The Zeta Chronicle Vol. 2 No.1

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The Zeta



The Beautiful Ladies of Tau Xi Zeta Chapter Continue the Legacy

“Working to Strengthen, Stimulate and Sustain the Sisterhood of Zeta”

Founder Arizona Cleaver

Founder Viola Tyler

Founder Pearl Neal

Founder Myrtle Tyler

Founder Fannie Pettie

Charter Members 1. Tracee Apuada 2. Sheryl Bell 3. Donna Glover 4. Nina Hardy 5. Beverly Harris-Evans 6. NaTascha Harris 7. Lucinda Hughes 8. Paris Johnson 9. Tiffany T. Johnson 10. Tara D. Lampkin 11. Laila McCloud 12. Lynn McNish 13. Renata Page 14. Angela Pinson 15. Melody Smith 16. Michelle Streety 17. Alicia Tilman 18. Nicole Weathersby 19. Alexis Williams 20. Chantel Woodridge

On April 4, 2004, 20 women dared to be different. These Zeta women recognized the need for the presence of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. in the western suburbs of Chicago, and Tau Xi Zeta Chapter was born. This chapter upholds the belief of our founders: sorority elitism and socialism should not overshadow the real mission for progressive organizations, to address societal mores, views, prejudices, poverty, and health concerns of the 21st Century. Since its chartering six years ago, Tau Xi Zeta Chapter has been devoted to serving the community. The chapter provides services for Forest Park and the surrounding communities through various programmatic efforts.

Our Mission Tau Xi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., is an exemplary organization of professional women dedicated to upholding its founding principles of Service, Scholarship, Sisterly Love, and Finer Womanhood through a myriad of community-based interventions aimed at improving the economic, educational, physical and mental health of residents in its target communities.


Tau Xi Zeta 2

Chapter History

From the Desk of the President...

The 2010-2011 year is off to a great start for Tau Xi Zeta Chapter, and I’m excited to keep this momentum going. We’ve been busy with service projects, fundraising and strengthening our leadership skills. My goals for the chapter this year include becoming more visible and providing resources to the community members on Chicago’s West Side and near west suburbs of Chicago. Our recent Domestic Violence Awareness Month Door Knob Campaign in the Austin neighborhood was a big step towards becoming more visible. Our upcoming annual Blue Renaissance College Fair is just one example of how our chapter is striving to provide resources to the community around us. The college fair is very important to Tau Xi Zeta Chapter, because it seems as if the youth on the West Side of Chicago are often forgotten when it comes to certain opportunities. I think events like our college fair let the youth know that people do care about them - even if it may not feel like it. This will be our fourth annual college fair. In the past, many of the parents have been happy to have a resource like this for their children, because they feel like there are not enough higher education resources readily available for their children. I hope that we can continue to grow as a chapter and foster the needed relationships to continue to serve as a viable asset to the community. I know that this cannot happen over night, but I believe that we are off to a great start.

—Sisterly Submitted, Soror Chantel Woodridge

Memorable Moments in Sisterhood...

Soror Michele King is voted Tau Xi Zeta Chapter’s Zeta of the Year 2010

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Soror Alyson Bradley at her Neophyte Celebration April 2010


Tau Xi Zeta News

Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence Door-to-Door

In an effort to raise awareness during Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) and support Zeta Phi Beta Sorority’s national Z-Hope efforts, Tau Xi Zeta Sorors partnered with the Mu Xi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity to canvas portions of the Austin neighborhood on Chicago’s West Side with domestic violence awareness and prevention information, Oct. 9, 2010. Days before the event, Sorors, Ques and high school students from Urban Prep Academy (East Garfield Campus) stuffed 1800 bags filled with pamphlets explaining the various types of domestic violence, prevention methods and where to get help for victims and abusers. On a sunny Saturday afternoon, Sorors and Ques teamed up and walked door-to-door placing the information bags on door knobs, in mailboxes, as well as handing them to community members.

“It was an overwhelming feeling to know that hundreds of individuals were reached in a matter of 90 minutes that could have possibly changed someone’s life forever,” said Soror Natasha Parker, DVAM Project Coordinator and First AntiBasileus of Tau Xi Zeta Chapter.

After the pamphlets were distributed, the teams of Zetas and Ques returned to Greater Love M.B. Church to hear a presentation by Alicia Oeser of Family Rescue, a domestic violence support center and shelter for victims and their children.

44th Annual IL State Meeting All laughs at Jokes and Notes Six Tau Xi Zeta Sorors attended the 44th Annual Illinois State Leadership Conference at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Oct. 1-2. Soror Tara D. Lampkin, ZΦB Life Member and Third Anti-Basileus of Tau Xi Zeta, gave a report on her goals and objectives as the state capital campaign coordinator. Soror Michele King, Tamias of Tau Xi Zeta, presented information about how to plan an event within the sorority’s organizational structure from event proposal, to getting on the agenda and producing the event budget. Drawing from her entrepreneurial experience, she gave guidance on food, sanitation and certifications. The workshop attendees were also able to give examples of their individual chapter events and get suggestions on how to improve them. (Above) Tau Xi Zeta Sorors and the men of Phi Beta Sigma, Epsilon Chi Sigma chapter laughed the night away when Gerald Kelly took the stage at Jokes and Notes in Chicago’s Bronzeville neighborhood on Friday, Oct. 15, 2010. Tau Xi Zeta Sorors sold tickets to the comedy show as a fall fundraiser for the chapter’s annual scholarship fund.


