Tyson Butler Design Folio 2013

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2007 - 2013


Brand Development

Campaign Development

Brand Strategy

Digital and SEO Strategy

Graphic Design

Social Media Planning

Website Strategy and Design

Targeted Media Planning

Responsive Website Design

Print Management

Marketing Strategy

Independent Research Analysis

Annual Reports and Corporate Publications

Expert taco maker


Branding Pitstop Marketing

Pitstop Marketing required a new identity to

a pioneering spirit and sense of excitement.

re-enforce the retro and pioneering theme

breathe life into their business and rejuvenate

The Pitstop name had come from the cartoon

while the identity itself maintained a sense

appeal to existing and new audiences.

character Penelope Pitstop, (the directors

of femininity about the brand.

Through workshops we cited brand insights to

nickname) so I wanted to create a relevance to

follow, most importantly, a retro theme,

this with some supporting imagery that could

Branding Anderson Harrop Financial Services

Financial Planning that blows the competition away. Easy breezy. WEB BANNER ADVERT

Tax returns that won’t blow away your budget. Easy breezy.

Click here to find out more

Northcote’s best advice for managing your own nest egg. It’s a breeze.

Call us today to talk about your Superannuation.

Call us today on 03 9387 8456.

Phone 03 9387 8456. www.andersonharrop.com.au



Advertising + Copywriting Anderson Harrop Financial Services


Branding + Financial Kit Catapult Wealth

Catapult Wealth are financial planners who

Upon discovering the name, we recognised the

and into freedom with a curiosity for the world

specialise in equity and high value clientele.

two brand archetypes to follow were the Sage

and life in general.

The branding process included extensive

and Adventurer. The Sage aspect works with

From these processes, the tagline ‘Prepare to

workshops and collaboration with their

the clients desire to share knowledge, and the

launch’ came quite naturally.

marketing manager to develop the name,

adventurer taps into the target audience, semi-

tagline and direction for the branding to follow.

retirees stepping away from a lifetime of work


Responsive Website

This website initially came to me as a branding

The website was created in a responsive

project and eventually I was involved in the

format, allowing for one site to be built that

design of the website, copywriting for the

could collapse down for simple effective

CafĂŠ Restaurant

menus, marketing materials and press releases

viewing on mobile without losing element size

Branding + Website Design

as well as offering input on the interior fitout

or impact.

Dowstairs Bistro & Lounge

and signage design.

Competition Mini-site

This competition website was created in

to try it anyway and share their designs with

collaboration for Oxygen Marketing. The

friends through social media.

Cadbury Mini Drops

site’s concept was to have a purchase and

A design requirement of the site was to

enter campaign where the consumer could

promote their sponsorship of the Australian

customise their own ‘fixie’ then have them

Olympic team (hence the green and gold).

For Oxygen Marketing

sent out if they one. The viewer is encouraged

Website AusCellardoor www.auscellardoor.com.au

AusCellardoor is an online wine store and information resource. They differentiate themselves from typical online stores by offering insight and news about the wine industry. As a result, their clientele are more passionate about the wines they drink and the culture around wine.

The site was designed to have a homepage that was constantly updated to encourage people to re-visit several times a week. Internally, I wanted the product page to make the wine bottle the hero of the page. Labels mean a great deal to the customer, so I didn’t want the bottle to be hidden away on the page.

The navigation for the product range is well structured and split up between style, grape variety, region and price to make it easy for the consumer, including the addition of a custom search engine present on all pages.

Website PM24 www.pm24.com.au

Phillipe Mouchel’s new rotisserie theme

Influence for the photography was taken from

restaurant on Russell Street required a

Baroque paintings of raw meat and produce

website to reflect their concept.

laid over butchers blocks - a style of painting

The aim with the website was to be functional

around when the style of cooking was popular.

and to set a tone for the restaurant.


Branding lockup

Marketing Campaign Pitch Contract work created with Oxygen Marketing.

