THE compendious and complex nature of our law relating to direct taxes makes the task of students and professional practitioners, who have not only to understand it but have also to develop the ability to apply it in given situations, extremely onerous and difficult. They have to acquire a familiarity with, and awareness of, the nature and scope of the main provisions of direct taxes. At the same time, they also require an up-to-date knowledge of how a statutory provision has been interpreted by different courts of law on different occasions. As such, they need a book on direct taxes which not only is comprehensive and up-to-date on both the law and its judicial interpretations but which also explains the difficult subject lucidly and through appropriate illustrations so as to render the study of direct taxes simple and easy.
Unlike other text books available on this subject, this book makes a fresh and novel approach to the study of direct taxes keeping in view the specific requirements of the candidates appearing in CA, CS, ICWA, MCom., LLB and MBA examinations as well as those appearing in the income-tax departmental examination. The chief aim of the book is to enable the students to cut the time spent by them in preparing for the examination, while, at the same time, giving them the most precise and up-to-date information on the subject of their study.
The present edition of the book has several unparalleled features which make it distinct from other available text books. These are :
The present edition is thoroughly revised with a view to making it more reader-friendly.
The treatment of the subject is lucid, to-the-point and the matter is painstakingly arranged in paras and sub-paras with distinct numbers to save time and energy. Besides, debatable issues have been deliberated to their logical conclusion.
Theoretical discussion is suitably supplemented by illustrations (over 600 in number and covering an exhaustive range of issues) providing solutions to the knotty problems with reference to the latest case law.
Hints are given wherever tax planning can be resorted to.
Latest circulars, notifications, amendments and the case laws ( i.e., up to May 31, 2023) are included in the discussion. All recent citations of court rulings, circulars and notifications have been highlighted.
In a nutshell, law is lucidly enumerated and its practical application is adequately explained.
A few words from the authors I-6
All questions set for CA (Final) examination for last 10 years are given along with their solutions (of theory as well as practical questions) as per law applicable for the assessment year 2023-24. Besides, questions set at various post-graduate and professional examinations are also included at the end of each chapter.
Our grateful thanks are due to Shri Rakesh Bhargava for his guidance and suggestions and for extending various facilities during the preparation of the manuscript of this book.
Readers’ views, comments and criticism relating to the present work are most welcome.
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Dr. Vinod K. Singhania got his Ph.D. from the Delhi School of Economics in 1976. His fields of special interest include all facets of corporate legislation and corporate economics especially the tax laws. Associated in different capacities with several professional institutes and business houses in India and abroad, Dr. Singhania is author of many popular books and software published by Taxmann. He has to his credit more than 300 research articles which have appeared in leading journals. He has been a resource person in over 800 seminars in India and abroad. He can be reached at
Dr. Kapil Singhania, a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and belonging to the alumni of Shri Ram College of Commerce, has completed his research work for which he has been awarded Ph.D. in 2003. His fields of involvement in research work in form of articles in various reputed journals and analytical studies span across from corporate laws to direct and indirect taxation. He has authored a variety of acclaimed books on direct and indirect taxes published by Taxmann. Dr. Singhania is providing tax consultancy to a number of business organizations, which include multinational and public sector companies.
PAGE I-9 A few words from the authors I-5 About the authors I-7 Section-wise Index I-25
1. Assessment year 1 2. Previous year 1 3. Person 5 4. Assessee 6 5. Charge of income-tax 6 6. Income 7 7. Gross total income 17 8. Total income and tax liability 21 9. Agricultural income 23 10. Difference between exemption and deduction 23 11. Assessment 24 12. Definition of “manufacture” 24 13. Capital asset 24 14. Company 24 15. Fair market value 24 16. Capital receipts vs. Revenue receipts 24 17. Capital expenditure vs. Revenue expenditure 31 18. Method of accounting 31 19. Definitions of amalgamation, demerger, infrastructure capital company and infrastructure capital fund 32 20. Rules of interpretation 33
22. What is relevance of residential status 47 23. Residential status - General norms 47 24. Residential status of an individual 48 25. Residential status of a Hindu undivided family 56 26. Residential status of the firm and association of persons 57 27. Residential status of a company 58 28. Residential status of “every other person” 62 29. Relation between residential status and incidence of tax 62 30. Receipt of income 65 31. Accrual of income 67 32. Income deemed to accrue or arise in India 71
status and tax incidence
Contents I-10 PAGE 32A. Fund Managers in India not to constitute business connection of offshore funds88 33. Hints for tax planning in respect of residential status 90 34. Problems on residential status and tax incidence 91
Incomes exempt from tax 38. Incomes exempt under section 10 94 39. Special provisions in respect of newly established undertakings in free trade zone, etc. 128 40. Special provisions in respect of newly established units in Special Economic Zone128 41. Special provisions in respect of newly established hundred per cent export-oriented undertakings 132 42. Special provision in respect of export of artistic hand-made wooden articles133 43. Income exempt under section 13A 133 44. Exemption to Electoral Trust 133 4 Salaries 46. Essential norms of salary income 135 47. Basis of charge 137 48. Place of accrual of salary income 138 49. Tax treatment of different forms of salary income 139 50. Allowance 157 51. Perquisites 164 52. Valuation of perquisites 168 53. Deduction from salary income 198 54. Tax on salary of non-resident technicians 198 55. Salaries of other foreign citizens 198 56. Employees’ provident fund 199 57. Approved superannuation fund 206 58. Approved gratuity fund 206 59. Deduction under section 80C 206 60. Relief under section 89 206 61. Relief from taxation in income from retirement benefit account maintained in a notified country 209 62. Meaning of salary for different computations 210 63. Hints for tax planning 212 64. Problems on salary income 213 Annex 1 : Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about computation of salary income225
Income from house property 86. Chargeability 226 87. Applicability of section 22 in certain typical situations 231 88. Principle of mutuality vis-a-vis section 22 233 89. Property income exempt from tax 234 90. Computation of income from a let out house property 234 91. Computation of income from self-occupied property 243 92. Special provisions when unrealised rent is realised subsequently 252 93. Mode of taxation of arrears of rent in the year of receipt 252
