Process book

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Process Book

Table of Contents

Mind Mapping Logo Thumbnails Digital Logo Final Logo Collateral Thumbnails Digital Business Cards Final Business Card Collateral Final Collateral Packaging Thumbnails Final Book Sleve Promotional Materials Brand Book Examples IP Report Time Report Process Essay Semiotic Essay





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36 37



Final Logo

Come see us today 129 Looking Ahead Dr Silicon Valley, CA 415

Come see us today 129 Looking Ahead Dr Silicon Valley, CA 415

Come see us today 129 Looking Ahead Dr Silicon Valley, CA 415

Taylor Boulden Art Director

Taylor Boulden Art Director

Taylor Boulden Art Director




Final Business Card

• Dear Mary, • At audaes ditas num adit ut renia sed quam sa dolorep ernatem harum cum venimus sequo vollat es aut ium, utemolu ptibusda venduntisimo disquianis etum sed militet ea eatem.Totataquibus nonem nusandi senet experum doluptae sinvelit el eseque evel inulparios et aci corrum hit exerionse nonsedisimi, omniet doloremquaesequiasvolormoluptatalicatiurmoditaborioreriincoreperisimrernamautam non con reprepeliqui doles remolorepel in poratque perferu mquideniet laut doluptae ipsa sequia perum alis aut ernatius etur, simaxim voluptatem ut vid ut venis maio. Itat. • Et voluptissima consequ aepelig enimus audicipic totat eum quia dipsam consequi dis eni dolorum ut labo. Nem que nonsenis solupta dolupid moles recaerferum qui asinum int, unt, endit eum, sim et et magnist orumquiatur, sitaeptistis id eossed magnatiam, quatur, quatet qui dolupta sequid moluptas assedist, omni nectum excerum alique officit ionsed et, sequas etum nis earum eum is qui offic tesequam seditas quas mi, sita nonest ad utem dusam iunt et ullaborios ressit etur animus. • Eque ducius adigenis ab intiis arum fugite reicab ipsunte parupicium adi aciumqui omnis enis eaquiatius, tem aliqui tem im dolecture volenis dolorione se volupta tianiet rendae iunt dis etur, cus alitatur, sapiet voluptate necabor simet re, qui cor maximolorroremquis consentur, vellessit post exerem quundaderestemporeictet andit laudit rendae venimenis de maionsed maximus pratios et doluptae modi odion corrum sitem et asped ut fugia vel iliqui intia simolorest auditat isseditatus. • Em quam fuga. Nam que commodi gnimet laces ut reium, te percipsae. Lutes destiistecoremposquicomnimodet,sitendam,quelaboreprepere,quiducimeautunti des ut eic te omnihitaque cullecate nate excepta de sa si natet quat unt que volupit ium et quam fugiti doluptu restia quia dem re et optatin venimus inia dolorrorit arunturionelestemconnonestibus,cumfugiaveliquibusdandasumautatectoetet, serorep ernatquia veribus expligendita vera aut as ernam quidici.

Give Back


Final Collateral

• Dear Mary, • At audaes ditas num adit ut renia sed quam sa dolorep ernatem harum cum venimus sequo vollat es aut ium, utemolu ptibusda venduntisimo disquianis etum sed militet ea eatem. Totataquibus nonem nusandi senet experum doluptae sinvelit el eseque evel inulparios et aci corrum hit exerionse nonsedisimi, omniet doloremquae sequias volor moluptat alicatiur modit aborioreri in coreperisim rernam autam non con reprepeliqui doles remolorepel in poratque perferu mquideniet laut doluptae ipsa sequia perum alis aut ernatius etur, simaxim voluptatem ut vid ut venis maio. Itat. • Et voluptissima consequ aepelig enimus audicipic totat eum quia dipsam consequi dis eni dolorum ut labo. Nem que nonsenis solupta dolupid moles recaerferum qui asinum int, unt, endit eum, sim et et magnist orumquiatur, sitaeptistis id eossed magnatiam, quatur, quatet qui dolupta sequid moluptas assedist, omni nectum excerum alique officit ionsed et, sequas etum nis earum eum is qui offic tesequam seditas quas mi, sita nonest ad utem dusam iunt et ullaborios ressit etur animus. • Eque ducius adigenis ab intiis arum fugite reicab ipsunte parupicium adi aciumqui omnis enis eaquiatius, tem aliqui tem im dolecture volenis dolorione se volupta tianiet rendae iunt dis etur, cus alitatur, sapiet voluptate necabor simet re, qui cor maximol orroremquis consentur, vellessit post exerem quunda dereste mporeic tet andit laudit rendae venimenis de maionsed maximus pratios et doluptae modi odion corrum sitem et asped ut fugia vel iliqui intia simolorest auditat isseditatus. • Em quam fuga. Nam que commodi gnimet laces ut reium, te percipsae. Lutes destiiste corempos qui comnimod et, sitendam, que laboreprepe re, quiducime aut unti des ut eic te omnihitaque cullecate nate excepta de sa si natet quat unt que volupit ium et quam fugiti doluptu restia quia dem re et optatin venimus inia dolorrorit arunturion elestem con nonestibus, cum fugia veliqui busdanda sum autatecto et et, serorep ernatquia veribus expligendita vera aut as ernam quidici.

Give Back

Donate Today

• Shoe Box

Hope Model: Sneaker Size: 7 �∕₂ W

Soup Can Labels

for the less fortunate

CHUNK WHITE A l b a c o r e Tu n a

for the less fortunate

Chicken Noodle Soup

Final Book Sleve

This book was sponsored to you by a caring family who hopes you will learn and use your knowledge to change the world.

for the less fortunate

The Hope Foundation aims to spread knowledge to countries in need. For only $10, you donate a textbook to a child who will lead our world in the future. Every Donation will say:

“This book was sponsored to you by a caring family who hopes you will learn and use your knowledge to change the world.� Donate at

The Hope Foundation aims to spread knowledge to countries in need. For only $10, you donate a textbook to a child who will lead our world in the future.

