The Chocolate Tasting Club News - D118 December 2009

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D118 R24 K51 S29 019497

Seedlings, Seedlings


As we approach the end of 2009, it’s time we looked back at what has been another busy year in Ghana’s Osuben Basin – for the cocoa farmers and for our partners at The Green Tropics Group who help run our projects. It has been another bumper year for our cocoa seedlings scheme, producing a whopping 122,000 plants. What’s more, the survival rate for seedlings has also improved this year, from 95% last year to 97% this – which is all due to the ever improving know-how and increasing experience of our nursery managers. Our main nursery in Osuben village has been very much at the centre of things, but the ever-growing network of smaller satellite nurseries has also played a vital role. This is the third year of satellites nurseries and, with three more added, there’s already a grand total of 11. These mini nurseries and their managers not only increase the number of seedlings that can be

A lady cocoa farmer drops by after church to collect seedlings from a satellite nursery

physically grown, but they also allow farmers who do not live near the main nursery to access our seedling scheme. Mucuna Blanket This year has also seen a continuation of the degraded

lands scheme, whereby soil that has had all nutrients leached from it is made fertile once again. How is that done? By using mucuna bean plants that actually return vital nutrients to the soil – a tried and tested method that has continued on page 3...

Dear Club Members


elcome to your latest edition of Club News. This month’s lead story is a look back at the continuing run of great results from Ghana – with seedlings, reclaiming degraded land and plantains – none of which would be possible without our members by the way. There’s so much more to come from Ghana too, like an update of how the truck appeal is progressing and the winners of the Farmers’ Awards. We’ll be covering all of that in the months to come. Also this month there’s exciting news from Germany, from our Nordic neighbours and an ongoing foray into the world of tea. And with Christmas fast approaching, there’s also a timely reminder that you can make full use of your 5% discount at Hotel Chocolat stores nationwide and fill your stockings – so to speak.

Christmas is coming, so don’t forget your 5% discount at Hotel Chocolat – see page 10 for more.

Favourite Facebook Moments Forgetting I’d ordered the classic collection as well last Christmas, having what I’m pretty sure was swine flu and being literally SURROUNDED by chocolate to help me get better! Vicky Sloan


You’ll also find that we’re asking for your opinions on a couple of subjects. The first is a survey for those who never, or rarely, use our website, which we’ve sensibly placed on the inside back page and not online! The second is an intriguing idea from Angus. Until next month, happy tasting!

Simon Thirlwell Editor PS. Next month we’re launching the Create a Chocolate Competition – not one to miss! – see page 9.

Send your letters to The Chocolate Tasting Club, Mint House, Royston SG8 5HL, or simply email me on We are waiting to hear from you!

Continued from page one... been in use for centuries. As part of the teaching process, we have already showcased the amazing transformation on several selected plots. And this year we asked farmers with degraded land to come forward. There was a great response and, from the many requests, five farms were chosen. They have already been treated with the mucuna, which is left to grow for several weeks, before being cut down and allowed to die back into the soil. These five plots are now being planted with food crops and cocoa to further demonstrate the efficiency of this scheme – word is spreading as quickly as the mucuna plants! Project Plantain One of our newest initiatives has been to educate cocoa farmers in the ways of plantain. You might be aware that cocoa seedlings need constant shade and that many farmers combine shade trees with food crops. Plantain stands head and shoulders above the alternatives because it not only provides food, but the plant itself actually enhances the soil. However, plantain plants are expensive, but an

You can’t farm cocoa without a good machete – which is why we have many to award as prizes in the Farmers’ Awards, coming soon!

ingenious method has been developed to split one ‘sucker’ into as many as 200 seedlings. We’re now spreading this know-how to farmers who can also sell plantain seedlings to provide additional income and there has been great interest among farmers. Already this year substantial plantain nurseries are up and running in eight different locations. And the winner is… Helping cocoa farmers to improve their own livelihoods is the crux of our Engaged Ethics initiative in Ghana, which is why every year we have had a programme of farmers’ awards. These prizes are designed to incentivise

well-kept farms, the planting of new seedlings, prudent pruning and other best practice farming techniques that all help to increase productivity and boost incomes. We’ve drawn up a shortlist of potential winners and will bring you all the news once the prizes have been awarded. Thanks must go to Bob, Stephen and Isaac of The Green Tropics Group who have worked so hard to bring our projects to fruition this year. But the final thank you must go to you, our members, whose ongoing support of the Tasting Club makes our work in Ghana possible!


