How to Sequence Your Yoga Class, Part 1: Peak Posture

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SET AN INTENTION SUN A ( 1 slow, 2 flow) INHALE - Mountain Pose EXHALE - Standing Back Bend INHALE - Mountain Pose EXHALE - Forward Fold INHALE - Halfway Lift EXHALE - Chaturanga Dandasana INHALE - Up Dog EXHALE - Down Dog

SUN B MANDALA ( 1 slow all the way around, 2 flows all the way around) INHALE - Chair Pose EXHALE - Airplane Arms INHALE - Chair Pose EXHALE - Forward Fold INHALE - Halfway Lift EXHALE - Chaturanga Dandasana INHALE - Up Dog EXHALE - Down Dog INHALE - R leg high EXHALE - R knee to R elbow INHALE - R leg high EXHALE - Low Lunge INHALE - Warrior II EXHALE - Extended Side Angle INHALE - Star Pose EXHALE - Horse Pose INHALE - Star Pose EXHALE - Warrior II to the back of the room INHALE - Reverse Warrior EXHALE - Chaturanga Dandasana INHALE - Up Dog EXHALE - Down Dog

ADDING ON (Add 1-3 elements to Sun B; flow 1x, allow 3-5 breaths for each new pose) INHALE - Chair Pose EXHALE - Airplane Arms INHALE - Chair Pose EXHALE - Forward Fold INHALE - Halfway Lift EXHALE - Chaturanga Dandasana INHALE - Up Dog EXHALE - Down Dog INHALE - R leg high EXHALE - R knee to R elbow INHALE - R leg high EXHALE - Low Lunge INHALE - Warrior II EXHALE - Extended Side Angle

*OptionS: Half or Full Bind, 3-5 breaths* INHALE - Star Pose EXHALE - Horse Pose *1st side: Add 3 rounds of breath, sweep arms overhead. *2nd side: Add 3 rounds of twists. INHALE - Star Pose EXHALE - Warrior II to the back of the room INHALE - Reverse Warrior EXHALE - Chaturanga Dandasana INHALE - Up Dog EXHALE - Down Dog

CORE (4-5 MIN) Basic Crunches with Legs Up the Wall Scissor Bicycle Twists Planks with knee to same side elbow taps

STANDING: PART 1 INHALE - Chair Pose EXHALE - Airplane Arms INHALE - One-Legged Tadasana, L leg lifts EXHALE - Full Airplane, 3 breaths EXHALE - Standing Splits, 3 breaths Step back to Crescent Moon with back knee on your mat and hands on front thigh, 3-5 breaths Half Splits, 3-5 breaths Re-bend your front knee; plant your palms. EXHALE - Down Dog Repeat on the other side.

STANDING: PART 2 INHALE - R leg high EXHALE - Low Lunge INHALE - Warrior II Straighten your front leg. Pivot your toes to the side of the room. EXHALE - Wide Legged Forward Fold, 3-5 breaths Walk your hands forward to front of your mat. Runner’s Lunge, 3-5 breaths Down Dog or Chaturanga Dandasana Repeat on the other side.

PEAK POSTURE: HURDLER’S POSE Give a quick, 1-minute demo with modifications and variations. Then walk the class through the posture as they do it themselves (3-4 minutes). Offer assistance. Release: Child’s Pose

HIPS (8-10 breaths) Half Pigeon

SPINE STRENGTHENING Cobra (3 breaths) Floor Bow (3 breaths)

SURRENDER Happy Baby Supine Twist Savasana


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