The Chocolate Tasting Club News - D116 October 2009

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D116 R22 K49 S27 019303

would the REAL Hotel Chocolat please step forward?

Growing our own cocoa on the West Indian island of St Lucia is a dream come true for everyone at Hotel Chocolat and The Chocolate Tasting Club. Soon though, another dream will be realised as Club Founder, Angus Thirlwell, tells us… When I first set foot on Rabot Estate and spent some time there in amongst the cocoa trees, I knew immediately that it was a very special place indeed. The views, the atmosphere, the scents, even the breeze had a dramatic

affect on me! Soon after that, once we had started rejuvenating the plantation and restoring the historic estate house, we decided that this was the perfect place to build the real Hotel Chocolat. In fact, we broke the news

right here in Club News about a year ago, so it has taken a little longer than I first thought – sorry for keeping you all in suspense! As you can imagine it has been a big undertaking and building on an island in the tropics is not without its challenges – like shortages of material or labour and inclement weather conditions to mention but a few. Finally, though, I’m happy to say that the dream is nearing completion. My aim has always been to create an intimate, exclusive place worthy of this stunning setting. A place where nature and wellbeing come together with style, luxury and, of course, chocolate! Guests will stay in one of only 10 Cocoa Pod Cottages, which have been designed and continued on page 3...

Dear Club Members


elcome to your latest edition of Club News! As you’ve probably already noticed, this month’s big news is all about the REAL Hotel Chocolat that is taking shape in St Lucia. Angus tells us all about the latest news from Rabot Estate on the front page – and, understandably, he’s quite excited. On page 5 you’ll see that there are changes afoot in how we report the monthly scores. It seems you’re taking longer to enjoy your chocolates these days so, from the next issue of Club News onwards, we’ll be allowing an extra month for collating scores and comments – to ensure that we report the most accurate results. Also this month there’s news about a new overseas adventure. We’re taking our unique Tasting Club to Germany, one of Europe’s leading makers and consumers of chocolate. Who did we trust to pass on the secret of how to keep members happy – find out on page 6.

Now that’s what we call relaxing!

Finally this month, thank you for the many emails and letters received over the past month. Please keep up the good work as, whether it’s good or bad, we do love to hear from you. And don’t forget that published letters receive 3 free tasting boxes – like the two you’ll find on page 11. Until next month, happy tasting!

SNIPPETS FROM OUR STORES In Cambridge young love was in the air as a teenage couple came to the counter with a Smiley Lolly. The young lady started to pay but he insisted that he get it. A little later he sneaked back in by himself to buy a chocolate heart as a surprise gift. 2

Simon Thirlwell Editor

Send your letters to The Chocolate Tasting Club, Mint House, Royston SG8 5HL, or simply email me on We are waiting to hear from you!

Continued from page one... built in our own inimitable style – Hotel Chocolat’s contemporary edge with a traditional West Indian twist. So the cottages are all constructed from local stone and wood in with traditionally high ceilings and specially designed and situated to catch the cooling breeze. Being set in 140 acres, there are plenty of things to fill your days with, however you fancy filling them. Taking it easy is one option… a quiet lounge around the pool with your favourite book and a few cooling dips. Followed by a relaxing cocoa butter massage and then a snooze in the shade on your breezy veranda… Equally relaxing is a stroll through the cocoa groves, breathing in the aromas and soaking up the calming atmosphere. If you’re feeling a little bit more energetic you could take part in my favourite activity when I’m there – a hike to the top of Rabot Ridge. You’ll be rewarded with some of the best views in St Lucia, looking out over the Caribbean Sea with the iconic Piton Mountains rising right in front of you! And for a bit of fascinating history, visit the site of the Battle of Rabot (1795) and learn

The majestic Piton Mountains rise up right in front of Rabot Estate

about it from a local expert. Of course, being a working cocoa plantation guests have a unique opportunity to roll up their sleeves and see what cocoa growing is all about – lend a hand turning the beans so they dry evenly in the sun; help out with the cocoa pod harvest; or let one of guides take you on a fruit safari, where you’ll discover the enormous range of fruit growing in amongst the cocoa trees. Another of the ‘iconic’ moments I enjoy when I’m there happens every day at sunset, when the twin Piton Mountains are lit dramatically from behind as the sun sinks. Which is why I made sure that the Boucan bar and restaurant had the best seats in the house to witness the drama every evening! And there’s so much more to tell – about the cocoa and

chocolate inspired dishes, the rum punch that’s made to my father’s secret recipe, the fantastic locally sourced ingredients… As you have probably guessed by now, I’m completely besotted by Rabot Estate! I feel extremely lucky first to be able to grow our own cocoa and now to be realising another dream, the creation of the real Hotel Chocolat. I hope that you can share the experience sometime, so if you’d like to find out more then let me know and I’ll send you a brochure when they become available later this year. Email: StLucia@ Post: St Lucia Hotel, Mint House, Royston, SG8 5HL

