ALUMNI CONNECTIONS From Director of Alumni Relations Andrew McCain ’84 In partnership with the Alumni Council, we continue our efforts to build community among Tabor alumni. Two years of COVID-19 restrictions forced us to pivot away from traditional means of bringing alumni together, such as in-person reunions and regional events, and toward virtual programming. Beginning in late February, however, and running right through to
Speaking of volunteering, the Executive Committee of the
reunion, we hope to return to some semblance of “normal.”
Alumni Council has committed to three priorities for the current
We took a test run with an in-person holiday event in Boston
year. These include:
and were thrilled by the turnout. Alumni were clearly desirous of the chance to reconnect and to meet new Head of School Tony Jaccaci. Encouraged by this response, we have scheduled a full menu of events aimed at keeping us fully connected in New York City, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and Sarasota. We wish we could be in more locations and look
• working to improve communication between the school and its alumni • assisting the Alumni Relations Office with engagement opportunities • building a comprehensive Alumni Council structure with a class representative from each class
forward to holding similar events in other locations during the
The Council is currently looking for representatives from all
2022-2023 school year. We would love you to join your fellow
classes and decades to help with this important work. If you
alumni at these events. No one has ever regretted an hour or
would like to get involved, please contact the Alumni Relations
two of catching up and reconnecting.
office directly at More hands always make for a lighter lift.
Meanwhile, we are also reintroducing on-campus events, starting with the Circle of Excellence. On the opposite page, you will
Finally, much of our communication is by email. If you received
see we plan to celebrate the 2022 Circle of Excellence awardees
this copy of Tabor Today but have not received invitations to
on April 30. We are also planning an in-person reunion (June
our regional events, it is likely because we do not have your cur-
10-12) for the first time since June of 2019 for all classes ending
rent email address. If you want to be included in these events,
in 2s and 7s. In addition, Tabor has committed to bringing back
the alumni e-newsletter Currents, and other campus updates,
the major milestone reunions—50th, 25th, and 5th—that missed
please visit to view our
their in-person reunion in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19.
alumni directory and update your contact information. It only
If turnout is on par with previous years, alumni should fill
takes a minute. Or share your contact information with us by
almost every bed on campus. Therefore, we are limited to
email at
catching up with only those milestone classes. We have rented a second tent and are looking forward to quite a weekend.
Of course, to say that it has been an interesting few years is an
Reunion is for alumni, but we would be lying if we said our
understatement. We are proud of the work of our office and of
team was not excited to finally get back under the tent and
our many volunteers in keeping alumni engagement front and
put on another great celebration. If you want to get involved
center in these interesting and trying times. I suspect we will
in reunion planning and classmate outreach, please contact the
come back better because of that effort in the years ahead.
Alumni Relations office
We are eager for a bright future.
62 TABOR TODAY | Spring 2022