Historical perspective
• Objective behind searches and surveys
• Purpose of this webinar
• Myths relating to searches and surveys
• Intended outcomes
Legal requirements for Income tax searches and Judicial decisions
What can trigger income tax searches and surveys?
How are searches conducted?
Rights and duties of taxpayers in searches
Dos and Don'ts for taxpayers during searches
Disclosure of additional income U/S 132(4) of IT Act
How to ensure smooth conduct of I T searches?
Post search investigations and role of professionals
Conduct of income tax surveys
Legal requirements for IT searches
Searches can be authorized in any of the following 3 situations-
(i) failed to produce books and documents U/S 131 or 142
(ii) Will not produce books and documents U/S 131 or 142
(iii) In possession of money, bullion, jewelry or other valuables, which has been or would not be disclosed
Search is authorized by DGIT, PDIT toAddl DIT, DDIT and ITOs
Search can be conducted at any premise, vehicle, device at any time of any day
Presumption U/S 132 (4A) of Income tax Act
Satisfaction need not be produced before appellate authorities
Landmark decisions relating to Searches
Search provisions are constitutionally held valid
Pooran Mal v. Director of Inspection, [1974] 93 ITR 505 (SC)
Searches to be authorized based on cogent information but procedural lapses not relevant
ITO v. Seth bros, [1969] 74 ITR 836 (SC)
Searches can’t be authorized on the basis of rumors/ Gossips
UOI v. Ajit Jain, [2003] 129 Taxman 74/260 ITR 80 (SC)
In the case of Laljibhai Kanjibhai Mandalia v. Principal DIT (Investigation) [2019] 105 260/263 Taxman 604 (Gujarat), Hon’ble Gujarat
HC held search invalid on satisfaction which was reversed by hon’ble SC reported in Principal DIT (Investigation) v.Laljibhai Kanjibhai Mandalia[2022] 140 282/288 Taxman 361/446 ITR 18 (SC)
AO was also authorized officer will not invalidate search action on bias
Union of India v. Vipin Kumar Jain [2003] 129 Taxman 59/260 ITR 1 (SC)
Landmark Decisions- continued….
Search can not be held malafide because outsiders were involved
Hindustan Metal works v. CIT, [1968] 68 ITR 798 ( Allahabad )
Vague allegations not enough to prove malafides
Express newspapers Pvt Ltd v. UOI, AIR 1986 SC 872
Irregularity in searches will not vitiate the proceedings (witness)
Naraindas v. CIT [1983] 14 Taxman 447 ( M P High Court)
Illegality of searches will not vitiate the evidences collected
Dr Partap Singh v. Director of Enforcement [1985] 22 Taxman 30 (SC)
Allegation of bribe on I T officers will not vitiate the search
Kamal Khosla v. DIT [2002] 123 Taxman 1102 ( Delhi H C)
What can trigger I T search and survey
Credible information of tax evasion
Information based on assessment records
Information received from other Govt agencies/ dept.
Lavish spending disproportionate to income disclosed
Manipulation of books and records
Unexplained/ huge loans and sundry creditors
Low income disclosed compared to peers
Certain trade/ business with elements of on money/ unaccounted sale
Large deals and media reporting
Counterparty is searched or given adverse statements
information on Possession of large cash or valuables
Suspicious transactions
Hawala transactions
Large businesses but repeated non compliance
Social media indicating unaccounted income
Conduct of Searches
Strike at all places at the same time
Two witnesses called for
Warrant of authorization executed on key person
recording of preliminary statements
physical search of the persons and premises covered
Valuation of jewellery by registered valuer
Back up of computers and devices by expert team
Final statement confronting key people with documents etc
Preparation of Panchanama and annexures of seizure and found
Powers of tax authorities during search
Enter and search any building or place as per warrant
Break open locks where keys are not available
Carry out search of the premise and also personal search
Seize the unaccounted assets and books/ documents
place mark of identification and take extract of books and documents
Make inventory of cash and valuables found/ seized
Take help of Police and other Govt officials as required
Put assets or records under prohibitory orders U/S 132(3)
What can be seized during search and what can not be?
