6 | HR Connection
President’s Message “Applying our leadership skills and resilience is key to overcoming our current challenges”
reetings from West Texas! It is hard to believe that our first semester is winding down. School districts across the State have been met with unprecedented challenges this year. My heart is with you as districts confront climbing COVID-19 cases, virtual and hybrid classrooms, teacher shortages and many more obstacles. Our strength and character are manifested in these trying times. I would encourage you to reflect back on all of the positive impact we get to have on our society. We are in the unique position of shaping our future generations. Applying our leadership skills and resilience is key to overcoming our current challenges. TASPA is pushing forward and had a busy quarter with virtual conferences, workshops and webinars to provide training and professional development to our members. Our Fall Support Staff Conference had over 221 attendees, which surpassed last year’s attendance. TASPA also partnered with Eichelbaum Law firm for a first ever Title IX Administrators Conference. Additionally, TASPA partnered with TASB for the virtual HR Academy. TASPA also hosted the following virtual workshops:
Certification Fundamentals, Personnel Skills for Supervisors of Non-Exempt Staff and two TASPA Documentation Basics. The continued webinar series with Walsh Gallegos Trevino Russo & Kyle, PC is off to a good start, with the first webinar on November 19. Our TASPA Winter Conference will be held virtually December 10-11. Please make an effort to attend. TASPA will be providing 31 breakout sessions, two General Session speakers, networking and development opportunities to help you succeed and make it through this crazy year. Please check the TASPA website for future webinars and events. As a gentle reminder, please do not forget my challenge to you to meet (now virtually) at least five new members this year before we get back to our 2020 Winter Conference. To all of you - thank you for being a part of the TASPA family. I hope you continue to lean on your TASPA contacts for help and guidance. Know that prayers for all educators are being sent and I hope each feels them. God Bless and Be Safe!!
Rick Rick Rodriguez is the 2020 TASPA President. He is the Chief Operations Officer in Lubbock ISD.