Goods and Service Tax (GST) How to give an effective response to GST Show Cause Notices (SCN) January 8, 2024
Introduction to SCN
Authorization to issue SCN
Manner of Service
Essential Particulars of SCN
Adjudicating officer of SCN
Importance of RUDs & non RUDs
Drafting of submission
Manner of submitting the response
Personal hearing and written submission 2
Introduction to SCN
Latin Maxim: “audi alteram partem”
Principles of Natural Justice
No one should be condemned unheard To hear the other party
Sec 75(4) & 76(5) of the CGST Act
Opportunity of hearing is the pre-requisite before passing an adverse order
Now, the question is what are the allegations? And against whom? Which legal provisions violated? What is the demand? 3
Introduction to SCN
SCN is the foundation of any indirect tax litigation The SCN is the foundation on which the department has to build up its case CCE v.Brindavan Beverages (P.) Ltd. [2007] 728 (SC) Allegations in SCN must be specific and not vague If the allegations in the SCN are not specific and are on the contrary vague, lack details and/or unintelligible that is sufficient to hold that the noticee was not given proper opportunity to meet the allegations indicated in the SCN Brindavan Beverages (supra)
Introduction to SCN
SCN should not be issued on assumptions and presumptions “Inference drawn by the authorities only on the basis of entries in the ledger would be insufficient” Oudh Sugar Mills Ltd. v. UOI 1978 (2) ELT 172 (SC)
SCN should not be biased and should not demonstrate predetermined mind set “4. It is well settled that a quasi-judicial authority, while acting in exercise of its statutory power must act fairly and must act with an open mind while initiating a show cause proceeding.” Oryx Fisheries (P.) Ltd. UOI 2011 (266) E.L.T. 422 (SC) 5
Introduction to SCN Assessment/ Scrutiny
Audit/ Special Audit
Investigation, Search & Seizure
Any other source
Where it appears to the Proper Officer that
Tax Not paid or short paid
Input Tax Credit Erroneously refunded
Wrongly availed
Wrongly utilized
He shall serve notice on the person chargeable with tax
Section 73
Section 74
Other than those in Section 74
Fraud or wilful misstatement or suppression of facts to evade tax
With the amount of tax along with interest and a penalty 6
Introduction to SCN Section
TCS not deducted on supply of goods through E-Commerce Operator
Tax collected but not paid to the Government
Penalty for specified offences
Penalty for failure to furnish information return
Fine for failure to furnish statistics
General Penalty
Power to impose penalty in certain cases
Detention, Seizure and release of goods and conveyances in transit
Confiscation of goods or conveyances and levy of penalty
Introduction to SCN The time limits for issuing SCN have been prescribed for sections 73 & 74 only No specific time limits have been prescribed under other provisions As per decisions of the Supreme Court, where no time limit has been prescribed, the notices have to be issued within reasonable time The reasonable time is to be decided on case to case basis The time limit of 3 to 5 years have been considered to be reasonable The said time limits are also consistent with the provisions of the CGST Act
Authorization to issue SCN ‘The Proper officer’ has powers to issue SCN under the CGST Act. “Proper officer” is defined under S 2(91) of the CGST Act Sections 3 and 4 empower the Central Government and the Board respectively to appoint officers for the purpose of CGST Act. Section 5 empowers officers to exercise powers and discharge duties under the CGST Act Both Government and the Board have issued notifications and circulars fixing territorial, functional and monetary limits Some of the officers, like posted in DGGI have all India jurisdiction and authorised to issue SCN Whether such officers issuing SCN are 'the' Proper officer or 'a' Proper officer Canon India (P.) Ltd. v. CC [2021] 125 188 (SC)
Manner of Service
Manner of service has been prescribed under Section 169 of the Act
Rule 142(1) provides that along with a SCN, a summary thereof shall be provided electronically in Form GST DRC 01
Section 169 Serving directly or by messenger
Serving by post
Serving by E-mail
Serving by Serving at publication GST in Portal newspaper
Serving by affixing at conspicuous place
Manner of Service
Every decision, order, summons, notice or any communication shall be deemed to have been served on the date on which it is tendered or published or a copy thereof is affixed in the manner provided in sub-section (1)
When such decision, order, summons, notice or any communication is sent by registered post or speed post, it shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee at the expiry of the period normally taken by such post in transit unless the contrary is proved
Manner of Service
SCN can only be issued electronically on the common portal Shri Shyam Baba Edible Oils v. Cheif Commissioner [2023] 151 139 (MP) New Hanumat Marbles v. State of Punjab (2023) 149 82 /97 GST 859 / 74 GSTL 74 (Punj. & Har.)
