Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015

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Beyond the Cover 1





For this issue’s cover feature, SKINN Cosmetics, staff members applied their normal makeup, removed with their normal method, reapplied makeup, and removed with SKINN Cosmetics’ cleansing wipes. Then they reversed the process the next day, just to be extra thorough. Let’s just say, there was a lot of makeup going on and off in the Tastevin offices!

What do Lauren Conrad, Disney, and Kohl’s have in common? A designer collaboration! Former reality star turned designer Lauren Conrad celebrates spring her own way with Disney’s Cinderella, a collection by LC Lauren Conrad for Kohl’s. Premiering in March, Disney’s latest movie iteration of the Cinderella tale coupled with the fashion line highlights our season’s color crush: periwinkle! Editor-in-chief Caroline A. Wong dons Conrad’s frothy frocks on your behalf to see if the collaboration is truly magical. Wellness Writer Rachel McCormick hates when her fellow gym goers sweat on the machinery or wear full-on makeup to workout at the gym (SKINN Cosmetics has cleanser for that!). She helps you avoid becoming THAT person with this issue’s personal essay, “Don’t Be THAT Guy at the Gym.”

Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015



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HORS D’OEUVRE Contributors: Who’s who in this issue Things We Love: What we’re crushing on this spring From the Desk of the Editor: Spring into the season


BEAUTY & WELLNESS The Skinny on Health: Statins versus exercise...what helps more? Personal Essay: Gym personalities to avoid {Beauty} Trick to Try: Get the glow...for your legs, that is!

ARTS & LEISURE For the Love of Food: Enjoy lamb with mint glaze and a chocolate ganache cake! Made: A remix for the traditional spring door wreath Puppy Diaries: Bringing Dog #2 into the mix



You+Me: A fairytale designer collaboration or a storybook nightmare? Share Your Where: The cost of traversing chic Copenhagen Share Your Wear: Bikinis galore...this blog has them all Love the SKINN You’re In: The celebrity makeup artist behind SATC, CSI, and more!

Always end with something sweet


CAROLINE A. WONG Editor-in-Chief

BRANDON GAMBLE Creative Director

FASHION AND FEATURES Fashion and Beauty Editor BREANA POWELL Associate Fashion Editor JESSICA HARRIS Features Editor AMANDA CHI Features Writer LINDY TOLBERT


ARTS AND LEISURE Arts and Leisure Editor EMILY VAN GUILDER Arts and Leisure Writers ERICA MAU & SARAH KALB

ART Photography Director ALEXANDER HERMAN Assistant Photographer HAIL NOWAK West Coast Editor ANNA FRYXELL UK Editor JENNA ANDERSON

Wellness Editor Lisa Eberly consistently motivates us to keep fit. She gets serious this issue and discusses the effects of exercising versus medication on your health. Get more great info at TheSkinnyOnHealth.com

Creative Director Brandon Gamble is currently preparing for the summer heat by stocking up on new driving mocs and fragrances. He shares one of his fragrance choices in the “Things We Love” column this issue.


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Sarah Kalb is our newest Arts & Leisure Writer, bringing you tasty recipes to whet your palate! For spring, she brings a spot-on lamb dish with a fresh mint glaze. Perfect for the season!

Newly minted Wellness Writer Rachel McCormick is a gym fanatic...but not when you sweat on her machine without wiping it down after you’re done. This issue, she lists the workout personalities to avoid. Texting Tiffany, we’re looking at you!

Welcome back to our Features Editor Amanda Chi! She’s stateside again but only after a trip to design-center Copenhagen! Be sure to read about her adventure in the “Share Your Where” column this issue.

Fashion and Beauty Editor Breana Powell loves the changing of the seasons. In the “Share Your Wear” column, she shares her favorite go-to for bikini hunting to get you ready for the summer!

Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015

Things We Love Caroline A. Wong Editor-in-Chief Stonyfield Organic Petite Crème


Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015


“I’m in love with this Petite Crème! Forget about tart and tangy Greek yogurt. This smooth fresh cheese recalls the popular French fromage blanc and packs in all the protein and dairy I crave in yogurt. I literally cleared off the shelf at my local grocery store!”

The Tastevin editors share their monthly obsessions

Brandon Gamble Creative Director TOM FORD Neroli Portofino “With summer just around the corner, it’s time to put aside all of those dark fragrances and update your collection with something light and fresh! Neroli Portofino [$215, www.tomford.com] from TOM FORD’s private unisex collection is the perfect fresh neroli and amber scent that’s tailor-made for those upcoming hot summer days.”