(Left) Tau Xi Zeta Sorors participate in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, Sunday, Oct. 17, 2010.

Can Women Really Use Meditation to Relieve Stress? by Eddy Wai KK

Certified Behavioral Consultant

Women from all walks of life experience stress in one way or another. Stress can be a result of different situations like death of a loved one, loss of a job, relationship problems, financial difficulties, and many more. Are you stressed and anxious? Do you want to learn how to relieve stress? There are different ways that can help you relieve stress. You can listen to relaxing music when you feel stressed. Or you can include daily exercise, as this can be an effective outlet for your stress. Time management is also an effective tool to relieve stress. Playing outdoor games or video games can also reduce stress and anxiety. A lot of people love to meditate to relieve stress. Yes, medita-

A well-balanced diet is a cornerstone of health. Women, like men, should enjoy a variety of foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, low-fat dairy and lean protein. But women also have special nutrient needs and during each stage of a



tion is an effective stress relief technique. Yoga is a type of meditation. It incorporates breathing and posture exercises with meditation to relieve stress and anxiety. Before, people thought that meditation is only done if you want to gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual or religious forces in life. But meditation can be more than that. Meditation for women is recommended since this has been proven effective. Meditation for women is all about focusing your attention on something or someone else besides your stressor. For instance, when you meditate you focus all your attention on a positive visualization, a religious figure, a person who stands for wisdom and love, or a mantra. And once you focus all your attention on this, you feel relaxed and calm. Meditation for women gives emotional, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing. After meditation for women, you gain a different view on stressful situations, build skills to manage stress, increase self-awareness, focus

woman’s life, these needs change. Eating Right Nutrient-rich foods provide energy for women’s busy lives and help to prevent disease. A healthy daily diet includes: ● At least three 1-ounce servings of whole grains such as whole-grain bread, cereal, pasta, brown rice or oats. ● 3 servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy products such as low-fat or fatfree milk, yogurt or cheese. ● 5 to 6 ounces of protein such as lean meat, chicken, turkey, fish, beans, lentils or peas. ● 2 cups of fruit such as apples, blueberries, melon, oranges, banan-


Be a Finer Woman


on the present, and reduce negative emotions. Furthermore, meditation for women has been effective in treating allergies, asthma, binge eating, cancer, depression, fatigue, heart disease, addiction, high blood pressure, pain, and sleep problems. These are the many benefits of meditation. Meditation stress for women only takes a few minutes of your time. If you are under a lot of stress, find time to meditate and see just how helpful it is. (To read full article online, visit the following address: EzineArticles. com/?expert=Eddy_ Wai_KK.)

as and pears. ● 2 ½ cups of vegetables such as leafy greens, pumpkin, bell peppers, onions, broccoli, mushrooms and carrots. Foods to Limit To keep weight in check at any age, women should avoid a lot of excess calories from added sugars, fat and alcohol. ● Limit regular soft drinks, sugarsweetened beverages, candy, baked goods and fried foods. ● Limit alcohol intake to one drink per day. ● Opt for low-fat dairy and meat products instead of their full-fat counterparts... (To read full article online, visit the American Dietetic Association at

Inside and out...


2010 - 2012 Executive Board Officers & Appointees

Chantel Woodridge President

Natasha Parker First Vice President

Denise M. Johnson Second Vice President

Tara D. Lampkin Third Vice President & Acting Financial Secr.

Michele King Treasurer

Tiffany T. Johnson Recording Secretary

Malou Cristobal Parliamentarian

Alyson Bradley Historian

Shirley Fuller Chaplain

Tamiko G. Muhammad Editor

Michele King Budget/Fundraising

Committee Chairpersons

Tiffany T. Johnson Joint Founders

Tara D. Lampkin Undergraduate Advisory

Malou Cristobal Constitution Founders Day Z-Hope Alyson Bradley Scrapbook Chapter Report

Upcoming Events ARCHONETTE INFORMATIONAL 4801 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL Hall Library-Auditorium Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010; 3:30-4:30pm BLUE RENAISSANCE COLLEGE FAIR Michelle Clark High School 5101 W. Harrison ● Chicago, IL Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010; 5-7pm PAMPER ME PRETTY Interchange ● 1147 S. Wabash Suite 250 ● Chicago, IL Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010; 3:30-7:30pm


Natasha Parker Membership

Denise Johnson Finer Womanhood

Tracie Blackwell College Fair

Dana Fitzpatrick Youth Auxiliaries


PHOTOS Courtesy of Sorors Chantel Woodridge, Michele King, Malou Cristobal and Alyson Bradley TAU XI ZETA NEWS Articles written by Soror Meredith Davis COPY EDITING, LAYOUT & DESIGN Soror Tamiko G. Muhammad

Tamiko G. Muhammad Newsletter Website

Zeta of the Month

Suggestions??? ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, INC. Post Office Box 248 Forest Park, IL 60148 Email: Website:

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