their previous school, standardized testing, teacher recommendations and interest. For a general guide to placement criteria, please see Appendix A at the back of this course guide. Please note that every effort is made to place students in their top chosen courses, though in some situations, choices must be made when two or more preferred courses conflict in the schedule. ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSES

Tabor Academy offers a college preparatory curriculum designed to prepare all students for success and achievement in college and university-level study. For those students seeking additional challenge, Tabor offers several classes at the honors and Advanced Placement (AP) level, across all academic departments. In general, honors and AP courses require a minimum level of performance in the year prior in order to qualify for the honors course at the next level. Please note that Tabor requires students to sit for the College Board AP exam in May for any AP course in which they are enrolled, and that each test carries an additional fee ($92 per exam in 2015-2016). For complete details on honors and AP qualifications, please see Appendix A of this course guide. INDEPENDENT STUDIES

Independent Studies are an opportunity for students to pursue specialized topics not offered within the regular curriculum. Interested students in good academic standing may plan an independent study with a faculty member and submit a proposal for approval to the Dean of Studies. All independent studies must have the direct academic supervision of a Tabor faculty member. Students are limited to one independent study per semester, and with permission, the independent study may replace a sixth course. Independent studies are graded on a Pass/Fail (P/F) basis based on criteria agreed upon between the student and their faculty supervisor. APPROVED CLASSROOM ACCOMMODATIONS

A limited number of classroom accommodations are available to students with documented learning differences. In order to enlist these accommodations, a current psychoeducational evaluation report (within the last 4 years) must be provided to the Dean of Studies’ office. CUM LAUDE

The Cum Laude society invites new members from the senior class each year, not to exceed 20% of the senior class. All Cum Laude Society inductees have earned a cumulative GPA of 90.00 or better and have taken no fewer than three honors or AP classes in the junior year and a minimum of two AP classes and one additional honors or AP course in the senior year. In addition, candidates’ school citizenship and moral character are also considered. Cum Laude society induction occurs at Commencement. ACADEMIC DIFFICULTY / ACADEMIC PROBATION

Tabor students are expected to maintain good academic standing. The Dean of Studies evaluates student progress at the midpoint and the endpoint of each semester. Any student whose grade report includes two or more grades of 70 or below may be placed on Academic Probation. If a student’s grades at the end of the following semester are not sufficiently improved for removal from probation status, that student may be asked not to continue at Tabor Academy. Students whose grades are close to probation point will receive an Academic Warning. For further information on Academic Probation, please see the student handbook, “Life at Tabor.”

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All academic courses in this course guide are designated as full-year, or first semester and/or second semester. Courses with a necessary prerequisite, co-requisite or qualification are listed with those requirements noted. If a course is listed without a prerequisite, it may be assumed that there is open enrollment for that class. In some cases of very popular courses, enrollment preference may be given to seniors and juniors. From time to time a course listed in this catalog may ultimately not run during the school year due to low enrollment.

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Total Index of Courses by Department English Language & Literature Full Year Courses: English 1 Honors English 1 English 2 Honors English 2 English 3 AP Language and Composition AP Literature and Composition Half Year Courses: English 4 Electives Creative Writing Mathematics Algebra 1.1 Algebra 1.2 Algebra 1.3 Geometry Honors Geometry Algebra 2.1 Algebra 2.2 Algebra 2.3 Honors Algebra 2 Introduction to Precalculus and Modeling Precalculus Honors Precalculus Calculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC – full year and half year (Post AP) Multivariable Calculus (Post AP) Differential Equations (Post AP) Probability Theory Statistics 1: Data and Distributions Statistics 2: Probability and Prediction AP Statistics Half Year Courses: Computer Engineering 1 Computer Engineering 2 Sciences Full Year Courses: Biology Honors Biology Chemistry Honors Chemistry Chemistry in the Community Physics Honors Physics AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science ** not offered in 2016-2017 Tabor Academy 2016-2017

AP Physics C Courses: Physical Sciences Astronomy Organic Chemistry Courses: Life Sciences Anatomy and Physiology 1 Anatomy and Physiology 2 Engineering: Full Year Course Advanced Engineering Design *new* Half Year Courses: Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Marine Sciences Full Year Course: Oceanography Half Year Courses: Marine Invertebrates Marine Vertebrates Marine Field Ecology Aquaculture History & Social Sciences Full year Courses: Modern World History United States History Survey Honors United States History Survey United States History AP United States History Honors Economics AP Economics AP World History Half Year Courses: American Civil War American Government Civil Rights Ethics Global Affairs Maritime History Modern Middle Eastern History Visual History: Critical Viewing Introduction to Economics Modern & Classical Languages Modern Languages: Chinese 1, 2, 3, 4 Honors Chinese 2, Honors Chinese 3 AP Chinese Language and Culture French 1, 2, 3, 4 Honors French 2, Honors French 3 AP French Language and Culture (Post AP) French Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4

Honors Spanish 2, 3, 4 AP Spanish Language and Culture AP Spanish Literature and Culture Classical Languages: Ancient Greek 1, 2, 3 Latin 1, 2, 3, 4 Honors Latin 2, Honors Latin 3 AP Latin (Post AP) Latin Nautical Sciences Elements of Nautical Science Lifeboatmen/Coastal Navigation Practical Ship and Boat Design Theoretical Ship and Boat Design Celestial Navigation ** U.S. Sailing Level 1 Instructor Course ** Performing Arts Music: Wind Ensemble String Ensemble Mixed Chorus Female Chamber Choir Male Chamber Choir Madrigal Singers Basic Musicianship Advanced Musicianship Digital Music Studio *new* Theater: Acting 1, 2 Lighting Design Advanced Acting and Directing** Visual & Digital Arts Introduction to Art History Introduction to Studio Art Drawing and Sculpture Painting and Printmaking Advanced Studio Art Ceramics 1, 2, 3 Advanced Ceramics Studio Photography 1, 2, 3 Introduction to Digital Arts Digital Projects-Illustration Digital Projects-Communication Design Publication Design-Yearbook Required Seminar Courses th Tabor Foundations (9 ) th Human Development (10 ) th Junior College Seminar (11 ) th Senior College Seminar (12 ) Page 5


English Language & Literature

he English department believes that Tabor graduates should possess the language skills essential to having vital, engaging lives in the 21st century. We create a seminar-style classroom atmosphere in which student involvement and discussion are essential to becoming independent, critical thinkers and readers. Students learn to employ the writing process at every grade level, with emphasis on narrative, analytical and argumentative writing. ENGLISH 1 Full-year course What makes us who we are? Is it where we are from? What we th own? What we believe? In this required 9 grade course, students will explore the concept of identity. To assist them on this journey into the self, students will read and discuss selected short stories, Homer’s The Odyssey, Jacqueline Woodson’s Brown Girl Dreaming, and William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Additionally, students will learn fundamental skills needed to succeed as English students at Tabor. They will learn how to contribute effectively to classroom discussions; to read critically and annotate literary texts; to write paragraphs and essays in a variety of styles (personal, persuasive and analytical); to understand key terms used to discuss literature (e.g. plot, irony, symbol); to increase their vocabulary using the online program ‘Membean’; and to learn important grammatical concepts (e.g. parts of speech, parts of a sentence). Finally, students will work on their public speaking abilities and thus build their selfconfidence, first with their participation in “Poetry Out Loud”, a national competition in which students present a dramatic recitation of a favorite poem. Later in the year all freshman take part in the Freshman Shakespeare Festival, in which the entire class stages all five acts of Macbeth.

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HONORS ENGLISH 1 Full-year course Prerequisite: permission of department required In this accelerated version of English 1, students read the entirety of Fagles' translation of the Odyssey; Macbeth; selections from J.D. Salinger’s Nine Stories; poetry; and essays. Additionally, students write frequently, exploring expository and persuasive writing, focusing on the craft of writing and the skills of articulation and substantiation. ENGLISH 2 Full-year course Prerequisite: English 1 or equivalent In this tenth grade course, we investigate issues of ethical dilemma and moral courage. This investigation begins with the summer reading of two texts of the student’s choice from a list of 12-15 works united by those themes and suggested by the sophomore teachers. The year continues with a more concentrated, in-depth examination of the genres of the short story, poetry, and drama. Recent texts include Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, Wilson’s Fences, Orwell’s 1984, Moore and Lloyd’s V for Vendetta, and Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God. Students also regularly write personal, persuasive, and critical essays about the literature and contemporary events. Through the ‘Membean’ on-line vocabulary program, sophomores continue their study of vocabulary begun in the freshman year. In the spring, every sophomore submits a personal belief essay based on the NPR series, “This I Believe,” the best of which are chosen for performance.

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HONORS ENGLISH 2 Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications In Honors English 2, students focus on the themes of English 2, delving deeply beneath the surface of literature and focusing on the craft of revision. In addition to the works listed for English 2, we read Moral Courage; selections from such diverse sources as The New Yorker and The Bible; Winter’s Bone; Things Fall Apart; and Frankenstein. Students read critically and write thoughtfully--and often. Passionate readers and devoted writers enjoy Honors English 2. ENGLISH 3 Full-year course Prerequisite: English 2 or equivalent th The 11 grade course is a journey through American Literature, framed on these essential questions: What does it mean to be an American? What is meant by the term “American Dream”? What competing values have shaped this dream since the Pilgrims set foot on Plymouth Rock? What are the consequences of the American Dream? Students read a number of American classics with a focus on answering these complex questions, including The Crucible, Huckleberry Finn, The Great Gatsby, contemporary plays; selected poems, stories, and essays throughout the year. Juniors regularly write 1-3 page critical and persuasive essays preparing them for the collegestyle senior year English course. The mid-year assessment is a multi-genre project in which students explore in-depth a topic of personal interest relevant to the central themes of the course. The year culminates with juniors writing a personal essay for their fall college applications. AP ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications th This advanced 11 grade course has a heavy emphasis on writing. A variety of texts are read and discussed throughout the course, however, the heart of this course is writing. Students’ skills as writers are shaped and honed through a variety of writing genres, including persuasive, narrative, and analytical. Typically, a student in this course will write at least a dozen essays in a semester. A sampling of texts read includes: Middle Passage, Ironweed, The Great Gatsby, Nickel and Dimed, Devil in the White City.

