Voice of Tabernacle June 2013 Issue

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The Voice



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Biggest loser testimonies!




APRIL2012 THE YOURMAG VOICE of•tabernacle


APRIL2012 THE YOURMAG VOICE of•tabernacle

Words from the editor My Beloved Tabernacle, I absolutely come alive during the spring and summer months. For me, this season is accompanied by many things that awaken a fresh, renewed and lively spirit within. It’s a personal season of celebration and victory, as I reflect on the accomplishments made thus far at the half point of the year, and the fact that the Lord saw fit to bless me with yet another year of living on Earth to do His Will. In all things, I give Him the Highest Praise!

Speaking of things anew and fresh, Annie and I hope that you have noticed and are happy with the rebirth that our magazine has experienced. Thanks to the tireless assistance of our very own Rev. George C. Miller and Ms. Natasha Carter of Carter-Beachem Communications, “The Voice of Tabernacle” has a new and vibrant look; packed with more of the things we hope you will enjoy reading. Just as the seasons change, nothing stays the same. As we are constantly changing, growing and evolving to become more like Christ, we pray that the updates we’ve made to “The Voice of Tabernacle” will glorify The Father and be pleasing to our readers as well. As we settle into the breezy and sun filled days of the coming season, let us not forget the reason for every season under the “Son.” During our free time away from work and the hustle and bustle of our hectic schedules, let us fill that time getting closer to the Father. Seek Him diligently, and experience the rewards that come with truly knowing our Great God! “And it shall come to pass, if you shall listen diligently to the voice of the LORD your God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command you this day, that the LORD your God will set you on high above all nations of the earth: And all these blessings shall come on you, and overtake you, if you shall listen to the voice of the LORD your God.” ~Deuteronomy 28:1-2

Dr. Judith V. Jones You can now view The Voice of Tabernacle on the newly redesigned Tabernacle Baptist Church website. Simply visit www. tbcaugusta.org and click on the “News & Events” tab.







9 The Voice of TABERNACLE June 2013 Issue Tabernacle baptist Church The Voice of TABERNACLE 1223 Laney Walker Blvd. Augusta, GA 30901 editors: Annie catherine Jones Judith V. Jones

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03 words from the editor 04 VOICE OF TABERNACLE CONTENT 05 FROM THE PASTOR’S PEN 06 salutations graduates 08 culturally speaking 09 relay for life 10 education connection 11 “write ideas” for summer 12 working in the vineyard 13 welcome new disciples 14 your body, your health 16 church calendar 17 book corner


Phone number: 706-724-1230 Fax number: 706-724-1235 email: PUBLICATION@tbcaugusta.org

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SUBMISSIONS The Voice of Tabernacle was established in 2008. This publication is dedicated to glorifying and magnifying the name of Jesus. The mission of The Voice of Tabernacle is to inform the church members as well as our community and friends of the activities, services, events and accomplishments that take place within our church. This publication is printed on a quarterly basis. Articles for submission are due Feb. 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 for the 2013 publication cycle. The Voice of Tabernacle reserves the right to edit any article or informational release submitted. The Voice of Tabernacle cannot gurantee submitted submissions will appear.

APRIL2012 THE YOURMAG VOICE of•tabernacle

from the Pastor’s Pen My Beloved Tabernacle Family, By the grace of God, we are in a new season! We are all enjoying warmer weather and no longer staying inside. For me, the summer season brings to mind family, fun, unity, quality time, and a season of togetherness. I want to personally thank each and every one of you for participating in my Sixth Pastoral Anniversary activities. I am truly humbled by the outpouring of undeserved love shown by all of you. I pray that God will continue to bless and keep you.

Pastor speaks! CALLING ALL YOUTH!!! PG’s Summer Reading Program June 1st - August 3rd Get your read ON!