Angus Thirlwell, Club Founder 3






SELECTION - S25 1. Classic Belgian 8.68 (52%

1. Hazelnut Cheesecake by E Desmet 8.53 (35% scored it

1. Arabica Star by k kalenko & O Nicod 8.55 (32% scored


it 10/10)

2. Costa Rica 38% Milk Tasting Batons 8.29 (20%

2. Polish kitten by k kalenko 8.45 (43% scored it 10/10)

scored it 10/10)

3. Plum Brandy by EJ Whalley 8.41 (35% scored it 10/10)

scored it 10/10)

scored it 10/10)

3. Toffee Bombe by O Coppeneur & G Bernardini 8.28 (26% scored it 10/10)

4. Hazelnut Whirl by E Desmet 8.28 (31% scored it 10/10) 5. Rhubarb & Custard Reminisce by C Richardson, O Coppeneur & G Bernardini 8.21 (29% scored it 10/10)

6. Plum Brandy by EJ Whalley 8.11 (28% scored it 10/10) 7. Papua New Guinea Tasting Batons 8.04 (17% scored it 10/10)

8. Walnut Praline by O Nicod 8.02 (22% scored 10/10) 9. Arabica Star by k kalenko & O Nicod 7.97 (20% scored it 10/10)

10. Lemon Zing by O Nicod 7.96 (21% scored it 10/10)

4. Papua New Guinea Tasting Batons 8.37 (20% scored it 10/10)

scored it 10/10)

2. Cookie Crème 8.43 (37% 3. Sticky Toffee 8.39 (42% 4. Costa Rica 38% Milk Tasting Batons 8.22 (21% scored it 10/10)

5. Copacabana by P Hills & JC Vandenberghe 8.36 (19% scored it 10/10)

5. Papua New Guinea Tasting Batons 7.96 (21% scored it

6. Rhubarb & Custard Reminisce by C Richardson,

6. Mocha Bites 7.70 (42%

O Coppeneur & G Bernardini 8.24 (27% scored it 10/10)

7. Eton Mess 7.69 (29% scored

7. Hazelnut Cheesecake by E Desmet 8.21 (34% scored it 10/10) 8. Walnut Praline by O Nicod 8.15 (21% scored 10/10) 9. Toffee Bombe by O

10/10) scored it 10/10) it 10/10)

8. Raspberry Ripple Puddles 7.60 (21% scored it 10/10) 9. Peanut & Caramel Buttons 7.55 (21% scored it 10/10)

Coppeneur & G Bernardini

8.11 (17% scored it 10/10) 10. Cranberry & Hazelnut Crunch by G Pereira 8.07 (20% scored it 10/10)

11. Mousse au Chocolat by M Meier 8.06 (13% scored it

11. Polish kitten by k kalenko 7.94 (28% scored it 10/10)


12. Cranberry & Hazelnut Crunch by G Pereira 7.92

12. Jamaican Caramel by O Nicod 7.97 (44% scored it

(21% scored it 10/10)


13. Jamaican Caramel by O Nicod 7.78 (33% scored it

13. Hazelnut Whirl by E Desmet 7.83 (25% scored it



14. Copacabana by P Hills & JC Vandenberghe 7.76 (22%

14. Lemon Zing by O Nicod 7.72 (12% scored it 10/10)

BOUqUET Polish kitten – “POW! i think that i’d better have a quiet lie down after this one. Or perhaps i’ll just have another one.” Margaret Bishop, Pulborough.

BOUqUET Sticky Toffee – “Delicious – devoured in minutes by gluttonous friends!” katherine Gregory, Nottingham.

scored it 10/10)

15. Mousse au Chocolat by M Meier 7.76 (16% scored it 10/10) 4

BRiCkBAT Jamaican Caramel – “The rum packs quite a kick. Too much in fact. it’s kicked the caramel clean away!” Lynn Eaton, Doncaster.

