2 minute read
Fall Support Staff Conference Recap
from HR Connection November 2021
by taspa

Fall Conference Recap
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TASPA was pleased to host our Fall Support Staff Conference on October 4-5 at the Kalahari Hotel & Convention Center in Round Rock, TX. We had a successful turnout with 186 attendees. The beautiful and spacious event center allowed many attendees to bring their families to enjoy the adventure!
During the two day conference, TASPA was able to host four general sessions and 21 breakout sessions. We had over 30 speakers that included law firms: Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell & Muñoz, P.C.; J. Cruz & Associates, LLC; Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Hullett, P.C.; Rogers Grover & Morris; and Ogletree Deakins. We also had presentations from TEA, TASB HR Services, TASB Risk Management, TX DPS and many others. Thank you to speakers, TASPA board members, TASPA staff and TASPA members to help make this conference a huge success! Our Job alike sessions are always a huge success. These sessions provide the attendees to gather in smaller groups to collaborate and share ideas. These included: Position Management, Substitute Services, Leave Management, Certification Specialists, General HR Support, and Records Management. We are especially grateful to our Diamond Sponsors: ESS, Frontline, iteachTEXAS, Kelly Education, and Texas Teachers. We would also like to thank the following exhibitors: Red Rover Technologies, PowerSchool, 240 Tutoring, Hill Country Rocks & Becca’s Boutique. With their support we are able to provide YOU, our TASPA members, with continued services and professional development. We hope you will join us for again at the Kalahari for the Winter Conference December 8-10!
24 | HR Connection