13 minute read
Unexpected Harmony • 122 Setting Sail Again • 124 Relaxed Meets Refined • 128 Plant-Based Revolution
Sautéed shredded mandarin fish 龙须鱼丝
意北佳酿 和谐之悦 unexpected harmony
At yè shanghai, wines from Northern Italy pair perfectly with Huaiyang-inspired cuisine.
“THE BEST WINES ARE LIKE DIPLOMATS,” says Sze Man Sui, executive chef yè shanghai. “They’re approachable by nature, unobtrusively connecting guests with their food and even lifting the overall experience.” The overall experience at the acclaimed Hong Kong restaurant is a glamorous one evoking the sensuous and alluring ambience of old Shanghai, which makes an ideal setting for Chef Sze’s imaginative menus that embrace cuisines from Shanghai and neighboring provinces like Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Recently, he and Bernard Lam, executive director of Elite Concepts, came together to find the perfect pairing for two of yè shanghai’s most popular Huaiyang-inspired dishes, Sautéed Shredded Mandarin Fish and Braised Beef Ribs with Premium Brown Sauce. In Huaiyang, people wouldn’t dream of having a feast without wine. In the past, it was usually warm yellow wine, that mellow spirit perfect for repelling the cold. Today, many there have turned to wines from France, Germany, and Portugal. But after much experimentation, Sze and Lam selected wines from San Silvestro and Costa di Bussia, century-old wineries run by the Sartirano family in Piedmont in Northern Italy. The
说到餐酒配搭,夜上海行政总厨施万岁表示: 「最好的餐酒,应该像一位外交官,生性平易 近人,能够暗中连结客人与菜肴,甚至掀动场 内气氛。」 夜上海的氛围雅致,重现老 BY 上海的浪漫情怀和迷人风情,是施
JOYCE KWOK 师傅呈现一系列苏、浙、沪经典菜 • 式的绝佳舞台。 PHOTOGRAPHY BY 最近,施师傅与餐厅集团执
SAMANTHA SIN 行董事林大群合作,为餐厅两道淮 扬名菜「龙须鱼丝」及「红烧牛肋 排」,寻找最合适的配酒。 昔日淮扬人宴客配酒,总离不开热烫的 黄酒,好能品出酒的香醇,也收暖身、驱寒之 效;纵使往后渐渐转向品饮西方餐酒,亦多以 法国、德国及葡萄牙出品为主。几经尝试,俩 人最后敲定选用意大利北部皮埃蒙特著名家族 萨蒂拉诺(Sartirano)百年酒庄 San Silvestro 的两瓶佳酿。这个由四代人经营的酒庄,百年
Executive Chef Sze Man Sui and Executive Director of Elite Concepts Bernard Lam 行政总厨施万岁及优意集团执行董事林大群
winery’s fourth-generation owners have made some of the world’s best wines from grapes native to the surrounding region, including dolcetto and nebbiolo. These wines, celebrated for their robust tannins, charming blackberry aromas, and elegant, delicate layering, have gone on to be crowned at several international wine competitions. Yè shanghai ’s innovative foray into Northern Italian wines is right in line with the requirements of Huaiyang cuisine for harmony, essence, and purity. Lam agrees and believes that wine pairing is a refined science of the tongue. “Any sommelier worth his salt not only intimately knows the personality of each wine but is familiar with the cooking process and flavor elements of every dish.” For the restaurant’s classic signature dish, Sautéed Shredded Mandarin Fish, he has chosen a 2019 Altego Piemonte DOC, which he describes as “very approachable” in flavor. In this instance, Lam overturns the dictum that red wines go only with meat. Surprisingly, the 2019 Altego gently accentuates the smoothness and sweetness of the fish. And the hand-cut and marinated fish is seasoned with egg white, salt, and vinegar, ingredients that soften the contrast between the delicate taste of fresh fish and the wine’s strong tannins, allowing guests to experience a true harmony of flavors. The restaurant’s for-sharing main dish, Braised Beef Ribs with Premium Brown Sauce, has been paired with a 2016 Costa di Bussia Tenuta Arnulfo ‘Luigi Arnulfo’ Barolo DOCG. Thanks to its oak-barrel aging, this single-origin nebbiolo red is distinguished by its beautifully resolved tannins. When paired with the dish’s traditional Chinese marinade, the wine’s acidic notes are further sublimated into fragrant sweet and fruity ones. The Barolo not only deepens the braised beef’s umami flavor and the pungency of its seasoning but also adds an intriguing sweetness on the palate. Italian wines like these, which continue to lead China’s wine culture into new areas of maturity and growth, are capable of turning any meal, particularly the creative dishes of yè shanghai , into a celebration of taste.