Rachel McCormick Beauty & Wellness Editor Ipsy Subscription “I am currently obsessed with my Ipsy subscription [www.ipsy.com]! Every month, for just $10, you get a different glam bag with assorted high-end makeup products to try. If that wasn’t enough, your glam bag is always a super cute makeup bag clutch that’s yours to keep! What’s not to love!”


from the desk of the


Yet another season has turned, and I am loving it! Tastevin actually has offices on both coasts: one in Los Angeles and one in New York. Right now, I’m in the west coast office enjoying the sunny weather (high 80s this week!) and laughing at my New York colleagues stuck in the snow. Wherever you may be, spring is here and summer is coming, so we’re doing our best to help you transition your wardrobe. Fashion Editor Breana highlights her favorite blog with bikini options galore (“Share Your Wear”) and I took a gander in Lauren Conrad’s collaboration with Kohl’s and Disney to see if the line’s pastels hold up for spring (“You & Me”). And the best accessory to accompany your fresh wardrobe is a fresh face. Cover feature SKINN Cosmetics has great cleansing products for that (“Love the SKINN You’re In”)!

Spring means a lot of things for different people. Warmer temps. Easter. Rejuvenation. For me, it means a stream of discomfort stemming from my distaste for both rabbits and chocolate (those chocolate bunny candies KILL me). Assuming you don’t also think rabbit ears are terrifying, take the season as an opportunity to take a deep breath, reset, and refocus. Maybe you made a new year resolution to work out more. Keep on it! Wellness Editor Lisa Eberly is here to urge you on. Tweet her @xoxoTSOH. Or maybe you’ve made a commitment to your family to cook something other than lasagna every Friday night. We have mouthwatering options in our column “For the Love of Food” that include lamb with a fresh mint glaze and a gluten-free chocolate cake with a rich chocolate ganache. You chocolate fiends should enjoy that! As always, feel free to tweet us @TastevinMag with your thoughts and picts. Or, tweet me directly @carolineawong and let me know you also don’t like rabbits.



Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015

Beauty & Wellness


Statins, Exercise, & Saving Your Own Life by Lisa Eberly


ow many of you guys take statins? How many of you know someone who takes statins? How many of you have high cholesterol? Cool. Glad we got that headcount out of the way. My dad takes statins, so this is super relevant to me cause he’s pretty tight and I like him hangin’ around to make my unborn future children gluttonous and such. Statins are drugs that improve cholesterol levels in attempts to keep your blood vessels unclogged, thus keeping you alive and other cool things like that. Scientists in Liverpool discovered in January of this year that these awesome pills (taken by over 7 million people in Britain alone) save around 750 lives per year by preventing fatal heart attacks and strokes. Sounds awesome, right? But, did anyone ever think to compare this number to how many lives per year other health interventions for heart attacks and strokes? These cool researchers did. In Britain, health interventions such as improving diet (lowering salt intake, lowering fat intake, lowering carb intake) and increasing activity levels prevented 4,600 deaths by fatal heart attack or stroke per year.


Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015

Dude. Seriously? Expensive drugs prevent 750 and eating healthy and exercising prevented 4,600?? Don’t get me wrong—clinical cardiology is friggin’ amazing and does some top notch work saving lives. But, shouldn’t we be investing more time and energy in more cost-effective treatments based on scientific evidence? Our health care system is already under a ton of stress, and the answer to relieve that stress is slapping us across the face! Populationwide health changes (think tax on sugary drinks, subsidies making healthier foods more affordable, increasing physical activity in schools and the workplace, controlling tobacco, restricting processed food companies, making infrastructure and the built environment more accommodating to a healthy lifestyle, etc. etc. etc.) would reduce health inequalities, relieve that pressure on the system, and maybe even lead to much bigger overall health gains! Does this mean that statins don’t work? NO. So why is the number so low? Well, I’d guess a big part of that is that many people who are eligible for statins cannot take them

on those New Year fitness resolutions. Keep at it, create momentum, and encourage your loved ones to do the same. Don’t leave your life in the hands of a drug. Save it yourself.

Let Lisa know how you’re doing via Twitter @xoxoTSOH and check her website www.TheSkinnyonHealth.com for even more #fitspiration


(maybe they can’t afford them or don’t have adequate understanding or access). On the other hand, going for a walk or eating less processed food is more affordable and accessible to everyone. (Granted, not all health interventions sans drugs are that accesssible.) This research basically proved that preventative approaches are a much better way to achieve results and save lives than handing out drugs. The take-away? More and more research proves that eating healthy and exercising regularly prevents death from heart attack or stroke better than statin drugs do. Tell your family and friends with high cholesterol! And don’t give up


Beauty & Wellness


Don’t Be THAT Guy at the Gym


by Rachel McCormick

n life, we all have our pet peeves. Maybe it’s people who completely ignore the fact that large stores have a designated door for entering and a different one for exiting, but just walk wherever the heck they please (ok, that would be mine). Maybe it really grinds your gears when you’re having a serious conversation with someone and all they can seem to think about is staring at the screen of their smart phone. Most of my biggest pet peeves originated in a place where I spend a large amount of my time: the gym. If you’re a regular gym-goer like myself, I’m sure you will nod in affirmation and give me a little ‘Amen, sister!’ with most of these. And if you’re new to a gym, let me just warn against a few gym personas and reveal the friendly no-nos that will make your workout experience much more pleasant for yourself and all of your fellow exercisers.

