2024 VIEW Fall/Winter Edition

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Department of Women Mission Statement:

“Build and Empower a More Effective Team of Women to Undergird the Department of Women and Jurisdiction on the Local, District and Jurisdictional Levels and to Glorify God.” Department of Women Vision Statement:

“Women of God Unifying to Build Better Homes, Better Churches and Better Communities”

Thank you for taking the time to read the VIEW. We are looking for your contributions for future issues. You can also let us know what additional information you would like to see printed in the newsletter.

The VIEW is looking for submissions for the following:

 Articles of interest such as technology, health/ medicine, evangelism, church growth, food/ nutrition, education, family, inspiration and wisdom, etc.)

 Ministry highlights from jurisdictional departments, auxiliaries, units, and bands AND district/local church highlights

 Persons to be put on our jurisdictional prayer wall

 Classifieds (i.e., business, services, events, community programs, etc ads are subject to approval)

If you are interested in being part of the VIEW staff (writer, columnist, photographer, art/graphic design, marketing/distribution, etc.) or interested in submitting articles for consideration, see below to contact Evangelist Errica Cooper.

Email: scgviewnewsletter@gmail.com

VIEW Telephone: (678) 877-6075

Please note that all articles submitted become the property of the VIEW and are subject to adaptation or revision. Articles submitted may or may not be published in the newsletter.

The views & opinions expressed within the VIEW are those of the writers & contributors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinions, positions, or policies of the South Central Georgia Jurisdiction.

From the Editor

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the VIEW. I can’t believe that we are already nearing the end of 2024! The year seems to have gone by so fast. I hope that, despite whatever troubles, obstacles, disappointments and struggles you’ve experienced in 2024, you are still standing tall and contending for the faith.

Our Fall/Winter edition of the VIEW features a special exclusive interview with our own Jurisdictional Supervisor Dr. Gloria and Superintendent Charles Rodgers, Sr. We hope you also enjoy reading the articles of encouragement, wisdom, and practical information. On behalf of the VIEW staff, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and a very blessed and restful Christmas, and a joyous New Year!

“Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.” Ephesians 4:3

Evangelist Errica Cooper

The Voice of the Department of Women

Mother Gloria Johnson-Rodgers

Jurisdictional Supervisor

Bishop Norman O. Harper

Jurisdictional Prelate

“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”

—Isaiah 43:18-20

Holy Greetings in the Matchless Name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, Glory to God for his power, protection, & provision throughout 2024. I honor our esteemed leader Bishop Norman Odell Harper thanking him for his visionary and progressive leadership. I would also like to thank each of you for your prayers, support, service, and ministry in the Department of Women this year.

As we look ahead into the year 2025, we must remember that without God, we can do nothing. Let us realize and believe that He is our provider, our sustainer, & our rock. In Him, we live, we move, & have our being. Let us therefore together show our complete dependence on Him through our praise, worship, & obedience.

We believe through faith and focused dependence on the Lord during this upcoming year we will continue to experience his grace and mercy and see his miraculous works in our lives and in the ministry! As we forget the hurts, disappointments, and difficulties of the past, let us turn to God with a spirit of gratitude, embracing the “new thing” he has in store: new mercies, new opportunities, new desires, and a renewed walk.

I believe 2025 is our year to thrive in God’s perfect timing! It's our year to rise up higher in our homes, local churches, jurisdictional ministries, and in our schools, and communities. As you draw nearer to God, He will draw nearer to you. As you allow him to direct your steps, praise Him as He makes your crooked places straight and the rough places smooth!

Love and God bless,

Mother Gloria Johnson-Rodgers

Supervisor, Department of Women

South Central Georgia Jurisdiction, COGIC

SCG Department of Women

P.O. Box 1580 | Columbus, GA 31902 | 706.575.6415


Knowing When To Adjust Your Focus

Dr. Rodgers is a family practice physician.

focus rather than the One being served. Martha was doing many things for Jesus without paying attention to Jesus, even though she loved Him. Do we sometimes treat the Lord in this way, or have we ever worked so many hours to provide for our families, but we are not present with our families? Have we spent time publicly ministering to others but neglected our own personal devotional time?

Both duty and worship are needed, but there must be a balance. Balance gets complicated when you consider the outside forces acting on your life: family, career, serving in the church, self-care, hobbies, friendships, community service, and other commitments can be overwhelming at times. Then at the same time, add on tasks such as becoming a caregiver, battling an illness, facing unexpected financial challenges, fighting spiritual warfare, etc.

Even though we may be good stewards, we can still get off-balance. Sometimes, the Lord will open or close doors which will allow us to optimize our time and find better balance. However, if God has given us a special task that is a full plate, we have to do our best to steward that assignment.