I-11 Contents PAGE 94. Hints for tax planning 252 95. Problems on computation of property income 253 App. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about mode of computation of annual value263 6 Profits and gains of business or profession 101. Chargeability 267 102. General principles governing assessment of business income 280 103. Method of accounting 286 104. Scheme of deductions and allowances 287 105. Basic principles governing admissibility of deduction under sections 30 to 44DB287 106. Deductions expressly allowed in respect of expenses/allowances 289 107. Rent, rates, taxes, repairs and insurance of building 289 108. Repairs and insurance of machinery, plant and furniture 290 109. Depreciation 291 110. Investment allowance for acquisition and installation of new plant and machinery334 110A. Investment allowance in backward area in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Telangana or West Bengal 334 111. Tea/coffee/rubber development account 335 112. Site restoration fund 338 113. Reserves for shipping business 340 114. Expenditure on scientific research 340 115. Expenditure on acquisition of patent rights, copyrights, know-how 351 116. Expenditure for obtaining right to use spectrum for telecommunication services351 117. Amortization of telecom licence fees 352 118. Expenditure on eligible projects or scheme 354 119. Deduction in respect of expenditure on specified business 354 120. Payment to the associations and institutions carrying out rural development programmes 359 120A. Deduction for expenditure incurred on agricultural extension project 360 120B. Deduction for expenditure for skill development 360 121. Amortisation of preliminary expenses 361 121A. Amortisation of expenditure in the case of amalgamation/demerger 365 121B. Amortisation of expenditure under voluntary retirement scheme 365 122. Amortisation of expenditure on prospecting, etc., for development of certain minerals 365 123. Insurance premium 368 124. Insurance premium paid by a federal milk co-operative society 368 125. Insurance premium on health of employees 368 126. Bonus or commission to employees 368 127. Interest on borrowed capital 369 127A. Discount on zero coupon bonds 372 128. Employer’s contribution to recognised provident fund and approved superannuation fund 373 128A. Employer’s contribution to notified pension scheme 374 129. Contribution towards approved gratuity fund 374 130. Employees’ contribution towards staff welfare schemes 374
Contents I-12 PAGE 131. Write off allowance for animals 375 132. Bad debts 375 133. Provision for bad and doubtful debts relating to rural branches of commercial banks 379 134. Transfer to special reserve 382 135. Family planning expenditure 384 136. Contribution towards Exchange Risk Administration Fund 385 137. Revenue expenditure incurred by entities established under any Central, State or Provincial Act 385 137A. Contribution to credit guarantee trust fund 385 137B. Commodities transaction tax/Securities transaction tax 385 138. Expenditure for purchase of sugarcane by a co-operative society engaged in sugar manufacturing 385 138A. Marked to market loss 386 139. Expenditure on advertisement 386 140. Expenses deductible from commission earned by life insurance agents, UTI agents, post office/Government securities agents and agents of notified mutual funds 387 141. General deduction 388 142. Amounts expressly disallowed under the Act 446 143. Amount not deductible under section 40(a) 446 144. Amount not deductible in the case of partnership firm 458 145. Amounts not deductible in the case of an association of persons and body of individuals 458 146. Amount not deductible under section 40(c)/(d) 458 147. Payments to relative 458 148. Payments exceeding Rs. 10,000 paid otherwise than by account payee cheques or bank drafts 461 149. Expenditure on payment of salary or perquisite to employees 465 150. Fees for services payable to a former employee 465 151. Provision for payment of gratuity 465 152. Interest on public deposit 466 153. Restriction on contributions by employers to non-statutory funds 466 154. Disallowance of marked to market loss 467 155. Disallowance of unpaid liability 467 156. Deemed profit 477 157. Income from undisclosed sources 481 158. Maintenance of accounts by certain persons 483 159. Audit of accounts by certain persons 485 160. Special provisions consequential to changes in the rate of exchange of currency 487 161. Special provision for deduction in the case of trade, professional or similar associations 489 162. Special provisions 490 163. Valuation of stock 514 164. Hints for tax planning 519 165. Problems on computation of income from business/profession 525 7 Capital gains 166. Chargeability 534 167. Meaning of capital asset 534
I-13 Contents PAGE 168. Types of capital assets 538 169. Transfer of capital asset 541 170. Computation of capital gain 555 171. Full value of consideration 558 172. Expenditure on transfer 559 173. Cost of acquisition 561 174. Cost of improvement 574 175. Indexed cost of acquisition and indexed cost of improvement 576 176. Computation of capital gain in certain special cases 580 177. Reference to Valuation Officer 613 178. Capital gains exempt from tax 613 179. Capital gains arising from transfer of residential house 615 180. Capital gains arising from the transfer of land used for agricultural purpose621 181. Capital gains on compulsory acquisition of land and buildings forming part of industrial undertaking 623 182. Capital gain not to be charged on investment in certain bonds 624 182A. Capital gain not to be charged on investment in units of a specified fund 627 183. Capital gains on transfer of a long-term capital asset other than a house property628 184. Capital gains on transfer of assets in cases of shifting of industrial undertaking from urban area 634 185. Exemption of capital gains on transfer of assets in cases of shifting of industrial undertaking from urban area to any Special Economic Zone 636 185A. Capital gain on transfer of residential property 637 185B. Extension of time-limit for acquiring new asset 641 186. Short-term/long-term capital gains - How charged to tax 642 187. Hints for tax planning 658 188. Problems on computation of capital gains 660 8 Income from other sources 191. Basis of charge 666 192. Relevance of method of accounting 669 193. Dividend 669 194. Winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, horse races and card games, etc.678 195. Sum received from employees as their contribution towards staff welfare schemes 680 196. Interest on securities 680 197. Income from machinery, plant or furniture let on hire 684 198. Income from composite letting of building, machinery, plant or furniture 684 199. Money/property is received without consideration or for inadequate consideration 686 200. Share premium in excess of fair market value 696 201. Advance money received in course of negotiations for transfer of a capital asset699 201A. Compensation on termination of employment or modification of terms of employment 700 201B. Distribution by business trusts to unitholders [Secs. 56(2)(xii) and 115UA] 700 201C. Sum received under a life insurance policy [Sec. 56(2)(xiii)] 701 202. Interest on KVP, IVP, NSC, etc. 702 203. Deductions 704 204. Other points 706 205. Problems on computation of income from other sources 707