when you’re done, you’re not doing it right?” Girls who parade around the gym in full make up, hair down and flowing while on the treadmill, iPod stuck in their cleavage, just simply blow my mind. When I go to the gym, I mean business. My hair is on top of my head in any way it will stay out of my way. My make up is minimal to none because then I can sweat as much Just Here to Look Pretty Pam as physically possible without looking Ever heard the saying, “sweat like a pig, like my face is melting off. Girlfriend, you look like a fox?” How about, “if you still look cute are beautiful, but save all those cosmetics 10 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015


For me, this is a huge one. If you are using a machine for multiple sets and sit on it for maybe a 30 second break between each set, or hop up and do some lunges or some other sort of active rest exercise, great. But the moment you pull out your phone and start texting away WHILE still sitting on that machine…that is when I will walk over and unapologetically give you the stink eye. I’m pretty sure that person you are texting will be just fine hearing from you two minutes later when you are done with your hip abductors and are not hogging the machine.


Texting Tiffany


and perfume for date night. They don’t belong in the weight room.

Grunting Gus

Hey Gus, everyone gets it. You’re lifting some really heavy weight. Or maybe it’s even worse and you’re not, but your grunting, making as much noise as possible, slamming your weights down and contorting your face in a way that would put a cartoon character to shame. Bro, all I have to say is: no one is impressed.

Staring Stan

We all know this guy. Excuse me sir, are you interested in working out while you’re at the gym, or just staring down every single female within a 50-foot radius? I will admit, I have found many new techniques and exercises by watching people around me at the gym, but there is a huge difference in glancing at them every now and then to see how they perform a particular exercise and full-on staring them down. One is totally understandable, the other just plain rude.

Sweating Sally

There is absolutely nothing wrong with sweating— that’s why we go to the gym! The more I’m sweating, the better I feel about the quality of my workout. The problem arises when Sally hops from machine to machine, drenches the seat with her sweat, and hops up and just walks to the next one without a care in the world. Uh….. excuse me, Sally, are you forgetting something?! All gyms kindly place antibacterial spray and paper towels in several locations throughout the facility for that specific use. Please be a pal and take advantage of those so a stranger doesn’t have to sit in your sweat. 11

Beauty & Wellness


Curls at the Squat Rack Curtis At my gym, and at most gyms I have been to, the squat rack is a much sought after piece of equipment, and usually there are not very many of them. My gym has three, and it is a very rare occasion when I go and one of them is unoccupied for more than twenty seconds, which is when you must rush in to claim it or someone else will. If you do squats, a little part of you dies when you see Curtis, at the squat rack, performing curls. Here’s the thing—curls can EASILY be performed at several other locations in the weight room because a barbell can easily be lifted from the floor into the position necessary for a curl. However, it is extremely hard to lift all the weight you are going to squat from the floor and position it safely on your back, hence the necessity of the squat rack. So, while I love your enthusiasm for working out and admire your gusto, I don’t want you embracing any of these personas. Don’t be Texting Tiffany. Don’t be Staring Stan. Be someone who respects your body and those around you, and we can all work out in blissful sweaty-machine-free peace!

12 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015 www.sabelmade.com

{Beauty} Trick to Try


By Colette Choi

Guys. Body makeup. It’s real. Yup, that’s how celebrities explain their flawless, sun-kissed, red-carpet-ready skin. It’s not hours of water and moisturizers and oils and spray tans. It’s as simple as body makeup (although hydrating with water won’t hurt). And it takes mere minutes. First, apply concealer to your spots and scars. That’s scars from your five-yearold bike-riding incident all the way to your just-last-month falling-in-heels incident. Note that you’ll likely need a different shade of concealer than the one you use on your face, but to find your perfect leg-concealer shade, try out your face concealer on one of your scars. If it’s too dark or too light, you’ll have a reference point for choosing one for your legs (because it might be strange to hitch up your leg barre-style on the beauty counter in the middle of Saks). Another option is to pick a few cheap drugstore options to test at home, then going to a local Sephora and having a makeup professional match that shade in a brand you love. After you conceal, add a tinted body lotion for an instant #filter effect. I recommend Jergens BB Body Perfecting Skin Cream [$12, www.target. com] for an affordable option you can use regularly. Remember that every trick to try should be catered to your needs, so you might find that you like to add concealer after the tinted lotion. Cool! Just make sure to blend the edges well or you’ll look spotted and scary. We don’t want to go attracting Cruella de Vil with dalmatian legs! For a bit of extra star power, use the highlighting powder in your makeup kit and sweep across your collarbone and along the front of your legs for an even more pronounced effect. You’ll be golden and glowing at your next event, red carpet or no!

