Rebel Photography

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Rebel Fashion Tayla Palmer

Brief Slave magazine is a new interna:onal online photography, art, culture and fashion magazine that stands out from the crowd; every issue is electric, authen:c and full of diversity. Several fashion stories are presented within each issue of the magazine. They are looking for a fresh new fashion story to run in the next issue. The editor will be par:cularly interested in the overall visual quali:es of your three final outcomes as submissions for publica:on in the magazine. Rebel.

Ar:st Analysis-­‐Nikola Tamindsik Nikola Tamindzic is the photographer I have chosen to do my ar:st analysis on because she is an extremely good link to the theme I have chosen which is ‘Rebel’. All of the other photographers I looked at are interes:ng but Tamindzic stands out from all of the rest for me because of the way the pictures are taken and performed and also the great link she has. Most of the photographs have a sexiness too them and also in the photographs they are mostly dugs, sex, alcohol and this makes the theme look very illegal. This is how I plan on taking my photographs. In most of the photographs Tamindzic has taken you can tell what kind of character everyone is playing without being told, you can tell by the clothing and also the way in which they are ac:ng. When taking my photographs from this inspira:on I hope to re-­‐inact some of the scenes that Tamindzic has created. I would like to do this by dressing them in a similar way and also with the alcohol and drugs. I really hope my photographs are successful so then I can edit them in photo shop; I will most likely make all of them black and white because of my theme.

Ini:al Photographs

Developmental photographs

Evalua:on I chose the theme ‘Rebel’ because I feel I work bePer with models than just surroundings, my original inten:on when star:ng the project was to include sex, drugs, alcohol and rock and roll. I wanted to make being a rebel look sexy but messy at the same :me. I wanted to make bad things like drugs and smoking look good and because of the ouRits and edi:ng I feel I achieved this. I also wanted to take them so I could show I can work differently to my other project and also that I’m not afraid to photograph new things and try new things out. I feel I achieved what I wanted to achieve because I stuck by my aim and really tried to get many different photographs, also I have very willing models and I am very lucky because they will help me in anyway. In my opinion I feel the quality of my photographs are up to standards because of the angles and ligh:ng I have used throughout all of them, some are stronger than others but altogether I feel the quality is good. With the focusing I purposely didn’t 100% focus them to make the actual photographs drunk in a metaphorical way, I feel if the models were drunk then you should see it how they see it. I think the composi:on of my photographs have worked much bePer than my first project because I feel I could be more free with the camera and wasn’t afraid to experiment with the angles. I made all my photographs black and white because myself and others felt they were 100 :mes more effec:ve, because there was so much going on I didn’t want to draw the aPen:on from the models away. I used quite a lot of contrast because I like things to be sharp. With the developmental photographs I only used the paper but made different textures by creasing and folding the photographs. I think someone viewing my photographs will know what my aim is straight away because they have such a strong use of the alcohol, smoking and some revealing clothing, I think my photographs tell the story themselves. I think I have achieved the level of symbolism I wanted to because I got my message across in my work including my developmental photographs because I have included synonyms to words that relate to being a ‘Rebel’. I think if I was looking at these photographs I would think of being drunk and going against the law. I am overall very pleased with my first idea.

Ar:st Analysis When i started idea two i found it really hard to find an ar:st that i wanted to study from. I found these two photographs and together they were perfect for what i wanted to portray. With Both of the photographs the photographers are unknown but i didn't want to just give them a pass. In the first photograph is a young girl smoking and in the boPom is a baby watching an adult. This gives me the idea that children have leaders; that can mean good or bad. All children have role models they look up to and end up being similar too. In my photographs i want to put the message across that all children look up to adults, therefore im going to have 2 or 3 models, 1 of them will be a young girl who is also my sister and the other 2 in there teens so that i can bring drinking and smoking into it now this also links to my theme ‘rebel’ because it would be under age. I want to make my photographs look like the young girl is being slightly pressured but at the same :me doing what she likes.