Contents I-14 PAGE
Income of other persons included in assessee’s total income 206. Transfer of income without transfer of assets 713 207. Revocable transfer of assets 713 208. When an individual is assessable in respect of remuneration of spouse 714 209. When an individual is assessable in respect of income from assets transferred to spouse 717 210. When individual is assessable in respect of income from assets transferred to son’s wife 721 211. When individual is assessable in respect of income from assets transferred to a person for the benefit of spouse 722 212. When an individual is assessable in respect of income from assets transferred to a person for the benefit of son’s wife 723 213. Income of minor child 723 214. Conversion of self-acquired property into joint family property and subsequent partition 725 215. Other profits 726 216. Recovery of tax 726 217. Hints for tax planning 727 218. Problems explaining clubbing provisions 728
Set off and carry forward of losses 226. Mode of set off and carry forward - The three steps 733 227. Inter-source adjustment - How made 733 228. Inter-head adjustment - How made 734 229. Carry forward of loss 736 230. Loss of partnership firms 749 231. Loss of closely held companies 749 232. Carry forward and set off of loss and depreciation - When permissible in the hands of amalgamated and demerged company or co-operative bank 749 233. Problems illustrating the provisions of set off and carry forward of losses 750
Deductions from gross total income and tax liability 234. Essential rules governing deductions 754 235. Deduction in respect of life insurance premia, deferred annuity, contributions to provident fund, subscription to certain equity shares or debentures, etc. 755 235A. Deduction in respect of deposit under National Savings Scheme 763 236. Equity Linked Savings Scheme 764 237. Deduction in respect of pension fund 765 237A. Deduction in respect of contribution to a National Pension System (NPS) 766 237B. Deduction in respect of subscription to long-term infrastructure bondsWhen available under section 80CCF 768 237C. Deduction in respect of investment made under any equity saving scheme 768 237D. Deduction in respect of contribution to Agnipath Scheme [Sec. 80CCH] 769 238. Deduction in respect of medical insurance premia 769 239. Deduction in respect of maintenance including medical treatment of a dependent being a person with disability - When and to what extent available772 240. Deduction in respect of medical treatment, etc. 774 241. Deduction in respect of payment of interest on loan taken for higher studies777
241A. Deduction in respect of interest on loan taken for residential house property777 241B. Deduction in respect of interest on loan taken for certain house property 778 241C. Deduction in respect of interest on loan taken for purchase of electric vehicle779 242. Deduction in respect of donation to certain funds, charitable institutions, etc.779 243. Deduction in respect of rent paid 786 244. Deduction in respect of certain donations for scientific research or rural development 787 245. Deduction in respect of contributions given by companies to political parties or electoral trust 788 246. Deduction in respect of contributions given by any person to political parties or electoral trust 789 247. Deduction in respect of profits and gains from projects outside India 789 248. Deduction in respect of profits and gains from housing projects aided by World Bank 789 249. Tax incentives for exports 789 250. Deduction in respect of earnings in convertible foreign exchange 789 251. Deduction in respect of profit from export of computer software 789 252. Deduction in respect of profits and gains from export or transfer of films software 789 253. Deduction in respect of profits and gains from industrial undertaking or enterprises engaged in infrastructure development etc. - How to find out 790 253A. Deductions in respect of profits and gains by an undertaking or enterprise engaged in development of Special Economic Zone 802 253B. Deduction in respect of eligible start-up 803 254. Deduction in respect of profits and gains from certain industrial undertakings other than infrastructure development undertakings - How to avail 804 254A. Deduction in respect of profits from housing projects 821 255. Deduction in respect of profits and gains of certain undertakings in certain special category of States - How to find out 823 255A. Deduction in the case of hotels and convention centre in NCR 826 255B. Deduction in respect of certain undertakings in North-Eastern States 826 256. Deduction in respect of profits and gains from the business of collecting and processing of bio-degradable waste 827 257. Deduction in respect of employment of new employees 828 258. Deduction in respect of interest on certain securities, investments, etc. 830 259. Deduction in respect of certain income of Offshore Banking Units and International Financial Services Centre 831 260. Deduction in respect of inter-corporate investment 832 261. Deduction in respect of income of a co-operative society 834 262. Deduction in respect of certain income of producer companies 834 263. Deduction in respect of royalty income of authors 834 264. Deduction in respect of remuneration or professional income from certain foreign sources 836 265. Deduction in respect of royalty on patents 836 266. Deduction in respect of interest on deposits in savings accounts 837 267. Deduction in respect of interest on deposits in case of senior citizens 838 268. Deduction in case of a person with disability 838 269. Deductions from tax liability 840 270. Rebate for resident individuals 840 I-15 Contents PAGE
PAGE Contents I-16 12 Agricultural income 278. Definition 843 279. Income which is partly agricultural and partly from business 849 280. Partially integrated taxation of non-agricultural income with income derived from agriculture 851 281. Computation of net agricultural income 852 13 Typical problems on assessment of individuals 285. Tax incidence on individuals 860 286. Taxable income - How computed 860 287. Tax liability 861 288. Problems on computation of taxable income 865 14 Tax treatment of Hindu undivided families 295. Meaning of Hindu undivided family 876 296. Hindu coparcenary 876 297. Different schools of Hindu law 876 298. Jain and Sikh families 877 299. Assessment as Hindu undivided family - Basic conditions 877 300. Taxable income - How to compute 878 301. Rates of tax 880 302. Partition of a Hindu undivided family 880 303. Problems on Hindu undivided families 882 15 Special provisions governing assessment of firms and association of persons 313. Meaning of partnership 889 314. Scheme of taxation of firms 889 315. When remuneration/interest is deductible 889 316. What are the conditions a firm should fulfil under section 184 890 317. What are the conditions for claiming deduction of remuneration to partners under section 40(b) 891 318. What are the conditions for claiming deduction of interest to partners under section 40(b) 897 319. Carry forward and set-off of loss in the case of change in the constitution of firm898 320. Computation of income of firm 901 321. Computation of tax of firm 903 322. Assessment of partners of a firm 910 323. How to compute income of an association of persons (AOP) or body of individuals (BOI) 913 324. Computation of income of an AOP/BOI 915 325. Computation of tax of AOP or BOI 915 326. Assessment of member of AOP/BOI 917 327. Hints for tax planning 922