TAKE your TIME! Scoring chocolates is at the heart of all we do here at the Tasting Club. At the very beginning we started by reporting the scores of the box just tasted, however, it soon became apparent that members needed more time. Which is why there is currently a two-box lag. So, while Classic tasters, for example, have just received box D116, the scores reported here are for box D114. However, it looks like you’re taking longer to enjoy

BOUqUET Hazelnut Cheesecake – “That’s gotta be illegal!” Michael Burch, Thatcham. your chocolates these days! We’ve noticed that the number of scores received after we’ve published the results here in Club News has been slowly edging upwards – we now receive almost half as many again after the publishing deadline. Although those scores are not presently shown here, they are taken into account when deciding which chocolates will make it into our annual Excellence Collection. But we think those scores should be reported because, aside from being more accurate, there are other factors to consider.

BRiCkBAT Toffee Bombe – “Someone forgot to put the toffee in mine!” Sarah Hills, Croydon. Our featured chocolatiers, for example are very interested in the results published here – after all, reputations may be at stake! Which is precisely why we’re giving you more time to score your chocolates. So, from next month onwards we’ll have a three-month lag, which will allow us to collect and publish the

Hazelnut Cheesecake hit the spot this month

vast majority of scores. In order to create that extra month, we’ll report the scores for the same boxes as this month again next month – which will also be a fascinating exercise in seeing if and by how much the scores change! And we couldn’t have chosen a better set of results to test in this way because, as it stands now, the Classic

BOUqUET Copacabana – “1st class. Brilliant idea. Lovely to look at and a delight to eat. Well done P. Hills, you were inspired!” Edna Fawcett, Stockton-on-Tees. and Dark score charts are significantly different. Both sets of tasters seem to be having a fairly rare, substantial difference of opinion – for instance, will Dark tasters become as nutty as their Classic compatriots by elevating Hazelnut Cheesecake to the top? Conversely, will Classic tasters find their soft side and be nicer to our Polish kitten? Solid Chocolate Tasters, meanwhile, have been high rolling scorers so far, with the Classic Belgian milk chocolate enjoying a top score of 8.68, with 52% of tasters awarding it 10 out of 10. Will those high scores continue, or will a greater number of tasters bring the average down a little? Don’t miss next month’s issue of the Club News when we’ll find out! 5


cocoa BEAN

You might remember that a couple of

months ago we hinted at news of a German version of The Chocolate Tasting Club. Well, now the embargo has been lifted so we can tell you more, including news of someone quite familiar to members! recipes that we enjoy. All of which means that we’re greatly looking forward to introducing ourselves to the chocolate-loving German public.

Although we’re doing our bit to put Britain on the chocolate making map, the big European chocolate making (and consuming) countries have traditionally been Switzerland, Belgium, France and Germany. So, to xxxxxxxxxxxxx launch The Chocolate Tasting Club in Germany is a bold step indeed – a bit like taking coals to Newcastle! However, believe it or not, Germany doesn’t really have the equivalent of our Tasting Club. There is one company that sprung up a year or two after we started here that does bear some similarities… but crucially lacks the depth and breadth of chocolate 6

We’ve teamed up with a partner in Germany, which is a wellestablished company though in a completely different sector. Clearly then they were in need of some training. But who could we send who knows all there is to know about The Chocolate Tasting Club? Someone who could introduce them to the delights of chocolate, its history and how to taste and assess it…? Yes, our very own Lynn Cunningham fitted the bill the perfectly, thanks to her experience as Club Manager for many years. Lynn also

had something else up her sleeve as she told us, “I did in fact live in Germany for a couple of years before I joined Hotel Chocolat. So not only was I looking forward to a return visit, I was also looking forward to seeing just how much German I could remember after nine years!”

Arriving in Stuttgart, Lynn got to work with our German partners and covered everything from an introduction to cocoa and its history to how to taste chocolate and deliver the Tasting Club experience to their members. And all of it in German! For the first two days of their three-day training, however, Lynn kept the tasting boxes firmly out of site.

“My idea was that, having learned all about the workings of the Tasting Club, they should get their first experience of the chocolates from a member’s point of view. I presented them with their tasting boxes and insisted we discuss every part of it before going on, starting with the cardboard packaging. My methods proved to be highly effective as it turned out – by the

time we finally got to the chocolates they were almost salivating!” This month sees the exciting launch in Germany, but it will not be known by a simple translation of The Chocolate Tasting Club. It’s called San Coa – which Lynn tells us translates as the sacred cocoa bean. We’ll keep you informed of all the news from our German cousins right here!

SNIPPETS FROM OUR STORES In Norwich the rejuvenating power of chocolate was in evidence – a gentleman admitted to staff that he was 88 years old, but the warm welcome he gets every time he visits the store makes him feel 20 years younger!