This past week has truly been extraordinary as we have been celebrating our Kingdom Living Conference. I believe God is pleased with the souls that have been reached. Reverend Dr. E. Dewey Smith from The Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church in Decatur, GA started things off on Thursday with a soul stirring message. Friday, the children and I enjoyed a day of fun at Adventure Crossing and Saturday, the conference speakers did a dynamic job sharing and teaching us how to break and live beyond boundaries. And last, but certainly not least, by the time your eyes peruse this magazine we will have heard from “On High,” through the soul saving message of Reverend Dr. Tejado Hanchell and his wife Reverend Victoria Hanchell. I would be remiss if I did not give a shout of “Congratulations” to all of our graduates this year. The road may not have been easy for you, but always remember that God is the author of your destiny. Enjoy this time with family and friends, you deserve it. Please join and participate with us this summer in the many activities we have taking place. To name a few, we will host the “PG Summer Reading Program”, the Child Development Center Summer Program, Vacation Bible School and our very own Youth Summer Camp. There is something for everyone, so get involved! As we pace ourselves and slow down a bit in the coming months, please use this time as a way to reconnect, rededicate or develop a more intimate relationship with God so that we can continue to be a living and growing congregation that welcomes everyone. It is exciting to be a part of what God is doing here at Tabernacle and I am certainly looking forward to even greater things in the months and years ahead. Partner with us as we continue to make an I.M.P.A.C.T. for Christ. Soli Deo Gloria, Reverend Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Jr. Senior Pastor/Teacher Tabernacle Baptist Church



SALUTATIONS GRADUATES Name: Keyera Howard School: Grovetown High School Future Plans: To attend Howard University to pursue a degree in Computer Engineering and minor in Business Management.

Name: Mikal DeLonte’ Kearney School: T.W. Josey Comprehensive High School Future Plans: To attend Alabama State University to pursue a degree in Music Education.

Name: Jonathan London School: Hephzibah High School Future Plans: To attend Savannah State University to pursue a degree in Cinematography.

Name: Yasmine Burch School: Lucy C. Laney High School Future Plans: To attend Clayton State University to pursue a degree in Biology.

Name: Alexander J. Baker School: Cross Creek High School Future Plans: To attend Emmanuel College to pursue a degree in Sports Management.

Name: Allena R. Harris School: Grovetown High School Future Plans: To attend College to pursue a degree in Early Childhood Development or Child Psychology.



SALUTATIONS GRADUATES Name: Markia Smith School: Glenn Hills High School Future Plans: To complete her Cosmetology degree at Augusta Technical College . She also plans to attend Savannah State University to pursue a degree in Business.

Name: Brandeis Gabriel White School: Evans High School Future Plans: To enlist in the United States Navy

Name: Johnette R. Bennett School: Post University Degree: Bachelor of Science in Human Services with a concentration in Counseling. She will be attending Post University in the fall to purse a Masters of Science degree.

Name: Calyssa Lawyer School: University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy Analysis and a minor in Spanish for the Professions and Journalism. She will be working with NFL’s Detroit Lions.

Name: Dr. Judith Jones School: South Carolina State University Degree: Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership & Administration

Name: Jocelyn Maner School: University of Georgia School of Law Degree: Juris Doctorate


