Silences A journey through highlights by Tatjana Todorovic
There are moments when a detail, a scene or a human face transforms into a secret gateway to our inner worlds...These moments are shrouded in silence...
Istituto Italiano di Cultura Amsterdam
Parrots are back, 2014
She was so quiet...,
Once upon a time..., 2013
An evening in the park, 2013
Sitting and waiting..., 2013
Do you remember?,
Once in a while, 2014
Please join us..., 2013
Steady plans..., 2013
Somewhere, sometime..., 2013
Midsummer dream,
Just a gossip...,
Fleeting thoughts, 2013
Perhaps next time..., 2014
Can I help you?, 2013
Ombrelli neri Come dei gusci cupi Celano i loro volti Black umbrellas As gloomy shells Conceal their faces
Lontanissimi Fluttuano leggeri Aspettando... Distant and light they keep floating, Waiting on...
Riflessi scorrono, I muri si animano, Le ombre slittano Reflections glide, Walls come alive, Shadows slide away
E' il profumo, Profumo degli aranci Che si diffonde! It is the scent, Scent of oranges That spreads!
Mille cori Risuonano d'azzurro Un uomo si inchina A thousand choirs Resonate in blue A man bows
Tutto riposa, Alle luci soffuse Un'ombra fugge Everything rests, Under a gloomy lights One shadow flees
Portrait, 2014
Portrait, 2014
March 2015