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CV informa!on

Educa!on Postgraduate studies SPbSUACE


Graduate project (Diploma) SPbSUACE


UDK Berlin (AIV Berlin grant)


St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Enginering (SPbSUACE) Urban Planning and Urban Design department

Working experience

Personal data Name Na!onality Date of birth


Ta!ana Sinelnikova Russian 13.04.1985

2011 -

RHIZOME group_architecture (cofounder) St Petersburg www.rhizomegroup.eu


Pysall_Ruge Architekten Berlin www.pysall-ruge.de


Architectural bureau „Litejnaja chast-91“ St Petersburg www.lc-91.ru

Compe!!ons 2011


Stele (City enrtance sign) 1st prize (RHIZOMEgroup) St Petersburg DESIGN INCUBATOR PROJECT 1st prize (panel) St Petersburg

Exhibi!ons 2010 2009


Venice biennale / Austrian pavillion Be"na Goetz project Modernisa!on of Panel Houses. German expierence Project of reorganiza!on of a block of panel houses St Petersburg Young designers to St Petersburg St Petersburg

Publica!ons 2012

TATLIN MONO Young architects of Russia h#p://www.tatlin.ru/newb/218


Workshops 2011

Rethinking Sennaya. Workshop with students from Repin Ins!tute of Arts and S!eglitz Academy of Applied Arts ini!ated and ma naged by David Cook (Behnisch Architekten), Dipl. Arch (Dist.), B.A. (Hons.), h"p://prezi.com/bi3r4p0wugvb/sennaya-ploshad-commerce-housing-urban-pa"erns/


Interna!onal design workshop. Alterna!ve scenarios for a post-socialist city Prof. Paola Viganò EMU_UPC Barcelona/TU Del#/ KU Leuven/ IUAV Venezia/SPSUACE St.Petersburg h"p://greatersp.blogspot.com/search/label/re-creek


Infobox project SPbSUACE/BTU Co"bus St Petersburg


Mind the gap UrbanlabSPb St Petersburg


Mümmelmansberg redevelopment SPbSUACE/HCU Hamburg


Hamburg square redevelopment (SPbSUACE)/Hafen City University (HCU) St Petersburg

Skills So#


AutoCAD / 3D max / Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign Rhino (basic level) / Sketch Up / Adobe Premier Elements (basic level) Model making, hand drowing Russian (na!ve) / English (fluent) / German (basic) / Spanish (basic)

Contacts Adress e-mail T

Borovaya 19-18, 191119, St Petersburg, Russia ta!ana.sinelnikova@gmail.com +79218736224





!""#$% #&'%(#!( completed project RHIZOME group




IT department

way to the kitchen

Офис — это прежде всего инструмент для обеспечения эффективной работы. В основе этой работы лежит не физический труд, а общение между людьми, которое стимулируется планировочными и дизайнерскими средствами, а также различными технологиями (атмосферическими, информационными, коммуникационными). По мере того как труд приобретает все более “креативный” характер, все менее четкой становится пространственно-временная граница между работой и не-работой. Особую роль приобретает организация всевозможных мест встреч, от конференц-залов до кафе и спортплощадок.Командная работа, сущностью которой является как формальное, так и неформальное общение, требует принципиально иной планировки, нежели стандартные коридорная или открытая.


|conference room|




public space

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ZONA SPACE project consul!ng RHIZOME goup

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Zona space - a coworking center located in one of the shops of the former bread-baking plant. The idea of our client was to create a space that works at the same me as educa on center, startup accelerator and coworking collabora on space. So our task was to combine all these programs together in one area, try to keep the unique features of this space and to ďŹ t into a very small budget. The 800 sq m space was divided into coworking zone, kitchen, 2 oďŹƒces for the anchor rentors (architectural bureau and internet magazine) and event zone.

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event space

axonometric diagramm

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ancor oďŹƒce interior proposal

furniture proposal

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MOSKOW‘S DAY graduate project SPbSUACE | 2011

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Order from noise. Context Москва — город, достигающий равновесия и своеобразной гармонии из бесконечного количества диаметрально противоположных элементов. Порядок рождается из шума сложной системы полярных частиц, составляющих ткань Москвы. Noise from order. Object Лапидарные формы, симметрия, монохромность — свидетельства порядка. Однако, через блики и отражения они представляют своё окружение пестрой, шумной мозаикой.


