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ARIES Your season starts March 20th, exactly one day before saucy Venus dances into your sign. Capitalize on the feel good vibes and lovey-dovey energy, particularly through the end of the month.


TARUS March 21 will be your lucky day this month- around 6:30 in the evening, to be precise. A burst of creativity, a phone call bearing good news, an unlikely friend made in an unlikely place- all are possible in this Mercury/Uranus transit window.

GEMINI Mars makes its way through your sign this month, bringing energy and passion back into focus. Beware of the combination of your airy nature and the planet of fire though- too much energy given to the wrong projects could easily leave you burnt out.

CANCER Another month without the forces of the cosmos working against you, dear Cancer! Only the waxing moon will grace your sign towards the end of the month, so now is the time to test your will and see just what you are capable of in what is essentially a cosmic vacuum.

LEO Your ruling planet continues its trek through Taurus, lending you the strength and energy of the sign. Grit your teeth and bear it if you have to- you’ll see the fruits of your efforts soon enough.

VIRGO Mercury in Aquarius lends you some airy energy through the sixteenth, when it enters Pisces. This is a time to focus on the emotional, the creative, and the divine. Let go of your tendency to be uptight and go with the flow.

LIBRA On the 25th, your ruling planet Venus will overlap with the Sun in Aries. This will be a party day, plain and simple. Make some worthy plans- maybe including calling in Friday the 26th.

SCORPIO You’ll finally get some much needed rest Scorpio, so take it whenever you can. Don’t mistake laziness for self-care though, you can still capitalize on Pluto’s Taurus energy and Mars’ Gemini energy to get a few things done for yourself.

SAGITTARIUS Jupiter in airy Aquarius may lend itself to some uncertainty, but you are no stranger to the unexpected! Maybe now’s a good time to get in on the Wall Street Bets fun (we hear DOGE coin is a good buy.)

CAPRICORN Like Virgos, you will benefit from Mercury’s transit in Aquarius, but for you, now is not the time to have your head in the clouds. Go after what you’ve been wanting lately before the 16th, lest you miss out on the extra celestial boost.

AQUARIUS Your season may be over, but you still have Jupiter and Saturn hanging out in your sign for a while. Take it easy until the 21st- when the transit between your ruling planet Uranus and Mercury make anything possible.

PISCES Your time has come dear Pisces, and it is officially your birthday until the 20th. Party it up, your ruling planet Neptune is chilling in your sign with you for quite a while, lending to some seriously i n s i g h t f u l m o m e n t s .

artwork by Julia Rodriguez

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