2008, Spring Architecture Portfolio

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Envision. Design. Build. Inspire. Tyler Ashworth Spring 2008

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Content: “To create without passion is to create nothing at all.� ~Bruce W. Sykes Passion. As the quote suggests passion makes artwork real, infusing the work with life. The works that follow in this portfolio are works of passion. Over the last three years I have discovered and learned much about the design process and architecture.

The products of my learning and discoveries are shown in these 35 pages with work dating from august 2005 to march 2008

Elevated Urban Ecology arch 353

Mason Cornwall Residence arch 154 pgs. 4 & 5

Art & Architecture South in the Latent World arch 254 pgs. 6 & 7

Urban Home arch 353 pgs. 8 & 9

pgs. 10 & 11

CMU Construction arch 266 pgs. 12 & 13

Cellar de Silos : Winery & Restaurant arch 254 pgs. 14 & 15

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Main Street newSTAND and Pavilion arch 253 pgs. 16 & 17

Nature’s Model, Arboretum Pavilion arch 353 pgs. 24 & 25

Farmer’s Market and Cafe arch 253

Extracurricular Inspiration Lectures & workshops pgs. 18 & 19

pgs. 26 & 27

SH Architecture Internship

Sketches & Drawings art 111

pgs. 28 & 29

pg. 20

Design Processes & Media Exploration art 121/122 pg. 21

Be Loose! Workshop

Life at Still art 122

Hotel Suite VTD 244

pgs. 30 & 31

pgs. 32 & 33

pg. 22

AIAS Leadership & Events Extracuricular

Design Languages, Ice Rink arch 354 pg. 23

pgs. 34 & 35

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Arch 353

Elevated Urban Ecology Urban ecology refers to the interaction of plants, animals, and humans in urban settings. In response to this science the courtyard housing community creates a positive environment for interaction on multiple levels, in both private and public spaces. This allows the resident families to grow within themselves and as a community with each other.

Emphasis has been placed on the creation of environmentally friendly spaces, vegetated ‘green’ spaces, individual family comfort, efficient and economical quality living spaces, and community interaction. Individual units have repeated access to their surrounding exterior environment via rooftop gardens, a central courtyard, and carefully placed windows.

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Streetside Elevation

Aerial Perspective

Ground Floor and Site Plan

Second Floor

Spatial Exploration in Section, Site, Unit & 3D

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Third Floor

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Arch 254

Art & Architecture South in the Latent World The latent world, as dalibor vesely describes it, is the world related to our experiences. Latency involves our experience in or around a place, including time, our senses, and more. Where a picture may show a place, Latency is what describes a place for what it really is. What is latent is unique to and individual’s persona and memory.

Just as the Cubists sought to paint their subjects as they really were, this project was an exercise in portraying a building as it really is. Much time was spent studying the Art & Architecture South Building through sketches and experience in attempt to re-interpret the building in perspective, and create a maquette showing the latent space.

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The process: Each of the sketches (above) were created using a perspective screen device created in the technical studio (Right). The sketches were then collaged in 2point perspective (below) to re-interpret the latent experience of the building. This composite sketch was then taken through a reverse perspective process (far right) to achieve a floor plan (bottom right) which was then translated again to create a 3D maquette (opposite).

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Arch 353

Urban Home When visiting the site and city block I noticed there was a lack of green or vegetated space. Not even so much as a planter box could be found in the surrounding areas. This immediately became a problem to be solved in my design. Upon further thought, I found that home involves a connection to nature be it a tree or grass, or even small plants.

In my design I became interested in the layering of space to separate the immediate public space of the street from the private space of the home. To accomplish this the design creates a series of zones each becoming less public and more private. To accommodate for a connection to nature the home features an opening breeze room at the sidewalk level, generous backyard space, and a rooftop garden.

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Streetside Elevation


Longitudinal section

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Breeze Room Perspective

Sidewalk Perspective

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Arch 154

Mason Cornwall Residence The Mason Cornwall residence is a high Victorian italianate style home located in Moscow, Idaho. The house built in 1889, is constructed of brick and finished with smooth stucco to simulate cut stone. It is currently listed on the national register of historic places.

To better understand the techniques of hand-drafting and architectural perspective drawing, the Mason Cornwall residence was studied in person and in architectural drawings. These drawings were reproduced as shown here and a unique perspective of the house was drawn from elevation and plan.


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Above : Elevation views of the Mason Cornwall residence.

Right : The site plan for the residence and a building section with wall detail.

Below : The Ground floor plan and first floor plan, respectively, of the residence.


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Arch 266

CMU Construction This was collaborative group project completed in order to gain a better understanding of the mechanics behind CMU wall design and construction. I was part of a group of 3 others, with whom I worked to design a segment of what would be a CMU wall used in a commercial building design.

Our group was responsible for researching CMU wall construction and creating construction drawings and details for the wall. For the built wall above, we dry stacked and leveled the bricks as according to plan. My responsibility for the group was the creation and editing of the CAD drawing files as well as collaboratevie design input for the wall section.