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STELE graduate project SPbSUACE | 2011



stele | about

С визуальной и осязательной точки зрения антропогенный ландшафт сформирован ограниченным количеством текстур и фактур. Для Санкт-Петербурга это: гранит, кирпич, штукатурка, бетон, асфальт, зеленые насаждения, железо кровель, позолота куполов и шпилей, стекло и т.д. Любое городское пространство включает в себя часть этого базисного набора материалов в различном составе и пропорции. За основу формального решения въездной стелы берется базисный набор материалов городского ландшафта. Таким образом, объект становится единовременным и компрессированным отображением сразу всех городских пространств. Материалы, составляющие объект, располагаются последовательно в виде вертикальных элементов, тем самым обозначая их равноценность в формировании облика города. Из общего ряда текстур особенно выделена текстура воды как основополагающая для города в целом. Формальное выражение – бассейн, в который установлен объект. Гладь воды бассейна работает как зеркало.

stele | diagrams

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!"#$%&'#$#() *+') graduate project SPbSUACE | 2011

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The planned area should become a new public space on the edge of the ac ve center of the metropolis and the residen al areas. It should become a new urban space that reflects problems, character and contradic ons of modern urban society. The project area was never used by ci zens because of its history. This space works as a gap in the urban ssue and it only can be crossed by U-Bahn, S-Bahn trains or can be seen from high-speed train, but it was impossible to cross it on foot. The area has undergone constant changes since it ceased to be a cargo sta on. Spontaneous metamorphoses such as temporary cafes, circuses, golf and volleyball field have been trying to take root in the city, while remaining an urban void with indis nct outlines. Currently unused space bounded by retaining wall makes Kreuzberg isolated from the urban environment and retains the ability to repeat the gentrifica on process. At the same me Shoeneberg remains isolated and may be a subject to any other internal processes, which is not a conducive way to improve the situa on. The strategy of simultaneous launch of the new development (new park or any other urban form) does not help to achieve the organic ingrowing of the site into the urban ssue. The main idea was to achieve posi ve results and to give more possibili es to the new space users through acupuncture and gradual ingrowth of this gap into the urban ssue in the direc ons from the inside out and outside inwards. As the mixture of park and city frameworks, the area ceases to be fenced or limited, ceases to be a specific social sector, it is open (visually, socially, environmentally and as a so ware) for the community, for the aesthe c part of users, for a short or a long stay. All of the iden fied func ons are combined in a spa al system Three key programs fix the core of control func on and work as centers of concentra on for other programs within the system and then spread them out. This system is combined with and supplemented by a complex system of public open spaces that have been translated to another level, the program of the nucleus and mediate the transi on from one program to another. All of these planning strategies are collected in a system of ac ve landscape that includes a program (sports, event and crea ve) and qualita ve (infrastructure, public and green) landscapes. Qualita ve landscape represents the elements characterizing the quality of the environment. This landscape infrastructure the frame surrounding the area full of necessary services (shops, cafes, restaurants, pharmacies, municipal services, community centers, child care, etc.), public landscape (public spaces with different direc ons of ac vi es and possible ac on); green landscape (the exis ng grove, unique open lawns, private gardens) Interwoven into a single system they operate individually or together to create a variety of opportuni es. On the basis of the described strategies the design of the new Park is revealed.


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conceptual diagrams

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!"#$%&'#$#*+ 56'+ graduate project | SPbSUACE | 2011

The issue of Sennaya Square was the special and very problema c point for St Petersburg through the years. In terms of future reconstruc on an idea to ask young architects what actually do they think about it was born and supported by foreign architectural studio. Within 3 days the research and analyze was made. The main research points: - Square as a mirror of commercial rela ons in a city - Diversifica on of types of commercy - Space as link from the only city commercial chain (Market of markets) - Muta on within fixed urban frames - Collec ve housing metamorphosis - Regula on pulse: from above|from within My group was focused mostly on three aspects — commercial role, housing and urban pa ern. By inves ga on of various points of history of a place, star ng from the ethymology of the word ‘ploschad’ (square in russian) up to the analysis of social groups using the space and metamorphosis of shape and content we made a serie of collages to show how these three aspects relate with each other. This historical analysis helped us to reveal the rule of regula ons and muta ons always kept its commercial and market spirit, warmed up by the func on of a shelter for lowest social groups. So, instead of government tries to sterilize this space we propose to turn this probable (at the first glance) disadvantages into unique benefits by re-thinking of standart gentrifica on process. The full presenta on you can find at h p://prezi.com/bi3r4p0wugvb/sennaya-ploshad-commerce-housing-urban-pa erns/

