5 minute read
Get to Know Your TASPA Board
from HR Connection August 2020
by taspa
12 | HR Connection
Get To Know Your TASPA Board
Johjania Nájera is currently in her 28th year of public education service in both large and small school districts in Texas. Currently, she in her 11th year as Executive Director of Human Resources in Keller ISD. Prior to her work in Human Resources, Johjania held leadership roles as an Assistant Principal at the elementary and high school levels and Principal at the primary and intermediate levels. She also has four years of classroom teaching experience as a bilingual elementary teacher.
Johjania holds a Bachelor of Arts in Public Justice from St. Mary’s University and a Masters of Education in Educational Leadership from Stephen F. Austin State University.
In her present role, she assists her district in meeting the employment needs of over 5,000 employees including lending support and coaching principals through employee issues. Johjania serves the Texas Association of School Personnel Administrators as the Immediate Past President and is a Past President of the North Central Texas Association of School Personnel Administrators (NCTASPA), where she lead the organization by providing opportunities for professional growth through monthly meetings focusing on pressing current educational issues. NCTASPA covers TASPA District IV (Education Service Centers for Regions 7, 8, 10 and 11). One of her most proud accomplishments while leading NCTASPA was the initiation of donating to the TASPA Scholarship Fund. NCTASPA continues to support the TASPA Scholarship Fund. She is also an active member and supporter of the American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA).
Johjania receives her strongest support from her husband of 29 years, Paul Nájera who has served students in several publicschool districts in Texas as a Band Director for over 28 years. Her oldest son, Adiel, is currently an M.M. candidate and graduate teaching assistant for the UCONN Marching Band at the University of Connecticut and Johniel is starting his first year at Baylor University majoring in Music Education.
In talking about challenges Human Resources professionals in public schools are facing today, Johjania talked about navigating through the unprecedented state of the pandemic:
“The pandemic has been impacting the world for over half a year now in ways we could never imagined. We are having to truly rethink how we approach our daily work and many times, having to rebuild or restructure even the soundest and most effective processes we had in place. Most importantly keeping in mind as we rebuild and restructure that our people, including their fears, are not just processes – they are our Human Capital and without them we cannot continue to serve our future. The best advise I can share with new Human Resources (HR) administrators is to first know your ‘why’. I hope that choosing HR is part of that ‘why’ because this profession is a commitment to truly serve others. Serving another human being, focusing on their needs so they may serve those in front of them is a privilege that comes with great responsibility and yes, a lot of work! Be open to new learning and share your knowledge, give grace to others often, always be kind and patient. Last but so important, connect often. Connect with others HR professionals around you and across the state! Connect and be active with TASPA – they are our strongest supporter and advocate. When you LOVE what you do, you will have fun and laugh often even during the toughest times.”
Mr. Craig Lahrman, the current Director of Support Personnel, began his professional career in 1994 as a High School Health/PE teacher and Athletic Trainer at Del Valle High School in the Ysleta Independent School District. He served as a High School Assistant Principal and Alternative School Principal for six years before being appointed to the Director of Secondary Personnel with YISD in 2010. He has served on the TASPA scholarship committee and became the District IV Representative in 2018. Mr. Lahrman earned his Bachelor’s degree from DePauw University, Master’s Degree from Indiana University and his Mid-Management from New Mexico State University.
“The biggest challenges facing School HR administrators today are juggling workforce size during the COVID pandemic. School districts throughout the United States are struggling with face-to-face and virtual learning models as they assess school enrollment uncertainty. HR administrators are currently facing very difficult decisions regarding vacancies and staff reassignments during this crisis.
The best piece of advice I can give to a new HR administrator would center on the need to have an answer for every HR question on the first day of the job. Many HR administrators come from campus administration and are experts in campus leadership. The expertise gained as a campus leader takes time. The expertise gained in HR also takes time. Become a student of human resources so that you can make decisions and give direction based upon policy and law. There is no shame in saying that you do not have a definitive answer at that moment and then follow-up with the correct information and guidance.”
Christie Volmer is starting her 28th year in education. She was a classroom teacher for 15 years and has 12 years experience in Human Resources. Christie is the Chief Human Resource Officer for Hereford ISD. She has been on the TASPA Executive Board and is currently serving as a District V representative.
“The biggest challenges school HR administrators are facing today is COVID-19. We are trying to reopen schools safely for staff and students. We are having discussions with staff about COVID issues. We have staff that are fearful of COVID, experiencing loved ones with COVID or sickness themselves. We are trying to help staff stay calm with all the uncertainty of COVID. This is a very trying time in education for staff, students and parents. Our number one goal is to keep everyone safe within our schools. We will continue to work through these COVID issues as we move forward for the 2020-2021 school year.
New to HR - Human Resource directors are vital in supporting staff within our districts. This is a challenging time to enter Human Resources but it’s also a time of learning for all of us. We are on a new playing field and learning together in our new world of uncertainty. Human Resources can be difficult but find someone in your area to help support you. TASPA is a huge resource and our TASPA staff can help you find someone close by that you can reach out to. We are all in this together, never feel bad for asking for advice on HR issues.”