K9 Rescue - The Number One Dog Rescue Magazine

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RESCUE Magazine Issue 1 Spring 2016

Food Aggression: Steps to take to get rid of it!

Does your dog have bad breath? True Life Rehoming Stories

K9focus Dog Rescue e The number one dog rescue magazine f

Everyone Deserves A Holiday


Editors Note


elcome dog lovers to the first issue of K9 Rescue.

I am so excited to start this wonderful journey with you all. The number of dogs up for adoption is staggering and they all deserve a loving family, so I hope this magazine finds the right people willing to give a pup a home. Now I am sure that you are all aware, I did not work on this issue alone. I had office dog, Jack Russell cross Yorkshire Terrier, Roos, holding my hand the whole way through, making this issue, extra fun for you all. This issue showcases K9focus - a rescue centre, fantastic rehoming stories, training tips and more. We both have our paws crossed that you and your furbabies will enjoy K9 Rescue. I also want to say a special thank you to Matt Saunders for his column, and to K9focus for taking part, and to all those that contributed heart warming stories. It has been great to work wi th some truly amazing people on the first magazine. I hope this continues for many issues to come.

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Take a sneaky sniff at this issue: News

Behaviour & Welfare


Have you clipped your dog? New condition to the dangerous dog act!

Food Agression How to stop it!




Ask The Vet!

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Matt Saunders answers your questions.

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Pup Style


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Rehoming Success Stories - p18



Meet Diesel The Rescue Dog

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The outbreak of the babesiosis infection!



Dog Depression. Does your dog have it?







that made us bark out load!

“Turn left. Turn Left. TURN LEFT! Well we missed the exit.”

Poppy 6 , driving the car and Chole 13 giving directions. Yorkshire Terriers from Dorest. Owner: Pat Coffin

Follows us at: K9 Rescue Magazine


K9 Rescue Magazine





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ed p p i h c u o Have y your dog? On April the 6th 2016, it will become compulsory for all dogs over 8 weeks old to be micro-chipped in both England and Scotland. The new rules came into effect at the beginning of this year, but was announced 3 years ago by Government plans. Northern Ireland was the first area within the Untied Kingdom to enforce this law back in April 2012. By micro chipping dogs, it is hoped that if your pet gets lost or stolen it will be easier to reunite them with their rightful owners. But there is more to chipping your dog then meets the eye, as you need to keep updated details on the database. For example if you move or if the dog goes to a new owner or worst-case scenario the dog dies. Sadly this law has come into power because a minority of owners are not responsible when it comes to looking after their dogs. As the law is enforced, it will become easier to prosecute those that have done wrong. If you haven’t got your dog chipped before the 6th you could be in trouble. If your dog is found to not have a chip you could face a fine of £500. Many organisations are offering free micro chipping so there is really no excuse for pet owners to not have chipped their dog.


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Thousands of dogs are rescued each year, many of them might not ever find a family.

Adopt A Dog Today


Lynne Hall and Lizzie Maggs with Charlie the dog.



All About

K9 focus Phone: 07971 461806 Email: lynne@k9focus.co.uk Website: www.k9focus.co.uk Charity Registration: 1142968


9focus was founded on 1st August 2010 and aims to rescue, rehabilitate and the rehome abused and abandoned dogs, while strongly believing in teaching ‘Responsible Ownership’ through education. K9focus regularly gives talks at schools and groups about neutering and micro chipping. All dogs leave the rescue fullyvaccinated, micro chipped and neutered (unless for health reasons). Lynne and her husband, Nicholas Hall ran a successful management development and financial services training company for 20 years before sadly at the age of 50 Lynne had a stroke. While recovering from her ordeal, Lynne started to volunteer for another rescue, until she was ready to go back to work. While she continued to volunteer, things just didn’t seem to mesh with the other charity; she didn’t like how certain things were done, as it just wasn’t how she would have done it. That is when her husband suggested the idea of starting a rescue. The seed was planted. Lynne went to adopt a German shepherd from the local authority pound, when she was shocked to find that there was so many dogs waiting to be given and home and even more distressing that dogs were only given 7 days before they were put to sleep. This experience gave Lynne the nudge to start her own rescue. So K9focus was kick started into action. Did we mention, she ran this charity along side her other business. Her world was flipped upside down, from an uncertain future of not going back to work to running two different businesses. Lynne is the main face of the rescue, working within several aspects, such as public relations, fundraising, marketing, recruitment, social media, accounts and keeping up to check with the website and charity shop. And of course getting to care for the beautiful dogs.