CLassIC seLeCtIOn - D115

1. Cranberry truffle by O Coppeneur & G Bernardini 8.33 (28% scored it 10/10) 2. Orange Drizzle by r Macfadyen 8.21 (26% scored it 10/10) 3. advocaat Cup by r Macfadyen 8.20 (30% scored it 10/10) 4. Cookies & Caramel by G Pereira 8.18 (34% scored it 10/10) 5. honey & Pecan by K Kalenko 8.12 (22% scored it 10/10) 6. Vodka truffle by K Kalenko 8.09 (27% scored 10/10) 7. Milky Milk tasting batons 8.08 (22% scored it 10/10) 8. Macadamia Manon by JC Vandenberghe 8.08 (30% scored it 10/10) 9. butterscotch Crumble by E Desmet 8.06 (23% scored it 10/10) 10. Chai tease by G Burden & M Meier 7.98 (24% scored it 10/10) 11. Relaxed Raspberry by E Desmet 7.93 (20% scored it 10/10) 12. Jamaican sunshine by O Coppeneur & G Bernardini 7.92 (31% scored it 10/10) 13. West african Dark tasting batons 7.89 (13% scored it 10/10) 14. st Lucia Praline by EJ Whalley 7.85 (23% scored it 10/10) 15. Pistachio bite by r Macfadyen 7.27 (12% scored it 10/10) 4


seLeCtIOn - K48 1.Jamaican sunshine by O Coppeneur & G Bernardini 8.60 (46% scored it 10/10) 2. Vodka truffle by K Kalenko 8.53 (25% scored 10/10) 3. st Lucia Praline by EJ Whalley 8.40 (26% scored it 10/10) 4. Relaxed Raspberry by E Desmet 8.34 (23% scored it 10/10) 5. Orange Drizzle by r Macfadyen 8.32 (28% scored it 10/10) 6. Chai tease by G Burden & M Meier 8.30 (22% scored it 10/10) 7. West african Dark tasting batons 8.30 (28% scored it 10/10) 8. butterscotch Crumble by E Desmet 8.27 (22% scored it 10/10) 9. Macadamia Manon by JC Vandenberghe 8.26 (32% scored it 10/10) 10. honey & Pecan by K Kalenko 8.22 (14% scored it 10/10) 11. Cranberry truffle by O Coppeneur & G Bernardini 8.18 (22% scored it 10/10) 12. Creamy Dark tasting batons 8.18 (24% scored it 10/10) 13. Pistachio bite by r Macfadyen 7.98 (20% scored it 10/10) 14. Cookies & Caramel by G Pereira 7.94 (23% scored it 10/10) 15. advocaat Cup by r Macfadyen 7.93 (20% scored it 10/10)


seLeCtIOn - s26

1. Milky Milk Chocolate tasting batons 8.68 (38% scored it 10/10) 2. salted Caramel Puddles 8.56 (29% scored it 10/10) 3. Java Milk Chocolate 8.40 (38% scored it 10/10) 4. new Chocolate brownie 8.30 (43% scored it 10/10) 5. Cookie Crunch 8.07 (26% scored it 10/10) 6. Pistachio bite 7.93 (21% scored it 10/10) 7. West african Dark tasting batons 7.88 (26% scored it 10/10) 8. Cherry & almond 7.70 (26% scored it 10/10) 9. Lemon tingle 7.56 (18% scored it 10/10)

BrICKBAT relaxed raspberry “The raspberry was a bit too relaxed. Asleep, more like.” Jessica Odell, Lisburn. BOuQuET Butterscotch Crumble “Perfect combination – butterscotch grumble though as there weren’t enough of these in the box!” T Coulson, Gravesend.

