The ClimAct Magazine. Issue II July

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Volume 1 Issue 2 July 2019





Beat Air Pollution

An Initiative of Climate Beacons Network Quarterly Magazine The ClimAct

CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)


The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)


FOUNDER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dear Readers, Greetings to you!!! I am thankful to the audience for their wonderful response, appreciation and support! The efforts of our writers should be to unlock that Climate Beacons Network has provided them a platform where they can independently raise their voice against the recent issues at local, national and regional level with respect to climate change. CBN has been nurturing your minds since 2014, and

now, I am pleased to announce the second issue of the quarterly magazine The ClimAct. Observing the Earth Day and World Environment Day, followed by World Ocean day, the magazine has presented solutions to a number of problems we have been facing in our daily lives. If you have ideas for what to include on the magazine, or subjects to explore in the magazine, please let me know!

Tayyab Shafique

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)





CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

MEET OUR TEAM Editor In Chief

Executive Editor

Mr. Tayyab Shafique

Dr. Hashim Zuberi

Scientific Editor

Associate Editor

Dr. Aamir Alamgir

Dr. Amin Qureshi

Senior Editor

Section Editor

Ms. Syeda Urooj Fatima

Ms. Rabia Majeed


Quality Assurance Editor

Ms. Sara Altaf

Mr. Ali Aslam

Issue Reviewer

Coordination Manager

Mr. Jibran Khalid

Mr. Abubakar

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

OUR THINK TANK Dr. Abdullah Rajper

Dr. Zafar Iqbal Shams

Dr. Hina Shehnaz

Dr. Kishan Chand

Dr. Shahid Amjad

Dr. Rukhsana Tariq

Engr. Muneer Ahmed Hub

Dr. Ch. Tahir Mehmood

Engr. Saadat Ali

Engr. Zohair Ahmed

Engr. Majid Chang

Engr. Kashif Noor

Engr. Aijaz Ali Abro

Ms. Shabina Faraz

Ms. Kanwal Nazim

Ms. Kayla Soren

Ms. Fariha Fatima

Ms. Ibtasama Khatoon

Ms. Shiza Khan Durani

Ms. Sumaira Zafar

Mr. Nadeem Mirbahar

Advocate Javed Haleem

Mr. Abdul Basit Khan

Mr. Rafi ul Haq

Mr. Muhammad Ali Bhatti

Mr. Faizan Ahmed Mirani

Mr. Hafiz Baseer Khan

Mr. Syed Nasar Alam

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)



Beat Air Pollution: Celebrating World Environment Day

Zeeshan Rasheed


Combat Air pollution

Mahwish Talib


Manchester of Pakistan: A Story of Air Pollution in Faisalabad

Afifa Aslam


From Tetra Pack to Purse: Recycling Plastic

Fazal ur Rahim




Uplifting Diseases and Climate Change

Iqra Asghar

Climate Change links to Diabetes Prevalence; Who would wondered?

Abdul Basit Khan 28




Climate Change: and Oceans: Celebrating World Ocean Day

Sadaf Yasin


Deforestation: The Major cause of Climate Change in Pakistan

Aliza Arain


Climate Change: An Invasion in lives of Polar Bears

Amna Akhtar


Ecological Manifesto!

Vihren Mitev




Destruction of Natural Ecosystems causing loss of Biodiversity

Siddiqa Soomro

Biodiversity: The pool of Life affected by Climate Change

Shankar Bhandari 53

Climate Change and Wildlife Conservation

Sana Fatima



56 61

Are we there yet? Another Disaster to identify Climate Adaptation

Daniel Gbujie


Tree Plantation: The Most Powerful Weapon to Mitigate Climate Change

Kanwal Khatri




Regulate Frequencies of Man Made Infrastructure to Mitigate Weather

Deivis Bluz

Tackling Climate Change with Personal Weather Stations

Muhammad Taha 74




UN Climate-Policy-Compatible Ecofeminist Gender Action Plan

Faizan Ali


The Climatic Blitzkrieg: Losing War Against Climate Catastrophe

Ameer Ali




CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019) 88

ClimAct Theme


Climate Change and Pollution This section addresses the linkage between climate change and pollution. This section represents the important facts mainly about air and plastic pollution.

Beat Air Pollution: Celebrating World Environment Day— June 5, 2019


By Zeeshan Rasheed Combat Air Pollution


By Mahwish Talib

Manchester of Pakistan: A Story of Air Pollution in Faisalabad


By Afifa Aslam From Tetra Pack to Purse: Recycling Plastic


By Fazal ur Rahim Awan

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Beat Air Pollution: Celebrating World Environment Day June 5, 2019 Zeeshan Rasheed

Zeeshan Rasheed is community Manager at YSI Norway and HR Manager at Women's’ Empowerment International Organization. The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

5 June 2019 World Environment Day has been celebrating by initiatives to combat air pollution worldwide, as the United Nations and governments have emphasized that the causes of bad air quality kill seven million individuals each year, including 600,000 kids.

Zeeshan Rasheed has sketches the problem of air pollution worldwide and the initiatives taken by Pakistan to beat air pollution on World Environment Day — June 5, 2019


ccording to a study published on

In Pakistan 128,000 deaths were attributed to air pollution, 124,000 in Indonesia, 123,000 in Bangladesh, 114,000 in Nigeria, 108,000 in the United States, 99,000 in Russia, 66,000 in Brazil, and 64,000 in the

Wednesday 3 April 2019, by the US-based Health Effects Institute and the University of British

Columbia, poor air quality will reduce the expected lifespan of children born today by an average of 20 months and have the greatest influence in South Asia. Air emissions is the third major source of premature mortality, highway

5 June 2019

crashes, malnutrition,. It warns, however, of "the failure of survival rate" because in South Asia kids in the mix of outside air pollution is set to

Initiatives by Pakistan Army to Beat Air

reduce their life for 30 months. A UN Special


Reporter on human he environment, issued a

Pakistan Navy has Launched various initiatives,

statement urging governments, as part of their

such as, trees and mangroves plantations, banned

human rights commitments, to address the issue

used of polythene bags in Naval premises.


The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Pakistan Navy is also celebrated the World

Environment Day with the objective of stressing the importance of the environment and taking various measures to protect the marine environment. PN initiated a variety of initiatives such as a Trees & Mangroves plantation campaign, prohibited polythene bags used on naval premises.


The World Health Organisation’s Air Quality Guideline sets 2.5 pollutants per micrometre (PM) as the upper limit for humans. PM2.5 pollution contributed to nearly 3m early deaths in 2017.

Exposure to PM2.5 was found to be the third leading risk factor globally for type 2 diabetes deaths, after high blood sugar and excessive body weight.

The percentages of population living in areas above the guideline ranged from 92 per cent in Russia to 100 per cent in China, India, Nigeria, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

While' air pollution' is a global problem affecting everybody, Pakistan Navy's Field Commands have planned a number of activities to instill a sense of responsibility on the part of every staff that will protect our precious environment. I look forward to devoted attempts by every unit under Command to render these occurrences a victory.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Combat Air Pollution Mahwish Talib

Mahwish Talib is pursuing her M.Phil. Degree in Applied Chemistry. She is a blogger, writer and social media activist.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Mahwish Talib discusses the air pollution while describing the types of it. She presents this issue with particular reference to Pakistan.


pollution has been an issue of

serious discussion since decades around the globe. But in Pakistan it has become

“Drinking pure water and inhaling fresh air, Makes a man healthy wealthy and wiser�.

a headache due to the imprudence of concerned




climate and air pollution both have adverse





Consequently both affect the health of human being , making him less

proficient for the betterment of society. Greenhouse gases, ozone depletion causing release of CFCs, industrial emission,





domestic activities all are veteran factors which bring change in climate through





Deforesting is also one of major roots of air




especially. Besides air, soil and water contamination is also notable sources which bring severe change in climate We breathe in air non-stop. In other words our interaction with natural air is like 24/7. Therefore inhaling more and more polluted air is perilous.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)


and acid rains are types of air pollution,

Though the Clean Air Act of 1972 has reduced the

produced by same sources i.e., vehicles and

amount of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxides entering

industrial disposal. However, chemical composition

the atmosphere, a new player, ammonia, is adding to

of both are different.

the pH imbalance and is not currently regulated.

Smog is the

combination of

nitrogen oxides,

Acid Rain has main impact on water bodies, but

volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sunlight.

solid acidification can lead to severe damage to

NO2 interacts with sunlight to create nitrogen oxide

trees, killing off the foliage, leaving them with

and a free oxygen molecule. This interaction

limited means to gather nutrients. For human health,

produces ozone, which typically turns back into

the dry particles do more damage than the wet

nitrogen dioxide, and the cycle repeats. The addition

precipitation. In Pakistan the cities are growing as

of VOCs interrupts the cycle, however. VOCs are

exodus of a big number of population from village to

produced by various sources, such as paint, cleaning

city and conversion of green fields into working

products and refrigerants. The VOCs prevent the

housing societies is trending from past ten years.

breakdown of ozone, allowing it to gather near the

The easiest and cheapest way to cope with air

surface of the Earth, where even more nitric oxides

pollution is plantation. The more we grow trees the

are produced by vehicle and industry emissions,

more we likely to get fresh air (oxygen), hence less

creating the dense smog seen in metropolitan cities. This ozone in form of Smog

would be harmed by climate and temperature

generates several


Hazards, i.e., Respiratory systems can be irritated,

Unfortunately By 1990, Pakistan’s forest density

reducing overall lung function and triggering asthma

had declined to 3.3%. Another study conducted in

attacks. Vegetation also suffers from smog, as plants

2015, reported the decline of forest cover up

that take up too much ozone can be damaged in

to 1.9%. Deforestation and degradation has nearly


quadrupled, rising from o.75% in 2009 resulting in

Acid rain The biggest contributors to which are

soil erosion, flooding, loss of habitat and an

sulfur dioxide and nitric oxides. These components

increased amount of greenhouse gases in the

interact with oxygen and water vapor in the air,

atmosphere which in turn rooting problems of air

creating compounds that are acidified close to 5 on

pollution. Also burning of coal/wood is an other

the pH scale, well under the neutral 7 pH. The "rain"

factor cause distribution of pollutants in air.

then comes in two forms: wet precipitate and dry particulates, which can enter the environment.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Consequently this air pollution affect

human health in many ways. In 2005,

In this regard occupation of fertile lands

due to ambient air pollution in urban

by housing and industrial schemes can be

areas more than 22,600 deaths of adult

reduced by taking several important

population was observed. Only outdoor


air pollution caused almost 80,000 admissions in hospitals each year, from


which 8,000 cases of chronic bronchitis and about 5millions cases are of poor

Spreading awareness among public through campaigns and seminars

respiration in children under the age of 5 years.

Educating people (farmers, traders, in-

Equal distribution of facilities (at least

South Asian regions have highest ratio

very basic) both in urban and rural ar-

of harm caused by air pollution in the

eas in order to stop migration of maxi-

urban areas of Pakistan and in these

mum number of people from village to

areas high profile cases of death and


depression was observed which also

Charging high and strict Penalty in

include traffic accidents. Smog for

case of deforestation/cutting trees from

instance , has been a big stimulus of

any piece of fertile land. In this way the


practice of urbanization and industrial-




infection for last 5 years. All of these

ization can be mold into a better trend.

evidences are enough to confirm the urgent need to improve air quality in Pakistan, but unfortunately this issue attained least attention. This issue must include as a priority issue while making policies




protection of Pakistan. There is also

dire need of allocation of resources to AQM as it acts as main pillars for green growth of country. According to World Bank, countries which choose “clean and sustainable” development are growing much faster than the countries who achieve development at the cost of environment.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Manchester of Pakistan: A Story of Air Pollution in Faisalabad

The ClimAct


Afifa Aslam

CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Manchester of Pakistan

Afifa Aslam highlights the problem of air pollution in the city of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Faisalabad is the “Manchester of Pakistan” and therefore, concern towards the environmental conditions of the city are highly important for sustainable industrial development.

