Taxmann's Analysis | Transparency & Efficiency – IBBI's Amendment to Liquidation Process Regulations

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Transparency and Efficiency

Understanding IBBI’s Amendments to Liquidation Process Regulations

Transparency and Efficiency

Understanding IBBI’s Amendments to Liquidation Process Regulations

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Contents 1.

Conditional Filing Requirement for Proposal of Compromise or Arrangement



Early dissolution now requires prior discussion and consultation committee advice before implementation



Expanded Role of Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee



IBBI Introduces Amendments to Regulation 31A(6) Governing Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee Meetings



IBBI Introduces Regulations 6A and 6B under Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee



Consultation Committee Approval Required for Liquidator to Operate Corporate Debtor as Going Concern



Valuation Procedures and Consultation Committee Oversight in Insolvency Proceedings



Withdrawal of Amounts from Corporate Liquidation Account and Stakeholder Claims


The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, through Notification No. IBBI/2023-24/GN/REG112 dated 12.02.2024, has notified amendments to the IBBI (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016. The latest changes to Liquidation Process Rules aim to make corporate insolvency more transparent and inclusive. The updates cover filing conditions, early dissolution procedures, and greater involvement of stakeholders’ committees. These adjustments streamline processes, seek broader input, and encourage teamwork. Let’s explore the key changes and how they impact the corporate insolvency scene in India:

Transparency and Efficiency – Understanding IBBI’s Amendments to Liquidation Process Regulations


1. Conditional Filing Requirement for Proposal of Compromise or Arrangement The IBBI has notified amendment in Regulation 2B i.e., Compromise or arrangement. A new proviso has been inserted. Now, the liquidator shall file the proposal of compromise or arrangement only in cases where such recommendation has been made by the committee under regulation 39BA of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016.

Comments: This approach aims to streamline the process, ensuring that proposals are thoroughly evaluated and endorsed by the committee before proceeding further. The intention is to enhance transparency and accountability in decisionmaking. The amendment is motivated by ensuring a structured and regulated process in corporate insolvency proceedings.

2. Early dissolution now requires prior discussion and consultation committee advice before implementation As per the amended norms, for early dissolution under Regulation 14, the liquidator shall now consult the consultation committee and if it advises for early dissolution, he may apply, along with a detailed report incorporating the views of the consultation committee, to the Adjudicating Authority. Previously, consultation requirements were absent for early dissolution.

Comments: This amendment recognises the importance of considering stakeholders’ inputs, potentially impacted by the early dissolution, and ensures that their interests are adequately represented and addressed.


Transparency and Efficiency – Understanding IBBI’s Amendments to Liquidation Process Regulations

3. Expanded Role of Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee The IBBI has introduced an amendment to the Regulation 31A i.e., Stakeholders’ consultation committee. Now, in addition to already prescribed matters for advisory, the Stakeholder’s Consultation Committee shall also advise liquidator on matters relating to: (a)

review of marketing strategy in case of failure of sale of corporate debtor as a going concern,


continuation or institution of any suits or legal proceedings by or against the corporate debtor,


extension of payment of balance sale consideration beyond 90 days, to be disclosed in the auction notice.

Comments: By expanding the advisory scope of the Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee, the IBBI acknowledges the need for comprehensive guidance to liquidators navigating complex scenarios. Overall, the rationale behind these amendments lies in fostering a collaborative and informed approach to insolvency resolution.

4. IBBI Introduces Amendments to Regulation 31A(6) Governing Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee Meetings The IBBI has amended Regulation 31A(6) by introducing a proviso. As per the updated norms, the liquidator shall convene subsequent meetings of the Stakeholders’ consultation committee within thirty days of the previous meeting, unless the consultation committee has extended the period between such meetings. Further, there shall be at least one meeting in each quarter.

Comments: The amendment promotes consistent communication, and decision-making, facilitating smoother resolutions and maximizing stakeholder engagement throughout the process.