I-17 Contents PAGE 328. Problems on computation of taxable income of firms/partners and association of persons 929 16 Taxation of companies 333. Definitions 935 334. Taxable income and tax liability - How computed 937 335. Carry forward and set-off of losses in the cases of certain companies 939 336. Minimum alternate tax 941 337. Tax on distributed profits of domestic companies 963 337A. Tax on income distributed to unitholders 964 337B. Tax on income received from venture capital companies and venture capital funds 964 337C. Additional income-tax on distributed income by company for buy-back of unlisted shares 964 338. Problems on computation of taxable income of a corporate-assessee 965 17 Assessment of co-operative societies 339. Meaning of co-operative society 989 340. Taxable income and tax liability - How computed 989 341. Deduction in respect of income of co-operative societies 990 342. Problems on computation of income of a co-operative society 998 18 Assessment of charitable and other trusts 343. Meaning of trust 1000 344. Tax exemption 1000 345. Charitable purpose 1000 346. Essential conditions for exemption 1005 347. How to find out exemption u/s 11 1011 348. Accumulation of income 1018 349. Forfeiture of exemption 1020 350. Public charitable/religious trust - How chargeable to tax 1030 351. Private discretionary trust 1033 352. Income from property held under trust partly for religious purposes and partly for other purposes 1034 352A. Oral trust 1036 352B. Tax on distributed income by securitization trusts 1036 352C. Special provisions pertaining to business trust 1037 352D. Pass through status to Category I and Category II Alternative Investment Funds 1039 19 Return of income and assessment 353. Voluntary return 1044 354. Return of loss 1048 355. Belated return 1048 356. Revised return 1049
payment of tax
Contents I-18 PAGE 357. Updated return 1051 358. Defective or incomplete return 1056 358A. Modified return 1058 359. Scheme to facilitate submission of returns through Tax Return Preparers 1059 359A. Power of Board to dispense with furnishing of documents 1059 359B. Filing of return in electronic form 1059 360. Return by whom to be verified 1059 361. Permanent Account Number (PAN) 1060 361A. Quoting of Aadhaar number 1066 362. What is self-assessment 1067 363. Inquiry before assessment 1069 364. Summary assessment without calling the assessee 1073 365. Assessment in response to notice under section 143(2) 1076 366. Best judgment assessment 1088 366A. Reference to dispute resolution panel 1089 367. Income escaping assessment and re-assessments 1091 368. Issue of notice for reassessment under section 148 1099 369. What are the provisions regarding rectification of mistake 1106 370. Time limit for completion of assessments/reassessments 1111 371. Provisions of section 155 1117 372. Problems on return of income and assessment 1119 372A. Obligation to furnish annual information return pertaining to financial transactions 1122 372B. Submission of statement by a non-resident having liaison office in India 1125 372C. Furnishing of information or document by an Indian concern 1125 372D. Reporting by producers of cinematograph films or persons engaged in specified activities 1125 20 Penalties and prosecutions 373. Penalties for defaults in brief 1126 374. Penalty for concealment/under-reporting of Income 1137 375. Who can levy penalty 1157 376. Power of Commissioner to reduce or waive penalty 1157 377. Procedure for imposition of penalty 1162 378. Time-limit for completion of penalty proceedings 1162 379. Offences and prosecutions 1165 380. Onus of proof 1169
381. Income liable for advance tax 1171 382. Advance tax liability - Under different situations 1172 383. Interest payable by the assessee or Government 1173 384. Problems illustrating advance tax provisions 1173 22 Interest 385. Interest payable by the assessee 1175 386. Interest payable to assessee 1191
collection at source
I-19 Contents PAGE 387. Procedure to be followed in calculation of interest 1195 388. Waiver or reduction of interest under sections 234A, 234B and 234C 1195 389. Chief Commissioner/Director General (Investigation) to reduce penal interest in certain cases 1196 390. Power of CBDT and Settlement Commission to reduce/waive interest 1196 391. Writ petition 1197 392. Problems illustrating computation of interest 1197
Tax deduction
404. Scheme of tax deduction at source 1204 405. Deduction of tax from salaries 1207 405A. Tax deduction at source from withdrawal from employees provident fund scheme 1213 406. Deduction of tax at source from interest on securities 1216 407. Deduction of tax at source from dividends 1217 408. Deduction of tax at source from interest other than interest on securities 1218 409. Deduction of tax at source from winnings from lotteries or crossword puzzles 1222 409A. Deduction of tax at source from winnings from online games [Sec. 194BA] 1223 410. Deduction of tax at source from winnings from horse races 1223 411. Deduction of tax at source from payments to contractors or sub-contractors 1224 412. Deduction of tax at source from insurance commission 1229 412A. Tax deduction from payment of life insurance policy 1230 413. Payment to non-resident sportsman or sports association 1231 414. Deduction of tax from payments in respect of National Savings Scheme 1232 415. Deduction of tax at source on payments on account of repurchase of units by Mutual Funds or UTI 1232 416. Deduction of tax from commission, etc., on sale of lottery tickets 1232 417. Deduction of tax at source from commission or brokerage 1233 418. Deduction of tax at source from income by way of rent 1235 418A. Tax deduction at source on purchase of immovable property 1240 418B. Tax deduction from payment of rent by certain individuals/HUFs 1240 418C. Tax deduction from payment under joint development agreement 1241 419. Tax deduction at source on fees for professional or technical services, royalty or directors fees 1242 419A. Tax deduction at source in respect of income from units 1246 420. Tax deduction from payment of compensation in certain cases 1246 420A. Deduction of tax at source from interest payable on infrastructure debt fund 1247 420AA. Tax deduction from income from units of business trust 1247 420AB. Tax deduction from income in respect of units of investment fund 1248 420ABB. Tax deduction from income in respect of investment in Securitization fund 1248 420B. Tax deduction by an Indian specified company or business trust from interest to a non-resident/foreign company 1249 420C. Tax deduction at source on interest on bonds/Government securities 1250 420D. TDS on certain payments by individual/HUF 1251 420E. TDS on payment of certain amounts in cash 1252 420F. TDS on payment by e-commerce operator to e-commerce participants 1253 420G. Deduction of tax in case of specified Senior Citizen 1254 420H. Deduction of tax at source on payment for purchase of goods 1255 420-I. Deduction of tax on benefit/perquisite pertaining to business/profession 1258 420-J. Deduction of tax from payment on transfer of virtual digital asset 1261 421. Deduction of tax at source from other sums 1262 422. Tax deduction from any income payable to non-resident unit-holders of Mutual Fund 1268