Notice should be available on the common portal in the "View Notices" tab, rather than the "Additional Notices" tab Sabari Infra (P.) ltd. v. Assistant Commissioner (ST) [2023] 154 147 (Mad.) Service of SCN on the Accountant is not a valid form of service Maa Mahamaya Alloys (P.) Ltd. v. State of U.P. [2023] 150 158/ 97 GST 1086 / 73 GSTL 612 (All)
Essential particulars of SCN
Introduction of the case
Factual statement and appreciation of evidences with RUD
Discussion on legal framework and statement of charges
Discussion on limitation and grounds for invoking extending period
Calculation of tax and any other amount due
Designation and address of the authority to adjudicate
Time period for reply 13
Important points – Section 75 Where any Appellate Authority or Appellate Tribunal concludes that SCN is not sustainable under section 74(1) as extended period was not invokable, the Proper officer shall determined as the notice was issued under section 73(1) The Proper officer shall set out relevant facts and basis of his decision in the order The amount of tax, interest and penalty in the order shall not be in excess of the amount specified in the SCN No demand shall be confirmed on the grounds other than the grounds specified in the SCN The interest on the tax not paid or short paid shall be payable whether or not specified in the order
Important points – Section 75 The adjudication proceedings shall be deemed to be concluded, if the order is not issued within time specified in 73(10) or 74(10) Where any penalty is imposed under section 73 or 74, no penalty for the same act or omission shall be imposed on the same person under any other provision of the act
Essentials Particulars of SCN
Only a summary of the SCN issued is not proper and hence quashed Sidhi Vinayak Enterprises v. State of Jharkhand [2023] 148 416 / 97 GST 619 (Jharkhand) Juhi Industries (P.) Ltd. v. State of Jharkhand [2022] 141 416 / 64 GSTL 406 /93 GST 521 (Jharkhand) Amount of demand should be determined in SCN Hatsun Agro Product Ltd. v. Dy. Commissioner (ST) [2023] 152 453 / 98 GST 945 / 76 GSTL 43(Mad.) SCN failed to provide any provisions of the Act which were allegedly violated, liable to be quashed Singla Exports v. Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs [2023] 154 73 / 77 GSTL 206 / 99 GST 840 (Delhi)
Essentials Particulars of SCN
SCN issued without DIN, can be contended to be invalid Circular No.122/41/2019-GST dated 05.11.2019 read with Circular No.128/47/2019-GST dated 23.12.2019
Signatures are mandatory - Digital Signature is Essential to Authentication Rule 26: Method of Authentication Railsys Engineers (P.) Ltd. v. Addll. CCG & ST [2022] 141 527 / 65 GSTL 159 / 94 GST 51 (Delhi) Marg ERP Ltd. v. Commissioner of Delhi GST [2023] 151 345 / 78 GSTL 232 (Delhi) Ramani Suchit Malushte W.P.(C) No. 9331 of 2022, Sep. 21, 2022 (Bombay)
Uploading of SCN on portal is manner of service, not a substitute for digital signatures 17
Adjudicating Officer to SCN
Same officer who conducts search, and seizure, cannot adjudicate the SCN Swastik Plastics v. Commissioner of DGST [2023] 156 316 (Delhi) Mohammed Bilal v. Assistant Commissioner of Commercial Tax & C.EX., Kerala 2018 (16) GSTL 549 (Ker)
Importance of RUD & non RUDs
Relied upon documents to be provided, might not be asked by the Taxpayer Lari Almira House v. State of U.P. [2023] 149 476 /98 GST 414 / 74 GSTL 434 (All.) Vishkarma Industries v. State of Jharkhand [2023] 150 140 / 73 GSTL 468 / 97 GST 1071(Jharkhand)
Cross Examination of witnesses relied upon in SCN Rajputana Stainless Ltd. [2021] 133 109 (Guj.) Mahek Glazes (P.) Ltd. v. UOI [2013] 34 232 /40 STT 209 (Guj.) Expressly state that a reply to the SCN cannot be prepared without non-relied-upon documents Parmarth Iron v. UOI [2014] 51 315 / 48 GST 721 (All.) 19