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ENGLISH 4 ELECTIVES First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: English III or equivalent (previous or concurrently) Seniors choose from a selection of elective courses that are taught much as a college freshman seminar course might be structured. All senior electives require that students keep up with a demanding reading load and write five to six critical and persuasive essays over the semester. Rising seniors who register for English 4 classes will be asked to give preferences for courses before they depart for the summer. Juniors and seniors in AP Literature may also choose to enroll in an English 4 elective in addition to their full-year English course. Recent offerings have included:  Twentieth Century Poetry  African-American Literature  The Immigrant Experience  The Art of Memoir  The Best American Short Stories of the Century  The Psychological Thriller  Shakespeare Through Text and Film  The Literature of the Sea  The Contemporary Love Story AP ENGLISH LITERATURE AND COMPOSITION Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications th This advanced 12 grade course is devoted to the study of literature. The reading assignments are demanding; in a typical year, the students are assigned more than a dozen novels, three to four plays, and numerous pieces of short fiction and poetry. Students are expected to read a minimum of 20-30 pages each night. All of the writing assignments are 4-5 page critical essays. A sampling of texts read includes: Waiting for Godot, Becket; The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Kundera; Ethan Frome, Wharton; Invisible Man, Ellison; Mrs. Dalloway, Woolf; The Hours, Cunningham; Home, Morrison; Hamlet, Shakespeare; Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Stoppard; The English Patient, Ondaatje; Interpreter of Maladies, Lahiri. Entrance to the course is by application and permission of the department. CREATIVE WRITING First semester/Second semester Permission of instructor required Creative Writing offers an opportunity to explore writing in a variety of genres. In a writers’ workshop-style atmosphere, students share their work regularly with the rest of the class and the Tabor community through readings and publication in the school literary magazine, The Bowsprit. The course is open to seniors, juniors and sophomores with permission of the department. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. Page 7


he mathematics department at Tabor supports and develops each student’s understanding of and passion for mathematics. Our small, student-centered classes allow students to work in groups, to participate in class discussion, and to apply their math skills in projectbased and traditional assessments. We incorporate technology to enhance our students’ understanding of not only how math works, but why it works the way it does. Our goal is that each of our students graduates with strong analytical thinking and problemsolving skills and the confidence and desire to put those skills to good use through the years ahead. ALGEBRA 1 SEQUENCE Tabor Academy’s three semester Algebra I program emphasizes proficiency in algebraic manipulation and problem solving. Students may enter the Algebra I curriculum in different places. Placement is based on each student’s mathematics background, standardized testing, and the recommendation of the Department. ALGEBRA 1.1 First semester Algebra 1.1 topics include the commutative, associative, and distributive properties; the real number system; order of operations; exponential notation; working with formulas; a thorough review of fractions, decimals and percentages; and solving multi-step linear equations and inequalities. This course finishes with an introduction to graphing linear equations and inequalities with heavy emphasis on slope and finding intercepts as well as using standard, point-slope, and slopeintercept forms of equations. Tabor Academy 2016-2017


ALGEBRA 1.2 First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Algebra 1.1 or equivalent Algebra 1.2 is part two of the three-semester Algebra I progression offered at Tabor Academy. Students in this semester-long course begin their studies with exponents and their properties, and then move quickly into polynomials. Heavy emphasis is placed on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing polynomials as well as special products. Students are also introduced to negative exponents. A large portion of this course is dedicated to factoring polynomial functions and using factoring techniques to solve quadratic equations. Equations involving rational expressions are then explored before the course finishes with a focus on applications of the skills developed throughout the semester. ALGEBRA 1.3 First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Algebra 1.2 or equivalent Algebra 1.3 is the final course offered in Tabor Academy’s threesemester Algebra I progression. A review of graphing linear functions and inequalities quickly leads into systems of linear equations and solving those systems using graphing, substitution, and elimination techniques. Applications involving systems are also emphasized. Other topics include direct and inverse variation; radical expressions and equations; right triangles; solving and graphing polynomial functions; and an introduction to complex numbers.

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GEOMETRY COURSES GEOMETRY First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Algebra 1.3 or equivalent This one-semester geometry class is grounded in the exploration of the triangle. After a look at the basic properties and components of triangles, students will prove their congruence, using the two-column format, and focusing on definitions, theorems, postulates and the logical structure of an argument. Students will combine triangles as they transition to the study of parallel lines, as well as polygons and their properties. The course will conclude with the examination of similar triangles, ratios, rates, and proportions. This course is typically paired as the spring follow-up to Algebra 1.3 or as a fall precursor to Algebra 2.1. HONORS GEOMETRY Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Honors Geometry as a full-year course treats the topics of geometry in a more rigorous manner and considers more difficult problems in Euclidean, and in some cases, nonEuclidean geometry. The course is intended for highly able students who enjoy the challenge of geometry.

ALGEBRA 2 SEQUENCE These courses develop the themes of modeling and problem solving introduced in Algebra 1. Functions are investigated in greater depth, and more techniques are introduced to solve equations and inequalities. Students are expected to graph polynomial functions and verify conclusions drawn through an effective use of technology. ALGEBRA 2.1 First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Algebra 1.3 or equivalent Algebra 2.1 examines the ideas introduced in Algebra 1.3 with more depth and variety. Emphasis will be given to solving linear, absolute value, and quadratic equations. Topics include factoring polynomial functions using the formulas for differences of squares; sums and differences of cubes; and grouping. ALGEBRA 2.2 First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Algebra 1.3 or Algebra 2.1 or equivalent Algebra 2.2 begins with a review of factoring and solving quadratic equations. It moves onto the graphing of polynomial functions and using synthetic division and substitution to find Tabor Academy 2016-2017

factors and zeroes. Other topics include rational exponents, radical, exponential, logarithmic and rational functions. ALGEBRA 2.3 Second semester Prerequisite: Algebra 2.2 or equivalent Algebra 2.3 begins with a review of rational functions, then moves on to sequences and series, and an introduction of trigonometry and trigonometric functions. Students who successfully complete this course may advance to Precalculus, Introduction to Precalculus and Modeling, and/or Statistics, depending on their level of success. HONORS ALGEBRA 2 Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Honors Algebra 2 is a full-year course that treats the topics of Algebra 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 in greater depth and places more emphasis on proof and the role of functions.

PRECALCULUS COURSES INTRODUCTION TO PRECALCULUS AND MODELING Full-year course Prerequisite: Geometry and Alg 2.2 or Alg 2.3 or equivalent Introduction to Precalculus and Modeling treats the topics of Precalculus at a moderate pace. Topics from algebra, trigonometry, and coordinate geometry form the core of the syllabus, centered on the unifying concept of functions. Upon completion of Introduction to Precalculus and Modeling, students may continue to Precalculus or Statistics, according to teacher recommendation. PRECALCULUS Full-year course Prerequisite: Geometry and Algebra 2.3 equivalent Precalculus develops the coordinate geometry of the plane from the point of view of the elementary functions. Analytic geometry and trigonometry are thoroughly treated, and extensive practice in graphing is done with and without the use of the graphics calculator. Theory and applications are emphasized. HONORS PRECALCULUS Full-year course Prerequisite: Geometry and completion of the Algebra 2 sequence (typically Honors Algebra 2) Honors Precalculus treats the topics of Precalculus at a faster pace and with greater rigor. Emphasis is placed on algebraic, numerical, graphical and verbal methods of presenting Page 9

problems. Problem solving using algebra, trigonometry and analytic geometry foreshadows the core topics in calculus.

ADVANCED MATH COURSES CALCULUS Full-year course Prerequisite: Precalculus Calculus, specifically its major topics of differentiation and integration, is presented geometrically and algebraically. Students are encouraged to discover the formal concepts and procedures by investigating practical problems. They are expected to take advantage of the available technology as a means to verify their conjectures. AP CALCULUS AB Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications AP Calculus AB is an introductory course in differential and integral calculus and serves as preparation for the AB Advanced Placement exam. A balance is sought among computational proficiency, applications, lab work with calculators and computers, and theoretical development. Successful completion of this course, coupled with a solid performance on the Advanced Placement exam, may earn one semester of college placement or credit. AP CALCULUS BC Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications AP Calculus BC contains all the topics and requirements for the AB course as well as additional work with sequences and series, polar curves and applications, and motion along a curve using velocity and acceleration vectors. Successful completion of this course, coupled with a solid performance on the Advanced Placement exam, may earn up to one year of college placement or credit. AP CALCULUS BC / HALF YEAR First semester Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications AP Calculus BC is a one-semester course for students who’ve completed our Calculus AB course. It contains all the topics mentioned in the Calculus BC full-year course. Students, who score well on the Advanced Placement exam, may earn one semester of university placement or credit. (POST AP) MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS First semester Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Tabor Academy 2016-2017

Multivariable Calculus is a rigorous course covering the differential and integral calculus of several variables. Students who successfully complete any or all of these courses can expect to begin university studies at an advanced undergraduate level. The sequence of these offerings is determined in any given year by the preparation of students who are seeking advanced level challenges in mathematics.

(POST AP) DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Second semester Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Differential Equations combines traditional analytic methods for solving differential equations with mathematical modeling as well as numerical and certain geometrical methods. Students typically elect this course following successful completion of our half-year BC Calculus or Multivariable Calculus course. (POST AP) PROBABILITY THEORY Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Probability Theory is a rigorous calculus-based course in the theory and methodology of mathematical probability. Material will vary from routine to uniformly challenging. This course is most appropriate for those contemplating college majors in mathematics, engineering, physics, or actuarial science.

STATISTICS COURSES STATISTICS 1: DATA AND DISTRIBUTIONS First semester Prerequisite: Algebra 2.3 or equivalent Statistics 1 is an overview of data collection and analysis. Students learn to interpret graphs and values from statistics found in the world around us. They will also use real data to construct a better understanding of how to quantify variability. Core concepts will include using z-scores, histograms, boxplots, the normal distribution, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. Technology and a graphing calculator will be Page 10

used extensively in this class. At the end of the semester, students will complete projects using skills and techniques they have learned throughout the course. STATISTICS 2: PROBABILITY AND PREDICTION First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Algebra 2.3 or equivalent Students will examine relationships between variables and use regression to create linear models. They will explore the potential to use these models for extrapolation and prediction. The course also uses probability theory, random phenomena, simulation, expected value, and experimental design to find causal relationships between variables. Technology and a graphing calculator will be used extensively in this class. At the end of the semester, students will complete projects using skills and techniques they have learned throughout the course. Please note students may enroll in Statistics 2 without having taken Statistics 1. AP STATISTICS Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications AP Statistics follows the Advanced Placement syllabus and prepares students for the AP examination in May. Topics covered in the regular statistics course are addressed in greater depth and detail, and at a more rigorous pace. Successful completion of this course, coupled with a solid performance on the Advanced Placement exam, may earn university placement or credit.

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COMPUTER ENGINEERING COURSES COMPUTER ENGINEERING 1 First semester/Second semester This course is the first of a two-part sequence designed to expose students to basic computer architecture and programming. During the first half of these one-semester elective, students will learn about components, functionalities, and the history of computing through lecture and hands-on building/troubleshooting of their own PCs in a laboratory setting. In the second half of the course, students will learn fundamentals of computer programming through the creation of code and applications/games with the Python programming language. This course meets concurrently with Computer Engineering 2. COMPUTER ENGINEERING 2 First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Computer Engineering 1 In this second course in the sequence, scheduled concurrently with Computer Engineering 1, students will build upon fundamental Python programming skills and study more advanced techniques of programming through guided exploration and project-based work. Topics include objectoriented design, algorithm design and recursion, modification of open-source modules and interface with various peripherals to include game controllers, sensors and robotic platforms. The course will culminate with a final capstone project and presentation.