Contents I-20 423. Deduction of tax at source in respect of units referred to in section 115AB 1268 424. Deduction of tax from income or long-term capital gain from foreign currency bonds/Global Depository Receipts 1268 425. Deduction of tax from income of Foreign Institutional Investors from securities 1269 426. Payment without tax deduction or with deduction at lower rate 1269 427. Processing of statements of tax deducted at source 1273 428. Other points for consideration 1273 429. Tax collection at source 1282 24 Refund of excess payments 430. Right to claim refund - When arises 1293 431. Who can claim refund 1293 432. How to claim refund 1293 433. Other points 1294 25 Appeals and revisions 434. Meaning of appeal 1296 435. Appellate hierarchy 1296 436. Appeal to Joint Commissioner (Appeals) 1297 437. Appeal to the Commissioner (Appeals) 1298 438. Revision by the Commissioner of Income-tax 1311 439. Appeal to the Appellate Tribunal 1319 440. Appeal to High Court 1331 441. Appeal to the Supreme Court 1337 442. Provision for avoiding repetitive appeals 1338 443. Procedure for appeal by revenue when an identical question of law is pending before High Court/Supreme Court 1339 444. Consequence of non-filing of appeal in respect of cases where the tax effect is less than the prescribed monetary limit 1340 26 Income-tax authorities 445. Tax authorities 1342 446. Central Board of Direct Taxes 1342 27 Settlement Commission and Dispute Resolution Committee 457. Settlement Commission 1345 458. Discontinuation of Income-tax Settlement Commission 1345 459. Dispute Resolution Committee 1349 28 Special measures in respect of transactions with persons located in notified jurisdictional area 471. Special measures in respect of certain transactions 1352 PAGE
Transfer pricing
I-21 Contents PAGE 472. Notified jurisdictional area 1352 473. Applicability of transfer pricing provisions 1352 474. Disallowance of payment to financial institutions located in notified jurisdictional area 1353 475. Disallowance of other expenditure 1353 476. Amount received to be treated as income in some cases 1353 477. TDS at higher rate 1353 478. Provisions illustrated 1353 29 General Anti-avoidance Rule 480. Applicability of general anti-avoidance rule 1356 481. Impermissible avoidance arrangement 1356 482. Procedure for invoking GAAR 1358 483. Clarifications given by Board 1358 30 Advance ruling 485. Constitution of the Board for Advance Ruling 1360 486. Advance ruling 1362 487. Procedure for filing application 1363 488. Procedure on receipt of application 1365 489. Applicability of advance ruling 1367 490. Advance ruling to be void in certain circumstances 1368 491. Powers of authority 1368 491A. Authority for advance rulings 1368 31 Search, seizure and assessment 492. Powers regarding discovery, production of evidence, etc. 1370 493. Search and seizure 1371 494. Requisitioning of books of account, etc. 1379 495. Application of assets seized or requisitioned 1380 496. Power to call for information 1381 497. Power of survey 1382 498. Power to collect certain information 1385 498A. Power to call for information by prescribed income-tax authority 1385 499. Scheme of assessment in case of search or requisition 1386 500. Prior approval in the case of search 1393
506. Taxation of international transaction 1394 507. Computation of the arm’s length price 1398 508. Arm’s length price - Computation of 1399
33 Business restructuring
34 Alternative tax regime
Contents I-22 509. Computation of arm’s length price in cases where more than one price is determined under most appropriate method 1406 510. Reference to transfer pricing officer 1416 510A. Power of Board to make Safe Harbour Rules 1419 511. Maintenance of books of account and furnishing of report in respect of international group 1422 512. Report from accountant 1427 513. Specified domestic transactions 1427 514. Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) 1428 514A. Secondary adjustment in certain international transactions 1430 514B. Provisions pertaining to thin capitalisation 1434 514C. Important judicial rulings 1437
515. Restructuring business 1438 516. Amalgamation 1438 517. Demerger 1447 518. Conversion of sole proprietary business into company 1457 519. Conversion of firm into company 1458 520. Slump sale 1460 521. Transfer of assets between holding and subsidiary companies 1466 522. Amalgamation or demerger of co-operative banks 1471 523. Conversion of private company/unlisted public company into Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) 1473
531. Alternative tax regime available under different sections 1478 532. Manufacturing domestic companies under section 115BA 1481 533. Tax on income of certain domestic companies 1482 534. Conditions and restrictions 1482 535. Tax rate 1483 536. Option 1483 537. MAT not applicable 1483 538. Case studies 1483 539. New manufacturing domestic companies 1484 540. Conditions 1484 541. Mode of computation of income 1485 542. Computation of tax liability under section 115BAB 1486 543. Option 1486 544. MAT not applicable 1487 545. Case study 1487 546. Income of individuals, HUF, AOP, BOI and artificial juridical person 1488 547. Rate of income-tax under the alternative tax regime 1488 PAGE
548. Conditions and restrictions 1489 549. Option 1491 550. Case studies 1493 551. Tax on certain resident co-operative societies 1496 552. Conditions and restrictions under section 115BAD 1496 553. Tax rate 1497 554. Option 1497 555. New manufacturing co-operative society 1497 556. Conditions 1497 557. Mode of computation of income 1498 558. Computation of tax liability under section 115BAE 1498 559. Option 1499 35 Tax planning 565. Tax planning 1500 566. Tax planning with reference to setting up of a new business 1502 567. Tax planning with reference to financial management decisions 1504 568. Tax planning with reference to specific managerial decisions 1505 569. Tax planning in respect of employees’ remuneration 1509 570. Tax planning in respect of non-residents 1511 571. Tax planning in respect of amalgamation or demerger of companies or business restructuring 1516 36 Miscellaneous 572. Introduction of Tonnage Tax 1517 573. Securities Transaction Tax 1520 574. Tax clearance certificate 1522 575. Equalisation levy 1524 577. Provisions pertaining to successor entity subsequent to business reorganization 1528 578. Commodities transaction tax 1529 580. Facility for electronic communication 1530 581. Introduction of Document Identification Number 1530 582. Power to withdraw approvals 1530 583. Restriction on cash transactions 1530 ANNEXURES 1. Tax rates 1534 2. Rates of depreciation 1560 3. The Eleventh Schedule, Thirteenth Schedule, Fourteenth Schedule/ Investment ceiling in the case of small scale industrial undertaking 1567 4. Notified backward districts 1574 5. Questions set for CA(Final) Examinations and Answers from November 2012 to November 2022 1576 PAGE I-23 Contents
Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) [Secs. 92CC and 92CD]
514. Advance Pricing Agreement is an agreement between a taxpayer and a taxing authority on an appropriate transfer pricing methodology for a set of transactions over a fixed period of time in future. The APA offers better assurance on transfer pricing methods and are conducive in providing certainty and unanimity of approach.