Charities Although the charity was funded by both Lynne and her husband, Nicholas spends more time in the background providing IT and admin support.

Lizzie Maggs playing with Charlie the Jack Russell

The rescue started of as a breed specific rescue, taking in Lynne’s favourite breed; German Shepards. But after a number of visits to Pounds to collect dogs on death row, Lynne and Nick decided that all dogs deserved a second chance and so K9focus became a generic dog rescue taking everything from St. Bernards to Chihuahua’s. When the rescue was first formed it was rescuing about 1 dog a month and this has grown to 2 dogs a week! Numbers are still restricted as obviously it is down to how much money can be raised to keep the dogs in kennels. No official funding is forthcoming for the rescue and so it has to be self-sufficient.


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Ezma the Mascot


Meet Ezma, the mascot for K9focus. This gorgeous German Shepard came to the rescue very ill and is now making a remarkable recovery. However having been at the rescue for so long battling a tumour, she creped into the hearts of all those around her and has been foster by the kennel master. Now she plays the important role of greeting the potential owners, showing the K9focus dogs have the biggest hearts. h

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Events 16th April

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News K9focus are celebrating the future as planning permission has been submitted to build kennels at Shepherds View and fingers crossed building is planned to start in May 2016. With finally being able to have kennels on site it will bring Lynne and the rescue several benefits, it will be cost saving and allow fantastic opportunities for meetings with potential new owners and their dogs. It is also better for volunteers to be able to visit and work with the dogs and in doing so giving the rescue the chance to better their knowledge of the dogs within the rescue and the ability for them to offer work experiences placements. k



Want to give Charlie his forever home? Contact Lynne at: 07971 461806



Give a Pup a home! Charlie Jack Russell Terrier Age 5 Are you looking for a happy, playful and loving dog? Then Charlie is everything you want! Charlie is a 5 year old male Jack Russell Terrier who has been around the rescue on and off for two years, after having been in several different homes and then returned time and time again, due to bad leash manners. But the fantastic volunteers at the charity have been working closely with Charlie to get rid of these issues and from what K9 Rescue Magazine saw on a trip to meet the joyful chappy, those issue are almost non-existed. Charlie loves to play; his favourite toy is the Kong, especially when it is filled with peanut butter, he loves to run and be around people. He is a beautiful and intelligent boy who needs the right owner to help him be the best pup he cane be. He knows a range of tricks from sit, lie down, running back and forth at the call of his name and much more.


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If you have any inquiries about this handsome boy and want to find out more about him and his needs, do not hesitate to get in touch with the rescue. Charlie could be the perfect extra to your family.



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A special thank you to Lynne Hall, for working with me closely, in both providing information and work towards this section of the magazine.

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Photo Feature

Photo Feature

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Diesel The Rescued Dog M

eet Diesel, the fun loving, playful 8-yearold Yorkshire Terrier! He’s had a few changes to his home life, due to unforeseen circumstances, having lived with different members of the same family on one occasion and through no fault of his own got moved from house to house before finding companionship

with the Walkers. Having settled, Diesel now loves his new family, going on adventures to the beach, forests and to gettogethers, showing the world what a happy little chappy he is. He may have had to adapt to various homes along the way, but now he has his forever home and from what we saw he loves it and his family loves him. d


Pup Photo Cover Style Feature Shoot



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Photo Cover Pup Feature Shoot Style

Pup Style

Dog Rescue Stories With so many dogs up for adoption, it is always nice to hear success stories, where they have fit in and have adjusted to family life perfectly!