APRIL2012 THE YOURMAG VOICE of•tabernacle


Candlelight Jazz Concert Series is a series of 18 low-cost concerts showcasing different styles of jazz in a family-friendly, smoke-free setting at beautiful Riverwalk on the River Stage at Eighth Street, Augusta, Georgia each Sunday from 8:00 p.m. -9:30 p.m. For more information call 706-495-6238. Evenings in the Appleby Garden every Tuesday at Appleby Branch Library, 2260 Walton Way at Johns Road, Augusta, Georgia. Starts at 8:00 p.m. Free Admission Enjoy warm Southern nights in the Appleby Garden filled with live music by local and regional performers. Guests are encouraged to bring chairs and blankets. In case of rain, programs will be held on the porch or inside the Appleby Branch Library. June 4: Montana Skies performs classical fusion. June 11: Jeni Michelson & the Society Express Band performs a little swing, blues & jazz. June 18: The Don Macey Trio performs Broadway hits and favorites. June 25: Harcourt Waller performs classical piano. July 2: Signal Corps Band performs patriotic music. M.F.A.B Productions presents “Cousins – Blood of my Blood” featuring Syleena Johnson, D’Atra Hicks, Tony Terry, Erik Washington, Ashley Black, and Muareen Jones on Saturday, June 15, 2013 7:00 p.m. at USC Aiken Convocation Center. Groups of 8+ save $5 per ticket. Regular rates $29.00 – 24.00; Group rates $24.00 - $19.00. Offer ends June 4th, at 5 p.m. For more information call 706-262-4573. Earth, Wind & Fire Concert will be held on Tuesday June 18, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the James Brown Arena, Augusta, Georgia. Tickets are $61.00, $51.00, and $37.00. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. James Fortune, Grammy Award winning gospel artist, will perform at the Bell Auditorium on Thursday, June 27, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. Special guests will be the gospel legend Vickie Winans, Shellae Wade, Missy Billups, Michael St. Bernard, Trey McLaughlin & Sounds of Zamar and many more. Tickets can be purchased at the James Brown Arena Champion Box Office or by phone at 1-877-4AUGTIX. Family Scavenger Hunt, Thursday, July 11 at 6:00 p.m. Join the Morris Museum for a night of scavenging fun. Collect clues throughout the Museum and win prizes. Tickets: $7 Members per family of five $9 Non-members per family of five Registration is required. To register, call the Box Office at 973-971-3706. Money Madness Family Festival, Saturday, August 10, 2013 at the Morris Museum, 1 Tenth Street, 2nd Floor, Augusta, GA from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Discover the fascinating world of money and enjoy these related activities : • • • • • • •

◦ Mint your own coin ◦ Play Money Bingo ◦ Create your own currency ◦ Discover how much your own name is worth ◦ Learn the skill of bartering ◦ Become financially savvy with “Morris Museum Money” ◦ Design new coin symbols


YOURMAGof•tabernacle APRIL2012 THE VOICE


Beyond These Walls

for Relay LIFE

THE WALK TO FIGHT CANCER BY: ANNIE CATHERINE JONES THE WALK Their shoes were made for walking and that’s just what the women of Tabernacle’s Women’s Mentor Ministry did as they joined hundreds in the “Relay for Life” at Augusta’s Westside High School recently. The relay is a global event that will take place in many of our communities in the days and weeks to come. It memorializes those who have passed on from cancer, honors those who have survived it, and celebrates those who are battling it right now. The young ladies who joined their mentors in supporting this very worthwhile event showed great enthusiasm for the cause. “ It was good to participate because everyone showed up and that means that they all care,” explained mentee Tracey Hunter.

my heart because I’ve had numerous family members, my father, my sister, and my aunt have all passed away from various types of cancer. And as I go out to participate, it shows how much I love them and want to support the fight against cancer.” ‘Relay for Life” is the world’s largest walk to end cancer.

ON A PERSONAL NOTE As the crowds circled the stadium, they took time to glance at the hundreds of luminaries lining the track and bearing the names of loved ones who were being remembered. Mentor Wilnetta Sweeting says that it is important for the mentees to support this cause. “It is important to give back to the community, and know that cancer can affect anybody, young or old. We were also supporting one of our mentees who is a cancer survivor,” said Sweeting. Mentor Sweeting knows the ravages of cancer all too well, on a very personal level. “Cancer has a very soft spot in

PHOTO CAPTION: Mentors and mentees of Tabernacle’s Women’s Mentor Ministry circle the stadium at Westside High School at the “Relay for Life” event.


APRIL2012 THE YOURMAG VOICE of•tabernacle


EDUCATION in the Richmond County Mathematics Contest, in which another student and myself tied for third place. God has helped me academically because His presence in my heart helps me make the right choices.

MY YEAR IN FIFTH GRADE BY: TYSON DUNCAN This year fifth grade was very hard. Our teachers pushed us and pushed us to make the right decisions. They really wanted us to do well on the CRCT. The CRCT is a set of tests that students in the 3rd through 8th grade take to determine how well they did on basic skills the entire year. The CRCT was hard in some places and easier in other places. I passed the CRCT with God’s help!

Tyson Duncan is a gifted student in the Richmond County School System. TABERNACLE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER STUDENT GRADUATE One of our proudest moments is when our children reach an educational milestone. The Tabernacle Child Development Center proudly presents its 2013 graduating class in all of their pomp and circumstance. Applaud them as they celebrate their achievements. To God be the glory!