Jewelry Accessories





love food for the


by Sarah Kalb

16 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015

n this sweet spring season, Mother Nature often guides the natural world in joy and rebirth. One such beautiful sight are new lambs frolicking in a grassy field and the tasty chocolates of Easter’s morning basket. Feel no regret eating this meal layered with flavor, as long as your meat comes from a healthy and cruelty-free source and the cake is consumed with moderate self-discipline. Surprise your honey with a gourmet date night or invite some girlfriends over for a decadent night-in. Pair with snap peas and quinoa or rice for a balanced meal, and don’t forget the wine with dessert!

Lamb with Mint Glaze (To prepare the lamb)



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Coconut oil 4 lamb shanks, trimmed Salt and pepper, to taste 6 tablespoons (tbsp.) Dijon mustard 3 cups fresh breadcrumbs 6 tbsp. chopped fresh mint


Melt 1tbsp. coconut oil in a skillet over medium heat. Sprinkle lamb with salt and pepper. Spread 1 tbsp. mustard on each side of each lamb rack. Mix breadcrumbs and mint in medium bowl. Press breadcrumb mixture onto lamb, coating completely. Carefully place the lamb in the skillet and sear for 1-3 minutes or until bread crumbs are crispy, adding more oil if necessary. Cover the skillet and turn heat to medium-low. Cook until lamb is tender, about 10 minutes. SARAH KALB

(To prepare the glaze)

Serve with mint glaze.

1 cup chopped fresh mint 1/2 cup beef broth 1/3 cup minced shallots 6 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1/4 cup honey 2 teaspoons arrowroot powder (or cornstarch)


Combine 1 mint, broth, shallots, vinegar and honey in heavy small non-aluminum saucepan. Stir over medium heat until the honey dissolves. Simmer 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Cover and let stand 2 hours in the fridge (or overnight is possible).

Strain sauce into large glass measuring cup. Place cornstarch in same saucepan. Gradually whisk in sauce. Bring to simmer over medium heat, stirring constantly. Stir until sauce thickens slightly and turns translucent, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat and serve immediately.

Arts & Leisure


18 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015

Gluten Free Chocolate Cake (To prepare the cake)

(To prepare the chocolate ganache)



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¾ cup coconut flour ¼ cup cocoa powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 10 eggs 1 cup coconut oil 1 ½ cups honey 1 tablespoon vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 325° F. In a small bowl, combine first 4 ingredients. In a large bowl, using an electric hand blender, blend eggs, oil, honey, and vanilla. Add dry ingredients into large bowl and continue to blend.

1cup dark chocolate ¼ cup butter 1 pinch salt 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/3 cup slivered almonds ¼ cup cocoa nibs


Over a double broiler (or a glass bowl sitting over simmer water) melt the chocolate. Add the butter, salt, and vanilla. Pour directly over cooled Gluten Free Chocolate Cake. Top with almonds and nibs, to taste. Enjoy!

Oil (2) 9 inch cake pans and dust with coconut flour. Pour batter into pans and bake in oven for 35-40 minutes. Remove from oven, allow to cool completely, then remove from pans.


Reservations: 3 2 3 . 4 6 7 . 7 9 9 1 6350 HOLLYWOOD BLVD @BESOHOLLYWOOD



Arts & Leisure


With spring fast approaching, I decided it was probably time to take down my Christmas door decoration. Not wanting to suffer a naked door, I decided to create something spring-inspired but different from your average “welcome wreath” by using a few pieces of driftwood I’d ordered a while back. The great part is that this entire craft is made using stencils, so there’s a LOT of flexibility that you can have with your own piece! 22 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015



A Fresh Take on the Spring Door Wreath by Emily Van Guilder Instructions:

Supplies Needed: Paint (at least white and 3 other colors) Paintbrush Patterning tape (Martha Stewart brand is a great choice) Driftwood plank(s) Rope Alphabet stencils Optional: additional sticky stencils

Properly sand down wooden driftwood pieces. Place patterning tape on planks to create geometric shapes at random. Press all tape down firmly with attention to edges. Fill in each section with 3 alternating paints, preferably lighter spring colors. Paint in a vertical (up and down) dabbing motion. Painting in strokes may result in paint getting underneath the stencil tape. Wait at least 30-45 minutes for the paint to dry completely. Carefully remove tape to reveal your clean paint edges. Use your selected alphabet stencils to write whatever spring inspired message you choose (in white paint). Optional: you can paint in additional stencils in white to fit your personal theme. Wait another 30-45 minutes for paint to fully dry. Use a long piece of rope to attach your two planks together, and it’s ready for your door!