In developing countries like Pakistan, the increased levels of urban air pollution are a major environmental problem. Faisalabad is the 2nd largest city of Punjab and third largest city of Pakistan after Karachi and Lahore, formerly known as Lyallpur and situated at 31° 25' 0" N/73° 5' 0" E. The weather of Faisalabad consist of hottest and long summers during which temperature reaches up to 48 ° C (118 °F); with monsoon and rare dust storms.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

The season of monsoon starts from late July till

As urbanization along with the development of

August along with heavy rainfall all through the

economy and society progress, Faisalabad, like



other metropolitan cities of the world, is in front

agriculture are among the key anthropogenic

of pressure for environment protection is needed.

activities in Faisalabad which have resulted in

Due to air pollution, a strong correlation exist

rapid deterioration of air quality due to rising

between increasing level of air pollution and

levels of heavy metals, PM, and other pollutants of

dominance of asthma, kidney damage, respiratory

air in the ambient environment. Moreover, it is of

allergies and other mental and health disorders. It

great interest that sources of particulate matter vary

was concluded that air quality of Faisalabad city is

greatly with season, place and weather conditions.

deteriorated beyond acceptable limits and requires

As a result of worsening ambient air quality, there

an instant action to conquer arising problem in an

is growing concern about the exposure of citizens

industrial hub of Pakistan. It is essential to

to air pollutants.

Faisalabad categorized among

establish continuous monitoring systems, improve

one of the regions in Punjab, Pakistan, where air

emission control strategies and to implement air

pollution control is essential.

quality guidelines and standards.


The ClimAct



CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

From Tetra Pack to Purse: Recycling Plastic Fazal ur Rahim Awan

Mr. Fazal ur Rahim Awan has been working as an industrial employee since 1980. Beside of duties, writing article on different topics of environment is a part of his hobbies. To aware people about the importance of existing natural resources, he had carried out research and best practice on the turning waste resources to beneficial products.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)


obody is found agreed to keep an

After laying on lands for some day this pollution

empty plastic bag in his home, huge

generates bacteria and mosquitoes, due to spreading

quantities of plastic bags usually

air pollution many people are being suffered from

with the skins of vegetables and

malaria and dengue virus. The increasing pollution

fruits are thrown away in streets, road sides and

of plastic is an alarming situation for the health of

empty plots also on the banks of draining system

next coming generation, it also resists the growth of

from where this material flows with rainy waters

trees, grass, herbs and vegetables. Arrival of this

and, joins sanitation and draining system and

material in bulk amounts in sea is harmful for

finally falls in rivers and seas. This pollution is not

fisheries and other sea life. To achieve sustainable

only containing with plastic bags, large amounts of

goals of health it is need to mitigate plastic

small plastic pieces, such as packing of biscuits,


chips, washing powder and several other things are also thrown away.

Fazal ur Rahim Awan discloses the impacts of plastic on the environment and climatic systems of the Earth. He urges that from the process of manufacturing to disposal, plastic is the enemy of air. Moreover, he emphasizes to recycle the plastic material using slogan “A Tetra Pack to Purse�.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

We also observed that thousand numbers of milk

During the rainy season we have been observing

packets along with minor quantity of milk in

these things swimming in streams and joining with

each are also thrown away in mentioned places;

rivers. Thousands numbers of children are also

it also grows bad smell and germs. Animal eats

involved in waste collection; in this age they have

grass from landfill polluted areas and we use

to go school but due to poverty they prefer to earn.

their milk and meats. Is it not harmful for health?

During the collection some recyclable waste such as

To reduce plastic and tetra pack scrape,

iron, paper, glass bottles, metal etc they never pick

sometimes people flames the fire in plastic

any kind of plastic bag or tetra boxes because any

dumps while its fog is more dangerous for the

scrape dealer does not buy it from them. Where in

heath. In some urban areas waste is disposed off

the month of June word environment day is



celebrate, universal child labor day is also

companies but in small towns are rural areas

celebrated in the month of June every year.

there are not such facilities available. Thousands

Unfortunately, these groups of children are not

numbers of tourists arrive daily on the different

highlighted by media as per need.



hills top of country; they also throw bottles, packets of milks and juices and plastic material.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

To mitigate pollution, it is need to turn values of plastic and tetra pack waste from zero to sellable scrape, and is possible only by the development of recycling or up cycling activities, it is also need to find alternate to plastic bag. In this regard we have a successful background of research, training, awareness and marketing success. There are a lot of empty cement sacks available with scrape dealers and any one can

convert it into a cheapest and long life alternate to plastic bag, a normal plastic bag is thrown away after use while this alternate can be used for several times.

More over we have designed several more products of tetra pack and plastic smart purse of tetra pack is one of them and we have been organizing training every year in the connection of world environment day. In this year we have facilitated a workshop of “A tetra pack to purse� many people who are seeking for the jobs and ideas since a time there are many opportunities for them in recycling industry.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Human Health

ClimAct Theme

The ClimAct

Climate Change and Human Health This section addresses how the climate change has affected the lives of human and which new diseases have been emerged due to climate change. This section also presents some remediation measures against diseases.

Uplifting Diseases and Climate Change By Iqra Asghar


Climate Change links to Diabetes Prevalence; Who would have wondered? By Abdul Basit Khan



CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Uplifting Diseases and Climate Change Iqra Asghar

Iqra Asghar is Gold Medalist in BS Environmental Science from UVAS. Currently, she has completed her MS in the same discipline from Punjab University and doing job in Education Department. She has a strong passion of writing blogs and articles. The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Iqra Asghar writes about the effect of climate change on the health of organisms inhibiting this planet.


arth is the home of about 8.7 million

change induced diseases along with some other

species from which 6.5 million (about

motives. Climate change is affecting the health of

75%) make their habitat on land while

trios (humans, animals & plants) due to changing

2.2 million (about 25%) are residence

patterns of temperature (too high & low) that affect

of oceans For survival, these creatures demand

the air quality in which living organisms have to

healthy climate with optimum temperature, fresh O2

breath, alterations in precipitation & weather

air, clean water and safe habitat. But now these

patterns, increase in the frequency & intensity of

demanding factors are changing drastically and

weather catastrophic events (cyclones, tornadoes)

appeared in the form of most familiar term of this

that severely affects the safety of the trios and rising

century that is “Climate Change”.

sea levels are becoming the source of disappearance


Today this phenomenon is so significant that

of not only plants or animals but also of humans.

Earth’s biophysical and ecological systems are

Human’s health is much dependent on the climate

modifying at planetary scale and its evidence can be

where they live because all the above factors are

examined by stratospheric O3 depletion, reduction

affecting their health by degraded quality of food

of fresh water supplies, stresses on terrestrial &

that we eat, water we drink, the air we breathe and

marine producing foods and the most important

the particular weather which we experience.

“accelerating biodiversity lose” due to climate-

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Furthermore, it also depends on the intensification

Population of N-latitude can affect adversely by

of climate change that is experienced by the humans

excessive heat while cold spells could not be bearable

in a particular geographic region and off course on

for the humans around equator because both are less

the way they adapt climatic variations. People in

willing to cope up with their respective climatic

developing countries are most vulnerable to climate


change- induced diseases due to low economic status but humans in well-developed countries are also affecting badly by climate change.

In case of unpredictable rain & flood (exposure to pathogens & contaminants), water-borne diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery and hepatitis are at the

Temperature variation is considered as the prime

peak. This kind of outbreak was observed at

factor that affect badly on the health of humans.

Walkerton, Ontario in 12 May, 2000 with unusual

Like; extreme high temperatures can cause heat

rain of about 70mm. This unpredictable rain caused

shocks (in 2015 heat wave in Karachi with 1200F

flood and created the epidemic of E.coli because of

kill about 2000 people), dehydration, respiratory

its mixing in drinking water. According to recent

and cardiovascular diseases while cold spells may

American Study, about 548 diseases have been

increase the frequency of the cases of hypothermia

outbreak from 1948-1994 from which more than half

and heart strokes in humans.

are due to heavy rainfall situations.

Shortage of water due to climate change leads to unhygienic practices of water extraction that can be a source of water-borne disease

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Ebola Virus The global burden of diseases is also uplifting

greater in developing countries as compared to

continuously due to vector-borne diseases like

developed one. IPCC report-2014 also highlighted

malaria, dengue, schistosomiasis, chagas disease,

that many life-forms are changing their habitats by

African trypanosomiasis, ebola virus and many

moving towards north & deeper oceans.

others. According to WHO, about one-sixth of the illness is causing due to vector-borne diseases throughout the world. The reason is the variation in epidemiology of vector-borne diseases that is causing by the inter-annual & inter-decadal climatic modifications.






transmission is the extreme temp-ranges. For example, the lowest & higher temperature ranges are 14-180C & 35-400C respectively. The frequency of such climatic-sensitive diseases is higher in poorest nations and evidence is that per-capita mortality rate by vector-borne disease is 300 times

The ClimAct

Consequently, in early 1900s there was little awareness regarding the linkage of climate change & diseases. But now the extensive research has been made on the impact of climate change on disease frequency & intensity particularly in the case of humans. All the CC-associated diseased elements can be minimized and prevented by the development of effective policies to remediate negative effects of climate change and application of methods in community to adapt the climatic situations by the humans, animals & plants.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Climate Change links to Diabetes Prevalence: Who would have wondered? Abdul Basit Khan

Abdul Basit Khan is an environmental professional and researcher having more than 7 years of experience in environment and climate change research, environmental advocacy, environmental and social impact assessment and public speaking. Currently he is serving as Deputy Director (Environment) in PCMU, Project Coordination and Monitoring Unit in World Bank Funded Projects of Water Sector. The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Both Climate Change and Diabetes Mellitus have

Although the reasons are being still undiscovered as

now gained international recognition as global

which elements trigger its onset but some have been

issues. As their cause and effects have been vastly

confirmed that contribute to occurrence of Diabetes

reported, it has brought up an astonishing and

and effect on health of people living with diabetes.

alarming relation between the two.

Type 1 is developed as a result of genetic

According to International Diabetes Federation, 4 out of 5 people living with diabetes belong to low or




Monetary Fund in its World Economy Outlook

modification and environmental factors like viral infections, toxins and dietary imbalance. Some factors that influence onset of Type 2 include malnutrition,

physical inactivity and respiratory chronic diseases.

Report states that in course of future projections of

Global rise in temperature has caused severe weather

the global temperature rise, one-tenth of Gross

events such as intense rainfalls and floods, heat waves

Domestic Product of low and middle-income

and droughts which has led to water borne diseases,

countries will be cut off. As per the Global Climate

food insecurity and population migration. Recent

Risk Index Report of 2019, out of the 10 countries

events of flash floods in Pakistan caused migration of

impacted from climate change events, 8 countries

population in large numbers into inadequate living

are low or middle-income countries. Having a

conditions and massive destruction of farmlands

common and evident picture, Epidemiologists and

resulting in food insecurity. Due to insufficient

scientists brainstormed on the global perspective

drainage, water remained stagnant for longer periods

and have concluded that Climate change has turned

of time, specifically in lower districts of Sindh, which

out to be a surprising intervention to prevalence of

served as the perfect spot for various pathogenic

Diabetes globally.

organisms. Pakistan Medical Association stated that

Diabetes Mellitus, a health condition commonly referred to as “Sugar�, is a Non-Communicable Disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is diminished resulting in higher levels of blood glucose leading to further health complications. There are three main types of Diabetes which is categorized as

water borne diseases like diarrhoea, typhoid and cholera have become common in the country risking lives of children if not treated timely and control is taken on the persistent condition. Links could be

derived that in combination of malnutrition and unhealthy living conditions, uncontrolled infections increased the chances of diabetes occurrence.

Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Similarly, Heatwaves have raised serious concerns

People living with diabetes have a toll on the

on the lifestyle of the people specially in urban

medical expenses. According to Meethi Zindagi, a

areas. Intense heat naturally leads to dehydration, if

Non-Profit Organization focusing on advocacy of

exposed to longer durations. In cities like Karachi,

Diabetes, stated that annually about Pakistani Rs.

the city centre turns into urban heat islands due to

78000/- on average is spent on insulin only

multiple reasons. For instance, less vegetation

excluding other costs which include medicines,

covers and the built infrastructure does not allow

regular medical check-ups and diagnostic tests. In

much escape of heat, as well as extensive use of

a poverty stricken country, with challenging

Air conditioners, in vehicles and indoors, adds on

environment of water and food security, no

to the air temperature. This also leads to

employment and unbalanced economy, people

immobility as people then prefer to move out less

living with diabetes are already struggling betwen

and stay indoors. Water shortages and electricity

life and death.






Climate Change is inevitable which has

Dehydration and immobility affects the body


metabolism on breakdown and consumption of






Furthermore, city planning and townships do not

blood glucose, and also affects the hormone insulin

significantly contribute to focus on environmental


sustainability. Despite efforts taken by private

The loss of equilibrium between sustainable

institutions and NGOs for tree plantation, effective

environment and healthy lifestyle has intensely

change needs more time and resources. Adding

contributed to the factors leading the onset of

distress to it is that health institutions, hospitals and

diabetes. Pakistan now has a staggering number of

emergency facilities are either understaffed or not

individuals having diabetes as per the IDF Atlas

fully equipped to deal with natural hazards. People

2017. 7474000 adults from age 20 to 79 years have

living with diabetes need special attention and

been recorded, whereas 1870 children till the age

treatment apart from normal patients which is often

of 19 have been recorded respectively. It is also

neglected by medical professionals in such










requires complete dependency on insulin, which

conditions in the country has come to an alarming

itself is one of the most expensive drugs in the

conclusion which needs immediate attention and


action now.





undiagnosed diabetes within the country. Type 1

The ClimAct




CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Ecosystem Vulnerability The ClimAct

ClimAct Theme

Climate Change and Ecosystems Vulnerability This section address the impacts of climate change on various ecosystems including oceans, forests, glaciers and the associated biodiversity and species.

Climate Change: and Oceans: Celebrating World Ocean Day By Sadaf Yasin


Deforestation: The Major cause of Climate Change in Pakistan By Aliza Arain


Climate Change: An Invasion in lives of Polar Bears By Amna Akhtar


Ecological Manifesto! By Vihren Mitev



CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Climate Change and Oceans: Sadaf Yasin

Celebrating World Ocean Day June 8, 2019

Sadaf Yasin an enthusiastic Environmentalist and a writer. Holding a Postgraduate degree in Environmental Sciences from Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, and having a working experience of more than three years in a reputable organization, the writer has command on EIA, EMS, Water Sector, Bio Remediation and Waste Management.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Sadaf Yasin clearly explains that how water balance is getting disturbed by the impacts of climate change. Entailing all influences and linking with the solutions which are the need of the hour are specialty of this


article. It is a sheer effort to sensitize all about the ocean canvas.

orld Ocean Day on June 8 is

Despite determining the climate and weather patterns

here to sensitize us about the

by transporting heat from the equator to the poles,

blessings it showers us and to

they can be called as a hub of food and medicines for

sensitize about the things which

the marine life and for the mankind. From slime to

are on our part. To recognize the beauty, fullness

sponges, researchers have searched and looked for

and bond of the oceans, it is important to

opportunities for the betterment of mankind for new

understand that they provide us with the most of the

medications to treat different diseases. Despite of

oxygen we breathe (half of the worlds) and absorbs

such advancements, still its treasures are folded up.

50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere.

According to FAO, Ten percent of the world's

They are home to species and their ambiance and

population depends on fisheries for their livelihoods,

beauty makes it to the larger industry for tourism.

and 4.3 billion people are reliant on fish for 15

The magical species like coral reefs and mangroves

percent of their animal protein intake.

safeguard the coastlines from tsunamis and storms.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

The idea of coining World Oceans Day was put

Every aspect for its betterment was tried to touch

forward in 1992 by Canada's International Centre

since 1992 each year by highlighting its theme. This

for Ocean Development (ICOD) and the Ocean

year in 2019, the theme “Gender and the Ocean” has

Institute of Canada (OIC) at the Earth Summit –

been chosen to meet the goal number five of

UN Conference on Environment and Development

Sustainable Development Goals which emphasize the

(UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The World

fact that gender imbalance is necessary in all walks of

Commission on Environment and Development

life. This theme provides a platform to open up the

provided the inspiration for a global oceans day. In

gender aspect of the ocean.

1987 it was realized that a strong voice is needed


for the conservation and sustainability of ocean




Climate change is a change in the pattern of weather, and related changes in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, occurring over time scales of decades or longer. After industrial revolution temperature of the earth is increasing and this rise in temperature is causing more evaporation, increased




glaciers. Ultimately all the water gathers up (from precipitation, glaciers melting etc.) into the river system by heavy rain falls and melting of glaciers draining into the sea increasing the level of sea.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

The marine environment is ascertained by different

to shallow waters for sunlight.

factors that are temperature, salinity and oceanic

Many slow growing species lose their habitats and

currents to function effectively. No part of the global ocean is unspoiled by the human influence/ affect. More or less nearly 97.7% of the entire ocean is influenced by multiple human pressures. The contemporary climate change has influenced the marine environments in physical processes (changes to temperature, melting of ice, rise in seal level, coastal erosion), ocean chemistry, primary

productivity and change in species composition. As greenhouse gases confine more energy from the sun, more heat is being engrossed into the oceans resulting in rise of surface temperatures and sea levels. The carbon dioxide emitted from the burning of fossil fuels is also being absorbed by oceans. A warmer ocean has incredible effects on marine biodiversity including coral bleaching, forced migration of species to sustain their generation and






periods. Decreasing flow of nutrients from lower part to the surface disturbs the growth and sustainability of life forms on that area is also a major effect of warming oceans.

The varying

distribution of marine species and the probability of disease transmission in them affect livelihood of people and contribute to food security. Moreover the species that are known to protect the coastlines form erosion are also in danger in result of rising temperatures. A risk of hurricanes and other catastrophic events has also increased. Glaciers and melting of polar ice resulted into increase in sea level. The resulted consequences on marine biodiversity are devastating. Survival of important species like coral reefs etc finds it difficult to reach

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nesting places as they cannot keep their pace with the rising water levels. According to the Conservation International, two percent of the world’s land lies at or below 10m of elevation inhabiting ten percent of the world’s population threatened by the impacts of climate change. Small islands of the Pacific Ocean are exposed to the consequences of sea level rise. The changes in ocean’s temperatures and wind patterns

have tainted oceanic currents disturbing the migration and reproduction patterns of many animals. Changing currents will affect the rainfall patterns and the air temperatures across the globe. More problems are arising due to the change in land temperatures as the currents move to cooler or warmer places. Health problems are increasing rapidly due to the increase in temperatures. Impacts of climate change have not had enough as the burning of fossil fuels varies the composition of sea water making it more acidic. The larger impact it has on those organisms which structure the foundation of the food web. Directly or indirectly it influence the availability of food sources for Homo sapiens a well. The waning health of oceans has staked the lives, food security and livelihood







biodiversity is also on risk and the risks are getting bigger day by day. Solution to a problem is already known and it is the need of the hour as well to work for mitigation of the impacts of climate change. Four types of measures are needed to be done in this regard which includes reduction of greenhouse gas levels, renewable energy usage, protection of life forms and manipulation of biological and ecological adaptation.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Women accounted for 19% among all people who

ocean sector is 10% more in research overall.

are involved in catching and harvesting of fish.

If women are not included in this sector, the complete

Traditionally women work as low skilled, low paid worker in the fishery sector. In many parts of the word, women’ contribution in ocean based jobs, management





According to the Global Ocean Science Report by IOC-UNESCO in 2018, 38 % of marine scientists are women and 2% of 1.2 million sea farmers are female. Despite the gender imbalance in research in other fields, women’s contribution as researchers in

picture of sustainable development regarding water sector cannot be portrayed. In such scenario, it is imperative for women to jump into each sector like scientific research, labor, migration, governance and

management regarding ocean’s conservation. As it is imperative that the mesmerizing beauty of oceans needs to be celebrated and the songs of oceans need to be sung.

Alison Kock with a Sevengill shark in South Africa. Female Marine Scientist

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Deforestation: The Major cause of Climate Change in Pakistan Aliza Arain Aliza Arain is a graduate in Environmental Sciences, University of Sindh, Jamshoro. She has a passion in the field of Environment.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Water cycle

The Pakistan is the country which covers the area about 796096 sq. km and in this area only4 to 4.8 percent cover with the forests in Pakistan. According to the world the forests cover about 30 percent of the planet’s land mass, but humans are cutting them down, clearing these essential habitats on a massive scale. In over the entire world the area of the world some countries which cut the trees for making homes, buildings, cities and also for other purpose like wood and fuels etc. In science or in scientific dictionary deforestation is when forests are destroyed by cutting trees (logging) and not replacing them. Sometimes deforestation happens when the people change lands into the farms ranches and cities to live there. In Pakistan the major forests are found which are given below. •Littoral

Trees are playing important role play in water cycle which we called Transpiration; Transpiration is the process which water release from the leaf of the plants. They absorb rain fall and produce water vapor that is released into the atmosphere. Soil erosion Tree roots anchor the soil. Without trees, the soil is free to wash or blow away, which can lead to vegetation growth problems. The WWF states that scientists estimate that a third of the world's arable land has been lost to deforestation since 1960. After a clear cutting, cash crops like coffee, soy and palm oil are planted. Planting these types of trees can cause further soil erosion because their roots cannot hold onto the soil. "The situation in Haiti compared to the Dominican Republic is a great example of the important role forests play in the water cycle," Daley said. Both countries share the same island, but Haiti has much less forest cover than the Dominican Republic.

and Swamp Forests


dry deciduous forests


thorn forests


broad-leaved evergreen forests


pine forests


moist temperate forests

Life quality


dry temperate forests

Soil erosion can also lead to silt entering the lakes, streams and other water sources. This can decrease local water quality and contribute to poor health in populations in the area.

•Sub-alpine forests •Alpine scrub


The disturbance of native people

Loss of species

Many native tribes live in the rainforests of the Pakistan, and their destruction is the destruction of these peoples' homes and way of life. For example, the film "Under the Canopy" takes a look at the Amazon rainforest and the people who live there, including an indigenous guide named Kamanja Panashekung. "Kamanja's community is one of over 350 indigenous communities throughout Amazonia that depend on the rainforest, as we all do, for the air we breathe and the water we drink," M. Sanjayan, Conservation International's executive vice president and senior scientist, said in a statement.

The current rate of global diversity loss is estimated to be 100 to 1000 times higher than the (naturally occurring) background extinction rate and expected to still grow in the upcoming years. If any People in Pakistan which cuts the forests for any legal or illegal purpose the habitat of the animals is also losing, The Pakistani animals like Baluchistan Black beer, Fishing cat, Wolf, Sind Krait (Snakes), Himalayan brown Beer, Marsh Crocodile, Markhor, other birds species etc. these animals live in the forests of the Pakistan

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Can cell phones help save rain forests? This tribe thinks so CAUSES

The numbers are grim, but many conservationists see reasons for hope. A movement is under way to preserve existing forest ecosystems and restore lost tree cover. Organizations and activists are working to fight illegal mining and logging for example, let’s come up with a way to use recycled cell phones to monitor for chainsaws. In Tanzania country which is in Africa continent, the residents of Kokota have planted more than 2 million trees on their small island over a decade, aiming to repair previous damage. In Brazil, conservationists are rallying in the face of ominous signals that the government may roll back forest protections.