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Sciences & Marine Sciences


cience asks questions about the universe and seeks to answer them through observation and experiment. Our department seeks to foster scientific curiosity in our students, helping them become critical thinkers who ask good questions and can interpret the answers. We want to prepare them for the role that science and technology will play in their lives whether they are scientists or scientifically knowledgeable citizens. Our curriculum balances contentmastery with skill-building. This is reflected in our classrooms which each contain a discussion and laboratory space as well as in our Marine and Nautical Science Center. Students can immediately test and apply classroom concepts, whether on a laboratory bench or along the shores of Sippican Harbor. They develop skills centered on the scientific method: formulating hypotheses, designing and safely performing experiments, quantitatively and qualitatively analyzing results, and communicating conclusions. FULL-YEAR COURSES BIOLOGY Full-year course th Tabor’s 9 grade Biology offering examines the topics of a st traditional 1 year high school biology course with an oceanoriented lens. The syllabus is designed to take full advantage of

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Tabor’s seaside setting and emphasizes an integration of Marine Systems with the focus on scientific investigation. Students study the marine ecological niches and the organisms that live within them; they learn about the properties of seawater and how to measure and identify those qualities along the coastline; they explore food webs by focusing on the interrelationship between organisms that populate Sippican Harbor. This course prepares students for subsequent study in Chemistry, Biology and Physics, and also gives them the background for elective work in any of the Advanced Marine Science offerings. HONORS BIOLOGY Full-year course Prerequisite: Departmental placement required Honors Biology is an accelerated course designed to investigate the topics of the standard biology curriculum in greater depth. Because of the demanding pace, students are expected to be able to move beyond assimilating information and are challenged to synthesize and inter-relate material. Typically offered to freshmen, the course provides a strong foundation for further study in all core scientific disciplines including Advanced Placement Biology. Traditional survey topics including ecology, animal behavior, taxonomy, animal and plant anatomy / physiology, genetics, molecular biology and evolutionary theory are all addressed. This course is designed to prepare students for the SAT subject test in Biology. CHEMISTRY Full-year course Prerequisites: Biology, Algebra 1.3 or equivalent Chemistry is an introduction to the study of matter and its changes. Major topics include unit conversions, metric system, chemical nomenclature, atomic structure, quantum theory, bonding, chemical reactions, periodicity of the elements, Page 12

intermolecular forces, gas laws, solutions, acid/base chemistry and equilibrium. Through weekly lab work, students apply classroom concepts and gain insight into the applications of chemistry. This class is cumulative and designed to build on prior knowledge learned throughout the year. HONORS CHEMISTRY Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Honors Chemistry is an accelerated, more in-depth study of chemistry that covers all topics taught in Chemistry, along with oxidation-reduction reactions, nuclear chemistry and organic chemistry. Lab and time requirements are demanding. An emphasis is placed on application and problem solving and a strong ability in algebra is essential. This course is designed to prepare students for the SAT subject test in chemistry. CHEMISTRY IN THE COMMUNITY Full-year course Prerequisite: Biology and permission of the department Chemistry in the Community develops student understanding of chemistry by cultivating problem solving and critical thinking skills related to chemistry. This lab-based class examines all the chemistry concepts and skills typically found in the traditional high school class, but with a more qualitative approach. Students will recognize the importance of chemistry in daily life by learning through themes that include: water contaminants, structural materials, petroleum as an energy source, atmospheric pollutants, industrial electrochemistry, nuclear energy, and the biochemistry of foods. These themes will be taught using scenarios such as: determining the cause of a fish kill, designing new coinage, marketing an alternative energy vehicle, evaluating a proposed school bus-idling policy, locating an aluminum or fertilizer plant in a community, the risks and benefits of nuclear technology, and recommending a new vending machine policy at school. Students who complete Chemistry in the Community can move on to any of the semester-length science courses. PHYSICS Full-year course Prerequisite: Chemistry; must be enrolled in Precalculus concurrently Physics is taught in three major parts: mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and waves and optics. First-semester topics include vectors, linear and rotational motion, forces, momentum, collisions, and energy. During the second semester the students investigate electrostatics, electric potential, circuits, waves and vibrations, and geometric optics. Other topics are added if time permits. Emphasis through both classroom lectures and handsTabor Academy 2016-2017

on labs is placed on analyzing data, applying principles, and predicting outcomes in a problem-solving format. HONORS PHYSICS Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Honors Physics is an accelerated and more in-depth investigation of the topics covered in regular physics. The course is intended as a preparation for a second year of study in AP Physics C as well as preparation for the SAT subject test in physics. Students who complete this course may also choose to sit for the AP Physics 1 exam in May, although it is not required. Students selected for this course must have a strong background in mathematics and science. AP BIOLOGY Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Advanced Placement Biology is designed to be the equivalent of a college introductory survey course in Biology. The syllabus is divided into the four Big Ideas of the AP Biology course: the process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life; biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis; living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes; biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties. The course provides the conceptual framework, factual knowledge and analytical skills necessary for understanding the current discoveries in biology, and demonstrates that science is a human endeavor with social consequences. Students who perform well on the College Board AP Biology test may be eligible for college credit. AP CHEMISTRY Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Advanced Placement Chemistry is the equivalent of a general chemistry course offered on the college level. The first half of the course emphasizes principles and concepts. The material grows increasingly complex and is offered against a historical background. Theoretical topics covered are the structure of matter, kinetic theory, solution chemistry, reaction kinetics and the basic concepts of thermodynamics. Laboratory sessions occur weekly, using Vernier probes for data acquisition. Students who perform well on the College Board AP Chemistry test may be eligible for college credit.

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AP ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Advanced Placement Environmental Science (APES) is a yearlong, college-level elective. The course explores the science behind the problems facing the global environment today including: the flow of energy in ecosystems, community ecology, population ecology, problems associated with overpopulation by humans, endangered species, fossil fuel reserves, alternative energy sources, economics of pollution, world food reserves, soils, as well as land, air and water pollution. Students gain practical knowledge of their environment through case studies, field trips and laboratory activities. Possible solutions to problems facing the Earth are addressed as well. APES is geared primarily towards seniors and select juniors who have done strong work in biology, chemistry and mathematics. AP PHYSICS C Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications AP Physics C is a college-level calculus-based course intended for students interested in pursuing college studies in physics, engineering or mathematics. In the fall, mechanics is taught. Topics include vectors and scalars, energy, momentum, force, work and rotational motion. In the winter, electricity and magnetism are studied. These topics included Coulomb’s Law, Gauss’s Law, Ampere’s Law, the Biot-Savart Law, magnetism, and Maxwell’s Equations. In the spring, these topics are reviewed in preparation for the Advanced Placement examination for the Mechanics exam and the Electricity and Magnetism exam (each given separately).

SEMESTER COURSES: PHYSICAL SCIENCES ASTRONOMY First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Algebra 2.2 (previous or concurrently) Astronomy is a survey course covering the history, discovery and explanation of what we see in the heavens. Students will gain an appreciation of the steps astronomers go through from observation to hypothesis to understanding. Stars, moons, planets and all the other curious objects we see are topics in the course. Emphasis is placed on how astronomers know what they have learned about the universe. The school’s 14-inch telescope is used extensively.

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ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Second semester Prerequisite: Chemistry Organic Chemistry is the equivalent of the first semester of organic chemistry typically offered at the college level. Any student who elects this course must have completed a full-year of general chemistry. This course covers the structure, properties, synthesis, and reactions of aliphatic hydrocarbons, alkyl halides, and alcohols. Reaction mechanisms will be emphasized, including free radical halogenation, nucleophilic substitution, elimination, and electrophilic addition. Infrared (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry will also be covered. Organic Chemistry lab experiments will be performed as an integral part of the course.

SEMESTER COURSES: LIFE SCIENCES ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY 1: ESSENTIALS First semester Prerequisite: Biology Anatomy and Physiology: Essentials is designed to provide students with a basic overview of human systems, directional terminology, cellular biology, histology, and skeletal and muscular anatomy and physiology. Traditional study of human anatomy is complemented by our At the Clinic investigations into common human disease processes. Occasional laboratory work includes dissection, the use of medical school histology and pathology web sites and various methods that explore the physiology of muscle action. A special unit on anesthesiology helps prepare students for visits to a local hospital to view surgical procedures. ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY 2: SYSTEMS Second semester Prerequisite: Biology This an introductory course that focuses on human systems not covered in Anatomy and Physiology 1, including: cardiovascular/hematopoietic systems, respiratory system, digestive system, lymphatic/immune systems, urinary/reproductive systems and the neuroendocrine system. We continue to use a traditional study of human anatomy complemented by our At the Clinic investigations into common human disease processes specific to each system. Occasional laboratory work includes dissection and various methods that explore the physiology of heart function, endocrine regulation of blood sugar and respiratory regulation. There will be a short review of basic anatomical and directional terminology as well as anesthesiology to begin the semester. Students have the opportunity to visit a local hospital to view surgical procedures.

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ENGINEERING COURSES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING First semester Prerequisite: Chemistry previously, Algebra 2.1 concurrently This laboratory-based course introduces students to the engineering design process in the context of electronics and physical computing. Technologies such as mobile devices, selfdriving cars, robotics, and the Internet of Things all operate at the boundary between the digital and the physical world. In this course, we will explore that boundary. Students will learn electric circuit theory, soldering, and the use of test equipment such as multimeters and oscilloscopes. They will learn how to program the Arduino microcontroller to convert computer code to electrical signals in order to produce light, sound, motion and interactivity. The students will put their skills and knowledge to use in a project of their own design to solve a real-life problem. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Second semester Prerequisite: Chemistry previously, Algebra 2.1 concurrently This laboratory-based course introduces students to the engineering design process in the context of structures and moving objects. Students will gain experience with computer aided design (CAD) and 3D printing along with other construction techniques. In the first part of the course, students will learn about load bearing materials and structures. They will design, build and test scale model trusses and beams. In the second part of the course, students will learn how to put materials into motion using motors, wheels, gears, pneumatics, and other systems. The students will put their skills and knowledge to use in a mechanical construction of their own design. ADVANCED ENGINEERING DESIGN *new* Full-year course Prerequisite: Electrical, Mechanical, or Computer Engineering, or permission from department In this project-based course, students will apply the math and science skills they are developing to solve real-world problems using the engineering design process. While the details and depth of topics covered will depend somewhat on project direction and interests, students will gain experience with electronics, robotics, computer engineering, mechanical structures, and environmental engineering. They will develop their troubleshooting, wiring, and programming skills. They will also gain experience with computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) using Autodesk software, 3D printers, and computer-controlled milling machines as they design and build their prototypes. Students will leave this Tabor Academy 2016-2017

course with a solid understanding of the engineering profession and with a set of skills that will help them in whatever course of study or program they choose.

MARINE SCIENCE COURSES MARINE INVERTEBRATES First semester Prerequisite: Biology Marine Invertebrates is a field-oriented, hands-on course that uses Sippican Harbor and its adjoining wetlands as a natural laboratory. The course aims to highlight the diversity of marine invertebrates, beginning with the simplest phylum and building up to the most complex. In the classroom, students will focus on the classification, morphology, and ecology of these marine animals, while labs and field activities will concentrate on the collection and positive identification of local invertebrates on the species level. MARINE VERTEBRATES Second semester Prerequisite: Biology Marine Vertebrates provides a comparative examination of the evolution, morphology, physiology, and natural history of fishes, reptiles, and mammals that inhabit the marine environment. The underlying themes of the class include the behavioral and functional adaptations of vertebrates as well as the natural and human-induced challenges imposed on these organisms.