来积极起用该区的原生葡萄品种,例如多尔切 多(dolcetto)、内比奥罗(nebbiolo)等酿酒, 酒品主见单宁强劲、厚重,更散发阵阵迷人的 黑色水果香气,层次堪为细致、高雅,难怪是 近年国际葡萄酒比赛的得奖常客。 如今夜上海以意北酒配菜,似乎更合淮扬 菜讲求的「和、精、清」。在林先生眼中,配 酒是一场舌尖上的科学。「称职的侍酒师,除 了熟知每瓶酒的个性,更要知道菜肴的烹调 过程,以及风味元素。」以经典的河鲜招牌菜 式「龙须鱼丝」为例,他便特意配搭 2019 年的 Piemonte DOC Altego,一款他形容为「平易近 人」的葡萄酒。 这个配搭颠扑了「红酒只能配红肉」的不 破铁律。这支葡萄酒出奇地提升鱼丝的爽滑、 甜感,而腌制手切龙脷鱼丝的调味中有蛋白、 盐和醋,三者俱能柔化传统鱼鲜与单宁酸激荡 的冲突感,让客人充分感受和谐的美妙。 至于原为本帮菜、味属「浓油赤酱」的分 享主菜「红烧牛肋排」,二人则决定以 2016 年 的 Costa di Bussia Tenuta Arnulfo ‘Luigi Arnulfo’ Barolo DOCG 配衬。林先生认为,这支用内比奥 罗葡萄酿制的单品红酒,经橡木桶陈酿后,葡 萄原本的单宁酸早变得柔和;而菜式的红烧卤 水胆,则进一步将葡萄蕴藏的酸香升华成馥郁 的果甜。而有了这支葡萄酒,菜肴也不独只有 深沉的海鲜酱咸鲜及香料的微辛,咀嚼间更添 一重耐人寻味的甜美,让人顿时充满欣喜。 如此别具风味的意大利葡萄酒,将继续推 动中国葡萄酒文化的发展和成长,并能够与各 种菜肴,尤其是夜上海的创新美味相配,打造 更多餐酒搭配的味觉艺术。
Braised beef ribs with premium brown sauce 红烧牛肋排
乘风启航 setting sail again
Vasco Bar and Lounge is open once more and on course as Macau’s most exciting nightspot.
Bartender Paulo Canezo 调酒师 Paulo Canezo Cosmotini
NAMED AFTER the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama, who charted a trade route to India during the Age of Discovery, Vasco Bar and Lounge at Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau is back after a year’s hiatus, sailing into 2022 with a newly curated cocktail program and a standout entertainment lineup. Pouring cocktails inspired by the explorer’s journey from Portugal to the East are Bartender Paulo Canezo and his team. “There’s a lot of showmanship that goes into each concoction,” he says. “It’s a really nice way to engage with guests as we prepare their drinks.” Beyond cocktails and spirits, Vasco now offers afternoon tea sets and unique coffee creations that can be enjoyed in either the bar or at the mezzanine. Coming up for guests are Vasco’s “rituals,” including its Shipman’s Punch, a midpoint refreshing spritzer, and its signature Parting Shot offered before guests leave the bar. Nightly offers and live entertainment are also on deck. Friends of Vasco Night on each Tuesday offers 30 percent cocktail discounts to those in the Macau hospitality and gaming industries. On Wednesday’s Smoke & Bubbles Night, every lady receives a complimentary glass of Bubble Rosé Sparkling and can play a game to win a bottle. Thursday’s Flight Night has a 30 percent discount for all spirits flights. There’s a DJ every Wednesday and Friday and the Live Duo house band on Saturdays. Each Bubbly Sunday offers 50 percent discounts on bottles of selected sparkling wines. Tuesdays to Sundays feature Happy Hours, with drink specials 50 percent off for all guests from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Night Owls offers 30 percent discounts after 10:00 p.m. every Friday to Sunday. “We want guests to come and have a new experience,” says Canezo. “The cocktails, the coffee journeys, the entertainment – everything has been elevated. It’s a whole new Vasco.”