Pakistan’s forest resources are shrinking at a rate of one percent which will have dreadful effects on the people of Pakistan. Following are some of the main causes of this large scale deforestation in Pakistan. Clearing of land Due to the construction of dams, canals, parks and barrages to supply water to crops on millions of hectors, most of the forest land is cleared. These constructions of barrages also serve as a cause or increase of deforestation in Pakistan. Urbanization Sprawling growth of cities has converted forests into city areas in Pakistan. Thus losing the forest or decrease in forest area. According to some sources, around 32% people of Pakistan live in urban areas and if the current growth rate of urbanization is kept, Pakistan’s urban population will surpass the rural one by 2030.

For consumers, it makes sense to examine the products and meats you buy, looking for sustainably produced sources when you can. Nonprofit groups such as the Forest Stewardship Council and the Rainforest Alliance certify products they consider sustainable, while the World Wildlife Fund has a palm oil scorecard for consumer brands.

Building of Roads Building of roads in order to have access to the far flung areas has also caused deforestation especially in areas of Kohistan and Northern areas of the Pakistan. Industrialization The increase in demand of industries has also caused deforestation as most of the industries require wood as their fuel. Wood industries such as hard wood and safety match box, Plywood etc have also played their part in deforestation. Overgrazing Overgrazing of land by cattles, sheeps and goats have converted subtropical and tropical thorn forest areas into deserts.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Climate Change: An Invasion in Lives of Polar Bears

Amna Akhtar

Amna Akhtar is currently doing M.Sc. in Environmental Studies. Her ultimate goal is to make public aware about environmental issues. The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)


limate change is one of those issues which have become the talk of the town in this century. It is raiding its way into the lives of many species that are interlinked with each other and with their ecosystems. It has become so obvious that is endangering many animals and putting a question in their survival on this planet. The poor animals which cannot combat such a drastic change are at the mercy of humans because the anthropogenic activities must need to be stopped not for the animals but for healthy ecosystem. Imagine a world without beautiful green vegetation which are the source of oxygen for us, a morning without chirping sounds of birds, the colorful landscapes of earth, the sparkling texture of water, the diversity of fauna etc what would it be like? A deserted and a gloomy planet. The title of my context relates to the survival of white thick furry animal, Polar bear being subjected to global warming and its drastic effects. Polar bears are found in Arctic Circle and surrounding land masses. Their primarily habitat is sea ice. They use it as a platform to hunt seals for their nutrition which make up their most of the diet. They have the bodily characteristic to adapt for cold temperatures, move across ice caps and can swim in water. Because of their dependence on the sea ice, polar bears are classified as marine mammals.

Amna Akhtar presents her idea to aware people about the melting of ice caps due to climate change which will not only effect human population but also population of polar bears in arctic which are in grave danger.

Due to the global warming and melting of snow and ice caps, the polar bears are extremely vulnerable because ice is the key to their survival. They have been classified as vulnerable species by World Conservation Union (IUCN) and listed as threatened species under the US Endangered Species Act. They are also being affected due to many factors such as hunting, pollution and oil extraction. Their certain subpopulations led to a huge decline due to snowmobiles, airplanes and icebreakers. The extent of sea ice changes throughout the year. It reaches its peak in late winter, around the end of March and then shrinks due to warmer summer months. As ice melts, Polar

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bears depend more and more on the fat stores they have built up on previous winters. By September the sea ice is at its lowest and bears often struggle to find enough food. Then as winter comes the ice grows, allowing polar bears to hunt more easily. Due to global warming, melting of sea ice in Arctic has put forward many consequences for Polar bears to deal with. As polar bears feed on ringed seals which live near the ice edge, getting two thirds of the energy they need for in early summer and late spring, but the ice melting in spring and forming later in winter, bears have less time to hunt prey and go longer without food.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Scientists have shown that bears are becoming more food stressed and females have less body weights due to which fewer cubs survive. Not only this, other impacts of climate change faced by bears are increase in contamination and exposure to diseases. Like most of the bear species, polar bears are not prone to disease but some parasites like, Trichinella are known to have infected Polar bears. This leads to their weakened immune system. Scientists have also suggested that change in temperature patterns will introduce more pathogens in Arctic due to the increased human activity like sewage disposal , ballast waters and the migration of lower latitude species to Far North due to habitat change patterns.

Unhealthy bears can have low reproduction rates, high cub mortality and eventually leads to their extinction. If the global temperature continues to rise by 4.5 degree Celsius then the polar bears and other diverse species will extinct. This will create more negative interactions between human and wildlife because these animals move to human settlements in search of food and water. Although change to save them cannot be done overnight but there is still more time to overcome the climate change to save the sea ice and Arctic sea caps from melting.

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Mitigation Measures to Save Arctic Polar Bears Several steps can be taken by the governmental and environmental authorities to save the Arctic polar bears through many policies. Green house emissions contribute in the rise of global warming so their reduction can help in reducing the extinction of bears. We need to aware the public by arranging campaigns, educating people about this issue and also using alternative energies. Other than that, minimizing hunting and disruptions from oil and gas extraction can increase polar


bear populations. The WWF organization has successfully advocated for the creation of Circum Polar Bear plan. Not only this they are also ensuring that whatever development takes place in the Arctic is sustainable, and it does not damage wildlife habitats. Moreover the research in conserving their species is equally important. We need to educate more to people about their changing adaptations to climate change like their bodily condition, reproduction and survival trends.

CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Ecological Manifesto! Vihren Mitev

Vihren Mitev is a Ph.D. Scholar in Philosophical Anthropology at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. He is author of the Ecological Manifesto which led to the establishment of “Ecological Manifesto – ManEco” Foundation. Recently he is occupied with the development of the activities of the foundation and its strategic development.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Vihren Mitev has discussed that how the young people and warm hearted leaders can serve as a wave for sustainable development in the world affected by climate change.


e live in time when most of humanity has accumulated enough intellectual capital in order to realize that greed and boundaries between people are absolutely useless for its further development. Charitable initiatives are currently in place to help a large number of people in need to achieve the minimum conditions for their survival and to contribute to their cultural, intellectual and technological development. Unfortunately, much more work is needed. It is extremely unfair for some to live in luxury, while others have no roof over their heads, drink dirty water, and eat scantily. We have been keeping our eyes closed for these people long enough and we continue to ignore their problems. The time has come for us to resolutely begin thinking and acting on all these issues. This means to self-educate ourselves, because such way of thinking cannot come from the past, it is a product of the present. In such manner we should educate our children. Part of humanity has long ago entered a phase in which it is saturated with food and goods.

The ClimAct

The problem is that those goods are not spread evenly. Every day, food, clothing, and raw materials are thrown out while there are people who are still deprived of them. It is therefore extremely important that they are used in an optimal way saving some of the resources for their production. It is important for self-education to include new principles and methods for solving these problems because it is obvious that the momentary satisfaction of partial needs does not result in their full satisfaction. Let us note here that it is not a question of making some people living on the backs of others but to help those in need so that they will be able to support themselves independently in future and rise their living standards. For example, feeding a needy homeless person will save him for day, but in no case will change his way of living. Relying solely on external assistance of the state and its institutions is not always the right solution of the problems because such organizations have no opportunity or means to respond to any locallyoccurring problems to which we are the closest ones – we, the self-thinking, educated and humane people.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

People who do not think in terms of here and now and only for themselves but for the future generations that will live in several places in space another side of the absurd situation in which we all will soon be. One of the global problems that already have come to mankind in the coming decades is the change of the climate which endangers many by natural anomalies and upheavals. People are living with its phenomenon and neglect it but climate anomalies caused by significant human impact on Earth’s geology and ecosystems are not normal! As a consequence, a large number of people see themselves compelled to look for new homes. It is becoming increasingly clear how important it is action to be taken in this direction. Exploitation of natural resources is different aspect of the same topic. It seems that people are working towards solving these problems but their full elimination is still far away. It is therefore necessary new powers to be included in the struggle for preserving the natural world. We can be these powers that will radiate a new way of thinking about these problems, and with small personal examples, will trigger a wave of greater self-awareness and action.

The ClimAct

Self-education is required, active follow-up and implementation of the ideas set out in the Ecological Manifesto. This is the task; this is our task. Change can come from inside to outside, if the opposite happen we should be happy but experience is showing that this is highly unlikely to happen. Even the responsibilities of the institutions depend on the conscience of individuals working in them. Doing good is always good for someone. Caring for life, health, knowledge, and nature will always free up time and resources that can be harnessed more efficiently. We have to realize that saving our resources is aiming at the decrease of producing unneeded goods, process based on self-incurred immaturity, greed and vanity on one hand, and rethinking of what humans are and where they are going, on another. One more thing – in long term perspective nature doesn't need man to survive, but man needs nature for its survival. It is time for a wave of young people and warm hearted leaders for whom living in peace is the basis for development, and ecology - a mandatory foundation for sustainable progress. It is time for rethinking the rapidly changing world.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

ClimAct Theme


Climate Change and Biodiversity

The ClimAct

This section addresses how the climate change has altered the global biodiversity and what are the solutions for conservation and preservation of biodiversity.

Destruction of Natural Ecosystems causing loss of Biodiversity By Siddiqa Soomro


Biodiversity: The pool of Life affected by Climate Change By Shankar Bhandari


Climate Change and Wildlife Conservation By Sana Fatima



CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Destruction of Natural Ecosystems causing loss of Biodiversity

Siddiqa Soomro Siddiqa Soomro is student of BE in Environmental Engineering and Management. She has done her research work in Energy and Environment. She has research publication on Allam cycle.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Siddiqa Soomro examines that destruction of natural resources resulting from climate change causing absence of habitats and biodiversity loss. She also presents amazing solutions to the problem!


limate change affects the lives globally. All leaders of the world agreeing on cutting down the emissions and other anthropogenic harmful actions they result in climate change. Massive and serious actions are being taken to tackle this emergency situation. Climate change affects the natural ecosystems. Ecosystems that are sources of natural resources providing food, shelter, supports economy, water purification, carbon sequestration, soil stabilization, recreation, control of climate, cultural values and above all regulates natural balance of earth. Besides that goods and services are provision to humans, they are the habitats to the flora and fauna. Supports the biodiversity of our earth. Biodiversity is when all the different kinds of

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life is found in one region or area. Variety of animals, plants, fungi, and also includes microorganisms like bacteria that make up our natural world. All the species work together in ecosystem, like an intricate web, to maintain natural balance and support life. Biodiversity supports everything in nature that we need to survive: food, clean water, medicine, and shelter. It boosts ecosystem productivity. For example, a larger number of plant species means a greater variety of crops. Greater species diversity ensures natural sustainability for all life forms. Human behavior and their brutal use of natural resources are responsible for climate change and as the result climate change destroys our natural ecosystems.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Various changes in Birds and insect species are observed, like birds to migrate early. Recent studies have shown that migrating birds are affected by climate change and in result they arrive in their breeding grounds earlier as the global temperature rises. Tree line in mountainous ecosystem changes. Structure and composition of the terrestrial ecosystem are also changes such as elevated lianas in tropical forest are increasing.

Loss of Arctic sea ice threatens biodiversity across an entire biome and beyond. Around the world, coral reefs have been dying largely due to climate change. Charlie Veron, an Australian marine biologist who is widely regarded as the world’s foremost expert on coral reefs. The future is horrific, he says. ‘’There is no hope of reefs surviving to even mid-century in any form that we now recognize. If, and when, they go, they will take with them about one-third of the world’s marine biodiversity. Then there is a domino effect, as reefs fail so will other ecosystems. This is the path of a mass extinction event, when most life, especially tropical marine life, goes extinct’’.