MARINE FIELD ECOLOGY First semester Prerequisite: Biology Marine Field Ecology is a project and research-oriented course. Students investigate the ecology of intertidal areas, salt marshes, beaches, and organisms local to Buzzards Bay by learning the proper tools and techniques of experimental Page 15

design, data collection, data analysis, and communication of results. The class culminates in a research project. AQUACULTURE Second semester Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry Aquaculture introduces students to the controlled cultivation of marine organisms. One of the fastest growing practices worldwide, aquaculture is used for both economic gain as well as ecological restoration. In this course, students will have a hands-on learning experience growing algae and shellfish. Students will also study and manipulate water chemistry and water quality in controlled settings and relate water properties to successful cultivation of organisms. Field trips to local aquaculture businesses and research projects will be included as a part of the course. OCEANOGRAPHY (formerly ‘Chemical / Physical Oceanography’) Full-year course Prerequisite: Chemistry, and Alg. 2.3 or equivalent Oceanography will bring the students on an exploration of the unique chemical and physical properties of the ocean. The course will emphasize a hands-on application, challenging the students to use and create instrumentation that measures the vast and varied properties of the sea. This course will collect and record important data on the health of Sippican Harbor and Buzzards Bay. Oceanography will bring students out into the field of study, on the ocean, to become immersed in their chosen field of study. This course will identify the geology of ocean basins and the chemistry of the water that fills them. Oceanography will cover the origin and evolution of the basin and margins, tectonics, mid-ocean ridges and sediments before delving into the composition of seawater and distribution of chemical species. The course will also explore the physical properties of seawater and how these guide the movement of water. General ocean circulation and currents, water masses, waves and tides will all be covered. Examples will be given to show how the physics of seawater affects and is affected by the biological, chemical and geological processes in the ocean. The goal of this course is for students to gain a comprehensive understanding of the chemical and physical properties of the ocean, as well as learning techniques on how to sample those properties.

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abor history classes teach the events, historical actors and critical decisions that have shaped our world and lay the foundation for the future. Our emphasis is upon the central political, economic and social themes in modern history (1500 - present). Further, we see the study of history to be informed by other social sciences: economics, geography, political science, religious and global studies. They are taught in our survey and our elective courses. We aim to focus upon historical questions that have continued relevance, provide students with the context knowledge and research skills to answer their own questions, write persuasively: construct a thesis, organize evidence and compose different types of prose, speak effectively: participate in discussion and articulate ideas to various audiences, and practice the habits of the mind that historians employ to understand sources of all types.

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History & Social Sciences

All students are required to take two years of history, one of which is United States History. Beginning in the fall of 2016, a revised course sequence will be offered to students in the classes of 2019 and 2020. During the first two years of their Tabor careers, students will survey the political, economic and social histories of the modern world and the United States through a two-course sequence. Beginning with the class of 2019, all students are required to take US History, recommended to be taken in the sophomore year. Upon completion of the required courses, students will select from full-year and half-year courses, offered to juniors and seniors.


MODERN WORLD HISTORY (9 GRADE) Full-year required course How does exploration and cultural exchange enhance civilizations? What is the nature of political revolution? How did Europe become the dominant political and economic force of the 19th and early 20th centuries? What effects did the Cold War have on globalization? During the first semester, we pay special attention to transformation and modernization as it emerged in government, the arts, technology, and commerce. In the second semester, students study key turning points, revolutions and evolutions of industrialization and imperialism. In the spring, students write research papers th about revolutionary movements of the 20 century. Students will be proficient readers, accomplished writers of the 5paragraph argumentative essay, able to use library and appropriate online resources, write a medium length research paper, speak persuasively and interpret a variety of historical sources. Page 17


UNITED STATES HISTORY SURVEY (10 GRADE) (Available to the Class of 2019) Full-year required course Is United States History a story of hope and progress? What does it mean to realize “the American dream?” In the first semester students compare the various colonial systems which were established, evaluate the causes and effects of the American Revolution and consider how the Age of Jackson represented a turning point in American History. The semester ends with study of the Civil War and Reconstruction. In the second semester, students look at responses to mass migration, the expansion of civil rights and the emergence of the United States as a global power. By the end of the course students will be able to thoroughly analyze primary and secondary source documents, write an interpretive essay, research and write medium length papers, debate persuasively and construct timelines that demonstrate continuity and change over time. HONORS UNITED STATES HISTORY SURVEY (Available to the Class of 2019) Full-year course offered to sophomores Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Is the history of the United States one of isolation or of interconnection? Of individual entrepreneurs or communities? During the first semester, students compare and contrast the range of responses that individuals had to colonialism, revolution and the establishment of new forms of social and economic organization. Using a wide range of sources, we will debate the effectiveness of the founding documents in creating a cohesive nation-state. During the second semester, students examine the stories of individuals to assess the importance of diverse communities. Emphasis is placed upon developing the critical reading and writing skills necessary to enliven the class's debates, simulations and activities. Honors US History is designed for students with both high interest and high aptitude for history. The complexity of the readings and the length and frequency of writing assignments sets the course apart from US History. Important note: Honors US History does not cover the themes or content to prepare students for the AP US History exam. Students have the option to take AP US History after completion of either US History courses, provided that they meet the qualifications. UNITED STATES HISTORY (Available to class of 2018 & 2017) Full-year course What does it mean to be an “American”? Who makes the decisions that impact you? How are they made, and who most benefits from them? US History is a junior course designed to introduce students to the ideas, issues, institutions, and key documents of American history. A minor research paper in the Tabor Academy 2016-2017

fall and a major research paper in the spring pull together critical reading and writing skills developed during the year. Classroom interactions include simulations, group presentations, and regular debate. Using watershed events such as the Constitutional Convention, the Civil War, and the Civil Rights Movement, this course explores the social, political, and cultural evolution of the United States. AP UNITED STATES HISTORY Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications How do we apply detailed and specific knowledge to broader historical understandings? How do we identify and evaluate diverse historical interpretations? AP US History invites students to answer these questions (among others) and rethink familiar viewpoints and interpretations of the American Revolution, Civil War, and the rise of the US to become a 21st century world power. Students will engage in discussion groups, role-playing exercises, simulations, debates, and primary source analysis to discover the answers to these questions. Finally, writing and critical thinking skills will be developed through the exploration of document-based essay questions and a major research paper to fully comprehend the major themes of the course. AP WORLD HISTORY Full-Year elective course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications What are turning points of human history? AP World covers the transition from the hunter-gatherer collectives of the Paleolithic era to the technologically sophisticated, urban nation-states of today. Five themes underpin the course: 1) interaction between humans and the environment; 2) development and interaction of cultures; 3) state building, expansion and conflict; 4) creation, expansion and interaction of economic systems; 5) development and transformation of social structures. AP World History stresses discussion of broad historical themes expressed in specific circumstances. Students will develop proficiency with essay writing, interpretation of primary sources, research, documentation of sources, and presentation of evidence. All students take the AP World Exam at the end of the year. AP ECONOMICS See Economics listings on page 20.

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SEMESTER COURSES Semester courses in history are geared primarily for juniors and seniors, typically those who have completed US History, although some students choose to enroll in semester courses concurrently with a full-year history course. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR Second semester Prerequisite: United States History What does “freedom” mean to you today? What did it mean to soldiers, citizens, and slaves in 1860? What made these conflicting perspectives worth fighting and dying for? In looking at questions of state sovereignty and nationalism, of race and citizenship, American Civil War samples the rich resources available concerning the conflict’s military, political, economic and cultural aspects. Topics include: the Crucial Decade, interdependent political and military strategies, the impact of emancipation, the role of black soldiers, and the legacy of the war. Highlights include battlefield case studies and a chance to cook authentic Civil War cuisine from both sides of the Mason Dixon. All students write a moderate-length research paper on a debated topic of their choosing. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT First semester What does effective and fair government look like? What are the techniques that one can use to fulfill his or her obligation as an active citizen? American Government examines how the three federal branches of government create and implement policies that affect many aspects of a citizen’s life. We will explore current issues such as elections, the effectiveness of the national government, and the recession, as well as political parties, interest groups, the media, and the electorate. The United States Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights, will be examined using present day case studies. Students are required to follow current political events, undertake independent research, and to engage in discussions both in the classroom and online. The course culminates with student produced videos and a community-wide forum on student advocacy. CIVIL RIGHTS First semester/Second semester Are justice and equality the same thing? What are the techniques that people have used successfully and unsuccessfully over time to fight oppression? This course examines how civil rights movements have organized and th effected social change both in the 20 century and in recent years. We will explore how the identities of people of color, women, the LGBTQ community, and differentially-abled peoples have been shaped by the views of their societies and their Tabor Academy 2016-2017

visions for themselves. Readings will draw from the US Constitution, the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the writings of key civil rights thinkers and leaders. Students will follow current political events, undertake independent research, and engage in regular discussions both in the classroom and online. The course culminates with studentdesigned advocacy projects. ETHICS Second semester What IS the right thing to do? What is justice? Schools of ethics approach these questions in a variety of ways. Students will learn about the religious and philosophical approaches of utilitarianism, deontological ethics, virtue and care ethics. Topics are universal and personal: food, sex, clothing, animal and human rights, work and relationships. While discussions are integral elements of the class, emphasis will be placed upon critical reading and writing of logical arguments. The capstone project requires students to research a chosen ethical issue and to prepare a five-to-seven page case analysis and lead a class discussion. GLOBAL AFFAIRS First semester/Second semester Will idealism and cooperation solve the world’s problems, or will guns and power? How do we reconcile the traditional legitimacy of national sovereignty with the inevitable creep of globalization? Global Affairs seeks to develop critical thinking, global awareness, and civic judgment by actively engaging students in international issues. The course uses the operations of and issues faced by the United Nations as a lens into current events and the responsibilities we face as global citizens. General reading materials and assignments will include Brown University Choices units, The Week magazine, and Frontline documentaries. A Security Council simulation serves as a final project, in which students will research general country profiles in order to create specific position papers designed to bring about a collective crisis resolution. MARITIME HISTORY First semester Why did and why do people continue to go to sea? Maritime History surveys the evolution of the seafaring world from canoes to containerships. Topics include piracy, naval warfare, whaling, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the Vikings and the daily lives of seafarers. Students will analyze artifacts, art and sea sagas; participate in simulations that force students to step in the boots of the mariners; and apply their knowledge by connecting history to current global policy issues. Research papers feature a hands-on approach to our connections to the Page 19

whaling industry. The course provides credits toward a Naval Honor Certificate. MODERN MIDDLE EASTERN HISTORY First semester/Second semester How can we understand common and area-specific challenges of Middle Eastern countries? How can we better understand the causes and effects of the conflicts that seem to dominate the nightly news? Modern Middle Eastern History studies a region that is struggling for change in the face of western neocolonialism involvement. It will look both at the major events stemming from western intervention and the coinciding internal struggle for democracy and pluralism. Although this primarily serves as a political history course, great attention will be paid to the role of religion and the role of women in Islamic society. Students will learn to read monographs, to assess point of view and to assess primary source documents. Students will also write a 5-to-7 page research paper and complete a capstone project. VISUAL HISTORY: CRITICAL VIEWING First semester How does a PBS documentary investigation differ from a dramatized version of the same issue? Or, what does it mean that Lincoln has become a vampire slayer as well as the Great Emancipator? Following a basic introduction to semiotics and production, students will evaluate various visual accounts of historical eras, events, and people. The course will cover a variety of visual genres including documentary, commercial drama, cable programming, and internet sites, as well as the critical discussions that dwell between the seams of these various sources. Weekly attendance for an evening film will be required in addition to regularly-written responses. As evidence of their increased critical eye, students are asked to select, view, interpret, fact-check, and finally present their analysis of a particular example of visual history as a final project.