乘风廊酒吧的名字来自葡萄牙探险家华士古 · 达伽 马,他在地理大发现时代绘制出通往印度的贸易路 径。乘风廊酒吧座落于澳门雅辰酒店,最近再度启 航,以全新酒单和非凡的娱乐体验驶向 2022 年。 调酒师 Paulo Canezo 和团队设计的鸡尾酒, 灵感来自这位探险家航行至远东的旅程。Paulo 说: 「每杯调酒都像一场精彩表演。我们通过这种方式 一边制作饮料,一边与客人接触互动。」除了鸡尾 酒与烈酒,乘风廊酒吧还提供下午茶套餐与特调咖 啡,让顾客在酒吧或中庭享用。此外,乘风廊酒吧 也即将推出别开生面的日常待客「仪式」,像是清 新的白葡萄酒气泡饮 Shipman’s Punch,就是让顾 客在到店时间过半时享用。客人即将离开酒吧的时 候,酒店亦提供招牌 Parting Shot(临别饮)。 乘风廊酒吧也为客人准备了每日惊喜。周二的 「乘风廊品味夜」为酒店业同业提供七折鸡尾酒折 扣;在周三的「夜迷泡沫女士夜」,每位女宾都能 免费享用一杯玫瑰气酒,酒面是一个烟雾弥漫的风 味气泡,更可以游戏「玩」取瓶装气泡酒。在周四 的「烈酒不夜天」,享用烈酒可享七折优惠。 每个周三及周五,乘风廊酒吧都会有 DJ 驻店, 周六则有双人乐队现场演奏。周日气泡时光精选瓶 装气泡酒可享五折优惠;逢周二至日由 5 時 30 分至 8 時 30 分之欢乐时光,餐牌项目五折优惠;由每个 周五至周日晚上十時起还有「猫头鹰」时光,提供 七折特调饮料折扣。Paulo 表示:「我们希望以鸡尾酒、 特调咖啡、娱乐表演让宾客享受到全新的感官体验。 随着服务和酒单全面升级,乘风廊酒吧将开展一趟 新旅程。」
Fortified Margarita
惬意格调 relaxed meets refined
The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge offers a sophisticated setting for indulgence in handcrafted cocktails and irresistible bites.
RICH SHADES OF DEEP BROWN create an intimate space that evokes both tradition and timeless style. Burnished hardwood flooring, plush sofas, and touches of contrasting colors make a classic design statement. Uninterrupted views of Cotai from the fifty-first floor of The Ritz-Carlton, Macau, provide a dramatic backdrop to the sinuous curve of a bar topped with Italian marble. Champagne tea sets for leisurely afternoons and signature cocktails for glittering nights ensure that guests may relax for a moment or be captivated for an evening. Lavish afternoon tea culture comes to Macau with an extensive offering of savory treats and luscious patisseries. Also on the menu BY are favorites like Beef Burger, Foie Gras and Wagyu ROBERT BURKLEY Beef Sliders, Black Truffle Dusted Frites, Garlic • Prawn in Chili Oil, and Fried Calamari with Spicy
PHOTOGRAPHY Cocktail Sauce.
BY JIN LAO As day turns to night, The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge transforms into an exciting evening destination featuring a refreshing gin and tonic menu, classic cocktails, and signatures like the Macau Red Bean Fleecy. Guests discover an entirely different drinking experience with the new Refined Essences Cocktail Menu, designed to excite the palate. Eight luxurious craft drinks, incorporating ingredients both sweet and savory, take inspiration from award-winning culinary delights inspired by The Ritz-Carlton, Macau. East meets West in the Complextini, a layered concoction that evokes the nourishing umami notes of Cantonese doubleboiled soup. Based on a classic vodka martini, it highlights conpoy and morels, elevated further by the gentle aroma of shiso. The Macau Red Bean Fleecy is a nostalgic vodka-based expression of red bean ice, the traditional Cantonese dessert drink commonly served in cha chaan tengs. Japanese azuki beans are restructured with molecular gastronomy techniques and paired with rose, Earl Grey gin, coconut milk, and more.
