Commission Support & Compliance Unit Room 152, Parliament Buildings Ballymiscaw Stormont Belfast, BT4 3XX Tel: +44 (0) 28 9052 1147 Fax: +44 (0) 28 90418340 e-mail:
Northern Ireland Assembly Our Ref: 111-10 Mr Lee Canning Cardiff and Wales Tax Payer Alliance Coordinator 21 December 2010 Dear Mr Canning
Freedom of Information Act 2000 I am writing to confirm that the Northern Ireland Assembly holds the information which you requested on 22 November 2010. In your request you asked for the following information: “Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, I wish to receive the following information from your authority: 1. A break down of all expenses incurred during the overseas trips listed below, 2. Copies of agenda's and minutes of meetings that occurred during these visits, 3. Outcomes of meetings, Meetings concerned include, 15-18 March 2010 - to Washington DC - William Hay and 1 Staff 15-18 March 2010 - to Washington DC - D Kennedy, N Long and 1 Staff 4. Details of expenses incurred for non-travel over the past 3 financial years” On 14 December 2010 in clarifying your request you refined it, withdrawing question 4 “Details of expenses incurred for non-travel over the past 3 financial years”
Please refer to the information provided at Appendix A. If you feel that the information we have provided does not meet your request fully please contact this office as soon as possible. You have the right to request a formal
review by the Northern Ireland Assembly and if you wish to do so, please write to me at the above address. If after such an internal review you are still unhappy with the response, you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF who will undertake an independent review. If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me. Please remember to quote the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
Aoibheann Baker FOI Unit
Appendix A 1. A break down of all expenses incurred during the overseas trips listed below, Meetings concerned include, 15-18 March 2010 - to Washington DC - William Hay and 1 Staff 15-18 March 2010 - to Washington DC - D Kennedy, N Long and 1 Staff
Date 15-18 March 2010
Destination Washington DC
15-18 March 2010
Washington DC
Names William Hay MLA 1 Staff Danny Kennedy MLA Naomi Long ML 1 Staff
Total Flights £2,976.92
Total Hotels £1,068.46
Other Costs £217.03
Grand Total £4,262.41
Questions 2 & 3 will be answered together.
2. Copies of agenda's and minutes of meetings that occurred during these visits, 3. Outcomes of meetings, Meetings concerned include, 15-18 March 2010 - to Washington DC - William Hay and 1 Staff In relation to; • • •
Copies of agenda’s of meetings concerned, Copies of minutes of meetings concerned, Outcomes of meetings concerned,
15-18 March 2010, no formal meetings took place, therefore no minutes exist. The Speaker visited Washington at the invitation of the First and Deputy First Minister and represented the Northern Ireland Assembly. However for your convenience I attach a copy of the Speakers itinerary during his visit.
Tuesday 16 March 2010 SPEAKER
Trade Mission Business Lunch to be hosted by Minister Arlene Foster – Willard Hotel
Trade Mission Business Lunch to be hosted by Minister Arlene Foster – Willard Hotel
Northern Ireland Business Briefing Roundtable – Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center – The Rotunda Room
Northern Ireland Business Briefing Roundtable – Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center – The Rotunda Room
VIP Reception for American Ireland Fund Dinner – Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Centre –
American Ireland Fund Dinner – Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Centre
American Ireland Fund Dinner – Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Centre
Wednesday 17 March 2010 8:00am
NI Bureau Breakfast Event – US Chamber of Commerce building – 1615 H Street, NW
NI Bureau Breakfast Event US Chamber of Commerce building – 1615 H Street, NW
Speaker’s Lunch (Capitol Hill) Noon 3:00-4:30pm
2010 Northern Ireland Roundtable, convened by former Envoys Mitchell Reiss and Paula Dobrianski, on behalf of the College of William and Mary and the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Room 1026 of the SEIU building at 1800 N.W., Washington DC, 20036
2010 Northern Ireland Roundtable, convened by former Envoys Mitchell Reiss and Paula Dobrianski, on behalf of the College of William and Mary and the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Room 1026 of the SEIU building at 1800 N.W., Washington DC, 20036
Irish Embassy Reception at St. Regis Hotel – 923 16th and K Street
Irish Embassy Reception at St. Regis Hotel – 923 16th and K Street
White House Evening Reception
Thursday 18 March 2010 8:30am
Congressional Breakfast Reception on Capitol Hill – Speaker to announce formation of NI Assembly AllParty USA Group – NI Politicians Invited
Congressional Breakfast Reception on Capitol Hill – Speaker to announce formation of NI Assembly AllParty USA Group – NI Politicians Invited
Meeting/Meetings with Senators
Meeting/Meetings with Senators
Airport – Flight to Belfast
Airport – Flight to Belfast
15-18 March 2010 - to Washington DC - D Kennedy, N Long and 1 Staff In relation to; • • •
Copies of agenda’s of meetings concerned, Copies of minutes of meetings concerned, Outcomes of meetings concerned,
15-18 March 2010, no formal meetings took place, therefore no minutes exist. However for your convenience I attach a copy of the itinerary for Mr Danny Kennedy MLA and Mrs Naomi Long MP during their visit.
Tuesday 16 March 2010 Mr Danny Kennedy
Mrs Naomi Long
Willard Hotel Business lunch hosted by DETI Minister, Arlene Foster, MLA
Willard Hotel Business lunch hosted by DETI Minister, Arlene Foster, MLA
Ronald Regan International Trade Center US/NI Business Round Table Host Declan Kelly, US Economic Adviser.
Ronald Regan International Trade Center US/NI Business Round Table Host Declan Kelly, US Economic Adviser.
Ronald Reagan International Trade Centre
Ronald Reagan International Trade Centre
Ronald Reagan International Trade Centre–American Ireland Fund Gala Dinner
Ronald Reagan International Trade Centre–American Ireland Fund Gala Dinner
Honoree: Secretary of State, Honoree: Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton Hillary Rodham Clinton
Wednesday 17 March 2010 08.00 Noon 15.00pm
US Chamber of Commerce NI Bureau Breakfast Capitol Hill US Speaker’s Lunch 2010 Northern Ireland Roundtable
US Chamber of Commerce NI Bureau Breakfast Capitol Hill US Speaker’s Lunch 2010 Northern Ireland Roundtable
Mr Kennedy did not go to the White House Reception as the White House was only allowing one person from each political party to attend and the UUP party leader attended. Irish Ambassador’s Reception
The White House Reception
Irish Ambassador’s Reception
Thursday 18 March 2010 08.00am
Capitol Hill
Capitol Hill