Puppy Diaries

by Erica Mau

24 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015



Puppy mom Erica Mau and her fiancé thought one puppy was plenty…until they got another one. Every issue, follow the antics of Teddy Rex the Westie and his new brother, JB the Golden Retriever.

n the day of Teddy’s first birthday, we threw little party. He got a cake for doggies and presents from friends, mom and dad, and grandma. He ate four strips of bacon and wore a party hat at day care. For me, the gift was clear: the Tedster was growing up. Though still a pup with lots of energy, Teddy Ruxpin was more obedient at home and we had grown used to our lives together. It was easy to forget about those potty training days, or when he used to bite and scratch. So I was, once again, in for a rude awakening when we brought a second puppy into our home—JB. On Valentine’s Day, we brought home the adorable four-month old Golden Retriever. His personality could not be more opposite from Tedders’. While Teddy is independent, JB loves attention and will butt in no matter who or what is around to get it. The Ted Man can be left alone with hoards of kibble and will stop eating when he’s full, while JB will never stop eating if given the choice, as though he were starved for months. The biggest difference between the two is their size: at one year, Teddy is practically full-grown at 18 pounds, whereas JB, clearly still growing, is already 35. Safe to say: we forgot what we were getting ourselves into. I tried my best, per usual, to account for all the factors. I put away all the toys and the bones to avoid territorial behavior and jealousy. I set aside a special area for JB with his crate and some water so he would be comfortable. A neutral area in the yard was decided upon for the initial meet-and-greet in case Teddy was protective over his territory. JB’s food was bought, training treats were ready, and our hearts were open to welcome in the love of a new puppy. There were, however, a lot of things I didn’t realize about adding another pup to the family, like the extra time and energy it takes to train the doggies not to play inside the house

and how difficult it is to catch two pups playing chase. Or how much poo there is to pick up when you’ve got two critters taking dumps instead of just one. Then there were the issues I didn’t realize about adding a BIG dog to the family. Like the difference between 18-pound Teddy jumping onto the bed and running over your belly versus growing-Golden-Retriever JB bounding onto the bed and crushing your stomach. Or Teddy jumping up to greet you, paws on your knees, versus JB tackling you “hello!” with a weighty push.

Having a dog, and each subsequent dog, is truly a commitment in every way

The biggest thing I couldn’t have realized, as a first-time puppy owner, was the strange and unexpected feeling that I had betrayed Teddy. While still an independent dog, the Tedman must have felt his life change when JB entered the picture—less attention from mommy and daddy, another dog getting treats that would’ve otherwise been his. The extra yelling, discipline, and commotion that didn’t exist before. A 35-pound ball of shedding fluff taking up his space on the bed. And, though Teddy seemed to be having fun playing chase and tug of war with his new brother, it was easy for me to project my feelings onto our beloved Teddy Rex. But by accident, I once again overcame this struggle by unconventional means. How, you ask? Well, we had JB neutered. How does fixing JB help out Teddy and our family situation? Simply put, we just felt so bad for JB that we forgot how bad we felt for Teddy. It’s so sad, really.


26 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015

During his two-week rest period, JB wore the cone of shame to prohibit biting and scratching at his stitches. And because the boys play so much, we had to isolate JB in his own area to keep the brothers apart. Alone in the cone, with the most melancholy puppy eyes, JB was easy to feel sorry for. As the work days went on, Teddy resumed his normal life, going to daycare, coming home to nap and eat. JB, on the other hand, with just one week of living with us under his belt, was forced to stay home all day by himself, plastic cone and all, with just a few toys and a pee pad. #conelife

Lesson learned: having a dog, and each subsequent dog, is truly a commitment in every way. No matter what you personally have to go through, time and energy-wise or emotionally, that’s just what you have to do to provide the best life for your pets. I imagine this is how parents feel as well, except you can’t really get your kids neutered to solve your problems, and you would never leave a newborn baby alone all day in your house. So, if you’re going to get a dog, or have a baby, you just have to suck it up. Do it for the pups! 27


Each issue, Caroline A. Wong joins you in the chase for the most coveted designer collaborations. It’s a team effort. It’s you and me. Photos by Anthony Strasburger

30 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015

nce upon a time, I was born and needed a name. My parents wanted a name taken from royalty, which at the time basically consisted of Queen Elizabeth and Princess Caroline of Monaco (now of Hanover). Brunette and statuesque, Princess Caroline was, in a way, the Kate Middleton of her time and, if my eventual moniker is any indication, she also had obvious international appeal. In that same vein, reality-star-turned-designer Lauren Conrad taps into her own royal leanings with her latest collaboration, Disney’s Cinderella a collection by LC Lauren Conrad for Kohl’s. I’ve featured basic denim from Conrad’s line for Kohl’s in the past, but to partner with Disney and Kohl’s is a

Fashion & Features


completely different beast Conrad has attempted to tame. The difference between a pair of jeans shorts and the ethereal fairytale quality inherent to the Cinderella tale is critical for determining the success of this particular collaboration. Denim is basic, utilitarian, and originally designed with the working class in mind. Evoking the storybook romance of a maid-turned-princess requires a more delicate hand. It’s not just about throwing some glass slippers on with your work jeans. For the purposes of our discussion here, I selected the collection’s fluttery camisole and poufy tulle skirt. Initially upon receiving the sample, I thought the camisole’s 3D appliques