Balance is not measured by allotting equal time to everything, but it begins with having faith and being committed to seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. It starts with managing one’s time and resources that serves God’s purposes using God’s principles (the Bible), resulting in a life of peace, joy, and contentment.

To maintain balance in the Biblical sense, we must surrender our will and ourselves to God’s will and purpose. Romans 12:1-2 says, “I beseech you […] that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Yielding to God deepens our relationship with Him, and gives us access to our inner GPS (God-Positioning System) of the Holy Spirit to guide our decisions about everything else in life.


(Balancing Our Time According to Scripture)

God intended from the beginning that we should work (Genesis 2:15). Work is something God does and continues to do (Philippians 1:6; 2:13). Jesus said, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working” (John 5:17). The Bible tells us our most important duty is to “Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart […] and to love thy neighbor as thyself (Matthew 22:37-39). Under those two commands, we have many other responsibilities, all of them time-consuming:

• Work (Proverbs 10:4-5) and Rest (Exodus 20:10-11)

• Take care of our family (1 Timothy 5:8)

• Love our spouse (Ephesians 5:25)

• Train our children (Ephesians 6:4)

• Pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

• Study & meditate on the word (2 Timothy 2:15; Joshua 1:8)

• Live by faith (Hebrews 10:38; Habakkuk 2:4)

• Help the needy (1 John 3:17)

• Fellowship with other believers (Ephesians 5:19; Hebrews 10:25)

• Witness the gospel to unbelievers (Matthew 28:19-20), and much more.

There is an urgent mandate for believers to work redeeming the time. Jesus said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4). Our work fulfill God’s purpose. We are coworkers with God (1 Corinthians 3:9). Because there is a time for service and worship, both are needed, and it is up to us to wisely discern when and to what extent of each.

There will always be warning signs when areas of our lives are off-balance. If something is wrong with our health (physical or emotional), we may experience pain, irritability, fatigue, lack of concentration, loss of sleep, digestive issues, etc. Similarly, when we need to refocus on the Lord, warning signs will be present. How do you know when to step back and refocus?


(1) Irritability (anger, frustration, blaming others)

(2) Neglect (family, church, self, etc.)

(3) Anxiety (worry, stress, loneliness, doubt, loss of sleep, etc.)

(4) Distance from God and/or God’s people

(Compromise, Pride, Avoiding Church/Fellowship, Lack of Prayer/Reading the Bible)

Focus means to direct your attention or to concentrate on something. If we are focused on Christ the author & finisher of our faith, then He has our attention. Colossians 3:1 says, “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Paul is telling us that we should focus our hearts and minds on eternal things, seeking God's will above our own.


• Am I quick to anger? Am I rude, or do I snap at others?

• Is there anger or emotional distance from a spouse? Are the children acting out? Is my body showing signs that something is wrong?

• Am I worrying and losing sleep? Do I feel alone and like God doesn’t care? Am I focusing on the problem instead of on God’s ability to provide?

• Do I only pray when I am in need? Am I putting everything else before God? Do I find excuses to avoid going to church? Have I stopped reading my Bible? Have I stopped showing love?


“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.” Matthew 23:23 The idea here is clear: we should consider what is “weightier” in God’s sight and give that same importance to it in our lives in order to find that well-adjusted "balance" that we all seek.

1) Develop a Routine and Prioritize. Maintaining balance includes determining your top priorities, intentionally scheduling your time, & setting healthy boundaries. Try to establish a routine for devotion, family time, and self-care. Just like Mary took time from serving to sit at Jesus’ feet, set aside time in your day for quiet reflection. Begin and end your day with prayer and scripture reading. This practice keeps your focus on God’s priorities and helps you realign your actions with His will. Make family time a priority – dinner together, communication, devotion time with the children, date nights, vacation, etc. Set healthy boundaries and be consistent. Guard your heart concerning things you take in and take on and guard your time! Try to have a cutoff from work: Determine not to read emails or take calls after a certain time. Learn to say no to some things, so you can say yes to priorities.

2) Keep Clear Lines of Communication with Your Spouse. Put your spouse’s needs at the top of the list. Share what is going on at work. Let your spouse know if you need help. Discuss the family – include events/activities, problems, and issues but also discuss the balance or imbalance of the family schedule and make changes as needed.

3) Do Not Let Serving God Distract You from Receiving from God. Being busy is not the same as being productive in Christ. Don’t be distracted by serving. The Lord wants us to serve from a place of health and vibrancy – in each area of our lives. In order POUR OUT and still be full, you must refill and nourish your souls as Jesus did – by meditating on the word, praying continuously, and fasting often. The Holy Spirit will replenish you regularly as you spend time with Him.