ECONOMICS Economics at Tabor is offered at three levels. Please read all levels carefully to understand the choices. Placement decisions are made with care and students are not permitted to shift between AP and Honors Economics in the fall. Taking Honors Economics as a junior prevents consideration for AP Economics senior year. INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS First semester/second semester What is the difference between money and wealth? What are the similarities and differences between the ways in which individual business owners and governments make Tabor Academy 2016-2017

decisions? Introduction to Economics overviews the essential aspects of micro and macroeconomics including basic supply and demand theory, pricing, costs, entrepreneurship, money and banking systems, consumerism, markets, and globalization. Students use business plans, banking transactions and other simulations to understand the decisions that economic actors make. Research into current business practices is performed. Students take a comprehensive exam at the conclusion of the semester to demonstrate their mastery. HONORS ECONOMICS Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A for required qualifications *Completion of this course precludes taking AP Economics How does a country maintain economic growth while minimizing inflation and unemployment rates? What tools do governments have at their disposal to achieve prosperity for their people? This course provides an introduction to the study of the aggregate national economy. Based on half of the AP Economics syllabus, it develops the basic theories of macroeconomics and applies them to topics of current interest. Issues to be explored include: the causes of inflation, unemployment, recessions, and depressions; the role of government fiscal and monetary policy in stabilizing the economy; the determinants of long-run economic growth; and the workings of exchange rates and international finance. Assessments in the class will include chapter quizzes, unit tests, projects & presentations, and a major research paper (5 to 7 pages). Students who perform well throughout the year will have the choice to take the AP Macroeconomics Exam in May, while others will complete a final project. AP ECONOMICS Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A for required qualifications *Completion of this course precludes taking Honors Economics How do consumers and businesses interact with the resource and product markets such to respond to circular flow? What roles do governments play in creating economic policy to promote economic growth? This course offers a fast paced introduction to micro and macroeconomic theory at the college level, and prepares students to take the AP Exams. Markets, consumer choice, price determination, efficiency, and factors of production are studied in the first semester; followed by employment, inflation, monetary and fiscal policy and international trade in the second. Problem sets, student presentations and debates in class, tests, and a research paper are all featured in the course. Students are required to sit for both the AP Micro and AP Macroeconomics exams in May. Page 20


Modern & Classical Languages

ur courses build skills in the four modes of communication: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Our focus is on proficiency— the ability to use a language in real situations—over mere command of grammar and vocabulary. Students demonstrate proficiency by means of active and purposeful practice. We hope and expect to see our graduates with a confident command of the language and an eagerness to understand cultural communities around the world. Our modern language classes are taught almost entirely in the target language. In the study of the Classics, we value the same skills, with a greater emphasis on reading and writing. We believe there is no better way to develop true proficiency than with full cultural and linguistic immersion, and encourage travel abroad for all language students, and support several programs ranging from week long exchanges, to summer, semester and year-long immersion programs.

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MODERN LANGUAGES: CHINESE Chinese classes at Tabor are challenging but intended to be accessible to the entire student body. A summer study and homestay program with Hangzhou High School in China since 2011 has provided several students each year with a unique opportunity for language immersion, cultural understanding, and friendship. CHINESE 1 Full-year course Chinese 1 stresses the building blocks of written and spoken communication – pronunciation, tones, stroke order and radical recognition. Students learn approximately 250 Chinese words, including characters, alphabetic pinyin and English translation. The textbook Chinese Link by Prentice Hall provides a balanced approach of grammar, phrasing, dialogue, culture, and real-life situations, enhanced by audio recordings. Students will be able to carry on simple written and spoken communication in Chinese and identify and express some unique features of Chinese culture. CHINESE 2 Full-year course Prerequisite: Chinese 1 Chinese 2 builds on the foundation established in beginning Chinese, continuing in volumes 1 and 2 of Chinese Link, and doubling the vocabulary to around 500 words. Readings from Chinese publications further develop speaking skills and character recognition, as well as build familiarity with essential traditions and features of Chinese culture. Conversational fluency is emphasized by classroom exercises including videotaping, skits, and interaction with native-Chinese speakers Page 21

among Tabor’s student body. Students should be able to write clear compositions, as well as initiate conversation with native speakers about ordinary life. HONORS CHINESE 2 Full-year course Prerequisite: Chinese level 1 Honors Chinese 2 will be taught predominately in Chinese. Conversational and presentational fluency is emphasized by classroom exercises, which include story-telling, skits, and dialog practice etc. Students should be able to write clear and more detailed compositions, as well as initiate conversation with native speakers about ordinary life. The class is builds on the foundation established in beginning Chinese, continuing in volumes 1 and 2 of Chinese Link, and doubling the vocabulary to around 500 words. Readings from Chinese texts further develop speaking skills and character recognition, as well as build familiarity with essential traditions and features of Chinese culture. CHINESE 3 Full-year course Prerequisite: Chinese level 2 Chinese 3 aims to enable students to begin functioning in a native-speaking Chinese environment. The textbook, Intermediate Chinese Link, is supplemented by readings and recordings of authentic Chinese literature, news, and fiction. Presentations, filmed skits, and conversations and interviews with Tabor’s native speakers are featured. Students keep a journal of grammar notes and compositions, and a spring project produces a newspaper written by students. Chinese 3 should enable students to recognize and interact with contemporary Chinese culture and society using the target language. HONORS CHINESE 3 Full-year course Prerequisite: Chinese level 2; see Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications This course builds on the framework of the regular Chinese 3 class and provides additional opportunities for conversation, writing, and online research and Wikipage creation. Current social and traditional culture topics are explored in depth in the Intermediate Chinese Link textbook. The testing format and themes of the Advanced Placement Chinese Language and Culture curriculum and examination are introduced in the second semester. Readings in How Far Away is the Sun provide added exposure to elements of traditional culture and literature. Tabor Academy 2016-2017

CHINESE 4 Full-year course Prerequisite: Chinese level 3 This course concludes the sequence of regular Chinese language courses at Tabor by stressing oral practice, original composition, and thorough familiarity with the phrasing, sounds, and sequences of written and spoken Chinese. Students complete volume two of Prentice Hall’s Intermediate Chinese Link college series textbooks, and read a book of short stories written in Chinese. Both of these texts promote historical and cultural literacy that support and enable moving toward language fluency. Mastery of over 1000 characters is expected, and at the end of the year students should be prepared to take the SAT II Chinese subject test. AP CHINESE LANGUAGE & CULTURE Full-year course Prerequisite: Chinese level 3; see Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications AP Chinese prepares students for the Advanced Placement examination in May. Major thematic explorations on culture, family, history, the arts, the economy, education, and current issues are offered in three-week units that also include chapters from the Chinese Link textbook. AP test questions are used regularly to practice speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Stories from the Tales and Traditions anthology and contemporary films offer additional perspectives on traditional and modern Chinese life. The goal of the course is basic fluency in Chinese language and culture.

MODERN LANGUAGES: FRENCH & SPANISH LEVEL 1 Full-year course From day one, students in Level 1 courses are immersed in language and culture through speaking, listening, reading and writing in the target language, with emphasis being placed on speaking and listening. Students engage with the language via authentic resources (text, audio, and video) and are assessed meaningfully, with a clear emphasis on achieving communicative proficiency. Students demonstrate their ability to effectively use the language in real-world contexts through our Integrated Performance Assessments. At the completion of this level, students are competent, confident and enthusiastic communicators in the target language, aware of the fun and joy that one should experience while learning a language. They also possess a strong vocabulary and grammar base that prepares them for more in-depth application and expansion at the next level.

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LEVEL 2 Full-year course Prerequisite: Level 1 Level 2 builds upon the momentum forged in Level 1 as students continue to engage with meaningful, authentic content en route to strengthening their communicative skills. Further exposure to culture and civilization is achieved through compelling readings, conversation-provoking films, and dynamic activities. More complex grammatical structures are introduced, mastered, and incorporated into the everyday goings-on of class, emphasizing that grammar is taught to promote communication. HONORS LEVEL 2 Full-year course Prerequisite: Level 2; see Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Honors Level 2 students also engage with meaningful, authentic content. Compelling readings, conversationprovoking films, and dynamic activities continue to be utilized. Topics, especially specific grammar and usage rules, are covered in greater depth at the honors level and at a more rigorous pace. Students are responsible for more vocabulary, and required to appreciate subtleties and nuances of the language. Oral participation, particularly active listening and speaking at a high level are an absolute must. LEVEL 3 Full-year course Prerequisite: Level 2 As in Level 2, students continue to engage with meaningful, authentic content en route to strengthening their communicative skills. Compelling readings, conversationprovoking films, and dynamic activities continue to play an important role. Advanced grammatical structures are expected to be used in presentations, writing and discussions. HONORS LEVEL 3 Full-year course Prerequisite: Level 2; see Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications The Level 3 is approached with an emphasis on the specific skills required for success in the AP course. The top students in this course will be prepared to undertake the AP course in the following year.

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LEVEL 4 First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Level 3 These courses offer students the ability to put the skills that they have learned in previous classes to practical use through the study of history, art, politics, current events and world issues. These courses are taught in the target language with emphasis on oral communicative competence. Grammar is reviewed as needed to support communication; vocabulary is germane to the topics studied in each elective. Assessments are project-based and in many cases, multidisciplinary in nature. Independent semester length courses are offered with a focus on specific topics, such as: Cultural Identity; Social Justice; Conversation; History. HONORS SPANISH 4 Full-year course Prerequisite: Level 3; see Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications This is a Spanish course for juniors who have completed Honors Spanish 3 and can benefit from an additional year of preparation before taking an AP Spanish course. Students will refine their mastery of grammar, and practice speaking in a rigorous environment. Upon completion of this course, qualified students may enroll in AP Spanish as seniors. AP SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications AP Spanish Language and Culture is a rigorous, challenging course that will prepare students to be successful on the AP exam in May. This course will provide many cultural learning opportunities by listening to authentic Spanish, reading Spanish and Latin American literature, and researching and presenting current events. This course strengthens students speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills while affording the opportunity for students to compare their own culture to the many Hispanic cultures studied. Page 23

AP FRENCH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications This course will provide many cultural learning opportunities by listening to authentic French, reading francophone literature, and researching and presenting current events. The course strengthens students speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills while affording the opportunity for students to compare their own culture to the many francophone regions studied. AP French Language and Culture is a rigorous course that will prepare students to be successful on the AP exam in May. AP SPANISH LITERATURE AND CULTURE Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications This course requires the study of major works of literature with both written and oral analysis of texts, discussion of social, historical and cultural contexts, and intensive study of literary style. (POST AP) FRENCH Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Post AP French is a thematic course for juniors and seniors that th explores 20 century Francophone culture through the study of film and literary texts. The class is structured in the style of a college seminar, where students engage critically with primary sources and seek to produce original insights. Themes will vary from year to year depending on student interests, but in the past have included rural life, the city, immigration, gender, and education.