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Below : The Detailed construction documents for the wall mock-up.

Right : A 3D model showing the pattern used for the wall portion and our group with the finished built-up wall section.


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Arch 254

Cellar de Silos : winery and restaurant Cellar de Silos was a project about process. The building was designed around spaces with an interest towards creating meaningful places. Instead of creating an extruded plan from a diagram, Spaces were created from collaged image fragments. These fragments were then analyzed and mapped to create plans of the building.

In the case of this design project, building function was not decided until the spaces became realized in plans. Once this function was defined a site was chosen and the building design evolved further in response to programmatic issues and site context.


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Above : A series of collaged images that helped to create the spaces in the winery. Left : the site for the winery, located in the Columbia valley outside of Prosser, WA. Right : Rendered Elevations and sections of the winery and Restaurant. Below : The floor Plan for Cellar de Silos


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Arch 253

Main Street NewSTAND and Pavilion Considering the rapid decline in sales of printed media, the goal of this project was to create a ‘new’ newsstand for Friendship Square in downtown Moscow, Idaho. In response to technology and our fast paced world, Elements such as streaming media on LCD walls and the use of solid, translucent, and transparent materials were used in the design.


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Left : Perspective views of the south elevation, inside the newsstand, and under the pavilion.

Right : floor plan and site plan for the newsstand and pavilion.

Below : process of design for the space. From an infinite strip structure, to a finished laser-cut model.


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Arch 253

Farmer’s Market & Cafe Working within the framework of a grid and using a spatial ordering and modeling process, referred to as the infinite strip, the goal of this project was to design an annex to the existing farmer’s market in Moscow, Idaho. The site for the project is located on the corner of Jackson St. and Sixth St.

Using the infinite strip as a modeling process, the spaces evolved out of response to the site conditions and context of the neighboring structures and existing market.


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Above : A perspective view of the Jackson st. Entry to the Cafe.

Right : The Floor Plan and Site Plan for the Farmer’s Market and Cafe.

Below : Evolution of the modeling process, from early chip board models to a finished 3D model and rendering.


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Art 111

Drawings & Sketches Drawing class was an exploration of various media for both drawing and sketching. Experiments with texture, shade and shadow, contour, drawing styles, life study, and other elements helped to develop a skill base that will apply to my future architectural studies. Some final drawings and life study sketches are shown here.


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Art 121/122

Design Processes & Media Exploration In these two art design classes, both 2D and 3D process and composition were explored. Emphasis was placed on process and development, allowing works of art to go through many stages of evolution before completion. A 3D sculpture piece and contextual product piece are shown here with some 2D compositions.


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Art 122

Life at Still With a focus on context and site, this art installation consisted of a series of framed images of birds, wildlife, and plant life placed in what would be their natural habitats on the university campus. The concept was to show as art, what we take for granted in nature and daily life.


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AIAS Leadership & Events As soon as I joined the AIAS my interest was to get thuroughly involved and step into a leadership postion. Over the last year I have served as the Fundraising comittee chair. In this position I helped to organize two very successful fundraisers for our organization raising over $700 total.

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As a member of AIAS I was also able to participate in Forum, an annual national convention of AIAS. At Forum i had to opportunity to participate in a four day educational campaign unlike any other, with keynote speakers and architectural tours. Upon returning to Idaho from Forum I was instrumental in helping to plan Focus the Nation Events on campus.


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Arch 353

nature’s model, arboretum pavilion The concept behind this project was to have nature serve as a model for self-reflection and a sustainable future. Visitors to the pavilion enjoy the abundant views of the arboretum under the shelter of a space carefully designed of recycled materials. Educational signage teaches visitors of sustainable design elements inspiring them to be more concious of the environment.

The pavilion is sited at the entry of the arboretum and set into the ground. The structure becomes a part of it’s environment through the green vine walls that shade its interior. The walls are fed by water collected from the roof that also flows through the interior space to a reflection pool at the overlook of the arboretum.


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Interior Perspective

Entry Perspective

Initial Site Analysis

Site & Building Section

Developed Site Analysis

Final Site Plan

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Section Detail

Final Floor Plan


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Lectures Eva Matsuzaki 9.22.05 “Sustainable Design” • The ease of implementing low-impact sustainable design elements.

Marcos Novak 2.9.07 “Strange immanence” • Transmodality and architecture that transcends reality.

Ali Rahim 3.3.06 “People and Praxis” • Dynamical systems of design and sensibilities as an architect.

Vesely & Leatherbarrow 2.13.07 “Architecture in the latent world” • Personal experience or latency in architecture and place.

Graduate Presentations 4.28.06 “Good Luck Building That” • A look at extensive architectural design projects in an academic environment.

Samuel Mockbee 3.5.07 “Rural Studio Documentary” • Design Build and the true essence of architecture for community.