4) Do Not Neglect Self-Care. Prioritize self-care (spiritual, physical, mental, emotional). You cannot pour from an empty cup. Take time off from work. Get proper rest and sleep. Find a hobby or something that you enjoy (walking, reading, puzzles, etc.) If you fail to care for your own well-being, you will be unable to care for others or effectively fulfill your assignments. If warning signs appear, listen. Make & keep your wellness checkups! Part of self-care is knowing when to rest. After pouring himself into others, Jesus would often resign to pray and sleep. Luke 5:16 says that, “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” He spent time in prayer and fellowship with God. This was His time to refuel, recharge, and refill.

5) Focus on God by Resting in His Grace. Martha was “worried and upset about many things,” which echoes from frustration. If you are not careful, you can be like Martha, in the presence of God, but still being stressed out, frustrated, and complaining. Worry often stems from our attempts to control situations instead of trusting in God. Martha was trying to control Jesus and Mary because she was shouldering all the work on her own and felt that the Lord didn’t care about her problems. Remember, Jesus said “Cast ALL your care upon HIM because he cares for you!” As long as Peter focused on Jesus, he was able to walk on water! (1 Peter 5:7)

6) Receive Help When Needed. Just because you’ve been called to lead a life of service doesn’t mean that you have to serve everyone and do everything all by yourself. Receiving help includes delegating, whenever possible, in the workplace, church, or home such as assigning chores to the older children or letting your spouse know you need help. Receiving help also allows for accountability: Many times, others recognize when we’re pouring too much of ourselves into work before we do. Give people you trust permission to point out when they see an imbalance in areas of your life. When Moses’ father-in-law Jethro saw that Moses was overextending himself trying to judge the people alone, he encouraged Moses to get help: “Thou wilt surely wear away, both thou, and this people that is with thee: for this thing is too heavy for thee; thou art not able to perform it thyself alone” (Exodus 18:18). Moses listened and enlisted help of those he trusted.

7) Choose the Good Part. We often exert time and energy on empty pursuits, or we fail to “lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us” (Hebrews 12:1) The word beset means to be thwarted in every direction. Jesus did not dismiss Martha’s concerns, but he did redirect her focus. Sometimes, we simply take on too many “extra” assignments and miss out on the good things. Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly part of that abundance comes from peace that only HE can provide.

Choosing the good part involves being content and being good stewards of what we have been given. Mary prioritized her spiritual well-being during a moment she deemed needful. There will be a time to work, but when God is moving, you don’t want to be so busy working that you miss out on God best.

Whether we find ourselves like Martha, taking care of others, or seeking peace and joy at the feet of Jesus, like Mary, we can be confident that the Lord will reward our faithfulness with divine favor and grace.


Jurisdictional Ministry Highlight

SCG Youth Department: Impacting Young People’s


Elder Hill is the President of the Department of Youth of South Central Georgia. Evangelist Dionne Allen is the Chairlady of the Department of Youth.

The fire of faith burns bright in the hearts of young people, and as the SCG Youth President, I have the privilege of fanning those flames. My role is not just to teach, but to inspire, connect, develop, to mentor, and to empower the next generation to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Young people today face a world of challenges and uncertainties, from social media pressures to mental health concerns. But in the midst of it all, they are hungry for authenticity, for community, and for a sense of purpose.

That’s where we come in – the youth pastors, leaders, and mentors who can offer guidance, support, and a listening ear. We can help young people discover their passions, develop their gifts, and deepen their faith.

Through dynamic worship, relevant teaching, and hands-on ministry, we can create an environment where young people feel seen, heard, and valued. We can encourage them to take risks, to step out in faith, and to make a difference in their world. But it’s not just about the programs or the events – it’s about building relationships, earning trust, and showing young people that we genuinely care. It’s about being a positive influence, a role model, and a friend.

But it s not just about the programs or the events – it’s about building relationships, earning trust, and showing young people that we genuinely care. It’s about being a positive influence, a role model, and a friend.

Here are a few ways suggestions of encouraging young people to stay connected to the church:

1. *Mentorship programs*: Pair them with older, wiser mentors who can offer guidance and support.

2. *Youth-led ministries*: Empower them to take ownership of their faith by leading worship, preaching, or running small groups.

3. *Service projects*: Organize community service events, mission trips, or volunteer opportunities that put their faith into action.

4. *Bible studies and small groups*: Create spaces for them to explore their faith, ask questions, and build relationships.