Following can be seized during search:
- Unaccounted cash and jewelry
- Books of accounts and documents
- Computer hard disks and data storage devices
- Property documents etc.
Following can not be seized during search:
- Stock in trade
- Disclosed cash , jewellery etc
- Gold up to 500gm per married lady, 250gm unmarried lady and 100gm per male member
Rights of Taxpayers during searches
To verify the identity of search team
To verify warrant of authorization
To have two witnesses from the locality
To have meal, sleep etc. in time
To allow children to go to school after checking their bags
To call medical practitioner in case of medical needs
To get copy of Pachamama with annexure
Right to answer questions in own language
Right to continue business under supervision of IT team
Duties of Taxpayers during searches
To provide free ingress to search team in premises
To handover all keys including locker keys to search team
To handover electronic devices , mobiles with passwords
To identify and explain the ownership of assets, books etc.
Identify every individual in the premise and explain relationship
Not to allow/ encourage entry of unauthorized people
Not to remove anything from its place without notice of AO
To answer all questions truthfully
To affix signature on Pachamama, annexures and statements etc.
DOs during searches by taxpayers
To cooperate with the search team
Be courteous with search team
Narrate all facts in preliminary statement
Be watchful during search to ensure legality of actions
Be calm and comfortable
Get independent witnesses from your contacts from neighborhood
Try to help search team in discharge of their duties
Give passwords and locker keys and explain assets found
DON’Ts during searches by taxpayers
Do not stop or obstruct team from entering the premises
Do not obstruct or stop team from physical search
Do not try to hide anything as it will not be possible
Do not annoy team or misbehave with them
Do not panic as it does not help
Do not make any plans till search team is there
Do not attempt contacting CA or counsels as it is not permitted
Disclosure of additional income U/S 132(4)
Examination on Oath by Authorized officers during search of any person found in possession or control of books, documents and valuables
This examination can also be for any other matter relevant for any investigation under income tax act
These statements have evidentiary value
Undisclosed income confessed in this statement can be legally taxed even without evidences. However judicial decisions require it.
Benefit of disclosure is in levy of penalty at lower rate
Disclosure also reduces post search investigations
CBDT circular no 286/2003 dated 10/03/2003 is against officers attempting disclosures without evidences
Unbacked confessions can be retracted but within reasonable time
To Ensure Smooth Conduct of Searches
Allow smooth entry and access to search team
Provide access to all keys and passwords of devices
Answer questions raised to the extent you know
To maintain cool and not to get agitated on any issue
To keep track of answers given by you to ensure proper recording of statements
Treat the search team with dignity and respect
Not to get disturbed on occasional aggression of search team
Don’t keep unaccounted cash, jewellery and valuables
Post search investigation and role of professionals
To prepare list of premises searched with key people involved
Go through Panchanama’s and papers available
Prepare details of seized assets, documents etc.
Get inputs on statements given by key people
Prepare list of places covered U/S 132(3)
To assist conducting DDIT in removing prohibitory orders
To evaluate evidences and statements and advice for disclosures
To obtain copy of statements and documents/ books, EDs etc.
To prepare submissions if there are violations in other laws
Work out undisclosed income and prepare explanations for others issues
To prepare strengths and weaknesses of various issues and guide taxpayers
Conduct of Income tax Surveys
Surveys are conducted U/S 133A of Income tax Act
Can enter in Business premises during business hours or after sunrise and before sunset
Can inspect books of accounts and documents and put mark of identification on them
Make inventory of stock, cash etc.
Can impound books and documents but can’t seize assets
Examine persons available but not under oath
Approval of DGIT or Pr CCIT needed to initiate survey actions
Posers relevant to Survey action
Can CA’s office be surveyed for client's book?
Can combined premises used for business and residences be surveyed?
Can shop closed during business hours be broken open for survey?
Should survey action be closed after business hours?
Is presumption of section 132(4A) being available in survey action?
Can business premise be sealed under survey action?
If valuables were found during survey action, can it be converted into search?
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