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1753 urban pattern



the final fixing of commercial development on the square and it surroundings





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conceptual diagrams

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!"#$%&'#$#() *+') graduate project SPbSUACE | 2011

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The Berlin’s urban ssue is an unconven onal structure that has a lot of uniqe features. Its a horisontal structure without strong complexity in its topografy, but it has incredible unusual spaces, whose different scale, ambivalent sprit and morphology, makes this city a complicated plexus of different op ons, programs and features. What if some more mul plicity will be added by construc on of new mul layered and mul leveled structure? The point of interest is the Nordhafen Quar er - one of the Berlin urban voids located near of the Hauptbahnhof. It runs along the le enbankment of Schifffahrtskanal and Heidestrasse from Hbf to Perleberger strasse and connects Mi e and Wedding. The development of the project area starts from the Hauptbahnhof. The main development axis connects the “city center“ with its “troubled” nieghborhood through a pedestrian zone that combines public spaces wit different scales and content. Surrounded by shops, cafes and leisure areas it leads to a new S-bahn sta on and thus performs unifying func on between well- and poorly- developed areas. The key factors are: the new S-Bahn sta on, connec on. The main goal was to create a strucutre that integrates several programms, water recources and communica on and that will work as a diversified public space. As formal solu on I chose a mul layered system that covers the railways track and goes down to the water. This ar ficial landscape gives a possiblity to be er pedestrian connec on between transporta on and such public facili es as shops, offices, libraury, exhibi on, and opened public spaces. The proposed project is an op on with a possible second stage where the landscape works as a basement for the future buildings and volumes. These volumes have connec on with the ground in a few cases just to allow the ver cal communica on. By this separa on between levels and layers spaces become to be more in mate, cozy and scalable. The two S-Bahn sta ons with shops, cafes and exhibi on are hidden under the mul layer system . The landscape gradually descends to the waterfront with possible dock, cafes and sea ngs.

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_conceptual diagrams

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_conceptual diagrams

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!"#$%!&$ '()#*+,

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_conceptual diagrams

The goal of this project was to create a housing prototype that could work in any surroundings. It has to be an abstract and clear idea without any precise details. The superimposed urban grids of the ci!es with different scale and conforma!on such as Berlin, New York and Tokyo are an abstract model of the abstract city. This spa!al pa#ern was divided into 20 plots (each 70x100 m) for 20 students. So each student has to design a housing block with only two condi!ons: the links with its neighbors and the use of the grid. My project is a spa!al system based on the block units (6x12x3 m) that could be a flat, an ofiice, cafe or shop etc. Various combina!ons make up a system of spaces with different ways of use. The block program is set by block loca!on in all the system. Thus the quality of dwelling is determined by the posi!on of the block, not an area of the apartment. This system is self-sufficient and sustainable therefore abstract. This is a pure pa#ern that exists without taking into account any external influences. It could be bigger or smaller, be located in different condi!ons and expand in various direc!ons, therefore it allows to invent various dwelling typologies. Third level is an open public space that works as a connector for all the system. This open level is both public and isolated and splits the living-working clusters into private and common spaces. Among others I propose some empty rooms with op!onal program such as mee!ng place, coworking, guests accomoda!on etc. The project is carried out in the Be'na Goetz studio at UDK. Layout of the abstract was exhibited in the Austrian Pavilion Venice Biennale 2010 in the Austrian sec!on of the professors who teach abroad.

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_conceptual diagrams



gym kindergarden



























community center





retail studio


Abstract City network

cafe studio




1 level

city cervices cafe shops




2 level

living facili!es kindergarnen storage loundry gym



5 level

living+working unit workshop+at shop+at studio+at

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empty spaces common open spaces mee!ng place temporary living cinema libraury






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