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AR4 of IPCC report suggests that approximately 10% species are at high risk of extinction with every 1° C rise of global temperature. Marine and freshwater habitats, wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs, arctic ecosystems, alpine ecosystems, and cloud forests are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Montane species and endemic species are also becoming vulnerable because of limited habitat in their respective ecosystems that are gradually decreasing. Trees are vanishing from forests, industries discharge their untreated wastewater into natural water bodies, due to power plant emissions global warming occurs, earth temperature rises day by day causing climate change, land use, soil erosion, and sedimentation in water bodies, illegal hunting of species made them threatened and now they are being extinct.

CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Losing the biodiversity as the habitats of the species are destroyed. Melting of Ice glaciers due to global warming destroys habitats of Polar Bears, penguins, Musk Oxen and others. Oil pollution, conversion of lands into agriculture is the main cause of habitat loss, grazing lands. With increasing human demands there is an increase in burden on the planet, consuming more resources than ever before, we are at a high risk by destroying the balance of ecosystems and losing biodiversity. According to WWF’s 2018 living planet report an average 60% decline in global populations of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians since 1970. Humans have overfished the oceans, cleared forests, polluted our water sources, and created a climate crisis. These actions are impacting biodiversity around the world, from the most exotic places to our own backyards.

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New report from the Intergovernmental SciencePolicy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), presents a threatening picture,” said IPBES Chair, Sir Robert Watson. “The health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever. We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide.” Many ecosystem services depend on the biodiversity. No doubt Problems are huge and dangerous and it’s late but not that much. The need is to restore and rehabilitate the natural ecosystems by sustainable and economic keys so that the solution become environmentally. Socially, culturally acceptable and executable without any conflicts.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

The world is now taking keen interest in tackling the climate issues and the serious initiatives are also taken to mitigate the problems. Many lakes in U.S that have been extremely contaminated by eutrophication are now restored by rehabilitation techniques to its pristine condition. Similarly forest restoration to sustain biodiversity and other goods and services, different international and national organizations taking actions and control what goes in and what comes out of ocean to conserve marine species and maintain their biodiversity, restoration of desserts and their conversion into other terrestrial ecosystems are also playing vital role in sustaining the biodiversity, monetary funds to maintain the existing ecosystems for migratory birds and other species. Strict Rules and regulation against the illegal hunting of birds, animals. These all are the positive initiatives for conserving the natural ecosystems and their biodiversity. Policy makers should take serious actions about biodiversity conservation sustainably and in ecofriendly way disregarding of borders, power, hate among nations, conflict on hold of resources and other country issues. This disastrous situation should be handled as an owner of whole world by each and every human on a governmental, institutional, personal levels.

‘‘Truth be told... Biodiversity is worth more than Gold’’

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)


“If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.” ― Maurice Maeterlinck

The Life of the Bee

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Biodiversity: The Pool of Life affected by Climate Change Shankar Bhandari

Shankar Bhandari is pursuing Masters Degree in Biodiversity and Political Science in Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Shankar Bhandari discusses the importance of biodiversity in this article. What is Biodiversity?

Indigenous forests provide carbon sinks and purify the air we breathe. Forests also provide products such as timber, fuel, food and medicines. Our farming, forestry and horticulture depend on the resources and services provided by biological systems. Indirectly, changes in ecosystem services affect livelihoods, income, local migration and, on occasion, may even cause political conflict. From an aesthetic point of view, every one of the millions of species is unique, a natural work of art that cannot be recreated once lost. “Each higher organism is richer in information than a Caravaggio painting, a Bach fugue, or any other great work,” wrote Prof Edward O Wilson, often called the “father of biodiversity”, in a seminal paper in 1985.

Biodiversity refers to all the variety of life that can be found on Earth (plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms) as well as to the communities that they form and the habitats in which they live. The term was coined in 1985 – a contraction of “biological diversity”. This biodiversity must be understood within each species, between species and ecosystems. How diverse is biodiversity? To date, a total of 1.3 million species have been identified and described, but the truth is that many more live on Earth. The most accurate census, conducted by the Hawaii’s University, estimates that a total of 8.7 million species live on the planet. If we take this figure as good, it means that we have described only 15% of all the organisms that live on Earth. To be more precise, we still have 86% of the terrestrial species to be described and 91% of the marine species. In spite of these figures, the dance of numbers is important and the different investigations carried out give different values, reaching the point that some point out that there would be 100 million species. The heartland of biodiversity is the tropics, which teems with species. What is clear is that we have a long way to go until we have a complete catalog of species. Worst of all, many of these unidentified species are becoming extinct before we discover them.

Why should we care about Biodiversity?

Seismic eruptions, ice ages, continental collision and asteroid impact are thought to be some of the causes of the previous five mass extinctions. This time though, humans are to blame. The extinction rate of species is now thought to be about 1,000 times higher than before humans dominated the planet, which may be even faster than the losses after a giant meteorite wiped out the dinosaurs 65m years ago. The sixth mass extinction in geological history has already begun, according to some scientists. Lack of data means the “red list”, produced by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, has only assessed 5% of known species. But for the best known groups it finds many are threatened: 25% of mammals, 41% of amphibians and 13% of birds. The total number of animals has halved since the 1970s in what some scientists have termed the start of Earth’s sixth mass extinction.

Why is biodiversity important? People depend on biodiversity in their daily lives, in ways that are not always apparent or appreciated. Our biodiversity provides the life supporting systems that enable all organisms, including humans, to survive. Our wetlands purify water and help prevent flooding and drought.

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What are the threats to Biodiversity?

Human population growth is one of the major drivers for biodiversity loss. The human activities convert wild areas into farmland, housing and industrial sites. Man-made problems like pollution, climate change and deforestation are threatening more species. The number of mammals listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (ICUN) Red List increased by 12% between 2006 and 2018. During the same period, endangered insect species rose by 147% and mollusks by 125%.

What can be done? It is important to control the economic activities that are highly inefficient and are threatening the ecological balance on earth. Resources like forests, wildlife must be conserved at a sustainable rate by taking various approaches to save them. Only setting aside areas of reserves may not suffice as a solution to conserving biodiversity. Instead, it is important to understand the ecological processes like pollination, predation, seed dispersal etc which allow for interactions between various species of animals and plants and ensure them. Protected area networks such as more national parks and wildlife sanctuaries provide habitats to the plants and the animal species and thus conserve ecosystems appropriate to their survival. Surveys must be done to collect adequate data on the species of plants and animals. Protection of biodiversity lying outside the protected areas is important owing to the habitat fragmentation and losses suffered by various species. A correct approach towards integration of protected and non-protected areas should be followed to check the isolated population structure of species that are moving towards extinction. Biodiversity conservation is important as Homo sapiens is linked to the natural world and its survival is possible only if biodiversity is rightly conserved.

The abusive use of pesticides is causing the massive death of bees, insects essential for pollination and, therefore, for the provision of food. As we have seen before, agriculture needs land and, when it is not available, large areas are destroyed. When a species is introduced, these compete for space and resources with the natives, so that local species are harmed. If, in addition, these new species displace the locals then they have an invasive behavior. In Hawaii, human activity and the introduction of new species such as the rat has caused the disappearance of 90% of native bird species. Climate change is responsible for the alteration of habitats and the conditions in which the species live.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Climate Change and Wildlife Conservation Sana Fatima

Sana Fatima is an experienced Environment Health Safety Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the environmental services industry. Skilled in Environmental Compliance, Inspection, Safety Management Systems, Manufacturing, and Teamwork. Strong healthcare services professional with a Master's degree focused in Environmental Studies from Karachi University, and currently associated with textile sectors as health and safety specialists. The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Do we know what is the meaning of nature preservation?

No more walks! No more posters! No more media coverage!

An area protected by law from “Human Interference”.

Need immediate rehabilitation!

A shame full reality!!! The health of wildlife, people & their habitat are all interconnected with each other. Effects on one part directly or indirectly affect another part of it. Human Induced climate change already impacting several species throughout the world. Climate change becomes a most influencing environmental threat now. As we humans are responsible for rising earth’s temperature, for melting ice sheets, for massive change in precipitation, droughts & unbearable extreme heat waves, because of us, life getting endangered. The real worst picture of the world’s ecosystem, different






descriptive alarming reports strictly warned us to be concerned, to be stopped, to be attentive, but our eyes remain closed.

Wildlife Conservation Initiatives By considering these extreme environmental threats, Wildlife Conservation becomes a most

needed step towards the sustainable ecosystem due to the negative effects of human interruptions in nature. Wildlife conservation is the name of practice for a balanced ecosystem which could sustain endangered species. Throughout the world, there are number of non-profit organizations are highly active to take part in wildlife conservation &

The Wildlife Welfare Society

The Wildlife Welfare Society has come forward as one of the first local proactive Non-Profit NGO which serves the cause of protecting wildlife through the support of local community by educating them, conserving the wildlife, rehabilitating the endangered and researching on wildlife.

to prevent the extinction of species.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

wildlife experience center The ClimAct

The Wildlife Experience Center (TWEC), being a first petting zoos in Pakistan. TWEC is a project of The Wildlife Welfare Society. The center is a petting zoo with four core objectives; education, conservation, rehabilitation and research. With these four cores as foundation, TWEC aims to create, promote and spread awareness amongst the general populace about wildlife & mobilized to keep a check on wildlife issues through public awareness.

TWEC has the largest variety of hand-raised exotic birds and also of many other tamed animals with whom people may interact and learn about them. TWEC is also equipped with excellent media facilities and has been supported by the media industry; with these TWEC is also moving towards making quality documentaries and presentations, meanwhile also arranging the workshops and seminars on different topics about wildlife.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

TWEC Rehabilitation Program •

Rescuing animals from illegal trade

Adaptation of orphaned animals

To provide specialized therapy as well as necessary treatments to the injured animals till recovery

Recreational Activities Some of the recreational activities

include having photographs with the pet animals and playing with them. These photos they take home with the moments in which they experienced the unconditional love these animals

Volunteer Program

have for them.

TWEC has an extremely proactive volunteer program for students from all fields where they may put their energies to a constructive cause.

Several TV shows also invited TWEC to participate in order to

educate, entertain and promote people so that love for wildlife might be induced in minds. Media industry

Internship Program

constantly seeks expert opinion from

TWEC has an extremely proactive volunteer program for students from all fields where they may put their energies to a constructive cause.

The ClimAct

TWEC whenever any issue pertaining to wildlife comes into the light.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Its importance is unlimited. Wildlife conservation has directly impacts on humans as well as on plants & animal life & whole environment of the planet. Wildlife conservation is the assurance that our coming generations can enjoy this natural world & the species flora & fauna live within it.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Adaptation & Mitigation The ClimAct

ClimAct Theme

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation This section addresses the how the global communities have adapt and mitigate to climate change through innovative ways.

Are we there yet? Another Disaster in the journey to identify appropriate Climate Adaptation By Daniel Gbujie


Tree Plantation: The Most Powerful Weapon to Mitigate Climate Change


By Kanwal Khatri


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Flooded homes are seen after Cyclone Idai in Buzi District outside Beira, Mozambique, on March 21, 2019

Are we there yet? Another disaster in the Journey to identifying appropriate Climate Adaptation

Daniel Gbujie

Daniel Gbujie is the CEO of a global not for profit organization legally registered in the USA. He is one of young leading global environment advocate from African descent, inventor, an international speaker and has shared the stage with famous global environment activists.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

A family stranded on top of their homes a Cyclone Idai in Buzi District outside Beira, Mozambique, on March 21, 2019

Photo credited to Siphiwe Sibeko Daniel Gbujie raises his concern towards the question “Are we there yet?� while emphasizing it to be answered by citizens of the world, as we witness before our eyes the unending patterns of extreme weather currently destroying some part of Africa and another part of the world.


he continent of Africa is the least emitter of carbon dioxide the major element fingered in global warming crisis but unfortunately we are the ones that are most vulnerable to the impact of climate change continent on earth. The devastation of 3 weeks ago by a cyclone has shown that clearly. Tropical Cyclone Idai struck March 11 and officially is the deadliest storm to hit Mozambique in the last 3 decade, according to AccuWeather research. This category 3 equivalent Hurricane called Idai has killed over a 1,000 people in Mozambique so far, with government personnel saying that the death toll may be higher. The reason cited for the government position is that they don't know the number of people washed away or buried in the throes of the storm. More than 900,000 oral cholera vaccines arrived in Mozambique for the launch of a vaccination campaign hold on 3rd of April 2019, three weeks after Tropical Cyclone Idai barreled into the country packing the power equivalent to a Category 3 hurricane and leaving mass devastation in its wake.