Director of Food & Beverage Johnny Sit
The Art of Perfection–“Super Easy” is a botanical gin-based creation glimmering with a depth of flavors: hibiscus, coffee flower, coconut milk, and Earl Grey tonic. Inspired by classic Italian pizzas, the fun Ritz∙zeria is a balanced blend of basil-infused Tanqueray, elderflower liqueur, homemade tomato-andwhite-onion essence, and parmesan cheese. “Beats” Wine is a smooth creation based on a reduction of vodka and ruby port, with subtle flavors of a Mediterranean beetrootand-feta-cheese salad and aromas of stone fruit. Promising fortified takes on tried-and-true tropical flavors, favorites like the Margarita, Mai Tai, and Piña Colada have been sumptuously elevated. And guests are invited to stimulate the senses even further by enjoying the new cocktails every Wednesday to Saturday in an ambience enhanced by live music.
Macau Red Bean Fleecy Complextini
丽思酒廊浓郁深沉的褐色调空间营造出温馨愉悦的氛围,体现传统隽永的风格。 磨光实木地板、丰盈柔软的沙发,以及对比强烈的色彩,建构出令人印象深刻 的经典设计意象。从澳门丽思卡尔顿酒店的 51 楼向外望,路氹的辽阔景致一 览无遗,这片风景也成为了以意大利云石制成、波纹曲线设计的吧台背景。 不管是悠闲午后的香槟下午茶套餐还是动人晚间的鸡尾酒,不管是来此 放松片刻还是欢度良宵,酒廊的氛围与服务绝对能让顾客陶醉。澳门下午茶时 光惬意奢华,除了令人食指大动的咸点,更有各式精心制作的糕点供顾客选择。 此外,菜单上还有牛肉汉堡、香煎鹅肝和牛迷你汉堡、黑松露薯条、蒜香虎虾, 以及酥炸鱿鱼等热门佳肴。 丽思酒廊也是众所期待的夜晚好去处,不仅提供各式清爽的琴酒饮品, 也有经典鸡尾酒和 Macau Red Bean Fleecy 等招牌调酒。 全新推出的经典鸡尾酒单,绝对能为宾客带来不同于以往的品酒体验。 八款奢华的调酒皆运用不同的甜咸食材手工调制而成,灵感更是来自丽思卡尔 顿酒店中获奖无数、具澳葡特色的精致佳肴。 在 Complextini 这杯调酒中,东方情调与西方韵味相互结合,成就其鲜明 的层次,让人不禁想起广东老火汤的甘美鲜味。以经典伏特加马丁尼为基底, 这杯调酒突显出干贝与羊肚菌的滋味,柔和的紫苏香气更使风味升华。 Macau Red Bean Fleecy 以伏特加为基底,向怀旧红豆冰致敬。红豆冰是 广东传统的饮品,通常在茶餐厅供应。酒廊选用日本红豆,并以分子料理技术 改变食材形态,再配搭玫瑰、伯爵茶琴酒、椰奶等,制成红豆冰的外观。 The Art of Perfection –“Super Easy” 是一杯以琴酒为基底的植物风味鸡尾 酒,飘散深度十足、由木槿花、咖啡花、椰奶以及伯爵茶通宁水交织而成的香气。 以经典意大利薄饼为灵感,趣味洋溢的 Ritz∙zeria 是以罗勒浸泡的坦奎丽琴酒、 接骨木花利口酒、自制番茄与白洋葱精华和帕玛森奶酪调制,达到奇妙的完美 平衡。 “Beats” Wine 是一款单以伏特加与露比波特酒制成的调酒,喝起来相 当顺口,还带有地中海甜菜根、希腊菲达沙拉的微妙滋味及核果香气。 历久不衰、备受欢迎的 Margarita、Mai Tai 和 Piña Colada 等热带风味经 典调酒,在香气与风味上也有令人惊艳的大跃进。丽思酒廊邀请顾客每周三至 周六,在现场乐团演奏的乐音中,进一步体验层次丰富的感官刺激,品味一系 列全新的鸡尾酒。
“Beats” Wine
植物基饮食革命 plant-based revolution
An entrepreneurial chef’s innovative product is helping to transform the future of food.