5. *Leadership development*: Offer training and resources to help them develop their gifts and passions.

6. *Inclusive worship*: Incorporate music, art, and technology that resonates with their generation.

7. *Real-talk sermons*: Address relevant issues like mental health, relationships, and social justice.

8. *Fun and fellowship*: Host events, games, and activities that foster community and belonging.

9. *Practical outreach*: Support them in sharing their faith with friends, family, and online networks.

10. *Celebrate milestones*: Recognize and celebrate their achievements – spiritual and personal.

11. *Listen and validate*: Create a safe space for them to share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns.

12. *Empower their passions*: Support their ideas & initiatives, even if they might not fit the traditional mold.

By implementing these strategies, you can help young people feel seen, heard, and valued, and encourage them to stay connected to the church and its community. I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives, to heal hurts, and to bring hope to the hopeless. I believe that young people can be vessels for God’s glory, and that they can make a real difference in their world. After all, somebody believed in and invested in me. So let’s rise to the challenge, let’s seize the moment, and let’s invest in the lives of young people. Let’s show them that their faith matters, that their voice counts, and that their future is bright. Together, we can make a difference, one life at a time.

“Resolving Church Conflict Biblically in Modern Times”


and he is

Church conflict is not new to the world, nor will be even in the future. Where there is more than one person, conflict can ensue, for conflict is a clash or disagreement between two or more individuals (or groups) who differ or oppose the other. It could just be a difference of opinion, preference or ideology that could move a relationship from a state of mutuality and comradery to disagreement and conflict. While the friendship in the comradery can move to friendly conflict or rivalry, sometimes the conflict can move a stage further to hostility. It is when conflict becomes unbearable, hostile, and even violent, that resolution is needed, hence giving the title, “Conflict Resolution.” Resolution is simply the act of bringing a solution to the conflict and resolving the issue.

The two or more parties may yet disagree on some matters, but the overall solution is to resolve the conflict, hostile or violent as it may be to bring about some form of agreement, the previous comradery, or restoration of the relationship. It is ultimately to bring back some harmony or togetherness among the opposers. Our society in times past has had such friendly conflict and rivalry among sports and other competitions, even in the political world (Democrats verses Republican), but now conflict is seen in surmountable levels in our society among ethnic groups/races, political parties, gangs, religious groups, relationships, and in many other areas of our life. People have become more selfish and self-centered, angry, hateful, and even revengeful, causing more to be requested and manifested in resolving conflict.

Conflict goes back to the beginning of time, back to the Garden of Eden, just a few days after God had created all things including mankind. It was the serpent who approached Eve with a differing opinion of what God had stated to them, thereby causing Eve to influence Adam and then both sinning against God. It is here we see the first act of Conflict Resolution, chapter three where God confronts Adam, and then again in chapter four where God confronts Cain. In today’s corporate world, Conflict Resolution is an important task of the Human Resource Departments and even in Leadership, where guidelines are given in resolving issues and conflicts in the workplace. Two basic topics in the resolution that are addressed deal with causes and strategies. Note an excerpt on these two topics from the Champlain College Online (https://online.champlain.edu/ blog/top-conflict-resolution-strategies):

“What causes conflict in the workplace? According to the Harvard Business Review, most workplace dust-ups (issues) can be attributed to just four factors:

1. Poor communication

2. Unclear performance expectations

3. Time management issues

4. Cloudy definitions of employee roles

Top 5 Conflict Management Strategies

1. Address the Conflict

2. Clarify the Issue Causing the Conflict

3. Bring the Involved Parties Together to Talk

4. Identify a Solution

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” —Hebrews 12:14

Biblical Foundations for Conflict Resolution

Yet, God shows us from His Word on resolving conflict as He proceeds in the Book of Genesis in chapters three (3) and four (4), followed by Jesus’s comments in the Gospel of St. Matthew, and finally with words from the Apostle Paul in his Galatian Epistle.

In Genesis, God gives us the first example in handling conflict.

1. God keeps communication with Adam and Eve and comes to them in the cool of the day. Sometimes it’s good to address matters not in the heat of the moment, but sometimes later so people get RE-ASSESS and RE-SET.

“Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.” —Matthew 18:15

2. After calling out to them, Adam replies, “I heard you, but I was naked and hid myself.” God addresses the issue causing this problem, brings the parties (Adam, Eve, and the serpent) together, and brings the solution, the consequences of their disobedience.

3. It’s quite simple in process, yet it can be difficult in execution. It must be done, but one can be quite reluctant for several reasons, e.g. the people involved, the confrontation, etc.

In St. Matthew 18:15-20, Jesus tells us how to handle someone who has done you wrong.