The ClimAct

There have been two reported deaths from cholera with more than 1,400 other recently confirmed cases, if the report from Associated Press are to be believed. As medical personnel, I understand that the weeks ahead are important post-flooding and speedy response is of the essence if we are to save lives and limit suffering of the mass. The same position the regional coordinator of World Health Organization (WHO) regional director for Africa Dr. Matshidiso Moeti reiterated this week. Now consider, these facts the deadliest cyclone attack in Africa devastated the nation of Malawi, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. It displaced more than 489,056 people in Mozambique, and killed over 259 people in Zimbabwe and 58 in Malawi. Consider this, an 11-hour heavy downpour in Freetown, Sierra Leone caused flooding and the resulting mudslides in 2017 in Africa, which killed more than 800 people. and few weeks after a similar heavy rainfall shut down the city of lagos in July 2017 with millions of dollars of properties lost and over 50 deaths confirmed with people still missing till date.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

The question is are we there yet?

Clearly, the story I heard 20 years ago about my hometown having arable land in being a beautiful fertile grassland is obviously a mirage presently. The region has been heavily depleted with rising evidence of degradation and active exploration of fossil fuel (Oil) have been implicated through the unending government corruption of funds from the proceeds also have been proven and the large money received may be the reason why Government is not fully committed to transiting to renewable energy. Unfortunately, there appears to be a global conspiracy or some form of external interference by multinational corporations in the oil and financial sector never to allow the largest oil producing nation in Africa (Nigeria) to divest into a cleaner renewable form of energy to save her citizens. I still remember standing on a farmland in Ogoni, Niger Delta few years ago in the Southern part of Nigeria with my feet surrounded by tangled green grassland that appears carefully arranged with plants like Maize and cassava growing in alternate row on the small landscape, and clean water flowing from the nearby river hydrating the crops, It was indeed a beautiful sight that scenario doesn't exit the grass are black with crude oil, causes from leaking of the pipes or from hoodlums vandalizing the exposed pipe to make quick money either way the field is completely devastated, with rising daily temperature it only makes things worse with no fertile soil to plant crops livelihood are destroyed. This crisis will affect all people and ecosystems, particularly vulnerable people like women, young people, elderly, physically challenged, people with debilitating illnesses and poor people. The narrative gets a little scary with the 2018 report of catastrophic projection from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from the analyses of data collected. There appears to be a strong broad consensus that temperatures will rise faster than global averages in Africa, and the results of this fast rise in temperature will lead to changes in timing

The ClimAct

and quantity of rainfall.

This will have significant social consequences and with a projection of about 4 degrees Celsius in 70 years considerable areas in Africa, will be inhabitable, meaning more transhuman migration will be inevitable, plus we may be looking at an unprecedented humanitarian crisis if we don't act now. The question posed early can now be answered; Yes we are there, and we are in a dangerous situation because of the global warming crisis and now is the time to act. Rather than fight over our partisan and political agenda lets fight for the future of our kids , they are the as global citizen who will inherit this kind of earth already degraded, we must not condemn them and their own children to a future we know too well is beyond there capacity to make better. We are already experiencing an early phase of Ecocide effect with the rising temperature, rising sea level , unprecedented number of cyclones, longer period of drought and heavy rainfall with flooding across the continent and all over the world. We are there official at the edge of an global ecological disaster and there is hope if we urgently engage ourselves as human and begin to provide the needed climate leadership and direction towards addressing climate change. It is in our interest and those of our kids to start now way to act responsibly to mother nature. In conclusion, there is a reality that citizens in the continent and cross the globe, will continue to adapt to a worsening eco-space but we can make the path to adaptation much easier only if we work together to take sincere climate action. Since all the African governments agree on is the culpability of their respective nation to climate change impact, then a shared interest in Continental climate solutions was be negotiated and new forms of cooperation among African states and Western nation must be encouraged. Only if we work together compassionately as global citizens can we truly address the climate crisis and then sincerely achieve the sustainable development goals.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Tree Plantation: The Most Powerful Weapon to Mitigate Climate Change

Kanwal Khatri

Mrs. Kanwal Khatri is an Environmental Scientist with experience in conduct of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies, developing Environmental Management Plans and making recommendation to implement the environmental compliance and to resolve environmental issues such as pollution, conservation, and resource replenishment through the application of scientific research and methodology where practicable. She completed her Master's degree in Environmental Studies from Karachi University, and currently associated with consulting firm.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Kanwal Khatri discusses the issue of air pollution in Pakistan with specific focus on Karachi. To combat climate change she emphasizes that tree plantation initiatives and running campaigns are vital.


arth was a beautiful landscape but man has exploited for his greed specially, in the last century. The increase of industrialization





environmental pollution as serious and challenging

problem. Over exploitation of open spaces, increasing number of automobiles and demographic pressure has further intensified the


It has been observed that Pakistan is one of the

underdeveloped country with weak institutional and organized system for the conservation and protection of environment. Current major environmental issue in Pakistan’s biggest city Karachi is the air pollution, people are suffering from common cold, bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases due to the exceeded level of air pollutants in the city.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Over the decades, Karachi has become a concrete jungle due to poor implementation of the city’s development plans. Also the instability of concerned authorities is responsible for the many environmental issues in Karachi. Traffic police is mostly vulnerable to air pollution and they developed the respiratory diseases within the 3 months of their duties.

The air is being continuously polluted in

urban areas through heavy traffic, industry, domestic fuel combustion, stone quarries, etc. The increasing number of diesel trucks has further added to the problem. The burning of municipal solid waste is additionally a major cause of pollution within the geographical area. The burning of solid waste at low temperatures not only generates PM, but also produces other carcinogenic pollutants. With respect of pollution, between the 1,600 cities in 91 countries around the globe, regrettably three Pakistani cities have

made the list of 20 most polluted places in the world for six years consecutively, from 2008 to 2013. It include the Karachi, Peshawar and Rawalpindi. According to the WHO ambient (outdoor) air pollution report, higher annual mean concentration of particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5 were observed in the city of Karachi. Moreover, new developmental






intimidating the existence of greenery/ plantation and their subsequent cutting will not only intensify Greenhouse Gas Emissions






vulnerability to extreme weather events. There are various ways and means to tackle the urban environmental pollution. Plantation of trees and shrubs is better and more sustainable way to control air pollution, improve the environmental conditions and combat climate change across the world.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Similarly, Pakistan is contributing to initiate such campaign and to fight against the most challenging situation and complication of climate change. In this effort the Shifa Foundation is organizing plantation drives in the capital. Shifa Foundation as dedicated non-profit






betterment of environment and organized four tree plantation initiatives in Islamabad till date, planted a large number of trees around the city.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Recommendation for Tree Plantation Programme in Karachi The best season for tree plantation is from

February to March and July to August. 

storm water drainage but serve as recharge zones for groundwater

Trees should be planted along major

replenishment. However, currently the

drains in the city as it would serve as

city is facing the decline in groundwater

demarcation for the drain, a barrier to

recharge which badly affected the less

encroachment as well as absorb some

privileged areas of Karachi as they mostly

pollutants. 

depends on the groundwater resources

The valuable deciduous trees for Karachi

due to shortage of surface water supply.

are Gulmohar and Amaltas. Also the

indigenous varieties such as; Laal

matter by 25%, also each hectare of

giving trees that provide shade.

plantation could produce adequate

Trees such as Tamarind having smaller

oxygen for the survival of almost 45

compound leaves are generally more

persons. This strategy has been absorbed

efficient particle collectors as compare to

in Singapore and Pakistan need to adopt

larger leaves.

these international strategies to combat climate change within the country.

Plantation of wind-pollinated trees are recommended as during rainy season rains

will wash out extra pollens. 

Proper planting scheme should be initiated for Karachi such as planting native species on the road side, fruit trees

Those trees should be avoided which attract insects, dropping messy fruits, seed

pods twigs and leaves as well as emit foul

in parks, replacement of conocarpus trees, replacement of diseased and damaged trees, and watering till the self-

smell. 

Planting a single row of trees with or without shrubs will reduce particulate

Badaam and Jaamun are valuable fruit-

Green belt development not only help in

sustainability. It will not only cleanse the

Before the plantation of trees, their local

particulate air pollution but also help to

ecological relationship with human

make cities and towns more pleasant

environment has to be studied properly as

places to survive and live in.

due to airborne pollen grains they may cause allergic ailments.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

ClimAct Theme


Climate Change and Technology

The ClimAct

This section addresses the how the technological advancement has revolutionize the world and helps to mitigate the impacts of climate change through cost-effective solutions.

Regulate Frequencies of Man Made Infrastructure to Mitigate Global Weather By Deivis Bluz


Tackling Climate Change with Personal Weather Stations By Muhammad Taha



CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Regulate Frequencies of Man Made Infrastructure to Mitigate Global Weather

Deivis Blus emphasis in the article

Deiviz Bluz

regarding the human made infrastructure and its impacts on the actions taken to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Deivis Bluz is a enthusiastic person who studies movement of air. He has a broad vision how to mitigate weather extremes on our planet. He has a Masters degree in business and computers. He is looking for a scientific institution or an IT company to turn his vision into technology.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)


e can look at weather and climate on our planet as waves of pollution, pressure, air, heat or cold, humidity and precipitation.

Antenna creates a field and emits waves through it. We can look at a building, a street, a town as antenna too. A building separates air inside from outside, holds and connects again. Air in a building assumes shape of rooms, heats up or cools down, changes it’s humidity and composition. A building is connected to electric wires, pipes of water, sewage, gas, internet, phone, television. Equipments and people are active or inactive at certain rooms and directions. Heat moves towards cold. Air moves in and out of a building through windows and doors. Furniture and equipments inside a building are located paralel to a wall and have their permanent place. People stand, sit, lay down, move at a particular place in a particular direction, things move and stop at a place of furniture. Man begins his day in his bed in a particular direction and ends his day in his bed.