SNIPPETS FROM OUR STORES A young lady came into the Basingstoke store and bought a Chocolatier’s Table for her boyfriend’s birthday. She did have complaint though – that we don’t make lockable boxes so she wouldn’t be tempted to eat all of the chocolates herself.

an explosive find? Phil Buckley, Estates Director at Rabot Estate, recently made an interesting find – a lead musket ball that he thinks must date back to the Battle of Rabot, which was fought between the English and French way back in 1795. This latest find will be added to Phil’s collection that now includes a sword and a great many military-style buttons, all found at the site of the battle. Incidentally, the lush, fertile island of St Lucia was

fought over by the French and English for quite some time – between the mid 1700s and 1814 control of St Lucia changed hands 14 times! 7


hush-hush? If you have never done it yourself, then the chances are you must know someone who has! We’re talking about those fantastic discoveries that, for one reason or another, people are reluctant to share. More often than not it’s a fabulous little restaurant that we’ve stumbled upon but, with ‘little’ being the operative word, we fail to mention its whereabouts to all but our nearest and dearest. After all, if we told everyone we might never get a table there again! And the list could well be endless (but how would we know for sure?) – a charming bed & breakfast tucked away off the beaten track, a tranquil holiday destination, a favourite wine, a gem of a clothes shop… And to that list, if you’ll permit us, we’d like to add The Chocolate Tasting Club. Although a great many of our members are almost evangelical about spreading the news of good chocolate, we do suspect that there may be a case of the ‘ secret restaurant syndrome’ for others.


Are you keeping chocolate secrets?

Confess all! So, are you keeping the Tasting Club a secret? Or perhaps you’re keeping another discovery all to yourself? If so, we’d love to know and to hear why! As well as the therapeutic benefits of confessing all, there’s also a HandPiped Sleekster Selection for the best confession. So go on, confess all at simon@ or write to Tasting Club Confessions, Mint House, Royston SG8 5HL.

Share the love and save £5 There are, of course, advantages in sharing the Tasting Club… one common complaint from members is that friends are a little too keen to help savour their tasting selections! So the first benefit of sharing the Chocolate Tasting Club is that you’ll get your

selection back – by turning friends into fellow members with their own chocolates, rather than ‘sharing’ yours! If that isn’t incentive enough to recommend the Tasting Club to your friends and family, you’ll also get £5 off your next selection – and you can receive as many £5 discounts as you have friends! All they have to do is quote your membership number when they contact us. Don’t forget, you’ll not only be sharing your love of exciting chocolates with friends and family, you’ll also be helping to keep your own selections all to yourself!

tantalisingly CLOSE? If you live near one of Hotel Chocolat’s stores, then they certainly are tantalisingly close! And with seven brand new stores open, or opening their doors soon, you could well be closer than you think… This summer saw Harrogate and Oxford throwing open their doors, while London has two new stores in Victoria and The Strand. Sheffield Meadowhall will become an even better place to shop when Hotel Chocolat opens there in October, while Chester and sunny Chichester also open in October. Phew! And we haven’t even mentioned the two new stores in Boston yet. But before you Lancastrians rush out looking for the

new shops, that’s Boston Massachusetts! Which is good news if you have friends or family who live there and if you happen to be passing through on holiday, or should we say vacation…? So, if you haven’t yet visited a Hotel Chocolat store, then there’s a real adventure for all of your senses waiting for you. With the enticing aromas of chocolate, tactile surfaces and colours inspired by the cocoa pod, each store is designed to bring to life

the excitement of chocolate in our own distinctive style. You’ll not only discover that there’s a warm welcome waiting for you but, as Tasting Club members, you can also take advantage of your preferential 5% discount. Just remember to take your membership card along with you! For full details of all store locations, opening times and directions please see stores 9


george! Steiff bears are sought-after all over the world as the most collectible bear of all. So we’re very pleased to say that a limited number of very special Hotel Chocolat bears will be joining those famous ranks! Hand-made in the inimitable Steiff style, George comes in super soft mohair in an irresistible, mellow milk chocolate colour and clutching his own mini slab of chocolate. And because that one isn’t edible, he also comes with a full sized chocolate slab cast from real chocolate – mellow milk swirled with creamy white and dreamy caramel chocolate in fact. The story of these amazing bears began with Margaret Steiff, a seamstress from the German town of Giengem, whose hobby was making stuffed animal toys. Together with her brother, Richard, they designed a bear that was jointed in much the same way as dolls were made. They were an instant success and have set the benchmark ever since. That’s why each and every Steiff bear, including our George feature the Steiff Button-In-Ear as a telltale mark of authenticity. George also has his own numbered certificate of authenticity to show off his distinguished Steiff pedigree! 10

