Branding Concept
Brain Head is a ski and snow resort located in Southern Utah. It has the highest base elevation in the state of Utah and the driest snow in North America, with an average moisture content of 4%. The highest peak tops out at 11,307 feet and Brian Head features 71 ski trails and almost 665 acres of functional terrain. Brian Head’s top priority is to maintain a family friendly atmosphere and cater to all of their visitors. They offer facilities such as daycare, kids’ camps, and lessons for all ages with various terrain parks for all experience levels.
Logo The logo features the three main peaks that can be found at Brain Head Resort. The space left underneath the banner was purposely created for different uses. Titles such as “Instructor”, “Cashier”, and “Navajo Cafe” can properly be used.
COLORS R: 64 G: 35 B: 17
R:166 G: 164 B: 123
R: 162 G: 203 B: 179
R: 74 G: 137 B: 100
C: 49 M: 72 Y: 82 K: 68
C: 37 M: 28 Y: 59 K: 2
C: 38 M: 6 Y: 34 K: 0
C: 74 M: 26 Y: 72 K: 9
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789!@#$%^&*()_+
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
League Gothic is the main font for the logo, and can’t be changed. Anything placed underneath the main logo must be in ASAP.
Body Typography All other typography will be in ASAP. It’s a clean sans serif font that will keep all printed materials standerized and easy to read.
Logo Typography
FOR YOUR Signage | Wayfinding Various departments of the lodge will be labeled with green arrows that point the direction where guests can find more information. All signage will follow the same standard of a green background with white text (League Gothic). This way guests can quickly locate each department.
OKAY Resort & Ski
Snow Lodge
Acceptable Logo Edits It is okay to change the color of the logo in various combinations if and only if the colors used are part of the four approved colors stated in this concept.
Resort & Ski Resort & Ski
Unacceptable Logo Edits It is not okay to insert text outside the basic logo, insert text in any other font than ASAP, color the caps of the mountains, use any other color not included in the four approved colors, or change the shape of the banner.
Incorporating the Logo The Logo is perfect to brand next to everything. It needs to be easy to recognize and applied where possible; membership cards, gift cards, snowboards, lifts, etc.
Apparel + Accessories Incorporating the branding on apparel and accessories is a great way to advertise the resort and also build a sense of community.
E NAVAJO CAF burger side salad ie chips/cook
ch half sandwi cup of soup ie ok co chips/
From the Deli
White Wheat Sourdough Rye
$6.00 EXTRAS
Lettuce Tomato Olives Onions
Cheddar Swiss Provolone Mozzarella
Turkey Ham Chicken Tuna
SAUCES Mayo Mustard r Oil + Vinega Chiptole
From the Grill FRIES
French s Onion Ring to Sweet Pota
Single Double Bacon
strawbe (raspberry,
(dark, milk,
Ketchup Mustard Mayo
Pickles Tomato Cheese
Macaroni Potato Greens
Brazilian ate Hot Chocol ite)
a Sweet Te ) rry, + peach
Hot Drinks $1Be.7an5 Coffee
Cold DrCoinkeksPr$1od.2uc5ts
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Navajo Cafe Ideas
rger double bu 2 sides drink
burger fries drink
ch full sandwi side salad ie chips/cook
+ Candy
Have a simple menu printed on a medium heavy weight paper. A matching menu will also be found on the wall next to the cash register. A sign outside will allow customers to know where the entrance is to the cafe.
Poster + Mailer Prototypes Showcase different perks of the resort through posters hanging around the lodge or mailers sent out. Focus on breathtaking photography to capture the magic of Brain Head.
Concept Created By Tawny Caldwell + Kent Barney