This year we also went on two field trips. The first was to the Augusta Museum of Natural History and the other one to Langford Middle School. I applied for two schools for the next school term: C.T. Walker and the Langford International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme. Both schools accepted me. After my family and I talked about it, we decided to choose the Langford IB Programme. We chose Langford because of the IB Programme and they also have sports. Sports are also a key part of my life. At our school’s Honor’s Day I received four awards: “A“ Academic Honor Roll, participating in the Richmond County Local Track and Field Meet, being in our school’s Math Club, and participating 10

APRIL2012 THE YOURMAG VOICE of•tabernacle


CONNECTION “WRITE IDEAS” FOR SUMMER BY: MARSHA F. HARRIS, Ed.D. Summer is here, but this is no time for families to take a vacation from learning. This can occur in many ways. Many parents will provide their children educational opportunities in formal settings in schools or study camps. Some parents may prefer informal activities at home. There is no limit to the content that may be addressed. The “Write Ideas” that I suggest are good ways to help families develop writing skills while also engaging in a content area. Many of these suggestions don’t involve putting words on paper, but they all contribute to the writing process. Many are fun and involve family sharing time. Yes, I believe that implementing family “Write Ideas” for summer is the right idea. 1. Keep a journal of summer activities. 2. Write letters to family and friends. 3. Create greeting cards for family and friends. 4. Write an article for the Voice of Tabernacle. 5. Make family grocery lists. 6. Make family lists of daily to do items. 7. Write goals for the next school

year. 8. Write a letter of concern/interest to a local newspaper editor. 9. Write post-it love notes to family. 10. Compose prose and poetry about summer activities. 11. Attend a writer’s workshop summer camp. 12. Attend a study skills camp. 13. Read for fun and information everyday. 14. Create a comic or other picture book. 15. Create a family cookbook of favorite recipes. 16. Write a letter to President Obama. 17. Follow the writing process to compose an essay about family values. 18. Create a family memory book. 19. Write thank you notes for gifts and other kindnesses. 20. Play family word games. 21. Review writing skills workbooks. 22. Practice legible handwriting. 23. Enlarge experiences by engaging in a variety of summer activities. 24. Collect flash cards of new vocabulary words. 25. Play computer and other electronic writing games. 26. Create a game and write instructions for playing it. 27. Keep a science journal of backyard nature. 28. Keep a journal of current events. 29. Engage in family meal conversations. 30. Research a new project. 31. Exchange sidewalk chalk messages with family. 32. Play alphabet games. 33. Make up a group “What happened next?” story. 34. Invite toddlers to scribble inventive messages. 35. Visit and use the library.


Create your own “Write Ideas” for this summer if you prefer. It’s alright to do that. If fact, that’s best for your family is the right idea. Marsha F. Harris is a retired educator from Aiken County School System. DO YOU NEED MONEY TO LEARN? If finances have been an issue in your quest for financing higher education, perhaps this list of available resources will help you obtain your goal . 1) BELL LABS FELLOWSHIPS FOR UNDER REPRESENTED MINORITIES http://www.bell-labs.com/ fellowships/CRFP/info.html 2) Student Inventors Scholarships http://www.invent.org/collegiate http://www.invent.org/collegiate/ 3) Student Video Scholarships http://www.christophers.org/ vidcon2k.html 4) Coca-Cola Two Year College Scholarships http://www.coca-colaschola/rs.org/ programs.html 5) Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships http://holocaust.hklaw.com/ 6) Ayn Rand Essay Scholarships http://www.aynrand.org/contests/ 7) Brand Essay Competition http://www. instituteforbrandleadership.org/ IBLEssayContest-2002Rules.htm 8) Gates Millennium Scholarships (major) http://www.gmsp.org/ nominationmaterials/read. dbm?ID=12 9) Xerox Scholarships for Students http://www2.xerox.com/go/xrx/ about_xerox/about_xerox_detail.jsp 10) Sports Scholarships and Internships http://www.ncaa.org/about/ scholarships.html