1. In verse 15, we’re to go to that person ALONE, and tell him/her the fault/issue. If the matter is handled and received, the conflict is resolved, and your brother is restored (gained).

2. Verse 16, the next level if he/she does NOT hear (want to resolve), “take with you one or two more (witnesses),” to address the matter and validate that everyone is coming in GOOD FAITH to resolve, and bring reconciliation (also, Deuteronomy 19:15).

3. Verse 17, if levels one and two above are NOT received, the matter is to be brought to the church (Pastor/Leadership) for resolution and we trust that processes are in place to address/handle all actions.

Healthy conflict resolution produces CHANGE! — If we “brush things under the rug” and never seek forgiveness, reconciling, healing broken relationships, exhorting one another, or truly building one another up, we are dismissing an important function of the Body of Christ.

In Galatians 6:1, Paul gives us all the underlying disposition of believers to anyone who may error/sin.

1. We must be spiritual – possessing the heart and mind of Christ.

2. We must restore – don’t throw one away for a sin committed; confront lovingly and tenderly and bring back the harmony.

3. We must be considerate – being sympathetic because we may error in something else in the future.


1. Members Who Bring Division, or

2. Members Who Disrespect Leadership, or

3. Pastors Who Fail or Make Mistakes,

…these strategies corporately or biblically work. There may be some differing measures by various establishments, but keeping these basics concepts of causes and strategies will help to resolve conflict. The conflict must be addressed and clarified, the concerned parties must come together to collaborate, and a solution must come to end the dispute/conflict. Taking the opportunity to review causes and strategies with the biblical dispositions will aid anyone in their next conflict and bring about resolution and even reconciliation.

Mother Rodgers: My greatest success has been my relationship with the Lord & hearing His voice. As Supervisor, I have also been able to include women who want to work (in all age groups) in various capacities to assist in the work of the ministry in the Department of Women.

VIEW: Mother, how important has family been to you support-wise in this journey so far?

Mother Rodgers: Family is everything. I am so grateful for having a loving and supportive husband. I am thankful for our children, Gwendolyn (Gwen), Charles Jr. (Chip), Elizabeth Megan (Liz), and Adam James and the sacrifices and support from one and all such as driving for me. We spend time together regularly such as having brunch together or Sunday dinners when we can. Even our grandchildren Charlie & Alex support me and enjoy being part of the ministry.

VIEW: Thank you again Superintendent Rodgers for taking the time to talk with us. Mother Rodgers has been singing your praises regarding how supportive you have been. What has been the biggest or most significant challenge for you as the husband of the Jurisdictional Supervisor?

Superintendent Rodgers: Let me say this... It is important for me to present a persistent cover of prayer, support, love & availability for whatever she might need.

VIEW: What is one piece of advice you would give the spouse of a woman in ministry?

Superintendent Rodgers: You must maintain an attitude of humility, supportiveness, and servanthood and a spirit of “submissiveness to one another” as the Bible mentions in Ephesians 5:22-23.

VIEW: Since Supervisor Rodgers is also co-pastor of your church Cathedral of Prayer, is there ever a conflict when it comes to gender roles in the home?

Superintendent Rodgers: There is no conflict.

“Oneness and being equally yoked” starts first in courtship & marriage and then carries on thereafter in church, religion, positions, and we are [equally yoked].

VIEW: Superintendent, how do you deal with criticism of your wife?

Superintendent Rodgers: Amazingly, there is rarely ever any significant criticism because of her prayer life, and her friendliness & warmth to everybody that she meets.

VIEW: Mother Rodger, back to you. You are busy on all fronts. How do you manage your engagements and responsibilities with the energy and enthusiasm that you display? How do you balance time for yourself, your family, and the ministry?

Mother Rodgers:

and God gives me the strength that I need, and I manage through much prayer & with the help of my family, my extended family, & my church family. I am also very passionate about my faith and my devotional life. I believe in putting God first, family second, and then ministry. The Lord has blessed me with other passionate and capable people who labor with me in ministry. As far as balancing self doctor, I am aware of what can happen when we don care of ourselves, so I set boundaries like getting rest when I need it. Even small things like walking with my husband that time together not only keeps us close, but I am able to just relax and refuel.

VIEW: Do you have any regrets that you can share with the readers?

Mother Rodgers: If I could go back and change one thing, I would be less strict with the children. I am thankful that all four children love the Lord, but if I could go back I would show more grace & mercy with them. However, my daughter Gwen told me, “You taught on the level that you lived. She said she found no fault in the way that I taught them.