I thought they were butterflies— until I realized they would then be upside down butterflies

between a pair of jeans shorts and the ethereal fairytale quality inherent to the Cinderella tale is critical for determining the success of this particular collaboration. Denim is basic, utilitarian, and originally designed with the working class in mind. Evoking the storybook romance of a maidturned-princess requires a more delicate hand. It’s not just about throwing some glass slippers on with your work jeans. For the purposes of our discussion here, I selected the collection’s fluttery camisole and poufy tulle skirt. Initially upon receiving the sample, I thought the camisole’s 3D appliques were butterflies—until I realized they would then be upside down butterflies. They’re actually bows. But the lack of detail in the design and the movement that occurs when wearing the top understandably lends these bows to a butterfly comparison. To be honest, the top looks really cheap in person. The polyester material almost feels rough against the skin and the flitting bow attach32 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015

Camisole top in “Heavenly Pink”, $44; tulle skirt in “Dream”, $64; both Disney’s Cinderella a Collection by LC Lauren Conrad for Kohl’s, www.kohls.com. Silver knot necklace, Peggy Li, www.peggyli.com for similar styles. Crystal hinged bangle, $60, Judith Jack, www.nordstrom.com. Simulated sapphire ring, www.zales.com for similar styles. Mesh pumps in periwinkle, Madison by ShoeDazzle, www.shoedazzle.com for similar styles.


Fashion & Features


34 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015

ments don’t add much romance. The top is something that I might buy for a younger age set, but not for the older fan base that originally fell in love with Conrad on Laguna Beach and The Hills (although I guess Conrad has done much to separate herself from her reality persona, so maybe this is the direction she was trying to take). The skirt is another story. It’s properly delicate and fully evokes the classic Cinderella ball gown with which we’ve all become familiar. This is largely in part to the inherent lightweight quality of tulle, but Conrad artfully takes the reference a step further with a hem design of a storybook skyline. The shape is on-trend and can be paired with anything from a basic white tee and strappy heels to a crop top and sky-high mules. So the moral takeaway of this fairytale is: go for the tulle in this collaboration and steer clear of any pieces with things hanging off of it. Conrad’s partnership with giants Disney and Kohl’s is a great PR tactic, but I wouldn’t dub the whole line as something that will provide you with your happily ever after. 35

Fashion & Features



Share Your Where


The Cost of Chic

By Amanda Chi


Fashion & Features


40 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015



lean, wide streets. The absence of j-walking. Unsupervised perambulators with babies inside. Unlocked bicycles. Dozens of design stores lining the streets of Copenhagen that seem to inexplicably close at 3pm on a Saturday. This was my first snapshot of this gorgeous Scandinavian city: law-abiding, incredibly trusting and trendy. However, my first glance of the Danish capital showed merely one side. While the elegant old architecture and the colorful buildings that line the canals offer the typical postcard view of Copenhagen, the abruptly juxtaposing neighborhood of Christiania gives you a completely jarring experience. From my slightly underwhelming trip to the Little Mermaid statue to my rusty bargaining tactics at the flea market, Copenhagen is certainly a city I can see myself moving to. From first impressions, I was so amazed at how clean everything looked. Even with its old buildings, Copenhagen has a pristine feel to it that mirrors its chic design shops. Denmark is a country that takes care of its streets and its people, but you’d only come to realize this when you pay its outrageously high taxes. So as a tourist, prepare to exchange those euros for Danish krone and spend a lot, whether it’s for a meal or on the metro. Traveling on the Copenhagen metro will run you at approximately $3.50 per ride–even if it’s one stop. Due to the trusting nature of the Danish, you can get away with not paying, but be prepared if guards stop to check for a ticket because fines can be over $100. Paying for a metro ticket on your own accord may seem like an act of trust, but Scandinavian countries seem to take that concept to a whole new level. Walking the canals of Nyhavn, I couldn’t help but notice all these prams sitting outside of restaurants. Even at the Design Museum, these baby carriages were sitting outside in the courtyard without any parental supervision. At first I thought perhaps they just needed a place to park an empty carriage, but lo and behold, there were babies inside! Even in the dead of winter, it seems Scandinavian and Nordic countries have been accustomed to leaving their children outside because of the healthy fresh air. Perhaps that’s what trained those formidable Vikings from a young age: cold air. Babies as young as 2 weeks old out in temperatures as low as -20°F tend to boggle the mind, but I’ll let the health critics hash out the research. Regardless of its health

Fashion & Features


“Denmark is a country that takes care of its streets and people, but you only come to realize it when you pay its high taxes”

