Classics Brochure

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200 titles, a classic heritage that will stand the tests of time. Routledge Classics is an attractive and affordable series of the most innovative and important works of modern times; books that have, by popular consent, become established as classics in their field. It's a remarkable series. These are the books that helped shape the intellectual life of the 20th century. (Al Alvarez)

Economics The Road to Serfdom, F.A. Hayek 272pp, 9780415253895, PB

The Family and Individual Development, D. W. Winnicott 288pp, 9780415402774, PB


The Ethics of Psychoanalysis, Jacques Lacan 432pp, 9780415423618, PB


Psychology and the East, C.G. Jung 248pp, 9780415437448, PB



The Accumulation of Capital, Rosa Luxemburg & Tadeusz Kowalik 496pp, 9780415304450, PB


Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy", Joseph A. Schumpeter & Joseph Stiglitz 456pp, 9780415567893, PB


Psychology and the Occult, C.G. Jung 208pp, 9780415437455, PB


The Philosophy of Money, Georg Simmel 600pp, 9780415610117, PB


Education and the Social Order, Bertrand Russell 186pp, 9780415487351, PB


On Education, Bertrand Russell 211pp, 9780415487405, PB


Education & Psychology Leonardo da Vinci, Sigmund Freud 112pp, 9780415253864, PB


The Imaginary, Jean-Paul Sartre 240pp, 9780415567848, PB


Totem and Taboo, Sigmund Freud 224pp, 9780415253871, PB


Content & Consciousness, Daniel C. Dennett 264pp, 9780415567862, PB


On the Nature of the Psyche, C.G. Jung 208pp, 9780415253918, PB


The World of Perception, Maurice Merleau-Ponty 171pp, 9780415773812, PB


The Psychology of Intelligence, Jean Piaget & D.E. Berlyne 216pp, 9780415254014, PB


The Language and Thought of the Child, Jean Piaget & Gabain Marjorie 320pp, 9780415267502, PB

On Aggression, Konrad Lorenz 320pp, 9780415283205, PB


The Dogma of Christ, Erich Fromm 200pp, 9780415289993, PB


Four Archetypes, C.G. Jung 216pp, 9780415304412, PB


Man for Himself, Erich Fromm 224pp, 9780415307710, PB


The Pursuit of Signs, Jonathan Culler 304pp, 9780415253826, PB


The Wheel of Fire, G. Wilson Knight 416pp, 9780415253956, PB


Shakespeare's Bawdy, Eric Partridge 304pp, 9780415254007, PB


Principles of Literary Criticism, I.A. Richards 296pp, 9780415254021, PB


What is Literature?, Jean-Paul Sartre & David Caute 280pp, 9780415254045, PB


Romantic Image, Frank Kermode 224pp, 9780415261876, PB


Phenomenology of Perception, Maurice Merleau-Ponty 576pp, 9780415278416, PB



A Short History of Modern Philosophy, Roger Scruton `575 328pp, 9780415267632, PB

Playing and Reality, D. W. Winnicott 240pp, 9780415345460, PB

English Literature





Blake and Antiquity, Kathleen Raine 192pp, 9780415285827, PB


The Century of Revolution, Christopher Hill 368pp, 9780415267397, PB


Marxism and Literary Criticism, Terry Eagleton 96pp, 9780415285841, PB


Man Meets Dog, Konrad Lorenz & Marjorie Kerr Wilson 224pp, 9780415267458, PB


The Complete Fairy Tales, Jacob Grimm & Wilhelm Grimm 800pp, 9780415285964, PB


The Use and Abuse of History, Marc Ferro 416pp, 9780415285926, PB


Myth and Meaning, Claude L?v 64pp, 9780415253949, PB

Collected Poems, William Blake & W.B Yeats 304pp, 9780415289856, PB


Archaeology of Knowledge, Michel Foucault 256pp, 9780415287531, PB


A General Theory of Magic, Ma 192pp, 9780415253963, PB

Structuralist Poetics, Jonathan Culler 368pp, 9780415289894, PB


Rethinking History, Keith Jenkins & Alun Munslow 128pp, 9780415304436, PB


Wickedness, Dr Mary Midgley 248pp, 9780415253987, PB

The Language of Fiction, David Lodge 352pp, 9780415290036, PB


The Prospects of Industrial Civilisation, Bertrand Russell 271pp, 9780415487368, PB