YOURMAGof•tabernacle APRIL2012 THE VOICE

working in the vineyard MAINTAINING SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES BY: REV. DR. ARLECIA SIMMONS As a newcomer to Tabernacle, I recently learned a congregational Sabbath takes place during the months of June and July. While Sunday worship times will remain the same, we will see each other less in ministry meetings and for TNT on Thursday. As we travel and spend less time worshipping on the Tabernacle campus, it is important that we remember that Satan does not take the summer off. In 1 Peter 5:8 the author instructs: “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”

not convene for Bible study, continue feasting on the word independently. Families may even consider a summer reading list for both children and adults. The inward spiritual disciplines of prayer, study, meditation and fasting should remain on your spiritual plates during the summer months. While at the beach, take a few moments to meditate as you feel the ocean’s breeze and bask in the sun. As you travel, remember to pray for blessed fellowship and the people you encounter along the way.

The devil has no vacation plans, but will gladly join in on our itineraries. With that in mind, here are a few ways for you and your family to stay alert.


Growing up in the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Charleston, S.C., I recall reciting the following words of the Church Covenant: “We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion.” It took until adulthood to realize the statement was a call to maintain spiritual disciplines beyond Sunday worship. Although we will

The Apostle Paul writes in Hebrews


10:24-25: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” I am not suggesting you host a cookout that turns into a revival meeting; however, do consider adding an element of worship to your fellowship time. In addition to table fellowship, incorporate a time of prayer or even allow one of the children to recite a Scripture they have learned. ]The third suggestion for staying alert is remaining faithful in your stewardship not only to the church but also to the community. With your Thursday evenings free and only Scandal reruns to look forward to, consider using the evening to Love Out Loud. Pastor Goodman has charged us to commit to one hour of community service per quarter. Locate a service activity in which you and your family can get involved. Maybe it’s going to the nursing home to visit with a church member or someone who needs the “ministry of presence.” If you have small children, set aside time

YOURMAGof•tabernacle APRIL2012 THE VOICE

“AS YOU TRAVEL, REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR BLESSED FELLOWSHIP AND THE PEOPLE YOU ENCOUNTER ALONG THE WAY.” (continued from page 12) to make cards for those on the sick and shut-in list or who are imprisoned. Check the weekly bulletin for names and addresses. At the conclusion of the activity, pray for the individuals who will receive your gifts. Maybe Thursday evenings can become the time you go and check in on an elderly neighbor.

welcome new


Lastly, take time for reflection. Ask God how you are to proceed with the remaining months of the year. Is it time for a new school for your children? Is God saying it’s time to update your resume? Be intentional about praying about those things that may have caused stress in the first quarter of this year. It is my prayer that as we take time to enjoy the God-made beaches and sun, let us not forget to commune with our Creator even when we are absent one from another. Rev. Dr. Arlecia D. Simmons is an Associate Minister at Tabernacle Baptist Church. WELCOME NEW DISCIPLES The Great Commission reveals Jesus’ specific instructions to his disciples. “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (Matthew 28:18-20 KJV) 13

APRIL2012 THE YOURMAG VOICE of•tabernacle


your b o d y , “do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20 THE BIGGEST LOSER TESTIMONIES BY: MINISTER CRYSTAL NEAL The Tab Biggest Loser Challenge has come to an end. This was a 13 Week Challenge that involved weekly inspiration, monthly exercise sessions and monthly nutrition classes. The Medical Ministry and the National Concerned Black Nurses of Augusta sponsored the program. The winner for weight loss received $200 and the winner for inches lost received $100. The purpose of the challenge was to create an awareness of making healthy choices and developing a healthier lifestyle. Approximately 150 people signed up for the challenge. Here are some testimonies from participants. Yvonne Gentry “I wanted to lose weight for quite a while and had always employed the yo - yo system. I would start a program

and get several individuals involved, then I would quit. Thanks to this program and having the opportunity to exercise with the staff of Champion Fitness. It has made a major impact on me. I am grateful to you for the continued emails educating, motivating and empowering us. Additionally, implementing a personal trainer truly motivated me to stick with the program.” “I must be honest and state that periodically I fell; but I was always able to get back up. It was amazing how your emails always provided the strength I needed to withstand the challenge. I have lost more than ten pounds and several inches. Most importantly, the program taught me not look at this as “a diet,” but as making a lifestyle change. Thanks to Minister Crystal Neal and Pastor