VIEW: As you move forward, where do you see the Department of Women of South Central Georgia n in 5 years? (Accomplishments, Goals, Objectives, etc.)

Mother Rodgers: First and foremost, hearing the voice of God. I see unity, strength, victory, and walking in deliverance. I anticipate growth in the areas of outreach and soulwinning. Also, we are moving towards accreditation for the SCG School of Ministry. Certainly, it is my hope and my belief that the Lord is going to bless us to realize our vision of better homes, better schools, better communities, and a better world!

VIEW: How long have you been married? You and Mother Rodgers exhibit respect and true love for one another. What advice can you give to other couples in ministry on having a “thriving” marriage?

Superintendent Rodgers: It has been 43 years, but it seems like only yesterday. Just work on making each day a loving experience and always be quick to ask for forgiveness and also, place your spouse ahead of yourself.

VIEW: That is beautiful and very sound advice. What do when you have time off (together as a couple or family or individually)?

Superintendent Rodgers: We love to take walks in the park, talking and holding hands. As a family, we try to spend time together, & we laugh a lot!

VIEW: What is one thing you haven’t done that you would like to do or accomplish?

Superintendent Rodgers: I am honestly working on leaving [my wife] a million dollars to use however she pleases because of all her dedication & love for Lord and her love for the people she meets along the way.

VIEW: How thoughtful! Finally, Superintendent, in one word, describe Mother Gloria Johnson-Rodgers. Why does that word fit her?

Superintendent Rodgers: “Graceful.” She has the hard to find quality that causes her to love everyone she meets and to cause them to feel that warmth and love inside their heart.

VIEW: Mother Rodgers, you heard what your husband said about you in ONE word (smiling). So, I will ask you the same question. In ONE word, please describe Superintendent Charlies Rodgers. Why does THAT WORD fit him?

Mother Rodgers: “Sacrificial.” He thinks of others, and he loves his wife and family. I asked the Lord for someone who was smarter than I. The Lord blessed me with a husband who is on the genius level, and he is a mastermind with the word.

VIEW: Beautiful! Thank you both so very much for your time, honesty, & encouragement. May God continue to bless you and your family and the ministry!

Mother Rodgers served as a member, VicePresident and President of the Examining Board for the International Women’s Department, Church of God in Christ, INC 2001, 2006, 2015-2017 respectively. She serves on the highest board in the International Women’s Department, Executive Board, as member and secretary 2007, 2011 respectively as well as a member of the McGlothen House Board 2000-2017.

Dr. Gloria Johnson-Rodgers has been blessed with an impeccable professional career and has received numerous awards. However, her first love, the elderly, has brought her full circle and now she is doing what she enjoys most, providing care to those who can by no other means support themselves through the Gwendolyn Wilkes Rainbow Center founded in 1993.

Mother Rodgers serves locally and abroad in outreach. Mother Rodgers is the author of two books, “Author of Offense” and “Spirits”, and has received numerous awards nationally and internationally to include the National Caring Award, Washington, D.C.; Marion Merrell Dow Humanitarian Award, Bola Immaculate Award, Nigeria, West Africa; Charming Shoppes, Inc., Community Service Award; Sojourner Truth Award, the highest award given by the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club, Inc., Washington, D.C.; President Bush’s National Points of Light Foundation Award; and the National Black Caucus Award, Water4 Ambassador to the World just to name a few. (Bio information taken from http://southcentralga.com/mgloria.html.)

Are You a Brand Builder

What is a brand? A product/ service or concept that is publicly distinguished from others so that it can be easily recognized and received.

What is brand building? Brand building is the process of marketing your brand, whether that be for the purpose of building awareness, promoting it, or simply connecting with your intended audience for the purpose of establishing a relationship with them in their day-to-day lives.

In my study I reviewed an article titled, “Are you a Brand Builder or a Product Pusher?” And that is the exact question I want us to ask ourselves. A product pusher is someone who has few questions or cares to find the needs of the person. Who immediately goes into their sales pitch. Or are you a Brand builder- who connects with a person and seeks to understand- so that they can know exactly how to help. Who are people seeing, when they encounter you? How do they feel leaving your presence? What do they leave with?

The more I learned about brand building, the more I realized that it is not unlike witnessing. Something that we all are given the power to do, in tandem with the Holy Spirit. To Witness is to tell others about the forgiveness, love, deliverance of God. About the empowering, and fruitful life, you can find in Him. Being a witness to the gospel is a privilege and a decision we must make willingly- to share in the simplest of messages- there is a God and He loves you. Sharing the gospel is about connection- in fact all of this is. Branding- connecting consumers to product or service and vice versa. In the same sense, so is the process of this life, of being human, of being a believer: Connecting Us to God, one to one another, and connecting the lost back to God.