Sections 92CC and 92CD provide a framework for advance pricing agreement under the Act. These provisions provide the following—
■ Board may enter into APA - Section 92CC empowers the Board (with the approval of the Central Government) to enter into an advance pricing agreement with any person to determine the –
a. arm’s length price (or specifying the manner in which arm’s length price is to be determined) in relation to an international transaction;
b. (with effect from April 1, 2020) income referred to in section 9(1)( i) (or specifying the manner in which said income is to be determined) as is reasonably attributable to the operations carried out in India by (or on behalf of) a non-resident.
■ Purpose of APA - Such APA shall include determination of the arm’s length price or specify the manner in which arm’s length price shall be determined, in relation to an international transaction to be entered into, by that person.
■ How to compute ALP - The manner of determination of arm’s length price in such cases shall be any method including those already provided in section 92C(1), with necessary adjustments or variations.
■ APA to supersede provisions of section 92C or 92CA - The arm’s length price of any international transaction, which is covered under such APA, shall be determined in accordance with the APA so entered into. The provisions of section 92C or 92CA which normally apply for determination of arm’s length price will be modified to this extent. As a consequence, arm’s length price shall be determined in accordance with APA.
■ Validity of APA - The APA shall be valid for such previous years as are specified in the agreement which in no case shall exceed five consecutive previous years.
■ Roll back provisions - APA scheme is in operation in many countries. In many countries, the APA scheme provides for “roll back” mechanism for dealing with ALP issues relating to transactions entered into during the period prior to APA. The “roll back” provisions refer to the applicability of the methodology of determination of ALP, or the ALP, to be applied to the international transactions which had already been entered into in a period prior to the period covered under an APA. However, the “roll back” relief is provided on case to case basis subject to certain conditions. In the original scheme of APA as inserted by the Finance Act, 2012, there was no provision of “roll back”. The Finance (No. 2) Act, 2014, however, amended the provisions of section 92CC (with effect from October 1, 2014) to provide roll back mechanism. The APA may, subject to such prescribed conditions‡, procedure and manner, provide for determining the arm’s length price or for specifying the manner in which arm’s length price is to be determined in relation to an international transaction entered into by a person during any period not exceeding 4 previous years preceding the first of the previous years for which the advance pricing agreement applies in respect of the international transaction to be undertaken in future.
■ Effectiveness of APA - The APA shall be binding only on the person and the Commissioner (including income-tax authorities subordinate to him) in respect of the transaction in relation to which the agreement has been entered into. The APA shall not be binding if there is any change, in law, or facts having bearing on such APA.
■ APA obtained by fraud - The Board is empowered to declare, with the approval of Central Government, any such agreement to be void ab initio, if it finds that the agreement has been obtained
Para 514 Income-tax - Transfer pricing 1428
‡ See rule 10MA.
by the person by fraud or misrepresentation of facts. Once an agreement is declared void ab initio, all the provisions of the Act shall apply to the person as if such APA had never been entered into. For the purpose of computing any period of limitation under the Act, the period beginning with the date of such APA and ending on the date of order declaring the agreement void ab initio shall be excluded. However, if after the exclusion of the aforesaid period, the period of limitation referred to in any provision of the Act is less than 60 days, such remaining period shall be extended to 60 days.
■ Procedures - The Board is empowered to prescribe* a scheme providing for the manner, form, procedure and any other matter generally in respect of the advance pricing agreement.
■ Pending proceedings - Where an application is made by a person for entering into such an APA, proceedings shall be deemed to be pending in the case of the person for the purposes of the Act like for making enquiries under section 133.
■ Modified return within 3 months† - The person entering into such APA shall necessarily have to furnish a modified return within a period of 3 months from the end of the month in which the said APA was entered into in respect of the return of income already filed for a previous year to which the APA applies. The modified return has to reflect modification to the income only in respect of the issues arising from the APA and in accordance with it.
■ Pending assessments - Where the assessment or reassessment proceedings for an assessment year relevant to the previous year to which the agreement applies are pending on the date of filing of a modified return, the Assessing Officer shall proceed to complete the assessment or reassessment proceedings in accordance with the agreement, taking into consideration the modified return so filed and the normal period of limitation of completion of proceedings shall be extended by 1 year.
■ Modification of completed assessment - If the assessment or reassessment proceedings for an assessment year relevant to a previous year to which the agreement applies has been completed before the expiry of period allowed for furnishing of modified return, the Assessing Officer shall, in a case where modified return is filed, pass an order modifying the total income of the relevant assessment year determined in such assessment or reassessment, having regard to and in accordance with the APA. To such order, all the provisions relating to assessment shall apply as if the modified return is a return furnished under section 139. The period of limitation for such order is 1 year from the end of the financial year in which the modified return is furnished.
■ Case study - For the assessment year 2015-16, X Ltd. submits return of income on November 10, 2015. On November 18, 2015, it enters into an advance pricing agreement (APA) with the Board pertaining to determination of arm’s length price in connection with import of semi-finished goods from its holding company situated in the Netherlands. The agreement provides ALP for the transactions pertaining to the assessment years 2014-15 and 2015-16. The assessment of 2014-15 has already been completed but the assessment for 2015-16 is pending on the date of entering into APA. In this case, X Ltd. will have to submit a modified return for the assessment year 2014-15 (and also for the assessment year 2015-16) on or before February 28, 2016 (i.e., within 3 months from the end of the month in which APA is made).
