Revisiting some of the culinary traditions that bind us
Memorable Meals By Eliott Grover ’06 In the early days, every meal at Tabor was a seated and formal
the ad hoc variety, like the dinner of canned fruits and cold pot
affair. Students wore school dress, and faculty donned jackets
roast the entire school shared during the Great Hurricane of 1938.
and ties. They sat five or six to a table while a rotating crew of student waiters––who, until 1942, sported signature white tunics—ferried trays back and forth from the kitchen.
These communal dining experiences vary in their levels of decorum, but they have all enriched campus life and school history in meaningful ways. The annual Thanksgiving feast
Coming together for three square meals a day not only ensured
brings everyone together before vacation for an early celebra-
every student was accounted for and well-nourished, it forti-
tion of a beloved holiday meal. For international students, it’s
fied the relationships and shared values that were critical to the
an exciting opportunity to participate in a widely observed
school’s culture. Seating assignments changed regularly, giving
national tradition. For everyone, it’s a jovial night of harmony
students and faculty who might not routinely cross paths an op-
and fellowship. This same spirit permeates less formal events.
portunity to mingle. These sit-down meals remained a hallmark
The tailgate at Holderness Day, for example, was a scrappier but
of everyday life until the early 1970s, when renovations and
no less scrumptious jamboree that performed the same unifying
kitchen enhancements ushered a shift to cafeteria-style dining.
Meals may have become less ritualized, but an appreciation
The best culinary-infused events of Tabor’s past and present
for the sanctity of breaking bread as a community has never
may have different looks, sounds, and tastes, but they use the
disappeared. Throughout Tabor’s history, food has played a
same basic ingredients: school pride and community engage-
prominent role in strengthening communal bonds and marking
ment. Below, we take a closer look at some of the most memo-
important occasions. There have been many memorable meals.
rable meals and traditions that have brought us together over
Some are connected to storied traditions; others are more of
the years.
24 TABOR TODAY | Spring 2022