Create an electronic real-time map. Show activity (active rooms, furniture, places and equipments) in a building and streams of water, electricity, heat or cold, air entering and leaving a building and their directions. Every electric device transforms electric field as designed. Electricity networks through electric meters should show where and how electric field is created, fluctuates and is transformed on a real time map. Main purpose of a device can be classified into movement, rotation, connection, separation, sound, light and smell. There are other waves that are not a main purpose of the device. Create an electronic map and make a building, a traffic light, a town as a center of our planet i.e. make a centre of a building or a town or a traffic light as a center of our planet by providing it coordinates 0 longitude and a 0 latitude and astronomical time. Then turn a map parallel to a wall of a building in the direction of a stream or an

The ClimAct

event. Recalculate time and coordinates of all other buildings, traffic lights and meteorological stations of our planet using this new center of our planet. People, things move in a direction of streets and connect buildings and towns. Traffic moves and stops in a direction of streets and creates waves in air. Traffic lights cut traffic. Turn a map of the globe in a direction of a street. Every street regulates speed of traffic (to slow down or to speed up) and a pulse of traffic lights so that heat, wind, humidity, sound and pollution of a town emits a pulse for meteorological stations of our planet to meet given values at given time. Design of all furniture, equipments, buildings, towns is based on geometry. We divide one circle into 360 degrees. We divide one rotation of our planet into 360*240 seconds. Every electronic equipment with timer should show several clocks i.e. time of the timezone (for communication), astronomical time of a device, astronomical time of a center of a building, astronomical time of a center of a town, time of a day (daylight time divided into 43200 intervals and dark time of a day divided into 43200 intervals because plants inhale during dark time and exhale during day light time), time of moon cycle (time from one new moon to the next divided into 30*360*240 (30*120*720) intervals) and time of year (time from one spring equinox to the next divided into 360*360*240 intervals). Moon creates high tides and low tides. Plants, animals and humans are affected by moon cycle. Plants and animals follow sun cycle i.e. solstices and equinoxes. When we need to activate and intensify certain cycle, measure the state of a device using certain clock. We can make every building, street, town into antenna which emits waves of humidity, heat or cold, pollution, wind, sound in air by measuring state of equipments, doors and windows using different clocks and regulating temperature, humidity in rooms of buildings, closing and opening doors and windows in public buildings when there is no human activity i.e. during non-business hours.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Create an electronic real time map of meteorological stations. Every building, traffic light or town provides coordinates for all meteorological stations and every meteorological station gets values (speed and direction of wind, humidity, pressure, temperature, percipitation) and time. When a value of certain parameter needs to increase, meteorological station measurers it more frequently. When a value of certain parameter needs to decrease, meteorological station measurers it less frequently. WMO creates a desired weather forecast for a whole planet seen via meteorological satellites for certain planetary alignment of sun, moon and meteorological station on our planet. Weather simulating software observes change of weather via satellite network and coordinates parameters between meteorological stations on the ground and meteorological satellites. Meteorological stations measure and coordinate waves emitted by buildings, streets, towns and countries to get given values at given time.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Tackling Climate Change with Personal Weather Stations Muhammad Taha

Muhammad Taha is a graduate in BE Environmental Engineering from NUST, Islamabad, with a year’s experience in an environmental consultancy firm, Hagler Bailly Pakistan. He is a weather enthusiast and analyst Along with his team, he actively advocates against climate change in Pakistan and posts weather forecasts, advisories, alerts and “newscasts”.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Muhammad Taha discusses the installation of personal weather stations at local level which can be a cost-effective and eco-friendly way to control climate change.

Rawalpindi/Islamabad Weather, a

represent the twin cities; namely

Facebook fan page, was founded in

Islamabad Zero Point and Rawalpindi

July 2014 to provide accurate and


localized weather forecasts for the


twin cities by utilizing various

“microclimate� that exists in the

online weather forecasting models

region and it continues to adversely

and the knowledge and experience

affect the population under the

of local weather enthusiasts. After

scenario of climate change. Over the



past couple of decades, the increased

thunderstorm in recorded history of

intensity of wind storms, downdrafts

the twin cities wreaked havoc on

(that often prove to be particularly

June 1, 2016, which claimed the

damaging locally), localized heavy

lives of 40 people as per Dawn, we

rainfall events and extremity in








have in






be the


conditions and an early warning

temporal and spatial coverage of

system was the need of the hour.

weather parameters within the twin

We strongly felt an early warning

cities so that we could provide timely

system was essential because the

advisories, weather alerts and storm

twin cities exhibit highly variable

warnings on our Facebook page to

weather conditions in terms of wind,

the unaware public. Consequently,

rainfall, temperatures to name a few,

from late-2016, we started to expand



the existing personal weather station

events due to their geographical

(PWS) network to meet this demand.

location. For example, rainfall on

By early 2019, we had installed 17

average is much greater close to the




covered weather conditions of entire

documented to decrease sharply

Rawalpindi city and most areas of


Islamabad, hosting the densest PWS












network in all of South Asia.

meteorological observatories used to

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

weather stations The ClimAct

A Davis Vantage Vue weather

This is the console of the PWS

station installed in November

installed in

2016 in Bahria Town Phase-2,

Bahria Town. Through radio

Rawalpindi at the rooftop of a

signals, the data is transmitted


to the console.

This independently-owned Davis

This Davis Vue installed in August

Pro-2 6163 PWS in Westridge,

2017, at the rooftop of a residence,




CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

With the extensive network, we were able to

While our PWS in Bahria Town captured a

capture the variation and extremity in weather

prolonged downdraft with maximum wind gust of

events more accurately, as stated:

158 km/h and caused property and tree damage. No

On May 24, 2019, due to localized








downdrafts, extremely heavy rain struck south-east

demonstrating variable conditions everywhere and

parts of twin cities, where our PWS in DHA-2, in

how with the increased frequency of such events, the

south-east Islamabad recorded 101 mm rainfall

network has proved beneficial as it helps warn

while the official observatories recorded 58.5 mm


at Rawalpindi, Chaklala while 30 mm at Islamabad

The PWS network has also helped us capture

Zero Point. A PWS in I-8/3, Islamabad recorded

the extent of urban heat island (UHI) of Rawalpindi

only 26 mm rainfall.

city. Until about 10 years ago, according to data

In late-August 2017, our PWS in Bahria

available from official observatories, the overnight

Town Phase-2 in south-east Rawalpindi captured a

temperatures of Rawalpindi were only 1-2 °C



warmer compared to Islamabad city however in

considerable tree damage in the area. The PWS

recent years, rapid urbanization and rampant tree-

captured unbelievable conditions as the maximum

cutting has led to urban localities of Rawalpindi to be

instantaneous rain rate reached 450 mm/h and

up to 3-5 °C warmer compared to the much-greener

recorded 35 mm rainfall within 5 minutes with

Islamabad, as captured by our PWS, particularly on

wind gusts of 105 km/h! The PWS in other areas

calm nights with low humidity, which indicates



gradual warming of night-time temperatures of

precipitation, yet this localized event, which would

Rawalpindi and more pungent effects of heat waves

otherwise have gone unnoticed was documented,

on the public.







providing evidence of increased localized extreme

With the success of our PWS network and

events due to climate change in recent years.

Rawalpindi/Islamabad Weather in the twin cities, we

On July 13, 2017, a cloudburst occurred in

decided to go on the national platform. Therefore, on

G-8/2 in northern Islamabad city yielding 158 mm

27 February 2019, we launched a new fan page on

rainfall and resulted in flooding of various Nullahs

Facebook, “Weather Busters Pakistan”, where we

of Islamabad and in Nullah Lai in Rawalpindi,

provide weather forecasts, alerts, nowcasts and

while our DHA-2, Islamabad PWS only recorded

warnings for the entire country in English and Urdu

23.4 mm the same day, as the rain sharply

to benefit the farmers, and have also been searching

decreased away from Margalla Hills.

for serious weather enthusiasts who would be willing

On June 6, 2017, our PWS in G-8/2,

to host PWS in other cities and towns, especially in

Islamabad recorded violent localized conditions as

areas with no meteorological observatories in order

a maximum wind gust of 164 km/h occurred

to enhance the quality and spatial coverage of

during a severe microburst.

weather events and to play our part in developing a strategy to mitigate climate change.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

ClimAct Theme


Climate Change and Politics

The ClimAct

This section addresses the how the political environment of the countries addresses the climate change globally. This section also envisions the political reforms and their efforts towards climate change, particularly in Pakistan.

UN Climate-Policy-Compatible Ecofeminist Gender Action Plan to Address Climate Change By Faizan Ali


The Climatic Blitzkrieg: We Are Losing Our War Against Climate Catastrophe By Ameer Ali



CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

UN Climate-PolicyCompatible Ecofeminist Gender Action Plan to Address Climate Change Faizan Ali

Faizan Ali is an Environmentalist and Sustainability Researcher. Aspires to pen and voice his expertise on solution-oriented knowledge of environmental management, climate security and sustainable development in Pakistan and Globally. The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Faizan Ali addresses that environmental risk and gender equality have always been the burning issues in ecofeminism.


he first is the empirical claim. In the

In the 1960s, ecofeminism further developed this

mid-1950s, some scholars began to

theory and proposed a “sexualized� symbolic

link environmental risks to gender

cognition of nature. The cognition equates the

equality for research. They found that

concept of nature with the concept of feminism and

the development and modernization process have

rationalizes human oppression and rule over nature.



Therefore, there is a deep internal relationship

environmental risks have a greater impact on

between human oppression and domination of nature

women. For example, American scholars Debra J.

and male oppression and domination of women.

Davidson and William R. Floydenberg have

The third is the knowledge theory claim. This theory

combed the study of environmental risks and

points out that it is precisely because women are

gender issues in American society from 1956 to

socially placed in fragile and closer social and

1996: discovering that women are more sensitive

cultural positions that they have the opportunity to

than men in terms of environmental risks.

grasp first-hand geo-knowledge, dexterities and

The second is the concept of symbolic claim. In the

professional skills to deal with environmental risks

early 20th century, the Frankfurt School of

and crises. For women themselves, these knowledge

Germany, as the main representative of neo-

and skills not only meet practical needs, but also

Marxism, pointed out that there is a "persistent

reflect their self-worth.






interest" between the rule of the nature and human.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Since the beginning of the 21st century, ecofeminism has paid more attention to gender equality from the perspective of climate change, focusing on environmental risks and gender equality. This is closely related to the various conventions and action-guides issued by the United Nations. Women are suffering from the burden of climate change In the development of global capitalism, women, especially in developing countries, are suffering from the burden of climate change due to their socially disadvantaged position. However, in national and international environmental risk management,





overlooked. In fact, many cases from developing countries can also provide evidence for this view. For example, women with low caste status in India need to work tirelessly to compensate for crop losses caused by climate change. The scenarios in Pakistan are not very different either. The shortage and loss of nutrition, water and energy supplies caused by climate change require more labor and care. Most developing countries like India and Pakistan have to rely on women for such errands, which severely

limits women’s education. Opportunities have reduced their social mobility. According to statistics, about 54% of rural women in India had to walk 200 to 5 kilometers a day to get water. 1 out of every two women spent 210 hours a year to collect water just for their survival. Therefore, it is impossible for them to use this time to engage in other activities and escape poverty trap.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Gender Action Plan integrates gender into climate

observers and other stakeholders. However, the

change issues

relevant literature on gender balance objectives is

Since the signing of the Convention in 1992, the

prepared by the United Nations Secretariat. The

Parties to the Convention have convened the twenty

Chairman of the twenty-third session of the

-fourth session of the Conference of the Parties and

Conference of the Parties, Fiji Prime Minister Frank

are increasingly concerned about climate change

Bainimarama, commented that this is tantamount to

and gender equality. For example, a decision

“recognizing the role of women in climate action”.

adopted at

the twenty-third session of the

At the newly convened twenty-fourth session of the

Conference of the Parties in Bonn, Germany, in

Conference of the Parties, the Gender Affairs

2017 indicated that delegations and constituent

Officer of the United Nations Climate Change

agencies lacked progress on gender balance goals.

Secretariat presented some of the interim results of

In the spirit of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

the Gender Action Plan, including for the technical

Development, Member States believe that there is a

and decision-making bodies of the Convention.



Governments reviewed the Gender Composition

climate policies. At this meeting, the first Gender

Report prepared by the Secretariat, which stated that

Action Plan supporting the Gender Equality Climate

between the twenty-second session of 2016 and the

Action was adopted to integrate gender equality and

twenty-third session of the Conference of the

the promotion of women's rights and abilities into


climate change discussions and actions.

representatives increased by 5%.