On February 28, 2016, the assessment for the assessment year 2014-15 has already been completed. For the assessment year 2014-15, the Assessing Officer will reassess or modify the income keeping in view the provisions of APA. This order can be completed on or before March 31, 2017 (i.e., within 1 year from the end of the financial year in which modified return is submitted).
On February 28, 2016, the assessment for the assessment year 2015-16 is pending. Normally, the assessment for the assessment year 2015-16 should be completed before April 1, 2018. In this case,
*Rules 10F to 10T inserted by Notification No. 36/2012, dated August 30, 2012.
† If the time-limit expires during March 20, 2020 and December 31, 2020, it has been extended to March 31, 2021 by virtue of the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation and Amendment of Certain Provisions) Act, 2020.
1429 Advance Pricing Agreement Para 514
the Assessing Officer can complete the assessment for the assessment year 2015-16 (keeping in view the provisions of APA) at any time before April 1, 2019.
Secondary adjustment in certain international transactions [Sec. 92CE]
514A. Section 92CE was inserted with effect from the assessment year 2018-19.
514A.1 Secondary adjustment in common parlance - Secondary adjustment means an adjustment in the books of account of the assessee and its associated enterprise to reflect that the actual allocation of profits between the assessee and its associated enterprise are consistent with the transfer price determined as a result of primary adjustment, thereby removing the imbalance between cash account and actual profit of the assessee. As per the OECD’s Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (OECD transfer pricing guidelines), secondary adjustment may take the form of constructive dividends, constructive equity contributions, or constructive loans.
The provisions of secondary adjustment are internationally recognised and are already part of the transfer pricing rules of many leading economies in the World (countries like Canada, France, Korea, South Africa, USA have adopted this kind of adjustment in their transfer pricing legislations). While mode of secondary adjustments in different countries is different, yet there can be no case of secondary adjustment in the absence of primary adjustment. Deemed dividend, deemed equity contribution or deemed loan are different approaches adopted by different countries. However, the object of different approaches is to align the economic benefit of the transaction with the arm s length position.
514A.2 When section 92CE is applicable - Under section 92CE, the assessee is required to carry out secondary adjustment where the primary adjustment to transfer price has been made.
■ What is primary adjustments - Primary adjustment to a transfer price means the determination of transfer price in accordance with the arm s length principle resulting in an increase in the total income or reduction in the loss, as the case may be, of the assessee.
■ What is secondary adjustment - Secondary adjustment means an adjustment in the books of account of the assessee and its associated enterprise to reflect that the actual allocation of profits between the assessee and its associated enterprise is consistent with the transfer price determined as a result of primary adjustment, thereby removing the imbalance between cash account and actual profit of the assessee.
■ When secondary adjustment will be applicable - Secondary adjustment will be applicable in the following situations
1. Where a primary adjustment to transfer price has been made suo motu by the assessee in his return of income.
2. Where a primary adjustment to transfer price made by the Assessing Officer has been accepted by the assessee.
3. Where a primary adjustment to transfer price is determined by an advance pricing agreement entered into by the assessee under section 92CC on or after April 1, 2017.
4. Where a primary adjustment to transfer price is made as per the safe harbour rules framed under section 92CB.
5. Where a primary adjustment to transfer price is arising as a result of resolution of an assessment by way of the mutual agreement procedure under DTAA entered into under section 90/90A.
■ Threshold limit - When secondary adjustment is not applicable - If the following two conditions are not satisfied, secondary adjustment is not required
Para 514A Income-tax - Transfer pricing 1430
a. the amount of primary adjustment made in the case of an assessee in any previous year does not exceed Rs. 1 crore; or
b. the primary adjustment is made in respect of the assessment year 2016-17 (or any earlier assessment year).
■ Quantification of secondary adjustment - The relevant provisions are as follows
1. As a result of primary adjustment to the transfer price, there is an increase in the total income or reduction in the loss, as the case may be, of the assessee.
2. The difference between the arm’s length price determined in primary adjustment and the price at which the international transaction has actually been undertaken, is “excess money”.
3. The excess money is not repatriated to India by the associated enterprise within the prescribed time (given by rule 10CB) (in general terms, repatriation means effectively reversing the funds so that the accounts of the parties involved are in line with the economic intend of the primary adjustment). The excess money (or part thereof, which is not repatriated to India) shall be deemed to be an advance made by the assessee to such associated enterprise and the interest on such advance shall be computed as the income of the assessee in the manner as is prescribed by rule 10CB.
■ Prescribed time-limit as per rule 10CB - CBDT has notified rule 10CB which prescribes computation of interest income pursuant to secondary adjustment. Rule 10CB also provides that repatriation of excess money shall be made on or before 90 days from –
-Due date of filing of return, if primary adjustment to TP has been made suo motu by the assessee.
-Date of order of Assessing Officer or appellate authority, if primary adjustment determined in the order has been accepted by assessee.
-Due date of filing of return in case assessee had entered into advance pricing agreement (if the advance pricing agreement has been entered into on or before the due date of filing of return for the relevant previous year).
-The end of the month in which the advance pricing agreement has been entered into (if the said agreement has been entered into after the due date of filing of return for the relevant previous year).
-Due date of filing of return in case assessee opted for safe harbour rules.
-The date of giving effect by the Assessing Officer under rule 44H to the resolution arrived at under mutual agreement procedure (MAP), where the primary adjustment to transfer price is determined by such resolution.
The following points should be noted –
1. If the repatriation of excess money is not made within 90 days from the dates given above, interest would be chargeable from the dates given above (without excluding 90 days).