WHILE the CAT’S AWAY… this month we see Classic tasters and Dark tasters completely at odds, but with one underlying theme… Just one glance at the Classic and Dark scores and you’ll see exactly what we mean. the Classic tasters, perhaps with one eye on Christmas, opted to make Cranberry truffle their winner, while it only managing a lowly eleventh place in the Dark chart.

BOuQuET Chai Tease “I have never been a huge fan of Chai, but this chocolate made me go out and try the tea again. Was a mistake, your chocolate version was miles better.” Melanie Palomar, Wigan. Dark tasters, on the other hand, were clearly dreaming of a Caribbean getaway and scored Jamaican sunshine most highly – which fell to twelfth place on the Classic chart. Most curious.

BOuQuET Cookies & Caramel “Loved this chocolate so much I contemplated buying a second box just to eat one more.” rachel Insoll, Buxton. but the main story here is what our own chocolatiers have been up to. You might have noticed that the name ‘O nicod’ is missing from the score charts this month. Olivier is clearly taking a well-deserved break before the Christmas rush, but while he’s been away his fellow chocolatiers have been making hay – to mix a few metaphors!

Classic Christmas Winner Cranberry Truffle

and we can see this most clearly in the Classic selection, with our homegrown chocolatiers taking second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth places. While in the Dark selection, they take second and third with only the veteran e Desmet putting a stop to their run. a good month for british chocolatiers indeed – Olivier will be proud when he gets back!

BOuQuET Salted Caramel Puddles “Whoever thought of putting salt in caramel is truly a genius! Don’t know why it works, but it really does.” Becci McFadyen, Irthlingborough. Meanwhile, over in the solid selection, tasters were clearly in relaxed mood – with the extremely laid back Milky Milk chocolate

BrICKBAT relaxed raspberry “The raspberry was a bit too relaxed. Asleep, more like.” Jessica Odell, Lisburn. nonchalantly taking the top spot, with the unbelievably mellow salted Caramel Puddles sauntering into second place.

BrICKBAT Vodka Truffle “A splash too much!” Sarah Finch, Puckeridge


sOLID CHOCOLATE sURVeY The results are in!

as a true chocolate democracy, we were prompted by many comments and requests from members to review the solid Chocolate selection. Many members suggested that it should include filled chocolates, while others wanted a dedicated, alcoholfree selection to enjoy – so we asked what you thought. now the results of that survey are in and here are our findings. BitS & BoBS? In general, members are happy with the number of solid chocolate slabs and batons in the selection. however, there was also a clear indication that members would also like to see more pralines as well as an increase in the bits & bobs – like chocolate canapés, puddles and chocolate paired with exciting partners.

alcoHol? When it came to the question of whether or not there should be alcohol in the selection, a clear majority stuck to their guns and returned a firm no. Interestingly enough, a significant minority of 30% thought that the odd splash of alcohol here and there wouldn’t be a bad thing at all. Milk, daRk oR WHite? One question that we were fairly sure wouldn’t surprise us was the general preference for chocolate. and it didn’t, with an overwhelming number of respondents telling us they preferred milk chocolate. Only a tiny 9% said they didn’t like white chocolate and a slightly larger 11% aren’t on speaking terms with dark chocolate. WHicH FillinG? When we tempted members with four different filled chocolates – caramel praline with fudge, peanut crème, orange praline or macadamia praline – the

clear favourite turned out to be the caramel praline with fudge. and tHe BiG QueStion? Finally, we showed members an image of a redesigned layout for the selection with fewer slabs and more filled chocolates. almost 60% of respondents preferred the new look over the existing format. amongst former solid Chocolate tasters that approval rating rose to 67%. and, most interesting of all, of the non-solid Chocolate tasters who took part (and had a slightly different questionnaire) 68% said they’d be interested trying out the new selection. WHat noW? With over 3,000 members responding to our survey, we feel that there’s strong support for change. the results have given us a clear message and direction for that change, so, in the best traditions of our chocolate democracy, we’ll make our plans and reveal all in next month’s issue.