Goodman for their continued support and for having a vision to implement such a program.” Sonya Rivera “My testimony started the day I entered The Biggest Loser Challenge. I was inspired to be smart about my weight loss. I claimed from the beginning that my outcome would yield a specific, measurable, agreeable, realistic and time bound result. I worked my plan. I stayed in prayer. I read and studied God’s Word, ate right, exercised, and worshipped my way through daily. The fellowship, nutritional information, exercise regimen and meal planning were all key. I had a total mindset change. I planned to make a spiritual, healthy and smart change in my lifestyle. I can testify that my plan is working. I feel great! I am spiritually, mentally and physically on one accord. My body,

YOURMAGof•tabernacle APRIL2012 THE VOICE


your h e a l t h mind and soul are equally yoked. I cannot thank Minister Crystal Neal enough for her Christ centered vision of creating wholeness in our minds, bodies and spirits. I will close by saying what our Pastor says, “The Best is Yet to Come.” Believe it! Regina Gilliam “I have really enjoyed the Biggest Loser Challenge, and I have lost 16 pounds. I have met many nice people and received encouraging advice from Crystal. The money was my motivation, but now it has been replaced with the enjoyment of having a healthier body, and having a good time with my teammates. I have learned a lot about food and fitness, and officially gave up the cookies and ice cream love affair. Sean’s workout plan really makes you burn, but he encourages us to do our best. I am really going to miss meeting with everybody and seeing Crystal’s pretty smile.” Yvonne Staley “Even if I don’t win the challenge, mentally I won because I put in the work. I learned about how healthy eating and exercise plays a big part in living a great lifestyle. Thank you so

much Crystal for giving us your time and knowledge as outlined in your book. God bless you.” Crystal Neal is an Associate Minister at Tabernacle Baptist Church. She is also the author of Ready for Change : Motivational Strategies for Exercise and Eating Plan to Get in Shape. PHOTO CAPTION: Before and after pictures of TAB Biggest Loser Challenger, Sonya Rivera.




APRIL2012 THE YOURMAG VOICE of• tabernacle

TABERNACLE CHURCH CALENDAR 2013 “Year Of Taking The Limits Off”


PG’S Summer Reading Program June 1st – August 3rd Contact Person: Rev. Zebra Jefferson

“Teach me How to TEA” Etiquette Workshop June 11th 6:00 P.M. Family Life Center Youth Recognition June 12th 7:00pm Family Life Center Self-Defense Class (Teens & Adults) June 12th 6:00 P.M. Fellowship Hall Women’s Annual Tea June 22nd 6:00 P.M. Family Life Center

Vacation Bible School June 24th – 28th 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. Family Life Center

JULY Mid-Year Family Conference Date and Time TBA AUGUST Prayer Breakfast Date and Time TBA Back To School Blast August 3rd Time TBA 128th Church Anniversary August 15th – Church Anniversary Kick-Off August 17th – Church Anniversary Community Day August 18th – Church Anniversary Sunday Worship SEPTEMBER Youth and Young Adult Conference September 12th – YYA Kick-Off September 13th & 14th – YYA Conference September 15th – YYA Sunday Worship 16

APRIL2012 THE YOURMAG VOICE of•tabernacle


ROAD TO RECOVERY REVIEW BY: CATHY PEEPLES Readers, get prepared to read Pastor Goodman’s second book, Road to Recovery. It is an exciting book based on the book of Ruth. Pastor Goodman’s dynamic ability for making scripture plain and easy to absorb has become an expectation from each of his parishioners. The thought provoking information that Pastor Goodman shares in each chapter of Road to Recovery will have readers eager to write reflections after each chapter. Pastor Goodman takes you along Ruth and Naomi’s path of ups and downs as he teaches you how to overcome obstacles of loss based on Christian ideology. He shares that “most people have experienced some form of loss in their lives, whether it’s the loss of a job or career, the loss of income, a home, transportation, a spouse, or even a child; they can all bear witness to how devastated they felt as they tried to maneuver through such traumatic experiences.” He shares that “many may have felt like Naomi; feeling like God had deserted them.”

