Taxmann's Direct Taxes Ready Reckoner

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PAGE About the Author 7 Abbreviations 8 Section-wise Index 10 REFERENCER 1. Tax rates for the assessment years 2023-24 and 2024-25 13 2. Amendments at a glance 33 3. Alternative tax regime 98 4. Income Computation and Disclosure Standards 124 5. Tax rates for the last ten assessment years 134 6. Gold and silver rates for the current year, last ten assessment years and on April 1, 1981/April 1, 2001 137 7. Tax saving schemes at a glance 138 8. Rates of depreciation ❑ Under the Income-tax Act -For the assessment year 2006-07 onwards 140 -For power generating units from the assessment year 1998-99 146 ❑ Under the Companies Act, 2013 147 9. Deductions and allowances under the Income-tax Act 153 10. Provisions of sections 44D, 44DA and 115A in brief 157 11. Cost Inflation Index 159 12. Interest on National Saving Certificates 160 13. Computation of income and tax under sections 115A, 115AB, 115AC, 115AD, 115BBA and 115D 161 14. Withholding tax rates 165 15. Period of limitation under Income-tax Act 170 16. Time-limit for issue of notice during 2023-24 under section 148 192 17. Provisions of sections 54, 54B, 54D, 54EC, 54F, 54G, 54GA and 54H 194 18. New faceless proceedings regime 197 19. Dates with direct taxes 204 ◆ Terminology A-1 ◆ Income from “Salaries” A-15 ◆ Income from house property A-71 ◆ Profits and gains of business or profession A-86 ◆ Capital gains A-161 ◆ Income from other sources A-241 ◆ Clubbing of income A-262 ◆ Set off of losses A-264 ◆ Exemptions and deductions A-273 ◆ Deductions from tax liability A-349 ◆ Agricultural income A-350 ◆ Return of income A-354 ◆ Penalty A-385 ◆ Interest A-401 ◆ Advance payment of tax A-423 5
Contents 6 PAGE ◆ Deduction or collection of tax at source A-426 ◆ How to compute tax liability A-496 ◆ Tax incidence on trusts A-534 ◆ Business trust A-551 ◆ Alternative Investment Funds A-553 ◆ Special procedure for assessment of search cases A-555 ◆ Tax clearance certificate A-556 ◆ Tonnage tax A-558 ◆ Securities transaction tax A-559 ◆ Restriction on cash transactions A-562 ◆ Banking cash transaction tax A-564 ◆ Equalisation Levy A-564 ◆ Dispute Resolution Scheme A-569 AY 2023-24AY 2024-25 ◆ Individuals, HUFs and AOPs -Regular tax regime B-1 B-1 -Alternative tax regime B-21 B-26 ◆ Firms B-37 B-37 ◆ Domestic companies B-40 B-40 ◆ Foreign companies B-45 B-45 ◆ Co-operative societies B-48 B-48 ◆ Tax deduction at source -Regular tax regime – B-50 -Alternative tax regime – B-52 ◆ GOLD AND SILVER C-1 ◆ Individuals, HUFs and AOPs D-1

Dr. Vinod K. Singhania got his Ph.D. from the Delhi School of Economics in 1976. His fields of special interest include all facets of corporate legislation and corporate economics especially the tax laws. Associated in different capacities with several professional institutes and business houses in India and abroad, Dr. Singhania is author of many popular books and software published by Taxmann. He has to his credit more than 300 research articles which have appeared in leading journals. He has been a resource person in over 800 seminars in India and abroad. He can be reached at


AAR : Authority for Advance Rulings

ADT : Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement

AIF : Alternative investment fund

AMT : Alternate minimum tax under section 115JC

ALP : Arm’s length price

AOPs : Association of persons

AU : Assessment Units

AY : Assessment year

BOI : Body of individuals

BSE : Bombay Stock Exchange

CBDT : Central Board of Direct Taxes

CCIT : Chief Commissioner of Income-tax

CII : Cost Inflation Index

CIT : Commissioner of Income-tax

CSR : Corporate social responsibility

CTT : Commodities transaction tax

DPIIT : Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade

DTAA : Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement

EC : Education cess

EGR : Electronic gold receipt

EVC : Electronic verification code

FBT : Fringe benefit tax

FIFO : First in First out

FII : Foreign Institutional Investor

FITL : Funded Interest Term Loan

FMV : Fair market value

FY : Financial year

GAAR : General Anti-Avoidance Rules

GST : Goods and services tax

GTI : Gross total income

HEC : Health and education cess

HUF : Hindu undivided family

ICDS : Income Computation and Disclosure Standards notified by the Central Government under section 145(2)