as seen on teLeVIsIOn! the Club is being advertised on television this month. It’s only a small test using satellite and Freeview channels to see if this is a good way to reach new members. If it’s successful we’ll be doing it on a bigger scale next year and then when anyone asks about the Club, you will be able to say: “It’s as seen on television!” 6

your chance to win a trip to ST LUCIA! How would you like to win a trip to St Lucia and witness the view from the Boucan Restaurant for yourself? Well, this is your chance because we’ll be entering all of our members into this prize draw. How do you enter? All you need to do is keep enjoying your tasting selections, as all active members on 31st January 2010 will be automatically entered into the competition. For new customers only. We’re currently offering this prize draw in our marketing as an incentive for new members to join the Club. However, we’re not one of those companies that reserves things ‘for new customers only’, which is why we’re opening up the prize to all of our members. So, everyone who is a member on 31st January will be included in the prize draw that will take place in February with the results announced at the end of the month.

Relax amongst the cocoa trees Nestled in amongst 140-acres of cocoa trees lies Rabot Estate, our historic cocoa plantation on the West Indian Island of St Lucia. The tranquil beauty of this tropical The stunning view is everything as Peter Harris getaway can now be (left), Hotel Chocolat Co-founder, and Phil experienced in one of our Buckley, Estate Director, discuss plans for the Boucan Restaurant last summer exclusive Cocoa Lodges. Rest and relaxation… exploring the plantation and its history-soaked surroundings… cooling off in the pool… and taking in the stunning views dominated by the Piton peaks are all included in the prize, as well as:

• • •

7 nights full board for two people All flights and transfers And £500 spending money

Favourite Facebook Moments Best moment? Discovering my son (5) and daughter (3) had demolished half a hidden tasting box. Less choccy for me but it seems I’ve taught them well. Phil Clarke 7

Favourite Facebook Moments Saying I’ll share the chocolates with the family, but then making sure I taste each type as ‘I have to do the scoring’, thereby ensuring I get to eat at least half the box! Sue Watkins

the chocolate ‘OsCaRs’ – COMInG sOOn!

this year, when Christmas has been and gone there’ll be so much more to look forward to than just a couple of chilly winter months – excellence, the ‘Oscars’ of the chocolate world, is coming! Chocolatier excellence is our annual collection of the very best of the best. It’s your chance to savour,

or discover for the first time, the true chocolate stars of the past year. Using your scores and comments we create a short list of the contenders and then angus and his team carefully make the final selections for three superb collections – Classic, Dark and solid Chocolate. this year there’s also the

Members’ Choice to look forward to. the survey has just closed, so next month we’ll reveal which of our chocolate superstars will make it into excellence 2010 and I know of at least one that will delight many, many of the ‘older members’. Keep an eye out for details coming soon!


Anyone for wine & chocolate tasting? I was recently asked to take part in a ‘Fine Wine & Fine Chocolate’ evening. In fact, I was the ‘Fine Chocolate’ bit, so I gave a talk and hosted a chocolate comparison tasting. after that, there was a rather special 8

dinner, with each course incorporating chocolate into the recipe and matched to a range of specially chosen wines. there were about 30 people present that evening and it cost £90 a head – though I have to admit that I got in free as one of the speakers! however, immediately afterwards my wife booked us both onto another one in the new Year, that’s how much we enjoyed it. all the way home I was wondering if something similar would appeal to tasting Club members – a dinner that features chocolate in each course (much like our 101 best Loved Recipes book), with a

host to talk about the chocolate used and perhaps a splash or two of wine. I also thought we could use some of the hotel Chocolat stores or perhaps a (normal) hotel where necessary. Clearly, the best way to find out if it’s of interest is to ask you. so I’d love to hear what you think about the idea in general, what it might cost and anything else that occurs to you – either online at events or drop me a line at Chocolate & Wine evening, the Chocolate tasting Club, Mint house, Royston sG8 5hL.