CLASSICAL LANGUAGES ANCIENT GREEK 1 Full-year course Is it all Greek to you? Knowledge of the basic vocabulary, grammar, and syntax of Attic Greek (the dialect of Athens in the 5th-4th centuries BC) allows students to explore the world of Plato, Aristophanes, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and others. Works in other Ancient Greek dialects—the epics of Homer, the lyric poetry of Sappho, the histories of Herodotus, and the New Testament—will also be at your fingertips. ANCIENT GREEK 2 Full-year course Prerequisite: Greek 1 Don’t be a barbarian! By completing the study of Attic grammar and syntax, students will begin to read unadapted prose from the classical period, including selections from the histories of Herodotus and the tragedies of Euripides. Tabor Academy 2016-2017

ANCIENT GREEK 3 Full-year course Follow Odysseus and his companions into the cyclops’ cave in Book 9 of Homer’s Odyssey. What is love? Find out in Plato’s Symposium. This course introduces students to unadapted Ancient Greek poetry (Homer) and prose (Plato) through two of Western civilization’s most enduring works. LATIN 1 Full-year course Learn the true story of the amazing life of Quintus Horatius Flaccus, known to history the poet Horace. Born the son of a poor, freed slave, he made his way to the big city in order to learn with best teachers. We study the culture of Rome and her outlying colonies in southern Italy. Grammar content includes cases, declensions, conjugations, and tenses. Skills developed are translation, reading for comprehension, and grammar analysis. Students will be able to read, understand and translate simple Latin sentences. The text series is Oxford Latin Course. LATIN 2 Full-year course Prerequisite: Latin 1 Continue to follow the life and times of Horace as he travels to Greece to study with the great philosophers of his time, and later quits school to join the army and defend the liberty of Rome. School life, trade, travel, weddings, military life, and history are some of the topics encountered. Grammar includes adjectives, participles, passives, and subjunctives. Students will be able to read, understand and translate passages using complex sentence structures, and which make frequent use of historical and cultural allusions. HONORS LATIN 2 Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications The honors course treats the Latin 2 material with a more specific emphasis on grammar analysis and precise translation. LATIN 3 Full-year course Prerequisite: Latin 2 Horace’s life takes yet another dramatic turn as the Roman republic is redefined by Augustus Caesar, and Horace makes a pivotal contribution to Golden Age Roman poetry. The complex story of the fall of the Roman Republic is the central topic of the course, as well as aspects of Greek and Roman philosophy. Grammar includes subordinate clauses in the subjunctive, indirect statement and gerunds & gerundives. Students will be Page 24

able to read and translate the unadapted poetry of Horace and the prose of an author such as Caesar. HONORS LATIN 3 Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Honors students complete the above course and read significant portions of Caesar’s de Bello Gallico and Vergil’s Aeneid. Students should be able to reliably read and interpret these texts with limited help from the instructor. Those who achieve this goal will be ready for the AP Latin course. LATIN 4 First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Latin 3 In this survey course, students complete a semester of Latin poetry and a semester of prose, with topics changing in alternating years: Love and Roman Society: Roman ideas about gender, sexuality, love, and death are at the core of Latin love elegy, a poetic genre which has profoundly influenced Western literature, despite existing for little more than 50 years. In the first semester, students survey elegy from its beginnings in Catullus to its demise with Ovid. In the second semester, students transition to the reading of Latin prose by examining Cicero’s Pro Caelio with a nod back to Catullus’ “Lesbia” poems. Roman Humor: What’s the better parenting style? That of the stern, overbearing father, or that of the laissez-faire dad who wants to be his son’s best friend? In the first semester, students explore this age-old question in Terence's comedy, the Adelphoe. In the second semester, students join the downonhis- luck protagonist, Encolpius, on his adventures through the bawdy world of Petronius’ Satyricon. Students will devote most of the semester to reading the largest extant portion of this fragmentary novel: a dinner party hosted by the nouveau-riche former slave, Trimalchio, where nothing is quite as it seems.

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AP LATIN Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications Between the time when Julius Caesar effectively brought the 500 year old Roman Republic to an end, and the time when Caesar Augustus founded a Roman Empire that would last for 500 more years, two great works of literature were penned. We’ll make a detailed study of Vergil’s Aeneid, particularly books I, II, IV & VI, and Caesar’s Gallic War, Books I, IV, V & VI. Students will develop skills for reading, translating, and analyzing these texts with a critical, historical, and literary sensitivity. Students follow the AP syllabus offered by the College Board. (POST AP) LATIN Full-year course Prerequisite: See Appendix A, page 36 for required qualifications The class is structured in the style of a college seminar, where students engage critically with primary sources and seek to produce original insights. Themes will vary from year to year depending on student interests, but in the past have included such authors as Catullus, Petronius, Plautus, Terence, Tibullus.

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autical Science courses provide hands-on instruction and experiential learning opportunities, combining essential traditional knowledge with modern technology. All Nautical Science students benefit from skills that assist them in safe boating, racing and ocean sailing. Many of our graduates pursue naval, maritime or recreational boating careers. Satisfactory completion of three nautical science “units” over the course of a student’s Tabor career earns a Naval Honor Certification with their Tabor Academy Diploma. ELEMENTS OF NAUTICAL SCIENCE First semester/Second semester As its name suggests, Elements of Nautical Science provides an introduction to the nautical science department course offerings. This survey course includes seamanship, boat handling, sailing mechanics, basic navigation, marlinspike seamanship, boat design and construction, safety, maritime history in addition to other topics. Rowing and sailing a traditional Charles Beetle whaleboat is included as a vital aspect of this course. No previous experience with boats, boating or sailing is required. PRACTICAL SHIP AND BOAT DESIGN First semester/Second semester Students in Practical Ship and Boat Design loft a line drawing of a sailing model from a table of offsets. Next, each student drafts a portfolio of his/her own individual ship and boat designs and develops a table of offsets for these designs. In addition, each student constructs his/her own T27 model. The course culminates with each student sailing his/her model in competition with the other members of the class. The course has a $25 materials fee. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. Tabor Academy 2016-2017

Nautical Sciences

THEORETICAL SHIP AND BOAT DESIGN 2016-2017: September-November AND April-May Please note: in 2016-2017, because of Tabor’s REEF Program calendar, Theoretical Ship and Boat Design will be offered as a 0.5 credit course that spans both semesters. The course will begin in September and carry through Thanksgiving. At that point, the course will pause for the winter, and resume after Spring Break. Students must complete both portions of the course in order to earn credit. This course introduces students to the concepts of ship and yacht design. The course covers calculations for displacement, longitudinal center of buoyancy, pounds per inch immersion, and prismatic and water plane coefficients. Instruction also includes calculations involving the maximum theoretical speed of a displacement hull, various types of resistance, and the theory and determination of stability. Students learn how to read a lines drawing. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. LIFEBOATMEN / COASTAL NAVIGATION 2016-2017: September-November AND April-May Please note: in 2016-2017, because of Tabor’s REEF Program calendar, Lifeboatmen/Coastal Navigation will be offered as a 0.5 credit course that spans both semesters. The course will begin in September and carry through Thanksgiving. At that point, the course will pause for the winter, and resume after Page 26

Spring Break. Students must complete both portions of the course in order to earn credit. Lifeboatmen is a US Coast Guard approved semester course which certifies Tabor students as Lifeboatmen. Topics include coastal navigation fundamentals, leadership, morale, edible seafood, stability, and firefighting. Classroom instruction is supplemented by practical training in the use of survival suits, life rafts and lifeboat rowing and sailing techniques and skills. CELESTIAL NAVIGATION This course will not be offered in 2016-2017. Full-year course Prerequisite: Geometry This course covers extensively the theory and practice of navigation by the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Instruction includes use of the Nautical Almanac, meridian altitude observations, sight reduction using the H.O.229, determining compass error with azimuths and amplitudes, and setting up the universal plotting sheet for plotting celestial lines of position, fixes, and running fixes. Each student is personally instructed in the handling and use of the marine sextant, and in the spring the class spends time taking actual sun sights and determining the resulting lines of position (during an overnight trip on Tabor Boy). This course will be offered again in 2017-18. U.S. SAILING LEVEL 1 INSTRUCTOR COURSE This course will not be offered in 2016-2017. Second semester This specialized certification course is available to experienced sailors who wish to undertake intensive training that will certify them to become U.S. Sailing Level 1 instructors. Further details are available through the Instructor or online at www.ussailing.org. This course is offered based upon the interest level of students and the availability of instructors. This course will be offered again in 2017-18. Please note: students who enroll in this course are responsible for a certification fee of approximately $300.

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Performing Arts: Music


shared musical experience cuts across language barriers, cultural differences and socioeconomic differences to create community. Tabor’s Music Department offers a range of opportunities for students to gain exposure to music for the first time or to develop previous training to a high level. We stress “ensemble first” and foster individual musical skills as a secondary—though important— focus. We thrive on nonverbal communication. We encourage students to turn off the verbal side of their communication toolbox and listen and play/sing. Because music is temporal, we encourage students to be in the moment as well as being prepared for any number of musical challenges. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC WIND ENSEMBLE Full-year course Wind Ensemble provides to students of woodwind, brass and percussion instruments the opportunity to improve their ensemble playing and exposure to the standard high school band literature as well as newer compositions. Students are encouraged, but not required, to take private lessons from the many teachers who come to campus each week. The ensemble performs throughout the year and is highlighted on the Winter and Spring concerts as well as on Parents' Weekend. Completion of this course earns 4 arts units. STRING ENSEMBLE Full-year course String Ensemble explores the vast and varied repertoire for string instruments. Violinists, violists, bassists and cellists are Tabor Academy 2016-2017

invited to participate and improve their technique both individually and as an ensemble. Students are encouraged, but not required, to take private lessons from the many teachers who come to campus each week. The ensemble performs throughout the year and is highlighted in the winter and spring concerts as well as on Parents' Weekend and on Admissions Revisit Days. Completion of this course earns 4 arts units.

CHORAL MUSIC MIXED CHORUS Full-year course The Mixed Chorus is an entry-level course that is open to any student, boy or girl, who wants to learn to sing, or who has an abiding interest in improving basic musical skills. Choristers learn to listen acutely, match pitches closely and read fluidly. Most of the repertoire will be four-part mixed although SAB, SB and even STB repertoire will also be explored. There is a place in the ensemble for a wide range of experience and while not required, private vocal or instrumental music study is encouraged. The Mixed Chorus will perform at the Festival of Lessons and Carols with all the other choral groups, and independently at the Spring Concert. They may also perform in Chapel at one of our twice-weekly Chapel services. Previous musical background is not required. Completion of this course earns 4 arts units. FEMALE CHAMBER CHOIR AND MALE CHAMBER CHOIR Full-year course Prerequisite: Mixed Chorus or department audition The Chamber Choirs are smaller, single-gender ensembles open to any student who has completed one year of Mixed Chorus, or who has auditioned with the Choral Director. Emphasis is placed upon continued improvement of listening, tone production, reading, theory, blending and independent partsinging. Choristers will explore theory through development of Page 28

keyboard skills and will fine-tune their intonation through pieces that, incrementally, reduce their dependence upon the keyboard to sing in tune. Often, choristers will learn repertoire with only two to five singers on a part in a compact texture that requires the chorister to hear and render more complex harmonies with greater precision and balance. Both the Male and Female Chamber Choirs will perform at the Festival of Lessons and Carols with all the other choral groups as well as at the Chamber Recital in the spring and periodic Chapel services. Completion of this course earns 4 arts units. MADRIGAL SINGERS Full-year course Prerequisite: by department audition The Madrigal Singers is open to any student who passes an audition, held each year in April. The group may vary from twenty to twenty-eight choristers, depending upon the skilllevel and experience of the candidates. Emphasis is placed upon a cappella repertoire as a vehicle to training the ear to a very high degree. Successful applicants will possess strong reading skills, excellent tone production and very good musicality. The Madrigal Singers perform at the Festival of Lessons and Carols and their own recital in the spring as well as at numerous Chapel services, Parents’ Weekend or Trustee meetings and off-campus events. Completion of this course earns 4 arts units.

audition preparation and the Basic Musicianship’s recitals in the spring. Completion of this course earns 4 arts units. DIGITAL MUSIC STUDIO *new* First semester/Second semester Digital Music Studio is a semester course that is an introduction to electronic (digital) music through three pieces of software: Garage Band, Noteflight (free, web-based software) and Audacity (free, web-based software). Students will sequence (Garage Band), notate (Noteflight) and record (Audacity) both existing and original compositions. The units will culminate in individual projects and the final project will involve all three pieces of software. There are no printed texts. There will be online tutorials and other materials accessible through a shared webpage. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units.