42 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015

benefits, I learned from my unsupervised pram encounter that Denmark is a very trusting country. There’s a reason why the Danish are officially the happiest people in the world, topping the 2014 World Happiness Report. While it could be due to the high taxes, healthy babies or the trusting, law-abiding nature of its citizens, Copenhagen has a lot going for it, including the burgeoning food scene and savvy design brands. There is the traditional smørrebrød, or rather open-faced sandwiches that can be found throughout cafes and restaurants, but the city is also home to Noma, the ‘best restaurant in the world’. I was curious and decided to take a small detour to the restaurant but found it closed because it temporarily moved to Japan. However, I was not disappointed by the gorgeous canal views located beside the restaurant in Christianshavn. If you do want a reservation at this prestigious restaurant, book months in advance and be sure to spare some room for a 20 course meal that will set you back at least $250 per person, not including wine parings. My favorite area for its trendy food scene is the Kødbyen Meatpacking District located in Vesterbro. It may appear as a complex of warehouses with butchers coming and going by day, but by night it’s teeming with nightlife, bars, and restaurants. Keeping up with the modern Nordic cuisines that you’ll see throughout Copenhagen is the Scandinavian design craze that has swept Europe and even crept its way to the USA. Claiming modern design as ‘part of the Danes’ national identity and daily life’, Denmark has been a pioneer in furniture and home décor. Designers such as Hans J. Wegner and Arne Jacobsen, and brands such as BoConcept, Carl Hansen & Søn, Normann Copenhagen, and Muuto are internationally known entities that really showcase sleek, functional Danish modernism. From siting a beautifully designed piano to an array of artichoke lamps hanging in a window display, you’ll even see those famous Wegner three-legged shell lounge chairs in the lobby of the Design Museum Danmark and the Jacobsen egg chair in local businesses. From Copenhagen’s metro fare to its cuisine and name brand furniture, you can be fairly certain living or visiting the city will put a dent in your wallet. However, that doesn’t have to be the case when frequenting the amazing antique shops and sporadic flea markets located throughout this Nordic city. I was lucky enough to be in town on a Sunday for the flea market located at the old Carlsberg brewery. A massive warehouse filled with dozens of vendors and stalls, the market carries anything from an-

tiques, furniture décor, kitchenware, dining ware and clothing. I even managed to find a hundred year old postcard and haggle for a gorgeous handmade Swedish rug that has become a rather treasured memento of my trip. Another offbeat alternative to a Copenhagen experience is a visit to the hippie commune of Freetown Christiania. Just within walking distance of Noma, Christiania is a self-governed town created on an abandoned military site in 1971. It is founded on the basis that every individual be responsible for the society at large. With about 850 residents, this tiny community is fiercely proud and protective of itself. With colorful graffiti strewn across buildings and makeshift houses, there are also signs that prohibit photography. Why so reclusive? The 84-acre town is home to a flourishing marijuana trade in what locals have dubbed the Green Light District. Photos are strictly forbidden here and even bringing out your iPhone will garner wary looks from residents. Technically the government abolished the marijuana trade in 2004 and attempts to control the Freetown have involved police raids, shootings, gangs, and riots. However, distribution has continued to go on despite it being illegal and law enforcement now tends to leave the Freetown to itself. While Christiania does have the most colorful murals and street art of Copenhagen, not all of it is vibrant and picturesque. It has a grungy and grim feeling to it, with individuals hovering over fire-filled garbage cans and people buying weed from hidden dealers behind camouflage nets. Walking away from the Green Light District becomes less bleak as you see playgrounds, yoga studios, local theatre productions, and tiny urban gardens next to recycled glass and wooden houses. As you leave the gate of Christiania, you’ll be bidden farewell by a post above saying, ‘You are now entering the EU’. Copenhagen does have its cliché tourist spots, but I love how tame its tourism is. It’s rarely excessively tacky, save for Tivoli Gardens and the occasional ‘I <3 Copenhagen’ sweatshirt. Unlike London or Rome, it’s a city you can breathe in and not be mobbed by street vendors attempting to guess your ethnicity by saying hello in various languages. With its re-inventive cuisine, exciting shopping possibilities and picturesque yet mysterious neighborhoods, Copenhagen should be your next Nordic destination.



share your WEAR The Blog That’ll Get You Bikini Ready

44 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015


Fashion & Features

SHARE YOUR WEAR By Breana Powell Even though it’s the most important summer essential, finding a cute bikini can feel like mission impossible times two, especially if you want something unique. But never fear, two ladies have found a way to tap into the swimwear market with a huge splash. Enter your bikini superheroes, Natasha Oakley and Devin Brugman, creators of the blog, “A Bikini A Day.” Started in 2012, the popular blog makes finding the three Cs (cut, coverage, and colorway) effortless and fun. The site (along with their Instagram) highlights swimsuits from countless brands, providing photos and a short review. Featuring stunning editorials and picturesque backdrops on an equal playing field as those printed in a Victoria’s Secret catalogue or Sports Illustrated, the blog is your one-stop shop to prep for a tropical vacay or a summer spent poolside. The sexy beach professionals don’t stop at reviewing, photographing and/or filming, and modeling the bikinis. As huge promoters of positive body image, they also post articles discussing beauty tips and tricks (such as “Things You Shouldn’t Be Conscious About”) and health/fitness routines to get your body (including that booty!) into tiptop shape. Oakley and Brugman organize weekly giveaways, which is a sweet treat for fans who lust over these suits. Is it summer yet? Natasha Oakley’s IG: @tashoakley Devin Brugman’s IG: @devinbrugman