Fancy a

rEAL cuppa? the british love nothing better than putting their feet up with a lovely cup of tea. and it’s this enduring love affair with tea that has prompted us to contact some members recently and to ask them if they would like to try out tea tasting. at the moment, this is just an experiment to see how popular the idea is, with around about 500 members taking us up on the offer. While tea and cocoa may seem to be worlds apart, there

are, in fact, many parallels between the two. Firstly, just like cocoa, there is a fantastic array of premium, broad leaf teas to discover, all with flavours influenced by variety as well as the terroir in which they’re grown. secondly, it’s an area where large multinational companies have taken over and those premium teas have been sidelined in favour of massproduced bags with dust-like consistencies that are quick

to brew. Like turning cocoa into good chocolate, it takes time and patience for broadleaf teas to brew, but the wait is worth it. and finally, both tea and cocoa are often the staple crops of developing nations, so there’s also a clear ethical parallel to be drawn between them too. It will be interesting to hear what our ‘tea tasters’ think and if there’s enough interest we’ll most certainly look to develop this idea further.

It’s BACK! Don’t miss the unique Create a Chocolate Competition Dust off your pencils and get your most creative thinking caps out, because our exclusive Create a Chocolate Competition is on the way! If you’ve fairly recently joined the Club, then you may well be asking yourself what on earth we’re talking about. Well, this is the moment that

Eton Mess is a past competition winner

you get to show us that has enjoyed huge success – designed just how creative you by Club member Janet Richmond can be, by designing reviewed and scored just like your own chocolate. Our very all of our chocolates – but the own chocolate expert angus winning designers also receive a thirlwell will then judge the whopping 5kg of their creation. entries and select the winners. So don’t miss next the winning chocolates will month’s issue of Club News not only feature in a regular when all will be revealed! monthly box – where they’ll be 9

in the POSTBAG… In this month’s postbag we hear about our chocolates coming to the rescue in more ways than one and the age-old problem of disappearing chocolates… Jill Buss wrote to tell us about a calamitous day that ended well. “the day before my 65th birthday – I walked the dog in the woods and the heavens opened. My husband is in bed with swine flu…” then came a ring at the doorbell, “My first ever tasting selection. What a perfect day!” Victoria Wilderspin and her six-yearold son also had a great day. “The morning assembly has focussed on Fairtrade issues and they were asked to identify a plant. Having shared the Club News together he knew straight away that it was a cocoa plant. As one of the youngest in the school he was delighted to be able to answer the question correctly.” On the subject of disappearing chocolates… Lucy Micklethwaite hides her chocolates in the fridge, but found herself undone when her son and daughter announced, “Those chocolates are yummy mummy!” News spread and she now has to share her box with the whole family. On the upside though, “It has made my Christmas

shopping easier – I can go straight to the Hotel Chocolat store.” Victoria Bettridge had a different kind of problem but a similar solution. She blamed disappearing chocolates on her husband, only to find it was her friend, who left a note confessing all, “They were the nicest chocolates she had ever tried and although she had been able to resist them at first, she couldn’t help herself after that!” Victoria has ordered a Trio Selection so her friend can enjoy her own chocolates with her family! Don’t forget that every letter we publish receives thRee free tasting boxes! Contact us by email – or by post at the Chocolate tasting Club, Mint house, Royston, sG8 5hL.

Who’ll be FILLInG your stockings THIS CHrISTMAS? Christmas is fast approaching – so don’t forget that you and your family can make full use of your Club Membership Card and claim 5% discount at hotel Chocolat. that’s either at their online store, via the catalogue or in person at any one of the 43 stores nationwide. You’ll find gorgeous gift ideas for everyone on your list this year – from chocolate santas, snowmen and reindeer to stuff into stockings, to the must-have signature Collection and impressive hampers for families to share. and when you spend £50 or more, you’ll also walk 10

away with a free gift – a taste of Winter selection – a fitting reward for all your hard work. Don’t forget to take your Membership Card to claim your 5% discount! to find your nearest store go to

NEVER USED OUR WEBSITE? Tell us why and you could win a Giant Slab!