NOTE: Private Music Lessons are available to all wind, percussion, string, guitar, piano and voice students for an additional fee. The lessons are with professionals dedicated to the pursuit of excellence among student musicians. Lessons are private and on a weekly basis, fees apply. Students are required only to be willing to practice. Contact Phil Sanborn for additional details. Arts units available, see page 38.

MUSIC COMPOSITION AND THEORY BASIC MUSICIANSHIP Full-year course Basic Musicianship is an intensive study combining ear training and music theory. Students are asked to perform in recital at the end of the school year. Several online notation and ear training programs are used in combination with traditional methods. Successful completion of this course prepares a student for placement in a college music curriculum. Completion of this course earns 4 arts units. ADVANCED MUSICIANSHIP Full-year course Prerequisite: Basic Musicianship Advanced Musicianship builds upon the skills and knowledge obtained in Basic Musicianship. The emphasis is upon preparing the student for college music theory, music history, ear-training and solfege placement examinations. Arranging and composing are important elements in this course. Performance on the student’s major instrument is enhanced through college

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here is something for everyone in theater at Tabor: design and execution of lighting, design and construction of scenery, stage management, acting and directing. Students who gain the most from the program sample all areas of production before specializing. Because all course work is linked to productions at Tabor, students go beyond textbook study and truly participate in theatrical experiences.

ACTING 1 First semester This semester course introduces students to theories of acting and techniques for analyzing and playing characters. Students learn about these techniques through theater games, observation exercises, and improvisation. Performance of scenes and monologues is the final goal. As both performers and audience for one another, students learn to make choices as actors and to observe the work of acting critically. Previous experience with, or knowledge of, acting is not required. Open to all grades. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units.

Performing Arts: Theater

students will design and execute the lighting plot for a Tabor production. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. ADVANCED ACTING AND DIRECTING This course will not be available in 2016-2017. Second semester Prerequisite: Completion of Acting 1 and 2, or extensive experience on stage in live productions. This course allows experienced actors the opportunity to combine familiarity with the mechanics of a stage performance with decisions about how to direct those mechanics. The class takes frequent (2 or 3 times per term) trips to area productions and studies the choices directors have made in interpreting the plays. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units.

ACTING 2 Second semester Prerequisite: Acting 1 Having studied the fundamentals of acting, students extend the range and subtlety of their use of voice, expression, movement, and pace. This course culminates with monologues and scenes chosen by the actors to showcase their abilities. Open to all grades. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. LIGHTING DESIGN First semester This course is open to all grades and occupies a position at the intersection of art, technology and literature. By utilizing Tabor’s state-of-the-art, computerized lighting system and studying the work of other designers, students will achieve proficiency in all phases of stage lighting. As final projects, Tabor Academy 2016-2017

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he Visual Arts Department at Tabor is centered on helping students develop a confident approach to problem solving through the practice of various studio-centered arts disciplines. Meaningful interaction with the mediums offered by each discipline help students acquire the tools necessary to create artwork that reveals thinking and ideas. The arts curriculum provides an opportunity for reflection and growth as students make mistakes and learn from their results. Through creative risk-taking, arts students begin to understand the importance of creativity in the development of the mind. Our holistic approach to creative endeavor seeks to develop adventurous, reflective, and capable student artists. ART HISTORY INTRODUCTION TO ART HISTORY Second semester Introduction to Art History examines five key moments in the history of western art: the emergence of a human-centered art and culture in ancient Greece, the great flowering of creativity and artistic enterprise during the Renaissance in Europe, the beautiful, but often rebellious art of the French Realists and Impressionists of the mid-late nineteenth century, the startling emergence of modern art as witnessed in the cubism of Picasso and Braque, and the early abstractions of Kandinsky and Duchamp, and the challenging contemporary movement of postmodernism as evidenced in the art of Andy Warhol, photographer Cindy Sherman and others. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. Tabor Academy 2016-2017

Visual & Digital Arts

STUDIO ART Please note that all Studio Arts classes have a materials fee of $25 per semester, billed to the student’s account. INTRODUCTION TO STUDIO ART First semester/Second semester This fun, yet challenging course gives you a foundation for work in all of the courses offered in the Visual Arts. This class explores the four major areas of Studio Arts, drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture, teaching the basic principles of two and three-dimensional design. The elements and principles of art and design will be introduced so that students will learn the common language of the Visual Arts at Tabor. The projects offer you the opportunity for technical advancement and creative problem solving skill development, discovering through your endeavors that “problems can have more than one solution and that questions can have more than one answer” (E.Eisner). Expression and communication of ideas along with critical seeing and thinking skills are reinforced in a variety of ways, including group critique, self-critique and peer to peer assessment. Work in this course gives you the chance to develop as an artist and as a critical and conceptual thinker. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. DRAWING AND SCULPTURE First semester Prerequisite: Introduction to Studio Art This exploration of work in the studio takes the skills and tools acquired in Studio Art, and improves their application through technical practice and personal expression. Through use of traditional and innovative drawing and sculpting mediums, you will learn to apply drawing and sculpting principles as a way to Page 31

express your artistic voice. Drawing problems are given to help advance your ability to render, depict structure, and implement compositional understanding. Abstract and symbolic work is explored, and you are able to pull imagery from their memory, imagination and reference material, learning to use art as a tool for telling stories and sharing experiences. You will be expected to spend time outside of class on long-term projects. Drawing and Sculpture is one of two pre-requisites for Advanced Art Major. Enrollment priority is given to upperclassmen that have completed Introduction to Studio Art. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. PAINTING AND PRINTMAKING Second semester Prerequisite: Introduction to Studio Art This course is a committed exploration of the power of color and the possibility of creating multiples. You will explore a wide variety of painting media and printmaking processes. You will cover a broad scope that ranges from watercolor to screen printing, dabbling in book arts and mixed media to fulfill the search for expressive potential. Work in both painting and printmaking reinforces how the processes of these two areas provide a way to “think through and within a material” (E. Eisner). By learning a variety of techniques you will work to uncover your unique style and message. You will be expected to spend time outside of class on long-term projects. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. ADVANCED STUDIO ART Full-year course Prerequisites: Drawing and Sculpture AND Painting & Printmaking, permission of instructor This advanced art course is designed to help you find your creative voice. Creating and completing work for a portfolio, either for personal achievement, or application to college, is the core of the work in this course. The skills acquired through prior coursework in the studio are brought to bear in this independent and lively studio environment. Assignments are more open-ended than those of the other course offerings in the studio, relying heavily on the imagination and focus of the individual artist. You are expected to keep a blog as an exercise in communication, expression, and 21st century tool manipulation. You will be expected to spend time outside of class on long-term projects. Seniors are given priority for Tabor Academy 2016-2017

enrollment. Students are encouraged to enroll in the AfterSchool Art Alternative for a season to give them the extra studio time. Completion of this course earns 4 arts units.

CERAMICS Please note that all Ceramics classes have a materials fee of $25 per semester, billed to the student’s account. CERAMICS 1: INTRODUCTION TO HAND BUILDING First semester/Second semester This course introduces students to several primary hand building techniques, tool and material use, and ceramic procedures through the completion of functional and sculptural projects. Slab, coil and pinching methods of construction, as well as the use of plaster molds, are explored. A variety of surface decoration techniques are covered, including sgraffito, carving and stamping and simple glazing techniques. The course emphasizes the development of ideas and the acquisition of skills and technical knowledge. No previous ceramics background is required to enroll. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. CERAMICS 2: INTRODUCTION TO WHEEL WORKING First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Ceramics 1 This semester course introduces students to the fundamentals of varying aspects of Wheel Working. Students apply basic materials, techniques and skills learned in Ceramics 1 to more complex projects, and begin to expand and develop their working vocabulary as well as critical thinking and analysis of their own and professional work. The course introduces Wheel Working techniques to create functional pieces and also to explore the potter’s wheel as a tool for sculptural work. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. CERAMICS 3: INTERMEDIATE WHEEL WORKING First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Ceramics 2 For students who are ready to progress with wheel working, this course will further develop and refine the technical skills and the design considerations needed to make functional and sculptural ceramics using the potter’s wheel. Students will move beyond the primary vessel forms explored in Introduction to Wheel Working to investigate a variety of challenging forms including the vase, the covered jar, the plate and the teapot, among others. A wide variety of surface decoration options will Page 32

be explored, including under-glaze painting, slip work, carving, stamping, impressing and faceting. Students will be exposed to both contemporary and historical ceramic art as a springboard for developing their own ideas and creative voice. This course may be repeated for additional arts credit. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. ADVANCED CERAMICS STUDIO Full-year course Prerequisites: Ceramics 3 This advanced course builds upon students’ skills learned in previous courses to create more complex forms. Aspects of surface decoration and the science of glaze preparation and kiln firing are explored. Projects are set to bring about the convergence of concepts with technical development. Students are expected to demonstrate initiative, experimentation and commitment. The course includes regular teacher, peer and group critiques. Slide lectures, visiting artist workshops, exhibitions preparation and student visual presentations are all aspects of the course design. Completion of this course earns 4 arts units.

PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY 1 First semester/Second semester Photography 1 is a foundation course where students are introduced to the workings of the camera, darkroom technique, composition and critique. The philosophy of the course is that you “make” pictures not “take” them. Instruction directs the students to use composition and the camera controls creatively to fulfill their vision. Photography 1 introduces students to photographic equipment, B&W materials, processes. In the darkroom students learn to produce prints of high quality. Shooting and processing your own film is an excellent introduction to the medium as it necessitates a true investment of time and effort to produce tangible images. This course also fulfills the prerequisite for Photo as Art (Photography 2) and for the PhotoPool. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. PHOTOGRAPHY 2: PHOTOGRAPHY AS ART First semester Prerequisite: Photography 1 Photography 2 begins with an emphasis on exposure and composition. Students in this course will study in-depth film camera techniques (the Zone System), creativity and quality of artistic expression. The course will include regular peer and group critiques and the production of a “body of work.” Further understanding of photographic philosophy will occur by way of Tabor Academy 2016-2017

the study of historic and contemporary photographers. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. PHOTOGRAPHY 3: PHOTOGRAPHY AS COMMUNICATION Second semester Prerequisite: Photography 2 class and Introduction to Digital Arts (formerly known as ‘Introduction to Photoshop’) This course is taught in the spring with emphasis on visual communications to advanced level students who have shown interest, dedication and mastery of basic photography techniques. This course will introduce students to digital cameras, advertising and photojournalism with emphasis on the production of tangible images from abstract ideas. The students will have the opportunity to produce a photo journalistic story of their own. Further understanding of the medium will occur by way of the study of historic and contemporary photographers. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units.

DIGITAL ARTS INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL ARTS (formerly ‘Introduction to Photoshop’) First semester/Second semester The elements and principles of art and design will be introduced so that students will learn the common language of the Visual Arts at Tabor. Course work is focused on creating projects that use graphic design and digital art skills by utilizing the Adobe Creative suite. Risk taking is the first step to making good art and the willingness to try will take you the rest of the way. Students who have completed ‘Intro to Photoshop’ are not eligible to enroll in ‘Intro to Digital Arts’. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. DIGITAL PROJECTS – ILLUSTRATION (formerly ‘Advanced Photoshop’) First semester Prerequisite: Introduction to Digital Arts (formerly ‘Introduction to Photoshop’) This class is for the image-maker and storyteller. It unleashes the imaginative possibilities of the Adobe Creative Suite. Studio art experience or Photography 1 is a plus, but not necessary. If you can’t draw, don’t panic. This course is designed to help you illustrate your ideas, create logos, create character art and more. You will create a digital presentation portfolio of the work you make in this course. Students will have access to a DSLR camera to capture their own imagery for use in this course. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units.