“GETTING INVOLVED in a plant-based business was a natural evolution for me as a chef,” says David Laris, cofounder and chief creative officer of YouKuai Group International. In November 2019, he launched Zrou, a natural, plant-based reinterpretation of meat whose name combines “zero” with “rou,” the Chinese word for meat. Made from GMO-free soy, it adds coconut oil for richness, konjac to enhance mouthfeel, and shiitake mushroom for extra umami. Laris believes the years ahead will see greater and greater numbers of people adopting plant-forward diets. His role is to make the transition easier by ensuring that no one feels they’re missing out on meat. With this in mind, he has enlisted the help of a team of celebrity chefs to create original recipes and flavorful products that appeal to consumers. “The food industry is broken,” Laris notes in surveying the dire environmental impact of factory farming and the dubious quality of meat that has often been injected with hormones. “We as a species need to rebalance the way we consume protein. Zrou has guaranteed traceability, and consumers know there’s no animal between plant and product.” Zrou is available frozen in ground form and can seamlessly replace pork in dishes ranging from Bolognese sauce to mapo tofu. As the greener choice, it creates 96 percent less carbon emissions during production than pork and uses 78 percent less water. In layman’s terms, replacing 1,000 kilograms of pork with Zrou is equivalent to planting 192 trees. The company’s team of cocreator chefs works hard to perfect recipes for Zrou’s customers, providing inspiration to make delicious dishes at home. And for epicures who prefer their meals created by celebrity chefs, Zrou offers a range of frozen delicacies that can be simply heated and served, perfect for quick at-home dinners or convenient lunches at the office. TV superstar chef Jereme Leung, considered a pioneer in contemporary Chinese cuisine, has created a delectable Singaporean curry rice with Zrou meatballs. “We want to work alongside chefs like Jereme, who are passionate,” says Laris, “and not those who are purely commercial signings. We also
「身为厨师,我去开发植物基食品可谓是自然而 然。」优脍国际集团联合创办人兼首席创意官陆唯 (David Laris)如是说。在 2019 年 11 月,他推出 一种天然植物性肉类 Zrou 株肉,这个名字结合 「零」(zero)以及中文字「肉」的拼音 rou。这 种植物肉以不含基因改造的大豆制成,先利用椰 子油来增添馥郁的香气,再加入魔芋来加强口感, 更添加香菇来提升鲜味。 陆唯认为,未来几年会有更多人选择植物基 饮食,而他的角色是帮助消费者在日常饮食中剔 除肉类后,能无感、轻松地适应饮食习惯的改变。 有鉴于此,他组成一支名厨汇聚的合 BY 作团队,打造一系列吸引消费者的原
LUCY MORGAN 创食谱及美味食品。 • 谈及工厂化养殖对环境造成的严 PHOTOGRAPHY BY 重影响,以及经常被施打激素、品质
DAVE MARCO 堪忧的肉类,陆唯表示:「食品产业 已崩坏。生而为人的我们需要重新平 衡我们消费蛋白质的方式。Zrou 株肉的来源清楚 明确,消费者也知道在植物与产品之间没有半点 动物的痕迹。」 Zrou 株肉以冷冻形式包装,能在意大利肉酱 及麻婆豆腐等各式菜肴中完美取代猪肉。作为更 环保的替代肉类,Zrou 株肉生产过程的碳排放比 猪肉少 96%,用水量也少 78%。简单来说,假 如用 Zrou 株肉来取代一千公斤的猪肉,效果相当 于种植 192 棵树。 Zrou 株肉与合作的名厨团队努力研发,致力 于为顾客开发完美食谱、提供灵感,让消费者能 在家轻松端出美味料理。针对那些喜欢享用名厨 料理的饕客,Zrou 株肉提供一系列即热即烹的速 冻佳肴,不管是用于简单晚餐,还是充当在办公 室享用的便利午餐,都是理想首选。 被誉为新式中餐革新者的名厨梁子庚,用 Zrou 株肉的肉丸制作美味的新加坡风味咖喱肉丸 饭。陆唯指出:「我们不希望只是跟厨师缔结商业 合作关系,而是想跟梁子庚这样充满热忱的厨师 合作。而且,我们也想和那些本来就不是以植物 基料理闻名的厨师擦出全新火花,以其他菜式享
Zrou’s team of cocreator chefs works hard to perfect recipes for its customers, providing inspiration to make delicious dishes at home. Zrou 株肉与合作的名厨团队努 力研发,致力于为顾客开发完 美食谱、提供灵感,让消费者 能在家轻松端出美味料理。
