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Around Campus
Tree Campus K–12 Award

DYK: Trees can help improve cognitive development, improve attentiveness, and reduce stress in children?
That’s why we are proud and excited to announce that The Tatnall School has been recognized by The Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Campus K–12 school!
Tatnall joins schools across the country by utilizing trees through Arbor Day’s Tree Campus K–12 program, launched in 2021 to encourage educators to create meaningful opportunities for students to interact with trees. The Tatnall School is one of 70 elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States to earn recognition through the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree Campus K–12 program.
To earn this distinction, Tatnall met four goals:
Maintain a Tree Campus team dedicated to achieving recognition
Offer a hands-on experience that engages students in trees and the community
BMW Classic
Create an education plan connecting students to trees and their global benefits
Hold an Arbor Day observance to celebrate trees within the school or the community
The BMW Championship is the first PGA Tour event to come to the First State. Along with the top 70 pro golfers came a surge of Tatnall school representation. We had over 65 volunteers fill our 20 volunteer slots. Tatnall’s concession stand was staffed from 8 am to 6 pm by grandparents, parents, administrators, alumni, staff, faculty, trustees and students — all showing the true Hornet spirit of community and service. We got to see some familiar faces, meet new friends, and gush about everything Tatnall. Through our premium service and warm energy, the Tatnall tent raised around $9K. We are so fortunate to have, and are thankful for, all our community members who volunteered and spent their summer days with us.

Girls Indoor Reclaim the DIAA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP
With only nine girls competing, the Tatnall Girls Indoor Track team was not the largest girls team at the DIAA Indoor Track and Field Championships.

Tatnall utilized everyone on the roster, getting numerous key performances in multiple events, to end Padua’s 10-year run of supremacy and come home with the team’s first championship since 2012.
The Hornets mustered everything they had to secure a way to outscore the Pandas 131–107.
Additionally, we had two individual winners — freshman Arianna Montgomery in the 55-meter hurdles and sophomore Katie Payne in the 1,600 -meter run.
Way to go, girls!