The Sovereignty of Good, Iris M 128pp, 9780415253994, PB

The Location of Culture, Homi K. Bhabha 440pp, 9780415336390, PB


Napoleon, Georges Lefebvre 616pp, 9780415610094, PB


Oppression and Liberty, Simon 208pp, 9780415254076, PB

On Dialogue, Lee Nichol 144pp, 9780415336413, PB


Stigmata, Helene Cixous 336pp, 9780415345453, PB


A Theory of Literary Production, Pierre Macherey & Terry Eagleton 345pp, 9780415378499, PB


In Other Worlds, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 448pp, 9780415389563, PB The Articulate Mammal, Aitchison 304pp, 9780415610186, PB

Learning to Curse, Stephen Greenblatt 246pp, 9780415771603, PB


Shakespeare's Ghost Writers, Marjorie Garber 352pp, 9780415875561, PB


History Madness and Civilization, Michel Foucault 352pp, 9780415253857, PB


The French Revolution, Georges Lefebvre 400pp, 9780415253932, PB


The Course of German History, A.J.P. Taylor 304pp, 9780415254052, PB The Great War 1914-1918, Marc Ferro 288pp, 9780415267359, PB


Relativity, Albert Einstein 176pp, 9780415253840, PB


Sketch for a Theory of the Emo 80pp, 9780415267526, PB

The Meaning of Relativity, Albert Einstein 192pp, 9780415285889, PB


Between Man and Man, Martin 288pp, 9780415278270, PB

Wholeness and the Implicate Order, David Bohm 304pp, 9780415289795, PB


The Undiscovered Self, Carl Gu 96pp, 9780415278393, PB

The Special Theory of Relativity, David Bohm & John D. Barrow 353pp, 9780415404259, PB


The Open Society and Its Enem 476pp, 9780415278423, PB

The Logic of Scientific Discover 544pp, 9780415278447, PB

Political Science


The Order of Things, Michel Fo 448pp, 9780415267373, PB Dreams, C.G. Jung 344pp, 9780415267410, PB

Physics & Astro



Outside in the Teaching Machine, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 392pp, 9780415964821, PB



Greek Tragedy, H.D.F. Kitto 360pp, 9780415610193, PB

Modern Man in Search of a So 264pp, 9780415253901, PB

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 144pp, 9780415254083, PB

Mass Media Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan 400pp, 9780415253970, HB

The Fear of Freedom, Erich Fro 272pp, 9780415253888, PB

The Sane Society, Erich Fromm 424pp, 9780415270984, PB


The Political Unconscious, Fredric Jameson 320pp, 9780415287517, PB


The Constitution of Liberty, F.A. Hayek & Irwin M. Stelzer 581pp, 9780415404242, PB


Being and Nothingness, JeanPaul Sartre & Mary Warnock 688pp, 9780415278485, PB Mysticism, D.T. Suzuki 208pp, 9780415285865, PB

Rel & Philo

Conjectures and Refutations, K 608pp, 9780415285940, PB

A Short History of Ethics, Alasd 304pp, 9780415287494, PB

The Open Society and Its Enemies, Karl Popper 432pp, 9780415237314, PB


Writing and Difference, Jacques Derrida 480pp, 9780415253833, PB




One-Dimensional Man, Herber 336pp, 9780415289771, PB Beast and Man, Mary Midgley 416pp, 9780415289870, PB


her Hill



The Fear of Freedom, Erich Fromm 272pp, 9780415253888, PB


The Jargon of Authenticity, Theodor Adorno 176pp, 9780415289917, PB


Modern Man in Search of a Soul, C.G. Jung 264pp, 9780415253901, PB


Aspects of the Masculine, C.G. Jung 224pp, 9780415307697, PB




Myth and Meaning, Claude L?vi-Strauss 64pp, 9780415253949, PB


The Birth of the Clinic, Michel Foucault 288pp, 9780415307727, PB




A General Theory of Magic, Marcel Mauss 192pp, 9780415253963, PB


The Rule of Metaphor, Paul Ricoeur 454pp, 9780415312806, PB


Alun Munslow


Wickedness, Dr Mary Midgley & Mary Midgley 248pp, 9780415253987, PB


History of Western Philosophy, Bertrand Russell 792pp, 9780415325059, PB



The Sovereignty of Good, Iris Murdoch 128pp, 9780415253994, PB


In Praise of Idleness, Bertrand Russell 208pp, 9780415325066, PB



Oppression and Liberty, Simone Weil 208pp, 9780415254076, PB


Power, Bertrand Russell 288pp, 9780415325073, PB


Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Ludwig Wittgenstein 144pp, 9780415254083, PB


Sceptical Essays, Bertrand Russell 240pp, 9780415325080, PB


The Order of Things, Michel Foucault 448pp, 9780415267373, PB


What I Believe, Bertrand Russell 72pp, 9780415325097, PB


Dreams, C.G. Jung 344pp, 9780415267410, PB


Why I Am Not A Christian, Bertrand Russell 256pp, 9780415325103, PB








, David Bohm


Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions, Jean-Paul Sartre `225 80pp, 9780415267526, PB