Before arriving in the Manning’s’ household in 2013, Boycie was very nervous and scared of people after having been found as a stray. He required a lot of training to help him adapt to home life, but nearly two years later Boycie is now a completely different dog: “He is a couch potato, always lounging and loves to play with us or his toys”

i ie Saluk : Boyc ross Name Lurcher c anning M : Breed r: Jasmine e n Ow

After being brought in as a stray around the age of 3, Rhonda was underweight and had kennel cough. But in June 2015 she was adopted into a lovely family who took the time to care for her. Her cough is now gone and her weight is perfect. Rhonda has come a long way, from the dog she used to be and that smile says it all.

f Mastif rman : She eiler cross e m a N w : Rott rris Breed r: Andy Ha e n w O


Name : Breed Rhonda : Staf fo Owne r: Am rdshire B ull Te anda rrier Hall

Sherman was a stray in Burton-upon-Trent. He was pretty much wild when he was rescued. Sadly, due to his behaviour he has had several homes before Andy Harris and his wife were able to give him the training and attention needed. He came to his new family with ‘food aggression’. But that was 4 years ago, and his owner Andy was overjoyed that Sherman has gone from strength to strength and now the aggression has pretty much gone and even now he surprises them with how loveing and understanding he is. Want to have you Rescue dogs story told, email K9Rescue@gmail. com and tell us all about your furbaby.

Pup Style Ceri was taken into the home of Rachel H. Weightman and her family almost ten years ago. Ceri needed to be good with children and she fit the bill, making herself at home within no time. However, she came to the Weightman family with previous behaviour issues such as bad leash manners and barking, which is now a thing of the past due to training and unconditional love.

rman Ceri ss Ge : o r e c m r Na he : Lurc an Breed rd ightm e W . e H h Shep r: Rachel e n w O Normally you get to chose the dog you adopted, but that is not what happened to Diesel and his owner Becca, Diesel chose her! “I took him on until I could find him a home.” But now 4 years later Becca couldn’t be without the happy fella. He didn’t have the best of lives before his new home, but now he has does and he has done much more than anyone thought possible “He’s my world and he saved me as much as I saved him he’s shown me how loving Staffies are”

Name : Breed Diesel : Staf fo Owne r: Bec rdshire B ull ca Ch andle Terrier r

Wilson was born in a rescue centre when his mum was taken in after being used as a bait dog. Unfortunately, out of his siblings he was the only one to survive. He just wanted love and attention and Lorraine Gale-Tiley provided him with both. “The whole family loves him, we take him everywhere: to the beach, to pubs, on long walks and camping holidays.”

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Lady started off going from between homes and shelters, until she found the right family for her. She was stressed in kennels and aggressive towards dogs. When she came to Deborah as a foster dog, she was scared and timid. But now 2 years later, she hasn’t left Deborah. “She’s now full of life and wants to be with me all the time, she knows she isn’t going back to the kennel anymore.”

Name : Breed Lady Owne : Stafford sh r: Deb orah ire Bull Te Godd r ard rier


Pup Style

Pup Style

Dog Depression Dogs are our furry companions, keeping us happy through the rough times; sharing their unconditional love with about everyone they met. Sadly, just like humans they do suffer from mental illnesses and one the most common illness they face is depression. Dog depression receives a variety of opinions, however it is an issue owners should be not be taking a relaxed view to. Words by Natasha Caines

Pup Style


lthough it has been less researched canines can have depression, just like humans and they normally show the same symptoms. A study taken place in 2015 by vets in Switzerland found a link between dogs and them living with mental illnesses. The study showed that a change in lifestyle could affect the dogs hugely. It has even been suggested that our own behaviour towards our pets could be causing the problem. One of the most common signs of depression is a change in behaviour, similar to humans. Dogs tend to show low energy, where there once was a high amount of vitality, accompanied with a lack of interest in doing what they once loved, as well as becoming withdrawn from the people around them. Other usual symptoms can be excessive sleeping, poor appetite and inactivity; it is even noted that dogs may begin to stay in one section of the house, refusing to leave.


