Enrich Your Network:
TN Utility Professionals of Tomorrow J.W. Griffin | Source Water Protection Technician Tennessee Association of Utility Districts
ave you ever come across an issue at work and thought, 'What am I supposed to do now?' Would it not be nice to have a colleague to call? Maybe someone close to your age? Created in 2018, TAUD's Tennessee Utility Professionals of Tomorrow (TUPT) is a networking group designed with the younger utility professional in mind (ages 25-45). Members of this group can be either utility members or associate members and work in any of the many fields that can be found in the utility industry. Even though "professionals" is in our name, not all members of the group are engineers or accountants. We are also operators and clerks. We use the term because that is how we see our careers. We look at our work as more than just a job; we're here to make the drinking water better and the streams it is sourced from safer. The idea for this group is simple: to build an organization that facilitates networking and growth for the next generation of water and wastewater system personnel. We strive to involve the TUPT group in all that TAUD has
to offer. This group will provide the utility professionals of tomorrow the opportunity to share our failures and our successes in an effort to learn and grow from one another. We plan to accomplish this goal in a few ways. First, we will begin hosting stated meetings. We are also planning to host meetings in each of the three grand divisions of Tennessee. This is an area that we plan to expand in 2020 in order to bring the group closer to members that may not be able to attend TUPT events held during TAUD conferences. These meetings will give members the ability to network and exchange knowledge. After all, knowledge is the key to success! If any member of the group would like to share a presentation, these meetings will provide an ideal time. Some meetings will be formal, others more casual. During these meetings we will also share updates from TAUD and enjoy light refreshments. Also, the group will be hosting special gatherings throughout the year. These gatherings can be as simple as meeting in the hotel lounge for happy hour during a