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Check out www.abikiniaday.com and visit the IG: @abikiniaday


Fashion & Features


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Love the SKINN You’re In

By Colette Choi


You’ve seen their faces. Gorgeous, defying all logic. Fighting crime, fueling feuds, and finding the right shoe. They’ve been on Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives, The Office, and CSI. They are the women crafted by a beauty industry genius—Dimitri James, celebrity makeup artist, author, and founder of SKINN Cosmetics. With years of industry experience and a brand that has grown over the past thirteen years, James certainly boasts an impressive resume and his own share of insider secrets. Luckily for you, we sat down with him to chat!

Tastevin Magazine When did you get your start in the beauty industry? Dimitri James I was only 17. I basically went to a Lancôme counter and started doing makeup on all the sales girls—I wasn’t even working in the store! One day, a lady came up to me thinking I worked there. She asked me what a specific serum did and I replied, “Well, if you don’t use it, your face will fall off!” She happened to be the account executive for Estée Lauder. She hired me as a makeup artist at the largest account in Southern California. This was before I left for college. TM After that, you eventually moved on to do makeup for some of the most popular television shows—with arguably the most lasting influence. Any favorite clients with whom you love to work? DJ Eva La Rue from CSI: Miami. She is so funny and sweet. Melissa Rivers also cracked me up. Most of my clients [take] very good of their skin. However, one time Judy Tenuta called me to ask how long she could leave her fake lashes on after I applied them three days earlier. I was worried she would get an eye infection! Another time, Lauren Conrad wouldn’t let me apply eye shadow because she thought it made eyes look smaller. I love being able to educate women about best practices when it comes to skincare and beauty routines.


Fashion & Features

LOVE THE SKINN YOU’RE IN DJ Bobbi brown, TaTa Harper, Sisley, and of course, Skinn Cosmetics! TM What’s next for SKINN Cosmetics? For you? DJ This year, we are expanding to China and Europe. By 2020, we plan to be in twenty four countries. I hope to train ambassadors to do what I do so I can reach more women.

TM How did you use your career to shape SKINN Cosmetics? DJ I learned that product needed to provide solutions for problems. [I value the] efficacy of new anti-aging actives and staying on the edge of technology. Wrinkles around the mouth is a huge problem area for women that I’m always seeking new solutions for. TM Anti-aging is a big concern for many beauty brands. Beyond your obvious industry experience, what pushes SKINN to the front of the beauty pack? DJ This brand is not a marketing brand owned by a corporation, and I am not a paid spokesperson. I manufacture every product with a promise to bring the finest skin care to women at a reasonable price. My job has never changed. I make women look and feel beautiful. TM So what beauty brands do you recommend for making women beautiful?

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To get you the inside scoop, we tried a few SKINN Cosmetics products ourselves. Here’s what we found: Sulfate Free Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser for AM, $18 We loved this formula’s tea tree oil (it’s a natural acne fighter!). It added just the right amount of zing, perfect for energizing at the start of the morning! It says it’s an exfoliating cleanser, but there are none of the harsh beads found in other scrubs (you know, the kind that get stuck in your hairline and are impossible to wash out properly). Olive & Enzyme Rich Balm Cleanser for PM, $24

This formula definitely felt creamier than the morning exfoliating wash. If you do choose to use it in the morning, you might feel it’s too heavy. We liked it at night because it felt thick enough to strip away the toxins of going through the day, but it did NOT leave our skin feeling tight and uncomfortable like other formulas do. James chimed in on this, saying, “There are no sulfates or detergents, just natural cleansing ingredients like orange oil, olive, [and] enzyme!” The scent was pleasing and kind of reminded us of mangos…papayas? Must be the orange oil! Olive & Enzyme Make-up Removing & Cleansing Cloths, $30 for a pack of 30

The things we adored about these wipes were 1) they were not overly soaked with cleanser like other wipes we’ve used and 2) they left our skin soft and dewy—not wet or dried out. It did take about three wipes to remove the makeup that only one of our normal wipes gets off, but the trade-off is dewy skin we didn’t need to slather with an extra layer of thick moisturizing cream. 53

Fashion & Features


" Lauren Conrad wouldn't let me apply eye shadow because she thought it made eyes look smaller."

54 Tastevin Magazine April / May 2015


A Sweet Sketch for the Style Star By Caroline A. Wong


It doesn’t matter if you’re a full-fledged designer or just a Project Runway fanatic: the fashion sketch inspires all types of style divas. And now such artful sketches are available to even the most artistically challenged. Simply upload your #OOTD to the Chic Sketch app and it turns your daily ensemble into a work of art worthy of the most innovative new designers. There’s nothing more chic than that! So now the question becomes: is your outfit #sketchworthy? Find out more about the app at www.ChicSketch.com and download Chic Sketch in the iTunes store!

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