Packaging mockups

The Bake and Relax campaign concept was an

The initial idea was developed by Oxygen,

extremely quick project created to be placed

with the branding lockup and other design

in Oxygen Marketing’s proposal to Birdseye.

elements being created by myself.

Gondola end mockup

Shelf Wobbler

Win Flights With Faulding Competition

A2 Posters

The Bake and Relax campaign concept was an

The initial idea was developed by Oxygen,

extremely quick project created to be placed

with the branding lockup and other design

in Oxygen Marketing’s proposal to Birdseye.

elements being created by myself.

Branding lockup

Marketing Campaign Pitch Contract work created with Oxygen Marketing.

Packaging mockups

The Fish and Chip Fridays campaign was

The Fish and Chip Fridays Kombi ideas was

created to have an emotional selling point,

conceived as a way to promote the brand and

with the aim to promote the simplicity of the

it’s characters by pulling up at beaches over

cooking process and the free time created to

summer to give away free Birdseye Fish and

engage with family.


Fish & Chip Fridays Kombi

Branding lockup

Lockup extensions

Marketing Campaign Pitch Contract work created with Oxygen Marketing.

Instore POS mockups

This campaign concept again, was used in

moment an Olympic event.’ with supporting

a proposal piece to be presented to Kraft

imagery of various events - carefully avoiding

Foods as a concept for their instore Olympic

the direct Olympic branding links.


The main branding lockup was applied to

The idea revolved around the line ‘Make every

various supporting graphics, all similar in style

to re-enforce the Olympic relationship.

Branding + campaign CatapultED Seminars

CatapultED produce seminars aimed at Gen Y

‘Ed’ was created to connect with the audience

to educate them about aspects of adulthood

and add a familiar face to the identity. He is

that revolve around finance, insurance,

quirky, unique and happy-go-lucky, but can be

superannuation and wealth creation.

serious when it matters.

. u o y o t p u s ’ t Give,toifinancially contribute to your eChoosing church is a truly personal choice. The UC Invest eGive program makes the practical side of giving easy. You choose how much and how often you wish to contribute - it’s up to you.

What is eGive? The eGive program is an electronic giving option that establishes a regular direct debit from your bank account or credit card, replacing the need to carry cash for your offering. Giving electronically allows you to set your regular financial gift upfront, rather than giving whatever happens to be in your wallet as the offering plate passes by. It’s a simple, safe and secure way to financially contribute to your church. Over 1,500 people in our Uniting Church community are already giving in this way.

Where does my gift go? Your eGive contribution is given straight to your congregation where it’s used to support your church’s operations and local outreach programs. No fees or charges are ever deducted from your gift to your congregation.

We want to support your congregation too. UC Invest want to further support Uniting Church communities by implementing a new eGive initiative in 2013.* Starting from 1 May 2013, UC Invest will give $20 to your congregation for each new eGive request established. For existing eGivers we will also contribute $20 if you increase your offering by $5/month. When you sign up to eGive, you instantly support your congregation, your Minister and your local community.

Getting started. It’s easy! Simply visit ucinvest.com.au/egive and download an eGive Application Form or call us on 1300 274 151 to request a form in the post. It’s up to you how much you choose to contribute and if you wish to contribute, weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

Your questions answered. Do I have to hold an account with UC Invest to use eGive? No. We can debit your eGive contribution from any Australian bank account or credit card.

What does eGive cost to use? Nothing, nix, not a penny. We believe your gift should reach your congregation fee free.

Can my gift remain anonymous? Yes. Your congregation will receive a statement at the end of each month detailing all contributions received however you can elect to remain completely anonymous.

Can I alter my eGive request? Yes. You can update your details including the amount, debit date, frequency of transaction and personal information by simply contacting UC Invest. You can even postpone or cancel an individual transaction if required.

Visit ucinvest.com.au/eGive or call 1300 274 151 to find out more. Your Minister or Treasurer can also provide you with information about giving with eGive.