Thomas Hylton 9.14.06 “Save our Lands, Save our towns” • Smart Growth, ‘real communities’, and walkable urban plans.

Koyaanisqatsi 3.20.07 “sustainable film festival” • Our world out of balance and the fragility of nature.

eban goodstein 9.22.05 “Focus the Nation” • Activism in the face of national ignorance.

Lectures & Workshops

Extracurricular Inspiration Architecture and design goes far beyond what is learned in class. Inspiration and new ideas can come from the works of others. Over the last three years I have exploited my opportunities to learn more. Shown here are a few of the many events attended and a brief look at what was learned.


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Brook Muller 3.26.07 “The Behnisch Legacy” • Designing like you give a damm and the layering of space.

Ken Radtkey 3.27.07 “Architecture, Mindful Practice” • Mindful practice via communication and landscape relationships.

** All images shown here are the property of their respective lecturers or firms.

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Alberto Perez-Gomez 4.2.07 “The crisis of modern science” • Points of convergence between ethics and aesthetics.

CAA Faculty & Students 1.30.08 “Focus the Nation Roundtable” • Ethics, morality, and the real definition of sustainability.

Huburt Dreyfus 4.19.07 “Disembodied cyber space” • The Dichotomy of computer technology and real world design.

Matthew Foches 2.13.08 “Freedom By Design” • philanthropic design build for our local community.

Marlon Blackwell 9.7.07 “Fractured Landscapes” • Detail as an expressive generator of form.

Einar Jarmund 2.29.08 “Lost in Nature” • Nature of unique dialouges between buildings and landscape.

Walters.Dallam.Roberts 9.13.07 “Unleashing the Power of Design” • A focus on ‘green’ success in professional practice.


Drew Dalton 10.8.07 “Heidegger and Home” • Home and design in the Ontological and ontical worlds.

Matthew Brehm 4.2.07 “Sketching” • Methods, media, and practice in architectural sketching.

Wolfram Hoefer 12.7.07 “Rust Reborn” • Post-industrial landscapes and smart adaptive reuse.

Harold Linton 4.7.07 “Portfolio design” • Graphic design and layout formatting for portfolios.

Edward Mazria 1.30.08 “Architecture 2030 Webcast” • Our necessity as architects to effect change in our environment.

Mike Lin (Brian Lin) 2.17-2.18.08 “Be Loose! Graphic Rendering” • 2 labor intensive days building on graphic communication.


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SH Architecture While at the college of Art & Archiecture career fair last spring, I interviewed with Eric Roberts of SH Architecture. With a successful interview I was hired for a summer internship at SH Architecture in Las Vegas, NV. A firm of almost 50 people, the professional experience was invaluable. SH values relevant sustainable design and completes all design work to LEED standards.


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While employed at SH Architecture my responsibilities were varied allowing me to get experience in a multitude of tasks. My greatest responsibility was in the completion of a schematic design package for an aeronautics center. For this job I created the 3D digital model (above) for the design as well as the CAD files and the Color Bound client package.

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Progression of Elevation from CAD to Final Rendering

North Elevation

Aerial Perspective




CONCEPT DESIGN D AT E : 0 6 . 1 7 . 2 0 0 7

S H E E T: 2

OF 1 0

S H P R O J E C T N O. :


A page from the schematic package Hangar Perspective

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Be Loose! Mike Lin (Brian Lin) Mike Lin’s graphic rendering workshop, as tought by his son Brian was a valuable expereince for my design education. Over the course of two full days we explored drawing and rendering techniques using graphite, Prisma pencil, and marker. Time was also given to focus on design in perspective which proved to be very valuable.

After completing the workshop I have a greater confidence in not only my graphic rendering skills but also my design skills in general.


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Color Exploration


Increased 3D design confidence

Entourage Study


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VTD 244

Hotel Suite Inspired by the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada, this project was an exercise in 3D modeling and rendering. Using Autodesk Viz software I worked with images from one of the hotel rooms in the resort, to re-create the environment in 3D. Consideration was given to materials, texture, lighting, and believability.


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Point of Departure : Photographs of the actual room at the Red Rock Resort.

Process and Work : 3D Wireframe screenshots of the model in Autodesk viz.

The Final Model : Detail Renderings showing materials, texture, and Lighting.

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Arch 354

Design Languages, Ice Rink The structure for the ice rink developed out of creating an icon for the local region. By want of creating a form that was both a part of the landscape and apart from the landscape, the form was developed. The structures skin is covered in cells that form a design language for what is occuring on the interior. Depending on that program the cells react in size and materiality.

The structural skin of the ice rink is a double skinned space frame system similar to an isotropic vector matrix. The elliptical grid covering the arena was chosen for its organic nature and pulls from inspiration of Buckminster fuller and his dymaxion mapping.


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Site Plan

Interior Perspectives


Floor Plan


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Section Detail


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“Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans. Aim high in hope and work remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing asserting itself with ever growing insistency.�

~Daniel Burnham


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