Limited Edition & Special Members’ Offer There will only be a maximum of 2,000 Hotel Chocolat Bears available, so George is sure to be an exclusive addition to your family. And what’s more, as a Tasting Club member you can have George on a 30-day no commitment trial AND save £20 on the normal price! So, if you’d like to be one of the first to get your hands on this exclusive limited edition, just call us on 08444 933 933 complete the order form on George’s leaflet recently enclosed, or quickest of all go to

SPOTTED IN THE STORES Actress Elizabeth Berrington, who you’ll recognise from such favourites as The Bill, Casualty and the film Nanny McPhee, dropped in to us in Manchester. In Leeds, Connie Fisher (How do solve a problem like Maria) came in to sing out praises.

in the POSTBAG… in this month’s postbag we have two delightful stories to share with you – the first being testament to the evocative powers of chocolate. Margaret Walker tasted Tipsy Toffee Apple and was immediately transported back to a party at her aunt’s house over 70 years ago! Margaret’s aunt was a dab hand at making toffee apples, but one guest got more than she bargained for… “On this occasion we had invited a neighbour’s daughter who must have been about 6 or 7 and she was wearing a velvet dress. Up came the tray of toffee apples and after we had made some progress in eating them, my aunt noticed that the small girl was so engrossed in something else that her toffee apple was resting on the front of her dress. She rushed to try to remove it before too much damage was done but, alas, when she gently removed the toffee apple, she also removed a fair amount of the velvet pile from the front of the dress as well. We had quite a bit of explaining to do, i can tell you. Fortunately, i had no such mishap with your chocolate!” Meanwhile, Barbara Chillman had a very different experience with her tasting box. As a long standing member she usually takes good care of her monthly box, however, while having her carpets replaced recently she took advantage of a lovely summer’s day to move her belongings out of the way and into the garden…

“imagine my horror when i opened up a sackful of assorted living room bits and bobs to discover that, in my haste to empty the room, i’d put my chocolate tasting box in there, which had then been sat in the sun all day! Hopeful that maybe they would just be a bit squidgey, i opened the box with bated breath - completely liquid!” Ever the optimist, Barbara did manage to salvage some chocolates and had some interesting findings to report! “i can report that melting and then chilling walnut praline leaves it just as delicious. The cheesecake one may not have survived the experience quite so well... And thank you for numbering the boxes, or we’d have had no clue what we were eating!” Don’t forget that every letter we publish receives THREE free Tasting Boxes! Contact us by email – simon@hotelchocolat. or by post at The Chocolate Tasting Club, Mint House, Royston, SG8 5HL. 11

This month’s Prize Draw winners

discover THE BRAND NEW


Classic Selection prize draw

selection for just £9.95

Next month’s prize is a collection of Champagne Truffles – with crisp but delicate chocolate shells giving way to classically soft cream and champagne ganache.

As you well know, our Introductory Selection is the delicious entry point for all members of the Tasting Club. It’s a showcase of our chocolatiers’ talents and the latest box is brimming with No. 1 chocolates – as voted for by you and your fellow members.

Dark Selection prize


winner is Mrs P M Garton of Fowey who wins Ultimate Marzipan.

draw winner is Miss E S Whitsey of Blackburn who wins a Rabot Estate Collection. Next month’s prize is Dark on Dark Giant Slab – profoundly deep but smooth 74% cocoa dark chocolate pressed with more dark chocolate shapes.

Solid Chocolate

prize draw winner is Miss D Eastwood of Elland who wins a White Adventure Collection. Next month’s prize is a Rocky Road Giant Slab – one of most popular slabs of all time brimming with mellow flavours and gorgeous texture.

Actually, it’s not! We’re not like that bank in the TV adverts whose best deals are only available to new customers. So, if you’d like to experience this box full of winning chocolate recipes, then it’s available to you for exactly the same promotional price as new members – just £9.95 (including delivery), but restricted to just one per member. It could make a stunning and rather unique gift for those extra special people in your life! For more details and to order please go to or call us on 08444 933 933. New introductory selection comes with liquid chocolat and our unique cocoa growers slab - all for just £9.95

Also available in dark.

Don’t forget - you can score by post or online at Write to us at: The Chocolate Tasting Club, Mint House, Royston, SG8 5HL Email: or via our website: Club News: Editor: Simon Thirlwell; Contributors: Simon Thirlwell, Lynn Cunningham, Terry Waters; Design: Katherine Kannegieter © The Chocolate Tasting Club Limited 2009

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