Transparency and Efficiency – Understanding IBBI’s Amendments to Liquidation Process Regulations


5. IBBI Introduces Regulations 6A and 6B under Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee The IBBI has notified the addition of Sub-Regulation 6A and 6B under Regulation 31A i.e., the Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee. Regulation 31A (6A) stipulates that prior to commencing any legal actions, the liquidator is required to present the economic justification and seek counsel from the consultation committee. Furthermore, Regulation 6B now mandates liquidators to regularly inform the consultation committee about: a) the actual liquidation cost along with reasons for exceeding the estimated cost, if any, b) the consolidated status of all the legal proceedings, and c) the progress made in the process.

Comments: These amendments aim to foster greater efficiency, transparency, and accountability in corporate insolvency proceedings, ultimately contributing to the fair and equitable resolution of the company’s affairs.

6. Consultation Committee Approval Required for Liquidator to Operate Corporate Debtor as Going Concern The IBBI has notified an amendment regarding Regulation 32A pertaining to the Sale of Assets and Related Provisions. Now, if the liquidator deems it feasible to continue operating the corporate debtor as a going concern, he must seek guidance from the consultation committee. Only upon receiving the committee’s advice can the liquidator proceed with managing the affairs of the corporate debtor as a going concern, subject to the extent approved.

Comments: The amendment to Regulation 32A by the IBBI significantly impacts the decisionmaking process regarding the sale of assets and the continuity of operations for corporate debtors. It ensures that decisions are made collaboratively with input from relevant stakeholders, potentially leading to more informed and strategic outcomes in insolvency proceedings.


Transparency and Efficiency – Understanding IBBI’s Amendments to Liquidation Process Regulations

7. Valuation Procedures and Consultation Committee Oversight in Insolvency Proceedings New Sub-Regulations 5, 6, and 7 have been inserted in Regulation 35 i.e., Valuation of assets or business intended to be sold. Where a valuation is undertaken, the liquidator shall now facilitate a meeting wherein registered valuers shall explain the methodology being adopted to arrive at a valuation to the consultation committee before the finalisation of valuation reports. Further, the liquidator shall share the valuation reports with the members of the consultation committee after obtaining an undertaking that they shall maintain the confidentiality of such reports and shall not use these reports to cause an undue gain or undue loss to itself or any other person. In case there is a deviation of twenty-five per cent in the valuation of an asset class, the liquidator shall facilitate a meeting wherein the registered valuers shall explain the reasons for the difference to the consultation committee.

Comments: The recent amendments to Regulation 35 regarding the valuation of assets or business intended for sale introduce significant procedural changes. These amendments aim to enhance transparency and accountability in the valuation process, ensuring fair and accurate assessments in insolvency proceedings.

8. Withdrawal of Amounts from Corporate Liquidation Account and Stakeholder Claims The IBBI has introduced various new Sub-Regulations under Regulation 46 i.e., Corporate Liquidation Account. The procedure for the withdrawal of amounts from the Corporate Liquidation Account has been notified. Prior to the dissolution of the corporate entity, stakeholders asserting entitlement to funds deposited into the Corporate Liquidation Account can apply for withdrawal using Form-I directly to the liquidator. Upon receipt of such requests, the liquidator is mandated to verify the claims and subsequently request the Board for the release of the funds for distribution. Upon receiving the liquidator’s request, the Board may release the funds to the liquidator for distribution. Following the distribution to the stakeholders, the liquidator is required to inform the Adjudicating Authority of the disbursal.

Transparency and Efficiency – Understanding IBBI’s Amendments to Liquidation Process Regulations


After dissolution, stakeholders still claiming entitlement to funds from the Corporate Liquidation Account may apply to the Board directly using Form-I for a withdrawal order. In cases where persons other than stakeholders claim entitlement to the funds, they must provide evidence to satisfy either the liquidator or the Board, as appropriate, of their entitlement.

Comments: This amendment significantly streamlines the process for the withdrawal of funds by stakeholders. This streamlining enables stakeholders to directly apply to the liquidator for withdrawal using Form-I before the dissolution of the corporate entity. These changes enhance transparency and efficiency in the distribution of funds from the Corporate Liquidation Account, benefiting both stakeholders and the insolvency resolution process as a whole.