However other canines can display the complete opposite symptoms, for example over eating and restlessness, where they are unable to settle down and will not sleep. Even a dog’s body language can dictate their mood. A limp tail instead of the usual perky high wagging tail cans almost always signpost depression. However it is important to note that not every sign can indicate your pets’ issue as depression, but could actually mean other nasty illnesses. If any of these symptoms have become present in your dog, it is highly recommended to go and seek professional advice. It could be a warning of a potentially fatal condition. There are a lot of different reasons why dogs are depressed; some however are more common than others. If an owner suffers from depression, it is very easy for the dog to also pick up on the feelings and develop the condition. Sometimes, when someone

Pup Style

is suffering with this illness, taking care of simple chores can be difficult, including looking after a dog. Thus increasing the chances of the dog getting depressed. Another factor that could contribute to a dog mood is the death of loved ones. Whether it is an owner or a close family member to even another pet the dog was close to. The one reason we love dogs is their capability of love and affection, but in doing so they create strong bonds, just like humans. Then when a death occurs, it is possible that it makes them feel lost, sad and anxious. Sometimes dogs can show signs of depression, not because of the present but because of the past. Sadly dogs that have come from abusive households before finding their forever home might show signs of depression, along with aggression. This will happen because they didn’t feel safe or happy, and are still nervous in

their new home, but after a little tender loving care, they should become more relaxed. Environment can also play an important role when it comes to emotions. For example moving into a new home, or something changing such as a new pet or baby being added to the family, can sometimes cause dogs to feel uneasy which could lead to depression, as they are unsure about the change in situation and schedule. This is the same when the dog is left alone for a long period of time, regularly throughout the week, they often become sad and lonely. Dogs are pack animals, and need companionship to feel happy and content. Some people would say you shouldn’t have a pet if you are working long hours, but others will say to hire a dog walker or sitter to visit your dog daily to give them the attention they need. g


Pup Style


Pup Style How to keep a healthy and happy dog without placing your pooch on tablets. The list of possible reasons why dogs can get depression is continuous. One thing that can trigger one dog, may not affect another. But there are many ways and remedies to help avoid having a depressed dog. Exercise is one of the best ways to increase a dog’s mood as it helps release happy hormones: endorphins. There are many ways to exercise your dog from walking and playing games like fetch and catch or arranging play dates with other dogs and even training your dog in agility. Exercise is also a perfect way to give your dog the extra attention they want. Fussing over them, brushing their fur and giving them dog friendly treats or even having cuddles on the sofa, shows the dog signs of affection displaying you truly do care about them keeping them happy and content. Most dogs love being around company, whether it is people or other animals. Make sure you socialise your dog. They love being around others. Dogs are pack animals and socialisation will help them learn to grow up to be functional canines, along with providing them with the chance to play and have fun, which will dramatically increase their mood afterwards. This can also be said for hiring help; often those who leave their dogs for long periods of time can take their pets to a day care centre. Dogs will enjoy the stimulation and often they will receive constant attention

Words of Wisdom If your dog is struggling with depression it will take time and compassion to help heal your dog. Trying to force your dog to change over night will not help and will instead increase your dog’s stress. If you ever believe your dog is showing signs of depression, do not wait for the symptoms to get worse, take them straight to the vets for help and guidance. The most important thing is the wellbeing of your canine. Have something to add to this feature? Tweet us @K9Rescue and tell us what you thought.