*Some conditions apply - offer starts from 1 May 2013. UC Invest is an activity of The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.) ABN 25 068 897 781, the legal entity of the Uniting Church SA. Investment services are provided on behalf of the Uniting Church SA pursuant to ASIC Policy Statement 87 exemptions and APRA Banking Exemption No. 1 of 2011 (“The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.)”). Neither UC Invest nor the Uniting Church SA are prudentially supervised by APRA. Investments and contributions lodged with UC Invest will not benefit from the depositor protection provisions of the Banking Act (1959). All products offered by UC Invest are designed for investors who wish to promote the charitable purposes of the Uniting Church SA.

eGive Campaign UC Invest A5 Flyer + eDM

eGive is a campaign created for a Uniting

The aim of the campaign was to raise

The message is tricky to deliver and the

Church affiliated financial advisory in

awareness of UC Invest’s new initiative to

thought that a whimsical, abstract concept

Adelaide called UC Invest.

have contributions direct debited from their

of different types of people bringing

The campaign was developed with Pitstop

clients accounts to the church.

their contributions (displayed as balloons


symbolising hope) to the church.

s n a e B d e k a B e l y t s Real Home om.au made.c


Healthy Hearty Homely Campaign Just Bean Made POS + Campaign concept

Just Bean Made wanted to launch their new

of the product whilst appealing to that

bag’ style of product that they could heat up

packaging into stores with a raw, organic

emotional aspect of the purchase choice.

quickly at home.

feeling campaign that could connect with

Healthy, hearty and homely were all words

the viewer at point of purchase. Using words

that our focus group felt resonated with

that struck a cord with people’s hungry

their reasoning for purchasing a ‘meal in a

emotions, we aimed to promote the benefits


Packaging Design Just Bean Made - Anyad Gourmet Pouch Design for food product

The concept for this range had to work around

the flavours could be expressed visually to

An effective way to display the ‘real’ and,

a huge amount of copy and points that the

entice the consumer.

‘fresh’ nature of the product was to include

client wanted on the front of the packaging.

The range has a high price point and needed

the clear window in the shape of a bean on

The challenge was making sure that the main

to look premium in order to display perceived

the front.

points about the product stood out and that

value to the shopper.

Packaging Design Faulding速 Practitioner Range Faulding速 Tonics Range

Packaging designs for new Faulding速

The client wanted add a range with a

Faulding速 also released a Tonics range

Practitioner range due to come out later

premium, clinical look within their product

also, to touch on an emerging market for

in the year.

suite. The incorporation of clear varnishes and

old-fashioned natural health treatments

embossing on the product names will add to

remeniscent of earlier products released by

the overall effect.

Faulding pre-1950.


Your super, your future


Last year, CBUS members worked on 2,730 building sites nationwide that we had invested in. We help you build your future, while your busy building Australia’s.

Last year, 17,849 CBUS members learnt how they can get more from their super. Plan for the future. Call us today and get the most out of your super.

Financial advice for CBUS members


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Poster Design + Copywriting CBUS Super Fund

Riberum quo torum qui blam inis es volorat harumet ullatust, simod volorro occae sit voluptatem voluptu ribero. Te seri doluptiatem que si tecae aut ut rest, soloris tibusdam, sitis mod everumqui rese nem nusti berferf erorepe riberum quo torum qui blam inis es volorat harumet ullatust, simod volorro occae sit voluptatem voluptu ribero. To find out more, call 1300 361 785 or visit www.cbussuper.com.au/advice

Dolly & Girlfriend Mag

YME needed an image to reflect the logo and it’s

The images were selected with care to target an

The copy was written for the brand story, and the

products. Using the message created for the brand,

audience that could relate to the products and the

client decided they loved it so much it should be

I focused on the line “You love your skin & we love it

image we were developing for the brand. ‘Fun’,

used on all their marketing collateral.

