3 minute read
President’s Perspective
Finally! From the sounds of boats on the water to fireworks to the crisp sound of a cold beer opening (after what seems like the fourth time mowing the lawn this week) — summer is my favorite season of the year.
However, with a busy season upon us, glaring economic problems continue to rear their ugly head. Early this spring, the TLW sent out a survey asking you, its members, a host of different questions associated with your businesses. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond.
In the survey responses, we saw shared pain points from many of you: the employee shortage, inflation, gas prices, and lack of service and product. The TLW has already begun conversations on what we can do to help in these areas, along with the many other constant threats our industry endures annually, but the survey results will help us put together a more comprehensive legislation plan for the upcoming year. As I have expressed in past columns, this year’s elections are going to play a large role in terms of our future and it’s very important that we all do our part in helping our supported candidates get elected this November!
Looking at the TLW’s day-to-day business, it has been a very busy spring and summer for our Executive Board and full Board of Directors. Since October, we have primarily focused on the budget, while also working to restructure our committees and how they operate. These efforts will result in more efficient meetings, having all necessary information within reach and an improved ability to make the best decisions possible.
We have also been searching for a new Executive Director. When Pete Madland retired from that position and transitioned to a different role over the past year, it left a void in our association. Though we have all worked together to help support that role in the interim, it is time to move forward to fill this critical position. We all know Pete’s shoes will be hard to fill, but we have a plan and strategy in place to help navigate these waters. Hundreds of hours have been put into this process so far with meetings, calls and interviews. I’m happy to report that, at the time of this writing, we are hopefully close to completing this monumental task and anticipate announcing our new Executive Director in the near future. The TLW is more than just myself or even a select few people. We are this association and decisions that are made are for all of us equally. And as we move forward with developing relationships with our current and future staff, please continue to remember we are all in this together and we need to be on the same page to work as one. Within our organization’s transition, we understand there will be speed bumps and minor hurdles, but we will get through them!
Our Board of Directors has been working hard communicating with and representing our members, and they continue to provide feedback for us to further shape this organization. Transitions and changes can be tough, especially when they are immediately needed or overdue. But in the end, we are going to have a stronger, more unified association — one we can all be proud to be part of!
Again, thank you to all the local leagues for their invites to various events and meetings this summer, while also keeping me updated with newsletters and correspondence from around the state. I enjoy reading about all the great things happening locally in your leagues, and continue to strive to meet each and every one of you while making my way around Wisconsin.
Keith Kern TLW President