Every Donation will say:

“This book was sponsored to you by a caring family who hopes you will learn and use your knowledge to change the world.�

for the less fortunate

Final Promotional Materials

There’s a child

that needs your help.

The Hope Foundation aims to spread knowledge to countries in need. For only $10, you donate a textbook to a child who will lead our world in the future.

Every Donation will say:

“This book was sponsored to you by a caring family who hopes you will learn and use your knowledge to change the world.”

Donate at

The Hope Foundation aims to spread knowledge to countries in need. For only $10, you donate a textbook to a child who will lead our world in the future. Donate at Every Donation will say:

“This book was sponsored to you by a caring family who hopes you will learn and use your knowledge to change the world.”


Taylor Boulden 6141 Cowie Rd Wyoming, NY 14591

Brand Book Examples


Original Logo Must always be in white, black, or appropriate colors (see page __). No color alterations to the logo are permitted at all. The only effects allowed are outer glow and drop shadow. The purpose of the effects is to not alter the logo but enhance the visiblity of it. Logo must be placed on any and all pieces associated to The Hope Foundation.


Color Palettes

Green PANTONE P 148-13 C C=61 M=0 Y=67 K=0 R=102 G=192 B=128 #65c080

Blue PANTONE P 118-16 C C=100 M=0 Y=15 K=14 R=0 G=153 B=188 #0098bb

Red PANTONE P 50-8 C C=0 M=99 Y=91 K=47 R=145 G=8 B=17 #900710


Intellectual Property Report


Research References

Garamond – Regular by Claude Garamond Zapfino by Hermann Zapf

Collateral Sizes htm

Photography All photography is from creative commons, labeled for use with modification.

Computer Programs

Adobe Creative Suite CS6 InDesign Illustrator Photoshop

Time Report










Critiques Computer Sketching Assemblage Research

36 hrs 60 hrs 25 hrs 15 hrs 36 hrs


172 hrs


Process Essay

This process for this project was extremely long but each step lead to a different outcome. I started with research on my emotion, hope. I found similar themes through various cultures that would help shape aspects of my brand. After the more formal research, I started mind mapping that was all based on my own knowledge. The mind map extended into 6 categories; how is it expressed, what causes it, when is it negative, when is it positive, what does it mean, and what does it lead to? All of these questions helped develop ideas for iconic, indexical, and symbolic graphics. I developed the graphics further, about 85 one inch by one inch thumbnails. I tried various ideas like nature, family, the sun, and hands. I also interviewed some friends of mine and asked what they would picture if I said hope. Most of theme talked about young children, growing, or babies. I refined the best graphics to 9 five inch by five inch drawings. I used gauche, pen, and marker. I noticed that I liked more of the logotype so I developed that into the computer. Next step was collateral. After more research in the library, I decided that I wanted to move forward with a 50s themed brand, using illustrations of pin-up like girls to promote my company. I developed 22 business card thumbnails and formalized the best 3 in the computer. I moved on to creating 30 thumbnails for packaging certain items. I drew cigarette boxes, bankcards, beauty products, and school supplies. After our critiques in class, it was pointed out to me that this 50s theme I decided to go with wasn’t the best option based on the feeling of my emotion. This was when I decided to go back and change my aesthetics. I created the business card as two pieces, 3 color variations. It would slide into a sleeve that had the logo punched out. It was clear, direct, and to the point. I enjoyed this look a lot. It was more

about my company, that I now decided would donate books to children in need, and what the language was instead of selling something. The final donation letter turned out to be similar in look and feel. I tried packaging shoes, soup, and books but the book turned out to be the most doable in regards to realistic company resources. The idea behind it is that we send the donation postcard to families and for $10; they donate a used textbook to a child in need. This book is given with a band around it that explains where it came from. For some the wildcard piece, I created a print ad that could be posted in a newspaper as well as a magazine. This could be used to go to the website. As the brand book will explain, the imagery I used for these ads is featuring an ambiguous child in a school setting. This is because The Hope Foundation donates to children everywhere in world, not a specific country, so the child has to be able to connect with multiple races. My final brand book gets into specific details about how to create for my company. I covered the logo, uses in color and size specifics. I talked about the typefaces and how they must be used, with language on kerning, tracking, line spacing, etc. The color palettes are specifically talked about, laid out in pantone swatches, CMYK, RGB, and hexadecimal. It covers the imagery spoken about before and future advertising for the company. Overall, I am happy with how my book turned out. I had to teach myself how to do a 3-hole Japanese side stitch because it’s usually don’t with 4 holes, but I worked it out and I really love the final look of it and how it compliments my aesthetics.

Semiotic Essay

The semiotics used in my project was based off of various cultures and influences. When I started with my research on hope, I found symbols like Jesus Christ, the swallow, trees, nature, the color green, etc. All of these have little influences on how I started to develop my brand. Obviously the blue and green colors in my color palette reflect the nature idea. I originally chose yellow to symbolize the sun but it never looked right with white text, which was really important to me so I ended up choosing a dark red, that actually was to symbolize the blood of Christ and the hope he gives to all Christians. The logo for my company obviously stems from the phrase, “light at the end of the tunnel.” When I chose to base something so important off this, it was because of the two sections, “when is it positive”, “when is it negative”, from the mind map. Hope can be both very positive and very negative so I wanted a symbol that had light, but that light could also be harmful.

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