The draft of the Plan was originally proposed by the

This shows that although the United Nations

Subsidiary Body for Implementation at the twenty-

currently organizes the international community,

second session of the Conference of the Parties as

especially with eco-feminist scholars, to advance

an annex to the Lima Work Programme on Gender

the process of gender equality in the context of

Issues to “promote women’s full, equal and

climate change, we must also have a clear



understanding that this process will be long and

climate policy, incorporating a gender perspective

difficult. Through the ups and downs, relevant

into the implementation of the Convention and the

international organizations and feminist scholars

focus of the work of Parties, the Secretariat, United

need to unite all the forces that can be united. Let

Nations entities, and all stakeholders”. Participants

more people join, understand and participate in this

in the plan include Parties, members of various

process and efforts at every level.











constituent bodies, United Nations organizations,

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

The Climatic Blitzkrieg: We Are Losing Our War Against Climate Catastrophe Ameer Ali

Ameer Ali has a passion of writing about the current issues. He has been an ardent student of some well-known teachers at NUML, Islamabad and Government College University, Lahore. Moreover, he has also excelled himself throughout his academic period. Currently, he is pursuing his higher education at Sindh University.

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Ameer Ali describes how the climate change is destroying the nature and in turn, we are losing the war against it. He further describes how the Pakistan has been a hot spot of climate change catastrophes.


ndeed, the invasion of climate change is

our constant disregard for the highly ruthless

wreaking havoc on the world’s vitality,

enemy is making all of us pay for it; the canons of

civilization, and nature. The troops of

climate change are constantly firing at our

climate change, such as torrential rains,

civilizational hubs, and all we have to offer is the

raged hurricanes, extreme weather conditions,

same old adamant ignorance; in this fit of trance,

and global warming are rapidly scattering in on

we are losing our war against climate change.

the otherwise smooth flow of life. All these





The air raid by the torrential rains, whenever it


bombards flooding rain, is toppling down the

unprepared. So, to this wondrously rapid pace of

routine activities across many regions of the

conquest by climate armies, mankind is


responding by cowering into bewilderment. Will this




climate change armies much like other invading


armies need no visas to cross the borders. Neither

mother planet? Are we not responsible for this

do they care about religion, creed, race, or nation.

criminal ignorance? Are we really doomed to a

The atmospheric armies are like fascists, they

catastrophic end? True, the enemy is at the gate:

The ClimAct

Of course, as it goes these days, the

attack everyone by asserting their superiority.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

It was not far ago when the air attack was brutally

of rain was tactical enough in hitting most

unleashed against Iran and Saudi Arabia; this aerial

vulnerable areas in so an accurate manner that it

assault was highly damaging that both the countries

makes us feel very taste of the damage done. It, in

were shocked to their senses- I wish both Saudi

fact, injures collective soul of globe, and mother

Arabia and Iran formed alliance against their

planet limps ahead painfully. It is even much more

common, climatic enemy- most of their regions

painful to say that we are committing matricide by

were flooded overnight. Besides, this bombardment

treacherously collaborating with enemy.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Apart from making use of a lethal weapon like

The earth is suffocating, and we are watching it

rain, the enemy air force is so much dangerous as it


also attacks with the powerful weapon of

Much crueler than hurricanes are the canons of

hurricanes. The very sight of a hurricane is so

heatwaves fired by the climate change artillerymen.

much horrible that hardly any one would dare to

The artillerymen of climate change, such as

confront it. So, here we are again to help the much

industries, vehicles, green houses, and other means of

more powerful enemy against our maternal planet.

carbon emissions are actually paving the way for the

Our fears are conquering us, and the fury of

brutality of heatwaves. The rising of temperature in

climate change is also taking away our spirit of

Tokyo has reached its historic high. Similarly, the hot

bravery and self-sacrifice from us. (We are slowly

days are getting much hotter and more frequent in the

contributing to the eternal death of this planet

southern, geographical areas of Pakistan. Especially

never knowing, in selfishness of course, that we

in Sindh province, the drought-like conditions have

have only one planet to live on). The strikes of

become rampant. Every summer, many people die in

hurricanes have already torn the shreds of some

Karachi due to heat-strokes. From Seatle to Siberia,

American states and other regions, such as Puerto

wildfires have ravaged so many forests. Heat-stressed

Rico. Moreover, the hurricanes have also ruthlessly

cattle also experiences decline in milk production. If

stormed some Asian countries. No one knows who

our behavior remains unchanged, congratulations, the

the next target is, and after all this much

enemy would easily cross the gate and all of us will

destruction, the same, old stubbornness continues.

The ClimAct

have to embrace the inevitable extinction.


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

So far, the world countries have actually failed to

offer a collective resistance against the common


enemy. The states of the world are actually engaged in the competition of self-interests. So, the energy demand is rising day by day. Most of the people

By planting so many environment-friendly trees, the

hardly believe even the existence of the enemy at

advance of the climate change forces can be slowed

the gate. These people are actually living their own

down abundantly. This will, no doubt, weaken the

fantasies. But the hard reality is yet to come. So

blitzkrieg strategy of the enemy; it will also give us

many of the people still claim that climate change is

some time to devise a new technology to fight the

not happening for them and thereby it is nothing but

much more powerful enemy. Furthermore, we must

a constructed myth. They go on to call it a ‘hoax’

stop collaborating with the enemy that is possible only

and impute its creation to their rival countries. So,

if we learn to reduce the carbon emissions. Besides,

for them all is well, but in fact most is ill.

the sense of general goodness must govern our

If the inhabitants of the world want to save their mother planet, they will have to develop the most modern techniques and tools to counter the charge of a horrible enemy. First, we will have to improve

countries’ policies; because, the altruistic behavior will entail the retreat of the climatic forces. Finally, it is right to say that the world is losing its war against climate change.

our position strategically through afforestation.

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CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)


The ClimAct News

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Pollution Environment: How Plastic is killing us

Pakistan is not among the top plastic wasteproducing countries such as China, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. However, owing to rapid urbanisation, a booming population and an increase in consumerism, we are dumping an alarming amount of plastic waste into our land and rivers leading to the Arabian Sea.

Senator Sitara Ayaz said that Karachi’s seawater is more hazardous than sewage. People should avoid swimming in it. “A water sample of Karachi sea water was sent to a laboratory which further revealed that the water is more hazardous than sewage water,” said the senator.

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Karachi’s seawater is more ‘hazardous’ than sewage

CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Biodiversity Climate change on track to reduce ocean wildlife by 17%

In a world that heats up three to four degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels, 17 percent of marine biomass from minuscule plankton to 100-tonne whales will be wiped out.

A survey of the Indus River dolphin has revealed a 55 per cent increase in population of the endangered species. The latest survey carried out by the Sindh Wildlife Department discovered 500 new river dolphins – 1,419 in 2019 – compared to the last recorded census in 2011, which counted as many as 918 dolphins in the 200km-long Indus Dolphin Reserve between Sukkur and Guddu barrage.

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Blind dolphin survey reveals 55% increase in population CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Food Climate change may push down Pakistan’s mango output

“Global warming is the major reason behind this fall in production,” said Waheed Ahmad, Patronin-Chief of the All Pakistan Fruit and Vegetable Exporters, Importers and Merchants Association (PFVA). “Heavy rains and hailstorms caused the decrease in output.” In 2019, mango production was expected to stand at 1.2 million tons compared with 1.8 million tons in the previous year, he said. “This year, mango production is feared to go down 30% compared to last year,” he said.

A large number of samples of chicken feed and water collected from poultry markets and shops in the city were found contaminated with various heavy metals, a Karachi University (KU) study shows. The ingredients used for preparing feed were possibly tainted with raw industrial waste. Presence of metals, especially lead, nickel and chromium, in chicken feed indicated that the ingredients used for preparing feed were possibly tainted with raw industrial waste.

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Chicken feed, water samples in city found contaminat ed with heavy metals CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Health Climate Change is Worsening the Spread of Airborne Pathogens

For the first time, researchers have shown that high-altitude dust storms are transporting harmful species of bacteria and fungi over thousands of miles of land and sea. And there’s a link to climate change. That’s because deserts are likely to continue to become more arid due to shifts in climate over the next decade. As they do, extreme dust storms and wind patterns are expected to drive the dispersion of these harmful colonies of bacteria and fungi.

Warning about the horrors of climate change, a recent study has warned that if we fail to take sustainable measures, humans will annihilate by 2050. According to a report by Australia’s Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration (BNCCR) released just ahead of June 5th World Environment Day, humans will perish by 2050. You heard it right, we only have about 31 years to do something!

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Humans Will Annihilate By 2050, Climate Change Study Warns CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Threats Pakistan is one of the most vulnerable countries to weather patterns

Malik Amin Aslam said that Weather patterns continue to change across the world. But what is happening since the industrial age is that we have started adding greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, particularly, carbon dioxide. This situation has created a layer of heat which is affecting the globe since the industrial age by raising global average temperature, which has gone up in an unprecedented way. Scientists say it will further go up to two degree Celsius in the next 12 years.

Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Maleeha Lodhi says Pakistan remains vulnerable to climate change and in the past four decades 90 percent natural disasters it faced can be attributed to climate change.

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90% natural disasters faced by Pakistan can be attributed to climate change CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Policy Development Stakeholders discuss Sindh’s draft climate change policy

Stakeholders at a consultative meeting discussed in detail a draft of the province’s first climate change policy and shared a number of suggestions that could help prepare a more focused and integrated policy. The draft was an effort to mainstream this important subject in infrastructure development and planning, particularly in the economically and socially vulnerable sectors of economy.

State Minister for Climate Change Zartaj Gul announced a blanket ban on use of plastic bags in Islamabad from August 14. “Plastic bags would be banned in the federal capital from August 14 onward,” she said while addressing a ceremony. She also praised PM Imran’s effort to fight climate change.

The ClimAct


No more plastic bags in Islamabad after August 14

CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Technology One Thing You Can Do: Fix It

David Reay, a climate scientist at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, is an expert on carbon management. He also likes fresh bread. So, when his bread machine broke, he immediately went online to look for a new one. He found that a similar machine would cost the equivalent of about $80. Another report, from the consulting firm Deloitte in 2016, wrote that emissions from Europe’s electrical and electronic equipment sector “could be divided by two if minimal efforts were made” to increase reuse. That would amount to tens of millions of tons less greenhouse gas emissions annually.

New research done at the University of Texas at Austin that shows how to produce natural gas while storing carbon dioxide while helping fight climate change by trapping the CO2 underground. The study used computer models to simulate what happens when mixtures of carbon dioxide and air are injected into deposits of methane hydrate, an ice-like, water-rich chemical compound that forms naturally in high-pressure, low-temperature environments.

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produce natural gas while storing CO2

CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Finance Federal Budget 2019-20: Rs7,579 million allocated for climate change

The federal government has allocated Rs7,579.200 million for various new and ongoing schemes of the Climate Change Division under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) 2019-20. According to PSDP 2019-20, the government has allocated an amount of Rs7,515.million for the new schemes and Rs64.2 million for ongoing schemes of the Climate Change Division.

The Senate of Pakistan has unanimously approved 65 recommendations on the Finance Bill 2019-20 as well as 68 recommendations on the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) 2019-20, the Senate’s Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs reported on Monday. The Senate cleared the recommendation that PSDP allocation for the Ministry of Climate Change should be enhanced minimum by 15pc.

The ClimAct


Senate approves 65 recommendations on Finance Bill 2019-20

CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

Climate Beacons Network Mission and Vision Since 2014, Climate Beacons Network has worked to protect the environment and the global community against climate change impacts while providing awareness and building the capacity among them. CBN is engaged to make the young and enthusiastic students and professionals to get familiar with the fact that “What our environment is demanding from us and

what can we do to combat with climate change?� Answering this question, CBN has established a platform where potential Policy Makers, Scientists, Professionals, Activists and Youth may gather and put their creative ideas

on a practical desk. The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

CONTENT DISCLAIMER The views and opinions expressed in the articles and pictures are those of authors and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions held by Climate Beacon’s Network.

THE CLIMACT MAGAZINE Climate Beacons Network +92-300-3283791

The ClimAct


CBN Quarterly Magazine (July 2019)

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