Ini:al photographs

Developmental photographs

Jim Goldberg Jim Goldberg really interest me, when i saw the photographs with wri:ng and paint etc on top of them i wanted to find out why so i done some research to find out that he takes a photograph of someone and then lets them do what they want on top off the photograph. In this photograph the lady has chosen to exclude her face and if you read around the photo then you can find out why. I thought it would be really interes:ng to use Goldberg as ar:st inspira:on for my developmental photographs in idea two, so what im going to do is pick a few off my photographs, print them out and then either paint or scratch on top of them. If i paint i will only use colours that either link with the photograph or bland colours so the aPen:on isn't drawn from the actual photograph i have taken.

Evalua:on This is my second idea and s:cking with the same theme ‘Rebel’ I wanted to do something different which was s:ll ‘law breaking’. I had 2 models and then thought to bring my liPle sister into it because even though children cant model as much its s:ll a good age range to have. I wanted to have the two older models look like they were pressurizing the younger model to smoke and drink and eventually change her into something she should be at such a young age. I wanted to take these photographs because I saw a few images and they made me think that young children from even the age of 3 up to 16/17 have role models and look up to other people for guidance in life. Therefore I wanted to take these pictures to show how bad it is for young children being pressured into things. I feel like I achieved this because I am showing the older models with the smoking and alcohol with the younger model. I feel all of my photographs are in focus and the ligh:ng is just how it needs to be and how I want it to be. Most of the photographs from my second idea are centered not all of them but most I feel I did this because I really wanted the viewers to connect with the photographs. Again I made all of my photographs black and white with a high contrast because I feel you really done need the colour to tell the story and also on a dull subject maPer I shouldn’t have a brightly coloured photograph. In my developmental photographs I have in one way or another disguised the faces of the three models to show the topic was bad. I have used paint, masking tape and scratching each model has a set technique that I have used. I think the viewers will look at my photographs and feel what I’m trying to say because of the large age gap between the models and the props I have used around the younger model. I think overall including ini:al and developmental photographs I have reached the level I wanted to with the story behind the photographs and I think the viewers will understand the point I wanted to get across because even though I haven't made it completely obvious I feel you can s:ll understand my aim.

Final outcomes

Overall evalua:on

Overall I think my photographs are good quality in idea 1 my photographs were based on being drunk, drugged up and have a bad a`tude to life because of the theme ‘Rebel’ this fit perfectly, therefore some off the photographs from idea 1 are not 100% in focus but I did this purposely to give more of an effect that my models were drunk and drugged up. In idea 2 I went a completely different way with the effect I wanted to give but all my photographs were is focus and of good quality, also I think the photographs are effec:ve because they tell a story without needing an explana:on. With the crea:ve side to the project I feel I did show a crea:ve side but not too an extreme; because I chose a less experimental photography brief I didn’t show as much crea:vity as I could have. I think if I did choose a more experimental brief then I would defiantly shown a lot more in idea one I used creasing and folding now this is very simple but also effec:ve. Then I used letraset and printed words to link with the photographs and theme on the photograph. Idea 2 I also used letraset but only using one word on each photographs and I also covered the models faces to show loss of iden:ty when you misbehave and become a ‘Rebel’ I feel this worked very well and was very effec:ve. When looking back on the photographers I chose to analyze I feel Nikola Tamindzic was the bePer one out of the three because she really portrayed what I wanted to portray in my photographs so I really took interest into how she worked. I feel the project went well for me, I preferred my first set off photographs but I feel my second set of developmental are a lot stronger that the first so I am very pleased with this. I am also pleased with my three final outcomes and the way I have used different ideas for each I used layering for two and materials including masking tape and letraset for one. If I had more :me on the project I wouldn’t change much but I would defiantly take more ini:al photographs and use more crea:ve techniques, I would also try and find more ar:sts that I would like to study and be inspired by including street photographers and studio photographers.

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