On Creativity, David Bohm & Lee Nichol 192pp, 9780415336406, PB



Between Man and Man, Martin Buber 288pp, 9780415278270, PB


The Moral Law, Immanuel Kant & H.J. Paton 224pp, 9780415345477, PB



The Undiscovered Self, Carl Gustav Jung 96pp, 9780415278393, PB


Godel's Proof, James R. Newman & James R. Newman 112pp, 9780415355285, PB


The Open Society and Its Enemies, Karl Popper 476pp, 9780415278423, PB


Colonialism and Neocolonialism, Jean-paul Sartre 244pp, 9780415378468, PB


The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Karl Popper 544pp, 9780415278447, PB


The Conquest of Happiness, Bertrand Russell 200pp, 9780415378475, PB


Being and Nothingness, JeanPaul Sartre & Mary Warnock 688pp, 9780415278485, PB


Specters of Marx, Jacques Derrida 288pp, 9780415389570, PB


Mysticism, D.T. Suzuki 208pp, 9780415285865, PB


The Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy, Peter Winch & Raimond Gaita 136pp, 9780415423588, PB


Conjectures and Refutations, Karl Popper 608pp, 9780415285940, PB



A Short History of Ethics, Alasdair MacIntyre 304pp, 9780415287494, PB

The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell, Bertrand Russell 780pp, 9780415472388, PB

`530 `595

One-Dimensional Man, Herbert Marcuse 336pp, 9780415289771, PB

An Outline of Philosophy, Bertrand Russell 352pp, 9780415473453, PB `575


Beast and Man, Mary Midgley 416pp, 9780415289870, PB

Mortals and Others, Bertrand Russell 368pp, 9780415473514, PB `975








Karl Popper







Bertrand Russell's, Bertrand Russell 144pp, 9780415473583, PB


Distinction, Pierre Bourdieu 688pp, 9780415567886, PB

Unpopular Essays, Bertrand Russell 200pp, 9780415473705, PB


Basic Writings, David Farrell Krell & Martin Heidegger `675 392pp, 9780415584821, PB

Autobiography, Bertrand Russell 762pp, 9780415473736, PB


Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, Bernard Williams `425 286pp, 9780415610148, PB

Our Knowledge of the External World, Bertrand Russell 232pp, 9780415473774, PB


The Transcendence of the Ego, JeanPaul Sartre & Sarah Richmond 104pp, 9780415610179, PB


ABC of Relativity, Bertrand Russell 167pp, 9780415473828, PB



Human Knowledge, Bertrand Russell 480pp, 9780415474443, PB

The Two Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Knowledge, Karl Popper 544pp, 9780415610223, PB


Philosophical Essays, Bertrand Russell 176pp, 9780415474498, PB


The Culture Industry, Theodor W. Adorno 224pp, 9780415253802, PB


The Philosophy of Logical Atomism, Bertrand Russell 214pp, 9780415474610, PB



The Scientific Outlook, Bertrand Russell 240pp, 9780415474627, PB

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber 320pp, 9780415254069, PB



Marriage and Morals, Bertrand Russell 202pp, 9780415482882, PB

The Gift, Marcel Mauss & W.D. Halls 224pp, 9780415267496, PB


Fact and Fiction, Bertrand Russell 319pp, 9780415487320, PB



The Stars Down to Earth, Theodor Adorno & Stephen Crook 224pp, 9780415271004, PB

Authority and the Individual, Bertrand Russell 103pp, 9780415487337, PB

Suicide, Emile Durkheim 432pp, 9780415278317, PB



Aspects of the Feminine, C.G. Jung 224pp, 9780415307703, PB


Natural Symbols, Mary Douglas 240pp, 9780415314541, PB


Gender Trouble, Judith Butler 236pp, 9780415389556, PB


Bodies That Matter, Judith Butler 256pp, 9780415610155, PB


After the Open Society, Karl Popper 528pp, 9780415610230, PB


Black Feminist Thought, Patricia Hill Collins 384pp, 9780415964722, PB


Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare, Bertrand Russell 106pp, 9780415487344, PB


Human Society in Ethics and Politics, Bertrand Russell `550 257pp, 9780415487375, PB Why Men Fight, Bertrand Russell 190pp, 9780415487382, PB


Freedom and Organization, Bertrand Russell 530pp, 9780415487399, PB


Principles of Mathematics, Bertrand Russell 581pp, 9780415487412, PB



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