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DIGITAL PROJECTS - COMMUNICATION DESIGN (formerly ‘Advanced Photoshop’/’Introduction to InDesign’) First semester/Second semester Prerequisite: Introduction to Digital Arts (formerly ‘Introduction to Photoshop’) Communication Design advances the skill set of the digital artist and teaches them how to control images for the publication of printed and web-based imagery, for real world clients and themselves. Work focuses on the development of your skills as an image-maker and graphic designer. Projects include, but are not limited to producing posters and other materials for school events that will be printed and utilized by our community. When time allows beginning web design may be taught. You will create a digital presentation portfolio of the work you make in this course. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units. PUBLICATION DESIGN - YEARBOOK (formerly ‘Advanced InDesign’) Second semester Prerequisite: Introduction to Digital Arts (formerly ‘Introduction to Photoshop’) This course focuses on advanced design principles and production techniques utilized in publishing. You will learn the skills used to create The Tabor Log, Fore ’n Aft, and Bowsprit Literature and Arts Magazine. Layout for print and digital publishing is taught. Your work will become an essential piece of the success of our yearbook. Intermediate to advanced computer skills and accurate keyboarding a plus. You will learn to utilize the Adobe Creative Suite to develop layouts, edit images and set up publication formats. The course will also allow you to pursue personal interests and independent projects. Completion of this course earns 2 arts units.

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Required Seminars by Grade TABOR FOUNDATIONS th Full-year course (9 grade) th This required 9 grade seminar meets weekly throughout the academic year. The course is designed to introduce freshmen to the people, programs and policies that will play a significant role in their Tabor experience. Classroom exercises, small group discussions, and interactive projects afford students the opportunity not only to get to know each other, but also to connect with the members of the Tabor community (both faculty and student leaders) who are here to help them get started on the path to a successful Tabor career. As part of the course, each student generates a four-year plan that includes both academic and co-curricular goals. With those goals in mind, students are encouraged to explore both a variety of strategies for achieving success in the classroom and the wide range of opportunities afforded them for involvement and leadership in co-curricular pursuits. The course is graded on a Pass-Fail basis with class participation and completion of assigned projects weighing equally in the evaluation of each student’s performance. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT th Full-year course (10 grade) This required 10th grade class meets weekly and is taught by the Health Center and/or Science Department faculty and staff. Other outside speakers and guest presenters are also featured from time to time. The purpose of the course is to introduce students to healthy lifestyle choices by teaching them the physiological and psychological underpinnings of health and wellness. Topics discussed throughout the year include (but are not restricted to) healthy relationships, human sexuality, drug and alcohol awareness, stress management/relaxation techniques, the physiology of healthy diet and exercise, and adolescent psychological issues. The course is graded Pass/Fail and grades are earned based on class participation, homework completion, and both individual/small group projects.

candidates, admission interviews, writing the college essay, visiting college campuses, the college application process, and financing a college education. Students will also take a personal interest inventory to clarify their learning style and academic interests. Students use both Naviance Family Connection and Tabor Academy’s College Counseling community group page extensively. TRANSITION TO COLLEGE/SENIOR COLLEGE SEMINAR th First semester (12 grade) Complimenting the individual one-one meetings seniors have with their assigned college counselor, this non-graded, required seminar begins in September of senior year and meets approximately every other week through December. The course is designed to expand upon many of the topics covered in the Junior Year College Seminar. The procedural aspects of the application process will be the focus of the class, with time dedicated to working on essays, completing a testing plan, editing college applications, identifying final college visits, and other emergent topics. Students use both Naviance Family Connection and Tabor Academy’s College Counseling community group page extensively.

PREPARATION FOR COLLEGE/JUNIOR COLLEGE SEMINAR th Second semester (11 grade) Complimenting the individual one-one meetings juniors have with their assigned college counselor, this non-graded, required seminar begins in January of junior year and meets approximately every other week through May. The course is designed to introduce juniors to the college selection process and will address topics such as: self-reflection, how to research colleges, the role of standardized testing, how colleges evaluate Tabor Academy 2016-2017

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Appendix A: Placement Qualifications



The following criteria are used as guidelines to place students in Honors/AP/Post AP courses for the 2016-2017 school year. Minimum qualifying averages are based on students’ performance in the current school year through Progress Report 4.

To enter:


Minimum qualifying average and/or other criteria:

Honors English 2

English 1/Hon. English 1

90 in English 1 (84 honors); teacher recommendation

English 2/Hon. English 2

90 in English 2 (87 honors); teacher recommendation

AP English Literature (12 )

English 3/AP English Language

90 in English 3 (87 in AP Language); minimum 600 SATCR score, teacher recommendation

Honors Geometry

Algebra 1.3

90 in Algebra 1.3

Honors Algebra 2

Algebra 1.3 or equivalent , Class of 2019: 90 in Algebra 1; 90 in Geometry (83 honors) Geometry

Honors Precalculus

Algebra 2.3 or Hon. Algebra 2

Class of 2019: 90 in Algebra 2.3 (83 honors)

AP Statistics

Algebra 2.3 or equivalent

90 in Algebra 2.3 (85 honors)

AP Calculus AB

Precalculus/Hon. Precalculus

90 in Precalculus (or 80 in honors PC)

AP Calculus BC

Honors Precalculus

90 in Honors Precalculus

AP Calculus BC/semester

AP Calculus AB

80 in AP calculus AB

AP Calculus BC

Recommendation of department required.

Probability Theory

Multivariable Calculus

With instructor permission, may be taken concurrently with Multivariable Calculus.


Biology, Algebra 1.3 or equivalent

Students must enroll in Algebra 2.1 or higher math concurrently

Honors Chemistry

Biology, Algebra 1.3 or equivalent

85 Biology, 90 Algebra 1; must enroll in Algebra 2.2 or higher math concurrently

AP Chemistry


Class of 2019: 90 in Chemistry (83 Honors)


Chemistry, Algebra 2.3

Students must be enrolled in Precalculus or higher math concurrently

Honors Physics

Chemistry/Hon. Chem; Alg. 2.3

Class of 2019: 90 in Chem (83 hon); 90 in Alg 2.3 (83 H. Alg 2)

AP Biology

Biology, Chemistry

88 (85 honors) in Biology, Chemistry, and current history

AP Env. Science

Biology, Chemistry

80 or higher in all Tabor science courses

Organic Chemistry

Chemistry/Hon. Chem

Class of 2019: 90 in Chemistry (80 honors)

AP Physics C

Physics, Precalculus

92 in Physics/85 Honors Physics and 90 in Precalculus or 85 in Calculus


AP English Language (11 ) th

Multivariable Calculus


Differential Equations

Tabor Academy 2016-2017

Class of 2017/18: 90 in Algebra 1; 90 in Geometry (85 honors) Class of 2017-18: 90 in Algebra 2.3 (85 honors)

Class of 2017-18: 90 in Chemistry (85 honors)

Class of 2017-18: 90 in Chem (85 hon); 90 in Alg 2.3 (85 H. Alg 2)

Class of 2017-18: 90 in Chemistry(83 honors)

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Appendix A: Placement Qualifications



(continued‌) To enter:


Minimum qualifying average and/or other criteria:

Honors US History


Available to the class of 2019: 87 in Hist. Themes 21 Century and teacher recommendation

AP US History

Modern World History

87 in MWH (83 in HMW) and teacher recommendation

AP World History

US History

87 in history (83 in APUSH); enrollment preference given to seniors, juniors as available

AP Economics Micro/Macro

Algebra 2, Precalculus recommended

87 in current history (83 in APUSH), 90 in Algebra 2; enrollment preference given to seniors, then juniors who have completed USH.

Honors Economics/ Macro

Algebra 2

87 in current history (83 in APUSH) AND 85 in Algebra 2; enrollment preference to seniors, then juniors who have completed USH.

Honors languages

Sequential (level p revious)

Class of 2019: 90 in standard level previous; 84 honors

AP (all languages)

Honors level 3

Class of 2019: 84 Hon level 3 Class of 2017-18: 87 hon level 3

Post-AP language

AP level language

Recommendation of department required.

Placement for students new to Tabor Students new to Tabor are recommended for placement in honors and AP courses based on their previous performance, teacher recommendations, and standardized test scores. Please note that new students may not always be recommended for the same line-up of courses they were slated to take at their previous schools. Occasionally, supplementary materials (such as examples of graded work) may be requested.

Tabor Academy 2016-2017


Class of 2017-18: 90 in standard level previous; 87 honors

Math placement for international students Students coming to Tabor from an international or integrated math curriculum will be placed in math courses according to the best information available, but may be asked to take a placement test upon arrival to confirm their math placement.

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Appendix B: Arts Units Arts units may be accrued in a number of ways, including courses within the curriculum, activities in the afternoon program, and extracurricular pursuits. Students need to earn a specific number of arts units according to the year they enter Tabor Academy: entering in 9th grade (8 units); in 10th grade (6 units); in 11th grade (4 units); post-graduates and one-year students (2 units).

Elective course offerings related to the Arts Semester 1

Semester 2

MUSIC Digital Music Studio (2)

MUSIC Digital Music Studio (2)

THEATER Acting 1 (2) Lighting Design (2)

THEATER Acting 2 (2)

VISUAL & MEDIA Intro to Studio Art (2) Drawing & Sculpture (2) Ceramics 1, 2, 3 (2) Intro to Digital Arts (2) Digital Projects-Illustration (2) Digital Projects-Commun. Design (2) Photography 1, 2 (2)

VISUAL & MEDIA Intro to Studio Art (2) Painting & Printmaking (2) Ceramics 1, 2, 3 (2) Intro to Digital Arts (2) Digital Arts/Publication Design (2) Digital Projects/Comm Design (2) Photography 1, 3 (2) Art History (2)

ENGLISH Creative Writing (2)

ENGLISH Creative Writing (2)

NAUTICAL SCIENCE Practical Ship & Boat Design (2)

NAUTICAL SCIENCE Practical Ship & Boat Design (2)

Full-year MUSIC Mixed Chorus (4) Female Chamber Choir (4) Male Chamber Choir (4) Wind Ensemble (4) String Ensemble (4 Basic Musicianship (4) Advanced Musicianship (4) Madrigal Singers (4) VISUAL ARTS Advanced Ceramics (4) Advanced Studio Art (4) NAUTICAL SCIENCE

Theoretical Ship & Boat Design (2)

(‘16-‘17: Sept-Nov AND AprilMay)

Co-curricular and extra-curricular offerings related to the Arts Afternoon Program Ceramics Alternative (2) Studio Art Alternative (2) Dance Alternative (2) Applied Music (2) Photo Pool (2)

Extra-curricular* Model United Nations (1-2) Fall Drama (1-2) Winter Musical (1-2) Winter Drama (1-2) Spring One-Acts (1-2)

Full-year options PUBLICATIONS: Bowsprit Staff (2) Tabor Log (1) Fore & Aft (2)

MUSIC: Private Music Lessons (1) Tabor Tones (1) Nightingales (1) Jazz Band (1) * Arts units awarded are determined by the instructors based on the students’ level of participation.

Tabor Academy 2016-2017

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