2 minute read
President’s Message
from HR Connection August 2021
by taspa
Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! We are thrilled to welcome back our teachers, staff, and students to our campuses across the state. We missed the bustling hallways filled with smiles, sounds of laughter, and the minds hungry for knowledge. We are committed to working together to ensure that we provide our students with a premier education and opportunities that will prepare tomorrow’s best today. However, we are still today dealing with the complexities associated with the pandemic. Understanding that there seems to be a lack of consensus and that we are still in a fluid and dynamic situation in our districts, we should continue to rely on medical expertise and science to show us the way. While we cannot currently require mask wearing or vaccinations, we encourage faculty, staff, and students to take the necessary steps to ensure their personal wellbeing and the health of others.
I am happy to report that our first in-person 2021 TASPA Law and Summer Conferences were a success! We had over 194 attendees for the law conference and over 248 attendees for the summer conference. We enjoyed seeing all of our colleagues throughout the state and sharing our ideas and experiences. We received many favorable reviews regarding the conference space at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center. Moving forward all conferences through 2023 will be held at this location. I also would like to take this opportunity to thank our many exhibitors who contribute to the success of our conferences.
Just as a reminder the TASPA Fall Support Staff Conference will be held on October 4-5, 2021. The Eichelbaum/TASPA Title IX Conference will be October 19 at the Marriott North Hotel. The TASB/TASPA HR Academy will be held on November 1-2 in Round Rock at the Marriott North Hotel. The TASPA Winter Conference will be on December 8-10. Please mark your calendars and make your arrangements early to attend! The TASPA staff works hard to keep TASPA at the forefront of public education in Texas. Therefore, I encourage everyone interested in being up-to-date on guidance provided or changes made in Texas public education to obtain or renew their TASPA membership. It is imperative that we keep ourselves abreast of the rapidly changing environment in public education during this crucial time. Hope to see everyone soon at our next conference. Stay healthy and safe!
Martha Carrasco

Martha Carrasco is the 2021 TASPA President. She is the Chief Human Resources Officer in Canutillo ISD.