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TPZ Sorors and Friends took time to bring holiday cheer to the doors of the seniors residents at Prairie Green at Bay Point in Blue Island, Illinois. Sorors and Friends donated the items needed to decorate and beautifully decorated the doors of approximately 30 seniors. The residents and staff were so appreciative of the creativity and willingness to put a smile on the faces of the seniors during the holiday season.

Thank you to all that participated in this event. A prize was awarded to the best decorated doors. The doors were judged by the staff of the facility and the winners were: 1st Place - Sorors Vontonia Owens & Shaunda Shepherd 2nd Place - Sorors Leah Bailey Langston & Stacey Foster 3rd Place - Soror Geneva Harris & Amica Alicia Coppage

Nu Delta Chapter University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign

By: Soror Jessyka Thomas

As the semester comes to an end and we move into another year, I am proud to say the Nu Delta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, has had a successful semester! Taking a look back during our semester we hosted many great events including our biweekly Fit and Finer Fridays, Labor Day BBQ, and our fun and festive fundraisers! Our biggest highlight from the semester include the induction of our new members, Pure Efficacy. This group of girls are extraordinarily bright, intelligent, and the sweetest. I am beyond excited for them to accomplish their professional, personal, and academic goals and handle the business of Zeta next semester! The second biggest highlight is a shout out to the members of the Nu Delta Chapter. I would like to say thank you for the hard work, dedication, and commitment that continues to make this a successful chapter. I am beyond grateful and deeply appreciative of every single one of them. From the brilliant ideas to the endless support, our members are the reason that our chapter will forever and always be known as the “No Nonsense Never Duplicated Nu Delta DollZ and DivaZ” Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated! One semester down, another one to go! I am super pumped for the spring semester. To kick off our semester, we will have our first service event to commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! After that, our sisterhood committee will be assisting in hosting a brunch for current chapter members to reflect on our past semester, set new goals we want to achieve for the upcoming semester, and bond and connect with one another after a month apart. I am hopeful that this semester will be one for the books and cannot wait for the kickoff!

Fall 2022 Induction New Members

Fall 2022 Quad New Members First Service Event

F r i e n d l y S i s t e r s

S i s t e r l y F r i e n d s

Veterans Day Lunch by Amica Patricia Mitchell

On November 11th, 2022, the Zeta Amicae Auxiliary of Alsip IL - Tau Psi Zeta Chapter, along with Soror/Friend Tanya Weston-Butler, acknowledged those who served in the U.S. Armed Forces by providing lunch for Veterans at our elder care facility; McCrory Senior Apartments. This is the auxiliary's second year of dedicated service for this event. We served a home cooked meal that included baked chicken, pot roast, mashed potatoes and green beans, complete with dessert, to many as a way to show our appreciation for their service to this country. They were excited, appreciative, and hungry! A Board of Directors member for the facility, Mrs. Eva Garrett, mentioned the auxiliary on Facebook honoring the event and the auxiliary’s service.

Adult Auxiliary of Tau Psi ZETA Chapter

Zeta Amicae of Alsip Illinois Tau Psi Zeta Chapter 12003 S. Pulaski Rd., #106 Alsip, Illinois 60803-1221 alsipamicae@gmail.com www.taupsizeta.com/tpz-auxiliaries

Military Appreciation B-I-N-G-O

by Amica Yolanda Robinson

Adult Auxiliary of Tau Psi ZETA Chapter

To close out the Veteran's Day weekend, the Amicae Auxiliary of Alsip - Tau Psi Zeta Chapter hosted their annual bingo fundraiser and toiletry drive with the Zeta Male Network.

In Military dress fashion, we collected over 400 toiletries and distributed them to various locations throughout the city for those in need. Friend/Soror Camille Tunstall came out a winner from BINGO and everyone who donated, helped, volunteered, or supported the effort had a blast!

Zeta Amicae

Adult Auxiliary of Tau Psi ZETA Chapter

Membership Matters by Yolanda Robinson

On October 15th, 2022, The Amicae Auxiliary of Alsip-Tau Psi Zeta Chapter welcomed seven new members to the organization. Led by the membership chair Amicae Belinda Lambert, this diverse group of hardworking and dedicated individuals proclaimed to honor this auxiliary with their time, talents and treasures and they have hit the ground running. They are present for meetings, calls, group texts, volunteering and donating; fitting right in with the Amicae worker bees we already have that consistently give 200%.

In honor of their unwavering commitment, our new members were celebrated on November 20, 2022 at Grey’s Social Club where other friends, Amicae sisters, and family joined as we gifted them with Amicae paraphernalia, tokens of appreciation, and specialty items that convey our love and support. In the coming months as they settle more into the life as a “TPZ Zeta Amicae,” it is the hope of our sponsors that they will be mentored by a TPZ Chapter member. If you are interested, willing and would like more information, please call or email Friends/Sorors Geneva Harris or Kelly Flowers.

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