Zrou’s celebrity chefs (left to right): Anthony Zhao, Lance Yu, Lu Chunfeng, David Laris, Jereme Leung, and Lucky Lasagna Zrou名厨团队(从左至右):空哥,余勇浪, 陆春凤, 陆唯, 梁子庚和 Lucky Lasagna
Zrou’s Old Beijing Zha Jiang Noodles 株肉老北京风味炸酱面
want to collaborate with chefs who are not seen as primarily plant-based, and Jereme, for example, is famous for other things.” Laris also emphasizes the importance of offering regional cuisine. Beijing native Zhang Hu, a master of Chinese pastry, has created Northern-style buns with shiitake and bean sprouts and Northern-style dumplings with pak choi, rich and savory with intense, traditional Dongbei flavor. For those who enjoy light, fresh Southern flavors, Shanghai pastry master Lu Chunfeng has designed Southern-style dumplings with mixed mushrooms and Southernstyle buns with mixed vegetables. “Chefs can begin to change people’s mindsets, helping them to think creatively about plant-based meals,” says Laris. “Ours isn’t a product aimed solely at vegans – we try to make it easy for anyone to make the choice to change. “We want to create a future worth inheriting. I believe many more people will soon be eating less animal protein, gravitating toward the kind of plant-based food that won’t make them feel that they’re missing out. But there’s still a long way to go. We’re part of a growing revolution in the way that humans think about food.”
誉料理界的梁子庚就是很好的 例子。」 另外,陆唯也认为提供区 域特色料理是非常重要的服务。 来自北京的张虎是中国面点大 师,他研发出北方风味香菇豆芽 包和小白菜水饺,展现层次丰 富、醇厚可口的传统北方味道。 针对偏好清淡、清新南方口味 的消费者,上海面点大师陆春 凤则推出南方风味菌菇水饺和 蔬菜包。 陆唯透露:「厨师可以开始 改变大家的思维,协助消费者 以具创意的方式来看待植物基 饮食。我们的产品不只针对素 食者,而是希望让所有人更容 易地作出改变。」 「我们希望创造一个值得为 下一代继承的未来。我相信,很 快会有更多消费者减少动物性 蛋白的摄取量,并去享用那些 同样美味的植物基食品,但我 们还有一段很长的路要走。人 类看待、思考食物的方式已逐 渐掀起改革,而我们就是这波 改革浪潮的一分子。」 Bringing consumers a new and elevated experience in plant-based cuisine, Zrou collaborates with celebrity chefs in launching premade plant-based meals for home or office.
Zrou与名人厨师合作,推出可在家或办公室 享用的便携式植物基即热即烹餐食,为消费 者带来植物基饮食的全新体验。
Li Dong 李冬 Member of Five-Star Master Chefs of China Cuisine Association (CCA); 2019 Chinese Cuisine World Championship. 中国烹饪协会五星总厨委员会会 员、曾荣获2019年度中国烹饪协会 中华金厨奖
Jereme Leung 梁子庚 Pioneer of modern Chinese cuisine; Asia’s Best Chefs; Judge on TV show MasterChef China 亚洲名厨,独具创意的新式 中餐革新者,曾担任东方卫视 「顶级厨师」评委
Zhang Hu 张虎 Thirty years of Chinese pastry experience; judge of baked products, China Cuisine Association; Chinese Culinary Art Master, China Hotel Association 30年中式面点经验; 中国烹饪协会 中式面点一级评委、中国饭店协会 中国烹饪大师
Lu Chunfeng 陆春凤 Thirty years’ experience; China Gourmet Ambassador; Gold Award for baked products, national culinary competition; China Golden Chef Award, China Cuisine Association 30年的厨师经验,荣获「中国美食 大使」、曾荣获全国烹饪大赛点心 类金奖、中国烹饪协会中华金厨奖
Anthony Zhao
空哥 Well-known Douyin blogger; proficient in Chinese and Western cuisine, worked in renowned restaurants including The Portman Ritz-Carlton Shanghai; culinary show appearances, including BBC, National Geographic 知名抖音博主;中西厨艺精通的国 际主厨,曾任职于多间知名餐厅, 包括上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿;曾参 与BBC、National Geographic等电 视台的美食节目拍摄