IFSC : International Financial Services Centre

Inv IT : Infrastructure Investment Trust

IP address : Internet protocol address

IT : Income-tax

IT + HEC : Income-tax plus health and education cess

IT + SC : Income-tax plus surcharge on income-tax

IT + SC + EC : Income-tax plus surcharge on income-tax plus education cess on income-tax and surcharge

IT + SC + EC + SHEC: Income-tax plus surcharge on income-tax plus education cess plus secondary and higher education cess on income-tax and surcharge

IT + SC + HEC: Income-tax plus surcharge on income-tax plus health and education cess on incometax and surcharge

IT RATE : Income-tax rate

ITAT : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal



ITSC : Income-tax Settlement Commission

KVP : Kisan Vikas Patra

LLP : Limited liability partnership

LTC : Leave travel concession

LRS : Liberalised Remittance Scheme

MAT : Minimum alternate tax under section 115JB

MF : Mutual fund

NAV : Net asset value

NFAC : National Faceless Assessment Centre

NI : Net income

NOR : Resident but not ordinarily resident

NPS : National Pension System

NR : Non-resident

NSC : National Stock Exchange


: Permanent Account Number

PE : Permanent establishment

PM CARES : Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund

POEM : Place of Effective Management

PPF : Public Provident Fund

RBI : Reserve Bank of India

REIT : Real Estate Investment Trust

RFAC : Regional Faceless Assessment Centres

ROR : Resident and ordinarily resident

RU : Review Units

Relaxation and: Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation and Amendment of Certain Provisions) Act, Amendment Act 2020

SBI : State Bank of India

SI : Salary income

SEBI : Security and Exchange Board of India


: Special Economic Zone

SC : Surcharge

SHEC : Secondary and higher education cess

STT : Securities transaction tax

TAN : Tax deduction/collection account number

TCS : Tax collection at source

TDS : Tax deduction at source

TPO : Transfer Pricing Officer

TU : Technical Units

VCC : Venture capital company

VCF : Venture capital fund

VCU : Venture capital undertaking

VsV : Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act, 2020

VU : Verification Units

WT : Wealth-tax

(All section references are to the Income-tax Act, 1961, unless otherwise stated Likewise, all rule references are to the Income-tax Rules, 1962, unless otherwise stated.)

10 SectionPara No.SectionPara No.SectionPara No. SectionPara No. Income-tax Act
SectionPara No.SectionPara No.SectionPara No.SectionPara No. 11 Section-wise Index Income-tax Act

Time-limit specified for bringing export proceeds into India [Sec. 10AA] R2.19 inter alia -

Amendment to sections 11, 12A and 12AB R2.20 See

to section 17 R2.21

Benefits or perquisites under section 28(iv) maybe in cash or kind R2.22 iv

Board’s clarifications - iv vide

83. The effect of the abovementioned amendment is that in respect of an assessment for the assessment year 1964-65 and subsequent years, the value of any benefit or amenity, in cash or kind, arising

57 Benefits or perquisites u/s 28(iv) Para R2.22
-1. 2
Provisions pertaining to valuation of
accommodation provided to employees
)]Explanations 2 2 Government’s contribution to Agniveer Corpus Fund - ix 1
[Sec. 17(

to an assessee from his business or the exercise of his profession, , the value of rent-free residential accommodation secured by an assessee from a company in consideration of the professional services as a lawyer rendered by him to that company, will be assessable in the hands of the assessee as his income under the head ‘Profits and gains of business or profession’.

Ruling of the Apex Court - iv

CIT . Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

iv Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd

Relaxation in the conditions to avail deduction pertaining to preliminary expenses [Sec. 35D] R2.23

Approved concerns -

Consequences of making late payment to micro and small enterprises [Sec. 43B]

R2.24 R2.24-1 Amendment -

iii iv -
of micro
small enterprises -Micro enterprise a b Small enterprise a b Para R2.23 Amendments at a glance 58

Due date of payment specified under MSMED Act, 2006 -

Consequences of amendment to section 43BDifferent situations In

Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) categorization [Secs. 43B and 43D]

which year deduction is to be allowed
R2.24-1E1a. b. c. i.e. Due date as per MSMED Act Date of payment Is it late payment and section 43B is applicable Basis of deduction Previous year in which deductible R2.24-1E2 i.e. Payment in Rs./date of payment Due date as per MSMED Act Is it late payment and section 43B is applicable Basis of deduction Previous year in which deductible
59 Non-Banking Financial Company Para R2.25
Beyond time-limitWithin the time-limit -
inter alia

