Passion, Planning and Action...A Triple Threat

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Passion, Planning and Action...A Triple Threat When we dream, we dream big. We leave our goal setting sessions believing that WE can do anything. We are ready to soar to new and greater heights. We are pumped!! When we plan our daily tasks, however, we often plan in a compassionless way. The books we read and seminars we attend often suggest to us that we can reach our goals by simply breaking tasks into 'bite size' pieces. While this may be a workable approach, what about the passion we felt when we were creating those goals? What of the burning desire we had during the goal setting itself? Or the passion that drives us to get up early, work incredibly hard, and do all we can to succeed? Procrastination is indeed the enemy. Use these three simple tips to chase procrastination from your days and reconnect with the passion within. 1. Passion is the key to success for most people. What are you truly passionate about? Examine yourself to see if you have in fact connected with YOUR passion. Not your parents' passion. Not your husband (or wife's) passion. YOUR passion. The reason we so often hear 'Do what you love and the money will come' is because it's true. We need passion, for without passion we won't be motivated to ... 2. Plan passionately. The flawless performances in life are the ones practiced so often that failure is unlikely. Take a tip from NASA. They prepare for months for a shuttle flight of a few days. As you plan, see each task for what it really is; a necessary next step to capture your dream. When you view tasks in this light, you will plan with passion and create a sense of excitement that energizes your days. The next step? Once you have a good plan ... 3. Take Action. Only you can be the engine that drives YOUR idea. Use the missionary zeal that you feel to communicate to others how your product or idea will make their lives better. Share your passion with others in the words you say, the materials you produce and the way you conduct your affairs. Let them SEE the passion in your day and your enthusiasm will become contagious. Sometimes inspiration only lasts a moment. The actual doing of these inspired ideas may last a lifetime. When inspiration visits you, start immediately to write. Write down every thought you have and use those notes to rekindle your passion if it fades.

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