Transparency and Efficiency – Understanding IBBI’s Amendments to Liquidation Process Regulations

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Naveen holds expertise in Advisory and litigation related to Income-tax and International Tax matters. Naveen has extensive experience working with diversified industries like real estate, technology, publication, education, hospitality, manufacturing, etc. He writes and regularly speaks on Income-tax issues for renowned media houses. Highlights

Naveen Wadhwa

Project Lead–Research and Advisory (Corporate and Personal Tax)

• Chartered Accountant (All India 24th Rank) • 14+ Years of Experience in Income-tax and International Tax • Previously worked with Grant Thornton • Experience in Real Estate, Technology, Publication, Hospitality, etc.

Dr. Vinod K. Singhania got his PhD from the Delhi School of Economics in 1976. His field of interest includes all facets of corporate legislation and corporate economics, especially tax laws. He is associated in different capacities with several professional institutes and business houses in India and abroad. He has authored many popular books and software on Income-tax.

Vinod K. Singhania Expert on Panel – Research and Advisory (Direct Taxation)

Highlights • 35+ Years of Experience in Corporate and Personal Taxation • Resource person in over 800 seminars • Author of various books on Direct Tax laws used by large number of professionals and Department officials

V.S. Datey specialises in laws relating to GST, Customs Duty, including Foreign Trade Policy, SEZ, and other erstwhile Indirect Taxes (such as Central Excise, Service Tax, etc.). He has been working in the field of Indirect Taxation since 1993. Highlights • Holds 30+ years of experience

V.S. Datey

Expert on Panel – Research and Advisory (Indirect Taxation)

• Engaged in consulting and training professionals on Indirect Taxation • A regular speaker at various industry forums, associations and industry workshops • Author of various books on Indirect Taxation used by professionals and Department officials

SS Gupta has expertise in indirect taxation, specifically in the services sector. He is a faculty member in the colleges/institutions to teach indirect tax and is associated with various social organisations. He has also contributed extensively to the field of indirect taxation in various seminars/lectures. Highlights

S.S. Gupta

Expert on Panel – Research and Advisory (Indirect Taxation)

• Chartered Accountant and Cost & Works Accountant • 34+ Years of Experience in Indirect Taxation • Bestowed with numerous prestigious scholarships and prizes • Author of the book - GST How to Meet Your Obligations, GST on Services, which is very widely referred to by Trade and Industry

Adv. (Dr.) Manoj Fogla has served charitable and voluntary organisations in diversified sectors, including educational & religious institutions, civil society organisations, environmental agencies, international donor agencies, and several large corporate foundations. Dr. Fogla has provided a full range of services related to Advisory, contract reviews, organisational restructuring, compliance management and litigation support to Indian and International clients for their work in the charity domain.

Manoj Fogla

Expert on Panel– Research and Advisory (Charitable Trusts and NGOs)

Highlights • Over three decades of practising experience on tax, legal and regulatory aspects of NPOs and Charitable Institutions • Law practitioner, a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and also holds a Master's degree in Philosophy • PhD from Utkal University, Doctoral Research on Social Accountability Standards for NPOs • Author of several best-selling books for professionals, including the recent one titled 'Trust and NGO's Ready Reckoner' by Taxmann • Drafted publications for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi, such as FAQs on GST for NPOs & FAQs on FCRA for NPOs. • Has been a faculty and resource person at various national and international forums

Sudha G. Bhushan Expert on Panel– Research and Advisory (FEMA)

Ms. Sudha G. Bhushan is a member of ICAI and ICSI. She is also an Insolvency Resolution Professional and a Registered Valuer. She is an advisor to the Bank of Baroda and is empanelled with HDFC Bank. She is an Independent Director with Aurionpro Solutions Limited, Choice International Limited, DIGJAM Limited and Matix Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd. She is an expert in India's FDI Policy and FEMA and has worked in the area for over two decades. She has authored many books on FDI, FEMA and International Taxation. Highlights • 20+ Years of experience • Advisor to many Banks and MNCs • Experience in FDI and FEMA Advisory • Authored more than seven best-selling books • Provides training on FEMA to professionals • Experience in many sectors, including banking, fertilisers, and chemical • Has previously worked with Deloitte.

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