Pastor Goodman teaches “Not to be bitter regardless of your situation or circumstance.” “You cannot allow past misery to stop you from experiencing providential miracles.” In other words, “You cannot allow someone else’s desires to keep you from your destiny.” He writes that “Naomi was bitter because of her circumstance and she did not want her daughters-in-law to follow her. However, Ruth would not allow Naomi’s bitterness to dissuade her from her destiny and because of her decision to follow Naomi; she is in the lineage of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Pastor Goodman reveals that, “God is and will always be, in control of everything and that is defined as the Divine Sovereignty of God. You must have faith to trust in the Word of God. He will not take you anywhere that He will not be there with you. If you are following Him, you must be faithful to go where He tells you to go, and you must be faithful to do what He tells you to do. In doing so, God will reward


your faithfulness. He needs to see that you are committed, as you will never be favored unless you are first faithful.” If you like taking notes during service, or if you highlight your books and add information as you are reading, you will appreciate that at the end of each chapter in Road to Recovery there is a section entitled `Questions for Reflections.’ Here you can answer the questions outlined and add your own thoughts about your experiences. It’s a good way to see where you are headed or from whence you have come. Cathy Peeples is on the Trustee Ministry at Tabernacle Baptist Church. She is also the author of When God Speaks: Do You Recognize His Voice? Pastor Goodman will host an official book signing event on Saturday, June 8th at 2:00 p.m. in the Tabernacle Family Life Center.


APRIL2012 THE YOURMAG VOICE of•tabernacle

To place an ad for your business in The Voice of TBC, email us at publication@ tbcaugusta.org or call (706) 724-1230 and leave your information with the receptionist.



SAVE THE DATE: May 3-15 or May 6-15, 2014 Brothers and Sisters of Augusta

Visit the Holy Land


13 day tour of Greece and Israel May 3-15, 2014 or 10 day tour of Israel May 6-15, 2014 Included:

Roundtrip Air from Augusta 8 or 11 nights lodging at 4 star hotels Breakfast and dinner daily Full time English speaking tour escorts Services of air conditioned deluxe motor coach for each 50 persons All guides, entrances, touring and transportation

Short Synopsis of Tour Day 1: Departure- Our life-changing journey begins this evening as we board our overnight flight to Athens, Greece Day 2: Arrive in Athens- We arrive in Athens for the next three evenings Day 3: Athens- Athens, the foundation of democracy. We visit the Acropolis, the Parthenon, and Erectheum before viewing Athens atop Mars Hill where Paul stood and preached the truth to the Gentile nation Day 4: Corinth and Mycenae- the ancient city of Corinth, the inspiration of Paul's most familiar letters Day 5: Free time along the "Great Sea" - depart hotel this morning and fly to Tel Aviv, Israel (DAYS 4/ 5: ISRAEL ONLY TOUR BEGINS WITH OVERNIGHT FLIGHT FROM AUGUSTA TO TEL AVIV, ISRAEL) Day 6: Caesarea, Megiddo & Nazareth- Mediterranean Sea to Caesarea, where Gentiles first heard the Good News from Peter Day 7: Capernaum, Dan, Caesarea Philippi & Mount of Beatitudes- multiplication of loaves and fishes and the Mount of the Beatitudes overlooking the Sea Day 8: Jordan River Baptism Site, Beth Shean & Dead Sea- Jordan River where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, Day 9: Masada, Ein Gedi, Dead Sea Scrolls, Abraham's Tent- where King David hid from Saul Day 10: Around Jerusalem, Bible Times, Holocaust Museum- the "Upper Room" just outside the Zion Gate Day 11: Jesus' Steps, the Last Days - Messianic Lecture- walk where Jesus walked and then the Garden of Gethsemane Day 12: Way of Suffering, Garden Tomb, Pentecost, Bethlehem- a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher Day 13: Home- departure for the Tel Aviv Airport for our flight homeward will allow for arrival home by early afternoon

Call Linda Fraser (706) 312-2443 for additional information

Pricing information will be available July 2013 19


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