Increasing threshold limits for presumptive taxation schemes [Secs. 44AB, 44AD and 44ADA] R2.26


is eligible

Tax audit under section 44AB-

Section 44AD -

Section 44ADA --


Para R2.26 Amendments at a glance 60 inter alia -
i.e. i.e.
under presumptive scheme

Different situations Turnover of the assessee falls in the range given below

Whether section 44AD is applicable

Whether section 44AB tax audit is required

61 Increasing threshold limits Para R2.26
Situation 4 Situation 3 See Situation 5 See Notes –1 Situation 1 i.e.
Situation 2 Case 1Case 2 -
3 -
Situation 3 i.e.
Situation 1 See Situation 2 See
3 See
a. b.
5. Situation 5 R2.26-E2

Different situations Gross receipts of the assessee fall in the range given below

Whether section 44ADA is applicable

Whether section 44AB tax audit is required

Para R2.26 Amendments at a glance 62
Notes Situation 1 See Situation 2 See Situation 3 Situation 2 See Notes –1. Situation 1 i.e. 2. Situation 2 i.e. 3. Situation 3 R2.26-E3 (Rs. in lakh) Date Transaction Invoice value Cash Bank transfer

Amendment to section 45(5A)

Para R2.28

Averting misuse of presumptive schemes under section 44BB/44BBB R2.27

a b c Misuse of presumptive schemes -


Amendment to section 45(5A) R2.28 inter alia,

When consideration is payable by cheque/drafti.e.

Date Transaction Invoice value Cash Bank transfer i.e.

Amendment to section 47


R2.29-1 Relocation - Explanation (b) viiad

Explanation c i viiad

R2.29-2 Conversion of gold into electronic gold receipt - See R2.29-3 Transfer of interest in a joint venture [Sec. 47(xx)] - xx

Cost of acquisition of aforesaid shares [Sec. 49(2AI)] -

Interest on borrowed capital - Not to be part of cost of acquisition in certain cases [Sec. 48] R2.30 inter alia

Cost of acquisition of a unit of business trust [Explanations 1 and 2 to section 48(ii)]

R2.31 ii

23FC 23FCA xii

Para R2.29 Amendments at a glance 64 -i.e.
1. 2. 3.
- ii
C. Ramabrahmam




EDITION : 47th Edition | A.Y. 2023-24 & 2024-25

ISBN NO : 9789356226821

NO. OF PAGES : 848



Rs. 2150 USD 59

Taxmann's bestseller for 40+ years, is a ready-referencer for all provisions of the Income-tax Act, covering an illustrative commentary.

The Present Publication is the 47th Edition & has been amended by the Finance Bill 2023 as passed by the Lok Sabha for A.Y. 2023-24 & 2024-25. This book has been authored by Dr Vinod K. Singhania, with the following noteworthy features:

• [Focused Analysis] without resorting to paraphrasing of sections and legal jargons, on the following:

• [Amendments made by the Finance Bill 2023] are duly incorporated in respective chapters and are appropriately highlighted

• [Comprehensive Analysis of Amendments with Illustrations] are given separately in Referencer 2: Amendments at a glance

• [Case Studies on Complex Provisions] are given to understand the implications of the new provisions and amendments in the existing provisions, including:

• Section 43B – Consequences of making late payment to micro and small enterprises

• Section 44AD & Section 44ADA – Increase in the threshold limits for presumptive taxation scheme

• Section 50AA – Special provision for computation of capital gain in the case of a unit of specified mutual fund or market-linked debenture

• Section 54 & 54F – Limit on the exemption that can be claimed

• Section 56(2)(xiii) – Tax on the sum received under a life insurance policy

• Section 87A – Rebate under alternative tax regime

• Section 115BAC – Alternative Tax Regime

• [Analysis of all Provisions of the Income-tax Act] along with relevant Rules, Case Laws, Circulars and Notifications

• [Analysis on Alternative Tax Regime] along with Break-even Tables

• [Faceless Tax Proceedings] provides the summary of all the legal provisions

• [Tabular Presentation] of all key provisions of the Income-tax Act

• [Computation of Taxes] on various slabs of income

• [Ready Referencer] for tax rates, TDS rates, TCS rates, due dates, etc.

• [Zero Error] Follows the six-sigma approach to achieve the benchmark of 'zero error'


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