Girls Tattoos - Why Are Girls Choosing Ink Tattoos

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Girls Tattoos - Why Are Girls Choosing Ink Tattoos Tattoos for Girls? Who would have thought that there would be so much demand today for ink tattoos amongst the female gender. What is driving this trend and how can girls find tattoos to suit their individual needs? For centuries, tattoos have generally been associated with men. Whilst there are exceptions, such as tribal tattoos, girls in Western societies have tended to keep away from this form of body art. Instead they have adorned themselves in jewelry and make-up. That has all changed in the last 10 years in particular. Why has this happened? I really have no facts upon which this hypothesis is formed, so I hope that you will comment on this article to give your own perspectives. Anyway, here goes With the exception of the past two years or so, we have all experienced booming economies. Unemployment has been at historically low levels and families have enjoyed the accumulation of wealth not experienced in previous generations. So affordability is not an issue. However, this is not the primary reason for the growing demand for ink tattoos for girls. Before exploring how wealth creating has contributed to the trend, let's explore another parallel trend. Never before have parents been stronger advocates for their children than in this generation of adults. What I mean by this is that children have become the centre of the universe for parents. Now I realize that children have always been important, what I am saying is that parents have never devoted as much time and resources to their children as the current generation. So what? How has this led to the adoption of tattoos amongst girls? The answer lies in the childhood experiences of the girls that are now acquiring tattoos. They have been the centre of attention for so long and because of the unprecedented spending power of their parents, they have become the 'me' generation. It is all about me. Whereas in tough times people band together in communities to provide support for one another, in boom times there is not the need for this collectivism. People are more inclined to want to be individuals and to express their individualism. They want to be different and to stand out from the crowd. They also have a desire to express their individualism by conveying what is important to them, what they stand for in other words. What better way to express these views and to demonstrate an allegiance to certain values, beliefs and groups than with body art. Now I know that I have drawn a long straw here. As I said, this is a personal perspective only. I am happy to hear other points of view. Where there is demand, there is growth in supply (remember economics 101). As there has been so much demand for tattoos in recent times, the demand for unique designs and tattoo ideas has also grown. The

internet allows people to register on websites that contain literally thousands of tattoo ideas. Increasingly we are seeing more websites dedicated specifically to the needs of girls. A tattoo is permanent, so finding the right design is an important part of the process. Have a look at the links below for ideas of websites dedicated to ink tattoos for girls. So there you have it! Unprecedented wealth and parents that are more focused on their children have created a me generation that wants to be individualistic.

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