“Who are people seeing when they encounter you?’ Do they see God in you, are you allowing the Holy Spirit to orchestrate how you speak and address them? (Matt. 10:20)

‘How do they feel about leaving your presence?’ Are you connecting with them? From one soul to another. Allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you with grace, love, and empathy, so that is what they receive from your encounter. (John 13:34-35)

‘What do they leave with?’ Are they leaving with the truth of the gospel- that there is a God. That He is very real, and that He Loves them. That salvation and freedom is only possible with Him. (John 3:16)

We talk a lot about building up God’s Kingdom and important work we do within the Church and the Body of Christ. But do we forget that the work of the Kingdom also includes the lost souls? Are you finding and building them up? Are you loving them? Are you encouraging them? Are you careful with them? Are you connecting with them, learning from them? Or do we just bring them to the altar and leave them there, once they proclaim their belief in God?

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), approximately 38 million Americans are living with diabetes. On top of that, around 1.2 million Americans are diagnosed every year. November is National Diabetes Month, a time to bring awareness to this chronic disease. Exercise is one of the most important things that you can do to help prevent and manage diabetes.

Diabetes Management with Exercise

Improved Insulin Sensitivity

Exercise helps increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin, allowing it to use glucose more efficiently. This means your cells are better equipped to absorb and utilize blood sugar, which can lead to improved blood sugar control.

Lowering Blood Sugar

Physical activity stimulates the muscles to absorb glucose, even without the need for insulin. This can result in a reduction in blood sugar levels, both during and after exercise.

Weight Management

Exercise helps people with Type 2 diabetes to reduce calories and to maintain a healthy weight. Even losing 10–15 pounds can have a significant impact on your health. The power to change is firmly in your hands so get moving today.

Cardiovascular Health

Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease. Regular exercise can help improve cardiovascular health, reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of heart-related complications.

Healthy Eating

The foods you eat directly affects your blood glucose. People with diabetes need to balance the type and amount of food they eat at each meal. You can still enjoy your favorite comfort foods that may be high in sugar and fats, but use moderation and balance. The key is to eat them occasionally, in smaller portions and balancing them with healthier foods and more physical activity.

REFERENCE: American Diabetes Association. “You Can Manage and Thrive with Diabetes.” ADA. Accessed October 9, 2024. https://diabetes.org/health-wellness.

Water is essential to almost all bodily functions, from lubricating our joints to pumping blood to our heart. Staying hydrated is a key part of maintaining good health. It helps prevent constipation, and it aids in weight loss.

Older adults can become dehydrated for a number of reasons, including a diminished sense of thirst.

Finding simple ways to increase your water intake can help you avoid the serious complications of dehydration and stay healthy. Getting enough water each day is an easy yet vitally important way to stay healthy and active as an older adult.

Keep water with you, always - Having hydration at your fingertips can make it easier to get the right amount of fluids.

Change it up - Try jazzing up your H2O by adding slices of fresh lemon, apple, cucumber or berries.

Build hydration into your routine - Making it a point to drink water at certain times each day can help transform it into a healthy habit. For example, consume a glass of water when you wake up in the morning, after every meal, and before and after exercise or activity. (Source: legacylink.org)

Did you know that many fruits and vegetables are largely made up of water?

You can enjoy these foods in dishes or on their own as snacks and satisfy your hunger while also boosting your hydration. Older adults should aim to eat around two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables every day. Some examples of fruits and veggies with high water content include:

• Watermelon

• Cantaloupe

• Honeydew

• Pineapple

• Celery

• Cucumber

• Zucchini

Source: www.ncoa.org

Guess the person or story from the Bible using the emojis.

“But grow in GRACE, and in the KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18

does not tell us to be thankful for all circumstances, but in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, scripture tells us to “give thanks in all circumstances.” We are to give thanks in times of joy & during times of trial. In the midst of life’s storms, where is your anchor? Certainly, we can anchor ourselves in the Holy Spirit & the scriptures, but we have another source of strength Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Now, there is nothing wrong with our modern worship style or songs, but every now & then, when we are “going through,” and need a praise break for deliverance, there is nothing like singing one of the old COGIC “devotional songs.” Was there just a special anointing on the songs, or were we anchored in THANKSGIVING? “Let’s Go Way Back” thanking God for his goodness singing with praise and melody in our hearts “unto Him” with songs like those below.