Drafting the reply to the SCN
First & foremost representation to department and hence, holds
paramount importance
Carefully record the manner & date of receipt of SCN. The
envelop and the Speedpost tracking sheet must be preserved
Verify DIN and signatures on SCN. Uploading on portal is not a substitute for signatures
Examine that all RUDs and referred to in the SCN have been made available. If not, immediately write a letter seeking RUDs not supplied 20
Drafting the reply to the SCN
Also ask for non relied upon documents. Such documents might
have information in your favour.
Expressly state in the letter that reply to the SCN cannot be
prepared with such documents
Verify the facts carefully – errors are frequent and deliberate
Any incorrect fact mentioned in the SCN and not countered could be treated as an admission
Higher courts may not allow submission of additional facts or evidence 21
Drafting the reply to the SCN
Examine facts with evidence presented – whether corroboration
is correct and relevant to the facts of the case
Ask for cross examination of the witnesses examined and relied
upon by in the SCN. The request for cross examination should be clear and with reasons as it is not a matter of statutory right
Make a specific request for personal hearing
Saying No to personal hearing while seeking extension of time for submission of reply is for that occasion only Arati Behera (Orissa) 22
Drafting the reply to the SCN Submission on jurisdiction - Canon India
Computer generated notice - Proper officer has not applied his mind
Submission on facts
Submission on merits
Drafting the reply to the SCN Submission on limitation
Submission on computation of tax
Submission on cum-tax effect
Submission on penalty
Submissions on manner of service of notice
Submitting the reply to the SCN
Notice received on the common portal – reply to be submitted
on the common portal
However, portal has its own limits in terms of number of
attachments & size of documents
Physical copy of the reply must be submitted to the officer
In case officer refuses to acknowledge the same, reply must be sent through speed post
Important to keep the tracking number of speed post in records to ensure proper delivery 25
Submission on fraud/ suppression Onus is on the department to establish fraud or suppression of facts – Amba Lal vs Union of India (SC)
Mere non-payment of tax is not suppression - Northern
Operating System(SC)
The words ‘fraud, wilful misstatement or suppression of facts to evade tax’ are strong words Mere inaction on part of taxpayer is not enough to establish suppression etc. Some deliberate and positive action is must to establish suppression
Submission on fraud/ suppression Suppression of facts not applicable where interpretation of law is involved Suppression not applicable where question of law decided by the SC or clarified by the CBIC Suppression of facts is not applicable in case of revenue natural cases
SCN must clearly make out case for extended period
Personal hearing
Section 75(4) mandates opportunity of hearing, where request is received in writing or an adverse decision is to be made against the taxpayer
More than three adjournments cannot be granted to the person for hearing
Additional submissions can be made during the hearing
Personal hearing
Personal hearing is to be mandatorily afforded Bharat Mint and Allied Chemicals v. CCT [2022] 136 275 / 59 GSTL 394 / 92 GST 61 (All.) S.A. Traders v. State of U.P. [2023] 156 132 (All.)
If no reply has been furnished, 75(4) is not attracted & hence opportunity of hearing is not required Modern Steel v. Addll Commissioner [2023] 156 452 (All.)
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