2. The time-limit of 90 days for repatriation of excess money shall begin only when the primary adjustments exceeding Rs. 1 crore made in respect of assessment year 2017-18 (or later), attains finality. Where the transfer pricing order is appealed against by the taxpayer, the time-limit for repatriation shall commence only after the appeal is finalized by the appellate authority
■ Prescribed rate of interest as per rule 10CB - With regard to the rate of interest to be computed in the case of failure to repatriate the excess money within the prescribed time given above, rule 10CB provides for separate interest rates for international transactions denominated in Indian rupee and those denominated in foreign currency. The rate of interest is on annual basis and shall be computed as follows –
-At one year marginal cost of fund lending rate of SBI as on April 1 of previous year plus 325 basis points in case international transaction is denominated in Indian rupees.
-At six-month LIBOR as on September 30 of previous year plus 300 basis points in the case international transaction is denominated in foreign currency.
When section 92CE is applicable Para 514A.2
The rate of exchange for the calculation of the value in rupees of the international transaction denominated in foreign currency shall be the telegraphic transfer SBI buying rate of such currency on the last day of the previous year in which such international transaction was undertaken.
■ Additional income tax - In a case, where the excess money (or part thereof) has not been repatriated in time, the assessee has an option (with effect from September 1, 2019) to pay additional incometax at the rate of 18 per cent on such excess money (or part thereof). It is subject to surcharge of 12 per cent and health and education cess of 4 per cent (effective tax rate : 20.9664 per cent). The following points should be noted –
-If the assessee pays the additional income-tax, he is not required to make secondary adjustment or compute interest from the date of payment of such tax. However, he is required to make secondary adjustment pertaining to interest till the date of payment of additional tax.
-The tax so paid shall be the final payment of tax and no credit shall be allowed in respect of the amount of tax so paid.
-The deduction in respect of the amount on which such tax has been paid, shall not be allowed under any other provision.
Para 514A.2 Income-tax - Transfer pricing 1432
1433 When section 92CE is applicable Para 514A.2
Provisions pertaining to thin capitalisation
514B. A company is typically financed or capitalized through a mixture of debt and equity. The way a company is capitalized often has a significant impact on the amount of profit it reports for tax purposes as the tax legislations of countries typically allow a deduction for interest paid or payable in arriving at the profit for tax purposes while the dividend paid on equity contribution is not deductible (in some countries, dividend distribution attracts additional tax). Therefore, higher the level of debt in a company (and thus the amount of interest it pays), the lower will be its taxable profit and tax liability. For this reason, debt is often a more tax efficient method of finance than equity. Multinational groups are often able to structure their financing arrangements to maximize these benefits. For this reason, country’s tax administrations often introduce rules that place a limit on the amount of interest that can be deducted in computing a company’s profit for tax purposes. Such rules are designed to counter cross-border shifting of profit through excessive interest payments, and, thus, aim to protect a country’s tax base.
514B.1 Limitation on interest deductible [Sec. 94B] - Section 94B was inserted with effect from the assessment year 2018-19.
■ Conditions - Section 94B is applicable if the following conditions are satisfied
1. The assessee (i.e., borrower) is an Indian company or a permanent establishment of a foreign company in India.
2. It incurs any expenditure by way of interest (or of similar nature) in respect of any debt (or deemed debt). The debt is issued by a non-resident (being an associated enterprise of the borrower). Where the debt is issued by a lender (which is not associated with the borrower) and an associated enterprise either provides an implicit or explicit guarantee to such lender (or deposits a corresponding and matching amount of funds with the lender), such debt shall be “deemed” to have been issued by an associated enterprise. “Debt” means any loan, financial instrument, finance lease, financial derivative, or any arrangement that gives rise to interest, discounts or other finance charges that are deductible.
3. Interest is deductible while computing income chargeable under the head “Profits and gains of business or profession”.
4. For the aforesaid debt, interest (which is otherwise deductible for computing business/professional income of the borrower for the previous year) is more than Rs. 1 crore.
5. The borrower is not engaged in the business of banking or insurance or (with effect from the assessment year 2024-25) such class of non-banking financial companies as may be notified by the Central Government.
6. With effect from the assessment year 2021-22, interest is not paid in respect of a debt issued by a lender which is a PE of a non-resident (being a person engaged in the business of banking) in India.
■ Limitation on deduction of interest under section 94B - If the above conditions are satisfied, interest shall not be deductible while computing income under the head Profit and gains of business or profession to the extent it arises from excess interest Excess interest , as per section 94B(2), is
Para 514B Income-tax - Transfer pricing 1434
a. interest paid or payable in excess of 30 per cent of earnings (before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) (EBITDA) of borrower in the previous year; or
b. interest paid or payable to associated enterprises for that previous year, whichever is less.
■ Carry forward of the excess interest - The excess interest of the current year (which is not allowed as deduction) shall be carried forward to the following assessment year. In the next assessment year, it shall be allowed as a deduction against business/profession income of the borrower to the extent of maximum allowable interest expenditure in accordance with section 94B(2). This carry forward is allowed for 8 assessment years (immediately succeeding the assessment year for which the excess interest was first computed).
1435 Limitation on interest deductible Para 514B.1
Para 514B.1 Income-tax - Transfer pricing 1436
Important judicial rulings
Important judicial rulings
514C. One should also keep in view the following judicial rulings –
Para 514C
■ When same persons participate, directly or indirectly or through an intermediary, in management or control or capital of two or more enterprises, such enterprises are required to be treated as ‘associated enterprise’. Thus, the true test of associated enterprise is control by one enterprise over other, or control of two or more associated enterprises by common interests— Diageo India (P.) Ltd. v. CIT [2011] 47 SOT 252 (Mum.).
■ Rule 10B(4) clearly states that the data to be used in analyzing the comparability of uncontrolled transaction with an international transaction shall be the data relating to the financial year in which the international transaction has been entered into. Proviso to rule 10B(4) provides an exception to the effect that the data relating to a period not being more than two years prior to such financial year may also be considered if such data reveals facts which could have an influence on the determination of transfer price in relation to transactions being compared. Thus, according to the law, the data relating to relevant financial year is only the contemporaneous data and the proviso is applicable only in some specified cases—Geodis Overseas (P.) Ltd. v. CIT [2011] 45 SOT 375 (Delhi).
■ In case of transaction of lending money in foreign currency to foreign subsidiary, London Inter Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) should be taken as benchmark rate for computing ALP of interest— Cotton Naturals (I) (P.) Ltd. v. CIT [2013] 32 219 (Delhi).