• My Soul Loves Jesus | He’s Sweet I Know | Sweet Wonder

• God Is a Good God | Jesus, I’ll Never Forget

• He’s a Well of Water | I’ve Got a Feeling | This Joy I Have

• He’ll Answer Prayer | Praise the Lord Everybody

• Have You Tried Jesus | I’m a Soldier in the Army

• If You Call on Jesus | Power Lord | What’s His Name

• When I Think of the Goodness of Jesus

• Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus | Victory Is Mine

• Bless That Wonderful Name of Jesus

• It’s Another Day’s Journey, and I’m So Glad

• I Get Joy When I Think About What He’s Done for Me

• Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus | Get Your Mind on Jesus

• I Know It Was the Blood (and many more)

Inspiring Women

You’re a woman of great sorrow, You’re well acquainted with grief.

But, know ye this day,

I, the Lord, send your relief.

The pains of your past, Will trouble you no more this day. Go in peace, and serve the Lord, I’ve taken the hurt away.

I’ll never leave or forsake you, I’m both faithful and true. Surrender all to me,

There’s no secret what I can do.

Though some may think it strange, though some may think it odd.

Now, is not the time to lose sight of the kingdom. Now is not the time to give up or turn back. It is time to praise, pray, and persevere like never before. The late Bishop Richard “Mr. Clean” White wrote and produced a song years ago which ministered these words: “It’s Almost Midnight”:

s almost midnight, the cry is about to be made, Behold the Bridegroom cometh, have you any oil; are you saved? It’s almost midnight, The Master is on His way, He just might come tomorrow, He just might come today. It’s almost midnight, The rapture is about to take place. Shame on you if you miss it, please accept His amazing Grace. Enough of the Bible has been fulfilled this should give your conscience a spiritual chill. It’s almost midnight, sinner man did you hear me, it’s almost midnight. Are your garments white, it’s almost midnight. He’s coming again like a thief in the night, it’s almost midnight.

This song points to the importance of preparing for Jesus Christ’s return to earth for those who love Him. Many people are more concerned about their possessions, position, and prosperity rather than where their soul will spend in eternity. In spite of our success or failure in life, we are given one time to die and after that there is the Judgment (Hebrews 9:27).

However, God wants us to know that there is good news. He advises us to seek Him and His kingdom first and everything else will be added to us (Matthew 6:33). If we obey His word, He will bless us (Deuteronomy 28:1, 2). If we delight ourselves in Him, He will give us our heart’s desires (Psalm 37:4).

Stay Focused Saints!

Pay attention to what is going on in the world. See how everything is lining up with the word of God. Do you see it? It’s Almost Midnight. “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” Luke 21:28. We must watch as well as pray.

“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.” Romans 13:11-12

‘Tis the Season for Love (in Action)

The Christmas season is that time of year that individuals and especially churches should be seen and usually are seen “doing good.” The birth of our Savior over 2,000 years ago is a monumental part of human history when God demonstrated HIS LOVE for us.

When Jesus was born, the magi followed the star until it led them to the Baby Jesus. They brought him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. An angel proclaimed the good news of Christ’s birth to shepherds watching their sheep, saying, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for the people. Today, in the town of David, has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). Then “a multitude of the heavenly host” appeared alongside the angel and praised God, saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). So why was Christ’s birth “good will toward men”?

His birth had been foretold since Adam and Eve’s transgression in the Garden of Eden when God said, “And I will put enmity between you [Satan] and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will crush your head, and you will strike His heel” (Genesis 3:9). Isaiah 9:6-7 spoke of Christ’s coming: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of His government and peace there will be no end.” God put His love in action: “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

We, too, should be spreading the good news of the gospel demonstrating Christ’s love. Part of that “love” is in the form of good works: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” Matthew 5:16). In fact, part of our mission is to be contagious with our love and our works: “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works” (Hebrews 10:24).

James 2:14-17 states, “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, without works, is dead.” Christmas is the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year” to do good for other people - and in so doing, you’ll be shining God’s light and inspiring others to give Him glory every day!

Christmas Outreach Ideas for Churches

• Christmas Gift Drive for Underprivileged Children

• Christmas Caroling in the Community (Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Public Places)

• Adopt-a-Family | Community Christmas Dinner | Shelter Shoebox with Toys or Toiletries

• Holiday Craft Fair/Bake Sale | Family Christmas Festival | Parents Shopping Day Out

• Christmas Movie Night | Host a Christmas Concert or Drama/Play

Be sure to engage with the people sharing the good news of the gospel when possible & exchange contact information. Include small gift bags with goodies and church literature, brochures (with worship/Bible Study info), business cards, gospel tracts, etc. For more information, visit https://www.ourchurch.com/blog/12-christmas-outreach-event-ideas-for-churches/.

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