Food Aggression Food Aggression is a common behaviour problem among dogs and can be established by dogs being aggressive around other animals or humans when food is present. When a dog reacts it is normally an indication of them trying to tell you that it is their food and you need to stay away. However this can cause all sorts of problems, from unwanted dog bites to the dog projecting the behaviour on to other objects than just food. However like all behaviours it can be corrected, but it will take time and patience and the knowhow. c


T e ac h Playing fetch


and getting your dog to drop the toy to then throw again can be a useful tip to help stop food aggression. Give the dog the toy and then get them to give it back to you. Make sure you praise your dog when they do both the commands. This will teach the dog to give and take, an important aspect for when food is around, as it teaches your dog to share.

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a treat usually means hand feeding; this is key to establish your pack leadership (even if you only have one dog). In the wild beta wolves only get food when the alpha says it is okay and this is what is happening when you hand feed your dog. When you offer the food make sure you demand good eating manners. Do not let them grab the food from your hand, make sure they take it gently and the praise them for doing so.

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reasons dogs act up around food is that they are not used to others around them when they eat. To help with this problem many professionals have suggested getting people to walk back and forth while your dog is eating, and when they walk past to add food to the dogs bowl. This should help the dog associate others with getting more food. The dog will want people near their bowl, other then protecting it.

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EaHierarchies are important


when it comes to dogs, they need to know their place, or they believe that they are the alpha, causing its own problems within a family unit. Some dogs get above their stations and get aggressive; this can be one reason why food aggressions can become present. Make sure you or any other individuals eat first to establish dominance over the dog in the situation. Only give them food after you have finished eating. It helps teach the dog their place around food and will hopefully discourage food related aggression.

Wise words: Food aggression can be a serious issue and it is important for you to seek advice from professionals so the problem doesn’t escalate.


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Ask The Vet

f Photography: Stuart Brill

My dog has bad breath. Could it be anything serious? If not, what can be done about it? Words by Vet Matt Saunders

Dental problems in cats and dogs are unfortunately an all too familiar finding at out Veterinary Surgery, especially with our pets now living longer than ever before. In fact, it’s estimated that 75% of cats over 5 years old are in need of dental treatment. Apart from the obvious pain, poor dental health can actually lead to systemic illness as bacteria enter the bloodstream. Rarely, bacteria can lodge in the heart valves causing a life threatening condition called endocarditis. Cats and dogs are very good at hiding even significant dental pain, so signs of dental disease can be subtle. Bad breath is probably the easiest to recognise. As tarter builds up around the teeth, bacteria colonise inside tiny holes

within the plaque leading to infection and hence the smell. In dogs this is probably the most common scenario. Tarter gradually accumulates leading to reddening of the gums called gingivitis, progressing to dental infections and eventually loss of the tooth. Treatment involves anaesthetising our patients to carefully examine each tooth. We ultrasonically scale the teeth to remove the tarter with extractions in the more severely affected teeth. This will always be followed up by a treatment plan to help prevent the problems recurring, which may include special diets and regular brushing for the more co-operative patients!


j For You & Your Dog g S

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Do r u Yo


A Plush Toy In The Shape Of A Dog, Comes In 3 Colours.


Get it at: www. PlushPup. Etsy.com

Dog Bed with Anchor design, Prices Starting At:


Get it at: www.PlushPup. Etsy.com

Star Wars Dog Collar/bandana


Get it at: www. PlushPup.Etsy.com

Spoil Yours

Hand Made Corgi Stationery Set.

£ 3.41

Get it from: pupmuffinpaper.com

A plush toy bone, in grey or navy. £4.87 Get it at: www.PlushPup.Etsy.com


f! Origami Bull Terrier Gold Necklace

Corgi I-Phone Case


Toy Fox Terrier Throw Pillow


Get it from: http://www.redbubble.com/ people/christie-cudia/shop


Get it from: http://www.redbubble.com/ people/christie-cudia/shop


Get it at: www.etsy.com/shop/glorikamishop

Next Edition Of K9 Rescue Summer 2016




Issue 2 Summer2016

True Life Rehoming Stories




Where should you go this Summer?

Collieís in Action

Happy Pup Rescue

Dogs! Stories! News! Volunteers! e The number one dog rescue magazine f

Donít Miss Out!

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