You, Me & Everybody

too”. This would become the main positioning line of

‘carefree’ and ‘vibrant’ were all words associated


the promotional material.

with these images and reflected the brand message.

Full Page Ads

‘Ask Your Pharmacist for Faulding’ Badge Faulding Natural Health

Faulding®’s main competitiors are larger brands

The fact that Faulding® is a pharmacy only brand

approached in-store has led to an increase in sales

commonly sold within pharmacies and supermarkets.

means that they have the support of trained

into pharmacies that have previously only stocked

As Faulding® specialises in phamacy only products,

pharmacists and the credibility that brings.

limited lines.

this has previously been considered a negative.

Leveraging off of that credibility, and encouraging

I thought we should look at it differently.

the customer to ask for Faulding specifically when

TAFE SA End Of Year Campaign Outdoor Bus Shelter Adverts

TAFESA elisted Konker Creative to create a new look and feel for their End of Year Campaign. The signage created was displayed in bus shelters across Adelaide, on the side of trams and buses and in all forms of local and rural press.

Promotional Posters You, Me & Everybody Bodhi Me Range

Magazine spread + flyer You, Me & Everybody Bodhi Me Range

Newsletter Raw Material

Raw Materials were looking for a newsletter

I decided to play with some rustic elements

that could engage their customers and their

and intentionally went too far with them,

suppliers through articles, promotions and

creating graphic treatments that could be

recipes among other elements.

engageing, ever evolving and related to the brand.

Outdoor Signage Disneyland Paris Travelator Signage

Disneyland Paris have a number of areas that

showcase them shooting from the logo and

require signage that reflects the brand and the

nearly splashing off the sign.

utilises the characters in their suite.

The rendering, textures and colour treatments

Buzz Lightyear and Nemo we’re characters

in these were the main areas that I was asked

that I had to work into a banner that could

to revitalise.

The Press Club Melbourne’s CBD will play host to our tasting of some of James Halliday’s best picks from the 2011 Wine Companion.


Along with delicious wines and delectable fare, we will be graced with the presence of Clémence Haselgrove, chief winemaker for Forest Hill Estate in WA, who will guide us through the wines selected.

72 Flinders St

Friday 6th August 12pm - 2:30pm

where: The Press Club Melbourne CBD

rsvp: by Thursday 29th July to Rina Mitsaris Ph: 03 9695 0604 or email rina.mitsaris@redmercury.com.au

Guests will receive a copy of James Halliday’s book to take home.

Promotional Book Launch invite Photography Exhibition invites


Your invited to celebrate the launch of the 2011 James Halliday Australian Wine Companion

Disneyland Paris have a number of areas that

showcase them shooting from the logo and

require signage that reflects the brand and the

nearly splashing off the sign.

utilises the characters in their suite.

The rendering, textures and colour treatments

Buzz Lightyear and Nemo we’re characters

in these were the main areas that I was asked

that I had to work into a banner that could

to revitalise.


Branding + Corporate Brochure Catapult Super Branding & Self Managed Super fund guide

Adelaide based Catapult Wealth expanded

The brochure features cyclists in a hills

The adventurous nature of the imagery

their business into self-managed super funds

environment intentionaly aiming at a direct

utilised also follows suit with the images

and superannuation and decided the best

target audience of middle-aged, successful,

used for Catapult Wealth, the parent

approach was to separate their services into

Adelaide based business people considering

company of Catapult Super.

sub-brands within the company.

their options moving into the future.

Information Memorandum Mondrian Developments Prospectus

This information Memorandum had the

The final publication included a three page

dubious task of selling a Fijian resort without

centrefold spread displaying the enitre resort

trying to sell the holiday aspect of Fiji. The

and featured benefits that it offered.

main focus was just the resort and the information surrounding the investment and it’s potential.

Annual Report LGA SA 2007/08

Thank you for your time. Contact me: Australia: 0431 383 741 Email: tyson@konker.com.au Skype: tb.design1

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