We’ve recently discovered that less than 50% of members venture onto the Club website. That’s way below the national average for internet usage, so we thought we’d ask why – and clearly we couldn’t ask in our usual online survey! So if you’ve never used the Club website, or use it very rarely, then we’d really appreciate your help in getting to the bottom of it. Just tick the answers applicable to you and send them to us with your scorecard or in a separate envelope using this FREEPOST address – Club Web Survey, FREEPOST ANG1059, Royston SG8 5YD. Please tick the appropriate box(es) Q1. I have access to a computer – please go to Q2 I don’t have access to a computer – please go to Q10

Q8. The difficulties I had with the Club website were (tick all that apply) Logging in

Remembering my password

Q2. I have tried using a computer – please go to Q3 I have not tried using a computer – please go Q6

Understanding what to do

Q3. I have tried using the Club website – please go to Q4

Giving an instruction and it not happening

I have not tried using the Club website – please go to Q7

Q4. I had no difficulties with the Club website – please go to Q5 I had difficulties with the Club website – please go to Q8 Q5. I will probably use the Club website in the future

– please go to Q10

I will not use the Club website in the future – please go to Q9

Changing my password

Placing an order and then not receiving it Sending an email and not getting a reply

Other (please specify) - Please go to Q10

Q9. I will not use the Club website in future because (tick all that apply) I prefer to use the post

I prefer to use the telephone

Other (please specify) - Please go to Q10

Q6. I have not tried using a computer because (tick all that apply) I’m “too old to learn!”

Can’t be bothered

Q10. Please tell us more about yourself. I am:

I have physical difficulties

I don’t like technical stuff


Other (please specify) - Please go to Q10

Q7. I have not tried using the Club website because (tick all that apply) I prefer to use the post



Age: Under 19







80 or over

The area I live in is: Inner city I prefer to use the telephone

Other (please specify) - Please go to Q10




Country town Rural area

Any other comments you’d like to make? Please write them here:

(Please complete if you’d like to be entered into our Prize Draw). Name (optional):

Member no (optional):



Classic Selection prize

draw winner is Miss P Williams from Leeds who wins a Christmas Sleekster. Next

month’s prize is a Midnight Mints Selection – perfect for after dinner nibbling.

Dark Selection

prize draw winner is Jean Fahey from Wellingborough who wins a St Lucia Chocolate Discovery Box. Next month’s prize is a Dark Adventure – featuring four of our musthave dark slabs.

Solid Chocolate prize draw winner is Wendy Dillon from Beverley who wins a White & Caramel Cookies Giant Slab. Next month’s prize is a Caramellow Giant Slab – an irresistibly mellow classic.


Cold comfort in

SCANDINAVIA exciting news has just reached us here at Club news. We can now confirm that the Chocolate tasting Club is moving north and will soon appear in sweden and norway. by spring 2010 we hope to be bringing chocolate comfort to our nordic aficionados and, if that launch is successful, then Denmark and Finland are next on our list.

With Germany, austria and the nordic countries hopefully all part of the family by this time next year, we could well form our own ‘Chocolate european Union’!



the excitement in the last few weeks has been palpable, with the launch of the Chocolate tasting Club in Germany and all is going very well – we have just shipped a second order of Introductory selections to our German cousins, much larger than the initial shipment. In fact, you may have seen the recent pictures of the crowds gathered to welcome them – of course the arrival of the chocolates also coincided with the 20th anniversary celebrations of the fall of the berlin Wall, but we’re sticking to our story! all being well, we hope to launch in austria early next year. We’ll keep you informed.

Don’t forget - you can score by post or online at Write to us at: the chocolate tasting club, Mint House, Royston, SG8 5Hl email: or via our website: club news: editor: Simon thirlwell; contributors: Simon thirlwell, lynn cunningham, terry Waters; design: katherine kannegieter © the chocolate tasting club limited 2009

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